Review: Total War Pharaoh
7 ай бұрын
Patch 2.2 Highlights
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@dirks9816 16 сағат бұрын
I did it the other way around, i had a treaty with Lybaras and gifted Lamia and other stuff to them to buff them a bit and they witheld KroqGar for at least 30-40 turns while i took care of the rats and skarbrand and a lot of orcs. At this point, KroqGar had only 5 cities and was no problem anymore. I have to admit i didnt know until this video that a military alliance is enough to get the artifact part. If i had known this i would have chosen to side with the lizards instead. But then i found it really hard to get diplomacy going as Thorek.
@ProLimitTester 4 күн бұрын
Awesome guide thank you!!
@ManDuderGuy 5 күн бұрын
Big thanks for this!
@celtcelt2669 6 күн бұрын
Okay so that wasnt the best example as you said. Where is the good example then where you win as a smaller faction?
@Grombrindal 15 күн бұрын
Is the cat part of the army?
@sorlacvasquez115 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for all the good info! One other thing is the little ramparts on the top of the city banner indicate that the city has a wall built around it.
@Loyal_Lion 26 күн бұрын
You deserve more subs. These army comp videos are so good and I haven't found anyone else doing them in such depth.
@aaleaa Ай бұрын
One of the best video I have seen in the last 8 years about Total War Warhammer. Clear, easy to follow (english isn't my first language), really informative. You should have 100.000 eubscribers.
@Malgana Ай бұрын
Just got this game the other day after playing Thoreks campaign in TWWH2 and got Kroq-gar'd just like you said. I tried so hard to get a non-aggression with him but he just wouldn't do it, then after I took out Khalida I noticed a whole lot of skinks and saurus outside my walls hissing. Bowmen of Oreon are an annoyance too, but at least they tend to stick around for a long time and act as a buffer for your starting province. Anyone who wants to kill you has to go through them first. They're like a wutelgi powered early wozzak detection system.
@StormArmy96 2 ай бұрын
Not sure if much has changed but I find war wagons to be totally useless My comp in the early game is tons of archers/spearmen, upgrading to crossbows, handgunners and shielded spearmen where appropriate Mid game is 5 or 6 mortars, 5 or 6 ranged split between huntsmen and handgunners and several heroes and spearmen with shields, preferably the RoR or Elector state troops, usually fire mages and warrior priests with a captain for training xp between fights late game i replace most of the mortars and 1 of the spears with rocket batteries, but the comp is otherwise the same the only cav i use if i do use it is the outsiders with grenade launchers the idea is to bog down the enemy in melee with cheap garbage and heroes, let the gunners shoot into the enemy as they engage these units and use the rockets to disrupt formations and deal tons of damage on the approach the only army that came close to defeating this last comp was Drycha using 6 or 7 of those giant tree people with 9k hp, and several casters and ogre mercs but luckily the rockets did work on the regular infantry and the huntsmen and gunners came through for damaging the trees but I did lose over half my army with each tree person getting about 120-150 kills each
@emrysmyridden 2 ай бұрын
i disagree about the early game convoys. I think its better to send convoys right away. first reason is that your economy is weakest early game i take every advantage i can. second the convoy gets more units as it goes out on missions, making it stronger, the more time you have to build strength the better since missions take time. third the battles you fight with them give you more money which is helpful fourth reason is that everyone is at war with someone else in the early game and their armies have weak troops, its the late game with much fewer factions but with 5 armies each that your caravans wont be going places outside your control
@Spacemongerr 2 ай бұрын
@racheldorsey1143 3 ай бұрын
I know nakai is DLC but I think he is the best lizard men faction for beginner
@Shedovv 3 ай бұрын
I see a lot of people disagreeing about Early game convoys. Personally I think a Middle-ground is best here. Just like everyone is saying, longterm benefit of running Convoys is too good to postpone them a lot. But I also think it is worth holding off on them, just long enough, to get the Research that gives all overseers +3 Ranks. That way your very first Convoy is going to either be stronger or more profitable (depending on which skills you pick) right out of the gate!
