Upholding the Common Good
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Discussing Western Law with Don the Pleb
Thought Criminal -- Michael Rechtenwald
Defending Catholicism on the Right
Walter Block on Immigration
8 жыл бұрын
Professor Walter Block on Brexit
Godfrey Bloom on Brexit
8 жыл бұрын
@joelhall5124 5 күн бұрын
Fallon is as much an expert on psychopathy as I am on nuclear physics.
@stefanielozinski 24 күн бұрын
This channel seriously needs so much more attention! Great work. I hope you keep making videos, I'm working through your backlist. Ave Maria and God bless you.
@bradleymarshall5489 3 ай бұрын
Hello from America. Ya true American conservatism isn’t quite as individualist as people think it primarily about decentralization in order to keep communities safe. I’d go further on Peterson and argue he’s not merely an individualist/leftist but an atheist
@JoshLawn 3 ай бұрын
I concur with your points, but I'd like to emphasize that Christianity has a feminine essence. It can be seen as a double-edged sword: on one hand, it appears uplifting and eugenic, but on the other, it subtly undermines progress. Undoubtedly, religion-(as programming for humanoids)-will guide us through the impending dark ages 2.0, akin to a harsh winter for civilization. However, we must judiciously select which religious aspects to preserve, aiming for maximum returns on our investment as we move forward.
@NowIknow24345 7 ай бұрын
I'm deeply saddened to hear that you are now a Catholic. Joining a false church that preaches things that contradict the Word of God (Bible). A false church that worships idols and twists the Word of God. But this isn't shocking at all like it says in 1st John 2:19.... "They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us. But they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us." You were never born again. Because if you were truly born again the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit (John 16:13) would NOT have let you join this false church. Extremely sad 😭
@SacrumImperiumRomanum 4 ай бұрын
I can understand why this might seem this way to you, however I believe that all of the main concerns I had with the Church were in fact misunderstandings on my part. I'd be happy to discuss this with you. Otherwise, I will pray for you to find peace so that we may all be one in Christ, as was our Lord's intention.
@GeorgWilde 7 ай бұрын
22:48 That's when the karenicity goes to the max. lol
@GeorgWilde 7 ай бұрын
I'm definitely a libertarian. And i completely reject the idea that non-libertarians are less rational. I think libertarian beliefs have zero instrumental value. The best thing it can do for me is realization that there is no use in occupying myself with politics and being at peace with the fact that individual argumentation for political change and individual political action is futile. We can also collectively as libertarians (very small collective) pat each other on our backs that we don't support the state. That doesn't have much utility to us, it only keeps the idea of libertarianism alive. So how could it be rational when it costs time and mental focus? (opportunity costs are there)
@ruthnavarro2479 8 ай бұрын
60% of Argentina are psycopaths they Just elected the Chinsaw madman as a President javier milei who is a full Blown libertarian anarcho capitalist
@FrankHarwald 9 ай бұрын
Privately owned & managed borders is he only principled libertarian position on immigration.
@ryon3989 8 ай бұрын
do those borders extend up to the sky and down to the centre of the earth?
@aaapn 10 ай бұрын
I agree with Block, but we must also realise the truth of the situation. Privatising everything is the ultimate goal for sure, but that isn't happening any time soon (sorry for demoralising, but that's how it is). In the mean time, we must make sure that our western states (and even non-western but still generally freedom loving societies like Japan) maintain our homogeneity and we must not let in more migrants who usually vote for more social democracy and also cause more societal conflicts. ”But the state doesn't have a right to the land it owns, so border enforcement would break the NAP.” I see this point, but assume the state lets them in. That means that the state will pay public services and welfare (both of which they tend to use a lot) for them and also the increased security cost which often comes with the crime that migration brings. So the NAP will be brokes whether closed OR open borders. That is my take. ps. Sorry for my bad English, not my first language.
