What kind of person wouldn’t let the Time Team dig in their back yard? The experience would be wonderful.
@CampbellCornLab9 сағат бұрын
I love Time Team especially the episodes with families. The girls are outrageously cute!
@427max16 сағат бұрын
Just so everyone’s aware I’m the .4 million of the views for this
@Gerryjournal16 сағат бұрын
Why is this presented as history? There is zero proof of that fictional book.
@Broccchedd16 сағат бұрын
This was a whole bunch of jargon all to say nothing
@1MrMoor17 сағат бұрын
I was born here, my childhood lived upon and around Alfred’s monument. My ancestors lived here for generations prior to all of this b/s and waffle. Time team lack any integrity and honesty, for them it was all about creating an interest, hoping to create a bullshit story they could sell to the gullible.
@greatbear109217 сағат бұрын
Lol! It sounded like he said "kirk wall scrawl".😄
@RenaisontsN17 сағат бұрын
"Or is it?!.." You've got me! I've got an hour to burn...
@albrecqgerald-c5k18 сағат бұрын
le livre de Brown est basé sur des faux écrits produits par Pierre Plantard faux grand maître d'un prieuré de sion qui n'a jamais été une société secrete et les anglo-saxons sont tombés dans ce piège grossier !
@LilieDubh20 сағат бұрын
Love Tony saying 'Blow it up! Blow it up!' in response to the historical fact of the Royalists in the English Civil War buying cannonballs from the Leighton furnace and transporting them over that lovely little bridge. Whole episode is great!
@ellenmadsen730823 сағат бұрын
The best thing about the original Time Team (besides Phil) is how much they seem to like each other.
@SuzanneCoeКүн бұрын
I live in March Cambridgeshire, which is not far from Flag Fen, it’s really interesting to find out more about it great!!😁👍
@SuzanneCoeКүн бұрын
I think your Iron Age Round house, was so cool, I don’t know why you couldn’t live in it now!! 😁👍
@gerardtuxen5069Күн бұрын
The most boring history investigators on Earth. Fabulous civilizations being rediscovered all over the place, but they just want to find Roman remnants to reaffirm British identity.
@pollyb.4648Күн бұрын
This is my second time viewing this amazing series and I'm very excited for this one as I'm also currently re-reading the works of Dick Francis! Love them both!❤
@SafeTrax1Күн бұрын
Is Tony always so negative and disappointed? Just enjoy what is found
@ellenmadsen7308Күн бұрын
Without Phil, Time Team lacks character.
@BethleebeeКүн бұрын
“Close friend” that he was buried beside 😂
@Kaboom-06232 күн бұрын
loved the revisit to this site .. saw both when they happened ... and still say this is when the ladies of time team were at their hottest ... they a re still hotties but they all have the same flaw ... none of them are single ;)
@abdosenouci97402 күн бұрын
Best greetings from Algeria.The Victor Hugo and Newton Code!?.The Da Vinci Code Reloaded Le Vicor Hugo Code..!!?: - J’ai complété d’Issa la lumière imparfaite. Je suis la force, enfants ; Jésus fut la douceur. Le soleil a toujours l’aube pour précurseur. Jésus m’a précédé, mais il n’est pas la Cause. Il est né d’une vierge aspirant une rose. L' An neuf de l' Hégire - Victor Hugo -"....et des rois pour ancêtres,C'est singulier ! - Non pas ! Une branche descend,Puis remonte, mais c'est toujours le même sang ;Cela n'est pas très rare en généalogie. !!??....Sa Madeleine était une fille..!?.....Sans doute il n'est pas Dieu, mais certes il est divin.."!??? - Poésie : Bourgeois parlant de Jésus-Christ facebook.com/saci.abdo.98/videos/441310048054934 The Newton Code!!?: "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent Being. This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all; and on account of his dominion he is wont to be called "Lord God" παντοκρατωρ [pantokratōr], or "Universal Ruler". The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, [and] absolutely perfect." - Sir Isaac Newton -The source:Newton's Principia.The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy(1848,581pages) books.google.dz/books?id=KaAIAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA504&dq=This+most+beautiful+system+of+the+sun+,+planets+,+and+comets+,+could+only+proceed+from+the+counsel+and+dominion+of+an+intelligent+Being&hl=fr&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&source=gb_mobile_search&ovdme=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9g-378OiIAxUchf0HHb0xL_IQ6AF6BAgGEAM#v=onepage&q=This%20most%20beautiful%20system%20of%20the%20sun%20%2C%20planets%20%2C%20and%20comets%20%2C%20could%20only%20proceed%20from%20the%20counsel%20and%20dominion%20of%20an%20intelligent%20Being&f=false There is