@mgeverett Күн бұрын
Great job, guys. This is quite the comprehensive list. Another great educational contribution to our community. Thanks.
@rickb2537 Күн бұрын
Yikes...RMDs start at age 73 now. Will be 75 further in the future. You need to be more accurate.
@mgeverett 6 күн бұрын
Great job outlining the issues that are holding people back. I am looking forward to hearing your upcoming practical steps. Thanks for what you are doing for the LGBT community. I agree with your mission and goal of encouraging responsible money matters for the LGBT community. We have never had enough encouragement in that direction. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. Glad to consult. Fortunately I started saving early and that has resulted in me accomplishing much more than I ever dreamed of regarding my financial success. Hopefully you will inspire a generation of "financially successful gays". Love all your great and helpful podcasts, videos, and content.
@jaydenhartlillard 6 күн бұрын
I wonder if one of the things that may hold our community back might be addiction problems?
@queermoney 5 күн бұрын
You bring up a good point. Addiction shows up many ways, from drugs and alcohol to shopping and smoking or exercise and workaholicism (if that’s a word 😜). I saw a great video recently about the connection between early life trauma and the addiction brain. I think that addiction often is the symptom of another issue. If we don’t deal with the real issues, no matter how hard we work or save, it may all be for naught because our opposing actions may wipe it all out.
@Pat7629 6 күн бұрын
I am a gay 47 year old man and have close to $4 million. I ALWAYS saved. I bought rental properties with chunks of money I had saved from various jobs in my 20s and 30s and always dollar cost averaged into the markets and made it a habit literally daily like brushing my teeth for decades. I always thought about retirement and investing. Life is short. I always dreamed of having nice homes in tropical locations, retiring early and traveling the world. I am planning to retire at age 50 and live my best life for the next 30 years after. I can't imagine working 8 hours/day for years and years and NOT saving or thinking about retirement (?) That is very strange to me. People spend their whole life working - to me its very important to have something to show for it. I always thought of investing as buying my freedom and my time back.
@queermoney 6 күн бұрын
Congrats @pat7629 It's great to hear how you've been able to save and put aside money for what sounds like a fabulous retirement. What would you say motivated you to do that over living a fabulous life in the present without thinking about or planning for the future like we did in our 20s and early 30s? Also, if you're comfortable sharing your story further we'd love to share it on the podcast. Thx
@Pat7629 5 күн бұрын
@@queermoney Sure. I think social media today has a HUGE impact on the spending behavior of young people. People are constantly posting on instagram their lavish vacations and luxury items. It wasn't as "in your face" when I was in my 20s in the early to mid 2000s. I don't think saving and investing as a young person is an "either or" scenarios. I still had a fabulous live in my 20s. I would go to Miami and NYC to the same parties/bars/clubs as everyone else. I just didn't spend irrationally and always saved a small portion of my income. Nowadays they have apps that can automate that like Acorns. You can have $5 or $10/day automatically withdrawn from your checking account and invested in index funds. $5 is the price of a coffee a day but the power of compounding interest over a period of years really adds up fast.
@fedoraspeaks8962 6 күн бұрын
*W h a t...* From my information there is no pride parade that absolutely depends upon corporate overlord.
@queermoney 6 күн бұрын
@fedoraspeaks8962, Pride does not exits because of corporate support. At the same time typical Pride events cost thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars to put on, from city permits, insurance, security, event rentals and clean up. How do you suggest that these costs be covered? In addition many LGBTQ centers use corporate support for Pride events as a fund raising mechanism to fund their operations. The Denver Pride parade is an example of this. The Center in Denver brings in thousands of dollars through corporate sponsorship of Pride and use that to help the community.
@bobskicolorado8894 6 күн бұрын
I tell my nieces and great nieces and nephews to save save save and not be like their guncle!! Even a few bucks a week can add up in the long run. I didn't do the new expensive car or the crazy vacations but was still late in saving for retirement. Fortunately, our house is paid off. One thing I would love to hear is how those of us with smaller 401s can reinvest that money wisely to at least increase our smaller nest egg.
