A Dangerous Adventure in Soulmask
I can’t wait to get these in Soulmask
@Solehk 18 сағат бұрын
Have you heard how the mod "Beyond Stations" is going to be affected by this? I gather it will not be compatible since you cannot hide thralls any longer.
@erycdarkym4232 19 сағат бұрын
Would be very nice if we can take their souls with a spell and bring them back using another living body in the sacrificial stone
@ensignd.crexote5350 19 сағат бұрын
I like not having my thrall stolen out of their work place lol
@herolex782 20 сағат бұрын
Personally, I don't like the "crafter to itemization" idea. Sorry, but I have to disagree with you on that one. It shouldn't have been in the game in the first place, so getting rid of it is a good thing in my opinion.
@dennisl1631 20 сағат бұрын
They just make them knockable like you normaly do in the world
@robertj.quayleiii201 20 сағат бұрын
How about giving us the ability to lock doors and crafting tables? That way, people can’t steal items left in a table and crafters won’t be able to open locked doors/gates. 🤷‍♂️
@shipmate3577 21 сағат бұрын
Is this game better than Conan Exiles?
@gregstephens5688 21 сағат бұрын
Great Video, Wak! Hope the devs are listening. The "Better Thralls" mod has allowed you to pick up Thralls for years at this point, at the cost of resetting them to level 0 and re rolling stat level %-Chance. This is a non-issue for crafters since they are likely going to have no stat leveling % like bartenders.
@Lost_Elfgirl 21 сағат бұрын
I agree with you 100%. And the change that the running area has now been doubled or tripled doesn't make it any better. Your tips here with the emotes are worth their weight in gold! And it's also important to know that they can't use elevators.
@jenniferlesser9522 22 сағат бұрын
Bwuahahaha! All the things! Flying/tripping in mid air when I upgrade to a better building type... lol Drowning when you spawn to your bed... that is on foundation blocks above water... lol But I'm excited to play again when the update launches. 2000+ hours in and I always come back.
@DesRaven 22 сағат бұрын
So now my t4 thralls will get killed by random mobs....sigh.
@terrancewhitfield548 22 сағат бұрын
They needa update sorcery, i was soooooo excited, and its so slow and limited
@Balez__ 22 сағат бұрын
@forthemotherland9424 22 сағат бұрын
Living settlements should be optional like in settings seems to be more hassle than it’s worth
@googanmcboogie9307 23 сағат бұрын
The dev stream said thralls couldn't use elevators.
@BigBrother-op6wq 23 сағат бұрын
I like your idea of using sorcery to put crafters into a "transportable" state. I didn't realize how difficult the new crafter behavior is. As always, I appreciate your videos!
@SkaerKrow Күн бұрын
It’s another stupid change that is entirely pointless. They could have given us ambient thralls without completely upending the crafting thrall mechanic. Another massive L by Funcom.
@Dirtbag-Hyena Күн бұрын
Nothin' to do with the video,but,those deer,are they a mod or are we gettin' new animals??
@wak4863 23 сағат бұрын
Those are from a previous battle pass.
@Dirtbag-Hyena 23 сағат бұрын
@@wak4863 Ahhh... I don't remember them. I was hoping for more passive life,oh well. Thanks much for the reply.✌🏼
@TippyGunman Күн бұрын
my crafters are going to be locked in a one by one cube and never let out lol
@GlenCychosz Күн бұрын
Can the crafters use elevators?
@scorp77snake Күн бұрын
If you have a bar/pub at your base the patrons will also open the doors so i would also say have it separate from your base if you don't want people sneaking in.
@lrdgambit6959 Күн бұрын
An opt out button would be nice
@mickhoward3954 Күн бұрын
Nobody cares about PvP, and if you do play that then suck it up.
@Herr_Affe Күн бұрын
Y tho
@slowsteadysqueeze4246 Күн бұрын
All we need is a button to lock a crafter to a bench that they just stay stationary once placed like the current system.
@CommieExiles Күн бұрын
The reitemizing would be great for solo players in pvp servers.
@darkphoenixempire6520 Күн бұрын
Conan Exiles pretending to be Soulmask.
@davidvondoom2853 Күн бұрын
Seems to me, they need to have separate pvp and pve settings. In pvp, let people use the old crafter system.
@angryman6256 Күн бұрын
Increase the follower count!
@devilsmessanger Күн бұрын
so the new system is broken glitchy buggy mess. its almost like if funcom made it .
@Gnodra Күн бұрын
At this point it does not have a release date. That is a good NEW feature.
@YepImThatGuy66 Күн бұрын
Don't worry, the modders.. (You know, the Real Heros of Exiles) will get this fix soon enough... Oh wait, I play on a console.
@Herr_Affe Күн бұрын
Not that it would be too difficult for them to offer a solution for modding on console (at least on Xbox, Sony's policies have been a bit shitty in the past, at least for Skyrim SE and Fallout 4), but why bother when it takes effort and you can just sell battle passes and micro-transactions instead?
@steezwts9093 Күн бұрын
Also being able to unlock doors for non clan members would be nice too... Like for taverns and such
@brucestoddart8940 Күн бұрын
I think if you place them at a workstation they should stay there if you place them in the world they are free to wander around
@Tkghandi Күн бұрын
Have you tried breaking a thrall on the wheel? just thinking that when you interact with the wheel they will still be itemized until you place them worth a shot and getting them to stay in place goes against what the whole living settlement is just have guards in place and make sure they got food so they can protect the crafters
@wesleydonnasson838 Күн бұрын
wise is the pvper that does not use crafter thralls at all once this goes live
@Yoshoogieboogie Күн бұрын
I like the idea of itemizing your thralls again but I feel like this should be a summoning circle (circle of power) thing. Also being able to pick up your thralls and keep them safe from harm is strong so maybe there can be a slight balance to this method as well. 1. Bring your thrall to a summoning circle. 2. "itemize" them into something like a soul orb you can carry them (to match the theme of sorcery), and have each soul slightly corrupt you. The more souls the stronger the corruption. 3. When you're ready to put them back down, bring them back to a summoning circle and re-summon them. I feel with something like this we can keep the immersion some players may want, while also having the quality of life gamer's aspect to it.