one God the Father everliving, omnipresent, omniscient, almighty, the maker of heaven and earth and one Mediator between God and Man the Man Christ Jesus...!? -The source:History of the Origin of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Christian Church(1899,104 pages)by Hugh Hutton Stannus books.google.dz/books?id=u-wrAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA29&dq=There+is+one+God+the+Father+everliving,+omnipresent,+omniscient,+almighty,+the+maker+of+heaven+%26+earth,+%26+one+Mediator+between+God+%26+Man+the+Man+Christ&hl=fr&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&source=gb_mobile_search&ovdme=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiolLuy9OiIAxWI_rsIHXY_PDUQ6AF6BAgOEAM#v=onepage&q=There%20is%20one%20God%20the%20Father%20everliving%2C%20omnipresent%2C%20omniscient%2C%20almighty%2C%20the%20maker%20of%20heaven%20%26%20earth%2C%20%26%20one%20Mediator%20between%20God%20%26%20Man%20the%20Man%20Christ&f=false - Isaac Newton (By Wikipedians) books.google.dz/books?id=euo15NVqPBYC&pg=PA77&dq=%22This+most+beautiful+system+of+the+sun,+planets,+and+comets,+could+only+proceed+from+the+counsel+and+dominion+of+an+intelligent+Being.+This+Being+governs+all+things,+not+as+the+soul+of+the+world,+but+as+Lord+over+all;+and+on+account+of+his+dominion+he+is+wont+to+be+called+%22Lord+God%22+%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%BF%CE%BA%CF%81%CE%B1%CF%84%CF%89%CF%81+%5Bpantokrat%C5%8Dr%5D,+or+%22Universal+Ruler%22.+The+Supreme+God+is+a+Being+eternal,+infinite,+%5Band%5D+absolutely+perfect.%22+-+Sir+Isaac+Newton&hl=fr&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&source=gb_mobile_search&ovdme=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjnoZz17-iIAxVXgP0HHVjCLFcQ6AF6BAgNEAM#v=onepage&q=%22This%20most%20beautiful%20system%20of%20the%20sun%2C%20planets%2C%20and%20comets%2C%20could%20only%20proceed%20from%20the%20counsel%20and%20dominion%20of%20an%20intelligent%20Being.%20This%20Being%20governs%20all%20things%2C%20not%20as%20the%20soul%20of%20the%20world%2C%20but%20as%20Lord%20over%20all%3B%20and%20on%20account%20of%20his%20dominion%20he%20is%20wont%20to%20be%20called%20%22Lord%20God%22%20%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%BF%CE%BA%CF%81%CE%B1%CF%84%CF%89%CF%81%20%5Bpantokrat%C5%8Dr%5D%2C%20or%20%22Universal%20Ruler%22.%20The%20Supreme%20God%20is%20a%20Being%20eternal%2C%20infinite%2C%20%5Band%5D%20absolutely%20perfect.%22%20-%20Sir%20Isaac%20Newton&f=false Sir Isaac Newton's Views on Points of Trinitarian Doctrine His Articles of Faith, and the General Co-incidence of His Opinions with Those of John Locke : a Selection of Authorities, with Observations(1856,118 pages)By Henry Green books.google.dz/books?id=JPBhAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Sir+Isaac+Newton%27s+Views+on+Points+of+Trinitarian+Doctrine&hl=fr&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&source=gb_mobile_search&ovdme=1&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Sir%20Isaac%20Newton's%20Views%20on%20Points%20of%20Trinitarian%20Doctrine&f=false - Sir Isaac Newton rejected the Trinity after his long research. What does it mean? www.quora.com/Sir-Isaac-Newton-rejected-the-Trinity-after-his-long-research-What-does-it-mean-1 - Newton, Locke and the Trinity: Sir Isaac's comments on Locke's: A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistle of St Paul to the Romans by Kim Ian Parker.Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 February 2009 Abstract: Until the recent discovery of a page of Isaac Newton's observations on John Locke's Paraphrase and Notes on St Paul's Epistle to the Romans, it was not known whether Newton had received or remarked upon Locke's work or, in turn, whether Locke had ever received Newton's comments. Since its discovery, however, it is possible to trace Locke's corrections and speculate on the extent and direction to which Newton may have influenced Locke. This article first establishes the theological relationship between Newton and Locke and, second, argues that Locke's revisions in light of Newton's suggestions reveal an anti-trinitarian spirit to his discussion. A previously unpublished transcription of Newton's manuscript fragment is also included. www.cambridge.org/core/journals/scottish-journal-of-theology/article/abs/newton-locke-and-the-trinity-sir-isaacs-comments-on-lockes-a-paraphrase-and-notes-on-the-epistle-of-st-paul-to-the-romans/916ED6F0C18AC6637675FF62E9E4ACCF
@allangreen-if9my2 күн бұрын
Leather knickers,lol
@ellenmadsen73082 күн бұрын
Just think, in trump’s amerika none of the information about native people can be taught.