@AlecFortescue 4 ай бұрын
i like battles in this one so much more than warhammer. I like the limited scope of battles, balance feels nicer and this time around its not a ranged meta like in warhammer where infantry is useless.
@ukaszsotys5304 4 ай бұрын
My tip. Your first target right from the beginnig should be to eliminate vampires because in late game they will be pain in the ass. Manfred is the only real threat from the south. Empire will lose war with him and then he usually attack eastern oblast or even Kislev itself. His provinces are rich. Plus Kislev roster have no problems to deal with undeads.
@maxmustermann7794 4 ай бұрын
Worth gold, started out playing three days ago and the information overload is real. This helped a bunch, Thank you!
@danielgloyd4529 4 ай бұрын
I always do the blue line first. Also. The replenishment is just too important. I always get the underway interception just to occasionally snag free wins against skaven and greenskins hoping around the mountains. 4th point in the 1st section is +1 untainted. Then grab all 3 points in replenishment and 4th point goes to ambush defense to get inquiring mind. After blue line go red line for whatever you will use. With the forge items dwarf units and heroes are tanky enough to put off the yellow line stat buffs until level 30+. I also totally agree with you about taking oath gold on almost every battle. I would take the growth only until your 1st province is secured. Because getting to tier 4 as fast as possible so you can unlock the op elite units and start increasing hero caps is the biggest early power spike the dwarfs can get. Some little min max tricks that don't require too much effort is to look for lords and heroes with Ancestral Blood Grungni. Those 5% research bonuses add up. With Lords you can disband them afterwards and they still provide the research bonus when sitting in the lord pool. If you eventually get to the point you can recruit lords at level 12. Then you can recruit a lord give them inquiring mind and disband them and basically buy 10% research rate for a few hundred minerals. As an added bonus with enough heros with the Ancestral blood grungni trait, you can get free building upgrades in the region they are in.
@mrcontractorbk201 4 ай бұрын
2 questions, you use some cavalry setups, but most ppl hate cathay calvary. What are times I should use calvary? Also is there a way to tell when you crane gunners can shoot over your frontline instead of just eyeballing the elevation.
@thomaspickard4138 4 ай бұрын
Which dlc do u need to get the lizard men please?
@DarthPeachy 4 ай бұрын
So many "guides" and "getting started" videos. But THIS is the video Ive been looking for. Thank you.
@TheStasick 5 ай бұрын
thanks, interesting
@capnbrunch9612 5 ай бұрын
the game recommending franz as a beginner campaign is silly. There is alot of rng that goes into a franz campaign. Gotta get lucky with events (oh your dealing with festus be a real shame if wissenland declared war for no reason and just lead a doom stack from nuln). Also your flanks will melt and they will melt fast. Its a game of wack a mole and is probably the least fun campaign. It was a much better campaign in WH2
@whinegummi6329 5 ай бұрын
beautiful video but how the hell do i get comfortable with comabt? i try and try and still suck =(
@KW-tx6er 5 ай бұрын
Kitty 😺 seeks attention!
@Crackanut1 5 ай бұрын
Gonna have to disagree with this a bit. Surprisingly enough, slayers are actually insane when in Ungrim's army. My advice would be to keep the slayer building in karak kadrin and try to get a full 20 stack of slayers in Ungrim's army as soon as you can. Karak kadrin and ungrim get upkeep reductions for slayers and there is also a trait which will reduce upkeep by an additional 20%. It's actually best to be suuuper aggressive in the early stages so you can wipe out both your starting enemy and azhag who will be your first real challenge. You will not be able to beat azhag early by using a regular army but with a full stack of slayers in ungrim's army it's actually possible and it's not even that difficult. Just make sure for skill points, you go down the unique skill line for ungrim first (first skill point goes for route marcher as per usual) this is so you can get the skill which gives slayer units %15 casualty replenishment. Dwarfs replenishment is fuckin awful so being able to regenerate damage in a turn or 2 makes a huuuuge difference. Also for your first turn, always fight that first battle cuz fighting it for some reason gives a lot more oathgold than auto resolving and then after you take that first settlement, you will have enough oathgold to get master rune of spite which you can put on ungrim to make him a mortis engine. Replace regular slayers with giant slayers when you can. It's insane what you can do with this army, even late game armies and tier 5 settlements don't stand a chance against ungrim and his slayers.
