He Married The Placeholder After 6 Decades
That Man Is Making You Ugly
I'm Back With An Update
2 ай бұрын
Early Signs That He's Stingy
@MsLotusBlooms 51 минут бұрын
So sad she allowed this and cruel for him to do that to her.
@Cateater123 4 сағат бұрын
Just says women are gay and like men for stuffs . It will be helpful if women say it openly. The more i learn about women the more i agree with Andrew and other guys
@Guiltyangel605 5 сағат бұрын
@Green7hawk 11 сағат бұрын
Dating a guy for his$$ makes me sick, no literally. I could never do that but the oldest I dated was a 50 year old and he acted just like an immature teenager. Age does not mean maturity, I learned that real quick
@sispeepgame 11 сағат бұрын
I agree. When the average person asks you last minute to do something, it’s usually because whoever they originally expected to come fell through. I had an experience with a girl telling me about this extravagant trip she was planning, and I was like, ‘Good for you, girl.’ Then, the week before the trip, she asked if I wanted to join her. 🥴 I was like, huh? Every time you mentioned this trip, it was all about the things *you* were going to do, which I’m happy for you about, but why in the world am I being invited now? I never said anything about wanting to go. She didn’t have the money for the trip, that’s why. 🥴😂 I will say there is a slight exception to this rule, and that would be something like, ‘My boss gifted me tickets to the Beyoncé concert tonight, and I know you wanted to go but couldn’t get tickets. Do you still want to go?’ Basically, it was last minute for them, you were the first person they thought of, and it’s something *you* actually want to experience. However, if it was something they planned and didn’t include you until something fell through, or if it’s a place you can go any day, absolutely not. I don’t care if it was the day before and they said something like, ‘Girl, remember I was telling you about the Beyoncé concert tickets I got yesterday? Wanna come tonight?’-DON’T GO. Regarding Ice and Cleo, Cleo should have asked more questions. She would have realized the decision wasn’t a ‘Hey, I know it’s last minute, but XYZ performer the label booked got sick and can’t come, so I mentioned you because you can put on a show and we’ll get you some exposure. Wanna come?’ Something like that would have been okay, but based on their previous history, if I were Cleo, I still would have said no. 🥴 If Cleo were honest with herself, she would have accepted that they weren’t really friends. She shouldn’t have expected Ice to look out for her, essentially after she was exposed for telling about her and all of this could have been avoided.
@amaliaduncan5338 12 сағат бұрын
I appreciate this perspective,well said!lol👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
@taxtechnicians8939 12 сағат бұрын
I wouldn't have accepted a retard invite like that, but then turn around & complain about what went wrong!
@JamieCharles-t1v 13 сағат бұрын
Nice girls finish last 😂 🎉
@baddiezone 9 сағат бұрын
Dang lol
@pearlfeather9326 13 сағат бұрын
A lot of men just suck How can i sign up for the book group?
@ericalilith8248 13 сағат бұрын
lol I remember that time!
@tinachristine4573 14 сағат бұрын
I was also aghast to learn that this girl RAN at breakneck speed to join a tour with ONE DAY notice. I never ever respond to last minute plans. Even a guy asking me out on a date, I'll ask him where he wants to take me on such a short notice and of course the plans will be shoddy and I'll decline. Friends popping in town at short notice? Nope, I'm not there.
@ericalilith8248 14 сағат бұрын
I’m on the verge of ending friendship with someone like this. Like whatever we do or meet up is all about men. I want to talk about life our work goals or kids, etc. But I start talking about that. It always comes back to men and how disappoint she is and how they ghost her. It’s so annoying.
@manefemmefatale 14 сағат бұрын
I'll tell something about people calling you up last or showing up at your house unexpected wanting to take you out somewhere. It's dangerous and don't go. personal story with family member and twice it happen to him. Wherever he was sleeping or decided so stay in a friend would call and say let's go out and when he did horrible things happened, I always hear as a young woman don't rush out with anyone because bad things mostly happens when you get up and leave fast with your spirit and body begin prepared.
