I Didn't Like Crazy Rich Asians
Trans Women Aren't “Male”
6 жыл бұрын
So I watched the Roseanne reboot...
What To Do When You F*ck Up Online
My Top 5 Films of 2017
6 жыл бұрын
Should "Queer" Replace "LGBT"?
6 жыл бұрын
TV Shows That Made Me Realize I'm Bi
@SkullGod69 3 күн бұрын
Moat Bi are literally get less attention unlike gay people who can’t hide their identities. Your pathetic
@HolyRollersDiceClub 21 күн бұрын
Bless you for this video--it's a challenge to read something hateful, but always consider how bad it was back then for women (which I know you've certainly studied and/or talked to older folks who remember that time). Being a lesbian was illegal & unpopular enough that people were murdered for it all the time. Abortion was illegal almost everywhere in the world, certainly in the U.S. Part of the rage expressed by Dr. Solanas ended up pushing through much of the now-quickly-fading gains of women in the last fifty years. She herself was the first woman to complete a PhD program in Chemistry at the University she eventually studied at, where her dissertation centered around the XY vs. XX reality of many organisms. You are SO RIGHT about Dr. Solanas' willful "flipping" the narrative of Simone de Beauvoir's SECOND SEX! I have NEVER HEARD anyone MAKE that connection--but looking at it--YEA! that MUST'VE been on her mind... If you ever feel inclined, the SCUM Manifesto is a hard but empowering read, if you're feeling the weight of the patriarchy on you that day more than normal. Dr. Solanas never compromised, although she was known to have called it "all a joke" in an interview in the late 70s, after taking so much shit for it for so many years. She died of pneumonia on the streets in 1989 i believe, homeless, hungry, hated. But defiant. Sometimes it's the hardest most uncompromising visionaries that make more mellow people fighting for their rights feel stronger--because deep down, Dr. Solanas wanted ALL WOMEN to succeed--and could care less if any man thought he could get in the way! The reason he shot Andy Warhol, the famous male artist, is explored in a cool movie from 1996 called, simply, "I Shot Andy Warhol" starring Lili Taylor. It does a good job on a lot of the story, contextualizes why she did what she did, what kind of scene it was around Andy Warhol, etc. (By the way, people actually FOUND the PLAY Andy supposedly stole from her decades later, in a box that had been left behind when Andy Warhol died in 1987. So her play was real, even though in the film it was unclear. The play was put on in 1999 or 2000, i believe. I'd say, if & when you want to, give the SCUM Manifesto another chance--if only to see how hard a person can be made to feel when society is that much against them. I have a feeling Valerie's work will become more popular (unfortunately) in the coming times, due to how horrific the country & the world is becoming toward women--almost like the last 50 years of progress never happened. Bless You Friend! It's brave even to TRY reading this--braver STILL to dare to share it ✊
@FN-cr2lq Ай бұрын
Why did you cowardly turn off the comments about feminism being sexist... Kinda pathetic. Also you missed so many points about how feminism doesn't really support real equality. But it makes sense considering your videos and how you went about it. Maybe educate yourself fully next time instead of an uneducated half ass video.
@SevereWeatherCenter Ай бұрын
He probably is on the autism spectrum. Still not an excuse for being a racist POS. I am 32, autistic, single and I am totally fine with that and not an incel or creep and I am actually trans. Also, the day of release of the video is my birthday.
@SevereWeatherCenter Ай бұрын
Your channel is so awesome. you should make more videos.
@thaneknight Ай бұрын
Solanas was a mentally unstable attempted murderer. She was clear SCUM was to be taken seriously not read like some wacky work of satire. Regardless of how it is read it advocates the genocide of half the population. It's hate speech.That's the only acceptable interpretation
@justinhart8652 2 ай бұрын
She tried to murder three people
@unmaskedandanonymous3660 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate your valuable reflections in this time when myself and my fiancee are struggling new parents. Especially since I found your ideas which rely on the movie helpful when the movie was to me not enjoyable as a whole at the time I viewed it. On a personal level the movie felt to me too much a glorification of conventional psychological theory. I watched it with my family and wasn't uncomfortable with them bringing a certain guest to the movie theater. Perhaps I'm misjudging but I felt like the movie was used by my father whose father was a psychiatrist to oversimplify the kind of struggles I was getting through and offer perspectives too based in theory and not focused enough on compassion. That is essentialy why I have a big gripe with modern conventional psychology and even medical practice at large. We are responsible for making well sure our pregnant mothers, our adults in their golden years, and our vulnerable young ones, or those with emotional or physical struggles are being empowered to take better care of themselves medically and emotionally as independently as possible. This we need and for supportive communities to be built and not for these people to be over medicated and enabled instead. Perhaps I'm not explaining these ideas to clearly or thoroughly but thank you to everyone who read this and feel free to ask questions or clarification. I do need to go back to sleep Anyway thank you for inviting outside opinions here. Have a good weekend
@VitalXtreme 2 ай бұрын
What are feminists even fighting for? If anything women have more privileges than men now and they have equal rights to men legally. Also this powerpuff girl villian archetype is a perfect representation of how radical feminists think.
