5 Ways to Get Pets in D&D 5e
Should You Multiclass in One D&D?
3 Overrated Feats for D&D 5e
5 Underrated Feats for D&D 5e
Storytime: D&D with Children
3 Overrated Spells in D&D 5e
@Pre-GenCharacter Күн бұрын
Chronurgy is the DnD equivalent of Save Scumming
@RingXross Күн бұрын
I know Megamind is more of an Artificer, but he'll always be my favorite Wizard.
@ladylightning1741 5 күн бұрын
Sorcerer: I BLOW HIM UP DM: *looks into the camera like he's on The Office*
@Pre-GenCharacter 5 күн бұрын
Monk casts Fists of Fury!
@xiongray 5 күн бұрын
Shadow Monk got some Spells. Their Minor Illusion demands fleece.
@RingXross 5 күн бұрын
@@xiongray They'll need a fleece bandana then. Or some fleece lined boots.
@RingXross 5 күн бұрын
It's embarrassing how long I played D&D before I realized what somatic components even meant.
@mertcanbehadr6817 5 күн бұрын
My first ranger is tribal nomad and inspired by mogolian archer 😂
@Pre-GenCharacter 8 күн бұрын
Indestructible Life = Velcro limbs
@RingXross 8 күн бұрын
Not going to lie. I thought the Hexblade was goofy as all get out. Your patron is a sword? That's weird. But I came around.
@Pre-GenCharacter 12 күн бұрын
I know this is a sorcerer video, but now a wanna to make a warlock who's patron is a celestial form of Austin Powers
@RingXross 12 күн бұрын
@RingXross 12 күн бұрын
And now some of those spells, I'm looking at you Force Cage, cost that much gold EVERY time you cast it.
@Pre-GenCharacter 12 күн бұрын
The bill comes due ... always
@darthmalicex4118 13 күн бұрын
Did you say Samurai was runner up for the worst? I haven’t tried one yet, but I always thought they were in the upper tier. Easy advantage on attacks, wisdom save proficiency, *functional immunity to death* at level 18… Maybe not super exciting, but definitely powerful. I would definitely put Champion as runner up for the worst. All of their features could be integrated as basic fighter features, and nobody would bat an eye.
@RingXross 13 күн бұрын
That's fair. I played a Samurai a long time ago and found it very underwhelming but I think it might have been a UA version because I don't remember being able to use fighting spirit more than once per rest. In hindsight, this actually looks pretty good. I rescind the runner up status. Champion is still OK with its Crit fishing abilities but it does come in 1st place for the most boring. Good for multiclassing, though.
@RingXross 15 күн бұрын
The Storm Sorcerer needs a dedicated spell list, but which spells would make the cut?
@bhoard2 16 күн бұрын
Hi, old friend! 😊 KZbin brought you to my wife’s Shorts feed due to shared interests (DnD … not cricket snacks 😂) I’d enjoy reconnecting sometime!
@Pre-GenCharacter 19 күн бұрын
The chickpeas were definitely better, but less interesting
@RingXross 19 күн бұрын
It was such a pain in the butt trying to find the right crickets to buy. Took forever. They did kind of taste and smell like bacon.
@dracone4370 22 күн бұрын
Honestly, I like the Scout because it gets very close to mechanically being an authentic shinobi. For more on that, I recommend checking out Gaijin Goomba's Which Ninja? series
@Pre-GenCharacter 22 күн бұрын
Inquisitive is giving me Darkwing Duck vibes
@RingXross 22 күн бұрын
Missed Opportunity.
@RingXross 22 күн бұрын
No joke, an Arcane Trickster with the Ritual Caster feat is a devious little bugger and will make DMs cry with the shenanigans they can pull off.
@jackala2783 23 күн бұрын
Infiltration game: Hexblade Warlock using Pact of the Blade to hide his incredibly powerful hex weapon, only to summon it with one Action after free-casting (at will, no slot/materials used) Mage Armor. Multiclass that with 3 levels of Rogue to get Swashbuckler for Sneak Attack damage without needing Advantage and being able to completely negate Attacks of Opportunity and...yeah. No monk needed. Which is a shame because I love the general concept of Monk. Fortunately, OneD&D (or whatever it's called) has some fixes for Monk but Monk will never be a front-line fighter so no Bruce Lee.
