@NoNameToHave 2 күн бұрын
@NoNameToHave 2 күн бұрын
With updated subtitles?
@FairbankCenter Күн бұрын
Fixed some mistakes in the original version that was posted. Didn't realize KZbin doesn't allow you to replace one video with another. Argh!
@NoNameToHave Күн бұрын
@@FairbankCenter Thank you for the great job!
@user-oj4hr5rh6i 4 күн бұрын
The hard truth, but facts.
@caseynw 5 күн бұрын
@waichui2988 5 күн бұрын
The state is always heavily involved in economic development, even before the Industrial Revolution. All those European countries sent armies overseas to grab colonies. Exploitation of those colonies economically benefited the European countries, by providing raw materials and consumer goods (tea, coffee, sugar, cocoa) at low costs and captured markets. The US is probably the country with the least amount of government assistance to industries. But the US still had its own examples of government programs. The biggest case of American industrial policy was the interstate highway system. It favored steel, construction, automobiles, oil industries, at the expense of railroads. Semiconductors also benefited greatly from government efforts. In the late 1980s, Japanese dominated the semiconductor industry. The US government organized SemaTech. All significant American semiconductor companies were invited to join and pooled their technical resources. Finally, several East Asian countries made the transition from agricultural society to industrial society. All of them used top down government direction. The idea that the government needs to just stay out of the economy is just ideology.
@LiJu-ix1vf 6 күн бұрын
Some Chinese scholars who had previously studied in the United States were surprised to find that the number of scholars currently researching China in American universities had significantly decreased. In this video, one scholar seemed to provide a reason. Professor Christensen from Columbia University: "One of our concerns was that the people who did do China's foreign relations and international relations were increasingly going into think tanks and consultancies...the problem was there was an increasing demand in the classroom for professors who taught the next generation of global citizens about the importance of China's rise and its place in the world..." If this is a widespread situation in the US, it might explain why some of the current US policies towards China appear unrealistic and even incomprehensible from a Chinese perspective. The U.S.'s understanding of China lags far behind China's understanding of the US. However, it must also be acknowledged that after three years of the pandemic, Chinese people's understanding of the US needs to be updated as well.
@sunnysun2145 8 күн бұрын
@YapingPan-th4iw 10 күн бұрын
great leaders and economists should help eliminate the economic gap between rich countries and poor ones and get rid of the economic gap between rich people and poor people. .this guy just wanna the US to dominate the world.
@YapingPan-th4iw 10 күн бұрын
this guy is also a so-called Anglo -Saxon guy who desires develop his own country's economy at the cost of the other poor nations. if china does not develop its technology and economy,how can it bring so many Chinese people out of poverty? the US military has blocked the Chinese mainland for so many years. Imagine if the Chinese military deploys its troops around the America,how would the usa government and the US citizens feel? What USA should do is not using its military and the US dollar to exploit the rest of the world(mainly the poor people of the world,as the rich will always be rich ) but use it's economic and military force to benifit the whole world especially the poor people of those authoritarian countries. If he advocates for the Africans or the poor people in the middle east,well,I certainly admire him. But he just cares for the American people. Obviously he is a selfish guy. What we (most people of the world) want and need are leaders and politicians who care for the poor people in each nation of the world.
@NoNameToHave 11 күн бұрын
@albertl623 12 күн бұрын
传承国内学者的光荣传统: 不说人话。
@robertlucas829 12 күн бұрын
@kiddyzheng 11 күн бұрын
@robertlucas829 10 күн бұрын
@kiddyzheng 10 күн бұрын
​@@robertlucas829 你说的都是错的。好好思考一下自己为什么错的吧。中国从来没有离开秦制 何来“走进秦制”。天皇掌控军队,军队不归国家 不归政府。这就是大正民主的本来面目。要是看不清“明治维新”是个什么东西,至少读一下福泽谕吉的书。不要不学无术就跳出来质疑。
@chunfengmugu 10 күн бұрын
@hunterwang7695 8 күн бұрын
@@chunfengmugu這個是一方面 另一方面正如秦教授提到的 第二次民主化的全面失敗(芬蘭等國家不是典型案例並且二戰後芬蘭也曾在威權中差點孤樹難支)這個甚至是西方學界都難以言喻的隱痛 因為期間所參雜了太多的光怪陸離 比如打著共產主義/社會主義的大共同體的興起對於民主所強調的多元共同體的衝擊 特別是這些衝擊背後的理論輸出還是後世知識份子界的老祖宗⋯⋯中國這塊土地大概就是這樣 無法在思想和變革最初始興時受到影響進而做出行動 等到漣漪波及時 下一場風暴又將起
@NYdalesun 13 күн бұрын
She is still defending the CCP. OMG. Wake up!
