Open Core Is A Weird Software Model
2 сағат бұрын
Is FUTO Operating In Good Faith
4 сағат бұрын
Everyone Wants To Solve Open Source Funding
KDE Plasma Is Far From Perfect
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Server Side Decorations Are Non Negotiable
Looking Back At The Unity Game Engine Drama
The KDE Cache Bug Is Weird
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Microsoft Recall Is A Disaster
A Different Reason To Run Wayland
Why Should You Use T2 SDE
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Linux Software Packaging Is A Mess
Video Editing Without A Video Editor
Retrospective On ThePrimeagen Episode
Why Did He Swap To Debian
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Is Linux Actually Good Now?
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What DWM Patches Should You Use
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Make Sure You Have Good Backups!!
Is Wayland Ever Going To Be "Ready"?
@thingsiplay 9 сағат бұрын
Love it how Brodie had a blast and did not help him find the chat window. :D
@Reichstaubenminister 10 сағат бұрын
If you use a Discord voice channel instead of a direct call, you can manually set it's server region. Meeting somewhere in the middle might improve the latency a bit.
@chiangkai-shrek1575 17 сағат бұрын
I am fairly young, but even I remember a lot of people shitting on Windows 10 back in the day.
@methane1027 19 сағат бұрын
Windows 3 was barely better than DosShell. When I first installed 3.1, I uninstalled it the next day. I didn't see the point. Of course I eventually was forced to use it, as everyone else found utility in it.... much to my dismay. Back then I really wanted to try any alternative OS... Especially IBM's OS/2 Warp. I never did manage to find a copy I could install and try though. Oh well. Doesn't really matter anymore I suppose.
@owndampu1731 Күн бұрын
I'd say OpenRCT2 is mostly about copyright things with the resources of the games, they could just strip the original assets and such, include it, and then run it standalone. I seem to remember that it actually used to run without needing the original game but they changed it (don't quote me on that). But yeah, I really like the project, it makes rct2 playable on any architecture or OS which is amazing. Ill gladly pass like 5 euros to GOG or whatever to get an exe to extract.
@Karsten7. Күн бұрын
VS Code would be an interesting example to discuss in more detailed.
@fellipecanal Күн бұрын
I like windows ecosystem, I have highly customized. But I have a long love for Linux, fedora in particular. But last time I used was in 2007. It's been 84(17) years. I changed fields and I'm stuck in windows because of the architecture softwares. But time to time I want create a virtual machine and install fedora to see how is going. But I need to re learn to create virtual machines in windows and my time constraints and lazyness ( real reason lol) queep me from it.
@keyboard_g Күн бұрын
Bitwarden is doing it right. Remarkably they haven’t turned overtly greedy over the years. Its clear donations aren’t going to pay salaries and Bitwarden found a way to make it work by charging enterprises.
@giorgos-4515 23 сағат бұрын
projects that want to take themselves seriously, should have an enterprise plan and not rely on donations
@piecaruso97 Күн бұрын
For a moment I thought you were talking about the open core boot manager
@Xarius86 Күн бұрын
Did you hide your chemistry set before interviewing Jesse?
@wrstldev742 Күн бұрын
Open Core is the source code equivalent of meeting someone who is an irredeemable piece of garbage and having someone else say "but they are really a good person deep down". No.
@dave7244 Күн бұрын
Does this really need explaining? It is a stable distro. Most people wouldn't know what version of gnome they are using or the kernel or should they really care. Does it really matter if you are running Kernel 6.1 or 6.9 most of the time if the hardware is supported on both ... no.
@maxanimator9547 Күн бұрын
I for one am not so fond of real time streams, however I sure am glad to have access to these clips of yours. Their value is informative and I enjoy getting to watch them whenever it pleases me. Thank you Brodie.
@H3cJP 2 күн бұрын
none (im joking) (or am i?)
@Heckatomba 2 күн бұрын
I know this isn't the point, but I just want to say it anyway: I believe the Debian trademark free version of Firefox was always called Iceweasel and IceCat is under GNUs umbrella.
@backhdlp 2 күн бұрын
the main reason I use tthe MIT license is because the relevant part is literally 2 sentences that I can actually read and try to understand.