@dhartifact6294 5 ай бұрын
Nice vid!
@projoking 5 ай бұрын
I have like 200 plus hours in this game and I am still terrible. I have watched a lot of tutorials, but this is the first straightforward tutorial I have watched that actually made sense. Thanks!
@antsku123 5 ай бұрын
Very informative video, thanks!
@SGProductions87 5 ай бұрын
A (probably not worth it but it's a thing) Dwarf tip: send Gotrek to fight and lose lords you want to confederate. This will give their faction leader Unbreakable which they will still have after confederation and it will give you a huge amount of diplomatic work to do to get to that point. Works better if you have the Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords mod.
@solomani5959 5 ай бұрын
Thanks. Any chance on a Yuan Bo update? In my limited experience the lions are pretty good replacements for cavalry units.
@user-wv3rd3ig9p 6 ай бұрын
I really appreciate that you bring up the issue of VSing the lizardmen. I have no way either, but solving it with 4 Warp Lighning Cannon. The situation may be even worse after the twilight dlc which contains the coatl unit.
@Whatever100500 6 ай бұрын
Convoys are 100% worth it right away for unique magic items. At least in IE, pretty much everybody is busy with their local wars. And even if a faraway faction declares war - so what? Convoys move too fast for factions to effectively intercept, and they won't send armies to your main territory. In fact, I declare war on and then make peace with irrelevant factions all over the world (minor factions that are designated food for LLs) just for money.
@CommanderTavos99 6 ай бұрын
@Nagunae_ 7 ай бұрын
thx for this video
@MrPAACK 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the guide, having no regrets buying this game and ur guide made me realize that I made the right purchase :)
@jasoncoe944 7 ай бұрын
Loving the videos dude! Would love to see some tier list videos on Chorfs, Dwarfs, etc so we can hear your take on units!
@isaacrhodes4617 7 ай бұрын
I am enjoying the game a lot! Good review bro :)
@lordpappanqui 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for posting this informative vid. Looking forward to more.
@bigbobwalker5527 7 ай бұрын
the map problem isnt the size of the map it is the area covered and that it leaves out factions like the Assyrians and Babylon ..hell it dosent even have all of the area the hittites are supposed to control
@itsmehawkeyeg 7 ай бұрын
I think that's a fair point. I'm not well-versed enough in history to know something like that personally. And I'd imagine it'll come with DLC - not that it's the perfect solution but I don't think we can be too surprised. That's why I don't take issue with people who say that the price point is too high for where it's at. It's really difficult to compare Pharaoh to other Total War titles which are at the same price but have the benefit of many years of updates. I do personally think it's worth the purchase price relative to what's available in the market at-large. I believe it's a good game. But I can understand people who may not be satisfied for reasons similar to the one you've brought up.
@TotalWarriorLegends 7 ай бұрын
PLEASE make a Campaign Army Building Basics - Total War: Pharoah!
@AlecFortescue 4 ай бұрын
Stack most cost efficient 2h axes. 😂 get some chariots, two fast spears to counter chariots, a few ranged.
@370zUsurper 7 ай бұрын
There's no denying that most total war gamers disagree with your ascertains regarding this game. Which is ok, since it is your opinion. I for one am not impressed with the game and its "mechanics." This game will not be fondly remembered or remembered at all for that matter.
