@ahsap713 3 сағат бұрын
Omfg its that simple tf
@DeadSoulsMN 13 сағат бұрын
Reckon you could have killed the avatar, the mutton’s and mind controlled the berserker in that one turn. Hail of bullets, sniper and rapid fire into the avatar. Rocket and void rift the mutons and mind controlled the zerk which becomes an op mimic beacon
@sloth0708 18 сағат бұрын
I'm so dead laughing, my SO is always in the living room next to me while I play XCOM so I sort of narrate what's happening, and I've told her about your videos and how they help me, right? well, I was playing last night and kept having shot after shot miss and the enemy just kept having the craziest luck on full cover shots/grabs, and I was airing my grievances. My SO turns to me and says "wow, you're gonna end up making an RNG breakdown video any minute now."
@DeadSoulsMN Күн бұрын
Man, chain shot is just so tragically bad hahaha. Maybe as a Hail Mary play, but there’s just always a better option
@DWolfman1991 Күн бұрын
Thank you! I was so not understanding what it wanted me to do 😅
@CrabbyGameGuy Күн бұрын
It's been a while since I've watched this video and I learn (or re-learn) something every time I watch it. Mandatory viewing for any XCOM 2 player.
@Togster Күн бұрын
My first encounters were viper kings in the earlier game and they're still ok. The BS moment was during mid game on a sabotage mission which turned out had archon some elite and shield advents, the double HP reviving Muton like thing and some specters, AND this B*** queen. Got to reload a few times but i still got destroyed. SO... just went with one reaper, sneak around and run like hell after planting the bomb lol.
@DeadSoulsMN 2 күн бұрын
“I shoulda used the grenade”. Yes! The squadies grenade even. Then you have a slight change to kill the sectopod with rapid fire
@DeadSoulsMN 2 күн бұрын
Props to making it through though, was a tough situation getting drawn into an unexpected avatar fight. I guess the nature of retaliation is a double edged sword with advents target priority often being civies, but it can help! Definitely better to be more aggressive with grenades. I do appreciate the need to conserve resources. But you have a lot of them this late in the game. Like saturation, hail of bullets, combat protocol (which you didn’t have here to be fair) and stocks that really help in the late stage of a mission. Personally, I’d prefer to go into the last pod with no grenades and a full squad as opposed to having wounded soldiers and lots of grenades. If you know it’s the last pod you can get aggressive with untouchable rangers. You just have to be careful about losing civies
@DeadSoulsMN 3 күн бұрын
Getting that loot drop is such a meme, the loot was supposedly destroyed by a grenade but the zombie dropped it aha
@DeadSoulsMN 3 күн бұрын
Ooo keen to see this one, I think this shouuuuld be the first new enemy encounter
@DeadSoulsMN 3 күн бұрын
To meta game the hack, it would have been better to have shot with the ranger first. It would have been 100% standing next to the sectoid. The defense bonus killed the shot. Then depending on how much damage you do, you could pistol him to bring him down further and then hack.. or take the hack and kill him with a grenade
@DeadSoulsMN 3 күн бұрын
Early resistance comms is wild, cause now you have to build the power relay, clear a space and then build AWC. Which takes a long time in legend. You have to build up intel to make use of those commas as well which may not be realistic. Keen to see how it works for you. There is an argument that building up contacts in alien hunters is good as early income can be spent on more soldiers for the meat grinder haha. AWC probably has the same effect though
@DeadSoulsMN 3 күн бұрын
Contacts in legend are valuable though, especially in the midgame when the doom clock starts. I don’t think it’s necessary to get comms this early but it really will insure you in the midgame which is nice
@DeadSoulsMN 3 күн бұрын
I am convinced you don’t use your Grenades for content hahaha
@wolfy3597 3 күн бұрын
I done all of the quest for the third seal but she never gave have I gone wrong somewhere
@KragSmash 3 күн бұрын
This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's listenin' out there. When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" Yessir, the check is in…
@legion2.047 4 күн бұрын
You stack all these modifiers against yourself and still win, but when I try to up my game to Commander I always get brutally beaten lmao.