@guss77 2 күн бұрын
Representing Stallman as "you should only write free software or dוe" is completely wrong and misleading: Stallman repeatedly says that open source developers should work for large companies making internal and business specific software while working on free software (hopefu6the two things are can be the same thing).
@grokitall 2 күн бұрын
what is needed on licensing is something like the creative commons license chooser, where you choose your constraints and it tells you which license applies. for free software it can choose between fsf approved licenses. for open source it can choose between osi approved licenses for source available software, new license types would need to be developed, but we have a number of sets of restrictions already present in licenses mutated from open source licenses. of course there would have to be exceptions for automatically reverting abandonware to an open source software, and options for how to allow others to provide commercial services like hosting and support while providing income to the original project, but that is all doable.
@formbi 2 күн бұрын
6:00 they've known the context for a long time 8:45 free software and open source are the same thing (with different justifications)
@see-sharp 2 күн бұрын
"free software and open source are the same thing", but they aren't tho You can even find videos of Stallman being offended when someone says he is "an advocate for open-source" or something like that
@l0gic23 2 күн бұрын
Something can be open source and free or open source and paid.. It's why we have the phrase "Free AND Open Source". It's also why we have the phrase " free as in bear"...
@formbi 2 күн бұрын
@@see-sharp read the definitions
@radomane 2 күн бұрын
@@l0gic23 That's not a very good explanation. Open Source: Source code is available for viewing Free: free as in *beer* (doesn't cost money) Libre: free as in *freedom* (no restrictions on how you use it) Projects like GitLab, MySQL, Redis etc. may be open source, and you can run the code yourself, but you'll have to pay for commercial use, or features might be locked away in closed-source parts of the project if they have a dual or hybrid license.
@see-sharp Күн бұрын
@@formbi i did, that's why i am here
@grokitall 2 күн бұрын
i think part of the problem is the conflation of the open source development model which often results in free software, and the open source license which is not quite the same thing, and this arises from the initial creation of the term as a more palatable way of selling free software. futo clearly uses an open source development model without using an open source compatible license, due to the additional constraints.
@SirChristoferus 2 күн бұрын
I’ve been using Debian Testing, which will soon be Debian Trixie, and it’s pretty impressive. The developers have done an amazing job at bringing the system more up to date, the kernel is now at 6.8.12 - and will likely continue to improve as the official release date approaches.
@RichardJActon 3 күн бұрын
New License Type Pitch: Indulgent Source - you can only do evil with my code if you pay me / donate to my specified causes 😆
@jdanks 3 күн бұрын
sus pfp
@ukyoize 3 күн бұрын
I was a 7 holdout, even deleted updates with backported spyware. Switched to debian 1.5 years ago, only had to boot 7 2 times.
@giorgos-4515 3 күн бұрын
Freedom as in speech not beer, but it is not emphasized enough, open source is like ethically sourced materials, most people would not have a problem paying an amount to support a software(Zotero,Stremio are excellent pieces of software that im sure people would even pay for).
@giorgos-4515 3 күн бұрын
The biggest contribution someone can do is to find a job within the open source space. OpenSUSE,QT,Collabora,Nextcloud,Codethink etc. etc. are some of those, to find more companies like this, a good indicator is what companies are sponsoring open source conferences.
@maartenc6099 3 күн бұрын
My dualboot with windows ended with steam and proton...
@erictowers7405 3 күн бұрын
@Brodie Robertson : Mentioned you at .
@Khytau 3 күн бұрын
we're using bookstack for game design documents, huge fan, we'll support when we make revenue, thanks a lot Dan !
@m4rt_ 3 күн бұрын
I understand working full time making proprietary software to pay the bills, but I personally refuse to work for companies like Google, Microsoft, etc, because of moral issues. There can be a difference between proprietary software, and software that is privacy invasive.
@miavelvet 3 күн бұрын
Devs of proprietary software can just lie to you that they dont collect data and collect it anyway thats how it works in most cases
@igorgiuseppe1862 4 күн бұрын
1:50:16 LOL you can reply with: when we receive 1 million of dollars
@igorgiuseppe1862 4 күн бұрын
1:44:37 you know he is a true developer when he is more worried about the project than being hit by a bus
@ssddanbrown 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for having me on, really appreciated the opportunity to talk more in depth about the nuances and complexities in open source and software licensing!