@queermoney 6 күн бұрын
Thanks @bobskicolorado8894. We agree; every little bit helps, especially if you start early. The earlier you start, the less you have to save because compounding interest becomes your superpower. We'll take your suggestion as a future episode idea. We can't give specific recommendations for portfolios or individual stocks, since we're not certified financial advisors, plus we would need to understand individual needs/account values, but we can try to talk in generalities.
@bobskicolorado8894 5 күн бұрын
@@queermoney Thank you! I totally get why you cannot offer specifics on this type of money matter(s) but I think that speaking in generalities would be helpful to those younger than me who may be in the same boat. Carpe Diem was my downfall! 🙄🙄
@davidmatthias9481 8 күн бұрын
Check out Hoosier Villiage in Zionsville, IN - not exclusively gay, but there is a large LGBTQ community there...well, not so sure if anyone is Trans, but the L and G are certainly present and welcome.
@queermoney 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing. We never heard of this community. Plus, IN is a state with many cities that have a lower cost of living.
@wheredogaysretire 8 күн бұрын
When I moved to Phoenix, I got a job at a local Credit Union. Although I was out to my peers and immediate department, I realized nothing was talked about the LGBTQ + community. No talk about women, people of color, everything was white bread. Needless to say, I gave my resignation 8 months later. I told my boss I was leaving because there was no sense of diversity in the workplace. I immediately got a phone call from a Vice President in HR who happened to be a black woman. I told her flat out the DEI has to come from up above, and quite frankly I don’t see that changing in the near future. I was offered more money, but I declined because I didn’t feel my authentic self outside of my department. I had been to a local pride festival, and the company I worked for was not present, yet I saw another local credit Union who was. I introduced myself to people in the booth from HR and from their EEG. I joined that company, and was my authentic self until the day I retired last Friday. I would never work for a company who wasn’t queer friendly. I was in the workplace closet for way too long working on Wall Street.
@queermoney 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience. Now more than ever I think queer folks need to be steadfast with protecting themselves from toxic workplaces that pretend to care or support the community. There’s not reason to stay in an environment that hurts our mental health.
@kazperghost8715 9 күн бұрын
i liked it but little slow. chime is evil potholes are the beach and your balls are handsome. Thank you again
@queermoney 8 күн бұрын
Not sure I understand 💯 what you’re saying, but… you’re welcome 🤷🏻‍♂️
@fredflintstone2234 11 күн бұрын
Any suggestions for France? Single here as well.
@queermoney 10 күн бұрын
We aren’t currently analyzing countries. Although we plan on diving into some for personal reasons and will probably share that info. Definitely check out @wheredogaysretire podcast. Mark has several episodes on cities in France. I know that some places have lower cost of living, but take into consideration the legal, tax and moving costs. Those can add up quickly 😉
@kevinacosta689 11 күн бұрын
Boomer here and have hardly anything saved but it's my own damn fault. I've dipped into my 401(k) and IRA repeatedly over the years even though I realize how important retirement savings is. Part of it was having a family when I thought I was straight which incurred plenty of expenses while raising four kids. After that phase, I married the greatest man in my life and we were together for almost thirty years and made a fantastic life out west. Sadly he died last year of lung cancer. (PSA, for those who still smoke. Quit! You may not only save your life but some serious cash). Luckily for me, I have a good paying job which also offers a union pension and I can now work extra hours to try to make up for my past misdeeds. I did buy a house in another state early this year as an investment property but that does come with added expenses. Hopefully, I made the right decision with that choice. I wish everyone the best in making better decisions than I did. Oh, and grammar/punctuation nazi here: get rid of the apostrophe in "Gay's" in the title please. Cheers.
@gusasiu 12 күн бұрын
Does not matter what category of people you belong to… most people save very little or not at all for retirement.
@queermoney 11 күн бұрын
You’re mostly right about that. 45% of Boomers have nothing saved. Of those that do 28% have about $100k.
@adamp6320 12 күн бұрын
Wow - just found this channel. Will look it up. I know a lot more rich gay men than I know rich straight couples, so will be interested to watch and learn.
@queermoney 11 күн бұрын
Thank you. What are you using to determine if they are “rich?” Many of us use our disposable income on things that can help us appear rich but the financials may show a different picture. Many are spending but not saving for retirement or emergencies. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s that whole, do you have the $1000 purse with nothing in it or the $100 purse with $900 in it.
