Reflections ~ Murray Stein
4 ай бұрын
Secular Christ Q&A with Sean McGrath
@howlinthewilderness 8 күн бұрын
This should be a very short book! Jung mentions psychedelics only a few times and had no direct experience with them.
@Sebastiane7 18 күн бұрын
I keep coming back to this episode as well as "Letter to a young contemplative" (S2E4). The point that we should desire solitude in order to actually and genuinely relate to other people cannot be overstated. Dostoevsky makes this exact point in the Brothers Karamazov when Fr. Zossima responds to those who accuse monks for hiding from the problems of reality behind their monastery walls: he replies, ~'Rather, it is the people who hide behind walls!' (And how much more true is this in our "global village", where as I write this, so much potential for individual interaction is culled by us already being burdened by so many other (rather excessive) concerns. Alas, & I can only consider myself most guilty. I found this podcast through my personal studies on the Russian tradition's (e.g. Kiriyevsky) critiques of Hegel, thereupon making a greater attempt to engage with Schelling and thereby discovering McGrath & this podcast. Since then, what a wellspring is this podcast which manages to put into dialogue the vast and astonishing insights of Jung & Schelling with Christianity (among so much else)! Here are some relevant passages from Schelling & McGrath that have ever-more bolstered my pursuit of what is laid out in this video (and really so much of Secular Christ). "For love is neither in indifference nor where opposites are lined which require linkage for [their] Being, but rather (to repeat a phrase which has already ben said) this is the secret of love, that it links such things of which each could exist for itself, yet does not and cannot exist without the other" (Schelling, On the Essence of Human Freedom, 70.) "Schelling's point concerning the freedom of personal relations is hardly news. It can be gleaned from pop psychology which distinguishes 'co-dependency' from 'genuine love'. The one who stays with the other because he needs him or her to be complete is not the genuine lover. The co-dependent wife stays with the abusive husband not out of love but because she has become the one who needs the abuse of the other to confirm her own sense of self. If I need friends to bolster my ego, or to divert me from the burden of my solitude, I do not genuinely love them. Hence the psychotherapeutic cliché: true love does not love becuase it needs but needs because it loves. The truth in this overused phrase is that love is free or it is not" (McGrath, The Philosophical Foundations of the Late Schelling, 100.) Although McGrath downplays the novelty of Schelling's point, the way in which it is articulated and rigorously grounded has been radical at least for me. Thank you Jakob & Sean.
@jacquelinedegroot1725 21 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this respectful interview. Have been googling Steiner and Jung for a couple of days now. Ordered some books. To hopefully be able to link shadow work (Jung) to the development of our highest sense. The I-sense (Steiner) which requires dubbelganger (dutch) work for parenting and social renewal sake. And then I found this interview!! I have never met Jonah Evans in person. But since months now I’m a hudge fan of him and Patrick Kennedy in their podcast The Light in Every. Thanks so much giving him a podium here. Very very very helpfull.
@Sebastiane7 Ай бұрын
For continual reflection, I made notes of the most salient points made throughout season 1 of this brilliant podcast. If anyone here is interested, let me know! :)
@audratolbert-martin1973 Ай бұрын
for contemporary man I feel James Hillman is the transcendent function of the two....i need all three to understand each one individually.... Steiner is so cosmic that it's disorienting unless you've read Hillman and Jung...but Hillman tries to give us something similar to Owen Barfield's Final Participation... how to bring it back to daily lived life....the archetypal consciousness and how thought can be embodied when imbibed through the image
@rigorosa9112 Ай бұрын
Brandenburg is not is middle germany
@kellykartz4415 2 ай бұрын
He is my favorite author and I'm so blessed to have found him. ❤
@ejenkins4711 2 ай бұрын
Few sure of the Self Through who pleroma flows the distance 2 the future where the new tree grows 🦍🙏🚪🍀
@wendellst2266 2 ай бұрын
His book, “The kingdom within,” is phenomenal! This man was a gift!
