Hell Sent - D&D Character Build
Embracing D&D Character Taboos
D&D For Beginners: Ability Scores
@BLynn Күн бұрын
Hmmm... Seems like there should be a general rule that if you can do something as a bonus action you can also do it as an action.
@kurtoogle4576 Күн бұрын
Goliaths are to Giants, as Kobolds are to Dragons. Abominable or cute?
@mikegilkey Күн бұрын
So good to see your coverage! The best thing about the new 2024 PHB is that a new player a really great place to start playing and not needed any older books.
@mikegilkey Күн бұрын
So good to see your coverage!
@donut6429 Күн бұрын
Shadarkai shadow monk, magic initiate feat for misty step, 3 lvls of ranger for gloom stalker.
@seymourfields3613 Күн бұрын
Dungeon Dudes: Crits aren't fun enough. Don't roll the extra dice. Just count them as if you rolled max on the extra dice, and then roll the normal dice and add them. WotC: Crits aren't fun enough. Let's nerf them!
@seymourfields3613 Күн бұрын
The new races, I mean species, are too sanitized. Loss of diversity, in the name of Diversity® My half orc wasn't evil. He leaned heavily into his orcish heritage after his father's death. But his human mother still gave him humanity. Being the exception to expectations is what made Ragnar who he was. Now, a good hearted orc is cannon. Sanitized. Bleh.
@MaiqTheLiarBrah 2 күн бұрын
It feels like more and more that all the race options just feel like humans wearing different hats.
@gregoryfloriolli9031 2 күн бұрын
They did a better job of balancing the races. The one thing I don’t like is tying the Feat and Ability Score bonuses do Backgrounds and not giving the Player the ability to customize. Rather than picking a Background that goes along with your role play concept, players will just pick the Background that is optimized for their Class.
@connormcconnell7805 2 күн бұрын
Magic is able to do all these things in 6 seconds An actual hacker would take at least two minutes to do the same things
@davidstutz9893 3 күн бұрын
Just finished a 3 month session and everyone outside the DM were brand new. Definitely learned after this time that there r bad choices depending on what level ur characters get to
@Nboss57 3 күн бұрын
I looked up wizard divination spells on Google and this was the first video on front page! If you didn't pay for it, congrats!
@seanphelps4057 4 күн бұрын
"Nobody is gonna say 'I wanna be the kobold fighter and pull out my battleaxe and run in.'" Me: Who after realizing how much I love Kobolds, immediately thought up "Thunk" the kobold fighter who *loves* to theow javelins into his enemies. "Oh sorry, was I not supposed to make a strength based Kobold fighter?"
@pugking4518 5 күн бұрын
Ted's character is not far off from my PC is a order of scribes wizard knowledge cleric he is the ultimate bookworm with eleven languages under his belt including common he had two years of downtime to learn more languages
@radyoung779 5 күн бұрын
I made a Githzerai Necromancer when Planescape came out in the 90s. It worked out extremely well. I played him for years.
@HappyCatholicDane 5 күн бұрын
What 😳. Why hasn’t this gone viral a long time ago?
@Trozo-f4y 6 күн бұрын
a druid is nothing but outcast geeks with animal genitalia!!
@seanmurphy7011 6 күн бұрын
@johngreatfox1382 6 күн бұрын
what if i want to make mage orc?
@justbplz 8 күн бұрын
I was thinking of taking 3 levels in sorcerer as well and meta magic adept, giving me 5 sorcerer points, heightened meta magic and quicken spell 😉 I'd still get Slvl 9 spells and all my cleric features
@beegum1 9 күн бұрын
My idea do tend to make it in print, so, I figured I'd flesh out an example party of something I mentioned. The core of this party is a wizard and in this example, I'll use a wizard who dumps all stats except INT and CHR. This is a "power of friendship" character, and so they want to travel with companions. From one to several, especially if traveling over land, less in a dungeon, although this isn't entirely necessary, I have been pushing people to explore the "power of friendship" wizard, which I think is a great thematic character. Let's say he's traveling with his friend a warrior, and noble apprentice, a wizard, who, as a noble, comes with a retainer, say a priest. Now, this would require a skilled PC to play, or the responsibility could be split further through the party... Anyway, we'll add a rogue and a ranger or druid in here. Then the traveling party that one might see will be the wizard with the NPCs. On any combat map, unless they are otherwise occupied, the scout (druid or rogue) will be on most tactically significant piece of terrain and the other will be on the second most tactically important piece of terrain. It is complex the first couple encounters, but, it's actually obvious once you're used to it. The wizard is key because you have detailed and layered combat plans. Anyway, then, also, rather than encountering the wild or the dungeon, the character harvest them.
