@johnsnow7873 19 минут бұрын
The hardest part of brians program is encorporating 12 reps of lying about being natty each session
@BoxingSA 19 сағат бұрын
But still 3 times week is too much
@LiberatedMind1 Күн бұрын
I do a primary / secondary split. Every other day. De-load as necessary.
@Darknight526 Күн бұрын
Great dialogue between you too. Cheers! <3
@chip2th Күн бұрын
Why would someone avoid whey isolate ? Seems harmless
@barbellbryce Күн бұрын
Limb lengths is a huge factor that no one talks about. Someone who is 5'5" could squat more frequently than someone who is 6'5". This philosophy works with many exercises and movement patterns too. Gotta be objective when comparing yourself to the guys who are taking information from. Love Alex though 🔥
@ZyroSugar Күн бұрын
The split I’m loving is Full Body Push Pull . EOD, so I’m hitting each muscle every 4 days.
@dynaspinner64 Күн бұрын
Why does a 12 minute clip have so many chapters lol
@foodchaser716 Күн бұрын
Get rid of the Funko Pop advertisements
@limitisillusion7 Күн бұрын
A rapid eccentric definitely build my traps when I do cleans. It's about the only trap work I do apart from carries and deadlifts. I think traps are probably one of the safest exercises for speedy eccentrics. I don't try them with any other muscle group. Pullups might be alright too.
@JorisWeima Күн бұрын
Makes sense for the traps! For pullups tho it can hurt you, in fact. I think Alex mentioned that specifically too once
@limitisillusion7 Күн бұрын
Those calisthenics guys swing out of muscle ups pretty well. It definitely requires a strong shoulder girdle, and I also wouldn't recommend dropping all the way into a dead hang. A one arm dumbbell row might be even safer now that I think about it.
@limitisillusion7 Күн бұрын
I've transcended lengthened partials. I now only work my muscles in hyper-extended positions. The gains are unreal.
@JorisWeima Күн бұрын
@bigismols-o5f Күн бұрын
Hey guys, I would really appreciate if I could get any feedback on my full body workout. Workout A: Bench press 4X6-10 Squats 4X6-8 Pull ups 4x 6-10 RDL 3x8-10 Overhead press 3x6-10 Bicep curl 3/4x 8-10 Workout B: Incline dumbell/bench press 4x6-10 Squats/Deadlifts 4x6-8 Barbell Row 4x6-10 RDL 3x8-10 Lateral raises 3x10-15 Diamond pushups/Skullcrushers 3/4x8-10 Any tips, is it too much volume or just enough? Btw, i'm doing it 3x a week. For example, on mondays and wednesdays I'll do high intesity and on fridays I'll do high volume and also my recovery is pretty good even tho I have some trouble with my sleep for couple of years now.
@tubbey76 Күн бұрын
Why doesn't this channel have more subs? It's really good and the questions are always insightful and perfect for enhanced learning.
@longevitymuscle 9 сағат бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@spurzo-thespiralspacewolf8916 Күн бұрын
I really just don’t like RIR. I love pushing each work set all out. I’ll either do that with 6 set once per week using an upper/lower OR Full Body 2 x week with 3 sets. Both work, depends what I’m feeling, I allow myself to auto regulate to make it fun depending what I feel like doing that week.
@oldnatty61 Күн бұрын
All the energy you kids put in over analyzing shit, how do you have any left to train?
@Neill1986 Күн бұрын
Dumb comment lol - because folks like to go deep into a topic. Plus have you seen these boys train? They actually train hard and have the Aesthetic and strength to show for it. You do realize 1-2 hrs of training daily still leaves a fuck ton of time? 😂
@oldnatty61 Күн бұрын
@@Neill1986 Maybe for a young unmarried man w/out kids. All that's going on now days is the rediscovery of what has already been figured out. Why? The history has been lost. It's a situation of the blind leading the blind.
@Neill1986 Күн бұрын
@@oldnatty61 you’re missing the point. No scientific study is going to explain you as a N1 experiment and what you find works best in your situation. I wasn’t saying you need to do what these boys do but what I’m saying is just because there is already a huge history of what works doesn’t mean you can’t continue to seek that in yourself. That’s the beautiful thing about passion and obsession is that it’s enjoyable as fuck to keep going and keep learning.
@oldnatty61 Күн бұрын
@@Neill1986 If it was something new, unique, or profound, but this is just noise that creates confusion, and barriers. Life's short. If I need tires I'm going to buy some. I'm not going to waste a bunch of time trying to reinvent the wheel.
@Neill1986 Күн бұрын
@@oldnatty61 personally don’t think anything he said was wrong. Yes it’s true much of the science is finally catching up to what the old heads figured out but Alex was out here testing these theories on himself prior to waiting. If folks gets confused that’s on them because they aren’t testing ideas on themselves, they are simply taking what works for other people and trying to force it to work on themselves
@ParvParashar Күн бұрын
Excellent video! Loved the discussion. Super informative and helpful as always. 🙌
@Ludvio Күн бұрын
i can listen to Alex for hours. The stimulus to fatigue ratio of his talks are unmatched
@JorisWeima Күн бұрын
@mircha2144 Күн бұрын
I wouldn't give lengthened partials so much importance. I highly advise 1 set of holding then very slowly lowering only with higher weight, very low reps (2-3) to failure. You will see an increase in strength the next week. 😉
@Ludvio Күн бұрын
i can listen to Alex for hours. The stimulus to fatigue ratio of his talks are unmatched
@papaspaulding Күн бұрын
I have a high work capacity for both high reps as well as low reps (just comes from lifting a long time and working in many rep ranges I guess) Although I do try and avoid anything lower than 8 reps these days just to save my joints, as ultimately doing so allows me more volume per month and more freedom in programming
@yslovacs 2 күн бұрын
Get sticky Ricky aka Eric bugenhagen on the podcast
@Sonic_1000 2 күн бұрын
He speaks too much logic and the PhD-lovers would get triggered.