@Aman-fv3yh 7 ай бұрын
proof of societal conflicts by immigrants? Homogenous countries voted for war, the federal reserve, the war on drugs etc. if that's the case we end welfare, there is no proof the immigrants commit more crime than natives, the state has no right to remove someone for simply being in the country that's not a violation of Libertarian principle
@thomascommers1242 Жыл бұрын
If this hypophysis of yours is true that civilization rises and falls with religion why is it so that countries like those of Africa and the middle east are low civilization whilst countries of lesser religion such as China seem do be doing quite well.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
Well this isn't to discount race differences in personality, intelligence etc. As for China, good question! I'd say that modern statism and Chinese society in particular is religious. Not just because they are inevitably returning to Confucianism, but I think it's just a myth that modern secularism isn't religious -- there are plenty of books and papers on this, but I'd recommend William T. Cavanaugh's work.
@abhinandansharma400 Жыл бұрын
Barter system with small communities on village levels.
@rodrigopetrus1978 Жыл бұрын
Mr. Storey, would you be interested in creating a Discord server for your channel subscribers? I think it would be of great benefit. Anything, I'm willing to help.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
That's a good idea. Here is a link. Maybe I'll popularise this so that the audience can discuss matters there. discord.gg/d2rj6saE
@Cossen09 Жыл бұрын
Would you be interested in treating the Eastern Orthodox side of this Christianity as the ultimate political system idea? Something like the Byzantine Symphonia? Or do you think the differences would be negligible? I understand Catholicism it is your Tradition and therefore you know it and can adopt it more intimately, but I disagree with the "Catholicism as ultimate" take. I do not wish to beat the millennium old dead horse of the Schism here, but I believe that the more mystical theological approach of Eastern Orthodoxy may fit in more nicely with your thesis here about the Sacred vs Profane, God vs Mammon. At the very least it might provide more context. With the risk of being biased, myself coming from the Orthodox Tradition, it is my understanding that Catholicism has a somewhat more pragmatical and materialist approach to theology and exegesis, which also gave way to the Reformation (and might again in the future). Just a thought. Great work as always!
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
I love Eastern Orthodox folks and I find that the thought of Palamas, for instance, is actually compatible with Catholicism. I would love to see less talking past each other and greater efforts for reunification. In my experience, a great road for this is through discussion of Platonist philosophy. Please keep an eye out for a discord server for my channel and feel free to start further discussion there.
@kinghoodofmousekind2906 Жыл бұрын
I will watch this later this evening, but it's always a pleasure when you upload! Technology is such a powerful tool, but it can be made into a fetish (in both senses of the word) and a deity/deity that rules over all aspects of us. Plus, with the rise of AI-generated smut and voices, the road to damnation in that regard has been broadened to almost encompass the whole horizon...
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Yes, I agree that these developments require a culture-wide solution.
@thomascommers1242 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Richard
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
My pleasure.
@anonperson3972 Жыл бұрын
This opens up a couple of questions, Can the cycle be broken? If it is hardwired into human biology and the conditions created by high C lead to conditions that diminish C, can that process be circumvented? SHOULD the cycle be broken? What would it take to break the cycle and keep high C permanently? State-enforced poverty and forced adherence to certain cultural norms? How much harm would you have to cause to do this? What consequences would this have on innovation? Also, from an ecologist's perspective, we need a decline in the population at times; growth cannot continue forever because, eventually, resources will run out. If you attempt to keep growth going forever, you will have a more significant fall. If large C causes a significant fall, which causes prolonged periods of high S, will human populations eventually become S dominated for long periods? This makes me think the future will most likely be like Dune, highly hierarchical, conservative, religious and ascetic.
@kinghoodofmousekind2906 Жыл бұрын
Being an Italian who loved some of the ideas of Futurism, I find this video so far (I am half way through) quite interesting. I will finish it tomorrow, and I am glad to see you back with your intriguing analyses! God bless!
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
In that case, I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts. Thanks for the encouragement.
@johanfynbo5377 Жыл бұрын
Knut Alfsvåg is the norwegian mentioned.