@beegum1 9 күн бұрын
And yeah, they'll get rich fast and the enemies will hunt them and be strong.
@beegum1 8 күн бұрын
Yes, this could easily be your next BBEG.
@AncientRylanor69 9 күн бұрын
Range. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon's normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon's maximum range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack rol I. Vou can't attack a target beyond the weapon's long range. Reach. This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it.
@AncientRylanor69 9 күн бұрын
Range. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon's normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon's maximum range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack rol I. Vou can't attack a target beyond the weapon's long range. Reach. This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it.
@AncientRylanor69 9 күн бұрын
Rated Homebrew MAGIC ITEMS on D&D Beyond
@wakkwakagaming5181 10 күн бұрын
I just thought of something a dex based bard rouge build you start as barb hit level two then take three levels in rouge take assasin rouge so sneak attack also play a orc or just a tank race and just reckless attack each turn and get advantage which is a guaranteed crit and sneak attack at only level 5 you can do 1 d8 plus 4d6 every turn and also multi classing later into like blade singer or hexblade for spells
@TheMrMattStephens 11 күн бұрын
The help action, from a Arcane tricksters familiar means that every ability score check can be at advantage... This is so powerful as to be almost broken. Every check to find a trap, open a lock, pick a pocket etc etc is performed with advantage! Possibly the biggest buff any rogue can have. 😮
@paulperez6167 12 күн бұрын
Roman-Gecko wrestler....
@karlfranz5229 12 күн бұрын
I say half or more than century is an overkill to spent on one skill. being too productive on learning one thing is ironically a waste of time, or rather a misuse of time. Imagine the things u can accomplish if u can live for several centuries, and u waste a quarter or half of that time just on one thing? Elder races: live for so long, do a task on a snail pace. Humans: Short lifespan = more drive to have or acheive something =more things done Thats the irony of life, the less u have the more u crave, the more u have the more u waste cause u dont fear loosing something u have in plenty.
@AncientRylanor69 13 күн бұрын
@hunterJ-Titanking 13 күн бұрын
Ye should do an Artificer Warforged build🎉🎉
@Calebgoblin 13 күн бұрын
Would de-brainwashing be brain-filthing? I'm good at that
@elwood6548 13 күн бұрын
There’s a problem you guys didn’t talk about, what if DMing is boring, and you’re only doing it because nobody else will. Especially playing rare games like Pathfinder.nothing over powered or leads in anyway.
@Staff7 14 күн бұрын
Best staff user in 2024 is monk with weapon expert. Hope revised kensai makes it even better
@tamikof7786 16 күн бұрын
Next time, you gotta do your planning/writing in Hardcore mode *IN* the jet tub! 😂 Sounds like you guys had a blast as always! Sorry you've got what I always refer to as "the vacation hangover" <3
@nickhayley 16 күн бұрын
And here we are in 2024.🎉
@SimonClarkstone 16 күн бұрын
The 5e version could be nastier than the 3.5e version: it is "stabilized by a magical field surrounding it", so trying to disspell the magic of the 3.5e version wouldn't do much, disspelliag the magic of the 5e one will destabilise it, whatever that does.