@khal7702 7 ай бұрын
thanks for objective review hawkeye...Will buy it once all dlc comes out n at least 50% sale...but thanks for not just hating on game like everyone else. Subscribed
@redjacc7581 7 ай бұрын
i dont think the setting has garnered that much enthusiasm within the TW player base, but i guess we will see with the sales figures. I wont buy it for the same reasons i didnt buy three kingdoms, troy or britannia. CA should be looking hard at why those particular games didnt sell very well.
@khal7702 7 ай бұрын
did u buy Warhammer it's a game that started the downfall
@itsmehawkeyeg 7 ай бұрын
Three Kingdoms sold gangbuster to be frank. But I get where you're coming from - many fans have been yearning for a true historical title for quite some time. And even those the rest of the titles named here are "Saga" titles (so they wouldn't have been new mainline titles regardless) it still puts people one step further from the next game they're really looking forward to. It definitely seems like CA will have a lot of thinking to do in terms of how to move the franchise forward from here.
@redjacc7581 7 ай бұрын
it might have been better if the player could decide where the outposts are built.
@redjacc7581 7 ай бұрын
its taken CA a stupid amount of time to make those campaign customisation options available.
@keithconnell8460 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I appreciate it Hawkeye but I’m torn. Not gonna lie. Seems like almost everyone is advising against picking this one up. I’m still trying to decide.
@user-lu3im5gs7o 7 ай бұрын
Don't rush to buy a game at launch. Wait for more content and grab it on sale
@keithconnell8460 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I think that’s the plan
@khal7702 7 ай бұрын
​@keithconnell8460 I don't think game is as bad as everyone says but I sure don't think it's worth $60. Anyway now days I just get games on sale
@itsmehawkeyeg 7 ай бұрын
I'd agree with the responses you already have here. Only you can be the judge of whether it's worth $60 to you. Keep in mind that I get it for free as a "verified content creator" with Creative Assembly and that's how I get early access to it as well. I think it's a good, if not great game. But I would not cast blame or shame on anyone who waited until it is $30 or $40. It's really a good title in its own right, but it has to stand up against all the other Total War titles that exist. And so for many there just isn't sufficient reason to get it *right now* even if they do agree it's a good game.
@cannukko 7 ай бұрын
Oof I’m a “battles” guy. Do you think it’s big enough for the Full Game price, or do you need more time to have an idea?
@khal7702 7 ай бұрын
I would say buy on sale but game isn't horrible
@itsmehawkeyeg 7 ай бұрын
I definitely think it's big enough for the "Full Game" price. There's lots of unique campaign mechanics and enough variety to keep things fresh across playthroughs. The map is a good size no matter what people say - it only has like 10 fewer settlements than Three Kingdoms. There's 8 factions, every faction has units and buildings which are unique to it, there's also some unique "racial" mechanics as well depending on who you pick, and a fair bit of variety in starting location. The Victory Objectives being so open-ended means you can really go in a new direction every campaign as well. But it does still have to compare to games like Warhammer 3, Rome 2, Shogun 2. Where the quantity of content or the quality of polish is at a very high level. It depends on what you like about the battles - if that really is something important to you then it is probably worth waiting for a sale. There isn't anywhere near as much spectacle in battle or as much variety in units. There's still plenty of fun to be had and room for decision making and army composition building. But there's no magic and extremely few "abilities" like we'd have in WH3. Definitely check out SusaVileTW as I know he has a few campaigns he's uploaded "Let's play"-s of, you could watch some of the battle sequences there and see how you feel about the game after that.
@DrBones-ys1ii 7 ай бұрын
Thanks! Really helpful and well presented video my friend.
@konstantinschuster7825 8 ай бұрын
Man, I absolutely love the Lizardmen and was so happy, when I found your video! Looking forward to see how other guys play my favourite Lizzi Bois!