@Yngdady Күн бұрын
CinemaSins walked so channels like this (slurring words, rushed speech, first take is good enough) could run
@diogoduarte8008 2 күн бұрын
I like bad movies, I like good movies, I just dislike the New marvel movies, im not a nit picker but somehow they didn't understand their own characters. John wick is a masterpiece tho
@GISchmo 2 күн бұрын
I thought their videos got longer because you can monetize longer videos by having ad breaks which is a common trend in a lot of movie review channels. (Why is this video 26 minutes long?) I was a big fan of Cinemasins and even listened to their podcast briefly, but the more I got to know the creators the less I liked them. Plus their content has become very repetitive. But they will continue to remain popular because of how easily digestible their videos are, it's a good introduction channel to movie review satire in general. But I'd recommend Red Letter Media to everyone for movie reviews though.
@MrTheTomahawk 2 күн бұрын
I will say the idea is brilliant, when I stumbled across them years ago I was expecting a much better insight into their critiques. I thought they were gonna talk about bad camera angles or pacing or something
@FlyinggMushroom 3 күн бұрын
Cinemasins hasn't been cinemasins since it stopped being just jeremy. Can't stand the other snowflake twink
@OpoOnTheGo 3 күн бұрын
I'm nitpicky, but only for fun. I'll point out a mess up because it's silly. I won't make an entire list of them with a heavy dose of subjectivity... no, i'm no professional. I point out when doors are left open, machines are left running, or people monologue in weird places. Then it's over, yet my joy of the movie never stops because it's actually all in good fun. I think in the chase of decent fun, cinema sins got lost in the nitpickery and became a curmudgeon. At the end od the day it's their loss, and i'd love to hear about a movie they actually enjoy. But that's not their brand so we get the slop
@MeepChangeling 3 күн бұрын
Honestly, this video could have just been the clip from Back to the Future of Marty saying "He's an asshole!"
@ElloGovnaHipHop 3 күн бұрын
3:10 what?
@biglonga5422 3 күн бұрын
Cinemasin’s critics boil down to “Omg title card? How cliche and boring like c’mon man I know what movie I’m going to watch bro I bought the ticket, omg actors? How fucking stupid to have actors in a movie god, think much lmao? Omg you guys are using camera’s in this movie what a dumb stupid dumb FUCKING SHITRY DUMB IDEA
@Matthefox001 3 күн бұрын
I only watch cinemasins because its basic background sound and because I can laugh at them for sinning the most random things
@tulpamedia 3 күн бұрын
Cinemasins is quite dumb and it is a bit entertaining if you take everything as a joke. A lot of the shit they say is not serious enough for me to not take the channel as a joke
@PastelGothic 3 күн бұрын
If I ever become internet famous and meet controversy, I'd ask PufferFish for help to get me out of it.
@djmk211 3 күн бұрын
The best Cinema sins line was in Insidious "What is Darth Maul doing here?" 😅😂🤣
@artemiswillhelm2633 4 күн бұрын
Sometimes he just sins a movie for nothing at all or for doing troupes that is expected of that genre. Example - he watches a horror movie and says "ah yes the split up in a horror movie so we can be picked off one by one troupe" or a character says "he's coming" and he sin it and say "ah the pronoun game" and it's just infuriating like yes In John wick there is meant to be weight to the fact "he' is coming or do you know who "he" is because the chatlracter carries that much weight you don't even need to say their name and people know exactly who you mean. Just stfu idk, the channel annoys me now 😭🙌
@2_ratsplz 4 күн бұрын
Interesting intro
@Your_Father_LA 4 күн бұрын
Took me 5 years to figure out that OST is from Sam and Max
@Tater-Animations 4 күн бұрын
I personally think the channel is great people get carried away and saying that their nitpicking movies in a negative way but I find that the tiny details are the most important in movies. I find great enjoyment out of finding small errors or good attention to detail also 90% of the time their videos are satirical so I’m not sure what everyone is getting so mad about.
@zerobasedgod9291 4 күн бұрын
fym WE bro YOU
@Vicerel 5 күн бұрын
I always believed cinemasins to be a parody of the sulkiest, pettiest, saltiest, attention deficient, most cynical being to develop speech, much like a talking sea cucumber that makes me laugh.
@Nekro_Kura 5 күн бұрын
I've watched like 2 of their videos, but the constant *ding* is like a smoke alarm chirp to my brain. Extremely annoying. Who goes through that and then decides "I want some more of that."?
@big0unce431 6 күн бұрын
Got 8 minutes into the video before realizing I was watching mostly footage of a pufferfish hanging around
@frickerrific2813 6 күн бұрын
Damn i forgot that this video had sam and max music and LS MARK?!
@CaramelCraft 6 күн бұрын
I don’t understand the hate if you don’t like them, just don’t watch them. Simple as that.
