@debbied9740 6 күн бұрын
Can we live underground? I believe our ancients did.
@Marko-qy5eg 20 күн бұрын
We can repair the climate with a sun shade. How to pay for it? Mine astroids and make the shade from their tailings.
@gene4094 Ай бұрын
We could split water for energy, as weight/weight it has near equal to gasoline. This splitting would require a quantum reaction. This hypothetical reaction is complex, but I have submitted it to artificial intelligence and the response was validated and stated that I should submit a scientific paper on it.
@marksmit8112 2 ай бұрын
To put into context the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of CO2 annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. Anthropogenic climate change is propelled by a capitalist and the zero sum game. We need to redefine/overthrow capitalism to solve the metacrisis - being our unsustainable ecological footprint and quest for unlimited energy, materials and population will means societal collapse. The science cannot be any clearer
@markgalbraith4655 2 ай бұрын
its simple, no1 in their right mind will take responsibility bcaz they will be 4eva remembered as the 1s that failed...its too late now...thats obvious..
@peterp5099 3 ай бұрын
The plan is to waste strength on actions like blocking people on their way to work. It helps to feel like doing something important, while in truth accomplishing nothing relevant.
@user-co7qs7yq7n 3 ай бұрын
- We live in the same climate as it was 5 million years ago and the cancer will go away - I have an explanation regarding the cause of the climate change and global warming, it is the travel of the universe to the deep past since May 10, 2010. Each day starting May 10, 2010 takes us 1000 years to the past of the universe. Today May 22, 2024 the state of our universe is the same as it was 5 million and 126 thousand years ago. On october 13, 2026 the state of our universe will be at the point 6 million years in the past. On june 04, 2051 the state of our universe will be at the point 15 million years in the past. On june 28, 2092 the state of our universe will be at the point 30 million years in the past. On april 02, 2147 the state of our universe will be at the point 50 million years in the past. The result is that the universe is heading back to the point where it started and today we live in the same climate as it was 5 million years ago. Mohamed BOUHAMIDA, teacher of mathematics and a researcher in number theory.
@Muddslinger0415 4 ай бұрын
Another major major issue is all these dumbass deniers that think it’s just propaganda to make money
@Muddslinger0415 4 ай бұрын
We must start up carbon capture on a massive scale and stop with fossil fuels. Already seeing commercials from Exxon mobile oil giant saying they can help don’t believe shit these oil companies say, their greed got us here and now they might just drive us all to our deaths
@Muddslinger0415 4 ай бұрын
The last time the atmosphere had 500 ppm all the ice was gone, we are at 420 ppm now and we are having rapid melting! We are fuck 3c by 2045 we must stop all economic and industrial growth a lot will die but it does have to be everything
@drTAMU-T 5 ай бұрын
0.9 C, not 1.5 C Stop spreading propaganda. Where is the science that demonstrates what the optimal Temperature and CO2 levels are ? Cite references
@nonearlylove 6 ай бұрын
The Earth will eventually repair itself..! But in time for Us..? (Cringe)..!
@ChrisBaulman 6 ай бұрын
As we all need to have a say, what mechanisms are there, what forum to do so?
@SolvingTornadoes 6 ай бұрын
Tipping points are alarmist nonsense.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 5 ай бұрын
that's what Joseph Fourier published two hundred years ago. Fourier published how "dark heat" (infrared radiation) would increase on Earth due to "the effects of human industry" - so it's been two hundred years of alarmist peer-reviewed science by one of the top scientists.
