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Making money in your (baby's) sleep!
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@laurend3805 20 күн бұрын
My son wakes up between 2 and 4 to feed. His stomach will rumble loudly. Is this mornal? I also assist him to sleep. No sleep training.
@monjachiba 28 күн бұрын
Lets say baby sleep at 7pm, i want to sleep and give him dream feed at 10, will the dreamfeed lengthen baby's deep sleep time? Thanks
@d_voko Ай бұрын
Babies do not express their feelings by crying!!!! Babies are in stress when they cry and inform their mothers that they need her! They have instincts going on, not feelings as the way you say it. How in the world are these crying out methods still legal? Babies do not „learn“ how to sleep alone, they learn that they are left alone! How can you let your own child cry its lungs out? That’s so scary and sad…
@larisabarsukova6925 28 күн бұрын
@KayRang Ай бұрын
I’ve always heard of the Ferber method as the next strongest sleep training method below extinction. However I have an EXTREMELY strong willed baby and I attempted this and still by day 4 she screamed for an hour or more straight. Seemed like she was passing out from exhausting herself screaming, i refused to do it any longer because it seemed sooo horrible for her. And I refused to do extinction. What option is there at that point
@alejastoic Ай бұрын
Thats is exactly what happened to us. Baby was slept trained since she was 5 months and had slept beautifully since.. 12 straight hours.. Now that is almost 8 months all of a sudden she is waking up crying and screamming, we have entered thinking there is something wrong but everything is fine amd she completely calms hen picked up.. then when put down again.. it feels ike we are starting again! But it was so weird because she has been slept trained so never expected it could revert...
@angelm6497 Ай бұрын
I did this with my son, hes now 20, but went looking for a video to hand to a new mum. It makes night feeding so much easier and I found my son was much more content overall.
@lexir7504 Ай бұрын
lol i know my son loves to fall asleep with me but i also know that he hates us touching after he falls asleep because he runs so hot. he sleeps in between me and my husband spread out like a little starfish and if we touch him at all he's kicking and punching and pinching us to get us away so he can sleep how he wants 😂
@aprilrose1644 Ай бұрын
Is there a latest time that would you want to do this by? My little girl is 2 years 9 months and still in her crib. Am happy to leave her in there longer but also don’t want to leave her too long!? Thanks!❤
@Hufftwoseven 2 ай бұрын
My toddler is just now throwing a fit for naps and nighttime sleep
@jessicaroach5602 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!!!!!
@zenthorex22 2 ай бұрын
Great great great…. So hypothetically let’s say we gave in and it’s blown up into a huge problem… now what?
@springhouseyoga2998 2 ай бұрын
I have said it before. Natalie, you are the best. Your videos and book save my sanity!!!!
@montymython754 3 ай бұрын
Sorry, I’m confused. If they’re only taking three 30 minute naps a day that’s like, what… 1.5-2 hours of daytime sleep per day? Is that enough for a 4 month old?
@montymython754 3 ай бұрын
We are in night 7 of Ferber with no improvement
@veronicagonzalez2346 3 ай бұрын
One of my twins does not have these signs; however, she either sleep when i rock it her or when I leave her alone in her room, she doesnt cry. What does it mean? I'm not sure if she is ready or something rlse is going on
@kealieengels2634 4 ай бұрын
Hi Natalie! I’m just starting sleep training with my 4 month old, and I’m wondering how to settle or calm him during check ins without picking him up? We’re having a lot of trouble with only being soothed by being held and sometimes that’s not even enough. Do I just let him cry through the check in?
@ZarahSolomon-pr4yo 4 ай бұрын
My 2 year Olds been up til 10pm, even if she has a early nap. Yesterday she had a 10min nap and went to bed a 8.40 pm, it was awesome she wasn't grumpy at all.
@margaretcourchane8594 4 ай бұрын
1 year-old triplets currently living in a 2 bedroom; should we sleep train 1 at a time? They seem to be like meerkats- they can recognize the panicked cry of 1 and all 3 will panick cry😢
@Babysleeptrainer 4 ай бұрын
Sleep train together!
@Yoda-my7ry 5 ай бұрын
Whwres the part you tell us whay to do?
@Babysleeptrainer 4 ай бұрын
Try minute 1:18 and on ❤️
@priyalalwani476 5 ай бұрын
⁠ive heard that too! I don’t know what to do anymore. Our OT keeps recommending different bottles but she only likes the Avent.
