The Bible Was Right All Along (Archaeology)
Why Do Christians Worship on Sunday?
3 ай бұрын
Major Update on Greek NT Project!
Full Preterism Critically Examined
Christianity is true.
5 ай бұрын
@gregwindell7702 7 сағат бұрын
@AFWorm 17 сағат бұрын
Just noticed the κενός connection during this morning's sermon. I was hoping to find someone also connect the dots. Thank you!
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 16 сағат бұрын
That’s awesome to hear!
@jamestrotter3162 Күн бұрын
Great video brother! I was being blessed just by listening to Dr. Wilson as he mentioned the names of all the different cities that Luke wrote about in the Book of Acts as well as the cities John wrote to in Revelation.
@Jesusexplains Күн бұрын
My goodness … Brother, to twist Dan7:13 KJV to try to align it with Matt24:29-31 is NOT faithfully dividing the word of truth. The related passages to Matt24:29-31 KJV is reflected in Rev6:12-13 and Rev1:7 which are scenes in visions shown to John AFTER 70AD. Sorry brother, every times you say, “I think” or “I believe” or “I see” displays you are not allowing yourself to be taught by the Holy Spirit. (Prov16:3 KJV)
@Jesusexplains Күн бұрын
Brother, your question re Matt26:64-65 KJV is answered with Rev1:7 KJV where “every eye shall see him coming in the clouds - even those that pierced him”. Every eye includes those who have died as well as those living when Christ appears in the clouds (See Acts1:9-10 KJV) Also “this generation” is always qualified by the following words. In Matt24:34 KJV the words “this generation” are defined by the words “ALL these things” - and no generation so far has seen “ALL these things”. Yes, some things were fulfilled in 70AD, but the have not seen “the great tribulation” - the worse time in the world’s history as described in Matt24:21 and Dan12:1, which we understand from Dan12:1 and other scriptures lasts for 1,260 days, after which Jesus will come again “in the clouds”, and all those things described in Matt24:29-31 KJV shall take place. Brother, your understanding has room for improvement. God bless you with correct understanding!
@XDRONIN Күн бұрын
Depends on what you define as "Unique Details",... Is the Roman Census sent by Emperor Augustus mentioned in the Gospel of Luke accurate? That's a unique detail and is completely wrong
@yodasadoy2079 2 сағат бұрын
That’s a translation error: in the Greek, the word used is “protos”, meaning either “first” or “before”, when talking about the governorship of Quirinius
@XDRONIN Сағат бұрын
@@yodasadoy2079 Can we count translation errors as "Unique Details" as well? And the word "virgin" is also a translation error from the OT
@karldunnegan2689 Күн бұрын
Good grief what a load of horse manure, much like the bible itself. This is the utter nonsense that Christianity asserts is the truth: That the Creator of the Universe, 13.8 billion years ago, decided to crawl up inside a virgin girl's poon hole in ancient Palestine, 2,000 years ago, and deposit his cosmic seed into her quivering uterus. Because apparently God felt fatherhood calling for the first time in nearly 14 billion years. Yep, God wanted to be a dad. And apparently none of the female Homo Sapiens who walked the Earth during the previous 300,000 years had poon-tang with a sweet enough smell to attract YAHWEH and arouse his mighty penis. And the reason for God desiring a son was because he needed the proper human to be nailed to a chunk of wood and be savagely beaten to death as some kind of idiotic and revolting blood sacrifice for the supposed sins of his own creation. Because nothing says forgiveness quite like the blood of a barbaric human sacrifice. Right?...... Don't 'ya just feel the love!!? So then, supposedly 3 days after the sadistic human sacrifice, the Creator of the Cosmos reanimated the carcas of his son so he could trot around among a small group of ignorant, superstitious peasants as though to say.."Hey fellas, lookie here what I just did! I just brought a 3 day old sack of bones back to life! Aren't you impressed!!? Doesn't that prove what a bad ass God I am? And if you want, I can crawl up inside another virgin's poon hole and do it all again for you!" This is the lunacy that Christians proclaim is 100% true. A god that ignores humankind for thousands and thousands of years before deciding that the time was right to start hanging out with a group of superstitious goat-herders in the Middle East desert, commanding them to adhere to primitive, evil beliefs, all while completely ignoring the lives of the other 170 million people who were living on Earth at that time. Every part of the Christian story is absolute bat-shit crazy nonsense. Christianity is a cult of human sacrifice. Specifically the blood of a human sacrifice. And it's simply bizarre that any sane, rational person walking this Earth in 2024 can attach themselves to such immoral, caveman lunacy. But, alas, the gullible and the weak minded need their comforting fables. May Zeus bless you!
