10k Subscribers Q&A
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Quick Thoughts: The Game
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@drorbitaldeathray 2 күн бұрын
This is so good. I actually understand what's going on!
@HighlyEntropicMind 23 сағат бұрын
The greatest prise there can be
@SerikPoliasc 5 күн бұрын
Thompson Jessica Clark Sharon Hall Linda
@HighlyEntropicMind 4 күн бұрын
Currently this comment says "Thompson Jessica Clark Sharon Hall Linda" If you are reading it in the future and it says something different please tag me There are bots that put harmless comments in videos only to edit them later with links to scams
@mrslave41 5 күн бұрын
39:14 “deeper theoretical explanation” - the actual physical properties of the quantum field (aka the aether). 😊
@mrslave41 5 күн бұрын
24:46 “the laws of electrodynamics” are not about electrons. they are about charges. electrons in an atom are apparently stable. 😊
@mrslave41 5 күн бұрын
15:41 “why not both?” because it makes no sense. in other words - it’s nonsense 😂. that’s why. you’re welcome 😊
@mrslave41 5 күн бұрын
15:40 “particle” the evidence that you present for light 💡 being a particle is terrible 😞 at best.
@mrslave41 5 күн бұрын
be careful not to hit anyone with all the hand waving 😂
@TheTravamoose 5 күн бұрын
24:49 What about using quantum entanglement as a proxy to infer the spin of an unmeasured particle? From my limited understanding of QE, changing one of the particles does not change the other in any way or that would violate locality but if the total spin was 0 prior to beta decay and we know spin must be conserved we know that one particle has -1 spin and one has +1 spin.
@HighlyEntropicMind 4 күн бұрын
Sure, this is done all the time. One measurement can give you information about two or more particles
@mrslave41 6 күн бұрын
10:10 “particles” no. just that energy (in the form of electromagnetic [EM] radiation ☢️) was being emitted in discrete quantities: [Energy Quantum] = h * [Frequency of EM wave emitted]
@HighlyEntropicMind 4 күн бұрын
> emitted in discrete quantities That's the definition of particle, a discrete amount of something that moves around
@mrslave41 4 күн бұрын
@@HighlyEntropicMind lol 😂 no. nothing in this universe is infinite. so every ocean 🌊 wave is finite. aka emitted in discrete quantities. yet it is not a particle.
@HighlyEntropicMind 23 сағат бұрын
@@mrslave41 Continuous and infinite are different. The distance between an arrow and its target is continuous, but it's not infinite
@KryzysX 6 күн бұрын
I understand your frustration; youtube fucking sucks.
@johnrendle1303 10 күн бұрын
I love it! You are fabulous. Funny, witty, chilled, informative and so much fun. Seriously good
@Secre.SwallowtailYT 12 күн бұрын
Are those anime/ova's real or just memes, because I can't find them anywhere.
@HighlyEntropicMind 11 күн бұрын
I made them up, because that's how I think about this in my mind. Sorry for giving you false hope
@ParallaxParadigm 12 күн бұрын
Great Content..❤❤
@Ray_of_Light62 16 күн бұрын
One question remains, and that is, the nature of the color charge...
@thepopulationofkazakhstan1116 16 күн бұрын
Trump knew about this all along
@jargontrueseer 18 күн бұрын
This was a very good story, ginuinely brilliant, but I would heavily discourage the use of AI in generating artwork. If not on principle, at lwast for the fact that it runs off of massive amounts of genuine property theft and is very unapologetic about it. AI art is typicaly made by stealing art, most times going against the express will of the original creator, and feeding it to an algorithm that removes all trace of the original work. Typically these programs are designed to do this so that no one can stop them from stealing art. I understand that this was not made in bad faith what so ever, I just wanted to make sure you had the facts. Ai is not the end of the world, but it's currently unregulated and that's ruining a lot of people's lives for a veriety of reasons that I don't think I'd have the time to go into in a KZbin comment. Again though, your stories are beautiful and I'm always fascinated by them. Please keep it up and I wish you the best.
@jargontrueseer 18 күн бұрын
This is ginuinely fantastic, it gave me massive chills. I think I've found a new favorite worldbuilder
@HighlyEntropicMind 18 күн бұрын
I have a few other videos on worldbuilding, but I haven't made many more
@jargontrueseer 18 күн бұрын
@@HighlyEntropicMind that's completely fair. I still really enjoy your writing and I'll subscribe anyway. Whatever you do, I wish you luck doing it!