@philipsgrotius7057 13 күн бұрын
@stonebridge2022 13 күн бұрын
@user-hi3ed5ex2q 14 күн бұрын
@holiday8473 14 күн бұрын
在当下时代,秦晖老师之所以重要,不仅仅在于他学术上罕见的渊博和极度的专注;更在于面对当下争论不休的社会问题,他能够以难得的清晰逻辑,为我们守护最基本的底线。 秦晖老师学术与文字的背后,无不表明,社会少了共同底线的共识,会演变成何等的荒谬状态。珍惜秦晖,就是珍惜我们自己。虽然他的很多观点饱受争议,他的一些作品,甚至受到限制。但读过他的作品,都会遭遇一种电光火石般的冲击。
@kiddyzheng 10 күн бұрын
@jackwong1640 15 күн бұрын
@Orange_0xff6600 15 күн бұрын
@joelwang6134 16 күн бұрын
Stop hiring any Chinese Communist propogandist in American think tank! It is very dangerous! kzbin.info/www/bejne/rqCkdZ1jdtxjjqssi=jV38Eqtuiz-Gq9Ld This is no doubt a Chinese Communist propogandist
@joelwang6134 16 күн бұрын
Stop hiring any Chinese Communist propogandist in American think tank! It is very dangerous! kzbin.info/www/bejne/rqCkdZ1jdtxjjqssi=jV38Eqtuiz-Gq9Ld This is no doubt a Chinese Communist propogandist
@aaron.aaron.v.b.9448 25 күн бұрын
Very interesting. Also nice to be informed on not so recent, but still relevant debates. Personally it gives me some context to some of literature on Vietnam from the same time period. However, on the general question of violence I'd like to stress that there is a lot of contingency as well, often in direct relation to the amount of repression by the old system. I doubt that newer research will support the claim that violence is of integral necessity to fulfill revolutionary aims. That there is the bad habit of practically using violence to achieve aims is another story. In the context of "Revolution from Above" I would like to refer to the One-Child-Policy whose violent aspects according to more recent research were not needed to achieve the overall aim.
@FATTONY22 25 күн бұрын
@iStoneCarving 25 күн бұрын
I downloaded this video for my wife to see Sara. It's been some years since we met her last time in Xiamen, China.
@ellenfong5712 29 күн бұрын
This is fascinating! Wonder if there are some historical analyses regarding the gathering of violence at the very beginning of the revolution.
@colinadevivero Ай бұрын
Insanely rambling and boring. All talk and no content
@fredwu6000 Ай бұрын
There's really no so called "Playbook", old or new, in Chinese Political Philosophy. The 'Central Philosophy' has always been 「大同」思維 (vs 「零和」思維), which is also clearly and vividly expressed in Republic China's (Taiwan) national anthem. This Political Philosophy has always been at the center and also the unifying force of China over the ages, under imperial and republic rules. Anyone who read Chinese history should know that. Note: Interpretation of this philosophy varies. Some in the West see it as 'Chinese Hegemony', thus a threat. Others see it as a progressive and harmonious force of the future of humans on Earth.
@kalipotmeng Ай бұрын
Half of what this guy says doesn't make any sense ti me. Just to take one example, Of course Americans are different people than the asians in terms of savings!! Also the social security and the status of the dollar as the reserve currency make a big difference in this regard. Changing the trade imbalance by brute force such as tariffs and sanctions is plainly stupid. Regarding the industrial policy, how sad the US does not have many SOE's to implement such policies 😂. And it would be a big slap on their face if they create such institutions because Chinese SOE's are precisely sanctioned by the US 😂.
@kalipotmeng Ай бұрын
Mr. Lightizer is so one-sided that his talk sounds like a job pitch in the potential trump administration. That China wants to become strong and rich is ambitious, not agressive. The trade deficit is called "wealth transfer" in the speech, why doesn't he talk about china is also one of the biggest debt holders of the US? So in which direction is the wealth transfer? People like the speaker is one of the main reasons for potential wars.
@MoranSE Ай бұрын
Amazing, tks much!
@patbyrneme007 Ай бұрын
It was very strange that Angela did never once compare the Chinese regulation system with the US one which many feel is broken. The regulatory agencies in the United States have largely been neutered by successive administrations operating on neoliberal lines. Similarly, the big tech companies in the US are a law unto themselves. Lastly, Angela's comments on China's growing success in high tech industries were mealy mouthed and highly biased. She seems to criticize everything in China without any balanced assessment. She comes, across more as pro western political activist rather than an academic. Very disappointing...
@rich8304 Ай бұрын
It toke us 260 yrs and 70 for china? Which system worked best and im a vet
@rich8304 Ай бұрын
Capitalism and communism combined will we ever find the answer
@rich8304 Ай бұрын
Can you ever amagian waking up in bed with this woman
@user-ro2ns4xg3z Ай бұрын
@CN_SFY_General Ай бұрын
China exports more than imports, so asking to trade in RMB is beneficial to the countries receiving Chinese goods because they have RMB. This is the strategy for China to trade in RMB. The countries buying Chinese goods can use RMB to trade, it's a wonderful design because the forex is not needed and the trade cost is reduced.
@CN_SFY_General Ай бұрын
Why do you want to restructure the debts? The Chinese BRI projects are excellent and strategic and they are designed to be able to repay themselves and never need to change anything. All the projects are making money and China can wait until they pay themselves.