@MrLogansrun35 4 күн бұрын
terrible laggy wifi wouldnt connect . basic stuff crashed at one point . its a no from me . maybe it doesnt like rx7800xt or ryzen
@typingcat 4 күн бұрын
This is the result of, in my opinion, pedantic/idealistic software designers who don't really understand or give a damn about how most apps actually work on a real OS meeting a group of software developers who don't want to make any concessions to what their users want. I switched from Gnome to Plasma 6 this year, and this lack of server-side decoration had been causing so many problems for me when I was using Gnome. All non-GTK Wayland apps had different title bars or even sometimes no title bar making them impossible to drag or resize with the mouse. When it was combined with the Wayland fractional scaling API, it caused even more problems. For example, Blender's windows are acting/sizing weirdly. I don't know, maybe I'm too stupid to understand the minds of Wayland designers, but there are so many things in Wayland that make me think what the heck the designers were thinking.
@softwarelivre2389 4 күн бұрын
11:12 just pure gold lol Classic discord moment
@ars7374 4 күн бұрын
I know MPV has a way of detecting whether it’s running on GNOME or not (it’ll throw an error in the terminal because it relies on SSD). Perhaps you could use whatever mechanism they used to detect if the running system is GNOME and, if it is, auto enable the toggle for CSD in the game
@voidmind 4 күн бұрын
1:14 Please don't say Sales Engineer without air quotes.
@ssddanbrown 4 күн бұрын
To be fair, it was more of an engineering role than just sales (it was straight after coming out of college with engineering qualifications), but it was just such a small family company that you end up doing pretty much all roles. It wasn't used to mean "engineering sales" but "engineering and sales".
@igorgiuseppe1862 4 күн бұрын
11:09 lol that is totally xkcd 1172 or xkcd 196
@randomness0 4 күн бұрын
4:07 This happens all the time with Krita and sometimes for Firefox.
@shooterdefronvrps2 4 күн бұрын
yoo dan brown, im such fan of your books
@nategraham4027 4 күн бұрын
I feel far from good
@TechOverTea 4 күн бұрын
We all have our days
@DrunknMunkys91 4 күн бұрын
To be fair nobody understands Windows lol
@benfurstenwerth 5 күн бұрын
Until they get the zoom issue squared away... You can always enable seconds on your clock. Even better would be to have a widget it was basically a stopwatch that constantly ran milliseconds and had the text color set to transparent so you wouldn't see it
@willprince643 5 күн бұрын
XP Service Pack 3 was first good version of Windows, W7 was last good version of Windows, W10 was last tolerable version of Windows.
@nelind3 5 күн бұрын
4:30 I've had this once or twice with dolphin under plasma when its hung for a little bit because of a large network transfer though its usually very simple to just poke at it and it stops being grayed out
@RenderingUser 5 күн бұрын
I wanna ask if setting keybinds for switching keyboard layouts is still a multiple choice....
@Artoooooor 5 күн бұрын
I bounced from Wayland when trying to share screen in Discord. Why can't it just work?
@acidiclight 5 күн бұрын
Because Discord can't program.
@lucolesco 4 күн бұрын
Im not a programmer but I think that it doesn't work because Discord devs don't update the Electron version which supports pipewire for screen/audio sharing.
@SwiatLinuksa 5 күн бұрын
Wayland with Nvidia 555 beta - kde neon ppa added - working well. Worse is there pulseaudio not pipewire default.. tested 8 games - steam / heroic ,- works ok. Nvidia 1070 desktop. Movie will be today;) Nouveau works like always😂
@acidiclight 5 күн бұрын
What specific GPU?
@SwiatLinuksa 5 күн бұрын
@@acidiclight Nvidia 1070 8gb vram, from MSI. I posted movie how it's working on my channel. 2 games tested too. No issues
@luketurner314 5 күн бұрын
Why would it have to be a video from the web? why not a locally stored mp4/mov/etc. file? Maybe also have it loop. That way the duration doesn't need to be hours, keeping the file size down. Could also be crafted to force a full repaint. For example, a minute of white noise static, set to repeat in the player; MVP (minimal viable product)
@denissorn 5 күн бұрын
Live wallpaper?
@luketurner314 4 күн бұрын
@@denissorn Yeah, that would probably work too. I just wasn't sure if that was a feature on Linux (I'm still a bit new to Linux)