Honai zvaitika ku ZIG Hazvipere Mushe 😮
Mtukudzi Family drama. Who is to blame?
Peter Tangwena hanzi handisati ndapera.
@emmanuelmahove9989 11 минут бұрын
Was the best musician in the country
@solomonmuwori1954 2 сағат бұрын
Regarding cons, number 3 is only a POTENTIAL unless implemented in Zimbabwe. The price increase will ONLY become a disadvantage once effected in Zimbabwe.
@francismashavave1178 5 сағат бұрын
That man is gentle and strong. I respect him for his self counseling. He has told himself to live and accept the situation. May the Almighty give him back his blessings. I understand him coz I'm in the same predicament.
@tinayemartin 11 сағат бұрын
Internet speed is measured in Megabits (Mbps) NOT Megabytes (MBps)
@brytonmasaire5542 13 сағат бұрын
mugabe destroyed our nation to the core
@khulumanindlovu7868 14 сағат бұрын
Patrick, go and see prophet Paul miracle, you get help there.
@GogoMusta 14 сағат бұрын
Pray for that Joab. Munongopiwa prophecy isina kundiso here vaTalent Chiwenga. Pray for everyone not to die
@pearlchikwature2969 17 сағат бұрын
Hey, if you owe your neighbour and fight you, do you kill your son to show your neighbour how sorry you are
@JCTVAfrica 16 сағат бұрын
Which neighbor is Satan and God?
@heronymuschikerema997 19 сағат бұрын
Ndiwe here wabvarura, Kutunga moyo waSamanyanga Kutunga moyo waSamanyanga Kudai mudikanwi Kani. Ndaimboshora vaye Vairwara nerudo Ndaimboshora vaye Vaiperfomer murudo Ndichichiti vakadyiswa Paunodiperfomesa, Panondipengesa Wondirwarisa nerudo Ndidzorewozve mudiwa Njere dzaSamanyang ndiwe Ndiwe wakanga watatora Zvose zvake ndiwe Wakanga watora, Mudikanwi Kani. Samanyanga vainge, Vainge votongoona iwe wega Paunorovanidza poto nendiro Samanyanga vaitonzwa Sevadanwa . Pawaiva pengesa nerudo Pawaiva pefomesa Nerudo Anodya ndeanamai varipo, Zvoendazve nemwoyo wemunhu Vamwe havana mwoyo iwoyo. Asika newewo Yadeuka yadeuka Inga unechipo Chakadarika vamwe vose. Chiva nekanganwiro Nekuti mwari haadhakwe Nzira wakavhurirwa Chaunga chose Chamudhara chinewe Saka unoramba uchichemei. Shanda mwana Shanda Nhaka izata Muzita ndimo muneyese Zvemushakabvu siyana nazvo Zvakatoendwa Kuti panzi Samanyanga zvinevakashanda Iwe Shandawo Tozoti Manatsa Papi pacho paucharamba UchituTukudza.
@ElizabethMubvunzi 19 сағат бұрын
Mwari pindirayi murimi❤
@julietsibanyoni404 20 сағат бұрын
Suka awuyazi into oyikhulumayo uzama nje ukublacklister the pastor kuphela
@rowayimaunganidze873 22 сағат бұрын
JC are you rellated to Uncle Saint? Kubva mafanana kudaro nemaVoice zvese.
@JCTVAfrica 21 сағат бұрын
Kk he is my young brother
@marshallnyamadzawo8553 23 сағат бұрын
Achirikungotambisa majenjere, life doesn't change guys 🤣🤣
@chipotavare6664 Күн бұрын
@chiyanikeitayi1474 Күн бұрын
So true
@LuisaFranciscoMucheca Күн бұрын
Nhamo dzosiyana ,ndozvinhu zvekuchemawo here izvi ,there are people who passed through hell and there are at peace,, Yes ,vana Selmor were influenced a lot by there mother to challenge Daisy's camp
@LuisaFranciscoMucheca Күн бұрын
Let us here from Pastor Chiwenga
@LuisaFranciscoMucheca Күн бұрын
I support you to an extent, vanhu havangodi chokwadi
@ngonidzashehungwe5402 Күн бұрын
Daisy ...akatora murume wemunhu....wat do u expect
@tashachirands7897 Күн бұрын
Protecting Munhu akatanga here svibai dandy imi Sekuru imi 😮
@tashachirands7897 Күн бұрын
Yowe inga unemhepo iwe!!! How many wife’s have you got Mr? Chimbozvi tryer tione kuti unobudirira here. What dynamics are you talking shut up. There is a huge difference between a company and marriage saka shati up purizi!
@NyashaManyumbu Күн бұрын
😂😂😂 I’m lost in all this hanzi murume ndiye muridzi we marriage what nonsense is this,
@Takunda-kg6su Күн бұрын
The ZIG is a scam.