@CN_SFY_General Ай бұрын
Central Asia, it's Asia. Why do you want them to be part of Europe? It's crazy! If Europe wants to invest in these Central Asian countries, please do it. China BRI projects are all over the planet. You do not need the countries to be in your continent to be investable. This is why the Ukraine war was started. The warmongering mentality is still in the students of these American Universities.
@jamesho8820 Ай бұрын
IKe very conveniently neglects to mention that China specifically has cancelled debt for failed projects. From the Harvard Internal Review " This rapid acceptance leads to poorly planned projects that quickly fail, thus wasting Chinese capital and hurting their image in African nations. The consequences of these failures led to China canceling US$158 million in Zambian debt in 2006, eventually resulting in a US$392 million write-off." Once again, part of the anti-China narrative selectively to demean, discredit and demonize the BRI. Please spare us!
@philipwong895 Ай бұрын
Is this what success looks like in the world's most powerful and richest country? Economic inequality, inflation, stagnant real wages for the last fifty years, costly healthcare, an expensive education system, student loan debt totaling $1.7 trillion with an average balance of $38,000, poor public transportation systems, racial inequality, mass incarceration, the militarization of police, deteriorating infrastructure, housing affordability, homelessness, the opioid epidemic, and gun violence. Instead of prioritizing the welfare of their people, they meddle in other countries to spread their version of democracy. The question is whether the USA can continue to survive with its version of democracy, not whether it can have any leadership role in the global order.
@Gman979 Ай бұрын
A legal expert talking economics. Lol😂😂😂😂
@philipwong895 Ай бұрын
Anywhere in the world, if there is a border dispute, it is usually the result of a line drawn by an Englishman; if it is an internal dispute, it is usually the US that is fueling it. Differences in implementation of divide and conquer strategy.
@bridgeroad9758 Ай бұрын
with this kind of researchers, the US will fall soon.
@dariomendoza191 Ай бұрын
Warmongers like the Usa Goverment should be HOLD ACCOUNTABLE for TAking PRECIOUS Lives!! greetings fromMexico
@CyberneticOrganism01 Ай бұрын
在很多方面,她是一个典型的中国「学者」: 1)「发钱寒」,注重赚钱、而忽略「政治经济学」特别是哲学问题,因为大陆的意识形态阉割,大陆人普遍不敢谈政治哲学,就算谈也只能像和尚念经那样复述党的 indoctrination 2)她为了撑国家好,可以像妓女用润滑油那样顺口开河地扯出谎话连篇(虽然我其实并不歧视性工作者) 3)她作为经济学家,也算是科学家,但她的治学态度是完全不讲科学的。为了说中国的好话,她可以「睁着眼说瞎话」,而她会觉得这是「爱国行为」 4)她不是一个真正「现代化」的人,因为现代化的基础是科学方法。 现代化要求我们 “put truth before face”, 但中国人会为了「面子」而扭曲事实,这就是中国人很难实现现代化的主要原因。 5)她的理论提倡中国以一种「融合社会主义与资本主义」的模式,但她说不清这种模式为何物。 事实上共产主义有一个核心价值就是「为了让穷人翻身,可以毫无底线地扭曲真相」。而当中国被这种意识形态 在最高的位置控制着,中国必然不能实现现代化。 然而她却在继续为中国的现政权 辩护。 在这个立场之内,如果她无法跳出来,其实没有出路。 6)她強調「创新」,其实她本人也未能跳出党的 indoctrination,她希望中国有创新,但其实几乎所有中国人都像她一样:噤若寒蝉,不敢创新,也无法创新。 7)她根本不算科学家,那她为什么 捞到了 Harvard 的 PhD? 那是因为她对外国人表现得很科学,但其实她描述的中国是假的。
@adindahutabarat_sinolog Ай бұрын
1:16:03 prestige 😂 not necessarily....pls take a look at DXP's idea on that issue
@adindahutabarat_sinolog Ай бұрын
Chinese alphabetical/pronounciation systems: Wade-giles, Zhuyin, Pinyin. Chinese script/character systems: Jiaguwen, ..., Caoshu, Hanzi.
@MeiinUK Ай бұрын
It is not that easy.... Cos he has added other script firms but why were they added ? Is it because there were migrants from those regions or not ?... This is not good. The hybridity led to destruction of those mini civilisation..... And rights.... And destroyed legitimacy. Absolutely trash.
@philipwong895 Ай бұрын
Three very different perspectives of BRI. Like blind men trying to understand what an elephant is. Building Infrastructures to increase trade and communication between countries will raise the standard of living of people in these countries.
@teejay5139 Ай бұрын
CHINA, THE WORLD'S MOST NOTORIOUS SQUATTER NATION! The communist China has been squatting in Tibet, Mongolia, and Uighur for more than 50 years and is now starting to squat illegally on Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore and the rest of Asia! Hey GOOGLE, where have the protest against PRC in Havard KZbin vidoes disappear? This is how freedom of expression is gagged in free country!
@lamrof Ай бұрын
Her name is Angela? Weird. Her outlook is too much HK.