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My Book Recommendations for 2022
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6 Books That Changed My Life
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@Bedfford 6 минут бұрын
new generations of kids learning coding: YT videos about "Master X programing language in 2 minutes" + chatGPT + ctrl-C + cntrl-V
@simoncallelaverde 3 сағат бұрын
I liked your Light Switch that says: "Simon" :)
@RoseMakesVideoGames 3 сағат бұрын
@medushinysivapalan2130 7 сағат бұрын
@RobertNewsome 23 сағат бұрын
One other encouragement is to understand the coders in tutorial videos and classroom instruction are working with code they know very well because they have prepared by essentially memorizing much of the code. They appear to be wizards b we cause of this.
@kipcraglow6817 Күн бұрын
These lessons apply to life in general, not just coding!
@dubaifatimaali Күн бұрын
1:06 exactly what i repeat to my students that hands on practice with coding is a must. You wont learn until you type it. Make shorter programs and learn to create solve and debug problems. Very few keep on practicing rest like yeah we saw what we did.
@GA_ME Күн бұрын
This is just paid advertize, nothing more.
@LO3. Күн бұрын
Good advice thank you❤! ~I am a SWE student as well
@pfoster1666 Күн бұрын
#2 - I met a lot of math majors that were excellent programmers early in my career. The ability to think logically and solve problems using algorithms is light years more important than memorizing syntax (that's what Google and StackExchange are for). You don't even have to know SPECIFIC algorithms (again, Google), just a good approach to figuring one out to solve a particular problem. I used to use flowcharts and pseudocode a lot. #4 - Yeah, I'm doing that a lot lately learning Blazor... struggling a lot to kick the habit. And to add to what Elsa said, you should be smart enough to know you don't know everything. Ask questions and learn from others.
@dougshipley5547 Күн бұрын
There is a grand difference between going to school to get a degree and taking those classes to get an education.
@PavanBabar-g4r Күн бұрын
@osharedayz3762 Күн бұрын
Taking the time to understand and learning how to program by actual coding is good advice, as well as building comfort with some level of failure, however "mapping your way" is bogus advice, since it's near impossible for a 'learner', who by definition doesn't have a grasp of the totality of the task to work/design backward. BTW- Nice green dinosaur! 👍
@SimulationNPC Күн бұрын
This is sound advice and will be very useful. Active learning is necessary.
@mkli3459 2 күн бұрын
I am more excited about the "artistic" side of the programming. Programming is only part of my job description but I need to do it some amount. I am very slow in programming because I often aim to the perfect code which approaches "ingenuity", is syntactically beautiful, efficient and versatile and also hiding its logic from its API direction. That's the reason I cannot be full time programmer and ask money for my programming work. But ... I know this and it is not a problem at all, I am more like an academic programmer who find the programming more like an artistic experience. I think the first step in the career of programmer is to get know yourself, to find what you really want to do. My way, even I earn about what I want, is not the way of the guy having a lot of money by programming. This is my choice, what's yours?
@Jonatron101 2 күн бұрын
I've been learning more than I've ever done with coding before as I started like, I want to build this game that's in my head. So I went off and done some blender then picked up some unity tutorials and then because I was using unity and realised the tutorials would only get me so far I have to learn some C# and now I'm focusing on C# fundamentals so that I'll be able to build all the features and systems of the game I want to make. It's been going well because the roadmap is in place!
@rachmayadi 2 күн бұрын
it reminds me of my first day of algorithm and data structure class back in uni years
@edgarbrignoni 2 күн бұрын
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Right on point! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@MrBerryK 2 күн бұрын
Companies doing interviews in ay language is so true; I got a senior software engineer job at Apple without knowing ANY Objective-C OR Swift.
@IreneSmith 2 күн бұрын
I'm sorry but I've never found programming "hard" and I've been doing it since 1982 and have learned over a dozen languages.
@tan-os2ed 3 күн бұрын
5:58 Not quite exactly. You’ll still solve the problem directly as you already had spend the time before. The reason understanding the approach helps is that it develops the ability to solve related and more difficult problems and helps with your solution building skills and even with intuitions. Basically just like solving and practicing math problems.
@KarlHeilmann 3 күн бұрын
Which micro did you used for recording this video?
@justchecking2470 3 күн бұрын
her accent though
@JohnKeklak 3 күн бұрын
I'll add #6: Find a mentor.
@mariostelzner4530 3 күн бұрын
@christianhall3916 3 күн бұрын
Every single time I've noticed unexpected behavior from my program and ignored it, even if it wasn't problematic, it turned out to be part of a larger issue later on that I could have found more easily if I had investigated in the first place.
@manfredbogner9799 4 күн бұрын
Sehr gut
@Andre_RDX5 4 күн бұрын
I love the way you are telling the truth about doing ANYTHING, including learning something. By asking the "W-Questions" first, and once you have a good idea of "What" you want to do, "Why" you want to do it, "When" you should do it, and "Where" you should do it, (even "Who" should do it) then you can move on to the "How" to do it. Everybody is always asking "How do I do this, instead of What should I... When, Why, Where, Who...?? Great advice you are sharing here. Thank you.