@yodasadoy2079 2 сағат бұрын
The way you are describing everything is horrifically incorrect. Firstly, the virgin birth was just that - God did not have intercourse with Mary. God does not feel arousal, God does not have physical body parts - He is a spiritual being. Secondly, God the Son was present since before the creation of the world, as a hypostasis of the Triune God. Thirdly, the barbarism of the crucifixion is necessary for the forgiveness of sins. A basic knowledge of the biblical meta narrative shows that the problem of sin is Omni-pervasive and unfixable, and provides an understanding of how bad sin truly is. The flood shows that even with the most righteous man surviving the flood, the consequences of sin remain (death, broken relationships with one another and with God). Fourthly, the resurrection was not a reanimating of a dead body. True bodily resurrection involves being raised to life, never to die again. This was the true test of covenant fulfilment - many messianic figures came and died, and have been forgotten. However, Christianity remains distinct as having first generation believers willing to do for the claim that their messiah was resurrected. Fifth, God did do it for His glory, but also that we might share in His glory and experience His love. Sixth, evil beliefs? How do you make an objective statement that the beliefs are evil if you have no objective giver of morality? How can you make such a definitive statement when there is no standard?
@morganwildman5528 Күн бұрын
But who is Q?
@yodasadoy2079 2 сағат бұрын
Why would the early church fathers not mention a source used by the gospels? It’s almost as though it didn’t exist in writing…
@scottmckinney9073 Күн бұрын
@yodasadoy2079 2 сағат бұрын
*sumerian. Also, there is no archaeological or literary evidence to suggest those claims
@Jesusexplains Күн бұрын
Acts1:10-11 and Rev1:7 equates with Matt24:29-31 KJV 🤔
@flagulantmichael 2 күн бұрын
you guys seem like advid bible enthusiast. i hope though that you are not part of catholicisim. catholicism practices forbidden idolatry among many other things and, will be destroyed in God's day. 1 cor. 10: 14 "Therefore, my beloved ones, flee from IDOLATRY." gal. 5: 19-21 "Now the works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, 20 IDOLATRY, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these. I am forewarning you about these things, the same way I already warned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit God’s Kingdom." rev. 18: 4, 5 "Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. 5 For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind." -notice it says my people or, people believing in me. it talks about them as a harlot to the beast (religion selling themselves to the nations). notice rev. 17: 18 says who she is "And the woman whom you saw means the GREAT CITY that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth." (rev. 18: 17-21, rev. 16: 18, 19 showing city next to sea) -referring to vatican city is it NOT worth EVERY effort to make the paradise on earth. psalms 37: 29 "righteous will possess the earth and, live forever upon it." (few to heaven as judges rev. 7) (more info. at JW website on there other lies about the bible.) care about you brothers and sisters. may we ALL fear God and obey his commandments. (side note: also zech. 5 talks about nukes being used as part of her destruction.) please heed God's warning. take care
@davidjohnson1536 2 күн бұрын
Logical fallacies: appeal to antiquity and appeal to authority. He is also asking us to disprove what he has not proven.
@church7180 2 күн бұрын
Awesome Video! I was at UNM last week and was debating with an atheist and told him to look in to Biblical Archaeology. He was stumped!