@lofuspokus 2 ай бұрын
SATA SAT-iRE LAN-sitAt PAN MA-SCORCHIOXiRXO SA in T - santa T AN ia Tribe of Dan (Hebrew: דָּן, "Judge") Tel Dan (תל דן‎; "Mound of Dan") in Hebrew and Tell el-Qadi Laish - Leshem - Laishah "Lioness" - Dan/Laish on the route to Tyre. _ (*OmegaLIBERO-Scorpius-ScythianBIBLEO*) (Tin ia) > (Ring-Worm) (Jormungand Midgard Serpent) (middle guardian / fff uu Volka Ting Thing Ding Bilous ) (SOUL-Asa-gard- reign-bow-breach- Medio-gard - folketing/governd-ment-/mind-mint-mouth-thought-) ( jord/ i-Ord-Mund-Gardner ) Niflheim Hel _
@lofuspokus 2 ай бұрын
LOBBY POPPY ( CPR personare mask dd-/g-nomen-clature - _
@lofuspokus 2 ай бұрын
LOBBY POPPY ( CPR personare mask dd-/g-nomen-clature - _
@lofuspokus 2 ай бұрын
LOBBY POPPY ( CPR personare mask dd-/g-nomen-clature - _
@lofuspokus 2 ай бұрын
De fredløse søgte hjælp hos den norske kong Erik Præstehader, og han leverede tropper og flådestyrker, som under De fredløses krig plyndrede de danske kystbyer fra 1290 med Hjelm som base. - hjelm [ˈjεlˀm] norrønt hjalmr, tysk Helm afledt af rod med betydningen 'dække' - hjemmel [ˈjεmˀəl] norrønt heimild af hjem og oprindelig om en lovlig adkomst til et hjem, en ejendom - hjemle verbum [ˈjεmlə] norrønt heimila -* Det kommunale selvstyre er hjemlet i Grundlovens § 82 Fakta1988 -** § 82. Kommunernes ret til under statens tilsyn selvstændigt at styre deres anliggender ordnes ved lov. - § 84 Intet len, stamhus, fideikommisgods eller andet familiefideikommis kan for fremtiden oprettes. - hjemmelsmand rapportør, spion nyhedsnarkoman fra Den Danske Begrebsordbog, kapitel 12 - I. For-lods, et. [-lω(ð)s] næppe br. i flt. (substantivisk brug af II. forlods ell. Forlodsret ell. lign.; jur.) fideikommis (kapital). Det grevelige Scheel-Plessenske Forlods.Statskalender.(1859).Anhang.10. det friherrelige Selbyske Forlods. smst.14. det saakaldte Rantzauske Forlods.. - Fideikommis, (af lat. fidei comissum 'betroet, overladt til ærlighed') fideikommis stammer fra romerretten, hvor fideicommissum betegner et pålæg fra testator - stamhuse og fideikommiser i Danmark. Sammen med lensgrevskaber og lensbaronier udgjorde disse de danske majorater. - fideism (n.) in various theological doctrines making knowledge dependent on faith, 1885, from Latin fides "faith" (from PIE root *bheidh- "to trust, confide, persuade") + -ism. Blount's "Glossographia" (1656) has fidicide "Faith-destroyer; a breaker of word or trust." - faith (n.) mid-13c., faith, feith, fei, fai "faithfulness to a trust or promise; loyalty to a person; honesty, truthfulness," from Anglo-French and Old French feid, foi "faith, belief, trust, confidence; pledge" (11c.), from Latin fides "trust, faith, confidence, reliance, credence, belief," from root of fidere "to trust,"from PIE root *bheidh- "to trust, confide, persuade." For sense evolution, compare belief. It has been accommodated to other English abstract nouns in -th (truth, health, etc.). late 14c. as "confidence in a person or thing with reference to truthfulness or reliability," also "fidelity of one spouse to another." Also in Middle English "a sworn oath," hence its frequent use in Middle English oaths and asseverations - Døbefont, beholder til vand, der anvendes ved dåben i den kristne kirke. Med kristendommens konsolidering blev dåb i søer, vandløb eller bassiner afløst af neddypning i mindre beholdere. Det var først i 1200-t., at man visse steder gik over til at overøse barnet, en praksis, der blev almindelig fra 1400-t. de fleste af de danske middelalderkirker har endnu i dag deres gamle døbefonte, der for størstedelens vedkommende stammer fra 1100- og 1200-t. hen ved 200 jyske granitfonte er forskellige varianter over løvemotivet hugget i højt eller lavt relief. Ofte drejer det sig om såkaldte dobbeltløver, dvs. to løvekroppe, der deles om ét hoved. Måske skal løven som i mange bibelske sammenhænge forbindes med dødsriget