@angelm6497 Ай бұрын
My son wouldn't take to the breast so I pumped breast milk and bottle fed him. He was also fussy about the teets on the bottle. Its not the bottle thats the issue its the teet or the nipple, the bit they suck. Once you find the one they like, stick to it. He hated the modern ones, and I had to buy the old basic ones, the ones shaped like a dummy, or I think they ate called soothers in the US. Also after a few months I'd add Rusks to his bottle. I had to then make the hole in the teet bigger (I cut an x in it), but he enjoyed his bottle more and so long as the rusk is well crushed, he didn't choke.
@antant4287 5 ай бұрын
What an angry face.
@user-xf1mn8dj5d 5 ай бұрын
Precisely things I already know but need to hear this from someone else! Thank you!
@priyalalwani476 5 ай бұрын
My baby only drinks from a bottle while dream feeding. Even during the day. We have to shush her to sleep for naps and then 10-15 minutes later we place the bottle in her mouth and she drinks. Otherwise, she won’t take a bottle during the day. How can we change this? Need help!
@yeimisagastume3463 5 ай бұрын
I’m on the same boat, for what I have read it’s called bottle aversion, mine drinks more when sleeping as well, he is 3 months but I’m getting concern he will start sleeping less
@lukeizze 5 ай бұрын
Milking those puppies might help me sleep 🐶
@RobertalWilliams 5 ай бұрын
Help those born before cis men landed on the moon. Are you using “prop” to describe any object that enters as in a stage prop? . Explained to me when and why “hygiene” evolved to included noise.
@lukeguy3907 5 ай бұрын
Hi, such a good video thank you. We are going through this with our 1 year old, he was a great sleeper and would always self soothe himself back to sleep but since starting nursery he gets to sleep fine around 6.30-7pm but is now waking up at 4:30am and if we give him a bottle and change him, as soon as me or especially my wife puts him back in his cot he stands up almost immediately and is constantly screaming and crying non stop until we come back in, it’s absolutely exhausting so eventually we decided if we’ve checked he’s ok etc we leave him to cry it out and go back to sleep even if that takes him 30mins or 1hr and then we come in at 6:30 or 7am a more reasonable time for us to all start our day. Any advice?
@Babysleeptrainer 5 ай бұрын
There’s a few things here - possibly too early of a bedtime, I’d also want to make sure nap time is ending by 3:30PM, and when we go in at that early morning hour we often instill a normal wake time. Especially if a bottle feeding is a part of it.
@AngelandDarkness 5 ай бұрын
Hi, have you done this with your own babies during your motherhood journey? If so, maybe i missed the video , i'd appreciate the link.
@Babysleeptrainer 5 ай бұрын
I did - I actually developed my method during my early motherhood. I mention stories about it through out my videos, but I’ll work on one addressing this specifically. Thanks for the good idea!
@wideocean15 6 ай бұрын
Tell me about not assisting when your baby wakes up between 5-6 am and you don't want to get up so early....and yup we sleep trained out baby at 4.5 months... and this hit us like a truck at about 10 months
@Babysleeptrainer 5 ай бұрын
I would look at the rest of the day Ie. when naps end, how long they are, and when bedtime ends. This sounds most like a scheduling issue.
@hoseokshoe6319 6 ай бұрын
Brown parents are with you cam 🤣 I just found out wtf is Ferber method Damn….
@brittanywinn3955 6 ай бұрын
My 1st baby was (now at 11 he still definitely is) a sensitive baby. He LOVED routine, thrived in routine. But when that routine was disrupted it was really difficult. Missing a nap or going out and bed time was later than usual made a ripple effect that lasted days.
@Babysleeptrainer 5 ай бұрын
Yes! I’m so glad you learned this about him and met his needs.
@kurukotaktay 6 ай бұрын
What is she talking about?
@munz72 7 ай бұрын
Just wondering when you're beginning sleep training, is it better to start with the bedtime or naps? Also, this information is super helpful, thank you so much!
@Babysleeptrainer 5 ай бұрын
You’re so welcome! Always start at bedtime followed by naps the very next day.
@posaule 7 ай бұрын
when they go to sleep when? at 8?
@user-tf9vc2ff5s 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! The explanation you had at the end was so helpful and makes so much sense now. We've tried different training methods for months and months, including hiring a sleep consultant, and most things if they end up working, only work for a couple of weeks. My baby always gets extremely angry when I'm in the room trying to soothe her without nursing her to sleep. I even climbed into the crib with her to see if she just wanted me there with her and she was still angry. Whew, hoping we can figure this out soon.
@Babysleeptrainer 5 ай бұрын
Many kids do this - you’re not alone! When your presence is making it worse, usually scaling back your presence is the answer.
@ncitawilley7501 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video. If my baby wakes up at 6am the one morning and 6:30am the next, would I still keep the first nap at 9am? Or adjust it accordingly? Or for instance if she wakes up from 2nd nap at 3pm instead of 3:30, would Bedtime still be 7pm? Or should I make it 6:30?
