Marginalia from Zoom University
Engineering in 348 Words or Less
12. Fluid Dynamics of Drag (Part IV)
12. Fluid Dynamics of Drag (Part III)
12. Fluid Dynamics of Drag (Part II)
12. Fluid Dynamics of Drag (Part I)
To Engineer is Human
10 жыл бұрын
20. Aerodynamic Generation of Sound
21. Magnetohydrodynamics
13 жыл бұрын
19. Rotating Flows
13 жыл бұрын
18. Stratified Flow
13 жыл бұрын
17. Rarefied Gas Dynamics
13 жыл бұрын
16. Cavitation
13 жыл бұрын
15. Flow Instabilities
13 жыл бұрын
14. Waves in Fluids
13 жыл бұрын
@jasonjazrawy5931 2 күн бұрын
Well this interview hasn’t aged well. I just listened to a Wakefield interview from a few days ago and he’s doing very well. It should be obvious to everyone now that his 1998 paper was completely misrepresented; made out to be something completely different from what it is. And today we can see the corruption of the media and Big Pharma, the scientific fraud and the collusion between them and MSM, having endured the debacle of the COVID Plandemic and the mandated jabs. Commenters from years ago should be ashamed of what they wrote here; obviously not one read the original paper. Well, now there’s so much science and evidence vindicating Wakefield that people have to work really hard to keep themselves ignorant. May this video live in infamy (to quote another villain), showing how scum like Cooper used their platforms to spread lies.
@VaughanMcCue 16 күн бұрын
I loved this video and appreciate you providing it. The fridge light never goes out in a house full of teenage boys! 9;30 4Sep'24 -G.M.T.
@VaughanMcCue 16 күн бұрын
thanks for this
@VaughanMcCue 16 күн бұрын
Glad to see this material from the Dark Ages. We have come a long way since, and nothing much has changed. 8;30 4 Sep'24-G.M.T.
@mariauspensky2027 16 күн бұрын
Anderson Cooper is the worst journalist ever existed! Just terribly unethical and unprofessional! Never going to watch his BS again!
@RonHarrisMe 26 күн бұрын
No matter WHO YOU ARE.. WATCH THIS VIDEO. He is called a TRUTH TELLER. He passed away a while ago, he was THE GOAT when it comes to debunking the ignorance out there. There world is a bit LESS HUMAN without Randi in it. RIP Randi.
@VinayNandurdikar 28 күн бұрын
@MelanieMaguire 29 күн бұрын
The springs in the heels sounds like a great idea! And I reckon they'd work - they harness the force of gravity (your weight compressing the spring) and push it back to lift your body up. Like a trampoline. 😁
@MerePasser-by-7482 Ай бұрын
Very cool video.❤
@pedrorosendoalvaradorivera1601 Ай бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:34 *Flow instabilities are common in various fluid phenomena, influencing everything from plumes of smoke to flows between concentric cylinders.* 01:39 *Turbulent instability often marks the onset of chaotic flow patterns, observed in phenomena like turbulent plumes.* 03:55 *Interfaces between fluids of different densities can exhibit Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, leading to wave formation and potential turbulence.* 05:28 *Air blowing over a liquid surface can generate waves as a form of flow instability, demonstrating amplification characteristics influenced by airflow speed.* 07:19 *Flow instability mechanisms act as frequency-selective amplifiers, triggering wave growth from random disturbances in the airflow.* 09:48 *Experimental setups illustrate how airflow speed influences wave amplification, showing distinct amplification thresholds at varying speeds.* 13:24 *Flow instability's characteristics are governed by parameters like wind speed and frequency response, crucial for understanding amplification conditions.* 17:44 *Various flow instabilities, such as Taylor instabilities and Benard cells, exhibit distinct energy supplies and critical parameters influencing their development.* 23:31 *Reynolds number plays a critical role in flow instability, as seen in examples like vortex shedding behind cylinders.* Made with HARPA AI
@hintergedanke1069 Ай бұрын
You need to be at least naive if not an idiot to think and believe that Islam doesn't promote martyrdom in the name of God and with the intention of fucking virgins in Paradise. İslam is the mother lode of bad ideas.