@wheredogaysretire 12 күн бұрын
I am finally retiring today after 1:30 PM today. Kind of scary, you know I’ve been putting it off. Saving for retirement is a very big challenge. I was fortunate to work on Wall Street for most of my career and have saved up for this day. I chat with my coworkers today, and they say they that they will never be able to retire. It’s sad. I tell them to start early and sock money away. They won’t regret it when they retire. Now, for me, it’s time to enjoy my next chapter. Cheers!
@queermoney 11 күн бұрын
Congrats! Enjoy what you’ve worked and saved for your whole career. 😍
@ahocka 12 күн бұрын
As a gay man with no family or husband; I am scared of getting old with no money. I save 15 percent of my pay and looking to add another 5 percent soon. It shocks me how many LGBT don't even think about retirement and spend like crazy to be popular.
@queermoney 11 күн бұрын
Good for you. It’s awesome to see/hear of others who are planning ahead. I think once we make space in our lifestyle for saving for the future we learn to live with the income we have instead of allowing for lifestyle creep to eat up any extra income we may have. It is sad how pressured many of feel to spend to keep up with a desired friend group or be accepted in the community. It was the reason we got into $51k in credit card debt.
@paulesp06 12 күн бұрын
Essentially, we have it easier than our heterosexual counterparts. No kids, and less likely to be burnt by an expensive divorce. This generation does have challenges, but it's not a gay problem, it an us problem. I have gay friends who spend obscene amounts of money on clothes, cologne, and partying, as well as expensive vacays. Cost of living affects everyone. We need to learn personal responsibility.
@queermoney 11 күн бұрын
There definitely are some aspects of our lives that can be easier than our straight counterparts, yet many of us deal with legacy financial exclusion, which sets most of us back from an early start from things like not getting family support with first cars, apartments, home down payments, help with wedding costs and finally inheritance. Agreed that many of us have been caught up in the consumer lifestyle that marketers entice us with, which can end up hurting our potential for a better retirement.
@paulesp06 11 күн бұрын
I just feel like we, as gays, need to empower ourselves by knowing that we do not need a leg up with 1st cars, or help buying a property. We need to empower ourselves by carving out our own destinies. We shouldn't feel we are owed anything. I suffered unequal treatment and abuse from a homophobic and deeply narcissistic father,but that's on him. His behavior says a lot more about him than me. Now I'm working by behind off to provide for myself. I have 2 jobs, and paid off my student loans. Its not easy but a better future is within our grasp. I'm not where I need to be, but I am much closer to it than 5 years ago. Most of us have been thru It. We are still here, so we are strong enough to do this. Spend less than u earn, get a side gig, pay off all debts, shop around for lower priced cars, rent and groceries. MUCH LOVE ❤
@hejiranyc 13 күн бұрын
I'm actually doing a phenomenal job of saving for retirement. I'm on track to save/invest about $250K this year. Being an ugly gay without a social life means you don't feel peer pressure to spend money stupidly.
@queermoney 11 күн бұрын
Ha! I doubt you’re an ugly gay, but not having all the “shiny shit” that most gays feel compelled to buy to keep up appearances. We used to be those gays. We stopped most of it and focused on what really makes US happy and suddenly we stopped spending as much and were able to save for retirement. How are you able to save so much? It’s awesome and we need more examples of this being visible in our community. 😍
@hejiranyc 11 күн бұрын
@@queermoney Ha ha, if you could only see for yourself. LOL. But anyway... I am blessed to earn a decent living. On paper, I live a pretty "fancy" lifestyle: I spend half the year, each, at my homes in NYC (downtown Manhattan) and FLL. I also drive a nice car, wear designer clothes/shoes and all of the other typical trappings of affluence. I lack for nothing. But what I don't do is spend money stupidly/unnecessarily or go out a lot. I don't drink or eat meat so that, by default, means no fancy bars/restaurants for me. I walk or bike everywhere and don't rely on Ubers to get around town. I love a good deal, and will bargain shop for everything, especially when it comes to travel. I used to be more liberal about just buying things mindlessly. But nowadays, I've simplified my approach to buying non-essential things by asking one simple question: "Do I LOVE it?" If I can honestly say that I'm on the fence or indifferent about something, I don't buy it. And the other thing I do is to NOT have a budget. I tend to think budgets actually enable/permit unnecessary spending. Instead, I have one simple goal: "Live on less than one half of my monthly net income." If I am falling short of this goal, I try to cut back the next month to compensate. In addition, approximately 35% of my compensation is in the form of RSU/company stock; I don't touch this at all. Also, I contribute the maximum to 401(k) and receive 100% company matching up to 6%. Over the past 5 years, I have managed to double my net worth and am on track to retire early at the end of 2026. Again, I realize that I am very blessed to be making a very good living, so I do realize that much of this is unrealistic for most people. I wish I could say that I am exceptionally brilliant or that I worked hard or had rich parents. But none of that applies to me. Literally... if I could do it, any idiot could do it.