@tonym6566 Жыл бұрын
John vervaeke brought me here, idk why my library didn't have anything on Paul
@Joeonline26 Жыл бұрын
Interesting. Was Vervaeke talking about Paul Tyson specifically, or the Radical Orthodoxy movement? Can you link the video he was discussing?
@tonym6566 Жыл бұрын
@@Joeonline26 it's been a while so I don't remember the specific video where he cites Paul but I believe he mentioned a paper or idea tied to Paul Tyson. Maybe the vid is on vervaeke's channel starting about a month ago.
@Joeonline26 6 ай бұрын
Same here. Paul's books are great. I'm reading 'Returning to Reality' right now and have 'Defragmenting Modernity' ready to read next😁👍
@msnsen Жыл бұрын
Among the symbolisms associated with the feminine and dissolution, one might cite the dragon, the serpent, water or Saturn, as opposed to masculine solar fire. One might also cite the Greek god Chronos, often represented as serpentine in form, who embodied entropy. Very interesting presentation, thank you.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
Very true. Thanks for the input.
@rodrigopetrus1978 Жыл бұрын
What books do you recommend me to understand corporatism (economically)?
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
I highly recommend Othmar Spann to understand corporatism. He's basically the Karl Marx of corporatism (if I can put it that way). His "The True State" and "Types of Economic Theory" are both masterpieces. The latter is probably the best book on economics I've ever read -- essential stuff for our people to be reading. Download or get a copy printed in India on a site like Abebooks. Otherwise, they're around £20 each on Amazon.
@rodrigopetrus1978 Жыл бұрын
@@SacrumImperiumRomanum Thank you! I think I heard this name in your video about corporatism, but I was having trouble on spelling it correctly. Thanks again.
@jamesdye6069 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for the video. It’s hard to find people on the right who aren't steeped in the same tradition of classical liberalism that the libertarians kind of embody. Being an ex-socialist myself with an interest in the macro situation and concepts like gestalt, I really value the depth of these observations on human society. I'll make sure to check out your books.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately so, but our numbers are growing, brother. Thanks for the comment and the encouragement.
@jamesdye6069 Жыл бұрын
@@SacrumImperiumRomanum I wonder if we could redpill not only libertarians but also some of the more "based" socialists I've been seeing lately. Think less Vaush and more Infrared Haz. I don't follow him as much as I used to, but I'm always pleasantly surprised to see how far he has come. Adopting a more Christian, mystical worldview, supporting MAGA, etc. I see a small number of people like that replacing the egalitarian critique of capitalism with a more right-leaning one. Ultimately, libertarians and socialists as just extreme versions of the same liberal project, with socialists emphasising equality and human rights and libertarians emphasising individual freedom. We should be able to covert them both to corporatism.
@FireMeatGood Жыл бұрын
Excellent thoughts, thank you
@JackDSquat Жыл бұрын
What are your thoughts on the political triangle?
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
I think the Iron Triangle is accurate, but there are other factors involved which can explain the hostility of these groups towards the majority groups within Western countries.
@jamesdye6069 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your thoughts. I am also a corporatist. Is there anyone you think I should read? I have read a lot on the pre war Popes, as well as Durkheim and early functionalist school sociologists. John Milbank who I recently talked to on Twitter wants to merge the two.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
I would read Othmar Spann. I appreciate the encouragement.
@jd8808 Жыл бұрын
My favourite channel
@colincruickshank7679 Жыл бұрын
Who is paying for this?
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
@DNATS 2 жыл бұрын
Dude's a globalist stooge. Master of talking a lot without saying anything. Why are you using that diversity bs of a browser. Get rid of that Firedump.
@abhimanyukarnawat7441 2 жыл бұрын
Close borders is the only libertarian position that is low time preference.