@ThinkTechnikk Ай бұрын
James Randi amazing mann🌹🌹🌹🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍💕💕💕💕👌👌👌💖💖❤❤❤❤❤❤💕💕🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@jasonmccredden1050 Ай бұрын
I believe we can all walk on water. It's only the shame of your ego that makes it impossible.
@jasonmccredden1050 Ай бұрын
E.S.P. is a part of nature . Animals 100% have E.S.P. . I once spoke to my girlfriend with my mind. I had no control over it it just happened. We had just watched a Freddy Krueger movie at the cinema and we were in that heightened state of spookiness a voice combined with an image yelled out in my mind and she heard it and reacted accordingly which freaked us both right out. Maybe it's something that you could control but this happened 30 years ago and hasn't happened since but that night I certainly spoke to her through thought very strange. One thing I will say is it was very exhausting afterwards
@BlisaBLisa Ай бұрын
i feel like not enough skeptics understand that looking down on people who buy into this kind of shit and being snarky about them is insufferable and bad at changing peoples minds lol. i know plenty of people still hated randi but its nice how hes consistently insisted that you shouldnt think of people who fall for these scammers as stupid
@brianmueller7913 Ай бұрын
Of course Randy will compliment his audience and not call them stupid for being fooled by a magician, or a professional huckster. Randy's harm comes from him implying that ALL paranormal experiences are fake because they cannot be explained by our worshiped science community. I would have liked to hear him comment on the consistency of NDE experiences or UFO's...that science has yet to understand. Are those all fake too? Imagine him saying "the UFO you saw was not real because you cannot make it come back appear right now." Randy was also a huckster.
@EleanorPeterson Ай бұрын
Regarding the still-unclaimed $1,000,000 award... James jokes about not wanting to lose the money, but I imagine that he'd have been absolutely DELIGHTED to have been able to present it to a genuine and deserving applicant because having to do so would mean that someone, somewhere, had produced real evidence that a phenomenon new to science actually existed. That's all that he wanted. You think the Earth's flat? Fine. Show me the flatness and the money's yours. You've got some magic beans? Great. Show me. The money's yours if you can provide proof that what you claim is true. Your pet cat is psychic? Hmm. Got any evidence? Likewise, if people of faith - any faith - want to be taken seriously and not regarded as self-deluding crackpots, all they need to do is produce some evidence to support their extraordinary claims. Just one bit of proof that their God or gods or angels or souls or spirits or demons or magic flying prophets are anything more than superstitious wishful thinking and have some basis in reality. Those believers have no trouble in dismissing all the hundreds or thousands of near-forgotten other supreme beings that mankind's invented in the past, so... What makes their equally imaginary God so special? Why should anyone take their claims seriously? Just one single scrap of evidence would do. One fact. If they COULD provide it, it would herald the most astonishing and important discovery in human history. But... it ain't gonna happen, is it. In fact, I'll bet you a million quid (or bucks or euros or pazools or bars of gold-pressed latinum) that it'll never happen. Prove me wrong, someone. PLEASE.
@BellaFirenze Ай бұрын
He came out as gay in 2010 at age 82. He had been in a relationship with Venezuelan artist Jose Alvarez since the '80s.
@sillygoose9666 Ай бұрын
I know how randy new when she wrote the word down randy was watching 👀 the top of the pencil ✏️
@jairoduquerobles1696 2 ай бұрын
Here bc I need it to my Darcy FEM implementation.
@Phyz7 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant. Summary 24:22
@alan4yt 2 ай бұрын
A media encourages people to have step cell injections for knee cartridge rebuilding .cost £2000 it did not work even though he was based in a west London. NHS hospital (for cash). The success. Stories were all. Lies the doctor disappeared a year after treatment a big media. Campaign the cure would happen after 18 months ! At least half of all tge many top technical companies I worked for had new directors that were phoney and after quiting them politely about previous employers I was demoted and got rid of, they were got rid of not long after !
@BitterTast3 2 ай бұрын
Audio is 10 seconds ahead of the video.
@anshulsuri5619 2 ай бұрын
Rayleigh flow
@grawakendream8980 2 ай бұрын
he's right, but what he's asking is impracticable, which is essential to combat belief. the only path would be to honor and respect the grave situation of a religio-spiritual mental health condition presents, and work to desacralize the belief through social support structures. that's my take anyway. i think it's been shown that anything punitive helps to isolate and radicalize and deepen the sacralization process in people
@jeanmarais337 2 ай бұрын
Great conference. Thank you for sharing.