@nicholasmcmahan-watson9405 24 күн бұрын
Bro... The byproduct of soap making is a main ingredient to napalm and high explosives... I really thought this was going to a Fight Club place. Expectations subverted
@joshrivet4011 24 күн бұрын
I think there's atheory concerning that, like if you cut off certain things we've adapted to, a considerable portion of the population would have trouble adapting back. Not necessarily disease spreading, because washing off in water, even without soap is a passable stop-gap, but a non-zero portion would pass away due to their adapted immune system being compromised.
@Slaff_684 24 күн бұрын
I am chaotic evil and a dragonborn sorcerer multiclassing into a forge cleric so i can make plate mail give it to children and make a fight club out of orphans and recruit the last one standing
@dankebede7614 24 күн бұрын
Isn't that lawful evil tho?
@pheonixfire8829 25 күн бұрын
Better idea, make a cube of bone. Then they will be forced the sit there in tremendous pain as they watch all of their bones slowly pierce their skin and form a cube. This works even better if you have multiple people!
@wmdavidhamilton 26 күн бұрын
Hard to die as an echo knight. Echo is 30 feet behind you. Move 30 feet forward and attack. Move your echo 30 feet further back. Swap places. You are now 90 feet away.
@River.w 26 күн бұрын
While completely deranged, it isn't chaotic evil, it's very specifically lawful evil. I still love it tho
@CommunistKangaroo 25 күн бұрын
No it would be lawful evil if he stayed as a monopoly would say this is more neutral evil
@Vgamer311 24 күн бұрын
@@CommunistKangaroo if he stayed as a monopoly and just made an honest-ish living as a soap merchant that would probably be lawful neutral, honestly. Becoming a monopoly is selfish, sure, but nothing crazy or actively malicious for the sake of malice. But doing all that JUST to spread harm and disease without ever breaking a law is basically the definition of lawful evil.
@FirstnameLastname-tv3vc 24 күн бұрын
My thought exactly
@user-jn4sw3iw4h 24 күн бұрын
Not sure. "I have a process that makes soap and explosives and I will tell you all about my plan............... With the soap" Sounds pretty chaotic to me.
@Vgamer311 24 күн бұрын
@@user-jn4sw3iw4h you are the only person on earth who thinks soap is more chaotic than explosives. Chaotic doesn’t just mean wacky.
@jedrus177 26 күн бұрын
Ya wouldn't someone else just start making soap, especially if you were to just stop selling or making it? Not like it would be impossible to start making just cause the only one in town stopped
@RingXross 26 күн бұрын
@@jedrus177 Didn't say it was a good plan. Just his plan.
@RingXross 26 күн бұрын
A cunning plan if there ever was one.
@Pre-GenCharacter 26 күн бұрын
The first rule of DnD fight club is you don't talk about DnD fight club
@crowbar_the_rogue 27 күн бұрын
My first character was a Rogue/Shadow Monk and I never really struggled in combat. Between Cunning action, Unarmoured movement and the Mobile feat, I could always get out of danger if need arose.
@rator1st 28 күн бұрын
If way of the four elements didn't exist, then Sun Soul was probably the worst.
@RingXross 29 күн бұрын
The Swarm Keeper didn't make the list but I still want to make a Thri-Kreen Swarm Keeper Ranger/Circle of Spore Druid. Just get all the gross in one character.