@SolvingTornadoes 5 ай бұрын
@@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Having lived 200 years ago, Fourier had an excuse for his dimwittedness.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 5 ай бұрын
@@SolvingTornadoes Dimwitted indeed - you or Fourier? "Fourier transform methods allow the analysis of complex waveforms in terms of their sinusoidal components [32]. Fourier analysis transforms a waveform into its spectral components and has been utilized in mass spectrometry, infrared spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Fourier Transform is a mathematical model which helps to transform the signals between two different domains, such as transforming signal from frequency domain to time domain or vice versa. Fourier transform has many applications in Engineering and Physics, such as signal processing, RADAR, and so on. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a widely used algorithm in various fields, including signal processing, image processing, communication, data analysis, and scientific computing. The method of Fourier-transform spectroscopy can also be used for absorption spectroscopy. The primary example is "FTIR Spectroscopy", a common technique in chemistry. In general, the goal of absorption spectroscopy is to measure how well a sample absorbs or transmits light at each different wavelength." And so how is that related to abrupt global warming? see physics professor Raymond Pierrehumbert, 2011, "Infrared Radiation and Planetary Temperature" article freely readable in "Physics Today": The key role of the energy balance between short-wave solar absorption and long-wave IR emission was first recognized in 1827 by Joseph Fourier,1,2 about a quarter century after IR radiation was discovered by William Herschel. As Fourier also recognized, the rate at which electromagnetic radiation escapes to space is strongly affected by the interven- ing atmosphere. With those insights, Fourier set in motion a program in planetary climate that would take more than a century to bring to fruition." "As Fourier already understood, when it comes to relating temperature to the principles of energy balance, it matters little whether the heat-loss mechanism is purely radiative, as in the case of a planet, or a mix of radiation and turbulent convection, as in the case of a house-or a greenhouse. Carbon dioxide is just planetary insulation." "The foundations of radiative transfer were laid by some of the greatest physicists of the 19th and 20th centuries- Fourier, Tyndall, Arrhenius, Kirchhoff, Ludwig Boltzmann, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Schwarzschild, Arthur Edding- ton, Milne, and Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar-plus many more whose names are not well known, even among physi- cists, but probably deserve to be."
@peterdollins3610 6 ай бұрын
The incredibly annoying sound effects makes this video unwatchable. Cut that out & I will watch it.
@markschuette3770 6 ай бұрын
we would be fools (and a lot more painful) to let this get so bad that we need "climate repair"! and we have the even larger issue of the 6th great extinction which we also need to repair since we are dependant on health/stable ecosystems.
@billstream1974 7 ай бұрын
@andrewpickard3230 7 ай бұрын
30 years ago they made up a pack of lies. Since then the lies have got longer and now you are using lies to tell more lies. The sea ice in the Arctic is increasing as the earth is cooling' All real scientists know this and the lies are about to come down around you.
@andrewpickard3230 7 ай бұрын
There is no climate emergency. All the real scientists know this. 30 years of lies on lies on lies. Wake up everybody. This climate scam is taking all your money.
@kbmblizz1940 8 ай бұрын
We got nothing, to be honest 😭.
@thebritishbookworm2649 8 ай бұрын
We need more C02. We are at the lowest levels in earth's history. Tipping points are not scientific facts nor established at all. This man talks utter nonsense in every interview. The science does not state anything this man claims.
@stewartread4235 8 ай бұрын
The only tipping we're doing at the moment is into landfill, that's where all the solar/wind and EV's end up.!
@georgepoitras3502 8 ай бұрын
The plan is to try to live cleaner. There is no way to change the Global Temp. Our current Co2 emmissions will still be up there in 50 years.
@NashHinton 8 ай бұрын
We need solar geoengineering.
@rodmartin-nl8ns 8 ай бұрын
Sorry had solar never again
@Sleveofwizard 8 ай бұрын
Ban private jets and I am all in!!
@jamesgreig5168 8 ай бұрын
Listening to these silly people trying to scare everyone because they are scared is really frustrating. Our current temperatures are just fine. Having this planet 1⁰C warmer than 100 years ago is brilliant. Having 400 plus ppm of CO2 is great for our vegetation. On 100 measures, 90 are better than 100 years ago. As far as warming goes, in my humble opinion, most of that heat increase is due to the Heat Island effect. All cities have doubled and tripled in area and the surfaces are emitting heat in city areas for many hours after nightfall. Stupid measures are simply that, stupid!! These people are nuts. 11:42
@folkeholmberg3519 8 ай бұрын
If we can't trust IPPC it's really scary 😱
@thomasreis4949 8 ай бұрын
talking about protecting ice sheet glaciers from warm water, i try to discuss bubble barriers on twitter for several years. these bubble walls are already used to keep cold water out of harbors and lower underwater sound pollution.
@rodmartin-nl8ns 8 ай бұрын
This is crazy thinking The world is fine so leave it alone you are making a mountain out of a molehill The world has never been better just tell me when it has been better And don't worry about prediction there always wrong Just read last 40 yrs of predictions Its all crapz
@NashHinton 8 ай бұрын
Just wait until it gets worse. You'll be begging for solar geoengineering.