@mysticaltyger2009 13 күн бұрын
Oh, here's a HUGE systemic issue you missed: The school systems typically teach NOTHING about personal finance. I can't think of a better way to keep people enslaved.
@queermoney 11 күн бұрын
Agreed. Lack of financial education hold many folks back. Sadly many students aren’t at a point in their lives where they can actually put the education into practice.
@damonb978 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for another excellent conversation with several great takeaways! I appreciated your vulnerability in sharing, as well as understanding a new-to-me term: Financial Fawning. Many thanks again!
@queermoney 11 күн бұрын
You bet. It was new to us as well. As soon as Jackie shared it with us I immediately saw times in my life that I’ve been doing it. Some even recently.
@simon5005 13 күн бұрын
I live in Boston and it's pretty obvious to me why gay men can't save for retirement, I never saw people blow money irresponsibly like here! I'm sure just time spent in P-town puts them in debt at least 10K every summer! It's insane. And no sympathy here.
@SteveR100AU 13 күн бұрын
* Air click * Amen to that !
@mysticaltyger2009 13 күн бұрын
Agreed. I have never thought it was the corporations' or the government's responsibility to provide for my retirement. Those things should be your Plan B, not your Plan A. I notice most people with an actual decent amount of money saved for retirement think similarly, and not all of them have 6 figure incomes.
@queermoney 10 күн бұрын
Just remember that we’re not a monolith. We’re all different in the way we earn and spend. Just because some of us appear to be reckless with our spending doesn’t me we all are that way. At the same time, we personally can relate to that lifestyle. It put us into $51k in credit card debt. Thankfully we wise up and made some changes so we saved for a better future
@queermoney 10 күн бұрын
You’re right that many folks with solid retirement savings often did it through small steady investments in 401k or IRA accounts. We also all need to accept the responsibility for our retirement. Social security was never meant to be a retirement plan. It’s a safety net. Yet corporations have continued to shit retirement responsibilities to employees but haven’t raise wages in a way that allows many of us to truly keep up with the cost of living let alone save significantly for retirement
@davidbolt5113 13 күн бұрын
Why isn’t climate considered? PS is only going to get higher temperatures as the years pass, likely reaching 130. Living from one air conditioned building to an air conditioned garage to an air conditioned car makes zero sense. That area is in a climate crisis zone.
@queermoney 13 күн бұрын
Agreed. We covered climate migration cities in the episode link below. We can't include too many variables in each analysis; it eventually yields nothing. Each analysis is a springboard to help folks take their research in the right direction for them. kzbin.info/www/bejne/gJfTmmSjeLR6kMk
@davidbolt5113 13 күн бұрын
@@queermoney One other factor: energy costs for air conditioning in PS.
@grl9917 14 күн бұрын
Playa del Ingles/Maspalomas Canary Islands, Spain. Affordable, safe, gay resort, great health care, accepting live and let live attitude, great beach and dunes, great restaurants and social venues, great weather all year, cultural events in the city if Las Palmas, 30 minutes away. You can’t beat that.
@alfredoojeda1784 15 күн бұрын
I live in San Antonio . Our cost of living is below the national average , 91.3. Equality score of 100. Housing 255k. Houston also has a low cost of living and a vibrant gay cultural. Why were these cities not included? I noticed in Colorado that you included Denver and Boulder. They are much more expensive than Austin . Amarillo, no way. They are very prejudice. Brownsville is much better. Please reconsider texas.