@A.Candido-j1e2 күн бұрын
. . . and am born as a daughTer in ausTria we have The sAmE righTs per Law and order like men
@EverettvonNordeck-gf2cw2 күн бұрын
Phillip needs to scrape the grease out of his hat. Unless he's slowly waterproofing it. I haven't watched to the end of the series yet
@EverettvonNordeck-gf2cw2 күн бұрын
I envy the UK sometimes. If this show was on the history channel the lump/ bump in the ground would be aliens or some stupid cryptids bowl movement.
@Straitsfan2 күн бұрын
Complete and utter GARBAGE.
@joecottrell54882 күн бұрын
My ancestors were from that area. They were really good swimmers.
@A.Candido-j1e2 күн бұрын
... we our Family's we were born in AusTria 🇦🇹 as AusTriAn ciTizen we had no Double NaTional.iTy no Idea whos The ReporTer which People Are These in AusTralia? 🇭🇲
@rosevale32183 күн бұрын
That's a good daddy. Helping his daughters say goodbye to their beloved cat. And also uncover a mystery. ❤
@KernowekTim3 күн бұрын
Francis trys so hard to be patient with Tony. It's great credit to him.
@HabarudoD3 күн бұрын
As I watch time team, I enjoy looking up the location they're digging, on Google Maps to try and find the exact locations they're digging. This time, they are digging at Whitestaunton Manor in Somerset. Approximate coordinates: *50°53'25.4"N 3°01'29.3"W* (copy and paste these in google maps search field) Due to the overgrown and wooded area they are digging in, I had real trouble pinning down the spot they are digging in, this episode. I spent some time looking at the direction of the sun at 5:19, 5:37 etc, and had it pinned down to the northern side of the manor house. However, looking at Streetview, its all gardens now, so I had my doubts, as its supposed to be a scheduled site. However, the helicopter shot at 12:56 confirms that the site is in fact north of the manor, just north of the pond (which can be seen on google maps and streetview).
@HabarudoD3 күн бұрын
As I watch Time Team, I enjoy finding the spots they are digging on Google Maps. This time, we're at Syon House in London. Its quite easy to find by just looking up "Syon House, London" on G-maps. The dig is concentrated on the eastern (right) and southern (downwards) sides/gardens of Syon House itself.
@HabarudoD3 күн бұрын
As I watch Time-Team, I love finding their dig-sites on google maps for a more "involved" viewing. If anyone is curious, this time's dig is at Appleby in Cumbra. The exact location is the Cumbria Constabulary, Appleby Police Station, and it's back yard, judging from the opening crane shots. Approximate Coordinates: *54°34'41.6"N 2°29'18.8"W* "Gallow's Hill" seems to be at these coordinates: *54°35'15.2"N 2°29'27.0"W*
@davidgidman75613 күн бұрын
It’s just a book. Like the Bible, a lot of hogwash has arisen around it. Very clever.
@MJG703 күн бұрын
Phil can pop home for a cup of tea or a sneaky pint
@adamboyce-pv9ji3 күн бұрын
dont volcanos also blot out the sun and cause winter set in
@msmltvcktl3 күн бұрын
Over therelook 7:41
@KernowekTim4 күн бұрын
Old Kernowyon here. Souterains in Shetland, Fogous in Kernow. Splann!
