@CactousMan639 2 сағат бұрын
... and on top of all that, not offering 2v2 in this kind of game is LAME ;(
@ShaneeeXD Күн бұрын
how did he do that 1:40
@utilityaccount8514 6 күн бұрын
I have learned to simply use Alula at all times and if you can't make it work for you then change something else because mobility is just that important unless you are so heavy that only the SPD will do
@julious129 7 күн бұрын
im pretty new to AC, and this was my first ever game I've played in the franchise, but holy hell, i dont know how people play meta builds. It's so boring, i like actually needing to do something for my damage, then i watch older AC gameplay (my fav being AC:FA) and it looks completely diffrent in how it looks amd feels. i dont know much about the technical side of this argument, but i will say all my lightweight builds aren't meta or tuned for high damage numbers. a lot of them need good EN management, spacing, etc. so imagine my surprise when i go into a match feeling as if my "skill" would get me through, and i get dogged on by a heavyweight missles build. it doesn't help that i like to use soft-lock, assualt boost to mimic overboost and quick turn to feel more in control and nimble. this has mostly just been a rant from a new player, but i want soft-lock on lightweights to be a bit more viable for combat. if i can't out maneuver a heavy opponent because his stagger isn't going up or he's doing mad damage numbers because my Ransetsu-RF & AR combo is like a toddler throwing rocks to these big boy missles and laser connons sniping me from across the map then i just can't use 50% of my lightweight builds in pvp.
@CodenameMood 7 күн бұрын
Have fun with the game, people do not understand anything but winning anymore, it's mind-rotting.
@lucasramos7085 8 күн бұрын
PvP in this game is so bad that i just decided that i will never buy the game
@xig9206 8 күн бұрын
Imagine being a metaslave and somehow becoming a gatekeeper
@emruld_fox 14 күн бұрын
you you could probably hit that with manual aim camera manipulation
@joewas2225 24 күн бұрын
I've never once played PVP & I've never once updated the game. It's been perfectly fine since launch. No bugs or glitches. I would've updated for the new parts if nothing was nerfed or buffed. Especially Balteaus & the Sea Spider which are jokes of a boss. Everyone was ranting on how hard Balteaus was & it literally only took 6 tries. 5 of those were either cause I was too conservative or greedy. If I can keep count then the boss was too damn easy. Cel 240 & Ayre I stopped counting after 10.
@blazinmatt1660 27 күн бұрын
He is right. Ranked is bad due to unbalanced weapons and the like...
@goofyasshole82 29 күн бұрын
Lmao good for you for being able to skill gap with a mid build but like, there’s playing to win and playing to have fun. Coming from fighting games, if I’m competing and playing to win why am I gonna pick a bad build? I’m gonna pick the best shit for my playstyle always. You want to feel like your wins are earned and so you pick what you think is cool to you and that’s fine, but don’t be so upset when your shit isn’t consistent. It straight up sounds like you’re playing to win, not winning with your special unique build, and then getting mad that you lost on character select.
@thefenresgamer666 Ай бұрын
I love AC6, but I see where your coming from, and I will desperately await the point where meta builds aren't as good as they are currently so I can have fun in skill based PvP, but that day isn't near.
@GLaevateinn Ай бұрын
Bruh how
@chadheathjr3371 Ай бұрын
Only ravens go melee only. I’ve ran through the game mellenonly first play through. Guns just don’t do it for me. Only gun I use is orbit cause it’s cute
@mathias2001154 Ай бұрын
I tried melee with dual pistols and a pulse blade(should've used bronze lining), it resulted in a rage quit followed by me very calmly gaining a acute fracture in my hand.
@CodenameMood Ай бұрын
My condolences.
@Rigel_6 Ай бұрын
Gridwalkers I find to be perfect pairing for Kasuar leg ultra lightweights. They provide high boost speed, I belive 3rd or 4th highest, behind things like the SPD and Alula, while having the best upwards thrust. Relatively medicore QB speed and reload, but that doesn't matter as much with RJ side jump compensating for it. It lets you abuse verticality and quickly create space or close tha gap, since it also has either 2nd or 3rd highest melee lunge thrust too. It's only weakness is if you find yourself hovering high in the air vs a long range laser/missile build, since mid-air QBs are not the greatest
@C-Vite Ай бұрын
There are two types of people in customizable competitive games: People that constantly complain about meta builds, but make up for using honest and creative builds, and people that abuse and spam meta builds, but make up for enjoying what the game offers and having fun.