@victorwood3344 17 күн бұрын
3rd level spell blink lets you teleport 10ft ecery time you return from the ethereal plane
@knutcasegaming 18 күн бұрын
So I was wanting to try and make my own fast dnd Character and I think I found a Centaur build that goes faster than the Tabaxi build you guys made, but consistently. Race and Classes First you choose the Centaur for 40ft movement Then Artificer-Alchemist for +10ft potion Multiclass into barbarian 5th level to get fast movement which is +10ft Next multiclass into Monk 2nd level to get unarmored movement and step of wind for an extra 10ft and a dash bonus action Multiclass into bladesinger wizard for +10ft Movement speed Final multiclass into paladin 7th level for the glory oath that gives +10 movement speed. To recap for classes and race alone we now have 95ft of movement + bonus action and action dash. Magic items We are taking Horseshoes of speed (+30ft), Eagle Whistle which should double out movement speed for walking, and Speed Potion which effectively doubles are speed twice. For a new total of 125*2(speed potion)*2(potion-dash)*2(dash)*2(dash)*2(whistle) Feats Of course we take Mobile as a feat. +10ft Grand reveal In case I did something wrong please correct me, but we should now have a grand total of 40+10+10+10+10+10+30+10 = 135ft*2^5 = 4320ft! All without spells. But wait there's more. Now as I was writing this I remembered some other things that I could include on top of this. But I left out because reasons. Aberrant Dragonmark (feat) Thanks to Eberron, we can gain this feat which will give us a Boon and by begging the DM enough we will get the Boon of speed which will increase our speed by 30ft! Teamwork makes the dreamwork! If we have a Glory-oath paladin companion ride on our back, we will still get the +10 movement speed, but now we don't need to use up all of our levels on paladin. By leveling up monk we can increase unarmored movement to +20ft of movement. So by having a companion we have basically increased our movement speed by +10ft. Not only that, but our teammate (because he is a lvl 7 glory-oath) also has the haste spell which he can cast on us. Giving us two additional doubles to our speed. And he can of course cast long strider on top of this so +10ft for that Magic Item switch up So I've found that Boots of Speed seem to be better than Horseshoes of Speed because the doubling is better than the +30ft so we will go with that from now on THE GRANDEST REVEAL (Centaur)+(Speed boon)+(Barbarian)+(Monk)+(Bladesinger)+(Alchemist-potion)+(Glory-paladin-companion)+(Mobile)+(Longstrider)*(Potion of Speed)*(Potion-Dash)*(Dash)*(Dash)*(Haste)*(Haste-dash)*(Whistle) 40+30+10+20+10+10+10+10+10 = 150ft*2^7 = 19,200ft!!!!! The best part is, I limited myself to try to make it as consistent as possible. So that's why I didn't multiclass into fighter, or use rage to get totem fighter elk. With the set up we have now you should be able to run for 6 rounds which is 115,200ft or 21.8 miles in 1 minute. That means this centaur is going 1309 MPH or nearly 1.7*the speed of sound. NOW THIS IS A SPEED DEMON
@prankyoass5561 18 күн бұрын
What about a sorlock?
@mikeseymour1792 19 күн бұрын
I am currently playing a Mousekin Phantom rogue. Just started with our first encounter almost ending in tragedy last week. Good thing for Hardscrabble..😅. He'll make a marry little murder hobo. It's a pirate themed champagne.
@SimonClarkstone 19 күн бұрын
Watch order stands out here to me, as being quite mechanics-relevant. Some GMs ask about it to know who has to make perception rolls at the specific times things happen at night (varying by darkvision), and those characters decide whether to wake the other party members up if something happens.
@gustaafargoan 19 күн бұрын
I gave the Ranger a sentient bow that spoke in pictures. It implied that it couldn't miss. It also didn't need arrows, just think of an element type and it did normal piercing and an extra 1d6 of the element type. If the to hit roll is low, the arrow flies 40 feet past the target, turns around and targets a random creature in a 60 degree cone. This took out the frontliner of the party on a critical hit once. Too good to get rid of even with the possibility of hitting your own party.
@aleccarroll7328 21 күн бұрын
Played jug fighter with obsessions with improving itself ended as a war forged dryder with rune magic we played epic level
@bloodedwindigo2635 21 күн бұрын
I think this isnt even needed to be discussed in depth. Remember that DnD is a table top roleplaying game, where the only true gods are the dices you roll. Your character can fall under any archetype you want, its just the matter of story your playing and how imaginative your dm is. Amolazonians can be a race, a specialized class, or a cultural lifestyle. Or all three, truely, it really depends on the dm, the story, and the dice. There's no need to add anything, because majority of people will assume you took 3 archetype and smashed them together to make your character.
@playlien99 21 күн бұрын
There is only one right way to start your campaign right: "Roll for Initiative"
@Oriansenshi 22 күн бұрын
I remember when 5e was more new, and we didn't have all these fancy feats it was just warcaster and mage initiate for the eldritch knight.
@hiredgoon13 22 күн бұрын
Artificer with an all purpose tool, you get proficiency with all of them and can make them as an action
@galdslinger6766 23 күн бұрын
Something really cool i found while playing an autognome is you only need 6 hours of sleep and the book lets you cast a 9th level magic circle against fiends which blocks possession from fiends for 7 hours
@JayVeeTattooz 24 күн бұрын
Bought it love it
@mactireliath2356 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for covering this game! I’ve been hearing a lot about it recently and I’m interested in hearing more!