i den dobbelte betydning af død og opstandelse. - font 1 [ˈfʌnˀd] fra latin fons (genitiv fontis) 'kilde' kumme af sten der er placeret centralt i en kirke -- font 2 fra engelsk font af fransk fonte 'smeltning, støbning', af fondre af latin fundere 'støbe' sammenhørende sæt af skrifttegn som bruges på computerskærme eller i printere, og som bestemmer en teksts grafiske udseende - døbe verbum [ˈdøːbə] præteritum [ˈdøbdə] præteritum participium [ˈdøbd] norrønt deypa, gotisk daupjan oprindelig betydning 'dyppe', tidligt i den kristne anvendelse svarende til græsk baptizein .. BZNT - Jens Norblå Absinthe fraværende ikke eksisterende.. på romersk staves de BZNT (Byzantine) - _ - - - - - - - - - - * - - ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,1&query=font - -,2&query=font - - -
@lofuspokus 2 ай бұрын
Mime da GAB - ReMember this is after Cristinization of "EUROPA" aka ... .... YA... yhwh Yo.. - ((Europa (consort of Zeus), a Phoenician princess.)) - (( Europa /jʊˈroʊpə/, or Jupiter II, is the smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter, )) - (( Olodumare, the Yoruba name for God (YHWH) is considered the hidden and yet relevant God (Gbadegesin 2018:44). )) - Olorun (Yoruba alphabet: Ọlọrun) (Ede language: ɔlɔrun) is the ruler of (or in) the Heavens creator of the Yoruba. - Olo is a second person personification adjective in Yoruba Language. . For example: Olo-un means owner. Olo-ri means owner of head. Oli-yawo means owner of wife. - - Washing.D.C. (( COLUMBA DISTRICT-ZION wwwASHingTone )) Columba = pigeon / dowe / win due peon's /pawns lugare ..øø.. . iJONH Dee in-deed' #TVAX Strømand Avatar Drone Clone Puppet Bi bi By bo XXX terrastial a-Lien reSpiro rante Aliento ALLAW LORE ALLIENCE A Xi§ - _
@alexwelts2553 2 ай бұрын
Weird, i used to listen to roudolph Steiner until i recognized too many energetic signatures of my exes mother Sandy who went to great lengths and extreme measures to hurt me and make sure i couldn't recover..
@cdmille55 2 ай бұрын
Connection is called freemasonry, used to be called the mysteries
@Hosea3_1992 2 ай бұрын
I guess that doesn't get a response huh
@Hosea3_1992 2 ай бұрын
I agree tho
@Hosea3_1992 2 ай бұрын
Christ didn't come to start a new religion he came to destroy religion is about faith Relgion means to bind up . Read mark 3:27
@cdmille55 2 ай бұрын
@joshuawilliams9276 To me, Christ meant universal awareness unidentified with form, aka the father or logos. Basically, the I am before it is identified with a form also known by other names.
@RZK33369 2 ай бұрын
In one of Steiner’s lectures he talked about how the moral behavior or lack of it played out in this realm affects directly the beings evolving on Jupiter. I could have misunderstood the claim.
@majidakthalji 2 ай бұрын
Upon reading Barbara's new book today. I did not like her writing at all.
@matswinther8991 2 ай бұрын
Jung believed spirits resided in "the unconscious," while Steiner posited they existed in a spiritual realm. Today, we understand the unconscious as static content, primarily memories stored in the brain, not the dynamic mind Jung envisioned. Therefore, discussions about angels should refer to the spiritual realm, the Otherworld, the Platonic Hyperuranion, or the Christian kingdom of God-a realm both symbolic and corporeal. Jungians need to move beyond Jung's focus on "phenomenology." But modern theologians have "immanentized" the kingdom of God, interpreting it as a future good society based on Christian norms. Jungians, with their emphasis on symbols, could challenge this trend. Steiner's views are concerning in that also he envisions a future good society. In "The Threefold Social Order," he suggests that adopting his social ideas could transform society into one free from current evils. He believes social engineering can eradicate evil and corruption, a notion Augustine refutes in "City of God."