@damoniness6415 7 ай бұрын
What can you do if they just play in crib at 2 years old some days she naps some days plays for up to hrs
@healthybites3 8 ай бұрын
My child is two now and her sleeping pattern has disturbed very badly.She sleeps during day and wake up at night .In short no fixed time or routine for sleep.How to fix it?
@leearagon3439 8 ай бұрын
Finally some clarity on the 2-1 nap transition for me, I love how you explained why it's so important to wait till they're resisting naps for a long time, this helps a lot!
@lindzann 8 ай бұрын
The blog post link seems to be broken 😓
@Babysleeptrainer 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for letting us know!
@MrFuchew 8 ай бұрын
I watch my 2 year old wake up, turn on the light and start going about his business with his toys and books etc. this is at midnight after he has willed himself awake for no apparent reason
@breebibb9042 9 ай бұрын
My child was sleeping really good until we began experiencing homelessness. Our whole lives were upheaved. No stable home. No stable place to sleep. Now she’s sleeping from 9pm to midnight & shes up until 6am then she sleeps until 11. Idk what to do. We move into our own home in 2 weeks. What do I do?? How do I break this. Should I put her in her room with her sister & keep her sister up all night? Put her into my room? Idk what to do. I’m at a loss here. I’m exhausted. It’s 4 out of 7 nights a week. I can’t let her “cry it out” bc my family thinks it’s abusive & annoying when she cries all hours of the night, I can’t take it anymore. I’m so grumpy & angry all the time. I’m loosing my mind ! HELP!!!!
@mihaelamarcu5990 9 ай бұрын
Interesting video. My son is 2.5 yo and doing these things and waking up really early lately. Is it the 2 years ols regression or the 3 years old regression? Thank you
@feliciasuris2381 9 ай бұрын
Does the 12m sleep regression relate to 12-13m? Last 2 weeks off and on my toddler has been varying wake up times and skipping a nap each day then taking both naps like in past then sleeping 2hr and 1 hr nap then 2 days of skipping a nap again. Yesterday and today i was trying to do the 2 hour mid nap nap thinking a 1 nap was needed since most youtubers say most days of 2 weeks its time, but both days he slept 1 hour then skipped the 2nd nap so we put him to bed at 6pm instead of 7pm and this morning instead of his latley 5am waking he slept in until 730am (besides a small 2am wake where i gave some water but now learned to stop hes not hungry he needs some soothing back to bed). So im giessing i should go back to our 2 naps and try to aim for 7am and 7pm up and down with around 10am 1hr nap and 2pm 1 hr nap. If he sleeps 2 hrs on 1st nap and skips 2nd nap what do i do? Also do you have a vidoe or a recommended video on wake time hours best for this age and best schedule set up to guide? Thank you
@sarahdublin3906 9 ай бұрын
My daughter started preschool and she was happy going now not anymore??
@MadLadsAnonymous 9 ай бұрын
Hello! My 2 yo will rarely sleep beyond 7-8 hrs at a time, so getting to bed at say 8 pm-a typical bed time for our friends' kids-means ours will wake up around 4 am. For a total sleep time, including midday nap, of about 10-11 hrs. We do an evening routine of a bath, but could he more consistent about bath time. Is it time to nix the midday nap 1.5-2 hrs). If so, how to keep them from passing out? Right now, our little one is sleeping around midnight and waking up 6:30-7:30. My Mother in Law said my partner was the same way until they got older...but I can't take waiting another 2-3 yrs to get good sleep:( Any way to get them to sleep *longer* and *earlier* ?
@estefaniparra3681 9 ай бұрын
I think mine is ready but I’m afraid of him crying so much before he goes to sleep independently
@Babysleeptrainer 5 ай бұрын
It usually goes a lot better than parents predict it will, and then sleep on the other end is so so good. ❤️
@redhot654 9 ай бұрын
My son was sleeoing through the night in his crib until 6 months, now he suddenly won't sleep unless it's with me. I tried frying it out but after days it was making no difference and he was red in the face, screaming and grunting. 🫣
@Yoda-my7ry 5 ай бұрын
What did you do to solve this, my 2.5 year boy has been crying at bedtime for a week now. He's fine until I'm in the room. But if he's not tired or I'm in the room it's screaming
@squantoproductions 9 ай бұрын
You did an excellent job, I appreciate the one-take video. Takes talent. Information is helpful.
@andyalvarez88 10 ай бұрын
Thank you very helpful!
@clo2583 10 ай бұрын
My son starting rolling to his stomach at just over 3 months but couldn’t roll back onto his back. Is this too early to sleep train at 3 months ? or should I wait until 4 months ? What’s the safest age to start ?