Creative Insecurity
4 ай бұрын
Story Logic ≠ Real Logic
4 ай бұрын
@robkazer5841 Сағат бұрын
I've been listening to your videos while I clean, and I just happened to look up and noticed you were on a boat with your feet blurred 🤣🤣 Freaking brilliant. Thank you for all your hard work trying to help others! And the laughs 😸
@krishc1798 4 сағат бұрын
I was so shocked, I didn't skip the ad, The Truman Show ahh moment
@unendlichwochenende 9 сағат бұрын
Great video and amazing tips! please don't think again about quitting. What you are doing is really good and it helped me and gave me more motivation to try and get my storytelling better. Thank you! If you could do a video about making a video like that, that'd be great! I mean what is your process for something like this? Basically it is a "List Themed Video" which could also be just someone sitting in front of a camera and giving all the information. (This is what I usually do) You are making it so much (much much) more engaging and interesting. I would really like to know how you do this. (If a video wouldn't fit on your channel, I would be happy to take some consulting hours where we would go over this :) )
@CXStories 10 сағат бұрын
Dude, actually the best screenwriting channel on youtube. So glad to hear someone explaining why a lot of these old bullshit guru stuffs are just wrong. There really only is one rule - be engaging / entertaining. If you break rules in order to get closer to that goal, being engaging / entertaining, with the final product then fuck 'em rules.
@CXStories 10 сағат бұрын gold
@CXStories 10 сағат бұрын lol, throwing in an example dialogue - and its really good
@CXStories 10 сағат бұрын
no f*cking way that skillshare the second after, lold
@CXStories 10 сағат бұрын when ppl actually learn of the level some of the "professional writers" are at...
@fisherwoman3611 15 сағат бұрын
the arcane scenes are just 🤌
@goneaerial41 19 сағат бұрын
First off, I discovered your channel today and have been immensely enjoying it. I teach musical composition, love interdisciplinary philosophy, and discerning the meta of a process so I can create simple to follow methodologies for my students, and relate to your way of thinking on many levels. All that being said, the premise of this video is bullshit. However you may polemicize it, acting like pacing isn't a worthy consideration in any time-based media is something you could never convince me of. Your main argument, that pacing problems are symptomatic of other issues, which can be true, falls short in that the reverse can also be true; that preemptive consideration of how pacing your scenes will effect the way tension is applied throughout your writing can also prevent a lot of issues down the road. Pacing is how you modulate relative intensity from point to point. It's why I can't stand guys like JJ Abrams film writing because when every scene is the enemy with a figurative gun to the protagonist's back then nothing ever feels particularly dangerous. I somehow feel there is much less at stake when the new Death Star is about to wipe out a whole planet than, for instance, the anticipation of Michael Corleone gunning down Salozzo and McClusky in The Godfather. There are clear differences in the scope of violence in these two actions, but the pacing of the films (along with other factors, admittedly) plays a huge role in the weight with which these two scenes are experienced. I like your style, a lot, I think artists should do everything with deep conviction, but on this point I would admonish you to deeply reflect on this because I feel as though you are deeply underestimating the importance of pacing.
@DominikJer-Don Күн бұрын
I love the Segway to the sponsorship
@horizonstraining4006 Күн бұрын
Thank uou for giving such clear guidance on how to build up stories and characters. So many other pages just focus on the top errors made and don't actually help correct for the issues. Or they give such specific correction that it isn't applicable across the board. Your ability to generalize the guidance and show random examples of how guidelines work across genres is extremely helpful. Your presentation also makes it fun to watch and learn.
@egoalter1276 Күн бұрын
If people are teuly too passive to take 'wrie what you know' as an invitation to learn of things they wish to write, word it differently if you have to. But do not say it is a harmful mantra that stifles creativity. People should be creating art of things they have no understanding of.
@Ohonsifilms Күн бұрын
Love this type of advice men, I’m so thankful for you!
@Chokken97 Күн бұрын
I need people to do these with video game stories. It would at least bring an end to a lot of arguments on Reddit, that's for sure.
@appl3thegr3at64 Күн бұрын
wtf was that ending 🤣
@Jacky-Boy Күн бұрын
America thinking its a type 3 so it can to talk about how in control of the numbers it is, wew what an unhealthy type 8 trait
@belzemus4725 Күн бұрын
I understood like, 10 percent of what is trying to be conveyed in this video essay, I'm sure it's a good essay though.
@rashadsternes 2 күн бұрын
Bruh we didn't get a trigger warning that we might have to cry lol 😢😭
@antonpab9500 2 күн бұрын
What does exterior mean? You say it in the first sentence of the video. Does that mean the character is outside or what?
@SamTheSparrowYT 2 күн бұрын
I appreciate the Midwest shoutout 🙏
@celeluwhen 2 күн бұрын
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Anna's voice acting? It really made me FEEL for Kima and I even came back to listen to this scene again. Wayyy too invested.
@tis_i_manchie 2 күн бұрын
3:05 Nine tries, Local Script Man. NINE. I thought I was in for a profound and meaningful take on Show Don't Tell that I almost missed. How heartless.
@matthewison6131 2 күн бұрын
Just started writing a screenplay ive been spitballing for years at work last night, Hurtsfield: Book I. I had so much to say, and so much going on, that before i knew it i had a general outline of events i had planned for years; so i decided to come home and do some research on how to become better at formatting the screenplay for transferral of my notes to actual file format, and your 2 videos i watched really rocked my socks man. Subbed for sure, great content (and alot of it being that ive been out of university for so long these were great reminders and some fresh ways to really flesh out the world. Thanks man!
