@suengulee1828 Сағат бұрын
There are Chinese and Japanese who deliberately disparage and make Korea racist. They act on the Internet by pretending to be people from other countries or Koreans, and sometimes they pretend to be Koreans in foreign countries or Korea and act disparagingly against Korea. Be careful. They are doing a lot of damage. It's becoming a big problem right now.
@anon-zq2jc 12 сағат бұрын
Don't be a hypocrite. Get real. Where does the prejudice against Southeast Asians come from? More than half of the illegal aliens in Korea are Southeast Asians. at least hundreds of thousands. They are disrupting social norms, committing illegal acts, and even bringing drugs that were never in Korea before and spreading them in society. Have you ever seen a white person do this? Bias doesn't happen out of thin air. It is derived from some observed social statistic. I am not rationalizing xenophobia or racism for any reason, but if you look at these social phenomena and say that you shouldn't be prejudiced, you are a hypocrite.
@ArdillaCoreana24 16 сағат бұрын
Refold method is better
@Abcdefghi-g4w 17 сағат бұрын
Agr bihar me ye dukan hota to agle din ye dukan hi gayeb ho jayega
@LilyAlcee 2 күн бұрын
I am B1-B2, which university books would you recommend??
@tina4913 2 күн бұрын
How is winter in Korea 😮?
@alainpierre5317 2 күн бұрын
여기 댓글에 인터넷에서 선동글 여럿 주워 듣고 와서 한국이 무슨 대단한 인종차별국가라면서 여론전하는 동남아인들이 많아보이네. 지구 어느 국가를 가던 나쁜 놈은 항상 있는 것이고 좋지 않은 일도 있을 수 있지. 몇가지 사례를 들고 그 나라를 일반화하려고 하면 한도 끝도 없어. 피해의식이 가득해보이는 동남아인들이 그득그득 댓글 쓰고 가는 것 같은데 한국인들 일반인 대다수는 자기 인생 사는 것도 바빠. 그리고 동남아인에 대한 여론이 나쁠 때는 최근 이슈가 되는 마약 거래와 같은 범죄라던지 불법체류자 수 폭증과 같은 일이 있었기 때문이지. 그냥 인종과 관련해서 너네를 차별하거나 그러지는 않아. 여기서 열심히 근성있게 착실히 일하는 동남아인들이 있으면 도와줬으면 도와줬지 무슨 에너지가 더 있어서 걔네를 우리가 괴롭히나? 생각이란 걸 좀 해라. 이유없는 일은 없다. 느그들 잘못도 좀 생각해라. 니들 피해의식까지 챙겨줄 여력없다. 싫으면 그냥 오지마 느그들 좋아하는 일본이나 중국으로 가라. 근데 거기도 도찐개찐이야 ㅋㅋ 아닐 것 같지? 무엇을 혐오할 시간에 자기계발이나 더 해라. 수고해라 ^^.
@lassiepenniemom1951 3 күн бұрын
It all depends on the person. Decent person , well educated person would not discriminate . Racism is one of the worst things in human world.
@artkincell 3 күн бұрын
You are an honest and humble young person. Never change.
@MrBEEP369 3 күн бұрын
I really want to see food youtubers try new instant noodles instead of same shin and buldak
@4ce5bf154 3 күн бұрын
So true, korean dramas and movies have made an image that in Korea everyone is a bully, racist, nobody gets married or have children and everyone is suicidal, lol. At the end is just a normal country but we do work, study and drink harder than most of the other countries that is true, but it's just how we are.
@4ce5bf154 3 күн бұрын
As a Korean that loves Texas and would love to move and live there but can't, I find this video funny. I wish we could change nationalities like and Airbnb, life would be so much easier.
@balinism-g2x 3 күн бұрын
제노포비아같은 소리하네
@alainpierre5317 2 күн бұрын
ㄹㅇㅋㅋ 무슨 누가보면 한국에서 동남아인만 보면 한국인들이 인종차별하는 줄 알겠음. 피해의식에 먹이를 주는 한심한 놈들도 보이고.
@Fynmarr 4 күн бұрын
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! Also, that Air BnB was so cheap, my goodness.