@vlad3192 2 жыл бұрын
Close borders - where? Who decides it. Its all guff. There is no “we the people”
@bmc8871 2 жыл бұрын
Marriage as an institution that mitigates the appetites of men is only partially true. The real significance and particularity of monogamy is that it mitigates the appetites of ELITE men. This is an abnormality for most civilizations and contributed to the greatness of Western Civ. This also more equally distributes women to men further down the food chain, resulting in a more harmonious society.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
Excellent point!
@mpress469 2 жыл бұрын
Spiritually speaking (gender aside), matriarchal wisdom can begin with a fundamental understanding of the cyclical nature of reality (God). Represented by the snake in many creation myths, the living cycle has a trinity of a beginning (head), a middle and end (tail). As above so below, the sexes were created in the image of God's cyclical nature where Mother is the head and opening to all beginnings and Father holds the tail to all endings (through which the sowing of seeds allow for the next great matriarchal rebirth).The joining of the two (symbolized by the Ouroborus or the marriage ring) is the sacred union needed in assuring the creation and continuation of new life cycles. To speak of the present day God as "Our Father" is simply an admission to our collective positioning within the bigger cycle. As all mothers have direct experience with the creator quality of birthing, so is the direct experience of rebirthing the divinity within (baptism) belong to that which is spiritually matriarchal. (John 3, verse 3-8). Sekhmet statues (ancient Egyptian) carry most of their weight in symbolic memory of what was a mother culture dedicated to the direct experience of baptism. As the leg shaped hairlocks extend from maternal breasts to the womb of rebirth, the lioness's head proportions are such that they highlight the bust of a second animal figure. The Lioness's ears as eyes and eyes as nose (nostrils) brings to life the figure of a reptile. 'Neath the halo headress of the solar egg, the lioness's egg fertilization process being internal (Set) and the reptile's egg fertilization process being external (Setting), such being key components to the safety of entering the trans-egoic or "born again" state. The life threatening fear associated with the predatory nature of a lion and/or crocodile encounter are reflective of the intense ego death experience associated with the transpersonal awakening process. In spiritually matriarchal times, illumination could be seen as wearing the false beard (ancient Egyptian funerary "ego" death mask) as the high state of cyclical self knowing; high awareness of both our upper matriarchal half and our lower (later) patriarchal half (compared with a mini lower body replica, an "as above so below" tail end beard extension); in full recognition of her civilizational Underworld, her inevitable cyclical destiny. The male pharaoh wears his beard tapered in reverse, indicating a pointing upwards towards the patriarchal head, divine representative of God's tail end cycle. To carry the Ankh was perhaps to symbolically carry that upper and lower understanding. As the upper matriarchal womb symbolised the fertile birthing of civilization, below, the now Christian cross is carried to place emphasis on the lower (later) "End Times" Father principle of the great cycle. Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu diety, displays a cyclical head to trunk symbolism and points to the Mother head of his matriarchal elephant society. A whole temple was dedicated to the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, who is the matriarchal "Uterus" personified. kzbin.info/www/bejne/gGHQYa2AiKp5gZI In the name of the Father, the Son and the holy ghosted... ? ... inevitability.
@joeforliberty2451 2 жыл бұрын
Energetic Intro!
@jamesdye6069 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting! I came to radical orthodoxy and corporatism from the socialist left after realising how liberal and a-social it was. Have you read much of Durkheim or Karl Polanyi? These were some authors I picked up on my journey to the "centre."
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
I have read some Durkheim, but no Polanyi. Would you recommend I do?
@Jareers-ef8hp 11 ай бұрын
Radical orthodoxy as in Christian Orthodoxy?
@MythicDawn 2 жыл бұрын
Great discussion
@smartentertainment9574 2 жыл бұрын
Patriarchy is neccessary according to the Gods divine will.
@ThePresident93 2 жыл бұрын
Such an important discussion in a time when the periphery and inversion of all values are, paradoxically, the new center. Love it.
@LtBRS 2 жыл бұрын
How many arbitrary assumpitive points can be fit into a thesis?