@antekpaztek 2 күн бұрын
I know i saw this video before but i remember nothing about it it feels like déjà vu all the way. Good once again
@aznverse9618 2 күн бұрын
getting the viewers invested into the drama then throwing in a skill share sponsor had me laughing so hard
@nikicherry1234 2 күн бұрын
this looks useful.
@witherking584 2 күн бұрын
Bro got all into it and then done yeeted us into the coldest sponsorship Segw ay of the century
@seniorss2401 2 күн бұрын
Where's the avatar video?
@theultimateswagon 2 күн бұрын
This is a fantastically informative video but the commercial break is SO funny
@AnnihilatorCZ 3 күн бұрын
3:53 Why did that make me pause and have an identity crisis?
@jackavery3740 3 күн бұрын
John Bleeb is my homie fr
@MagorzataSzutowicz 3 күн бұрын
The moment the name "Skill Share" was mentioned was the moment I paused. I screamed. I pressed the "subscribe" button and went back to watching. No one has ever done anything like this to me. I'm excited for more videos.
@dadcomeback1470 3 күн бұрын
Who'd have thought getting writing tips despite being a designer/creator and not a writer is how I figure I have avoidment attachment issues
@bayas1302 3 күн бұрын
About story writes itself. Araki, the creator of Jojo adventure, said that his characters become so alive that they were powerful than him, that he had to draw things he didn't want to
@TheSassJacket 3 күн бұрын
......this video's sponsored by Skillshare. WHAT
@guerrillagorilla6537 3 күн бұрын
Why do you seem hostile?
@ala-lash3710 3 күн бұрын
"Not key moments connected by vibes." Blatantly call me out like that
@theitalianalien8477 3 күн бұрын
What about Robert McKee's Story?
@majinjew7727 3 күн бұрын
12:32 "Not eastern, not western, not nothin." Northern and Southern: "..."
@bezymjannaja 3 күн бұрын
The person, who don't read books got 1,6 million views... This all you need to know about modern society!
@jumpyboi7784 4 күн бұрын
5:13 Nice pulp Fiction short film
@Jacky-Boy 4 күн бұрын
LSM hates Truby like he beat him up in middle school
@jonc9154 4 күн бұрын
My head canon for The Thing pov is that MacReady was never the protagonist, third perspn omniscient suggests to me the only chatscter who could be, the Thing itself is.
@boogrs55 4 күн бұрын
"what?" "this video is sponsored by skillshare" "WHAT?!"
@koibubbles3302 4 күн бұрын
Strangely, I learned this from playing the sims. In the sims, I like storytelling, I like putting my sims through stuff and seeing how they turn out, like a science experiment. But I was too caught up with making my sims realistic, with only doing what I think my sim would actually do. And I got bored, because normal people are not very exciting. Eventually, I had this revelation, that I’m not supposed to do what I think they would do, I’m supposed to do *what I would like to see them do.* that changed everything. And that applies to storytelling. Don’t have your characters react realistically to everything, have them act *plausibly.* don’t make them do something completely out of character, but it’s okay if a real person probably wouldn’t make the same decision in the same circumstance. Cause they’re not real people.
@kimberlytamayo3567 4 күн бұрын
thank you! this was honestly so helpful
@ninja_tripps1370 5 күн бұрын
What is your favourite film? 4:08
@alacer8878 5 күн бұрын
It's amazing how consistently I can rewatch these videos and in the process manage to work out just a little more of my characters, arcs, and plots. "Actionable" is the term of the century. Your advice is infinitely more usable to me than most other writers'.
@IDOLL_Dev 5 күн бұрын
my new favorite ad read
@mediarecap9874 5 күн бұрын
a core belief is a response to external forces or the trauma
@happytofu5 5 күн бұрын
There is something intruiging about a guy showing minecraft footage while teaching us about writing. 👏
@LunaProtege 5 күн бұрын
The "once removed" thing sort of sparks some ideas given how it plays into a handful of characters I played in a game that I'd like to use if I ever ran a game... However, in that case, it wasn't so much falling with each removal so much as raising up. It started with Orphea the First, who for her descendants would become as myth, was the illegitimate child of a dragon who was also a lord of a distant land; the story as it came to be told was her descendants was that in a land to the far east her mother Kirika seduced the dragon under the assumption that her own strengths could only truly have flourished with sorcery, and that would require a magical bloodline which she didn't have enough of. The result of this was her being branded a criminal and conscripted, and the culture's sense of honor and shame placed Orphea the first as having the same social status as a criminal herself save for a direct punishment. So she left the land with her own children, only to presumably die drowned on a beach trying to buy time for the ship carrying her kids to leave for the west. This act of dying in water would repeat twice more, but with hints of betrayal added. Orphea the second started as a slave on a pirate ship, only to help start a mutiny and save the new captain through trickery and magic, only to be pushed into a fight with a squid by the very captain she saved, and died. Orphea the third would die at the hands of a fey creature that beguiles and drowns those that see it, and this happens because she tried to save someone else from this fate, only for that person and the rest of the party to leave her to die. By Orphea the Fourth, we're dealing with a character with trust issues, more ready to run than risk herself, though she may come back with help, and a belief in fate, and a fear of water... So she's wound up in a desert land of iron gods and machines... However, despite all of this legacy, she manages to live, thrive, and overcome the machines and the iron gods and become a demi-god; one interested in helping others follow the path to godhood through the overcoming of fate, one she's already done once, and likely will a few more times. ... And then there's her children, in addition to leaving a town she formed in the hands of her first daughter, Orphea the Fifth, her second daughter Astra recognizes that her mother achieved all she did while being a fool caught out of her depth, and so seeks knowledge and wisdom so she can one day support her mother, and then Orphea the Fourth's illegitimate son named Zagreal born the son of a demi-god of strength named Zenon that she stewarded; and Zagreal has to deal with trying to reconnect with his father by gaining the approval of his stepmother.