@Raussl Күн бұрын
there is actually something in the conan lore to do that: Pool of the black ones The reverse process is even in the Siptah expansion, where you find statues of living things all accross the island and you can turn them to flesh again at the pool of the grey ones.
@Rizartha Күн бұрын
feels like they are trying to copy some of soulmasks features
@hossml2042 Күн бұрын
Hate the idea of the entire idea of living settlement. Would be nice for a toggle to turn it off
@lahu76 Күн бұрын
Well, I mean as we speak of ideas, they could go with hibernation chests (like sorcery - induced sleep?) or maybe, just maybe a storage for the thrall souls like, some sort of sorcery device, or table (not to confuse with like ancient tablet obviously) that you could store the thralls souls when you "break them in", and then, yes, maybe a table where you could "craft" the thralls/crafters body back if it get's destroyed.
@HalcyonDaze33 Күн бұрын
I've reduced my crafting areas to 1 base, putting the rest of the crafters in storage until we know more work arounds. That base has isolated floors with elevators, however, i am concerned about the falling through the floor bug and how it's going to impact crafters.
@infernohellknight Күн бұрын
So if they are now like fighters,bearers,archers and dancers. Can they be turned into zombies?
@msslaughterotter8188 Күн бұрын
Instead of fixing any of the numerous problems of the game behavior would rather Nerf a perk that is honestly not that good
@wak4863 Күн бұрын
Speaking of Distortion? Yeah no need for that nerf in my opinion.
@andrerodon3921 Күн бұрын
Sounds like crafter thralls have been turned into millennial employees...
@YepImThatGuy66 Күн бұрын
LMAO!!!!!! Love it XD
@Herr_Affe Күн бұрын
Wait until they introduce the "Unions" update. You can expect all your thralls holding signs outside of your base demanding better gruel.
@scorp77snake Күн бұрын
More like Gen Z than millennials
@0darksimon0 Күн бұрын
I wonder if game devs even realize this problem for PVP players. Sorry but really weak design.
@user-Jim499 Күн бұрын
Thanks WAK! They never got path finding quite right .. when I built a base they jammed up went to wrong place ... not everyone had this issue but in a large server drop I can see this being an issue
@bennyt1701 Күн бұрын
Why can't we have sorcerer thralls that do the ritual killings for us to save us time standing there doing absolutely nothing for 30 secs waiting for our character to do an animated ritual. So tedious. Would be much better if we could place a scocerer in a slot and when we start a ritual the scorcerer does it for us
@steezwts9093 Күн бұрын
The sorcerers will emote at the table but I haven't seen them do anything else in the time I watched it. Well except the eating and sleeping they all do
@scorp77snake Күн бұрын
@@steezwts9093 My sorcerer sure likes to sleep , i rarely see her at the bench.
@Dirtbag-Hyena 22 сағат бұрын
@@bennyt1701 I don't understand your problem. FunCom does great animations in my opinion and the game feels more alive because of them. So,you have to wait 30secs WHILE PLAYING A GAME.
@XxBlackIce671xX 21 сағат бұрын
Haha. I get ritual killings fast. I knew I was the only one in the game to know how to donit😊
@lyleseward8638 18 сағат бұрын
That makes too much sense. I like it. Another common sense one I heard was to create a separate thrall limit for bench thralls.
@gaborbernath1278 Күн бұрын
I will be the bad guy and say it - this is just another idea, which was already done by the modders, but Funcom has to make it their own with much worse implementation... :'(
@jonasbech7787 Күн бұрын
this is somethign their was on the funcom plan for over 7 years
@Gnodra Күн бұрын
And Mods do not work for consoles.
@gaborbernath1278 Күн бұрын
@@Gnodra I'm playing on PC, but from what I heard, even the base game doesn't seem to work on consoles, either :D Also, there are games out there where modding is possible on consoles, so that's not platform issue, but a choice made by the devs...
@latestaff9748 Күн бұрын
also with pve some servers you gotta becareful when the worker thralls open the doors and some someone from another clan can sneek in and steel from your base that can be a big prob it depends on the admin also on there rules on the steelings
@Nasko_Nikolov Күн бұрын
Тhe Better Thralls mod allows for re-itemizing thralls if I remember right. Also Funcom should give us the option to toggle it off altogether.
@jvstice56 Күн бұрын
Problem there is the mod's author is calling it quits. So in time that mod, plus Fashionist, Stacksize, etc. will become so broken they can brick the game just by being active. Hopefully, someone takes them over since Better Thralls and Stacksize are very useful tools.
@Gnodra Күн бұрын
Wow, would've been nice if FC could have made a deal with the mods to bring that into the base code. 😢
@thegrandgalacticinquisitor9060 Күн бұрын
"hiding" your crafters is a best case scenario, a wost case scenario, would be the crafters being taken by the enemy clan. with the new system, the worst the enemy can can do is kill your crafters, denying you of what you had, but it doesn't become a gain by the enemy clan being able to make use of the crafter. this will force more exploring because at most a clan can only "remove" another clans ability, raiding will no longer be a way to advance clan progress, thrall wise, unless there are unplaced thralls (not a guarantee)