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@isaacr7416 44 минут бұрын
Im 41 minutes in and i need to say this video is incredible! So well madee and extremely engaging. Im glued to the screen and now really want to play some rts games!
@isaacr7416 57 минут бұрын
Holy crap i never knew about shift command. Thats a game changer
@isaacr7416 Сағат бұрын
Wow. Ive played a number of rts games since i was a kid but have never felt im good at the multi tasking aspect or even like it. I like focusing on my base, then focusing on my army, then focusing on attacking. Way more than doing them all at once
@kiingchunk502 Күн бұрын
Meta gaming turns the masses away from games change my mind. obvi not for reddit warriors who don't want their games " full of normies 🤓 "
@ivanengel8887 3 күн бұрын
Terrific breakdown, made me understand why I simply dislike them. Multitasking for me is always a chore, not a pleasure.
@bocatt9202 3 күн бұрын
I find these days the only RTS I play (from having played many of them, a lot of the time) are ones with a sandbox-style campaign, i.e. Total War, Dawn of War, Star Wars Empire at War. I enjoy the moment to moment battles, but I find little enjoyment or longevity if there isn't a grander campaign/narrative (little n narrative, not Big N Narrative) to tie these skirmishes and battles together.
@AdamSchadow 4 күн бұрын
As someone who has thousands of hours in rts and fps games I cant tell you precisely why its so much harder to get into rts games. Its the fact you cant win by luck or pure chance in rts games the reality is such that even in the most competitive fps game you can just get lucky and kill even the best pro player. Just think about it if you put yourself against someone who has better aim than you reacts faster and knows the map better you still can have cases where you just happen to shoot him in the back or both of you fire and you just get a lucky headshot even when doing everything wrong. That will never ever happen in rts even if you played 1000 games against a competitive player not a single one will ever be a win and wont ever even be close. This feeling of complete hopelessness in the face of someone who is better than you is just insanely demoralizing. Fps games were also affected by this you can see that all the modern ones are made in such a way that you kill each other insanely fast or its a battle royale or it massively depends on what your team does. These are all measure that make sure the guys that are worse get sometimes a win. A great rts game which solved this problem is total war if you look at the latest warhammer 3 you will find that you can get lucky and happen to pick the right army and happen to give it the few orders that it takes to win even if the enemy is better than you.
@BeMyArt 4 күн бұрын
My short story collection includes stories created by my mind in two conditions - sleep and awake. There's qr code at the end of the book which leads to web site i created. There you can try to guess which stories based on dreams. Not the same but wanted to share my concept with someone 😅 I worked so much on it but only one person read in a year😭
@XpistolinX 5 күн бұрын
Just splendid, RTS Jesus Christ has come from the heavens to guide us all
@SobiesawChabaz 5 күн бұрын
the thing about RTS games is... you don't even have to be good at them. As long as there's a map editor or mod support, you're going to find so much sodding content to enjoy on your own or with friends even at a low skill level, you'll be set for years. These games can be so customizable a 6 year old child can play them with their grandpa and both will enjoy the experience. I absolutely sucked shit at RTS games as a kid but I still played all of them for hundreds of hours and never even touched multiplayer until a few year ago.
@RhenishHelm 8 күн бұрын
Judging by your comments, it seems like a genre of mediocre stories propped up by gimmicks.
@overused6632 8 күн бұрын
people are obsessed with APM tho always gotta have some sorta counter on and flip out when performance drops just a tenth
@KD-qo4sx 8 күн бұрын
can you give more tips for age of empires 2 for creating multitasking. I don't think my laptop will have enough capacity to play AOEIV (video, RAM, CPU ... ;-) )
@MrTBSC 9 күн бұрын
i am that guy that uses WASD to navigate the map ... i HATE quickswitching between views, it hurts my eyes ...
@estongyamot9123 9 күн бұрын
this is a very well made video from a non video game channel... i agree with this so much ... 1 thing tho ... where is my Battle Realms clip?
@Hopollos 9 күн бұрын
RTS games are unique in how stupid I feel while losing... I know it's irrational, but I can't help feeling that way when I've forgotten to produce or build anything after losing focus and suddenly my opponent has a castle right outside my base. Never quite felt that way with any other genre, except maybe chess.
@Hopollos 9 күн бұрын
Great guide though! Just don't think RTS is for me
@HemborgerChariot 11 күн бұрын
27 minutes in and I already liked a lot of your other work but wow I have so much fucking respect for you from this video. I would love to see more gaming focused content, and on top of that, potentially literary analysis of video game narratives! There are some utterly fantastic ones out there that I could really recommend, such as 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, a fantastic sci-fi adventure game with 13 protagonists each with their own intertwined story routes you play through, piecing together an extremely interesting and complex plot with a phenomenal archive of information that constantly updates. I highly recommend going in as blind as possible because it's a fucking magical experience on your first playthrough. Don't worry, there's no need to worry about multiple endings or anything like that, you will eventually be made to play through everything to see the ending.