@neelmadhun85 2 ай бұрын
When Jung used the term spirits, it was used as psychological concepts and not be confused with the spirits in normal parlance. Not that he believed in the latter. The unconscious cannot be reduced to a deep recess in the memory. Jung's idea was that it and the subconscious are deeply (more or less) seated yes, but they affect our daily actions and inactions and have thus an effect on us. That's the dynamic Jung described as 'fate'. And I would not term Jung as a theologian in any shape or form. He used religious symbology and prominently the Christ as a symbol of the self. However, he had no 'missionary' bone.
@centerofthecross 2 ай бұрын
Thank you as always for your thoughtful commentary Mats.
@BrundageBungalows 2 ай бұрын
I want to correct something you said: early on in his research jung believed in autonomous complexes, which are rooted in archetypal forces. He drew parallels to the myths of ghosts and demons found in earlier cultures. he attributed all these forces to the psyche, and the unconscious. As he got older, he later realised because of synchronicity and acausul effects in reality these "spirits" or "daemons" or archetypal forces have their own psychic reality.... so essentially he came to believe that spirits have a reality of their own outaide the psyche.
@neelmadhun85 2 ай бұрын
@@BrundageBungalows Interesting take. Now that I think of it, it is to be expected, in the sense that if the collective unconscious is, on the one level, the external (from without an individual's psyche but not culture) having an 'affect' on the sense of self within, these overarching archetypes must be out there being 'manifested' from within. However, what I have difficulty with is that these 'spirits' have no 'environment' to support their physical existence and must be understood as 'projections' of the mind. In that sense and to borrow the title of a Sting song, there can be no 'Spirits in the material world'. As to Jung's beliefs, after I read his Aeon, I was left reeling not at all clear what to make of his creed (was he pushing that or using example), his knowledge of astrology (does he believe it's science or is it for illustrative purposes)...I think (I am sure I'm wrong) that he is the last polymath. A brilliant mind. My opinion.
@matswinther8991 2 ай бұрын
No, Jung merely proposed that the archetypes of numbers are fundamental to the unus mundus, the psychophysical foundation of the world. Beyond this, he concentrated on psychic phenomena and showed little interest in ontology.
@mcosu1 3 ай бұрын
Jung is the psychology of George Lucas... I think you're right. Hadn't thought of that
@senaej1 3 ай бұрын
This is exactly what I was looking for. I found Peterson, then Rohr, through Centering Prayer and the Enneagram.
@matswinther8991 4 ай бұрын
Christianity already has a better concept than "the unconscious", namely the Kingdom of God/Heaven. It was utterly central in the teaching of Jesus. Only in Matthew's gospel it occurs 32 times. But its meaning has been reduced to obedience to His rule, which is a platitude. Jung is right, in a sense, because the mythological and mystical side of Christianity has been smothered, presumably because of its paganistic connotations. On the other hand, the psychoanalytic unconscious is incompatible with Christian theology. Ann Conrad Lammers ("In God's shadow", 1994) argues against Murray Stein and others. She says that Jung is too biased from the start in that he rejects many of the central tenets of theology (p. 151).
@OvranoPhanekh 3 ай бұрын
There's been only two things that have helped me realize this in my journey with Christianity. The first is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, of which I joined 7 years ago. Their doctrine of Theosis and focus on inner transformation leads to inner work, but too much focus on asceticism as the method for inner healing is a big trap in the EO Church. The second one is the book The Kingdom Within by John Sanford, a Christian Jungian analyst. He argues that the Kingdom of God within us that Christ speaks of in the gospels can be seen as inner Wholeness and Individuation; this along with Orthodoxy has been the most holistic experience of Christianity for me
@matswinther8991 3 ай бұрын
The kingdom of God is perceived through the inner eye; but it is not "within". It's because it transcends space and time. As I discuss in my latest article, it has consistently been subjected to ‘immanentization’. See: "Some remarks on Wolfhart Pannenberg’s theology, the immanentization of the eschaton and the misinterpretation of the kingdom of God".
@kokh1176 4 ай бұрын
The article was very helpful. Thank you.
