@Jaykilljoy-tt9tt 10 сағат бұрын
Awesome to hear you did my recommendation, at least one of them already; Alucarda...and awesome to see you loved it. Ya, my favorite Mexican movie. Best depictions of satan ever on screen, at least for me. When they do the pact with the devil and we that goat. The light in the background. Also, love the levitation in the movie and overall "this is messed up...and god is suppose to be the GOOD guy?" Hell, I even really like some of the budding. I also love the medieval look to the film. The forestry and landscape. So ya, glad you liked it. Hershell Gordon Lewis. Blood feast was the first Hershell film I watched [because it's the citizen kane of gore movies according to Serial mom] and it is BAD. Just plain bad. Despite that I like his other films; Wizard of gore, The gore gore girls, Color me blood red, and The gruesome twosome. Still need to see his other film 1000 maniacs or what ever it's called. And Frankenhooker is really good. Awesome to see you watched Cemetary man. I love love that movie. One of my all time favorite movies and I see it as a personal manifesto. Cementary man and Serial mom are like cousins in terms of how re watchable they are and how damn quotable they are. For years and years I've quoted Cementary man in my daily life. Also cool to see you watched Rabid. Rabid is a really good movie. Shivers is commonly talked about and discussed, but I've watched Shivers twice now and I can't get into that film at all. I find it boring and overall very generic and mediocre. Rabid on the other band I find to be a far better movie. Let's scare Jessica to death....I watched that last year and while it was good....I didn't really like it that much. Due to the simple fact that it's entitled "Let's scare Jessica to death"...a title that makes no sense for this movie. That biased me I think and took away my pleasure of the movie. So i definitely need to give it a rewatch to fully grasp the film and see if I like it. Arachnophobia, glad to see you enjoy it. A childhood favorite movie of mine. I watched it ALL THE TIME through out my childhood. John Goodman as the exterminator is awesome and hilarious, and I use to watch Family ties when I was a kid, so it was always great to see the Family ties cameo on the family TV. Damn, you also saw Tetsuo: The iron man. That's a good Japanese experimental film. And I need to give Sisters a second watch. I thought it was just okay when I saw it. I was kind of off put by "this isn't what I was expecting at all". Kind of felt a bit too "old" for my tastes. Like it was in the early 60's or something and wasn't too into the story. I need to give it a rewatch definitely though.
@dudemcmann6936 14 сағат бұрын
I missed the live stream again. This time because i was watching The Olympics. Ha! What is Degrassi? I remember hearing it mentioned back in the day but never knew what it was or where to watch it.
@dudemcmann6936 14 сағат бұрын
Also, I had an unhealthy obsession wirh Unsolved Mysteries. It made me an expert on the Unabomber because I saw that episode when I was probably 10 (before they caught him) and it scared the crap out of me thinking he could send me or someone I knew a b*mb in the mail because when you're a kid you dwell on irrational stuff like that. Anyway, I followed the case as closely as I could in the days before the internet and became even more interested after they caught him and found out he was a math genius & former university professor at UC Berkeley and possibly could've also been the Zodiac. It's a crazy case that got crazier with every new turn and I have Unsolved Mysteries to thank for all the time I spent on him over the years. Ha!
@Sactown15 16 сағат бұрын
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who wished both Twins turned into vampires.
@thewildeguys 17 сағат бұрын
I love Edwige in anything!
@thewildeguys 17 сағат бұрын
Great stream. The best part is when you said bye to everyone at end...love that! Not advertising but we have a nice group @cinephilesanity. Would love to see you there. Thanks for your love of giallo!!
@madcoolclips2800 18 сағат бұрын
❤ #Coolness ❤
@mantra4612 20 сағат бұрын
Case of the Bloody Iris kicks ass
@Thelongboy Күн бұрын
I do got a question do you only watch horror, movies and the bad ones too maybe to you they’re good that’s your opinion, but have you watched the lighthouse by Robert Eggerts you need to watch that one? That’s a really good one my favorite horror movie.