@calistafalcontail 3 ай бұрын
How can a genocidal maniac be called "controversial"...she was objectively unhinged. Feminists gross me out more and more. I love all the men in my life.
@abhishekkumarsharma192 3 ай бұрын
If men remove the TOXIC aspects as she has described...they will turn Woke. So i guess toxic masculinity is good.
@gold4749 3 ай бұрын
Got it, you have privilige if you are "cisgender" white, straight, but if you're not all 3 of those you're oppressed??? As a bi person myself im sick of this victim mentality
@BroshiAdventures 3 ай бұрын
I am a black gay man, i am not very comfortable with saying queer or calling others queer cause I feel like i'm saying something hurtful or calling them a name. I am gonna stick with LGBTQ and thats it, q in the acronym is questioning for me. But thats just me. Love you all.
@Kikkimartini 3 ай бұрын
Cis is a made up slur to prop up the concept of “woman” being an umbrella term. It’s tit for tat labels so trans women don’t feel separated as other and it alienates a lot of women who don’t accept the term cis.
@deathdragonslayer1 4 ай бұрын
Ask a Gaza woman who is lucky enough to make it out alive whether she thinks feminism (or any white female for that matter) has helped her life in any way.
@paris_2518 4 ай бұрын
Hii idk if youre active on this channel or not but i still loved your video and your other works!
@Neucleus 5 ай бұрын
@terminator3728 5 ай бұрын
This biatch is nuts Affirmative action is racism
@quantumpupper5776 5 ай бұрын
So when a woman acts like a raging incel she is fighting for equality? Everyone here saying that is just a joke, satire....you wouldnt be saying the same about a man joking about cutting women up into pieces.
@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 5 ай бұрын
Luxury beliefs personified.
@SashaSGraham 5 ай бұрын
This little girl is way too ditzy and uneducated to offer any perspectives about Feminism.
@miraclesage8622 6 ай бұрын
The fact that so many men think Aziz's behavior was okay is crazy
@tomoth77 6 ай бұрын
Masculinity is a virtue. It cannot be toxic, because virtue is the opposite of toxicity.
@nathanbedfordforest 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Marina for paying attention to this. The misunderstood portion as I see it is that the problem of race and feminism can't be reconciled because an essential component of American feminism is racial inequality. Your video highlights the exclusion of women of color and that's important, but that alone still misses the point. America's original sin with slavery and any political theory that attempts to explain oppression or remedy it in this society but doesn't center America's original sin will be incomplete. A large part of the white female identity in America has been being under threat by the black male. Therefore, other non-white women by definition Don't fit the archetype American woman in the same way as black women are the mothers, sisters, wives and friends of the black male. This is the one example of how women who aren't white are in ways definitionally outside the parameters of American feminism. To say American feminism is for white women is not incorrect.
@Just_a_Lad 7 ай бұрын
Modern female feminists, please date each other or just stick with cats and dogs, most of you like women and are gay anyway. Do not make any men life miserable. Thank you.
@Just_a_Lad 7 ай бұрын
Why did you Disable the comments under your videos about "Patriarchy" , "White guilt" , "Trans women" etc?
@barnaliadhikary9421 8 ай бұрын
At the one hand these modern men complain against society not letting them exoress their emotional sides and forcing them to suppress it ..but when feminism support men being emotionally expressive and not repressing their vulnerable sides to pretend to be tough, the same men get triggered and say feminism is trying to emasculate men... So what men want? Do they want to unload the burden of PATRIARCHAL gender role expectations from their shoulders? Or all are just a drama to just atteack FEMINISM...mens roghts groups don't give s dakn about men's emotional health?? So many men calling modern feminism toxic but not masculinity, actually proves my point
@BarryBBurton 2 ай бұрын
Yet feminists are the first to jump on men and tell them to stop whining and mock their "male tears" when they open up. Oh and what about when a little boy shows a curious interest in "girls toys", suddenly their mothers have the sudden urge to transition them into a "girl". Yes feminism, has been and still is toxic.