@genebcolon 15 күн бұрын
25:58 this is where iam at this point in my life,and its a struggle to be in the workforce. would love info for SSDI as an older adult-agism is a factor.
@queermoney 15 күн бұрын
We have an episode about ABLE accounts coming, which helps folks on SSDI. We’ll add SSDI to our list.
@esumiwa5583 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for this. 💜
@queermoney 15 күн бұрын
You bet. We’ve wanted to cover this topic for a long time, but it took us a while to find a knowledgeable guest and schedule them. 😉 Glad you enjoyed it
@philipbahr 16 күн бұрын
Great episode and love all that you do. I like the realism in this episode.
@queermoney 15 күн бұрын
Thank you! We appreciate the kind words. Did you see the second part of this topic?
@MiroBG359 17 күн бұрын
retire into constant drama, drugs and sexually transmitted diseases? Pass
@queermoney 16 күн бұрын
Have you seen what the straights are doing in The Villages in Florida? Doesn’t sound like it’s any better.
@MiroBG359 16 күн бұрын
@@queermoney I don't care what the straights do. One bad behavior doesn't excuse another bad behavior
@queermoney 15 күн бұрын
@@MiroBG359 Yeah, but you seem particularly judgy about one group.
@MiroBG359 14 күн бұрын
@@queermoney stating obvious things that happen a lot is not being judgy just because you don't like it when someone's saying it out loud for everyone to hear
@queermoney 14 күн бұрын
@@MiroBG359 Agreed. But I didn't call you out for being judgy but selectively judgy.
@merlingeikie 17 күн бұрын
Gays are accepted everywhere.❤
@queermoney 16 күн бұрын
Oh I wish that were true. 😉
@fredflintstone2234 11 күн бұрын
R u smoking crack? See Russia.
@billligon4005 18 күн бұрын
Whan gay people by a 'single family home' they are NOT depriving families of a single family home. Yes??!!!
@queermoney 17 күн бұрын
Not exactly sure what you’re referring to but it might be my comment Sa out buying duplexes for our real estate portfolio as a way to not buy up single family homes. We’re talking about as investors not as residents of the home. We’d rather buy properties that are inherently designed to be rentals rather than those designed to be inhabited by the owner.
@ampedcrypto808 17 күн бұрын
Gay people = gay families..
@tomascueva6590 18 күн бұрын
Affordable retirement if you have $10,000 Monthly income😅
@queermoney 18 күн бұрын
Agreed. Many of these are not that affordable. There just aren’t enough to keep up with demand, especially low income facilities that have to be funded by grants, donations, LGBTQ+ groups/organizations or our community itself. Non-LGBTQ folks have many many more options. Even if that means going into a government run facility, cuz their “open to everyone” but not really that accepting of queer elders
@centeno2254 18 күн бұрын
Who cares where people decide to settle down? What I think people often react to is the backwardness of some LGBTQ+ folk from Red States. I hear Red State visitors making excuses for Trump and racism. Sometimes they do this in the name of expanding one's perspectives. I remember some backward gay guy responding to my anti-war teeshirt with threats about knowing people like me. I told him "you and what gay army." The reality is that some folks are not strong enough to maintain a clear head when surrounded by conservative folk. They regress. I am not saying every Red State person is a yahoo, but they are not called Red States for nothing.
@queermoney 18 күн бұрын
Agreed. It’s interesting that even within our own community folks want to make it an us vs them, we’re better than you, this is better than that kinda thing. We all have our own reasons why we choose where we live. Until you know and respect those, keep the judgment to yourself. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@MyLoganTreks 19 күн бұрын
Holla all my Gays, I grew up in Key West FL and Saugatuck Douglas Michigan two gay towns also 20 yrs in Tampa, however I recommend Puerto Rico no capital gains tax or property taxes and beaches or mountains it's a $100 round trip from Miami. Way cheaper you can live well on a small income and housing is still affordable, and very gay friendly.
@queermoney 19 күн бұрын
We’ve never been to PR but would love to visit. Besides San Juan any suggestions?
@rupertoarvelo5688 9 күн бұрын
@@queermoneyBoquerón in Cabo Rojo is a gay community and has a big pride celebration. The area of Rincon & Aguadilla is also pretty gay. Would love to open a gay retirement place in this the West Coast of PR.