@AndrewP75 4 күн бұрын
So when you went here, did you have a visa going to Korea? Also did you do a major?
@msv4865 5 күн бұрын
Finally someone talking abt them being racist af. But what still bothers me is the fact no one mentions how racist they are ESPECIALLY MORE towards people with tan and dark skin. Worse if you mention you’re from ir ethnically from a south american country
@bayjustin3885 7 күн бұрын
I love coupang !
@mezohx 7 күн бұрын
Well. I could say that I'm experiencing the same thing that you did in the past. I'm just tired of waking up in the same place, same street, same country, you know. Hopefully in 3 - 4 years I can eventually move out... To South Korea specifically lol, I've had interest in Asian countries for maybe 1 - 2 years now. But yeah, I'll focus on finishing university, once I graduate I'll try to apply for a job in South Korea and see how that goes.
@WeShallOvercome_ 7 күн бұрын
@e.m.r.p.421 8 күн бұрын
Two decades ago, living in London, I would occasionally treat myself to a $20 USD jar of peanut butter from a similar type of import shop. Sometimes it’s worth it.
@Vibepikodansha 9 күн бұрын
@glong2720 9 күн бұрын
I think many are leaving US due to the politics and direction of the country. I left my country to live in US and never regretted it. Having said that this country has changed and not for the better. I was told in the last 3 years 1.5 million people have left the US pewr year due to excessive costs. Glad you are happy.
@ee143liy 10 күн бұрын
18k cafes in seoul? Whoa it's insane i expexted like 5k
@kimnar8166 10 күн бұрын
It is very interesting for me to watch this video clip, because I am Korean who has been living in Seoul for 35 years and now very sick of it and are trying to find a living abroad to America where I've thought my dream country. My language might let me in a difficulty the hope but I keep studying English for my dreaming come true one day. Very happy to see that you love Korea so much and hope you continue to enjoy Korea life :)
@imyummy2909 10 күн бұрын
NewJeans received so many plagiarism lawsuits. They copied Mexican Jeans concept and Shakatak sound.
@imyummy2909 10 күн бұрын
Illit is better than NewJeans ngl
@imyummy2909 10 күн бұрын
Min Hee Jin is a criminal.
@imyummy2909 10 күн бұрын
Hanni lied
@imyummy2909 10 күн бұрын
zionist brand deals for newjeans
@user-bjresegj18hyd 10 күн бұрын
Korean people tend to be loud when they're with their friends, but they are reserved around strangers.
@3rica-.-gn3il 11 күн бұрын
Idk why but I HATE American cheese w my ramen like I HATE it
@ry77623 11 күн бұрын
I cringed so hard when he placed cheese on that... THATS NOT THE TYPE OF RAMEN YOU PLACE CHEESE ON.. and dont even get me started with him breaking the fucking ramen
@riceball100 12 күн бұрын
I use those instant coffee now because it's so easy and has become my breakfast routine. It tastes almost like fresh ones and less hassel
@_.borahae 12 күн бұрын
Bro, Hybe is not a charity. New Jeans were spoiled, that's the problem. Anyone who has done their research knows exactly that MHJ already was problematic for SM. She's beyond despicable after everything she has done. Just to name one thing, sneakily trying to taking down other girlgroups and spreading things around to advance New Jeans. Talking about New Jeans being copied when she is the one that copies and plagiarized. She was greedy and bit the hand that fed her with a ploy of tricks and lies. New Jeans were manipulated by her. I think they suffer from grooming. To then stand there and whine about wanting their mommy back after knowing exactly what MHJ did is ridiculous. You can see that they have zero confidence in themselves and have become too dependent on this woman. Because let's be honest, they don't write their songs, do any choreo or have a concept in their head. They should have just waited. Hybe wouldn't have given up on them like that. But to stand there and demand from Hybe that they want MHJ back... Who do these kids think they are? They make unreasonable demands on their boss and insult him in completely unjustified ways. With their live stream and their behavior they have now put themselves on the sidelines. New Jeans are just a number and only make a few percent profit for Hybe. They can be easily replaced. I bet they will be in Hybes dungeon or get blacklisted if they get out of their contracts.