@robynheavner4689 Күн бұрын
Have Blackula on vhs!.Need to get both movies on dvd! Marshall was great as Blackula!✌😊
@robynheavner4689 Күн бұрын
I have Count Yorga and Return of Count Yorga on dvd! I saw Return at the theatre, was 11 years old. I saw the first one, many years later. I like Count Yorga better. Kathleen Kelly Lang, actress that portrays, Brooke Logan on soap, Bold and the Beautiful, her mother is in Count Yorga! Graving a cat!
@robynheavner4689 Күн бұрын
Judith Lang 😊👍❤
@thegordonite Күн бұрын
There's no exorcist/ism in this movie?! wtf?
@QuertyQw33n 2 күн бұрын
I don't know if anybody has ever heard of this one, but there's a game that was educational and it had a lot of stuff like reading and spelling, it had a character, which could also be the name of the game called mozlo the monkey.
@leonbeale5431 2 күн бұрын
About this first born child deal ....
@thewildeguys 2 күн бұрын
I liked X. This was slow and boring to me. Thx Katie!
@HighStrangeDrifter 2 күн бұрын
Maybe check out “Life Force”(1985) directed by Tobe Hooper. This features the lead female vampire walking around London completely nude, terrifying everyone with her unique vampire-zombification method. She can also jump into other bodies which leads to some forced homoerotic action with Patrick Stewart. Thx for the video. First time finding your channel.
@KatieoftheNight 2 күн бұрын
Thanks Drifter! I haven't seen this. I've added it to my list. Glad you found the channel! I'm kind of new to cult and exploitation cinema and i like to document my exploration here :)
@kevinsplinter8595 3 күн бұрын
Cool. Thanks for sharing
@nope5657 3 күн бұрын
Decent film, but I find something inherently funny about park rangers, of all people, being "in on it." Like, "oooh scary a vast park ranger conspiracy!" Like, come on...lol. I'm usually wide open with my suspension of disbelief...but for some reason I can't shake the lameness of this film framing the unknowable events through a conspiracy upheld by park rangers...
@dudemcmann6936 3 күн бұрын
Don't worry about spoilers because no one can spoil a Jess Franco movie more than Jess Franco anyway. Ha!
@stevebeef4818 3 күн бұрын
the indy student film looks promising
@KatieoftheNight 2 күн бұрын
i knooow, it sounds like it's gonna be so much fun too.
@direktive4 3 күн бұрын
it sounds like a lack of a plot is what makes it a joke
@Jaykilljoy-tt9tt 3 күн бұрын
"if there are genitals on screen then the film is now a joke. It is no longer legitimate." I have the exact OPPOSITE reaction, actually. In fact, that is one reason why I hate and dislike modern cinema; because movies use to have such content back in the 70's and 80's and now they don't....and to me that makes them less legitimate, because now they are mainstream "made for everybody" The nudity to me elevates the movie, to an extent. To me, it's an added level of class. it's "classy" and "artsy". So ya, I have the exact opposite reaction to lots of nudity on screen. One of the best films I've watched this year was Cinderella 2000. Lots and lots of nudity. The music was all great. Loved the music numbers through out the film. Love the 70's scifi look. It has a 3.5 rating on IMDB. That is a travesty. it's an awesome fun charming scifi musical, with a message. Last year I watched and really liked Emmanuelle in America. That was great as well. That was far more of a "p0rn" then Cinderella 2000. I mean, we literally see the literal act on screen at times. I loved it. I thought it was a great film.
@KatieoftheNight 2 күн бұрын
Oh nice, I haven't checked out Cinderella 2000. Or any Emmanuelle movies!!
@direktive4 3 күн бұрын
recycling = creatively bankrupt
@metaldams78 3 күн бұрын
Awesome review. I like the way you say it’s a lot of lonely travel interrupted by random sexual encounters. OK, that first ten minute scene, what really makes it great for me is - the music. Not joking, it completely saves the scene and gives porn some class. That guitar playing is completely mesmerizing. I think you hit upon all the other points very well except I’ll add the crabs only happening to the mother was definitely part of Lorna’s curse. It was her way of torturing and killing the father’s wife for not handing over the daughter. A very crazy movie overall and you’re right, kind of hard to recommend to someone who is not initiated into this Euro stuff. Very much for those already deep in the club. I too would have been put off if this was my first film, but I get it now. I like your new recommendation thing. I’m going to try to get a film or two in.