@nmquetzalcoatl6103 19 күн бұрын
Thanks for providing this educational material. I appreciate someone doing this. I’m currently putting money away through a government system but not too sure how it all works.
@queermoney 19 күн бұрын
Glad you’re thinking about it and settling aside $$ for your future self. More of us need to think about our future self like this. 😍 what kind of government plan?
@SweetKale-e3m 20 күн бұрын
@queermoney 19 күн бұрын
@SweetKale-e3m 19 күн бұрын
@@queermoney yah I don't think anyone does that any more either
@michaelanders6161 19 күн бұрын
I am 57 this Sunday. I only came out 10 years ago, split from my wife of 25 years....yeah. She was a perpetual college student, with all the student loans that implies. We also had >$17,000 in credit card debt. I am a social worker on a social work salary and, honestly, a little bit finance-phobic. Tax season typically gives me indigestion, lol. When we split, I took on all the credit card debt, because I knew it would sink her. We also split my 401K. A dacade later, I have a little $100k starter home, 4 years into a 15 yr refinanced mortgage, got when rates were their lowest, and my credit card debt is gone. I made my final student loan payment at age 51. My 401K has rebuilt to something where Vanguard estimates if I were to start drawing it at age 67 I could expect roughly $55k a year from it. I have no idea where I stand with social security, so I need to acquaint myself with the ss website and start learning that sh!+. Lol I am not the best prepared, but it seems I'll have enough to be ok. I hope to retire by 65, cash out my equity and get the Hell outta Louisiana...heading most likely to southern IL where there are still some cheap older homes and better state legal protections. Also, IL does not tax most forms of retirement income. Louisiana's auto and home owner's insurance rates are horrendous and only getting worse. (See? I'm trying to learn something) 🫣
@michaelmarian9987 20 күн бұрын
so horny🥵🥵😙😙
@royking7298 22 күн бұрын
The fact that any place in florida would score 100 of 100 tells me all I need to know about the HRC Municipality Equality Index. Thanks, but I don't need to watch more of this video.
@queermoney 21 күн бұрын
I get it. Seeing what’s happening there is tough to understand. The MEI only looks at city level. They do mark several states as being under a state of emergency which is valuable. It’s hard on the folks in those communities that get a 100 but are in red and repressive states to be completely blown off by the rest of the LGBTQ community when they are often working harder than folks in blue states to provide safe spaces and overturn laws that hurt the community. I personally think these are the real heroes/activists who are at work in toxic environments like FL, AL, TX, etc., compared to those in places like DC, CA, NY where there isn’t as much hate and visible hate towards the community.
@royking7298 21 күн бұрын
@@queermoney I couldn't agree more with your points. Thankd for clarification on MEI. For me, after over 60 years of advocacy and activism it is so hard to see things so quickly rolled back to where they were when I started my gay life. It was so disturbing to me that I left the country. Adding all this regressive politics together with the enormity of gun violence was too much for this no 68 y/o retiree. Loving my life in Portugal now. Still voting iin US elections every chance I get.
@InkipinkiPonki-ns5yg 23 күн бұрын
Good they don’t deserve extra rights
@popcatzoo 24 күн бұрын
I was expecting Hattiesburg to be #1 in state, but it's been a long time since I lived in Mississippi.
@queermoney 23 күн бұрын
Yep, Hattiesburg was the runner up for the state. Jackson just has lower home prices, a higher HRC score and lower overall cost of living. 🤷🏻‍♂️ What’s your personal experience?
@popcatzoo 23 күн бұрын
@@queermoney Now that I think about it. I probably had a better circle of acquaintances in Hattiesburg. my coworkers in Jackson could be violently anti gay, but Jackson is also the first place I saw a couple holding hands in public.