@CharlotteMasonTT 15 сағат бұрын
Be part of the plan ! 👏
@SakuraYoshita 15 сағат бұрын
This situation is a perfect example of power play. Cleo will be forgotten in a few weeks and won’t have anyone to leech off of. All this situation could’ve been avoided if Cleo was signed to a label that could take care of logistics. FYI, Cleo is an independent artist
@Aries.Goddess30 9 сағат бұрын
She said she has a team. They should have told her not to go with ice spice
@SakuraYoshita 15 сағат бұрын
Cleotrapa is a bad social climber. She thought she could take advantage of Ice Spice by leeching off her tour. Tours take thousands if not millions to prepare. How naive is Cleo to think she could tag along and be entitled to A list celebrity treatment?
@sispeepgame 11 сағат бұрын
I agree! The carrying the bags issue took me out, like girl carry your bags. If Cleo wanted to use this to her advantage she should have said “ok, I can do this, this and this show” and paid her way instead of expecting Ice to front everything. Ice did her dirty, but Cleo was out there unable to take care of herself and relied too much on other people. Girl I wouldn’t even go on a date down the street without money just in case that fool wants to act crazy.
@melinatedthinka8210 5 сағат бұрын
Cleo naively saw her as some hometown /family-friend, Ice purely saw her as an industry colleague.
@Ballerinaa 4 сағат бұрын
You all missing the point Cleo asked spice what did she needed to bring and ice said nothing and that she will basically have everything handled but didn't the minute Cleo needed and Cleo also didn't even get paid to go on tour either so both was technically trying to leech off eachother. Let's not forget there was witnesses saying ice was trying to single her out on purpose and making fun of her making colorist remarks like "Cleo black a** acting broke" etc.
@Ballerinaa 4 сағат бұрын
Let's also not forget someone from ice team which was obviously ice or ice sister tried to purchase something from her card and took the remaining money off her card etc. Cleo could have easily paid for her food and stated that they could have got the chicken salad and she would have paid for it later.
@Aries.Goddess30 15 сағат бұрын
Allegedly, Ice Spice said cleo could come to network with execs. Ice spice didn't promise her pay. And i think cleo is lying about $700 being stolen from her because cleo was caught promoting scams recently.
@hadiza1 15 сағат бұрын
Sitting! 💜🍵
@mimibarnes391 15 сағат бұрын
Can I like this video twice cos……❤❤❤
@user-dx2dm8oq8g 16 сағат бұрын
Beyonce would never call someone to be her opening act without rehearsal a day before. Ice was ready to sabotage her own tour just to look better than someone else after everyone has been clowning her music and stage presence. I also need a minimum 3 day notice for an invitation to a hangout. People who invite you last minute is also because they need something from you, maybe it's to buy more drinks, split costs, for a free entrance somewhere...
@bellanoire2271 16 сағат бұрын
@wholisticurbanite2248 15 сағат бұрын
Yes, Neuratic, Insecure, Crazy and Emotional women definitely finish last.
@Aries.Goddess30 16 сағат бұрын
Hi maria ❤ cleo is bitter that she could not social climb/leech off of ice spice. Most of what she was complaining about involved money/funding. This agreement should have been discussed with a lawyer. Cleo created an image of being her genuine best friend. All of a sudden, they have never spent 10 hours together. I HATE THE COLORISM RANTS ON THE INTERNET
@user-dx2dm8oq8g 15 сағат бұрын
I agree. She needs to hire new management because none of what she agreed to made sense. Ice had her around like extra luggage? Did she even get paid for any of it? She assumed Ice would pay for her when they're just industry friends, not childhood friends and she knew the girl didn't like her beforehand. They both benefited from each other's presence. When I clock that someone is a frenemy or untrustworthy I keep my distance and I don't put myself at their mercy or charge.
@nicolehayles 16 сағат бұрын
Well said Maria! I can never understand how people accept last-minute invitations smh. Last-minute invitations and invitations to events that I can sense are not properly planned are an immediate decline for me, as I never waste my time on low effort. Have to set standards and teach people how to treat you.
