@jogi_54 3 сағат бұрын
Hayley - the simple question is, how many people are killed by US Cops and how many by German Cops - The answer ist, why I dont want/wanted to visit US unless my company forced me to. And I'm glad that I'm retired now.
@pqrstsma2011 5 сағат бұрын
- the utility bill thing: i live in NC, and Duke Energy has this option of 'Equal Payment Plan', where you pay a fixed amount every month (they set it based on previous year's usage, credit score, etc) and then settle the difference in December. i like it because it's easier to plan your monthly budget around it
@GrogGurgler 6 сағат бұрын
"People here eat like they have acces to unlimited healthcare"😂😂😂
@eriknelson5390 10 сағат бұрын
You really brought back my memories of when I studied and lived in germany during college. I lived with a family so I was in tuned with german culture. The bread was to die for. I had so many Brezel, or where I lived it was a Brez'n since Bavaria. So many fresh farmers markets they had. People so friendly and helpful. I know it helped that I also know german. Danke sehr fuer das ausgezeichnete Video mit youtube.
@eriknelson5390 10 сағат бұрын
We ONLY use paper plates for a big outside party or like a picnic party. In the house, we use our normal plates from like porcelain, glass etc but not paper. I can always clean them in the dishwasher.
@wujibifan5938 11 сағат бұрын
The point, why german kids are beeing confronted with the dark side of their country history, is easily explained: Germany has lost the war and had been occupied. (Okay, same applies to Japan, but the Japanese committed their crimes beyond their own borders).
@NicholasANappiNick 14 сағат бұрын
In school in New Jersey they taught us the metric system in the 60s and 70s and said it would be the standard by 2000 not so ☹️☹️☹️
@isosthenie8271 17 сағат бұрын
When you are ill for up to 6 weeks the employer pays for your salary, yes, but actually he gets reimbursed by the mandatory health insurance for up to 80% of your labour cost as well, so the company is not loosing so much money and actually all employees pay for your sick leave as well, as the health insurance premiums are generally split between employers and employees. Thats one of our central social contracts. Even if you are a freelancer you can still be a member of public mandatory health insurance but you pay the maximum of 960€/month instead of cheaper private health insurance offers. Many people still remain in the public system, also out of idealism. All of these things are a result of people standing up for their rights latest in the 19th century, actually dying for them.
@matthewhuszarik4173 23 сағат бұрын
What you think are luxuries in Germany are really not. I don’t know anyone who uses paper plates routinely at home, Germans use radiators and radiant floor heat because they use hot water or steam heating. American use central AC because unlike the German system it can heat in the winter and cool in the summer. My grandmother had radiators in her old house your towel warmers. Farmers markets they exist all over the country. I have lived in many places and they have always has a type of farmers market definitely not a luxury. It is a way for the Farmers to cut out the middleman and make a greater profit margin off their produce. I just bought fresh cherries, apricots, and pluots two days ago at a road side farmers market.
@harryamus9147 Күн бұрын
Hallo Hayley frag doch einfach Dr. Google dann weißt du was diese Zeichen bedeuten
@DerHoschi Күн бұрын
Da hat die Frau aber die Hosen an...
@animapulcra9205 Күн бұрын
All avionics measure in ISO units. Then they're recalculated for visual tactile information to the flight crew. Main reason keep imperial units is market exclusiveness. Any screw, bolt, nut or whatever will render a higher value... ... until some chicom bloke found out and exported cheap imperial unit stuff, and us manufacturers more or less gave up their last breath.
@rolandscherer1574 Күн бұрын
According to the Bible: "On the 7th day HE rested." The last day of the week is therefore the day of rest, i.e. Sunday.
@banterabc5135 Күн бұрын
A luxury in the US that is normal in the whole of Europe is clean drinkable water out of the tap....freaking water!!!!
@mirinae4313 Күн бұрын
Per capita energy consumption in the USA is almost double compared to Germany. 2003, the USA invaded Iraq illegally and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people (over 600,000 according to a lancet article).