@barnaliadhikary9421 8 ай бұрын
So can we unanimously agree that toxic masculinity is being taught to men nlby men's roghts activism, redpill manosphere MISOGYNISTIC groups??? And FEMINISM is under attack for trying to deconstruct toxic masculinity and unload men of the patriarchal societal gender role expectations? Now the same men who complain of society for expecting them to be always tough and not letting them be emotionally vulnerable... Accuse feminism for supporting men's emotional vulnerability and normalising it ss humsne...of emasculating men... So what men want? To not to have to repress their emotional side and pretend to be tough always? Or they are just fine with manning up and and all these are just drama to attaxk feminism??
@barnaliadhikary9421 8 ай бұрын
Hpw do we be sure that men mustn't be inherently toxic? May be this is how we would want to believe to feel safe and secure..and not be be lanelled as misandrists by triggered men...Should we must have such a clear categorization od masculinity and femininity? Isn't this very dichotomy a PATRIARCHAL construct at its core except biological differences? Isn't masculinity and femininity more about cultural than being biological???
@hallowakers3d2y 7 ай бұрын
No and patriarchy isnt real. Men receive no preferential treatment in the west but women sure do. You are a deluded narcissistic little girl who needs to get awat from delusional bitter older women. When you call men inherently toxic you prove yourself a misandrist. Based on your name i would say you sre mosty likely a woman of color with an entitled personality disorder althoguh you could be a white woman playing victim
@BarryBBurton 2 ай бұрын
Maybe you should try treating men as human beings and not a social experiment for your sexist hypocritical feminist group. Oh but I bet you have no problem in men transitioning away their manhood and "toxic masculinity"
@barnaliadhikary9421 8 ай бұрын
How do you know that men are not by default MISOGYNISTIC and controlling of women's sexuality and treating sexuality of women as their property to own and control? How do you know men are by default not dominating of women and feel the need to control women to jyst exist? Otherwise why mostly its men who are afraid of feminism or gender equality movement and started a trashy MISOGYNISTIC movement like mens rights activism?? Just to defend and retain patriarchy? These men even sometimes fake being feminists to get laid but online they spew venom against women through manosphere and try hard to hold on to PATRIARCHAL gender rules and norms... It must be benefitting men... And most women are against patriarchy...so feminism must be benefitting women...and PATRIARCHY is what must be hurting women and other genders the most...
@BarryBBurton 2 ай бұрын
Men's rights groups talk about depression in men, male suicide, male victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and fair treatment for fathers in court, for you to paint them all as patriarchal oppressors and "misogynist" is disgusting and dishonest, and you wonder why people (including women) turn their back on feminism.
@modernmyth9050 8 ай бұрын
Curious to think what your proposed solution to "radicalization" of this kind might be?
@kailahgoble9654 8 ай бұрын
i think personally, she sticks up for what she believes and a lot more people should do that. she gives no fucks about her opposers. in a world of pick me’s she’s fighting that fire with fire. we can’t forget to talk about women in feminism because that’s what it’s all about. she is reminding people that just cause your gay/trans/whatever doesn’t mean you deserve to get stood up for more than a woman does. her whole things is…don’t forget about women.
@Pistolita221 9 ай бұрын
Marina finally shut up, guys. W. Rare w for feminism, too.
@Werebat 10 ай бұрын
"No one I know likes the SCUMM manifesto" - no one *I* know wants to oppress women in the workplace, so I guess it's not a problem then? And if your answer is, "How can you know what they REALLY think?", well... yeah, exactly.
@robr.5044 11 ай бұрын
Feminism is garbage
@abbygale4913 11 ай бұрын
Woman want equal right. So they ll get orgasm same as man. Thats all.
@manojit00 Жыл бұрын
@samspade2657 Жыл бұрын
Woman talking abut things she knows nothing about.
@legendaryboss54 Жыл бұрын
Not surprising that a creepy guy turned out to be evil and creepy.
@modernmyth9050 8 ай бұрын
A lot of "creepy guys" are often abused, neglected, deal with untreated psychological maladies ext. It should go without saying that none of that is an excuse for violence though it seems a bit short sighted to further ostracize people who are already maladapted and feel like they have nothing to lose. Shouldn't any potential solution to "lone wolf radicalization" be focused on trying to engage and give support to people who may be the most vulnerable?