@Pre-GenCharacter 29 күн бұрын
Gloom stalker has strong John Wick vibes
@malmasterson3890 Ай бұрын
Very interesting to see people have such different perspectives on the Paladin depending on what type of player they are. Imo, Paladin is the class with the least amount of variance in power between Subclasses, simply because of how limited CD are in 2014 Pally and the fact that every Paladin will still have the Top Tier features of Divine Smite & Aura of Protection. Two of the most powerful features in the game that aren't for spells. Picking out the best Paladin is definitely the harder of the two choices, as there's around 4 that can all be reasonably argued for. Conquest is certainly a reasonable choice, Vengeance seems like the one casuals are drawn to for the ADV channel Divinity. Others find Ancients Aura to be near invaluable. Even Crown can be tossed in from time to time for having access to Spirit Guardians. I am definitely gonna have to disagree with you on the worst though my friend. I understand you're reasoning on saying that most of Watchers features are 'niche', but the feature that matters is still just too good to pass up. In the encounters where you want it, an intellect Fortress buff to you and allies will be incredibly valuable & Abjure the Extraplanar still covers a lot of creature types. Really though, it's the Aura & Counterspell that makes it impossible for me to put it in last. A bonus of +3-4 in tier 2 to pretty much the entire parties initiative is an insane buff that easily eclipses any other Pally's Aura bonus. Simply put going first matters, as does action economy, and having the ability to shut down a debilitating spell in mid level combats is often a combat-winner. Personally I'd place it between Glory, Devotion, and Crown for last. If you know your game isn't gonna get to level 9 for a long time Crown is definitely the worst. Bad CD's, bad 7th level, problematic tenets if your DM's enforces them. Glory has a decent Aura, but it's very clunky to give out to Allies, and their CD's are both just okay. Devotion is only really good if you know you're running into a lot of powerful charm effects and your DM is very liberal with readied actions for combat. Even then, Devotion is still not as good as +3 to initiative for the entire party at level 7.
@RingXross Ай бұрын
@@malmasterson3890 Crown was initially going to make the worst list. Spirit Guardians saved it, but it was close. This is one of those ones where if I researched the script on a different day, I might have made a different choice.
@crimsondragon2677 Ай бұрын
He doesn’t care about benefits or logic. His goal is suffering.
@cult_of_22 Ай бұрын
@deantitus9734 Ай бұрын
I'm totally with you on possibly playing a Kensei monk for the following reasons: extra weapon proficiencies, extra +2 to AC at level 3, bonus action ranged damage, Kensei weapon attacks become magical like unarmed strikes, infused weapons up to +3(most ki points spent at any time), one free reroll on any missed attack rolls!! Thoughts?!?!
@RingXross Ай бұрын
I would add a few levels of Peace Domain Cleric. Balm of Peace lets you run around the battlefield freely and heal everyone around you. Add Spirit Guardian to that mix and your Speedy Gonzalez on steroids.
@AlmostNerdF Ай бұрын
Veggie sticks and oatmeal cookies are fire bro. And throw some popcorn seasoning on those crickets and they aren't incredible.
@RingXross Ай бұрын
@@AlmostNerdF Tried the crickets with the Yasha"s Bug Bites seasoning. I'm not going to lie, I kind of prefer them without it. The seasoning was freaking amazing on chick peas.
@Pre-GenCharacter Ай бұрын
Free food is free food!
@rocketman8808 Ай бұрын
Nah, Veggie straws are good, don't diss them like that
@RingXross Ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, they were pretty good. Even the crickets. They really do kinda taste like bacon.
@RingXross Ай бұрын
Neutral Evil might be evil above all else, but at least he thought to bring something for game night. What's your excuse?
@jakehildebrand1824 Ай бұрын
Some men just want to watch the world burn
@deantitus9734 Ай бұрын
I'd like to counterpoint your opinion of the Oath of Vengeance paladin!! At least, the Oath of Vengeance paladin follows its oath to the letter, unlike the Oathbreaker, and it follows its tenets of Fight the Greater Evil, No Mercy for the Wicked, By Any Means Necessary, and Retribution!! Besides, who wouldn't want advantage on ALL attack rolls on a creature for one minute? Also, the oath spell list(Bane, Hunter's Mark, Hold Person, Misty Step, Haste, Banishment, Dimension Door, etc.) is, if not one of, the best spell list for ANY character!! Seriously, what's the real beef with this subclass?!?!