@KatieoftheNight 2 күн бұрын
thanks so much as always metaldams! yeah that music did class things up a bit hehe
@TheRSTD1 3 күн бұрын
Lina Romay always brings the party vibe.
@themayor1716 3 күн бұрын
I just can't with Jess Franco
@KatieoftheNight 2 күн бұрын
I need to diversify my videos!! haha
@davidmajer3652 3 күн бұрын
It is easy to see why Lina Romay became Franco's muse. I saw this movie on DVD in 2013 and have not seen it since. The licking (how many licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop) I remember but not the ending. You are going to have to tell us how it ends in your August Livestream. Your lime colored clothing is a wonderful choice because your set does not include that shade. Though it is possible you wore that color to match that actress' eye shade.
@stevencowie7151 3 күн бұрын
Kudos. The thing is, the more you see, the more you understand imho. Blue Rita next then??
@KatieoftheNight 2 күн бұрын
oooh i haven't heard of blue rita.. but i would like a blue margarita!
@stevencowie7151 2 күн бұрын
@@KatieoftheNight You'll need a few for this one. You're over the hump now though, it's all plain sailing from here 😄 ahem. Kudos again.
@Gary.North.ElectroBrain586. 23 сағат бұрын
Blue Rita also has Pamela Stanford from Lorna
@halwasserman7905 3 күн бұрын
I was interested in the films of Jess Franco in the mid 1990's when the main way to get rare horror films was to make friends with a weirdo online and exchange vhs copies of films thru the mail. I think that is how I got ahold of Lorna the Exorcist. Again it is almost 30 years since I saw it so I don't remember it that well but as I recall it is a very rancid film. I felt at the time that it was Franco's best film. Whereas there is a lot of sex in his films the way he depicts it is always off putting and that is certainly the case with this film. I see that there are a few Franco films on Tubi but at this stage in my life I just can't watch that kind of trash anymore.
@Nicolas.Vincent 3 күн бұрын
Suddenly find myself inspired enough to give it a screening 😂
@KatieoftheNight 2 күн бұрын
HAHA make friends with a weirdo online! man people had to do things the hard way before streaming and boutique labels. Rancid is a good word. it can be easy to gloss it over in my mind bc the women are beautiful and the music is delicate. But it definitely is offputting.
@DoomedMoviethon 4 күн бұрын
"It was an experience, you know?" 1000%. Very excited to never see Lorna again BUT I think it's a good film.
@LarryFleetwood8675 4 күн бұрын
Check out the somewhat underrated Race with the Devil (1975). 😈
@KatieoftheNight 2 күн бұрын
I do have a copy of it, so i should hopefully get to it soon!
@KatieoftheNight 4 күн бұрын
I was MIA for a couple of weeks there! I’m so sorry, life got in the way. Summer was a creative time, but I have to pull back now because of work getting busy again. Just know that I’d 100000% rather be here. You are in my thoughts.
@user-nu8by2yv5c 4 күн бұрын
Well I'm sure you're in everyone's thoughts to.did I miss you being on,yes.do I understand.hellyeah....😊.hey,your busy you have to worry about home life first.
@metaldams78 4 күн бұрын
Totally understand life gets in the way. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this one before I go to bed. Before that, my life’s getting in the way!
@Nicolas.Vincent 3 күн бұрын
And you are in mine Katie of the Night. You are in mine 🤔💭
@Jaykilljoy-tt9tt 3 күн бұрын
Ya, one of my fav youtubers now. I miss ya, but I'm more happy with "Your doing good" then anything else. Always like to know when people I like are still alive, lol. I am happy your enjoying a nice summer. I was having a good summer up till my family got sick and I got to quarantine from them....sucks because I wanted to spend more time with them before I go back to my daily exercise bike and then Halloween/October movies. Oh ya......guess what?! I SURVIVED A DRIVE BY. Ya, my schizophrenic neighbor took 3 shots at my property. Called the cops and they said "Can't prove it was him" despite the security footage "But we'll watch him." Fortunately he left that night, hope he aint coming back....but damn. Crazy crazy life out here in the sticks!!!!