@rockonmadonna 24 күн бұрын
When did you make this, a year ago? Ferndale has been increasingly gentrified over the past few decades are especially pos-COVID. They have a sign at an intersections near the LGBT center reading “public parking” with an arrow and plenty of open parallel spaces, but actually don’t start allowing free parking for another block north. That was a pleasant surprise after a meeting with one of their affable and compassionate directors. Many landlords in Ferndale will not accept vouchers from the very few folks who have them. They say no wheelchairs, no chronic disease, no part-time employees only people, and a slew of other things since my tantine tried to get in. The ones who will accommodate have waitlists over two years just like Chicago or Raleigh! It’s Detroit! It’s insane. Owners, often from outside the community’, don’t want to actually make buildings wheelchair accessible and such, but they do milk the tax cuts of telling the government they officially accept vouchers with other conditions (which nobody disabled or injured as a vet would meet). Ferndale, parts of Royal Oak, Birmingham, and Ann Arbor are astronomical, and Motown’s liability driving insurance is approx. 6x higher than in the second fastest growing urban area in the country, RDU-CH/the Triangle). I am friends with an ER doc who spent the winter living in his SUV in Ferndale during a divorce when she was the one having the affair because he insisted he didn’t want to lock himself into a yearns lease if he returns to his home country, Canada, or goes to Australia or Germany to live with his his sons, whose college expenses he pays without telling them he can’t afford a roof overhead in Ferndale. He’s a doctor. They have restaurants where people can easily spend $250 for date night. It’s not a cheap place. Even the groceries are pricier! It was the original spot where teens whose parents kicked them out came to prostitute themselves before AIDS, and we knew a now deceased Catholic priest who used to put them in a guest room and help get them into college. The best more affordable gay-friendly areas are a small patch of one-bedrooms in northern Royal Oak, Hazel Park, Oak. Park, parts of Madison Heights, and limited parts of Farmington Hills.
@rockonmadonna 24 күн бұрын
I’ve lived in a small town in Europe that indubitably was not one of the top gay-friendly, let alone trans-friendly! Could you please make a list of the top ten Western European cities, please? France was enchanting, especially outside of the haughty Paris and the Riviera, but where they aren’t de-industrialized like the Rust Belt from Pittsburgh to Chicago and frustrate not with immigrants skin tones but rather refusal to use the historic language correctly and respect the culture, wine, recipes, women’s rights, secular rights in the public square, etc. I have seen or am told the Loire, Bordeaux, Beaune, Strasbourgh, Savoie (the the Brits are ruining it by buying it up and being obnoxious, at least the ones I met) and the SW (the least pretentious region in terms of viticulture but the area suffering unspeakably with draught and climate change). As for metropolies, I fell smitten with Roma (and a 27 yr-old Swiss heart surgeon with Bel Ami blond hair and blue eyes who invited me to stay with him next time w in Switzerland, but alas I got too sick to function most days, and the doctor said there is only one other safe thing he could try experimentally… and I guess he doesn’t want to deal with Medicare or is in no hurry, which I stressed to him that I am because I would like to return to Europe for grad school and be able to have a lovely relationship there! Life never really “clicked” with many Gen X, M, or Z from the country, especially not gay boys! 😇 Thank you in advance if you can gather tips! I am guessing Copenhaven will be high or the Lisa given their ratings, and Belgium and Switzerland allow euthanasia or safely assisted peaceful suicide for patients the doctors say they cannot help any more other than with narcotics to partially reduce only some of the pain symptoms. They actually only have abortion on demand for 12-15 weeks but by Rx thereafter. We’re light years away from taxing the top 5%, instituting a near maximum wage like we had under FDR and like the French are currently working on, and granting adults bodily autonomy, but ex-pat recommendations could help a lot of folks in our community born before COVID!
@rockonmadonna 24 күн бұрын
Thank you/Danke /Merci (since Racine , WI and the “Mistake on the lake” stand out! It’s true that looking out for gay and trans rights is goes hand in hand with economic justice for the 60% majority of Americans who are pecuniarily in or tottering on the edge of crisis. While I am from near Akron considered Cleveland since my research neurologist said it would be sufficiently close, NE Ohio, like almost every county in the US lacks rent subsidy/reduced cost for folks declared with serious disabilities or veterans. This country is evil. Having also lived and worked in France, I can say that with some perspective instead of just begrudging my fate. Looking forward to your next video to send it to the few monogamous gay couples I knows. Could you also factor fidelity including nearly complete monogamy/“monogamishness” and longevity of partnerships into your ratings, please? That matters a lot for stability not only for the adopted children, but also for the couple and relatives. Thanks! You guys are doing God’s work on here. Hugs.