@legendaryboss54 8 ай бұрын
@@modernmyth9050 the people who face the most isolation are the people most likely to be victims of this type of person. How many TPOC do you see turning to violent hate groups? They’re far more vulnerable than this guy. What I’ve learned from life is that hugboxing racists doesn’t actually do anything if they don’t want to get better. Treating them like they’re simply misunderstood and that their victims need to just understand what they’ve been through is unfair to victims. If you want to expend that kind of energy then so be it but I ask that you don’t expect me or other victims of this stuff to be willing to hold an abusers hand as they try to get better. The betterment of themselves is a journey they have to take. Once again, if you’re willing to be there for someone on that journey then good for you but it’s unfair that you ask everyone to do the same.
@modernmyth9050 8 ай бұрын
@@legendaryboss54 For one I didn't ask you or anyone to do a single thing. This is a thought experiment more than anything else. And I'm not insisting on "holding anyone's up hand." I think solutions for socially motivated violence ought to be as preventative as possible. You're also presupposing that any normally "creepy guy" is already an [insert "isct" here] when that clearly isn't the case. I think the problem can be traced to economic atomization, the inversion of traditional values and the resulting failure of social institutions. Material and cultural changes affect every demographic differently but today's young men in particular. Andrew and many others may not have gone down the dark path they did had other healthy vehicles for expression and meaning been available.
@legendaryboss54 8 ай бұрын
@@modernmyth9050 lol not this corny debate bro shit 😭 take your “thought experiments” to someone who asked.
@algouwu8593 Жыл бұрын
i come from seeing an old video of your´s and jump to this one and yikes xd this is what toxic masculinity does to any young men but very funny nazis are just in the end rejected man
@SabatSch95 Жыл бұрын
Eliot Roger, incel who had zero association with men's rights groups (and no, I'm not an MRA, I just think it's ironic). Feminists: "ALL MRAS ARE TRASH!!!! MRA is DANGEROUS & PROMOTES VIOLENCE!!!" Feminists: *write extreme man-hating lunacy, openly advocating for the death of all men. Also feminists: "hahaha, this is so funny.... but you know, no one takes this seriously & this doesn't reflect feminism at all :)" Go f*k yourself :)
@SabatSch95 Жыл бұрын
Amazing... the only "not good" and "offensive" part you could find in this text is not its rampant contempt for men as a gender... but rather that it isn't very "trans-inclusive". Man, feminists are truly, absolutely evil.
@SabatSch95 Жыл бұрын
"No one takes it seriously"... B*tch, look at your own audience & these comments. Many women here unironically praising Solanis & saying she was absolutely right. I'd say that should make you think about the kinds of people your rhetoric attracts, but we all know that feminists/women are allergic to accountability, so I won't hold out my breath.
@SabatSch95 Жыл бұрын
Imagine unironically defending the SCUM manifesto and lying about how it's "not taken seriously" and "not taught" when it's in fact one of the most popular pieces of feminist literature ever written. Just goes to prove how feminism is evil & how all feminists are... scum.
@kevinmurdoch4184 Жыл бұрын
Obama deported many immigrants too. Where was the outrage???🤔🤫🫠
@zer0cx110 Жыл бұрын
Masculinity is not toxic. The femnist movement is. Period!
@barnaliadhikary9421 8 ай бұрын
You just proved that how rampant toxic masculinity is .. through your very remark
@Horizon0505iije Жыл бұрын
Trans women are women socially for sure like on individual level if presented in right way. If a trans woman you see on twitter who have beard and put on crazy makeup, it’s difficult for society to acknowledge their claim that he is a woman. People need to differentiate biology and gender. They are women socially but not women biologically. That’s the foundation people need to agree on.
@Horizon0505iije Жыл бұрын
I dated a couple American feminists before without knowing they were a feminist. It was an absolute nightmare. Literally all they talk about during a day is patriarchy, LGBTQ rights, abortion rights, how right wingers are bad and how leftists are good guys, and the list goes on. I felt like I was talking to a crazy side of twitter. I was not a very political person and plus I was a foreigner, not American. I was willing to listen to their perspective for the first few month because why not. Later I realized that It turned me into a very negative person after a while and it also started making me question every points they make about social issues. That’s when I saw their true forms, very condescending and rude. It made me want to beat the shit out of her a few times but glad I didn’t lmao their world view is totally corrupt and they try to find negativity out of everything. I realized after getting out of the relationship that I was too masculine for those girls. Feminist tend to date guys who are timid and not very opinionated. They don’t like that. I think they are more masculine than normal women or they might have been abused or mentally I’ll because of the past experience with bad men. Either way WORST RELATIONSHIP I EVER HAD.
@Just_a_Lad 7 ай бұрын
Huge mistake man. Do not ever date a modern feminist. They're trouble. I'm not american but from Europe and hopefully we don't have that many around here. I feel sorry for the american guys.