@HighlyEntropicMind 18 күн бұрын
@@jargontrueseer Thanks. Hopefully I'll make more worldbiulding videos in the near future. I do want to make them
@AutumnPinkyKat 19 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed this video! I'm so surprised there aren't thousands more views. I think writers would really learn from this. I already added really strong morals to the characters of mine that I wanted somewhere on the spectrum before learning that was an autistic trait. Best of luck to everyone writing characters on the spectrum!! :D
@HighlyEntropicMind 19 күн бұрын
thank you
@AutumnPinkyKat 19 күн бұрын
@@HighlyEntropicMind you’re welcome!
@SecretAgentDharun 20 күн бұрын
Waterstones is definitely an amazing bookstore. I believe the one in Picadilly is the biggest bookstore in Europe!
@uni123 21 күн бұрын
Ich mag Frucht Fledermäuse
@misterlau5246 21 күн бұрын
Lo de traducir y que no encaje bien... Es lo que se llama métrica en poesía extendido a letra de una canción. An example with a phrase in Spanish and an English version... Con música 🎶 vs with music... Empezando por el número de sílabas, it doesn't fit.. It would be good to just add a syllable, like "with music yeah" There's a song called "I can't decide" from Scissor Sisters... It's something like this, not all of the words are the original ones... But just an epsilon away |z-z0|<epsilon to avoid singular points and get poles 🤓😬🤯❤️🎶 I can't decide whether you should live or die, cause you'd probably go to heaven Please don't hang your head and cry No wonder why my heart inside Is cold and hard and petrified Close the doors Shut the blinds We're going for a ride... I have heard two versions in Spanish... 🤔 At least one of them. didn't translate "no puedo decidir si debes vivir o morir" Y esa parte encaja bien... Si no recuerdo mal, ninguna mencionó "irías al cielo" Lo de hang your head... Eso es muy difícil 🤔😅 One of them translated "duro, frío petrificado" but it didn't fit well... 🤔 The other version changed the words to fit better.... Un ejemplo más notable es chala head chala, Latino vs ibérico En ibérico es muy diferente... Seguro que lo has visto..... U oído... O Pegasus Fantasy from Saint Seiya.. Dakeshimetáaaa Kókoro no kosumo... En versión español latinoamericano suena bien pero cambia la letra... Siempre la verdad Vencerá a todo el mal... O algo así... Pero en nihongo eso significa El kosumo (cosmo) de mi corazón... Dakeshimeta es agarrar bien algo... 🤔 😬 🤣 La versao en portugués brasileño es más apegada al original y suena muy bien Faça elevar O cosmo no seu coração Muchas veces la belleza de la canción reside en la métrica... Buscar la mejor traducción de cada frase resulta en que no hay coherencia... Así que es más fácil escribir otra letra
@misterlau5246 21 күн бұрын
"light has mass! It interacts with gravity!" Except it comes from using F=GM/r² Now... Maybe there's no need to have mass to interact with gravity... 🤔 😳 Yeah, it seems so... Some people reject Shapiro effect 😁 The Boys you are trying to help use physics from some centuries ago. They should build a lagrangian like everyone else, at least for special relativity, which is very easy 😁🤓😈😈😈🤯 "no scientist know how light works" 😳 ... Cell phones, optical mouse, 😳😬🧐 19:45 😂😂🤣 or a genki dama 🤣🤣🤣. Well.. I'm talking about that lagrangian because after you put it as a sum of proper time dtau as distance, with Lorentz to transform it into coordinate time, and conserved shite 🤬😅 like momentum and the hamiltonian which is always total energy, with c being constant, .... At non relativistic speeds or v/c being infinitesimal... That's an epsilon, so a Taylor series gets the mass and momentum energy terms separated.... Weeell.... We get momentum as another contribution... Rest mass and kinetic energy... 🤔 🤯🤓❤️ Nice! Momentum rules!