@ModernBiblesCorrected-oz9ks 2 күн бұрын
There are 80 inspired and preserved words by the Lord Jesus Christ In this passage that makes it scripture 2nd Timothy 3:16 and Hebrews 1:1 and 2
@justkeepnitreal4198 2 күн бұрын
Is having a doctrine that calls CHRIST a liar heresy?? Christ stated numerous times his coming was at hand and the APOSTLES stated the something. So are they heretics and liars because it was suppose to happen in their generation
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 2 күн бұрын
@larrymcclain8874 4 күн бұрын
Goodness, when Jewish apocalyptic language is used throughout the Bible, it isn't always literal. The Bible is full of allegory and hyperbole. Some of us are just plain one diminsional in our understanding, unfortunately. We are all given brains for a reason, but we don't use them. Just know that if apocalyptic language has been used before and stars didn’t literally fall from the sky, the moon didn't literally turn to blood, etc. then chances are you have encountered this type of language. I assure you that a Jewish audience would have understood this. We don't because we are centuries removed from that culture. You have to become a first century Christian sometimes and view these texts through their eyes to fully understand what you are reading. This faulty reasoning is the main reason that many of us have created this fantasy fairy tale in our interpretation of this type of literature, and the majority eschatological view today is a sham.
@MichaelAnderson-ng6nz 4 күн бұрын
Where can I buy the scrivener Text?
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 күн бұрын
Trinitarian Bible Society
@tanykiat 4 күн бұрын
A. Haire Forster's Paper "The Pronunciation of Greek in New Testament Times" almost a hundred years ago already highlighted that the Modern pronunciation is likely close to Koine.
@Simrealism 4 күн бұрын
I'm learning a Koine Pronunciation based around 100 - 300 A.D because when I read The New Testament in Greek I want to hear what the thoughts of the authors may have sounded like and not those of Yorgos Lanthimos
@danm8336 4 күн бұрын
Is the traditional Greek text also known as the majority text? Also, is the majority text the same thing as the Byzantine text? I’m interested in the majority text position after watching one of Matthew Everhard videos. Is there any good books or videos to learn more about this for someone who doesn’t know Hebrew or Greek? This video has good points.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 күн бұрын
The Lost Verses: Bible Mystery Unveiled
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 күн бұрын
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 күн бұрын
Byzantine/Textus Receptus
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 күн бұрын
Here are a few resources that might help.
@jperez7893 4 күн бұрын
are you aware of the vatican folio #140? it is an aramaic copy of the 4 gospels that was transported by joseph assemani from the chaldean patriarchate in 1718. it was made in the year 389 of the greeks or 78 ad. it is not known if this manuscript still exists in the vatican or if it was destroyed by the napoleonic troops or are still in france somewhere, maybe the louvre, bibliotheque nationale, or french archives
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 күн бұрын
I think you or someone else mentioned it in a comment. I’ve never researched it. Do you have any references for that?
@jperez7893 4 күн бұрын
@@BiblicalStudiesandReviews i saw it here. my motivation is if it is found, the manuscript should be dated
@WH-hi5ew 4 күн бұрын
A bit like science and the Bible then ; )
@nickalsop3833 4 күн бұрын
Stephen, excellent video! Well done.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@gumball454 4 күн бұрын
