@rozzzarukon 15 минут бұрын
ouuu ;_; i dont have much to add but thank u for the part about Mugi..
@brainhem 12 сағат бұрын
so many of your videos make me feel like crying (in a good way I think)
@PistachioBandit 21 сағат бұрын
I didn’t really get into Beastars, but seeing this anthology series has got me really impressed.
@Itsmalyall Күн бұрын
I just made a long post about how I came out as trans/nb about 2 months ago, inspired by this post. I spent a long time writing about my feelings and all about how I haven't had any visually affirming care, and since I'm very short and femme without the top surgery I'm waiting on, I feel like I'm not necessarily involved in being trans or nb. I came back to this video where Gerbera opened his own shop, and you spoke about queer elders. I teach high school art, and was clocked the second I changed into my school from elementary art, far before I came out. The kids are elated. I had a boy I know who is intersex from last year eating lunch in my room and point out how my pride flag made him feel seen because it had the intersex circle. My upper level students contain 3 who go by they/them, who have also been elated I joined their pronoun cadre this year. I was lamenting needing a queer elder, and it hit me that I'm currently providing that. I didn't know I needed that tonight, but you clicked those lego bricks together that I'd just had sitting scattered on my desk. Your videos are wonderful, and I appreciate you making them deeply.
@tired_5305 Күн бұрын
Oh the tiger lama one is ingrained in my mind
@aleacuna2794 Күн бұрын
@luna15209 Күн бұрын
43:29 that might be the best way ive ever heard someone describe pup play lmfao
@Poseidonjd Күн бұрын
Oh yes, the art. I totally agree with you. Also, I've never been to a "commercial" con in my life (e.g. one where a corporation such as Disney would make announcements), but I've been to several anime/manga/"nerd culture" conventions and THE part I always want to experience in its entirety is the artists' hall(s).
@vladdymeal Күн бұрын
50:30 Something interesting about this is that fact that sea otters in real life hold hands while sleeping so they don't drift away and it is so adorable
@alicealysia 2 күн бұрын
Stop being so good at this. frfrfr
@Irina_princesa 2 күн бұрын
56:11 but they did it in that chapter and they kissed like three times before…
@REALps2controller 2 күн бұрын
Get exposed and cry that your weird world got brought to the attenion of the publlics eye if it wasn't such a big deal, then why is it that you furries are crying about it so much ? Oh wait, it's actually because you know exactly why everyone is going to say to you to be normal, and that's too much for you furries to understand and handle LOL
@lemonboi5064 2 күн бұрын
Why does Anthpos fake furrsona sound like cool cat
@jujuyjaaathegamer 2 күн бұрын
im a 14 year old and bro i am a furry but who tf does that that is degenerating to a person i feel sorry for the people who where filemd (sry for my dyslexya)
@KittyRoyalty777 2 күн бұрын
Santa...no wait when she described why I get it..
@mygoodfriendcosmo 2 күн бұрын
i think what irks me the most about this video is the *way* he pretends to support and understand us. “most furries know they’re cringe, which is the first step to not being cringe.” it’s like if i said “most ugly people know that they’re fucking gross and disgusting, which is the first step to being less ugly!” like it’s suchhh a backhanded thing to say. plus, why would i ever not want to be cringe? what, so people like anthony will think im cool? i don’t need the most annoying guy in the room to like me, especially if it means having to make myself less interesting and have less fun. it’s just the whole vibe of the video, this guy pointing and laughing at us and going “look how weird these freaks are, glad im normal. im an ally to their weirdness though i dont mind that they’re gross and weird because im open minded like that.” he wanted to shit on us without us getting mad about it. its like he thinks we’re stupid, and we’ll just agree with anyone who even pretends to not violently hate us. whatever i know this whole thing stopped being relevant months ago and a buncha people have probably already said everything im trying to say but i just can’t get that part out of my head man.
@i3eaniie602 2 күн бұрын
After reading the beast complex chapter I feel like I’m going crazy I need more Beastars to read again 😔 Or at least a similar Comic or manga
@cgdragneel 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. Thanks for having the courage for coming out. Now, you can completely be you. I watched my best friend become a totally different and better person when he came out to me. So I understand how coming out of the closet is a life changer. Legoshi is one of my top favorite anime characters. This Beastars analysis was informative and pawesome.
@Irina_princesa 3 күн бұрын
@flufwukutarazard1675 3 күн бұрын
Mika (Zebra) and Atari (Tiger) maked me tear up instantly, she was so acepting of him and seeging his identity struggles felt to close, but so brilliant. Also another great Eassey from a Keith.
@JoeElJalapeno1810 4 күн бұрын
I Came out of the closet , wanted to do it on pride but i got cool feet Hee actually i wanted to do it 6 years ago but i got cool feet Ehh im just Bi so i havent really have the clasical closet issues ... for the most part Also my family was like cool for you Buddy we kinda already knew Heh an i tough i was gona have *The Talk* but i was oddly straigth foward XD Well at the very least coming ou as Bi on Bi Week Ehh could be worst idk Also you videos kinda help me Thanks a lot Pal
@somekid5001 4 күн бұрын
I'm only a little over an hour into the video, and its way too late at night but I didn't want to lose this thought. I'm most certainly not the "target audience" of adastra on a surface level, but as a semi-closeted trans-woman I'm quite frankly astounded by how much this analysis resonates. I have previously had little to no interest in the game because I'm very new to the furry community and it's marketing couldn't be further from my interests, but here I am utterly captivated by this video at 3:47am
@specter9544 4 күн бұрын
The white tiger story *genuinely* got to me as a trans man, despite the other stories that were a lot more evidently symbolised the concept of showing how dysphoria fs you over, how it honestly feels was incredibly heart-wrenching for me ngl.