@The_Ragequit_Cannon 6 күн бұрын
I've seen a lot of videos criticizing their videos, and it always looks like a lot of the questions they ask would be answered of they just...watched the movie and paid attention
@commonusername5715 6 күн бұрын
cinemasin videos are the only videos i actively avoid when recommended
@mcgrammer6041 7 күн бұрын
Dame 5 year i didn't even realize they weren't popular anymore i remember watching them in highschool like all the time
@FunSized2101 7 күн бұрын
I don't like how in CinemaSins vs. CinemaWins he'll critique or praise the same scene. It was just so fake that I couldn't enjoy either channel
@GatflyGuy 8 күн бұрын
I used to love to watch them, then they started nitpicking everything possible. “Why did he shake with his left, when I’m right handed” “Every car I ever seen was red, so it doesn’t make since that his car is black” I’m glad to see I made the right decision, all these years later
@GatflyGuy 8 күн бұрын
I used to love to watch them, then they started nitpicking everything possible. “Why did he shake with his left, when I’m right handed” “Every car I ever seen was red, so it doesn’t make since that his car is black” I’m glad to see I made the right decision, all these years later
@vuhreek 8 күн бұрын
his voice is annoying and he hides behind a flimsy shield named satire
@HorseJoint 8 күн бұрын
Uuuuh. Why was the Intro to the video so Wholesome?
@yothisgamesucks 8 күн бұрын
Failed opportunity. Should have been everything wrong with Cinema sins in 15 minutes or less
@zendakon8299 8 күн бұрын
Not gonna watch but I'm a smart ass who has to say, I actually enjoy cinema sins. I have always done the same shit casually when watching movies. Sure not to the same degree as them, but i love nitpicking things. And yes feel free to nitpick my grammar. Nitpicking is fun from time to time.
@deerlyqueery 9 күн бұрын
Well, the fact that Jeremy CinemaSins wrote an incredibly abelist book while trying to say "Yeah, disabled rep!" while writing every abelist thing possible is a good reason to not like him. Book title: "The Ables", where the writing barely bothers to remember that the main character is blind, shows how everything about his life sucks because he's blind, and just fixes his blindness like 1/3rd of the way through the book making him able to achieve all of his goals (Not to mention the REST of the disabled "representation") (Asthma is the same as blindness ig??)
@stormedapple9317 9 күн бұрын
this video was SO ahead of its time genuinely
@MaxLoafin 9 күн бұрын
This video does NOT include a lap dance. _Ding_
@craziesthedgehog860 9 күн бұрын
Certified Algorithm moment, nice video lol
@AzaleaTFG 9 күн бұрын
I personally got bored of it, especially during volume 2
@Dan55888 10 күн бұрын
We all hate? Where is this bullshit coming from in my feed?
@HeWhoBringsTheThunder 10 күн бұрын
I stopped nitpicking movies when I realized that if I watch a movie with my arms folded looking for even the SMALLEST inconsistency I was NEVER going to have a good time How can you like something when you go in determined to not like it?
@CamtheWolfGamer 10 күн бұрын
I used to watch them since I watched Animation sins (they generally had good points with the sins) but then I watched Th3Birdman and realized he was right about Cinema sins
@lawrencebrooks420 10 күн бұрын
Just a bad video. Say what you will about CinemaSins, but Jeremy is right. Theres 10,000 channels (like yours) that just make lazy 30 minute videos saying "Jeremy mean, cinemasin bad." You’re not breaking ground here. With anything youve said. This content is as creative and original as CinemaSins circa 2015.
@thewerepyreking 10 күн бұрын
Cinemawins is sometimes worse than cinemasins. They proved that it doesn't take more insight to just do the same thing in reverse and make things up into ding-worthy quips.
@damianhayes4206 10 күн бұрын
Never understood why people hate on cinema sins, it’s not a legit review just a guy picking at the movies lol
@Pastellera2video 11 күн бұрын
21:19 this aged really badly
@Q.theProducer 11 күн бұрын
5:04 video starts
@sharondalewis1620 5 күн бұрын
That's a ding right there lol
@davidpumpkinsjr.5108 11 күн бұрын
Cinemasins started out as cute and funny before becoming largely mean-spirited. These days, they seem to be moving back towards genuine lighthearted ribbing and I think Cinemawins has something to do with that. The latter is right, liking things is more fun, and the former is remembering that you can poke fun without being cruel.
@StormSought 11 күн бұрын
I think the motivations DID change. At first, the sins were things about production that were petty, sure, but petty in a way that cared so much about production that showed earnestness, or at least dedication. That said, 'this plot hole or inconsistency may not _matter_, but it matters to me. Yes, it's a satire of people who are annoying about caring to much, but it's satirizing that while also caring too much. Yeah, they're making fun of that guy, but they're also kind of performing the be-all end-all of that guy, so that no one else has to, over performing it so people won't point out this stuff to seem smart online ever again. Saying, we did it. The conversation can be over. Hating that people care about details can be anti intellectual and unproductive, like insisting the curtains are blue for no reason. And people DO need to be obsessed with continuity, or movies would look like shit in more and more noticeable ways. The problem isn't that they were petty. It's that the tone of the videos started to agree with the critics that the sins don't matter. They usually don't, not to the overall quality of the film. But caring about details no one else even noticed was the whole conceit. It mattered because it mattered to them. If nothing matters, you slide very quickly into jaded, insincere schlock And I very much agree with other commenters about the misogyny just. Being misogyny.
@SeiraNeko 11 күн бұрын
watched a review video from them, there's a shitton of curse words just to bleep them out and literally fucking ringing my eardrums out, like fuck you fuck you fuck you I'm raging out of that shit, never watch a video from them again. what an abhorrent ass. just don't curse if you're just gonna censor it, what a fucking asshole.
@reesespieces8173 11 күн бұрын
Ridley Scott directed Prometheus
@PFish2322 11 күн бұрын
Thanks man, I still don't know why I said Damon Lindelof was the director