@idontcare4490 4 ай бұрын
Okay so it’s been 13 years since this talk. What are the updates? Did we do it?
@granitfog 4 ай бұрын
Existential security gives rise to liberalism; liberalism thrives in an environment of existential security, while the deficit of security allows liberalism ot be rejected or to gives rise to fundamentalism - excellent (~TS 8:20+)
@user-yi3dw1uk8g 4 ай бұрын
Neil always trying to show how insignificant humans are
@markrussell3428 5 ай бұрын
How about: Shadbreet (transmasculine) Mushareff (CIS-lesbian) and Adele (non-Binary) all age 4. LET US ALL AGREE - this is child abuse.
@markrussell3428 5 ай бұрын
2:00 min to understand Tyson you need to see "20. Richard Dawkins - Beyond Belief 2006" Dawkin's comments were biting and they were beautifully eloquent, summoned up as: "“Roughgarden, the science doesn’t care about your feelings". Dawkins closing comment here nails it again! It is precisely what needs to be said. In hindsight, Tyson is heading down the road of intellectual appeasement. He comes out of this looking bad - really bad, given his desire for compromise and falling prey to "sensitivity" and "being nice", In 2006, this is preciously the weakness the likes of Roughgarden seek to exploit - intellectual appeasement. This is what is responsible for the deplorable state of the sciences in 2024. Roughgarden has succeeded in undermining biological realities - manipulated people and the mutilation of children has become the result. With that, Roughgarden is very happy.
@markrussell3428 5 ай бұрын
So awesome to look back at Roughgarden from 2024. This person just wants everyone to be nice and ignore reality so a distorted biological perspective can take hold and the actual science is explained away. The real sadistic motives of 2006 have become all the more clear today, notice how Roughgarden even slips in "power" as the central tenants to the thesis. Another "mystical" dimension that goes along with using theology to explain things away. There is no social conflict here - its a confused scientist that is establishing a world view that grooms and confuses children. Dawkins in his own poetic manner is essentially saying "I don't care about your feelings or moral imperatives". IF more scientists actually put facts and the best scientific truth forward the world would be in a better place and the U.S. sex reassignment surgery market size wouldn't have ballooned to an estimated USD 2.1 billion in 2022.
@markrussell3428 5 ай бұрын
This is a pathetic attempt by Roughgarden to feel validated and will go so far as to use faith as an instrument. Roughgarden wants to make nice and in so doing doesn't give a crap about the collateral damage being done to children.
@spockspock 6 ай бұрын
Very good.
@gonzalogarcia-atance5840 6 ай бұрын
For ultrasonic cavitation, you can use this dimensionless number:
@moesypittounikos 7 ай бұрын
Its wierd seing Ben Stiller buying a ticket to a V.S Ramachandran talk instead of being in films when he was younger.
@moesypittounikos 7 ай бұрын
Why does Richard Dawkins insist the priest who reported seeing nothing when wearing the Persinger helmet was lying when he himself says he saw nothing? Did you miss that slight of hand? Another slight of hand is when Dawkins goes on to say that he himself saw nothing to force the conclusion of the hypothesis of Persinger, as he wants the conclusion to be true, when both subjects reported the same thing. Then Richard Dawkins smuggled an anti-scientific idea in his monologue in arguing the Persinger helmet produces religious experiences to those who want to believe. This why Dawkins said the priest was lying. What a agoistic man to presume the conclusion and insist another subject isn't telling the truth because it doesn't fit his conclusion. Isn't Richard Dawkins acting like those religious people who insist the other guy is sinful? And the fact V.S Ramachandran doesn't spot Dawkins absurdities is because he also wants to believe his own model of the universe. I think Americans think Brits are sophisticated, like James Bond, and this must be why Richard Dawkins is sean as a heavyweight mind😅 I'm baffled as the near adulation and worship surrounding Richard Dawkins. The man is a narcissist. And the above one upmanship from Richard Dawkins peppers most of his KZbin clips. He isnt a fair player in he arena of truth but, like a cult leader, his adoring devotees hang on his every word. Richard Dawkins is wined and dined by a dumbed down world.