@jackgunnill7836 Ай бұрын
This guy was sort of right, the pvp really was flawed, but there were definitely points he complained about that were kinda difficult to get past in a game with build customisation. I played BVO (sort of, I never used basho as I just though they were ugly) up to S rank and was never really ashamed of it. Its my first Armored Core game and that was the syle I'd gravitated towards in PVE so I continued to play it in PVP. The only times I really felt like it was too much was when I ended up fighting quirky lightweights. Laser lightweights or missile rats could compet fine. Almost every medium weight could compete fine. Tanks were a nightmare no matter what they were running. Maybe I just wasnt very good. But I didn't complain when somebody brought a ranged build that could keep my CQB setup from working. I built for a certain range, I cant expect everybody to fight there. Haven't played in months now. I do miss it but I can't be bothered to learn a new build, I'll just keep BVO (ish) in PVE. Fly high.
@brendanwalters287 Ай бұрын
What IS THIS SONG?????
@jager477 Ай бұрын
I don’t fully believe your opinion on the pile bunker considering you keep using it as your finisher.
@blight9024 Ай бұрын
I don't mind playing against someone who's actually trying to fight me even if it's kind of cheap sometimes when you get to S rank majority of the fights will be people who fly high in the air shooting down at you, you try your best to close the distance but they're so out of reach and even if you get really close they just melee you which causes you to take massive damage and fall also getting hit by all the projectiles
@hare75 Ай бұрын
I'll say it again, armored core 6 combat >>> sekiro combat
@Lionhart1991 Ай бұрын
Lore accurate Rusty
@sonario0074 Ай бұрын
While it's not purely melee focused, would you classify a lightweight with dual machine guns, a 6 projectile missile launcher and a pile bunker as an honest build or would it fall into rat territory?
@lemoncurry351 Ай бұрын
If lower Attitude Recovery values meant greater periods immobility, the weight classes would actually be on even ground I just wanna pile some damn bunkers
@lemoncurry351 Ай бұрын
I’ve found that the Gridwalkers are surprisingly accommodating for a *boost addiction* . They can synergize with an acrobatic playstyle, efficient highspeed engagement/disengagement, maintaining a close distance for close range weapons, and can cover enough melee distance for QB to cooldown and cancel your attack. I highly recommend experimenting with them so long as you *do not panic dodge* as well as strafe left-right to optimize your evasion
@lemoncurry351 Ай бұрын
You are so right. Knowing how to move is an absolute *must*. Relearning how to dance around opponents took me all the way through C rank
@DMMRNE Ай бұрын
It happens to me but its not very often.
@Lionhart1991 2 ай бұрын
I prefer a x2 zimm that rush at me but the kite build are... just bad man, they need to do something about it (not the ransetsu ones, those are far better to face)
@lockprimus7243 2 ай бұрын
Question; since the Fluegel boosters got its melee thrust buffed from patch 1.06, would they also be viable for melee builds?
@deadgunslinger8489 2 ай бұрын
Do you plan on making more videos? Doenst need to be AC6. It could very much be about other Armored core games or some other thing
@CodenameMood 2 ай бұрын
I'm still looking for avenues on what to do content creation wise. I've been streaming daily however, currently Final Fantasy XIV has it's grasp on me.
@Sakira198 2 ай бұрын
I thought it was just me wishing that there was more creativity and experimenting in ranked instead of the same kitey bullshit that spends most of the match running from you and gradually whittling down your health. Glad to see I am not alone. I have a special build for kiting bastards that chases them down on the wheelchair and unloads shotguns and laser cannons in their face. It's been surprisingly effective at punishing the playstyle, and I remember one dude I kept randomly matching with got so annoyed he finally swapped the kite for a heavyweight and came at me. I wasn't even mad when he ran my wheelchair over like an 18 wheeler running a red light. Just satisfied I finally made someone do something other than run away and hold down r2 for two minutes straight.