@softdolllife 17 сағат бұрын
True! Now that I have money I couldn't care less about men 😆
@Mscocoapuffz 17 сағат бұрын
It’s the money for me. Starting your career in your thirties is a downer but dating a man who cannot remember to text you back is part of the reason I want a stable career over a man. I dislike being financially dependent on anyone, especial a man, who could change his mind at a drop of a hat and proof. Now you cannot feed yourself.
@ericalilith8248 18 сағат бұрын
Thanks Maria for the wake up call. I deleted tinder a few days ago and have been considering being celibate again but I also have a high libido. I just needed a sign to focus more on self and working on me. I have toys to help. Thank u!
@ericalilith8248 18 сағат бұрын
So much of content targeted for women is about finding a wealthy man instead of being wealthy ourselves first! When I have more money I’m happier and not even thinking of males.
@MissK233 22 сағат бұрын
Great video - made me reflect a lot! "Stop doing the things you wouldn't do if you had your dream body, dream bank account etc!" FACTS. Thank you for the work you do.
@ritakaryne6224 Күн бұрын
Lord of the rings😂.. It can't be me
@sass1826 15 сағат бұрын
Ma’am! 😂 💀
@7Mushrooms7 Күн бұрын
I'm engaged now, but I don't really need a man and think no one should really. I have my own money and he improves my lifestyle by providing even more than I already have. It was when I stopped being a "slave for love and feelings" that my life improved and I started attracting and maintaining good relationships in my life that were more based on these people improving a good life I already have by myself.
@Userforeverneverever Күн бұрын
Thank you for posting more you are so real and your takes are so raw and correct
@blackwidowrowe6271 Күн бұрын
Honestly true. I had 4 sugar daddies that were really cool but I consider myself lucky lol. After I got money,I was fine. We still have good relationships
@defiantlypinki1107 Күн бұрын
I will admit that after I finally got secure in being a pharmacist, I finally got annoyed with dating. I even unsubscribed from Shera and other hypergamously channels . I made the same amount of money/career as the men I dated, but they still felt more entitled than I ever was. They acted like I needed to give them my body, unpaid domestic work, be submissive, and look pretty on their arm just to prove myself to them. It was as if their money/career made them more high value than me, even if I had the same one. They always paid on dates but they didn’t have to hold it over my head as if I couldn’t have done it myself. It’s a lot easier to spend and focus on myself than try to convince a guy I’m “worthy” enough. I truly believe those who date/marry for money are having to put up with a lot behind the scenes to get access to it. I’d rather keep making six figures on my own and answer to myself. I’m also on team staying childfree and avoiding getting baby trapped for similar reasons.
@1muffinaonly Күн бұрын
This is the conclusion I came to a few months ago. I’m tired of dumbing myself down.
@JayneTenn Күн бұрын
In the 90s I learn from a job finding club that 80% of jobs ads are hidden.
@sass1826 Күн бұрын
@Jennifer_Lewis_Beach_Living Күн бұрын
This video was spot on! Let’s put it this way - those young, beautiful women didn’t date that old geezer Hugh Hefner because he was a stud. They were with him because he was rich and famous. Based on what some of his girfriends revealed, they paid a big price for that 💰, including secksually degrading themselves for him.
@megayummyrockstar Күн бұрын
Exactly why relationships with men should not ever be about “love” but resources let’s be honest ladies if women were whole then what purpose would men serve but for just increasing your wealth if you cared to entertain them at that point🤷🏿‍♀️
@CWalthallBrand Күн бұрын
They would only be used as a stepping stone/ for polishing the gunk off our shoes🤭🤭🤭
@megayummyrockstar Күн бұрын
@@CWalthallBrand yes yes as they should be lol
@kreativesolutions7.0 Күн бұрын
I love the trini accent.