@rodmartin-nl8ns 8 ай бұрын
@@NashHinton Tell me why not be positive The world is perfectl can assure you never better SCIENTIST have sucked you in Enjoy
@glennmitchell9107 8 ай бұрын
A climate catastrophist selling climate catastrophe.
@GlobeHackers 8 ай бұрын
Global heating is a symptom of a self-terminating system known as coded neoliberal fossil capitalism. We can't have a sustainable future if we can't change the socioeconomic system.
@crisismanagement 8 ай бұрын
There will be an announcement of peace. Consumption such as on the occasions of Christmas will be a thing of the past. Then the elephant in the room, human goverment, will need to be replaced. No more selfishness and greed. With far-sighted wisdom, an educational process has alredy been in place.
@globalwarming382 8 ай бұрын
At 11 minutes in. The answer is marin cloud ☁️ brightening. Dr Peter Wadhams. Just google it.
@jerrypalmer1786 8 ай бұрын
There is one question that is never addressed that would expose the "climate crisis" for the scam that it is, which is "What percentage of the atmosphere is CO2?" The answer, never given in plain language, is that CO2 is currently around 420 parts per million, (google it) increased, they tell us, from 280 ppm in 1850. That's a difference of 140 ppm, or in terms more readily understood by the layman, the composition of the atmosphere has changed by 0.014% (14 thousandths of 1%) in the last 170 years. LESS THAN 1 THOUSANDTH OF 1% PER DECADE! How much closer to "zero" do they think it's possible to get? How gullible do you have to be to believe that this rate of change is causing extreme weather events, which have always happened and always will? Their claim is that this tiny amount "traps heat". ALL gasses dissipate heat and even if CO2 is an exception, the suggestion that a total of 0.042% can overwhelm the capacity of the remaining 99.958% to dissipate that heat is abject nonsense. CO2 DOES NOT control the global temperature, there is no "climate crisis". Wind farms, solar panels, heat pumps, EV's.. None of these measures are necessary, nor will they have the slightest effect on the weather. Eye-watering sums of money have already been wasted on this futile exercise. Time to wake up, stop throwing our money at these boondoggles and squandering the world's resources on projects that cannot possibly succeed as there never was a problem to begin with. There is no need to save the planet from a minuscule increase in the gas on which all life depends, but it does need to be rescued from idiot politicians and media mouthpieces that push this garbage.
@anthonymorris5084 8 ай бұрын
This is delusional. You could end all fossil fuels tonight at midnight across the globe and it won't change a thing.
@FrankJoseph-tp2jz 8 ай бұрын
Horseshit. plants need C02. Plants make O2. We breathe O2
@ardalla535 8 ай бұрын
He's talking about phytoplankton in the oceans. "How much carbon dioxide do phytoplankton pull out of the air? Some estimates have been as high as 30 to 50%, while others say that about 25% or so of all the carbon created by human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuel, is absorbed by phytoplankton in the oceans. Of the remaining 75%, about 28% is picked up by plants, and the rest goes to the atmosphere."
@farinshore8900 8 ай бұрын
They told us we have cancer 30 years ago. The only valid intervention now, is to write our will and plan our funeral.
@lesbrattain6864 9 ай бұрын
Nothing will happen. The rich and powerful who could make a difference feel they will be the last to suffer and they are probably right. Stay in denial. Its easier then changing my life stile to save some poor people? Forget it! There are too many of them anyway.
@Cyberpunk_Radio_PBS 9 ай бұрын
Very factual, data driven, and intellectually honest. Thank you for hosting this discussion on your channel with such an amazing speaker.
@Cyberpunk_Radio_PBS 9 ай бұрын
...and if the speaker is you, bravo!!! :)
@wendyburpee1671 9 ай бұрын
Going to share this will all of my elected reps. Speaker is 22 years old, of the first generation we are destroying our world for...