@duke613 24 күн бұрын
"Queer money" ? The word queer is STILL disrespectful, insulting, degrading, humiliating and embarrassing to our community. The majority...not minority are still extremely offended when this word is used to describe our community. Extreme gay activists have tried to mainstream this word with success for some bizarre absurd reason. It is never ok to use this word. It is STILL a disrespectful slur. It has hurt millions and still does today. I don't know anyone in our community that embraces this word. They feel embarrassed when hearing this word. You might as well call it "F@g money" or "F#$ggot money".
@LVRugger 24 күн бұрын
The gays in their late 50s like me came of age during the height of the AIDS crisis. I am not alone among my friends who had a fatalistic approach to life thinking we were all going to die young, so we didn't save until later. Playing catch-up hasn't been fun, but I'm getting there.
@queermoney 23 күн бұрын
We agree that there is a big gap of folks who could have been the shining examples of how to prepare for retirement in our community. We speak to the “hangover effect” of HIV & AIDS on the mindset and financial habits of many from that time and its impact on the rest of us. We have an interview coming up this month with a researcher about this. What helped you change your mind that you need to save for retirement and what have been some of the tools you’re using to catch up?
@craig6363 25 күн бұрын
I wished y'all would've broken down by race/ethnicity, because it's even more staggering.
@queermoney 24 күн бұрын
You are right that the retirement picture for many POC is worse off. Unfortunately there isn’t a good study that shows what that looks like within the LGBTQ+ community. Based on general population of Black, Latino and Native American communities we can only make assumptions about how it is also for queer POC. We’re working on trying to get more surveys & studies done, but they that $$$, which we as a 2 person company we just don’t have.
@robyoungquist5803 25 күн бұрын
Not sure if it’s on your radar guys, but check out John Knox Village, Fort Lauderdale. VERY LGTBQ friendly … in fact they proudly display the rainbow 🌈 in their advertising. 1 bedroom apts all the way up to 2 bed/2bath with den. 5 restaurants to use your dining credit in, 10,000 sq. ft gym, hair/beauty/spa. Aqua center to include 2 pools one of which is a lap pool. Courtesy transportation to grocery, shopping, MD appointments. It’s a “continuous care retirement community” which means you go in as independent living and age in place. When need arises you move over to skilled nursing and then if need arises memory care center all located on the grounds. Break an arm, hip, or leg? No probs … rehabilitation center on the grounds to get you back to your unit. Biweekly housekeeping included with 6 month “deep clean”. Washer/dryer in every unit and full kitchen. Religious services on the premises for those that feel the need. 350 seat auditorium for concerts and presentations. Movie theatre. When I visited (several times) all the Residents were very happy and every last one of them greeted me with a smile and friendly hello. 😊. You want for nothing. It’s all been thoroughly planned for complete enjoyment and stress free living. And Wilton Manors is but 15 minutes down the road in “heavy” traffic. City bus stops right outside the complex and the route goes straight through Wilton Manors to downtown Fort Lauderdale. Check it out. Maybe do a presentation on it. 😉👍🏻
@Tant 25 күн бұрын
I'm ace and almost 40. I think I'll be okay in retirement, I've managed to save over 20% of my income through my late twenties and early thirties and 30% the last several years. My brokerage firm predicts I could retire in my early 50's if I wanted, but that would be a bit nerve wracking for me.
@queermoney 24 күн бұрын
Ya$$$$! Love hearing this. We need folks like yiu in the community to be role models for others and willing to talk about it. We need folks to understand that there is immense pride in also being financially stable and saving for our futures as well as having fun today.
@Nadia_Ngozi 25 күн бұрын
Hey guys. I’m trans but also a person of color. This made me think you guys might get some great views because lots of POC in the lgbtq community are looking for best places that are affordable for us to live as well and safe. Tbh there are still places in the US that aren’t as friendly to us, and some that are outright not good environments for us to be in :) just a thought, thank you for your list though! I love watching these especially since I’m looking forward to move from Florida :)
@queermoney 24 күн бұрын
Absolutely, we get that. Unfortunately most of the states that are very welcoming to trans POC are states like California & metro areas in NY and they are very expensive. The cities that are affordable and welcoming to POC are often in red states when the laws on the books or being proposed are very transphobic, especially in warmer climates. 😫