@HayleyAlexis Күн бұрын
Now...I am the first person to talk about the USA's wrongdoings but to act like Germany had no part in the 2003 invasion of Iraq... Would be utterly incorrect, misleading, and ignorant. Germany may not have sent troops to Iraq but it enabled and helped the USA tremendously in it's efforts...Even after being so "publicly" opposed and against the war. Germany allowed the US to use bases in the country to send troops/supplies to the Middle East (constantly). German airspace was used, which had to be approved by the German government, German troops were stationed in nearby countries for "other reasons" when in reality it was to show strength and help the USA with their mission, and the list goes on.... Germany was just as complicit in the deaths as the USA.. The only difference is that Germany hid behind the false image of "peace" while allowing people to be murdered with the help of their country. The whole story of Iraq is a compilation of "Western" forces being militant thugs against the Middle East... Germany being part of the problem and an enabler.
@804titan 2 күн бұрын
just found you..enjoyed the content..liked and subscribed.. who's MIke ??
@io100x100 2 күн бұрын
In italy we have expensive suncreams, I guess, because it costs the same 😭
@JoeCoxJodo 2 күн бұрын
Let's just call it all out -...... people are so neurotic now that they can't handle washing the dishes...... that's what it is - right?
@brigittea5110 2 күн бұрын
Hi Hayley, I lived in Chicago during the late 70th, the 80th and early 90th. I had some crazy experiences, trying to get used to American lifestyle. First time I took a cab, I tried to open the door in the front next to the driver, like in Germany, where a single passenger sits in front next to the driver. The door did not open, so I tried even harder till I noticed the driver looked at me like I was crazy and pointed to the back. I got in the back and couldn't believe there was a glass panel seperating the front where the driver is from the back seat where the passengers sit. It even had a small opening to hand through the money when you pay. Maybe the glass was was bullet proof.😂 Being from a small town in Germany, I had never walked through a revolving door. When I had to go in this building with a small revolving door, I tried to copy what the people in front of me did .I did not realize, that the compartments of the revolving door were just for one person and maybe a child. Of course I stepped in the compartment of the guy in front of me and tiptoed behind him, so I would not bumb him or knock against him. When I was just a few days in the US, I went to visit relatives of my husband. We stayed for the weekend. In the evening I had used the guest toilet to brush my teeth. In the morning I wanted to take a shower, but did not know where the bathroom was in the house. Since everybody was just getting up, I decided to ask during breakfast and take a shower after. I had forgotten that duschen means to take a shower. So, I asked the family at the breakfast table where I could douche. Everybody stopped eating and looked at me strangly. My husband clarified that I mean to ask where I can take a shower, which bathroom I should use. They still looked at me strangly. Later my husband explained that a douche is something woman do with a douche bag to flush out their v.....!!! I had never heard of that.I wonder if American women still do that, or did it go out of style ? I learned English from watching soaps : Sandford and Son, The Jeffersons, Archie Bunker, I love Lucy, The honeymooners, The Cosby show..... Hayley, would you believe ,I never knew that I am "white" until I got to U.S. After I passed the GED , I took the English as a second language test and college entrance exam. Than I signed up at UIC . I was standing in line to sign up for classes. When it was my turn in line at the desk, the lady supposed to help with filling out the forms, asked me :"Race"? I did not know what she meant. I thought maybe I am in the wrong line and this is the line to sign up for a race or races. So I told her :"No, I want to sgn up for classes not to run a race. " She said :" Put down Caucasian " I had never heard that word , so I told her :" What do you mean with that. The Caucasus is a mountain in Eastern Europe. I don't want to run around a mountain, I want....." She checked the box for me and said:" You are white , that means you are Caucasian "! I hope you have as much fun in Germany as I did in Chicago.I still miss that Windy City.
@Matahalii 2 күн бұрын
Hä? what is wrong with 100€? if you speak, you say 100 euro(s) or 100 dollar(s) and if you read from first to last it is correct. $100 I would read like "Dollar onehundred" which sounds weird. But sometimes by filling out forms it is switched even here: Price in €: 52,46
@CitizenTurtleIsland 2 күн бұрын
Zip your top... otherwise you look great.
@HayleyAlexis 2 күн бұрын
No thanks. I love my boobs
@CitizenTurtleIsland 2 күн бұрын
@@HayleyAlexis I love all my body parts to be honest. Thanks for sharing... I guess.