@jerrypalmer1786 9 ай бұрын
There is one question that never gets asked that would expose the "climate crisis" for the scam that it is, which is "What percentage of the atmosphere is CO2?" The answer, never given in plain language, is that CO2 is currently around 420 parts per million, increased, they tell us, from 280 ppm in 1850. That's a difference of 140 ppm, or in terms more readily understood by the layman, the composition of the atmosphere has changed by 0.014% (14 thousandths of 1%) in the last 170 years. LESS THAN 1 THOUSANDTH OF 1% PER DECADE! How much closer to "zero" do they think it's possible to get? How gullible do you have to be to believe that this rate of change is causing extreme weather events, which have always happened and always will? Their claim is that this tiny amount "traps heat". ALL gasses dissipate heat and even if CO2 is an exception, the suggestion that a total of 0.042% can overwhelm the capacity of the remaining 99.958% to dissipate that heat is abject nonsense. CO2 DOES NOT control the global temperature, there is no "climate crisis". Wind farms, solar panels, heat pumps, EV's.. None of these measures are necessary, nor will they have the slightest effect on the weather. Eye-watering sums of money have already been wasted on this futile exercise. Time to wake up, stop throwing our money at these boondoggles and squandering the world's resources on projects that cannot possibly succeed as there never was a problem to begin with. There is no need to save the planet from a minuscule increase in the gas on which all life depends, but it does need to be rescued from idiot politicians and media mouthpieces that push this garbage.
@frankr29 9 ай бұрын
My proposed plan is the following: 1. Recognize that the Earth is far too warm and must be rapidly cooled. 2. Conceptually split fossil-fuel emissions into GHG releases and aerosol releases. Reason: GHGs warm the Earth and remain in the atmosphere, whereas aerosols cool the Earth and are quickly removed. These two components therefore require distinct measures. 3. Minimize GHG releases through efficiency measures. 4. Optimize aerosol releases to balance their positive cooling and negative human health effects. 5. Implement solar radiation management (SRM) at the scale required. Reason: SRM is the ONLY means we have for rapid global cooling.
@HoneyBAJR 9 ай бұрын
repair ocean and land habitats to allow plants to make best use of increased co2 - use all our resources carefully and responsibly - live with lower consumption - but FFS dont try 're-freezing' poles! :/
@yaelz6043 9 ай бұрын
Does that mean you want Nordic countries to stop selling gas and oil? What about bombing existing pipelines the moment Norwegian ones come online? Pretty sure that was an environmental catastrophe.
@anthonymorris5084 9 ай бұрын
Apparently the plan is to bring forth your Marxist "utopia" and impoverish the entire world.
@anonyymi4782 9 ай бұрын
I bet situation is worse than you dare to think and you going to F up earth system even more. You just can't go to root causes of problems with this technical BS. You have bunch of incompetent crazies as governance, who already blew up all the climate targets to participate in stupid US hegemony project to make a war with Russia for some regional BS and enlarging NATO to the max. There's no resources to turn this capitalistic-miltaristic-idiotic growth machine to some perpetual green utopia without radically changing base functions of the system. By giving some extra time you just expand to damages it can achieve. Just show middle finger to political clowns who hired you and tell them to learn some honesty and real sciences instead of virtue posing to be able wind down at least some of the problems we make. And you just can't skip the middle finger part and keep on pretending "all will be ok".
@frankr29 9 ай бұрын
The climate intervention logic is straightforward: 1. The Earth is far too warm; 2. Therefore it must be rapidly cooled; 3. Only solar radiation management (SRM) can achieve this; 4. Therefore SRM must be deployed at the scale required. The only question is: What is the most rational and safest mix of SRM measures?
@rodmartin-nl8ns 8 ай бұрын
As for world is to warm there is nothing to suggest that and the world is greening 15% that means wetter not drying
@rodmartin-nl8ns 8 ай бұрын
As for the world is warming look at how temperature are taken you might see your answer there and by the way don't worry it not boiling the world has never been better so enjoy
@jamesgreig5168 8 ай бұрын
The world is NOT too warm at all. Who told you that? Or are you experiencing it yourself.
@Southwesterns 9 ай бұрын
So, you can be stupid! R U stupid?
@h.e.hazelhorst9838 9 ай бұрын
What we’ve done to the oceans (and the fishing grounds in particular) is that we’ve taken out nutrients at a much faster rate than the replenishment rate. So it is not surpising the ecological systems have collapsed. Marine fertilisation may be a necessary way to restore the balance faster, but we should be careful.
@saiello2061 9 ай бұрын
"We believe.....". This is what religious people say. And we're allowing this man and his doom cultist cohorts to influence public policy and new generations of young people. He sounds like an Al Gore 2.0., the man that got us into this misery in the late 80's that has now become the climate hysteria and 'net zero' nonsense it is today. And he also proposes meddling with the climate systems?? I wouldn't trust this man to put the bins out.