@koh_ker 2 күн бұрын
It’s true about the pain part, most people are not willing to push that hard
@JohnB-ws4ge 2 күн бұрын
My legs need 96 hours even only using 2 main lifts and 2 isolation
@DusmaEduardo 2 күн бұрын
Four exercises to failure is by no means low volume, 96 hours is perfectly understandable
@limitisillusion7 Күн бұрын
Ya, I always found hitting legs once every 4 days was ideal, so I hit every muscle group twice every 8 days or so. My upper body could handle 3-4 sessions in 8 days, but I'm not that worried about it. I do pushups or pullups on runs for extra upper body volume sometimes, but not a dedicated gym session.
@LaverneusDinglefoot 11 сағат бұрын
I can only do one leg day a week because it takes nearly the full week for me to recover. I first started lifting a few years ago after multiple spinal surgeries, and I was so weak that I could do legs Monday and Thursday without issue. Now I think I’d fall apart if I tried that split.
@stevewise1656 2 күн бұрын
The latest research/testing Wolf, Schoenfeld and others recently completed found lengthened partials are at best the same or less effective than normal ROM. Wolf is not going to be recommending only lifted partials.
@davidii28 2 күн бұрын
this was recorded before it came out
@stevewise1656 2 күн бұрын
@@davidii28 That's my guess.
@longevitymuscle 9 сағат бұрын
@@davidii28 exactly!
@ZyroSugar 2 күн бұрын
Paul Carter and Chris Beardsley are the best in the game
@ralphieharland4806 2 күн бұрын
Professor X-Frame
@Tom_CarnivorousDG 2 күн бұрын
yeah sorry but what you said about biomarkers and "the research" saying that veganism is very healthy thats simply not true. its likely better than the SAD diet but youve been mislead about the biomarkers thing. cholesterol is not the cause of hart disease, red meat doesnt cause diabates/cancer etc. (whatever they claim) and with the protein intake i can agree. The nutritional research is like so bad (which you should know if you knew how to read studies properly --> quality, bias, funding etc.) they shouldnt even allow it to be recommended. its all based on epedimiology and if you look into what they do they actually give individuals a questionaire about what they ate 4 weeks ago, they also use people with diabetes, obesity and smokers in the studies to make red meat look bad. Yes those people they eat more meat on average than a normal healthy american, but you cant say --> this guy has obesity, diabates and smokes --> they eat more red meat --> therefore red meat causes cancer, obesity and diabetes. YOU CANNOT prove CAUSATION with CORRELATION which you should know, its basic knowledge. like thats literally what a lot of these epidemiological studies did, which is disgusting. i advise you to not talk in certainties when talking about nutritional research because there is a lot of shitty research out there. if you cant spot the good from the bad please dont get involved in reading nutritional studies, because it will lead to bad choices --> veganism. Especially when you have a large following and you almost recommend veganism, you will lead a lot of people to ill health, you CANNOT get every vitamin/mineral out of plants. Humans evolved/thrived on meat since the dawn of time, you really think that in an ice age people were eating vegetables lmao. And dont come at me with "yeah but they didnt get old" because then you really are not that knowledgeable (insane amount of child death --> lowering the average lifespan by significant amounts)
@danwcoon 3 күн бұрын
Super inspiring. I’ve gained 35 pounds so far on a vegan diet in about a year. Alex had a huge influence on me. Good stuff!
@rinkuhero 2 күн бұрын
same with me, i was 135-145 lbs all my life, at 6'4, so you can imagine how thin i was. i never managed to gain weight or muscle and was a perpetual hardgainer, but then i became vegan at age 39 and over the next 6 years managed to bulk up to 190 lbs of muscle in my early to mid 40s. i think i just possibly had problems digesting meat and/or dairy, but a fully plant-based diet allowed me to finally eat enough calories to gain weight.
@utubeskreename9516 3 күн бұрын
How bout an example 3x per week, including all exercises/sets/rep ranges???
@carnivore-muscle 3 күн бұрын
Lots of misinformation in this, the science he claims of doesn't exist.
@cherylkealey4831 3 күн бұрын
Awesome content, iam nearly 50 now and feel each set. The days of moving big weights are behind me but I enjoy my training now more than ever
@kaisersoze851 3 күн бұрын
Upper, Lower, Full Body, done 3x per week. Thank me later this is the best balance of upper/lower and full body. You get the best of both worlds. Not too many days in the gym, not too many long sessions and the ability to do more focused work in the upper and lower workouts. I strongly believe this is the perfect setup for the natty lifter.
@paulblake1164 3 күн бұрын
Personally, it's how many workouts per month; 18 to 24 days over a month is an average. What I do isn't as important as it is to exercise so long as I'm doing each body part twice a week. Entire body is always an option but not necessary. However, if utilised, it is completed using a sledge, pushing, and pulling with a rope attached, framers walk, suitcase carries and kettlebells. If you are following a weight-lifting full-body programme, your joints will hate you due to a lack of recovery and a spike in cortisol over a week. Therefore, I've concluded that tracking your workouts over a week can weaken you, but over a month should make you see better results.