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 3 күн бұрын
It's all just my imagination, but when the end of a work week is a Saturday, the feeling of having to wait until the start of the next week to enjoy that well-earned Sunday holiday is a little disheartening... I like German-style quotation marks: they look so classic... What I find odd is the German use of angle quotation marks, where the first one points to the right and the last one to the left: that's the opposite of the use in other languages, or how to do it with parentheses. The euro sign before or after the number doesn't make much difference. If you type a symbol like "km" (and not the whole word) for a unit of measurement, it usually goes before and the word "kilometer" goes after the number. Have you noticed that Americans write prices with periods rather than commas? Like the imperial system, it's a holdover from the British system. The comma is used to separate decimals, but the old pound, shilling and pence were not decimals and therefore did not use it. Like when you write the time: no comma. The dollar may be decimal and the British are gone, but...
@neiljohnson6815 3 күн бұрын
Oddly, there are three or four farmer's market's within 10 or so miles from my house in NW Louisiana.
@hansoskar1911 3 күн бұрын
so many thing yet german speaking the last deigit before the second to alst digit is really annoying me. and I am german.
@benjaminlamey3591 3 күн бұрын
use your work life balance to grow your own veggies, way more fun than spending hundreds in a farmers market. you may even find some good bread premix that you can cook yourself.
@BobbiDoll 3 күн бұрын
You go girl. Thanks for sharing those things you choose to.
@patrickssmith3594 3 күн бұрын
Hayley, the Euro came in 2002. The Deutsche Mark came in 1948 - and terminated the Reichsmark - as a part of the so called "Währunsreform" - or the currency reform after World War II - at least in West Germany. About the same time Stalin introduced the "Ost-Mark" in the former GDR.. and I do remember that near the end of East Germany, the Ost-Mark was devalued pretty low - if my memory serves me right - the Ost Mark had a ratio of 6 to 1 - meaning 6 Ost Mark - you can get 1 Deutsche Mark.... that`s how far downhill in the hole the GDR actually went.
@gubsak55 3 күн бұрын
For 16 of the years from 2005 to 2022, I worked as a production agent or proofreader (private and public) at the Official Journal of the European Union, which is published in 24 languages daily (all law stuff etc.). Almost all languages use different quotationmarks, and they use them differently. The "66, 99" both up and down, and some others too, and with different use when you have quotationmarks within quotationmarks in two or more layers. German use is quite easy compared to other languages. The English use (or lack there of) in books is quite sloppy or lose ... or maybe those 16 years have made me pedantic 😊
@LupaMoon-008 3 күн бұрын
In last year or two the paper plates are used less and less in Germany, even at outdoor activities or sausages kiosks...at kiosks one often uses porcelain plates ( have to be returned) or bowls from eddible waffle. Sustainable bambus plates are popular by private outdoor parties.
@JouMxyzptlk 3 күн бұрын
My utility bill, the usually way in Germany, is up front. I usually get something back at the end of the year. Ah, the lower and upper quotation marks. Never noticed until you mentioned today :D. The rest of the video. Just funny!
@tawharanui5011 3 күн бұрын
Yes, half-knowledge can make people very judgemental 😊
@WeimarAmerica 3 күн бұрын
Thank you, Ms. Alexis! Born and raised in Germany, the most striking thing you mentioned are the paper plates! It's degrading; we are worth more than that. Thanks again!
@cmsmith3010 4 күн бұрын
I love the windows in Germany and in most of Europe. Much better quality than the average windows in America!! I’ve experienced them in homes in France, England, Austria, Italy as well as Germany. You have to pay big bucks to get them installed here.
@Aspen7780 4 күн бұрын
I love farmers markets, but I have a feeling that they are somewhat a niche thing. And yes, prices at farmers markets are more expensive so the crowd that goes to those markets tend to be wealthier. There is a stereotype of the wealthy transplant retired woman buying all of her veggies plus free range eggs, goats milk fancy soaps and sage incense; that this is the farmers market target audience. It’s almost absent of locals who gravitate towards getting their food at Costco. At least that’s the stereotype here in my area.
@tawharanui5011 4 күн бұрын
Germany is more than Munich.😊
@tawharanui5011 4 күн бұрын
Why water when you have beer!