@Ivehadenuff4 күн бұрын
This was my first introduction to Sir Tony, during the pandemic. I have watched all of the Time Team episodes and just discovered the reason his autobiography is called “No Cunning Plan” having just seen some clips of Blackadder . To go from cunning idiot to Time Team must have been quite a transition .
@HabarudoD4 күн бұрын
I enjoy finding the spots where the team is digging, on google maps, as I watch Time Team. This time, we're in Sedgefield, in Durham. As a rare return to a field, it was a bit hard to track down the exact location of the dig-site. However, judging from the air photo-graph at 0:40, with the distinct curve in the tree-boundary, as well as the 3 clusters of tree's, I can quite confidently say that it takes place in the fields north of "Sedgefield District RUFC", and south-west of "Sedgefield Fire Station" (both searchable on Google Maps). The approximate coordinates are around: *54°39'16.8"N 1°27'31.7"W*
@HabarudoD4 күн бұрын
As I watch time team, I love following along on Google Maps. This week, we're in Castle Howard in York. The dig-site, as shown on the helicopter shot at 6:44, makes the location quite easy to pin down: Its in the area west of the "Boar Garden", and north, north west of the "Castle Howard Walled Garden" on google maps. Approximate coordinates for the dig: *54°07'15.5"N 0°54'30.9"W* The dig inside the "walled garden" is west of "Castle Howard Walled Garden", at the approximate coordinates of: *54°07'12.4"N 0°54'37.7"W* The "North lawn" dig seems to be taking place at approximately these coordinates: *54°07'20.7"N 0°54'23.9"W*
@HabarudoD4 күн бұрын
I love reading maps. And one of the ways I enjoy Time Team is by following their dig on Google Maps, as the dig progresses. This time, we're in the Kew Gardens in western London. The general site they're digging is at the (searchable on Google Maps): "Sun Clock at Kew Gardens".
Sometimes I really wish Tony would just get the hell out of the way.
@HabarudoD4 күн бұрын
As I watch time team, I love to follow alongside their dig on google maps, as I love reading maps. This time, they are back to Athelney. Their excavation is centred around approximately the (search on google maps) "King Alfred's Monument". The dig on the "Fort Site" is roughly placed around these coordinates: *51°03'32.5"N 2°56'16.1"W* The helicopter shot at 0:10, as well as the one at 6:30, its quite easy to place both of these sites.
@HabarudoD4 күн бұрын
This time, we're in bath, around the "Royal Crescent" in bath. The shot at 1:48 shows on of the dig-sites. Approximate coordinates: *51°23'16.5"N 2°21'59.5"W* The shot at 4:27 shows the large rectangular scorch-marks, approximate coordinates for these are: *51°23'10.7"N 2°22'03.9"W* The shot at 18:29 shows the trench being opened over the parchmarks of the potential road. Approximate coordinates: *51°23'11.4"N 2°22'07.1"W*
@SusanArko4 күн бұрын
Please get your historical facts correct. It was unleavened bread.
@HabarudoD4 күн бұрын
While watching Time Team, I enjoy finding the spots where they're digging on Google Maps, so I can follow alongside the dig in "real time". This week, we're near the River Wandle in Merton, London. The exact location seems to be: "Wimbledon Gymnastics Centre" (west of this building, by a few meters. Estimated coordinates: *51°24'48.8"N 0°11'01.3"W* ) If you have the ability to use Google Street view inside Google Maps, you can look at the site, from the ground! The site on the other side of the river, appears to be just north of the electric mast, west of "Global Doors and Windows" (Approximate coordinates: *51°24'46.9"N 0°11'03.7"W* ) Thanks to the helicopter shot at 1:30, you can see the roundabout, as well as the industrial area at the right side of the screen with the 2 buildings that are on a tilted alignment. As well as the sharp angle of the wooded area on the top of the screen, you can see that this is taken from above the huge "Sainsbury's, Merton" building, looking south at the dig-site. Of course, the fact that there is a water-wheel in the background of the entire episode (Stephen Llevellyn Pottery on Google Maps) also confirms this. Paired with the shot at 2:43, highlighting the very site, makes this a very easy place to find.
@dawnhilton15135 күн бұрын
Absolutely wonderful TT and great effort, beautiful graphics that gives a sense of place. I cant believe i found an episode that Id missed with Mick in it.
@midget_princess22005 күн бұрын
I love seeing how happy that made Tony
@666janet5 күн бұрын
Loved this documantry cant believe it was made 11 years ago