@RingXross Ай бұрын
@@deantitus9734 At no point will I disagree that the Vengeance Oath is very strong. I know for a fact that it is. The 1st Paladin I played in 5e was one. My biggest issue is what the Paladin is historically versus what the Vengeance Oath is trying to do. It just isn't a Paladin to me. Perhaps I'm just to old school in thought. I wish WOTC would follow Pathfinder 2e's footsteps and just rename the Paladin the Champion. It would make more sense to me and free players from the burden of Paladin lore.
@Pre-GenCharacter Ай бұрын
Paladin of the Oath of Ni!
@RingXross Ай бұрын
I'm not ashamed to admit, I hate the idea of an evil, dark vengeful Paladin. That's just a fallen paladin or what we used to call a Blackguard. But i have to admit, the Oath of Conquest has peaked my interest.
@DavidAndrews-eb7gm Ай бұрын
Agree about Fireball and Haste. Also agree that, rules as written, Animate Objects (and any other multiple summoning/conjuring spell) is so tedious to deal with mechanically that even the caster begins to feel existential regret about their life choices. Our fix in 3 easy steps: 1) unspoken agreement that unless there is a compelling reason all summoned objects/creatures attack the same target. The corollary is that if multiple targets then the same type of target (eg. archers on a castle wall). 2. One die is used to determine the number of hits, including modifiers as adjudicated by the GM. Examples. Animate 10 sling stones and attack an adult black dragon (ac 19). Mathematically a little over half will hit. Roll d10 for number of hits (average 5.5) Animate 10 sling stones and attack a gnoll (ac15). Mathematically just over two thirds will hit. Roll d8+2 (average 6.5) for number of hits. Close enough is good enough for the averages and this method is totally worth it for the increased speed of gameplay. 3) all successful attacks deal the same damage regardless of the number of hits or targets. 1 roll. To really speed up gameplay this roll is made at the same time as the to hit roll above. Using the gnoll above as an example the player’s turn looks like this: Player: “I’m casting Animate Objects on 10 silver coins and attacking the gnoll. +8 to attack.” GM: Calculates 15 (ac) - 8 = 7. “Roll d8+2 to hit” (this calculation is easier than at first glance and becomes easier with practice) Player: rolls d8 and d4. d8 rolls 3 and d4 rolls 2. “5 hits, 6 damage each, total of 30 points damage”. Turn done in less than 30 seconds. The same system works similarly for 8 sprites or 8 cows or whatever.
@RingXross Ай бұрын
@@DavidAndrews-eb7gm That's a pretty good system. I'm going to give that a try at my table.
@DavidAndrews-eb7gm Ай бұрын
Sorry for the text wall. Made it seem way more complicated than it is. Forgot to mention in point 1) that, in general, each element makes the same type of sttack. Gang of summoned sprites all either +2 attack with tiny swords or +6 attack with tiny bows.
@DavidAndrews-eb7gm Ай бұрын
Also forgot to add to point 1) instructions to minions are said out loud. If it takes longer than six seconds then minions default to no instructions given. Everyone is fine with it because a) it’s kind of within the spirit of the whole 6 second turn combat system, b) massive time-saver as mentioned above and c) no pressure on the caster to be Zhukov levels of tactical genius every turn (easy to underestimate how freeing this is)
@DavidAndrews-eb7gm Ай бұрын
Monk: not the strongest of classes. Vesuvius: not the best for Pompeii tourism
@deantitus9734 Ай бұрын
Just a quick question about bard subclasses. If given your druthers, which subclass would you rather play, College Of Lore or College Of Valor(martially focused)?
@RingXross Ай бұрын
College of Lore. Bards are already a good support class, the Lore bard just cranks that up. I like having lots of choices for different parts of the game (i.e. combat, social, exploration) and I feel the Lore bard accomplishes that a bit better than valor. Having different ways for the lore bard themselves to use inspiration really helps as well.
@MephobiaMan Ай бұрын
That’s why I abuse my players both in and out of game