@05Matz 11 күн бұрын
Huh. This is really helpful, actually. I don't even have plans to play this specific game, but the general knowledge about the genre is valuable! Thank you!
@05Matz 13 күн бұрын
...When you flashed up that children's book with the mice. "Milo and the magical stones", I started... tearing up for some reason? I know I've read that book as a child, and it must have affected me a lot. I vaguely remember it was some kind of a parable about greed or the tragedy-of-the-commons? I feel it was probably important for the development of my... political/economic attitudes. So that makes it even funnier that you could use it as a more accessible example of a phenomenon people would try to use some Ayn Rand play to demonstrate.
@Skoogplay125 14 күн бұрын
As a veteran RTS player I needed to hear this
@dudeguybro 15 күн бұрын
Absolutely fantastic video. I rarely watch a video on KZbin that's 85 minutes, but damn man, great job. I'm an RTS veteran, and I still learned some things about AoE 4 as I'm a relatively new player. Thanks, dude!
@muskyoxes 15 күн бұрын
Now i have no idea why there aren't modern adult choose you own adventures. At last we'd have a book that works better on kindle than paper, and lots of adults play the video game equivalent
@tiestofalljays 16 күн бұрын
Daut: Clicks per hour.
@MrProthall 16 күн бұрын
You need the APM once you can make a lot of informed decisions quickly and the only thing that's stopping you is your ability to execute all of those decisions. THEN you need to increase your APM. Same as a car: Don't need 500hp if you can barely drive a normal turn at 50 kmh
@strategicarchive2140 17 күн бұрын
This is partly why I'm chewing through every RTS single-player campaign I can on my channel. Get used to the controls/rhythm and fall in love with the commander fantasy!
@lonecandle5786 17 күн бұрын
I think AOE is easier for beginners simply because it is more "real". It is based on real history and resources a society would really need, not vague 'minerals' and 'vespine gas'. You can see your little humans gathering things that makes sense to you, not weird aliens or robotic humans gathering made-up shit. This helps people want to play and learn the game.
@lonecandle5786 17 күн бұрын
I had a GF who could not handling swimming in games. If there was water, and you could swim up and down, she'd drown. I had to take the reigns and save her.
@AdamsOlympia 18 күн бұрын
AOE2 online play frustrated me back when the original was still new. My friend and I had no allusions that we were any good, but we still had some of our best times in this game. Usually local COOP on a huge island map, with multiple strong AI nations stacked against us. Islands at least gave time to build up before enemy fleets would start coming over.
@MnemonicHeadTrip 19 күн бұрын
Shoutout to Supreme Commander
@soen2368 20 күн бұрын
I think RTS will return after AI become common tech. for now RTS it babysitting. dont feel myself general in RTS. because units cannot do simplest task by themself
@Sparksy 21 күн бұрын
I just finished this book and tbh i dont really know what happened but also i know I found it very boring
@hozic9929 21 күн бұрын
i love rts so much, i might be bad but i love em
@greyreigns 21 күн бұрын
As a new player, (returning, technically, I played AOE2 as a kid) I think those saying that the difficulty of entry is a reason for the genre's stagnation are right. I've got my face absolutely stomped in these first few rounds I've played against real players.
@lupusjoe 22 күн бұрын
This is a great tutorial on getting into the RTS genre, but I disagree with your initial arguments. APM is a metric and like all metrics it is imperfect and exploitable. However in the context of RTS games it is generally used to measure a persons multi-tasking ability. So it's kind of silly to say that APM doesn't matter, but the core concept it is trying to measure is very important. 9:55 Just because the ranked ladder will have players of all different skill levels doesn't mean that a skill isn't crucial to playing a game. By that logic you can argue that you don't need to think in order to play Chess. Because you can play against players at the lowest elo who don't bother thinking. The caveat being that if you don't care about improving at a game, then you can play RTS without multi-tasking, chess without thinking and just stay in the bottom ranks forever.
@Lrzmsibelts 23 күн бұрын
Funny enough most people that watched this video are already RTS fans Of course uh only what’s available for PS5 and Mob, which’s bannerlord, CK3, Total War and so on. Idk if they RTS tho
@Lessthanpropane 23 күн бұрын
i really want to like StrongHold Crusader 2! but i suck at it. ive already started doing homework to learn a fighting. but i just cant grasp the idea of managing my peasants!
@cyrusofchrist3530 23 күн бұрын
I know I'm a bit late, but the goofiest thing to me as someone with little experience in RTS games specifically, but a lot of time in League of Legends, is how most if not all League coaching/onboarding puts heavy emphasis on macro over micro, i.e., strategy over APM. It just feels weird, the deja vu I feel from see this vid and remembering every league teaching vid being rather similar. Never thought I would congratulate the league community for anything, and I'm still not going to. Screw league, glad I quit. Good vid lolol.