@BenDover-cm5mo 12 күн бұрын
Man, NewJeans is THE group that got me into Kpop and South Korean culture, and even studying the Korean language! It really breaks my heart seeing them like this...
@shazaza1 12 күн бұрын
To clarify - MHJ sought an injunction to prevent Hype from exercising its voting rights to remove her as CEO in the shareholders meeting. The court granted the injunction and explained that while Min Hee-jin's action might be seen as betrayal, it’s difficult to rule it out as a breach of trust. Hybe reported the case and evidence to the police and the investigation is underway. MHJ has been interviewed by the police, but I think to date has still not turn in her work laptop which the company owns, despite multiple requests. There are a number of lawsuits ongoing between MHJ and Hybe entities. Apparently, NJ's livestream without the company's knowledge was a breach of their contract. MHJ told KBS that she tried to stop NJ from doing the livestream because it would breach their contract. MHJ is still an internal director of Ador and didn't report this to Ador which violated her duty to Ador. There have been concerns over MHJ's in appropriate portray of minors since her SM days and also with "Cookie" by NJ, how she dealt with an alleged harassment case by a young female employee while she was CEO, and negative remarks she's made about NJ's looks and talent. NJ reportedly were given the entire 2nd highest floor in the Hybe building, an apartment in Hannam to live in, paid millions far earlier than other groups, and were able to take vacations earlier than other groups. Being allegedly ignored isn't good. All things should be considered As you mention, NJ were minors when MHJ started producing them. She was given a lot of autonomy in managing them and they didn't interact as much as the other groups in Hybe. Due to their success, they trust her a lot. They seem to have an emotional bond. I think if NJ are so unhappy at Hybe they should leave and join MHJ. All this is affecting other Hybe artists whose names have been dragged in. The vibe in the building with so much tension must not be good, the environment must be toxic. I don't want them to affect other artists in Hybe. MHJ had said that initially, she considered starting her own agency but it she didn't want to use her own money. Given all the legal proceedings, mistrust and unhappiness, it would be better for NJ to leave Hybe. I don't know why they want to stay and MHJ wants to return. I used to love NJ, but all this drama has taken a toll and their attitude and rudeness in the livestream really soured things for me.
@speciesgal 10 күн бұрын
My guess, if I'm understanding what I've seen correctly, is that MHJ wants back into the CEO position because the way her contract is written her stock options are tied to her being the CEO and she stands to lose about 75 million USD if she isn't reinstated. Seems to me like she has brainwashed the girls into making an ultimatum to Hybe implying that they will file for an injunction to have the courts terminate their contracts due to "mistreatment" if MHJ is not reinstated, which would also nullify their penalties (estimated between 400-600 million USD). I think the girls screwed up if all they got is the manager story, and I've seen no other evidence of anything that would cause the courts to terminate their contractual obligations, if anything they have given grounds to Hybe to terminate their contracts and sue them for breach because of that live stunt they pulled. The girls implied that there were things they could not talk about for legal reasons, so maybe they have some tea that none of us know about but it's going to be ugly no matter how it ends.
@shazaza1 10 күн бұрын
@@speciesgal I think you have summarized it well, it's going to get even more ugly.
@bongji-p8t 12 күн бұрын
the thing with kpop artists is they dont make their own music and they are attached to their companies to have a sound, identity, style. so probably they feel they are nothing without certain individuals.
@neildaoey4927 12 күн бұрын
Boo hoo hoo. You are putting NJ on a pedestal way too high. NJ deserves everything that’s coming to them. New Jeans are ingrates.
@miniha5541 12 күн бұрын
Support NewJeans ❤❤❤❤❤
@souvikpoddar8113 12 күн бұрын
Dude, this is stolen content!!
@Bella_for_you7 12 күн бұрын
(initial thoughts) Honestly I dont want njs to disband but if they support min heejin its better off that they leave hybe.