That accuracy when all these mistakes and errors are here: It is mentioned in the 2nd Kings, Chapter No.8, Verse No.26, it says that ‘Ahezia, he was 22 years old, when he began to reign.’ ­­­­­­2nd Chronicles, Chapter No. 22, Verse No. 2, says that… ‘He was 42 years old, when he began to reign.’ ­­­­­­Was he 22 years old, or was he 42 years old? - Mathematical contradiction. ­­­­­­Further more, in 2nd Chronicles, Chapter No. 21, Verse No. 20, it says that… ‘Joaram, the father of Ahezia, he reigned at the age of 32 - and he reigned for 8 years, and he died at the age of 40. ­­­­­Immediately… Ahezia became the next ruler at the age of 42. ­­­­­­ Father died at the age of 40 - Immediately son takes over, who is at the age of 42. ­­­­­­How can a son, be two years older than the father?’ ­­­­­­Believe me even… even in Hollywood film, you will not be able to produce it. ­­­­­ In Hollywood film, you can produce a ‘unicorn’ which I mentioned in my talk. ­­­­­­ Unicorn… you can have Coccrodyasis, which the Bible speaks about, Concrodyasis and dragons and serpents. ­­­­­­But in Hollywood you cannot even show a son, being two years older than the father. ­­­­­­It cannot even be a miracle - Even in miracles; it is not possible - Impossible. ­­­­­­In miracle, you can have a person being born of a virgin birth - but in miracle you cannot have a son being older than the father, by 2 years.­­­­­­ Further if you read - it is mentioned in the Bible, in 2nd Samuel Chapter No 24, Verse No 9, that… ‘The people that were involved in the battlefield. ­­­­­ It gives a list of these people, in 2nd Samuel, Chapter 24, Verse No. 9, and it says that… ‘People that took part 800 thousand of the men of Israel, took part - and 500 thousand of the men of Judah same.’ If you see other places, 1st Chronicle, Chapter 21, Verse No. 5, it says that… ‘1 million - Hundred thousand people took part in the battle field, from the men of Israel - and ten thousand four hundred and sixty men took part of Judah.’ ­­­­­­Was it 800 thousand people who took part from the men of Israel, or was it 1 million - 100 thousand? ­­­­­­ Was it 5 lakh people of Judah that took part or 10,460? ­­­­­­A clear-cut contradiction. Further more, it is mentioned in the Bible in 2nd Samuel, Chapter No. 6, Verse No 23, that… ‘Michael the daughter of Saul - she had no sons’ - 2nd Samuel’, Chapter 21, Verse No. 8… ‘Michael the daughter of Saul had 5 sons.’ ­­­­­­One place it says… ‘No children, no son, no daughter’ - Other place… ‘5 sons.’ ­­­­­­Further more if you read, it is mentioned in Gospel of Mathew, Chapter No. 1, Verse No. 16 - it says about the genealogy of Jesus Christ peace be upon him - as well as Luke Chapter No. 3, Verse No. 23, and it says that… Jesus’ father, that is Joseph - his father was Jacob’ - Mathew, Chapter 1, Verse 16. ­­­­­­And Luke, Chapter No 3, Verse No 23… Jesus’ father… Joseph - his father was Hailey. ­­­­­­Did Jesus’ father… Joseph, had two fathers ? ­­­­­­ What do you call a person who has got two fathers ? ­­­­­­Or was it Hailey - or was it Jacob ? ­­­­­­Clear-cut contradiction.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching. I’m hoping to do a livestream in the next few weeks on the reliability of the Bible. I might throw some of these in for discussion. Hope you’ll stick around for that.
@billybenson3834 4 күн бұрын
He taught the septuagent not the Hebrew. The masoratic text came out 4th century
@WilliamDeanIII 4 күн бұрын
"Of Things Which Will Soon Come to Pass" by Philip Mauro is a hidden gem and his insights into symbolism is well thought out and justified by careful examination of scripture. Also, it's extremely edifying, which is not always the case in commentaries. Highly recommend this book.
@jimmytiler5522 4 күн бұрын
Ask yourself exactly what is in NY harbour a statue of Freedom or a statue of Mithra(highest form of sunworship from Persia)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The day to bow to Mithra is Sunday(not sonday but sunday)
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 күн бұрын
But surely you aren’t opposed to worshipping God any day of the week, are you? Every day belongs to the Lord, right? Even if some people worshipped Mithra on Sunday in the past, doesn’t mean that that day can be stolen from the true God. Just like the rainbow still belongs to God, even if some folks are trying to highjack it. That’s my thoughts, anyway.
@jimmytiler5522 4 күн бұрын
@@BiblicalStudiesandReviews You completely miss the point and do so because ye have been cut off of truth for your abominations. Your not a preacher of truth but lies. Re read what you replied with. Maybe youll see you way but I doubt it for your spoken of in scripture. You are a false prophet as told in scripture for spreading intruths period. Repent or...
@erikthegreek1049 5 күн бұрын
So how do you prove that jesus did indeed rise from the dead?
@Bander471 5 күн бұрын
Faith is not about which book or person you believe told the truth. The Hebrew Bible is not the first scripture of monotheism nor the last. Nevertheless, they all lead to the one creator.