@srewsmurf 7 ай бұрын
@DrZoonotics 7 ай бұрын
Quack Wakefield, like tRump, is a whiny SOB crying how he is a "victim".
@ingeniousmechanic 7 ай бұрын
Craziest, most insane thing ever, is that peter popoff has been BACK on television selling his miracle water for several years now 🙄 Mr Randi spent many years doing a great service to his fellow man, by calling out these frauds. I hope he found peace with God and Christ. I firmly believe in the God of the Bible, i understand Mr Randi had doubts about that. Unfortunately, he was brought into a group, like many, that have spent centuries misinterpreting that old book for their own gain. I've had the privilege and blessings of being born and surrounded by many who simply and himbly take the Bible for what it is, and continually seek Gods guidance and blessing in interpreting and applying it to our lives not for gain, but for His Glory.
@eatfrenchtoast 4 ай бұрын
Are there any religions or Holy Books that are not real in your estimation?
@ingeniousmechanic 4 ай бұрын
@@eatfrenchtoast the only 'holy book' worth mentioning is the Bible. There are thousands of things and ideas through the ages that humans have worshipped, and I understand that the Bible isn't 'easy' to believe, but there's no question there's no other book in history quite as unique as the Bible. And just on a personal note, I feel there is power in that old book. No other spiritual idea has been copied, questioned, misrepresented, or emulated, or plagiarized as much as God of the Bible.
@dirtycelinefrenchman 9 ай бұрын
Atran presents science, empirical data, which goes against Harris’s claims and, tellingly, Harris rolls on past, refusing to engage with the evidence. This is a good example of Harris’s zealotry and preference for scientism over actual science. This is where his commitment to logical argumentation breaks down. Ironically, for Harris, the cause trumps the evidence. All these years later and it’s a paradox h’s never brought himself to confront.
@dirtycelinefrenchman 9 ай бұрын
Buddhists martyr themselves for political causes, it’s called self-immolation.
@dirtycelinefrenchman 9 ай бұрын
Buddhists martyr themselves for political causes, it’s called self-immolation.
@weavethehawk 9 ай бұрын
I LOVE this guy. He performs tricks and calls them TRICKS. He's an atheist, just like me, and there is no magical nonsense to being a person who does NOT believe in the supernatural, unfortunately, he died. He did NOT PASS AWAY, he simply died. I have never heard anyone explain where people "pass away" to when they say "he/she passed away". There is no "passing". there is living, and dying. We will, all of us, experience both conditions. Unfortunately we will be unable to relate to the rest of the fortunate remaining living, what death is like. I'd love to know, and be able to deliver a report, but unfortunately, I'll be dead.
@jakubdub7557 8 ай бұрын
@jakubdub7557 8 ай бұрын
Yes. There is passing because death is not the end. 😊
@jakubdub7557 8 ай бұрын
Not. Unfortunately he not died. He Pass away because death is not permanent. There is hard fact life after death. You must get over it.
@jakubdub7557 8 ай бұрын
Supernatural is fact. 😊
@jakubdub7557 8 ай бұрын
This Guy was miseable people
@ashwin246 9 ай бұрын
OK ramkumar
@ochithyafernando1050 10 ай бұрын
which one was the phony movie scene tho
Fooled by 1 man, Gellor - The CIA spent millions of $$$s on paranormal investigation : ( 1 man, Randi, also paid by the CIA, proved the CIA wrong ! We know the CIA are incompetent, but anyone smell a rat ? ? : )
@Katherine-g1r 10 ай бұрын
miss you so much, my love
@Bar_Steward 11 ай бұрын
sometimes i think these PHD guys just wanted an excuse to talk to the amazing Randi
@failurehaus5979 11 ай бұрын
this is great content, but why the hell is this the only visual fluid videos available? like i don't even think my professors know what the shit they're teaching in the textbook means or represents, everything is just a simulation. Why the hell doesn't anyone still do stuff like this anymore to actually teach people something
@fretzT_T 5 ай бұрын
physical fluid simulation takes time and resources. So most of the simulation is done on computers. But concepts like this are very hard to simulate on computer for the average professor and requires deep simulation knowledge. So they leave it altogether.
@connorgreenwell1031 11 ай бұрын
Rodi's fluids class where you at