@SSNReactorOperator 4 күн бұрын
Great cleavage
@ninglight4433 4 күн бұрын
--We have such refridgerators, but the become less and less, due to energy consumption and carbon footprint. It is also bad for your reputation as company to use so much energy. --Germany is a lot colder than Florida and it has trinking water to bath in not salty water. Therefore infections are more common. -- I have unlimited sick days, as everyone in Middle Europe. They are only related to a not being able to work due to health related reason (this has not to be sickness) and not to the days worked since the last "sick" leave. And if you need a doctors notice on the first day, your employer mistrust you. Legally the company can ask for it, but in reality it is very imcommun that someone asks at the first or second day, if you are trusted. I worked for 10 years in Germany and another 25 years in Austria, which has a very similar system and was NEVER asked when off shorter than 3 days. And I never heart from a friend, family member or colleague, that they were asked.
@bruceschneider4928 4 күн бұрын
We have several farmers markets around us in our metro Atlanta city. The prices are at least as good as you can get in a store, freshly picked produce, and mostly organic. Not a luxury. You can also join a CSA and get boxes of produce, as you've described. Your take on paper plates is way off. As others have written, they're usually for picnics, camping, etc.
@jurgengruber5508 4 күн бұрын
i guess the myth of the german pickle was an ancestral prank to the americans to make some money 😅
@winestylesmonikakrupski2378 4 күн бұрын
how about comma vs period sign for cents - after 30 years in Germany, I still stumble - 0,00 vs 0.00. Thanks for your take 😉
@alex.is.here. 4 күн бұрын
paper plates arae for Outdoor BBQ;s and Picnics. I occasionally use them for massive family gatherings, when I dont want to do sishes after cooking for a couple of days, Like Chirstmas when we have 30 people here... But, we get nice paper plates, lol
@MichaelLivingston-me 5 күн бұрын
I shop at a farmers market sometimes but i get good value for the money. Our grocery stores vary in quality of produce. You have to identify the ones that have good produce. My experience in Europe (2020) was, fresher produce, better breads and at better prices. I'm agreement with your perceptions.
@davemTX2023 5 күн бұрын
I only serve food on normal plates when I have guests over. I use paper plates and plastic cups to avoid cleaning.We have grocery stores in Texas that have far better produce than farmers markets. HEB has much better produce than anything you will find at a farmers market. Heated floors are very common in the US. Normally, bathrooms and kitchens. I have unlimited PTO and take 8-12 weeks a year. I think your work-life balance is way off. probably depends where - in the south, we take a lot of time off. We also have excellent healthcare through work. You should know more about the US before you open your mouth and spew BS
@user-bi2sv7om8k 5 күн бұрын
Yikes! Zip it up, crack alert.
@HayleyAlexis 5 күн бұрын
you are weirdddddddd
@markantony3875 5 күн бұрын
The Walmart problem has a simple solution: Stop shopping at Walmart. Problem solved.
@silkeeickhorn4077 5 күн бұрын
Gott erschuf die Welt an 6 Tagen, am siebten Tag ruhte er und sah es war gut. Da unsere Welt nach christlichem Glauben geprägt ist, ist es nur logisch, die Woche in 6 Werk oder Arbeitstage, endend mit einem Feiertag an dem die Arbeit ruht und Gottes Werk gelobt wird(Gottesdienst) zu unterteilen. Dieser Rhythmus ist weit verbreitet wenn er sich auch z. Teil verschiebt (die Moslems haben ihren Feiertag /Gottestag am Freitag, die Juden feiern ihren Sabbat und somit das Wochenende am Samstag). Also ist jede Version gut begründet und voll in Ordnung 😊
@user-ie6qs7cg2g 5 күн бұрын
Love your Kackwohnung:))) Hope you make it back to the land of Kürbiskernkartoffelbrot. You’re great 🫶🏼
@markantony3875 5 күн бұрын
As an Italian now living in the U.S., the only comment I can make is USA is a huge country with a huge population. What people outside of U.S. see in movies or social media often reflects the extreme, not the normal. Many silly notions on what "average" American does or thinks are just that: silly notions. I have never seen any of my American friends serve food on paper plates except for at picnic in a park to make clean up easy. However, I am sure somewhere in this huge country there are some people so lazy, they do. It is not the norm however.
@klausmogensen8691 5 күн бұрын
You need to make a Hayley version of this :) kzbin.infoxhujVtasZoQ