@WondershareEdrawsoft 4 күн бұрын
Love your content! We believe our brand aligns well with your style.Let us know if you'd be interested in working together! 🧐
@theMuritz 4 күн бұрын
The ones who want to learn will naturally come to this videos conclusions. The others will waste their time
@DaveDollar-mcn 4 күн бұрын
Why compare ..just be you …No wonder people dont improve you care too much about others
@karthikkeyan4460 4 күн бұрын
Very very generic advice. Something that every body with access with internet knows these days. It may or may not useful for some people but I don't think these advices will take the viewer anywhere.
@witch3944 4 күн бұрын
I don't understand. People are coding on apps that are already coded? How do we just code on our own laptops or computers?why do I need to use the software on my laptop? I'm beyond confused. somebody help
@ckatheman 5 күн бұрын
The great advice here is why this so-called “AI” isn’t a long term threat (though it is a short term threat as clueless CEOs and boardrooms salivate over the possibility of canning large numbers of people). Who cares if you can generate a Python class if you have no idea what you’re going to use it for.
@tectopic 5 күн бұрын
Don’t be afraid to rip up and retry. The code is like playdoh, under constant massage into new better shapes.
@tectopic 5 күн бұрын
I find Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) still valid and a great help. Also ”You don’t understand a problem until you can simplify it” Also “you don’t program programs, you BUILD programs” has influenced my thinking for the better.
@thinkingmastery 5 күн бұрын
i couldn't understand a thing if you come up with such a innocent face 😆
@AlirezaMirhabibi 5 күн бұрын
Thanks Elsa, I'm working on my company in Iran and everything is 80 times harder than USA but I need to try more and your videos motivate me.
@Daveycrits 5 күн бұрын
It's funny, when I get stuck I think of a Macklemore lyric and then a Loki quote: "The greats weren't great because at birth they could paint The greats were great 'cause they paint a lot" And then Loki and Thanos.. "Well, if you consider failure experience." "I consider experience experience."
@outpost31737 6 күн бұрын
Doing = muscle memory. Memorising code = forgetting everything. Practical hands on experience wins every time.
@Tcahuzak 6 күн бұрын
This video motivates me 🤗
@munchingmogul 7 күн бұрын
Side note: I love that strange planet show
@cerealport2726 7 күн бұрын
I've said it before, and received a lot of criticism for it but just like any other activity, sport, job or profession, coding is not for everyone. Some people will never be good, others will be amazing, most will be in the middle. Some people just cannot learn to think in an abstract and logical way that translates to being useful for anything but basic coding - and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, it just means they have strengths in different areas. Mind you, coding is not about pure, cold, emotionless logic, it needs imagination and creativity too, and this is what I think a lot of people do not recognise, and it scares many away. I recommend that no matter who you are, give coding a serious go. You may love it, you may hate it, you may be great, or you may be terrible. whatever the case, it's something that is very much worth trying. I am sure I am not alone when I say that there is something very satisfying about making something useful from nothing. It is just as satisfying as creating something physical.
@MASTER_o07 7 күн бұрын
I'm 25 years old and want to get a job with minimum 25k rupees/350 dollars per month please suggest me what language should I learn. And what to learn website/Application or Frontend/backend Please help me
@matsfrommusic 7 күн бұрын
The hard part when learning to code is that it's catch 22 situation a little bit. When I first started I made the huge mistake in believing I had to understand every little piece and parts of the code, know what every little keyword meant etc, before I could move on to learning the next thing, and that made the learning process so much more difficult. Everything seemed very abstract because I couldn't relate to any of it, it's just gibberish at that point. Eventually I realized I had to take some time to just learn the syntax by writing various types of code over and over until I knew exactly _how_ to write a constructor class or a setter class or whatever it was, even though I didn't really understand how it worked or what these characters really meant. Just learning the syntax "upfront" like this, was a massive help to me.
@qlango 7 күн бұрын
1. 100% agree. 2. 100% agree 3. I think picking a real project for yourself is the best. You have something you want to do and you'll learn everything you need in the process 4. I don't fully agree with "Prioritize understanding". If I need it only once, I find it ok to get a solution from somewhere and use it. I don't really need how exactly it works, the main thing is that it works. The next time I'll need it, I'll copy it again. There is just too much of everything and it's unrealistic to understand everything. Main priority is to deliver ASAP, which means at the lowest price/investment. Nobody will pay you for studying how things work that you'll probably never need. 5. Sure. We fail a lot. But lately it's much easier to ask Claude for help. Or ChatGPT. They help so fast and really good. Those tools save us at least 66% of programmers staff.
@StryKhymorodnyk 7 күн бұрын
We all should know memory mechanism before we start. I got autism spectrum as Asperger's. It is a frustrating thing as you always try to cope with it (in my case). So I have to overload my mind for just to start working. And it is hard. But till my 40s I have 2 higher educations, speak my native Ukrainian, English, German, Norvegian and as you could guess, the language of the enemies. But as the war started I was unable to work and had to find something new to learn and to do. So I came to web-development. And here I start to think I am totally uncapable of anything, though when I am in extreme conditions I suddenly can code. That is bad. I would like to be capable all the time.
@iykehermes9710 7 күн бұрын
Thanks. Your accent sounds amazing.