@Friedrich-kun 4 ай бұрын
I am here
@mcosu1 4 ай бұрын
Id love to hear a conversation/interview with Sean and Brendan Graham Dempsey. It seems like his project of Metamodern Christianity has some synergies with what you are working toward.
@PuncturedBicycle-wy4po 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! Exactly what I was searching for and looking forward to reading Amy’s book
@Snowkatt26 4 ай бұрын
So you’re pushing Christianity on Jung...God isn’t contained by any Book!
@joshuastephenward5316 4 ай бұрын
Jung was haunted & mesmerized by Christianity. His memoirs details his inner conflict with it til he died. His late thoughts particularly are striking and thought further development of it was absolutely crucial. So Jung would have loved this.
@knowone3529 5 ай бұрын
Two heros.. both anti-semites Henry Ford knew too
@AdrianHackman 5 ай бұрын
Great talk! Shekhinah is really central in Kabbalah. I think it is a mistake to think that Alchemy is gnostic in the sense that it rejects matter and regards it as evil. It is rather a transformation and perfection of matter and spirit. I think we have to lean towards the good. A really good book that I am reading at the moment is 'Carl Jung and Maximus the Confessor on psychic development'. It is really dense. A lot of mystics and individuals in history are on the left-hand path. They are in a zone of danger outside of the conventions of society. It seems that The Grail Myth is more central and perhaps something that is eternal although Erich Neumann points out in The Origins and History of Consiousness that Ego-consciousness is an emergent process. People where not as individuated in for example the middle ages as they are today. Campbell: "...One writer of the Grail legend starts his long epic with a short poem saying, “Every act has both good and evil results.” Every act in life yields pairs of opposites in its results. The best we can do is lean toward the light, toward the harmonious relationships that come from compassion with suffering, from understanding the other person. This is what the Grail is about. And this is what comes out in the romance."
@AdrianHackman 5 ай бұрын
I have listened to Sean McGrath talk about Jakob Böhme. It is this idea that we precive darkness in God when we are in sin. Micheal Martin is a person who is really interesting and he talks about sophiology. Worth investigating. *** When I studied advertising briefly I got introduced to Martinism under very strange circumstances and I was told by a former member by the order that it was the path towards evil. I have read works by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin and although he is inspired by Böhme I actually think he has a gnostic interpretation of him. Hegel and C G Jung are also influenced by Böhme.
@AdrianHackman 5 ай бұрын
This is a gem. It is so interesting to see how this relates to Aion and the integration of opposites something that Nietzsche also thinks about but not in terms of Christ and Anti-Christ. It is clear that Faust was the first step in bringing God down from heaven into the human psyche. It would be wonderful if you could have a talk with Bernardo Kastrup about idealism.
@AdrianHackman 5 ай бұрын
Interesting talk. I think it is important to speak of Christ as an archetype from the perspective of the the psychotic experience. I have read stories of people who think that they are Christ during a psychotic break and this is a recurring phenomena. I have experienced psychotic episodes and they where very religious experiences and without help from Jungian analysis and till a certain extent medications I do not know where I would have ended up. I considered suicide at the time.
@matswinther8991 5 ай бұрын
It was Augustine who invented the concept of the invisible Church. He called it the City of God, inhabited by the people predestined to salvation. The profane people belong to the Earthly City. We cannot know who belongs to which city. I am critical of Bonhoeffer. He espoused Bultmann's concept of demythologization, i.e., to divest of mythological forms by formulating the symbols in intellectual words that modern people can understand. This runs exactly counter to Jung's view. After all, he introduced the idea of the symbolic life. But Bonhoeffer thought that Bultmann didn't go far enough: "My opinion of it today would be that he went not 'too far,' as most people thought, but rather not far enough. It's not only 'mythological' concepts like miracles, ascension, and so on (which in principle can't be separated from concepts of God, faith, etc.!) that are problematic, but 'religious' concepts as such. You can't separate God from the miracles (as Bultmann thinks); instead, you must be able to interpret and proclaim them *both* 'nonreligiously.'" (Letter: May 5, 1944) It led to the "Death of God"-movement in the sixties, which soon petered out.