@misterlau5246 21 күн бұрын
God created integers, the rest is Delta Kroenecker.. I don't remember who said that 🤓 I know it was a long way from Bohr to Feynman, 7:16 LAWS OF NATURE!!! 🤣 😳 7:27 dijiste "caca" 🤣 The tiny differences of quantum eigens... Ok... It might look weird, it's easier to model it using statistical mechanics which is nothing new.... ... For us the model is stochastic wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, it works wonders for quantum data analysis and quality control of a factory. Lol 14:42 smoking at the lab??? 😅 🤣 In modern times we can't! 🤣 15:46 🤔 the era of mistakes.... 🤔 It happened and happens when you are building a new model... ... What happened to the daughter of Pierre and Marie Curie? THAT was a very awful "mistake".... Leucemia.... Things 16:36 NOBODY CARED 😭 it was an exaggeration... TWO PEOPLE cared 🤣 😳 F word at 24:36 was unnecessary... Not for the word itself but using it to show you disagree with continuing research on colloids😅😆🖖 When neutron was discovered? Before of this, U235 kaboom wasn't plausible... A mistake 😬🤯😰😭 /*I'm not criticizing your style, just commenting on the topic... */ 27:32 Correcto! Me resultó "gracioso" porque normalmente cuando oigo inglés, it is more like "" Correctou! "🤣 32:20 the WHAT effect? 😅 🤣 See man, English is tricky.... C-men 😮😁😆 Like Vladimir Fock's photon states... My teacher pronounced it very close to FUCKED to make a q-physics Meme,😆😅🤣 36:55 Finally! FRAMEWORK... I was 99.99% sure with little deviation and confidence intervalo you were going to mention it... It was a long way.... Just quantum physics got to be absolutely abstract to work with... No direct observations and they might be a bit of a pickle, but quantum framework is a fully mathematical model which is not difficult to understand and work with... Me gusta mucho el álgebra lineal... I use it for computer graphics, especially 3D. Objects are basically pixels with different colors so our mapping is a matrix, a linear transformation to translate 3D lighting in real world to a flat screen. 😳 51:10 Einstein is who??? 😅 🤣 I think you said Tom Hanks? 😅 🤣 ❤‍🔥 58:18 🥺 it doesn't make sense to you, now imagine back in the day when vectorial approach was new, going to the last decades of 19th century and Heaviside....Better, easier Maxwell equations 😅😁🤓 What? No spin-orbital coupling by Maria Goeppert Meyer? ... Oh merde... This is a series of videos, you will probably cover more of this later, so no more spoilers from me if that's the case 🧐 54:41 easy with the potty language bro... 🤔 😬 🤣 "Surprise, mofo!" 🤣
@misterlau5246 21 күн бұрын
Ok. They require info like phone number and a home address.. In my experience at UCLA it wasn't that inconvenient... There were some options. Anyways, I was there years ago. Today I guess most people get a cell phone and they have options while they find a place to live in. Now... Chicago is Terra incognita for me... Los Angeles is very Latin Friendly, it wasn't THAT hard to integrate myself into the system. But I was more or less aware of how things worked... 😳 Public transportation system in LA.... 😡🤬😭 I thought USA had the best services.... I was mistaken 😡🤬😭 Y los embotellamientos cuando ya tuve un coche 😡🤬 Lovely 405, 101,Sepulveda at peak hours 😭 I had to go from UCLA to LAX where I had a job and viceversa.... And I got a little efficiency at Lincoln 😭 going from point A to B WAS 🤬🤬😭 Chicago es más "tranquilo"... Creo...
@misterlau5246 21 күн бұрын
Representing the standard model of particles in just one diagram and starting from quantum properties, and the interactions it usually takes Feynman diagrams... Easy and brief way to visualize particle decay... 🧐 11:00 "protons and neutrons... For reasons I'm not going to explain here..." I think some time ago I saw something like your hexagonal diagram... 🤔 .
@misterlau5246 21 күн бұрын
Like a buffet? 😅 It would be better than it usually is, more like a BUFFER I have seen fiction section in bookstores too... With space stories next to FANTASY... By the way, some months ago I went to a used books store and I found "metamorphosis" by Kafka... Reminds me of ISEKAI or such 🤣🤓🖖
@fishermikoaj6578 22 күн бұрын
If you like Lem you would love Janusz Zajdel, best sci-fi author from the 80s
@MrVontar 22 күн бұрын
I told a friend I was at the library and she acted like I was weird for being there.
@nullinf 22 күн бұрын
That’s crazy, you go to any other library in chicago and youll have a much better experience
@narfwhals7843 22 күн бұрын
What? WHAT?!
@chadriffs 22 күн бұрын
I agree 100% about the joy of browsing a new library but it sounds like the GOP got ahold of that library and I would bring it up to the Dean. Just watch out for the book bonfire next....
@mira_nekosi 22 күн бұрын
did anyone already suggested to express all that stuff in lean 4 or something like that? it will at least verify what you've written and maybe even help to (dis)prove something
@ansofficial709 22 күн бұрын
Can you tell us where you learned QFT and where you are studying or working now?
@HighlyEntropicMind 22 күн бұрын
I learned it at UCL and I'm currently getting my PhD at UIC
@ansofficial709 22 күн бұрын
@@HighlyEntropicMind I am sorry but I don't know those abbreviations. Can you write out the names of the universities?
@ansofficial709 22 күн бұрын
@@HighlyEntropicMind Is the first one in London?
@dennisbishop3016 22 күн бұрын
I expect this is a result of the computer revolution and MBA’s running the world. My school built an annex to store books because it was too expensive to expand the library. The annex had a robot on a rail to go fetch the desired books, and you can pick them up at your library tomorrow. Not good for browsing.