@Joseph-wc6qd 5 күн бұрын
Kill weakest to strongest… that’s the strategy for all turn based games. It’s all about action economy
@Joseph-wc6qd 5 күн бұрын
Are you related to Bill Nye
@deanrogers1843 6 күн бұрын
Drove me nuts - thanks 😮 Liked and subscribed
@DeadSoulsMN 6 күн бұрын
Just love to see criticals behind full cover :0
@DeadSoulsMN 6 күн бұрын
Twitch into the trooper then 100% rapid fire into the andromedon (if the trooper dies) would have been ideal. You run less of a risk of picking up another group (although meta gaming it I’m pretty confidant there are only four groups before the forge itself)
@mescellaneous 7 күн бұрын
people complain about teleporting pods, but i dont quite mind that actually, in terms of it being playable. they usually dont come from explored fog unless after a really long time or something, and even then you can reason it out by saying they were on patrol. the sounds and them being able to spawn from anywhere, i consider that soldier hallucinations. the only thing i don't like is that sometimes pods activate from way across the map. and even that is playable somewhat, but it doesn't quite make sense why i would get vision of it. i've had that happen too many times, pods activating outside my range of vision, and multiple ones too. this was this map, i was circling around to the right side of the ship, where the power source was. in retrospect, it's easier to approach the entrance of this ship like you did, since the aliens mostly only have low cover to work with. but while i was next to the power source on the side, a floater pod all the way on the other side of the ship (exterior) got activated. and now im pinned to this spot because i dont want to enter the ship and a patrol of mutons start coming from the entrance around the side as well.
@mescellaneous 7 күн бұрын
it's pretty obvious the ai is programmed to avoid the sniper. it's not a coincidence the sniper doesn't have any targets every time. even squadsight snipers that haven't been spotted will be avoided. even units that use cover will go into the open without cover just to avoid the sniper, if there is no other good option for them.
@BelicoseBunny 7 күн бұрын
great transition from the enemy unknown sharpshooter gameplay into xcom2 sharpshooter gameplay
@iP3RF3CTxSa1nT 7 күн бұрын
this puzzle was so puzzling, I didn't even know it was a puzzle. I was so confused on why I kept failing
@angelheart7036 8 күн бұрын
I wish you had explained each step of combat. Would have been better
@Fluffkin-the-Femboy 8 күн бұрын
damm you had advanced weapons, i was stuck with puny normal guns, no frost nades, no nothing. i thought it was really early to meet him for the things i had. maybe i shouldnt have clicked on his mission right away
@Fluffkin-the-Femboy 8 күн бұрын
the archon ruler was brutal for me, all my focus was on him not firing his missles by stunlocking him with freeze and statis. It worked most of the time, but if he got those missles out, bam half my team is in the hospital, since the missle counter advances on ruler reaction turns you could save 1 solder from the blast and the rest get hit. PLUS since he is an archon his defence is really high especially when he is flying at max hight, it usually gave me a chance of 30% to hit, and when he grabs someone you have 1 shot of 30% to save him or let him go to the hospital for weeks on end. Maaaaan Rulers were awesome but Ruler Reactions are THOUGH.
@Albireo8 9 күн бұрын
"Will nobody rid me of this stupid (troublesome) priest" English king about Thomas A`Becket.
@mescellaneous 9 күн бұрын
since you like rifle on assault, you should consider the right side skills. it is all to synergize with rapid fire. except maybe keep close combat specialist for some utility. rifle, scope, with a holo targeting heavy could be a strong dps combo, which complements the heavy's inherently low aim, as well as suppression could make up for not having lightning reflexes
@mescellaneous 10 күн бұрын
possibly the worst first mission map. even worse with an early squaddie team because they'll actively avoid the range of the sniper, possibly overwatching any advances as well.