@nathanlamberth7631 4 күн бұрын
Why does the writer sound like a KZbinr I recognize?
@nathanlamberth7631 4 күн бұрын
I don't like a firm line between being a furry and not
@Irina_princesa 4 күн бұрын
@wesleycook278 4 күн бұрын
I want you to know that this is my 4th time watching this video. It’s literally so comforting to me. I love the way you talk and explain everything and it makes me so happy
@raventitania945 4 күн бұрын
"She's horny, so she's hungry" ...Same 💯 lol
@foxytinaredfur1972 4 күн бұрын
you asked us what being a furry means to us to me being a furry is showing my love for anthro creatures and my fursonas show where I am in my life they are who I wish I was being a being with fur and tail in a world of pastels instead of this world of dull colors and loneliness a way to express and escape
@EsJoseZC 4 күн бұрын
Like if you watched and enjoyed the THREE... HOUR... VIDEOOOO! mentioned above 🤓🐾
@No1fan15 4 күн бұрын
Part of what made me finally realize I needed top surgery was when i was uncomfortable drawing my fursona bc of their chest. I'd been out as NB for years but hadn't quite realized I'd stopped drawing them with any noticable chest, alongside a couple alternate fursonas being flat chested as well. Now my fursona has top surgery scars to match mine! I'm so glad that i can feel happy drawing them again! I got surgery in July 2024, tis currently September of the same year, and I'm amazed at the level of gender euphoria I've been experiencing! For example, I never realized my posture was so bad bc i was hunching over to hide my chest.
@marmarlog2 5 күн бұрын
Honestly I wish Marco would have spoken up about the tiger strip stuff..it always felt strange to me. But I'm not a furry, that dynamic may be different
@marmarlog2 5 күн бұрын
Can confirm this. Created a tiny community around wicked in HS and added to a TWDG community 2020-2021. When you need community, fandoms got you
@sworddragonsliege 5 күн бұрын
This whole thing makes me think of the short story The Most Dangerous Game.
@jazzypup2136 5 күн бұрын
I just wanna say that I really loved this video as someone who has been having internal conflict and not comfortable with the gender I was born with. The story with the sheep is definitely something I loved and while she was waiting for someone to help guide her to get rid of her horns maybe someone can help me find mine. Much love.
@Toklwartooth 5 күн бұрын
unrelated to the general idea but i think it’s kind of cool how there’s a shiba named mugi in this and i have a shiba named mookie. but other than that his stories really relatable
@tylerwhorff7143 5 күн бұрын
Gore magala is my partner's favorite 😅 but yeah the movie was not good and it's wildly annoying that the fights suck and nerscylla wasn't even accurate to the games either
@tylerwhorff7143 5 күн бұрын
Yeah the white savior part of the movie is also so annoying
@tylerwhorff7143 5 күн бұрын
YEAH the movie mission was better in the game
@tylerwhorff7143 5 күн бұрын
The Legends of the Guild is better but it still immediately kills all the minorities
@tylerwhorff7143 5 күн бұрын
God when you started talking about trans furries and using your fursona to transition and having it lead to realizations about your real identity... Hitting the nail on the head for me.
@Dusty_2024 5 күн бұрын
You know what's funny. Ai can understand my incoherent ramblings and clean it up to make it easy for another person. I wish the original commenter would run their thoughts through AI first and prompt it with "please redraft my thoughts for clarity and readability". That helps so much.
@МИЛОШ-ч8и 5 күн бұрын
oh hell naw
@fantasticmrpone 6 күн бұрын
This will definitely help with someone's imposter syndrome
@tylerwhorff7143 6 күн бұрын
"Squeeze your boyfriend's balls while you can!!" 😅
@Bridget466 6 күн бұрын
46:52 not me wearing my keys on my right side belt loop as a bi bottom
@papayadoodlez9994 6 күн бұрын
I relate heavy with the alpaca and tiger
@Hapee_v 6 күн бұрын
This is such a stupid video lol, you’re getting pressed that he doesn’t understand furry culture when he isn’t one. And you took the rage bait seriously, like dude the entire video was a joke nothing in it was ever serious. Didn’t know that dog fucking random was full of snowflakes lmao.
@Hapee_v 6 күн бұрын
It’s funny rage bait and it shouldn’t be taken seriously, just listen to its voice lol
@kutiekandise 6 күн бұрын
Are omnivores bisexual people I wish party itakagaki would explore this concept it sucks that their existence gets completely ignored
@caligulacorday 6 күн бұрын
this video made me go download blacksad
@immastealyourkneecaps3166 6 күн бұрын
Thx for finding those, love ur vids btw✨