I just experienced the same thing in my previous company in the US. My boss was overly critical with everything and during my yearly assessment. I reported to HR but in the end they sided with my boss and fired me. It’s very hard to prove that I was bullied. I might be able to stay if I tolerated but I don’t think it’s worth it.
当年 24岁的奥黛丽·赫本找 26岁的纪梵希为自己设计戏服,得到的回答就是:我没时间,你去找别人吧;一个在德国公司过了试用期的华人,如果工作一年了还要冥思苦想他人对自己的言行方式是友善还是恶意,是性情使然还是笑里藏刀,那也太内耗甚至愚钝了;哪有什么群体德国人,都是一个一个的北威人、汉堡人、萨克森人、图林根人、巴登人、上下巴伐利亚人和上中下法兰克人不一而足,对待每一个个体都适用一个以不变应万变原则:Wie du mir, so ich dir. (BTW 狒狒和老虎好像不生活在同一块大陆上,除非你说的是 pangaea且当时的确有这两个物种)