@QuestforaMeaningfulLife 2 жыл бұрын
Host: "Give me your elevator pitch" Guest: 25-minute continuous monologue But once again some good food for thought on this channel!
@SacrumImperiumRomanum 2 жыл бұрын
Ha! Yes, the elevator got stuck, but it was nevertheless fruitful.
@PostMillMan 2 жыл бұрын
Great interview. I love hearing this perspective to balance out the other I hear 99% of the time
@LtBRS 2 жыл бұрын
So tell me channel owner. Is it you or CensorTube that keeps deleting my comments?
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
Neither... (?)
@LtBRS Жыл бұрын
@@SacrumImperiumRomanum The honest responce would of course be to speak for yourself.
@thomascommers1242 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this.
@SlavaU-ug7st 2 жыл бұрын
Private property means discrimination means no open borders. The idea of open borders can come to smb's mind only in the situation when the owner is not well-defined.
@garytarbell 2 жыл бұрын
In a fully privatized civilization, possibly. That assumes it's impossible for a voluntary society to include any commons, whether explicitly owned privately or not. And if owned privately, it assumes that the owner would always find it advantageous to control migration across those privately held thoroughfares. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We don't live in a voluntary society. And however imperfect it is to have "public" commons, we know for a FACT that those public spaces are NOT a proxy for the private property rights of the citizenry. At least I hope we can agree that they're not such a proxy, because if they were, then we would be forced to accept the legitimacy of ANY collectively (democratically) determined public policies.... Like, say gun control. If you object to gun control in these public spaces, it's because you acknowledge that people have no legitimate authority to set policies for the pubic that they do in fact have the authority to set on their own private property. You can exclude gun possession in your home. You cannot do so in public, at least according to all mores of libertarian ideology. So of course common thoroughfares and spaces would be better managed by private owners. And of course they would have full autonomy to set any restrictions they desire. But that in no way rationalizes one particular blanket policy set for common holdings that are not proxies for anyone's private property. That suggests that the most exclusionary policy favored by one demographic is necessarily superior to the least exclusionary policy favored by a different demographic. And that precedent would mean the most restrictive controls on people's choices in public would be superior. That doesn't just hold for immigration, gun control, drug possession, seat belt laws, free speech, and assembly, it also follows for public mask mandates and VaxPorts. If the restrictive policy is the default, then it's the default for everything that concerns any member of that political identity.
@FrankHarwald 9 ай бұрын
Indeed, discrimination means the owners can choose whom to allow in or whom not. & private property means they need to finance the borders also.
@johnstewart7025 2 жыл бұрын
The classics and the medieval: But, what about the inheritance of India and China?
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
A bit hard to squeeze into one interview, no? That said, these are things I'd like to cover later.
@kinghoodofmousekind2906 3 жыл бұрын
We're all the same in front of God as His beloved children, but other than that we're all unique, as ethnic groups, cultures, people, etc...it's almost funny to see how the Left sees us as racist and sexist while many elements on the Right sees us as a Zionist psy-ops: the world does indeed hate us, and we are in it but not of it. Thanks to both of you for this talk; I shall make sure to check Mr. Patriarch's channel!
@tomdooley3522 3 жыл бұрын
When you remove Love , honor and Obay out of the marriage vow You don't make a woman a man's equal , you remove his place from the family.
@thechurchmilitant4293 3 жыл бұрын
Like you Richard, ( ever since I saw your podcast with Don the pleb,) would suggest you and Rachel research Sedevactism.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum Жыл бұрын
Many thanks for the support. Sorry for the delay with this comment. I missed it before. Hope you're enjoying the latest content.
@apurbadeb7618 3 жыл бұрын
Cancel culture propagated by feminism is making violent uprising of patriarchy inevitable
@kinghoodofmousekind2906 3 жыл бұрын
Welp, another few books I'll have to go get and read. Awesome interview, thank you to both of you, God bless!
@SacrumImperiumRomanum 3 жыл бұрын
Many thanks, brother!