@adamNZ2024 23 күн бұрын
This video is absolutely correct. The players that complain about needing higher APM are mostly frustrated by not knowing how to multi-task effectively and get overwhelmed. I learnt Age of Empires 2 by practicing in slow mode against easy AI. I would practice my build order and focus on one task at a time. Then as I improved, I would introduce a new element such as deer luring or boar luring with the Town Center. I would say 99% of players that ask for advice on how to improve already know the answer. Learning build orders, setting up hotkeys, practicing against AI, watching replays. Yet, they will ask the same question over and over and over again. The real problem is that learning how to play is time spent not having fun. Do people want to spend two hours learning in practice scenarios, or do people want to spend two hours playing the game against other people? Playing the game will make you better, but focused practice will improve performance much faster. I would say it's completely possible for a new player to reach top 10% status within a month of dedicated practice. I've also seen that happen, and it frequently does happen at low level tournaments. When I started playing in Definitive Edition I dropped down to 800 ELO and reached 1600-1700 ELO. If I wanted to come back and push for 2k ELO, the most efficient way to practice would be in the scenario editor. If I wanted to relax and have fun I would play in multiplayer. It's a trade off on how you want to spend your time and what you want to achieve.
@jayantam1049 24 күн бұрын
True RTS is not about APM but about making decisions a.k.a digital chess which is a equally difficult to learn for the modern ADHD infested gaming community who rather play shit like COD and Fortnite with their 2 second attention span.
@gurkengelee6651 24 күн бұрын
The Josh Strife Hayes second monitor diss though.
@roys.1889 25 күн бұрын
Word of advice. If you wanna learn how to be aggressive I think no-builder RTS games like Relic RTSes or Iron Harvest are a great teacher for it. In essence because you don't have traditional resource gathering units and don't need to worry about the economic side so much, your units (usually infantry) _are_ the resource gatherers as they take control of resource nodes around the map, and since you can't just turtle up like usual you're forced to really go out into the map to get those resources which further promotes aggressive play. I've kinda figured that out after watching your video. I've got probably near 7000 hours of Company of Heroes 1/2 combined (I played it before steam was even a thing) and while i was never that good in stuff like Starcraft or AoE, I'm probably one of the best Company of Heroes players in my local area. Your video made me reflect on why so thanks for that.
@DefaultProphet 26 күн бұрын
The most fun I’ve ever had in an RTS was playing Warcraft 2 vs my cousin 30 min no rush turtle
@AdmiralAssBlast 26 күн бұрын
Youll love Manor Lords then
@Danjorito 28 күн бұрын
Do you not stream aoe anymore? If not, do you ever plan on doing it again? Sounds kinda fun and chill to see you play RTS.
@danielp8433 28 күн бұрын
pvp wise , rts is the hardest to get into (+you play mostly vs devoted rts nerds^^) because you basically need to learn the basics of the genre 1st before you practice perfection and then you can start playing rts :D the good thing is - if you became good in one rts you learn new ones MUCH MUCH quicker.
@Foatizenknechtl 28 күн бұрын
i just bought aoe4 in rememberance of all the good times with aoe 1-3 and i got so gobsmacked by the shitty campaigns.....its really kinda hard. but for me aoe was always just a solo game as internet wasnt as widespread before and usually online login interfaces where overcomplicated and offputting and aoe3 honestly had such a great and lengthy campaign that took me as a kid like 20 hours plus another 20 hours in bot games that i was satisfied with the game and didnt need any online play. but aoe 4? it gives you shitty campaigns that dont explain the nations really well or interestingly so you feel kinda like an introvert thrown into a foreign group. so i guess i got a pretty good view on how to get people into playing RTS online. first off: make the mental entrance easy => make a lobby dedicated for newbies and veterans who want to teach new people. im sure there are plenty whod love to explain their knowledge with someone interested. for me i dont have any RL friends that would want to play an RTS with me so there has to be an easy way to get to talk to people and make acquaintances by just putting me out there with a few clicks so random people could invite me to games or lobbies. and if the ingame chat is later on abandoned due to discord or whatever: thats perfect! then it already fulfilled its purpose, but developers would probably take that as a sign that a chat and lobbies arent needed bc theyre not filled to the brim. but thats a misconception imho edit: also there is a saying "comparing yourself to others is the origin of disappointment" or something along those lines and 10:30 describes it very well. the problem is the competetive aspect. playing against each other. of course the game becomes this ugly shit then if you all break it down to efficiency and shit. probably should put the focus from only playing against each other to playing (partly) with each other. more like helldivers 2 for example. a game that brings people absolute joy in multiplayer right now (i havent played it myself yet, just the general consense that ive gathered) damn that was a stoned rant :D
@iluvatarchem 29 күн бұрын
?????????? lol Console boy discovering rts and making a vid?
@tancredithekid Ай бұрын
I dunno why but I like the writing style. It’s terse and poetic. It reminds me of high school Latin class where we had to translate poems, preserving the meaning and beauty of it with a proper economy of words. I suppose that’s why you may find it flat
@MarcoParraVillada Ай бұрын
Skibidi toilet ruined rts
@francoisjohannson139 Ай бұрын
Shahriar Mandanipour: "Censoring an iranian love story" - hilarious