@WAYUPDUDE1382 4 күн бұрын
@EddieXRichie 5 күн бұрын
My young uncle has the same one! He is obsessed with the demonic toys movie he literally watched all of the seasons lol!
@KatieoftheNight 4 күн бұрын
yeeessss he sounds awesome!
@EddieXRichie 4 күн бұрын
@@KatieoftheNight He also likes five nights at Freddy's a lot
@mantra4612 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for these recommendations
@madcoolclips2800 5 күн бұрын
Unique movie 🎬
@madcoolclips2800 5 күн бұрын
❤ Coolness ❤
@madcoolclips2800 5 күн бұрын
❤Awesomeness ❤
@user-nu8by2yv5c 5 күн бұрын
I been getting into geillo horror lately.let me know how laughing windows and the ducking movie are.i was thinking of buying them.ive already bought many of them.stay safe...
@Nicolas.Vincent 6 күн бұрын
@dudemcmann6936 6 күн бұрын
Do you have more movie reviews in the works? Been missing them after you started spoiling us with so many back-to-back reviews recently. Ha!
@KatieoftheNight 5 күн бұрын
im ssooooo freaking sad that my work came back like a tidal wave! 😭😭😭it has left me with little time or energy to film like i was. But i do hope to film something tonight actually!
@dudemcmann6936 5 күн бұрын
@@KatieoftheNight hey, life will always find a way to get in middle of our fun. We understand!
@Lord_Heron 7 күн бұрын
I enjoy your reviews. I have just discovered your channel and have subscribed. It is your obvious passion for these types of movies that I enjoy. I am a fan of Giallo films, and 70s horror, especially European horror, some exploitation cinema, arthouse movies and weird Japanese films. I really love Morgiana, it's one of my favourite films. It's more of an art house film really, with a kind of fairy tale feel. It is a very beautiful film, the colours are amazing. For anyone who has not seen it don't expect a horror film or a giallo or even a suspense film in the usual sense, it is very arty, very beautiful and rather gothic. This is not a recommendation as most people won't appreciate this, but if you have seen a trailer or clip and feel drawn to it, I don't think you will be disappointed.
@KatieoftheNight 4 күн бұрын
Thanks so much Lord Heron! Glad you're here. Well said advice about Morgiana.
@Akuma-sg3fx 7 күн бұрын
thank God someone knows
@ordel6 7 күн бұрын
Nice video. Bravo for remembering George Eastman (Luigi Montefiori), is one of my favorite actors and I think he is one of the best scriptwriters in European exploitation cinema. Greetings from Spain.
@GuideToTheVideoStoreChris 7 күн бұрын
Awesome recreation on the classic cover, Katie! Love how that came out... 👏
@GuideToTheVideoStoreChris 7 күн бұрын
Awesome stack there in keeping the theme, Katie! 👍 Seen all these except The House With the Laughing Windows, which is still on my "to-watch" list as it keeps being difficult to find. The Grapes of Death, Don't Torture a Duckling, & The Watcher In the Woods will always be "forever favorites of mine" as I dig seeing those editions you own there. More of these themed-stack film collection please... 👏
@KatieoftheNight 7 күн бұрын
Ooooh always nice to know another Watcher in the Woods fan! What an underrecognized film!
@GuideToTheVideoStoreChris 7 күн бұрын
@@KatieoftheNight Absolutely! It's a good spooky classic, which deserves some more attention. Own that old Anchor Bay DVD for it, which reminds me I should revisit it when I have time.
@kevinsplinter8595 8 күн бұрын
@kevinsplinter8595 8 күн бұрын
Gorgeous Women
@ChrisBlake 8 күн бұрын
I've become a little obsessed with House with laughing windows as of late. Good haul!
@danielthomas7698 8 күн бұрын
Very nice 👌