@ConfusedApe 5 ай бұрын
Jung actually states his distaste for Bultmann one of his published letters. But I doubt he ever read Bultmann. In reality, Bultmann's ideas are much closer to Jung than most people ever realize. If you read the "Entmythologisierungs-Essay" (Zum Problem der Entmythologisierung), you will find that all Bultmann is talking about is nothing more than a hermeneutical/exegetical tool for gaining a proper understanding of Biblical texts: he makes clear that "myths" are concerned with talking about real things (i.e. not just fairy tales, fabulations or run-away metaphors) but not objective reality in the naturalistic, positivistic sense of 19th and 20th century science. Instead, the texts are speaking truths of human existence. Since these are not immediately understandable, they necessitate interpretation. Notice how similar this is to Jung's understanding in which myths as much as dreams express psychological truths that are in need of interpretation. This even enables Jung to speak of "God" purely psychologically, as a psychological constant and symbol of the self. He repeatedly defends himself against the accusation of "theology" by claiming to make no metaphysical claims about any god, only speaking of the image of god within psychological bounds. Bultmanns "Entmythologisierungsprogramm" on the other hand does not in fact do away with myths altogether. The "mythical" Bible is supposed to be read in church and remain as such. The "program" only has a purpose in helping preachers come to an understanding adequate both to the text and their listeners.
@mcosu1 4 ай бұрын
Death of God isn't dead yet. See Peter Rollins and Slavoj Zizek
@matswinther8991 6 ай бұрын
I'm skeptical about Eckhart's teaching. It conflicts with Christian theism in that it has strong pantheistic overtones. Equally controversial is the theologian Paul Tillich. Similar to Eckhart, he views God as the Ground of Being. John P. Dourley ("Paul Tillich, Carl Jung and the Recovery of Religion") says: "Again in remarkable affinity with Eckhart and Jung's appropriation of Eckhart, Tillich suggests that the fourth could be a divinity "above" the Trinity or that the "Father" be revisioned as a common ground from which the distinct persons proceed. [...] But even in terms of his own amplification of quaternity Tillich goes on immediately to identify this "common source of divinity", the fourth, as maternal and the furthest reach of divinity, the ground of being itself, understood here as the first principle of divine life." (pp. 78-79)
@mcosu1 6 ай бұрын
To be fair, a lot this season so far has been about pre-Constantinian Christianity, where Christians believed all kinds of wild stuff. Ekhart is quite tame by comparison.
@mcosu1 6 ай бұрын
Are you still putting new episodes on Spotify as well?
@centerofthecross 6 ай бұрын
Yes, they are all to be found here:
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 6 ай бұрын
"We have said that without projection there can be no anger, but it is also true that without extension there can be no love. ²These reflect a fundamental law of the mind, and therefore one that always operates. ³It is the law by which you create and were created. ⁴It is the law that unifies the Kingdom, and keeps it in the Mind of God. ⁵To the ego, the law is perceived as a means of getting rid of something it does not want. ⁶To the Holy Spirit, it is the fundamental law of sharing, by which you give what you value in order to keep it in your mind. ⁷To the Holy Spirit it is the law of extension. ⁸To the ego it is the law of deprivation. ⁹It therefore produces abundance or scarcity, depending on how you choose to apply it. ¹⁰This choice is up to you, but it is not up to you to decide whether or not you will utilize the law. ¹¹Every mind must project or extend, because that is how it lives, and every mind is life. 2. The ego’s use of projection must be fully understood before the inevitable association between projection and anger can be finally undone. ²The ego always tries to preserve conflict. ³It is very ingenious in devising ways that seem to diminish conflict, because it does not want you to find conflict so intolerable that you will insist on giving it up. ⁴The ego therefore tries to persuade you that _it_ can free you of conflict, lest you give the ego up and free yourself. ⁵Using its own warped version of the laws of God, the ego utilizes the power of the mind only to defeat the mind’s real purpose. ⁶It projects conflict from your mind to other minds, in an attempt to persuade you that you have gotten rid of the problem. 