@MettleHeartsSlay Күн бұрын
Just imagine how low her self worth and self esteem is. 😢🤦🏽‍♀️
@MsLotusBlooms 49 минут бұрын
I view baby mamas the same way to be honest.
@aphroditedancer Күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. This was timed so well. I walked away from the lame time-waster of the last year a couple days ago and this helped to solidify my doubts.
@ExoticalsUnited Күн бұрын
Love your title! So true 😂
@darkweblou1891 Күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I laughed soooo hard! 😂😂😂😂 can’t imagine.
@WellBeing999 Күн бұрын
You give the BEST advice ❤ Women are resource dependent, NOT male dependent. Males are dependent on women though. Males stole the resources that Mother Nature gave women for free, hoarded them and then forced us to be with them to get access to those resources. I learned this tidbit from the Queenmaker.
@WellBeing999 Күн бұрын
A couple years ago I dated this older guy in a higher tax bracket than me and for some reason I kept reaching out to this guy because he would take me out and spend money on “shared experiences.” I really didn’t like much about him otherwise. Anyway, I manifested a new career that more than doubled my previous salary and I never felt the urge to contact him again 😂. Now I’m off the market and focusing on cultivating my well being. I’m good on men now that I’m financially independent. Only a multi millionaire would catch my eye at this point. If I ever end up with money like Oprah I think I’d be off the market for good!
@Bilbobaggins818 Күн бұрын
i think Shera is great but when i was listening to her, 'freestyling', trying to sugar and all that it was SO annoying and stressful. The best i have felt is when i have my OWN money and i dont have to worry about acting and putting on a show and having the right things to say to some fool i dont really care about. it doesnt matter how much tips you get, i think the men can still sense the desperation for money and the insecurity with money if that is what is going on. i rather just have money of my own and be free
@user-dx2dm8oq8g Күн бұрын
I agree too. A man that has you financially dependent will be playing in your face because he knows you can't afford to leave. And long term, you can't just jump from one rich guy to another it's not stable and stressful. Being financially free allows you to find a richer man that spoils you and to walk away if he's abusive.
@khrisi9410 Күн бұрын
It's really simple. He must like you more and that means he will offer/give money typically between the first and third date and once that's established its all uphill from there. It can be difficult if we choose the wrong target and that's when things become hard because men don't want to give anything to women their sort of kinda attracted to. And once the right targets are chosen invest the money in yourself ie start up your own businesses etc.
@7Mushrooms7 Күн бұрын
Shera had some great concepts that were very eye opening at the time, but I never agreed with the execution. Hence why I've been following Maria for years whose ideals/way of doing things match mine better.
@user-dx2dm8oq8g Күн бұрын
I agree. I never dated or entertained men, because I'm busy trying to get to where I want to be. Only when I'm there, then maybe I can meet someone. Otherwise most men who have showed interest in me, are not working on themselves emotionally, financially... and will take me steps back from where I was. Yeah, women need to get out of poverty and neediness to see clearly. Women are shamed for wanting to be independent, but it's only then than you can choose a partner that is good rather than out of necessity.
@CWalthallBrand Күн бұрын
Women get shamed for EVERYTHING we do.
@ninawestlake14 Күн бұрын
For me, it's money. Nothing else could make me settle as you call it. And being the person that i am, i could be dependant on you financially or whatever, but i'd never kiss your butt. That's just not me. I can't even be blackmailed, cause i'd expose myself and get it over with. Only God rules over me. I'm very streets smart and have a strong sense of self and people like me do not get handled by life no matter what.
@cinnamonthomas3075 Күн бұрын
Wow you are beautiful and sassy.😂😂
@shebababytalks Күн бұрын
I literally just had a convo with my coworker about this, my only incentive to deal with males at this point is getting money from them. I just don’t have the bandwidth to deal with anyone that isn’t paying my bills. All I need is the money, that’s it. Once I realized that a lot of things made sense in life.
@JayneTenn Күн бұрын
They probably have children, grand and great-grandchildren. I hope their kids, etc don't follow their tragic example.