@mescellaneous 10 күн бұрын
wow, i actually read somewhere that the tree stumps can't get destroyed. so they actually take two hits, not that they are invincible.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
strongest room partitions ever
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
i think this map is always pretty hard to tackle. the walls and ceiling of the sectioned rooms make it difficult for the sniper to target anyone, as well as the high number of enemies that only spawn in the ship. there isn't a lot of high cover inside the rooms to try to advance or flank, and if you do try, it can lead to more enemies. probably the best map for skeleton suit, yet trying to utilize the roof can be a risk because of cyberdiscs.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
you're killing me exploring in the worst possible way on the edge of the map up to a huge building (with a crate in the way of full cover, but even if not, that is one piece of cover for a whole team exposing a huge amount of fog), which means there is no cover in front, on the left, or behind you. your best bet was after revealing that was dashing between the first and second tank, out of line of sight. and the one that peeked could have run and gunned into the building to hopefully kill the thin man at the corner.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
it's brutal how you don't move first, instead just reloading or overwatching in place. especially when the team is spread out, so it's not like you created an arc around a choke, and in low cover no less! yes, you should be in full cover, but you can be in no cover if you keep in mind which squares is safe and no aliens activated. i think a big issue, and i learned it the hard way, is that there is no need to get everyone in a wide formation. i'll only try to keep the sniper lagging behind in cover, and i'll put the heavy in cover when exploring if there is cover near by, for his rocket, and everyone else only if cover is very close (with the first soldier frequently moving into cover). otherwise, it seems easier to have everyone close by. at first you think it's safe to have a formation ready, but the ai can easily just go for one weak point, in where someone would have to dash towards the team to avoid getting flanked. having a wide formation also means that some of the soldiers will initially be out of range on pod activation. it's much easier to explore close together, but walk in a way where cover is available. once a pod activates (on your first soldier turn or after turn end preferably), you're doing the same thing as if you had a formation: spending a turn to move to a better position and then spending the 2nd action. but this time, everyone is in range, and you can even possibly take an aggressive stance instead because everyone is close to the pod activation. sniper lags behind of course, if his position is still good. when i have to move my sniper, i'll also slow down the squad so that he can catch up. i feel like there's a mental block with the word "defense", and it happens to me too. but full cover is 40 defense, which is -40% to hit. hunker down is 80 defense, -80% to hit. and most enemies early are <80 aim, aim just being a % to hit. when you put the two together, hunkering in full cover is the way the game has meant for you to survive. 80-80 = 1*. yes, you dont' get to see the aliens' moves when you hunker, but that's just to test your wits. *because xcom has a 1% lower limit on chance to hit.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
absolutely brutal you willingly walked into the open like that.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
not to say that this was avoidable, the game can always throw you a bunch of pods, but i would have moved north east to the east corner of the van, not north, as the first move. that gives you a chance to fire or overwatch or hunker down, by getting the first soldier of leap frog in cover. on the next turn assuming your first turn moves, i would have had one of the soldiers behind the truck on the left, not on the right corner which would give too much vision of the street. because you scouted in the middle already, it should be relatively safe if you move to the left corner of the truck. it would risk revealing the sliver of vision on the left side of the truck, but it's the edge of the map and you can use another vantage point for the chryssalids that spawned from the left rear building, and any charging from the center building. the move where you thought it would be safe but wasnt, that is unfortunately because the pillar of the building was just blocking one piece of fog that the previous soldier could not see. that's why you have to strictly only step on the squares that you know are safe, either the ones the first soldier walked on or that you can deduce is safe because it would reveal fog on the edge of a map or an isolated piece of fog that isn't big enough to hold a pod. if you had utilized the left truck, perhaps the cyberdisc wouldn't have charged right away. maybe you can say it would have eventually surrounded that soldier that's alone. you also unluckly destroyed the back of the truck, but if it had been intact, it's still at least high cover assuming you kill the two chryssalids on the side (with the help of the close range, you wont miss that easily and also not hit the truck randomly). you can have more soldiers behind that truck, just do not place one on the right corner of the truck, which would give vision to the entire street. if you had more soldiers there, they would have gotten huge close range bonuses and only then would i also possibly move to the right corner of the truck to kill the 2nd chryssalid and reveal the street, because that 2nd chryssalid is a bigger threat than more pods at this point. OR, since you don't have soldiers there, it actually made sense to send a rocket for those two, but that would destroy the cover and i would be thinking to move eastward if so. im not fond of your choice to always fall back then shoot, especially when the aliens are this close. im sure there is a way to not reveal fog and just use the close range bonus to take them out. in all honestly, i dont think anyone can say you made huge tactical blunders after a certain point. the game is about "exploiting" the ai (they shoot at high cover and hunkered down on high cover targets, objectively stupid choices), because if the aliens actually played perfect, no one would stand a chance. because chryssalids actually ignore cover (for themselves and soldiers), they play closer to perfect and just charge for you. that forced you into a corner and the grenades always catch me off guard as well. in addition, once the cyberdisc showed up, i would have tried to use suppression exclusively on the cyberdisc, to stall it from moving and shooting, to try to clean up the chryssalids as fast as possible.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
because of spawn pod teleporting, i don't really follow the noise cue. i just sweep the map in the way that i like.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
and you were in range with the diagonal. could be wrong, but i also think stun gun is not impacted by low cover.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
that's why battle scanner is kind of pointless. only useful to get the achievement of winning a fight in less than 5 turns. the game is designed around spawn pod mechanic.