@momogogochew 12 күн бұрын
...i think that's what they want too. why would they stay there lmao
@AngelitoRage 12 күн бұрын
but tehy must pay a fine for canceling the contract agreement which is not small
@joyeetaghosh2209 12 күн бұрын
They are so dependent on mhj that they cant see her bad how she dragged them​@@momogogochew
@Bella_for_you7 12 күн бұрын
@@joyeetaghosh2209 it's sad that they support her when she is practically insane. Maybe HYBE isn't good but min Heejin isn't any better 💀
@joyeetaghosh2209 12 күн бұрын
@@Bella_for_you7 that's right
@Alice-sw9hf 13 күн бұрын
Boo Hoo, when the staff member reported sexual harassment to MHJ she did nothing but humiliate her, so much for her motherly instincts.
@bunnygirlsenpai4520 10 күн бұрын
Lol and the Staff member don't even have proof to back up her accusations of SA!!
@Jiarnuu 10 күн бұрын
guess who dismiss the case
@B1-CynD 13 күн бұрын
Hi! I appreciate your clear detailed communication style. 👍 Sending you positive vibes from Southern California. 🙂 - K American noona learning about my K roots, culture, language, etc.
@thecopycatcustomvintage 13 күн бұрын
The CCTV footage Hybe had showing her outside the makeup room was from 3 months ago. Three months ago, there was no "new" CEO . The person in charge was still MHJ. So who exactly did she report the "bullying" to? They have made themselves a liability.
@pw6787 13 күн бұрын
HYBE did NOT show the actual video they came up with a BS alternative and lied about the encounter to save their OWN ass
@kanohane 13 күн бұрын
​@@pw6787Hybe has not said anything...yall slow af...
@J.bombom 13 күн бұрын
HYBE spends money on odd things like paying for comments and using reactionary KZbinrs. It seems like HYBE sees NewJeans as a group they want to push down.
@KDMc1111 12 күн бұрын
@notcrispynough 13 күн бұрын
I don't tend to comment because I know how people are on the internet, but I just wanted to say that for te injuction, the court agrees that Min Hee Jin was onto something that could potentially hurt HYBE, but not Ador that's why she could stay in her place. But HYBE knows she's untrustworthy so they don't want her in there. I feel like people are led by their emotions over this matter and are not seeing the full picture. HYBE is a company their business even though they create idols, is all about money. That means that if a group is not profitable enough they're not going to invest more into the group in question. It's not the case here. NewJeans is profitable and massively known by the public so why would they disband them. The problem here resolves around the fact that HYBE doesn't trust Min Hee Jin and want nothing to do with her. They're not trying to create a bad environment for the girls, they're trying to clean the mess. I like NewJeans, I find them cute and I like their sound and it breaks my heart that they think that they can't succeed without Min Hee Jin. I don't want to look more into the accident with Hanni but I feel like Source staff and Belift statff might be on edge because their companies are actually sueing Min Hee Jin and don't want to may be to add fuel to the fire. We can't really know because we have only one side of the story. I feel for the girls, and I think this feud is going to make history because first it never happened before, and then, it's rare that a group decides to attack their company. I can't prove anyhing so I can't confirm it, but I feel like the fact that trainees are so young can be a problem, because companies, adults are litteraly taking advantage of their dreams. Some are lucky and debut, but some don't. Maybe the girls are totally aware of what is happening and have decided to take a side, or maybe they're actually being manipulated because we know for a fact that Min Hee Jin wants her own label and the girls to follow her. I just people to stay aware, and don't let their emotions into it. I know parasocial relationships are real but the fact that people are this invested into these people lives is mindblowing to me, we don't really know what's going on inside the building, the relation between peope and what's led to everything, so let's stay focus on our lives and let's keep moving forward.
@KH-ik3jg 13 күн бұрын
Best summary of this situation 👏🏽
@MoonstoneStarChaser 13 күн бұрын
There wasn’t any evidence. Full stop.
@pw6787 13 күн бұрын
The one investigating is HYBE themselves, that would be stupid if they incriminated themselves and told the press it was their fault. I work in entertainment and this happens OFTEN. The girls 100% told the truth, the fact that their publicity HALTED IMMEDIATELY a couple weeks after MinheeJin got investigated means HYBE PURPOSELY TRIED TO KILL OFF NEWJEANS. Stop promoting TOXIC companies that abuse children and teens!
@SLite930 13 күн бұрын
You did a really good job explaining this! Thank you.