3. There are two major errors involved in this attempt. ²First, strictly speaking, conflict cannot be projected because it cannot be shared. ³Any attempt to keep part of it and get rid of another part does not really mean anything. ⁴Remember that a conflicted teacher is a poor teacher and a poor learner. ⁵His lessons are confused, and their transfer value is limited by his confusion. ⁶The second error is the idea that you can get rid of something you do not want by giving it away. ⁷Giving it is how you _keep_ it. ⁸The belief that by seeing it outside you have excluded it from within is a complete distortion of the power of extension. ⁹That is why those who project are vigilant for their own safety. ¹⁰They are afraid that their projections will return and hurt them. ¹¹Believing they have blotted their projections from their own minds, they also believe their projections are trying to creep back in. ¹²Since the projections have not left their minds, they are forced to engage in constant activity in order not to recognize this. 4. You cannot perpetuate an illusion about another without perpetuating it about yourself. ²There is no way out of this, because it is impossible to fragment the mind. ³To fragment is to break into pieces, and mind cannot attack or be attacked. ⁴The belief that it can, an error the ego always makes, underlies its whole use of projection. ⁵It does not understand what mind is, and therefore does not understand what _you_ are. ⁶Yet its existence is dependent on your mind, because the ego is your belief. ⁷The ego is a confusion in identification. ⁸Never having had a consistent model, it never developed consistently. ⁹It is the product of the misapplication of the laws of God by distorted minds that are misusing their power. 5. _Do not be afraid of the ego._ ²It depends on your mind, and as you made it by believing in it, so you can dispel it by withdrawing belief from it. ³Do not project the responsibility for your belief in it onto anyone else, or you will preserve the belief. ⁴When you are willing to accept sole responsibility for the ego’s existence you will have laid aside all anger and all attack, because they come from an attempt to project responsibility for your own errors. ⁵But having accepted the errors as yours, do not keep them. ⁶Give them over quickly to the Holy Spirit to be undone completely, so that all their effects will vanish from your mind and from the Sonship as a whole. 6. The Holy Spirit will teach you to perceive beyond your belief, because truth is beyond belief and His perception is true. ²The ego can be completely forgotten at any time, because it is a totally incredible belief, and no one can keep a belief he has judged to be unbelievable. ³The more you learn about the ego, the more you realize that it cannot be believed. ⁴The incredible cannot be understood because it is unbelievable. ⁵The meaninglessness of perception based on the unbelievable is apparent, but it may not be recognized as being beyond belief, because it is made _by_ belief. 7. The whole purpose of this course is to teach you that the ego is unbelievable and will forever be unbelievable. ²You who made the ego by believing the unbelievable cannot make this judgment alone. ³By accepting the Atonement for yourself, you are deciding against the belief that you can be alone, thus dispelling the idea of separation and affirming your true identification with the whole Kingdom as literally part of you. ⁴This identification is as beyond doubt as it is beyond belief. ⁵Your wholeness has no limits because being is infinity." A Course In Miracles (1975) Author: _Jesus Christ_ "Psychology and the Cross...." Thats a very early passage in the Course, focusing in very highly psychological terms -- using the best available ideas on the Earth in order to fulfill his promise, "I have much to say to you all, but you cannot bear it now. But a time is coming when I will speak plainly." John Hope this helps you on your way. It's so strange to me to share this with people, because people don't believe that Someone who walked on water, gave sight to the blind, overcame death and appeared to his disciples after, could possibly give a teaching to us in our modern era.... And so many people sincerely seek the truth of Christ, His teachings; and here it is, His teachings. See how Christ's own teachings differ from the church. Do the daily lessons. Be one. _Adonai_
@matswinther8991 6 ай бұрын
Eckhart says: "When I saw into myself I saw God in me" ... "Where God is there is the soul, and where the soul is there is God" ... "the Ground of God and the Ground of the soul are one nature" (Harkness, "Mysticism", p. 106). Carl Jung embraces Eckhart, as he "understands God as a psychological value." Eckhart says that "man is truly God, and God is truly man" and "[t]he soul is all things because she is an image of God, and as such she is also the kingdom of God" (CW 6). The Church was appalled with Eckhart's teaching. According to Augustine, humanity is completely fallen and divine nature is extinct from the human soul. Only a broken image of God remains. Luther, too, says that "human nature has completely fallen." But, thanks to the *external* righteousness of Christ, the Christian is also completely righteous. (Interestingly, also the Neoplatonist Iamblichus broke with Plotinus and argued that the human soul is completely fallen. Nevertheless, we may ascend to God through theurgic practices.) Is human nature completely fallen or not? From a scientific perspective, the soul is neural activity. Thus, it lacks divine nature. How is it possible to argue, in the modern time, that human beings share something substantive with God?