@stewardessofrot 2 ай бұрын
bunked their fuckin router oml ;o;
@Gingaa187 2 ай бұрын
The PvP community is pure cancer. I achieved A Rank recently but i think im done with the PvP till they nerf certain weapons *cough* ETSJIN *cough*. But fr seriously, ever since they buffer that weapon, it went from pure ass to the new fuckin vientos in rank. It fr got to the point where i went back to my Zimmy X Coqilette build Chaos Theory and my long rand sniper build Promotheus, using 2 harris riffle and two 6 cell missle launchers. I recently made a new buils for the Etsjin rats, it stems ofd my Chaos Theory build. The buils weapons consist the Soup missle, dual homing missle, one hand held missle launcher and LMG(not the attaches but the other one, forgot the name) but those are my 3 main rank builds. Suck i cant use my shadow company build since its a hybrid melee build with 6 cell missles, dual homing missles, turner rifle and Butta pulse blade. Shit fuckin deadly if i use it correctly with my melee cancel dodges.
@mrpoool1015 2 ай бұрын
Please take the time to make "non-melee" builds on your channel as well, since it is you and your style that is the most interesting to me. I think it will be fun no matter what builds you create when putting your spin on them.
@charlotinlazard2658 2 ай бұрын
I need more parts, I need them to bring back the stabilizers, and the tuning system from armored core 4.
@diel6755 2 ай бұрын
I've run a meta build in rank few times mostly to learn their strat and try to mix it with my style. The second i hit S rank, holy damn... the amount of people with literally the same build other than paint job is sickening. Like the 4 build shown in this video, the lightweight with stun combo are mostly extinct, the three others are LArB monster shield, zimm chimp shield and lamm rats. I'm not exaggerating when i say they have the same build. They literally use the same weapons and AC frame. I could list what they use for each meta build plan just to have an idea what they're capable to do. In next update, idc, i'll stick to B rank if it means i can use my honest build to match with similar skilled player.
@gunrunners5283 2 ай бұрын
I dont understand how you can usually land the phile after the charged shot stagger. I can usually only get off a light phile attack in time.
@cireoath336 2 ай бұрын
PvP issues, I agree. I go rank just for fun, if I lose, I lose. If I win, I win. I don’t take the rankings seriously, so I mess around, and the build I made to mess around tends to give me unexpected wins. I expect to lose most of the time. Build: BASHO set, Dual Napalms, Dual Missile Strings? (Forgot what they’re called), FCS on high missile lock, WLT Boosters, and High Coral Generator. Expansion: Armor Assault/Terminal Armor (Note:Just messing around).
@Raven621Susako 2 ай бұрын
nice Build Buddy
@krizgobunz5526 2 ай бұрын
Its not about the money its about sending a message.
@haydentravis3348 2 ай бұрын
George Orwell aint got shit on PVPers. Realpolitik and double-think are their love languages.
@haydentravis3348 2 ай бұрын
alt + f4 that shit.
@GallowayJesse 2 ай бұрын
at the beginning of the match if I see missile rat or hover tank , I put the controller down and leave the room then play something else for the rest of the evening
@guyingrey 2 ай бұрын
My dream in this game is to have a good looking build that’s fun to play and can fair against most builds. I think I’ve done it since so far I’ve been doing ok but I still hate how I’ll fight someone then get hit by SOMETHING that I couldn’t even see or react to then once I get staggered I die immediately.
@bradydeanda3243 3 ай бұрын
i have a guilty comment which i am running a quad mingiun on a heavy wieght and it just is for use against missile rats which nobody likes
@SethDakam 3 ай бұрын
I should try this combination out. Thank you for your wisdom, my friend.
@serene-illusion 3 ай бұрын
hell yeah got the guilty gear tracks playing in the background
@lifewithshades 3 ай бұрын
Is the current Zimmerman still the same as this video? What do you do against Kites and LAMS?
@elGonho 3 ай бұрын
I mean, no argument here is wrong, but what's with the god complex
@ModiusDraconis 3 ай бұрын
bro is a master at one shotting lol