@mescellaneous 11 күн бұрын
omg you equipped assault rifle instead of shotgun on assault. noob mistake! whole point of run and gun is to utilize the range bonus, increased damage and crit of shotgun.. i was wondering why you felt you had no damage fighting the two mutons at the end. it would have made more sense to fire the sniper and laser rifle guns first, to see the damage output, and clean up with assault rifle or grenades if you have to later. at really close range, the chances are near 100... i know you missed with the 87, but i wouldn't bother with cover if the muton comes this close. better to make the shot % as high as possible since you can. because even if you distance yourself for cover, you'll reduce your chance of a kill, while the aliens wouldn't mind risking their lives to flank a soldier anyway. that's often overlooked imo, the player never has that option of totally compromising their position just to kill an alien with others still active. i think at the end, i would have shot with the laser rifle girl in the back first, behind the full cover shelf on the left. it made no sense to keep her behind low cover there, when she had the opportunity to move up. wow seeing you position to kill the last muton here was painful haha. you were shooting the muton in positions where the low cover is still activated...
@sloth0708 12 күн бұрын
19:51 love the cut to the turret lol it's like the game is going "whoaaa look at this bad mfer, eh? imagine if you had to fight it! scary stuff huh?"
@TypicalSamandre 13 күн бұрын
Cheers for this
@jojofeeny3730 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for the help!
@vinicius.matias 14 күн бұрын
Obrigado pelo vídeo! Incrível como sempre
@sloth0708 14 күн бұрын
TapCat has been Shaken due to too many missed shots. Have him make a few 2% shots successfully to remove this status!
@nayte1 14 күн бұрын
Well in reality my biggest problem with it is the timers. They should have enabled people to disable them so you can enjoy the game not rush the levels
@mescellaneous 15 күн бұрын
after losing (classic) miserably a few times, i finally have a good start after taking much more time to analyze the map and everything. i got lucky at the first ufo crash, where the sectoid missed while flanking, so i finished this mission with no soldiers dead. insane start after the first month, good income, no countries left. i think one thing that seems to be missing, from the few videos of others i watched, is that there is a great opportunity to hide soldiers that havent been spotted yet. for a few turns, i was at a standstill where i had one spotted soldier hunkered down in full cover in the same spot and the sectoid kept firing because there isn't good cover for the sectoid to move up. because of that, i walked one soldier out of the sectoids' vision the entire time to get in front of the ufo wall the sectoid was behind. that was the sectoid that ended up flanking that soldier, only because i had to activate the outsider inside to make use of my plan. everything was relatively smooth before then. you can say i got kind of lucky, the outsider missed against a target in full cover, and the sectoid flank missed. but afterwards, with two assaults they cleaned up the next turn. another thing. i'm starting to think, if the alien doesn't spot a soldier at a corner behind high cover before hunkering down, there may be a chance the alien will act as if the soldier is not there. a few times an alien would walk up given there is high cover for it, behind the same high cover car that my soldier is hiding behind for example, if i manage to go to a corner they didn't see and then hunker down. if spotted at the corner before hunkering down, ai remembers and can fire at it. i have been doing that in certain situations where i used to overwatch instead. basically, if i wouldn't mind an alien walking forward, i would hunker down unspotted and get the flank next turn. i overwatch if i see they can potentially move to a better position where i wouldnt be able to flank them afterwards still.
@marlinTX16 15 күн бұрын
I love this guy