@TheYoungIdealist 6 ай бұрын
I think this was my favorite episode this season. What a beautiful message. I really enjoyed Dr. McGrath's discussion of Eckhart Non-dualist theology, and Eckhart's relation to the Beguines. This episode made me actually open up my Bible to read Gal: 3. The Secular Christ is by far my favorite Podcast.
@theGuilherme36 6 ай бұрын
Great interview!
@matswinther8991 6 ай бұрын
Just remember that Clement of Alexandria is a controversial figure. He was removed from the Catholic calendar in the 17th century because his doctrines were regarded as suspect. Clement believed that mortals who turn to the Christian faith become gods and will remain immortal gods in the afterlife. By wearing white garments and imitating Christ one is "practicing to be a god." Jung and Luther both repudiated 'imitatio Christi' as a way of self-divinization. Augustine contends that humans can no longer move towards reunion with God because sin blocks the path. Clement was way too optimistic. The mystic Johannes Tauler spells out the truth: "Whenever you ascribe the divine to yourself, you change the divine into the creaturely and obscure the divine" ("Predigten", bd. 1, p. 94).
@traviswadezinn 6 ай бұрын
Great episode! thank you
@Jewelledtortoise 6 ай бұрын
I love this series but why are there no more videos posted on Berlin psychoanalytic?
@centerofthecross 6 ай бұрын
Unfortunately none of us have had the capacity to maintain that channel. Occasionally something will be published there still. Thanks for listening!
@Jewelledtortoise 6 ай бұрын
@@centerofthecross Good to hear
@matswinther8991 6 ай бұрын
What seems to bolster McGrath's thesis is that, as long as people were religious, the secular state worked reasonably well. But now, as Americans are losing their religion, democracy erodes rapidly. It is a paradox. The secular democratic state is eroding because people have acquired a secular mindset and become "enlightened" or "woke". I suppose something similar is happening in India. Phil Miles, in two articles in journal Kategoria (Nos. 22, 23, 2001) has an explanation for this. Our society believes in a harmful myth, according to which pluralism together with a relativistic view of truth produces tolerance, while a belief in absolute truths leads to tyranny. In fact, it is the other way round. Tyranny develops out of relativism, while tolerance is associated with absolute values.
@matswinther8991 7 ай бұрын
It is worth remembering that it wasn't Christianity who invented the notion of restraining the bodily passions. Both Eastern and Western philosophical and religious thought reverberate the theme of restraining bodily passions through self-discipline and self-denial. The practices of self-mortification expected of Aztec priests were horrendous. The ostensibly this-worldly ideal of Christianity mustn't be understood politically, because the future ideal is the recovery of earthly Paradise. It is really a transcendental concept, well-known in the history of religion. For example, Australian aboriginals have a longing to recover the primordial epoch that began immediately after the creation, which was a paradisiacal age without suffering and death. Death came into being because the communications with heaven had been violently interrupted (cf. Eliade, "The Quest", ch. 5). The immanent ideal of Christianity belongs to mythic, sacred history. It transcends the socialist ideal of material welfare.
@matswinther8991 7 ай бұрын
It seems that this episode begins with a repetition of the previous episode.
@centerofthecross 7 ай бұрын
It’s just a short recap of last episode before it gets started.
@mcosu1 7 ай бұрын
I like your style, dude
@Ann-ed1bq 7 ай бұрын
I love this interview. It brings to light in my perception that the Christ mind is able to see the whole of the psycho-spiritual connection. Not to leave out Nietche, I think it can be seen how Nietche encountered the shadow on the Luciferic end of the spectrum, and Jung encountered the shadow more from the Ahrimanic end. Each could taste the powerful will of those two feet of the entire shadow, or Abraxas. Christ had ascended to the head of it all as Steiner was able to perceive. Anything lower than the Christ impulse is from the realm of the shadow, but all is part of the whole cosmic being. Steiner, in builder’s terms, was master at leveling the bubble.
@sohu86x 7 ай бұрын
Stop lying to yourself. The evidence does not support the veracity of the gospels, much less your high christology.