@Mamoyo4 Күн бұрын
Totenda nechirongwa chakanaka vana sheĺton chiyangwa
@JCTVAfrica Күн бұрын
Chokwadi 🙏🏾
@bytemoney5655 Күн бұрын
It's called capitalism May the best man win Nurse aid is there for Econet employees when the company retrenches
@sandiledube4913 Күн бұрын
This is not a prophecy but well informed person with the intelligence. All his so called prophecies are like this.
@watsonjocho6682 Күн бұрын
Do you remember the price if sim card in zimbabwe when econet sterted it was us$900 that 0912 but in southafrica you coud buy mtn for R10 , strive is so cruel up to now data for $1 wont last , thank you starlink.
@geezmzee8582 Күн бұрын
Unoziva pain yekuparikwa here utsinye chete from the beginning akauya akabvisa umwe mukadzi vana voitirwa kutsinye futi Aaah vedu
@jacobchikwena8437 Күн бұрын
Just comment about Mutukudzi issue...never quote the Bible when you don't understand it. Don't enter into a territory that you don't know and understand
@nanof3593 Күн бұрын
Iwe pfutseki tibvire. Wakabhadharwa marii nxaaa
@trymoremazomba5108 2 күн бұрын
Why defending munhu ngauye ege
@mcwilliamzata7228 2 күн бұрын
Your analogy is flawed and lacks coherence, it is unreasonable to project your opinion on Turku’s wife given your limited understanding of what actually transpired in their marriage. You are incredibly stupid!!!
@TinotendaJoseph 2 күн бұрын
All drama hapana pambotaurwa zvaChihera apa Tuku angaakadyiswa na Desy and angaasina hubaba hwacho hwekutonga mhuri siyayi Chihera panyaya idzi vana
@missmadas203 2 күн бұрын
Children can still be looked after regardless of the parents divorce. Chinodiwa kunzwisisa between both parties. The small house MUST take heed that these children vemurume waanenge avinga anofanira kuchengeta vana pasina kufunga zvakashata or jerasi for the mukadzi mukuru. Zvekuti government is ipindire it's all going to be a money making chance for our corrupt government. Ollah can't manage to facilitate re angagement ye family yacho, Ndokunge vanga vakatombobatana at all from the word go. I think Daisy must be bold and put revenge aside and work with the girls. Vanogara pasi voenda through zvese zvinovatadzisa kuwirirana voregererana. Zvepfuma izvi achangofa akazvisiya Daisy wacho. Hapana anoenda nazvo kumakuva izvi.v😢😢
@JCTVAfrica 2 күн бұрын
She seems to be well connected
@pepm2193 2 күн бұрын
Akafanana na Selmor 😢
@varaidzomurerwa2971 2 күн бұрын
Barika harimanikidzwi baba imi.
@JCTVAfrica 2 күн бұрын
You are missing the point. Ndiri kuti mukadzi usaite chiramwa nekuti waunzirwa mumwe mukadzi nemurume. Mira urwire vana vako nekuti murume anogona kukunzwisisa akasiya small house
@varaidzomurerwa2971 2 күн бұрын
@@JCTVAfrica hapana munhu anoda kuchinjaniswa kunge imbwa
@symlexbrn5396 2 күн бұрын
He's dreaming, has he ever seen anyone winning in court on a corruption accusation case on high profile politicians ? apedza bhodoro reWhisky manje 😂😂😂😂
@zimcoder 2 күн бұрын
That Powertell guy is speaking out of his *ss, does he have the fibre that goes across the city? let alone across the country? nonsense!
@JMXCzw 2 күн бұрын
true. coverage is the issue
@mbonguni273 2 күн бұрын
Who spoke for the thousands of PTC workers who were retrenched because of Econet wat about the millions of dollars for those poles and infrastructure? Econet slept let them pay the price. Just like those jojo tanks they are way cheaper than the metal or concrete ones that’s why everyone has a jojo tank these days who is complaining about pro plastics and drip-tech reducing employment… sewer connections in homes used to be made of clay now they are all plastic who is complaining about that… let the country grow… let’s embrace new technologies not stay in the Stone Age. If econet decides they wat to be cave man let them stay there thats wat they want. The market forces will always prevail. The customer is always king… if u fail to listen to the customer they will move to wat works for them. Econet thinks we’ve never had options it’s time they start listening to the consumer…
@davisonmasaiti807 2 күн бұрын
The route that Ora has suggested us the best. This is more spiritual that can be done by a man of God. They need healing and counselling. Solutions can not be resolved politically. I support what Olla has suggested
@JCTVAfrica 2 күн бұрын
Great 👍🏾
@TendaiMagunde-q1r 2 күн бұрын
This is all nonsense. Why doesn't the buffon and his entire cabinet earn ZIG and he has been on record saying "real money" talking about the United States Dollar. EDiot
@thetatso9462 2 күн бұрын
Its just about managing the economy my guy. If the resources are fully utilitiesed then everyone will be contributing. The issue is about concentration of resources. If the whole economy was contributing to economy and supporting the government then there would something for everyone. Government is forever pleasing whoever they please thinking it's all about west vs east. Isu/thina tiripakati/esiphakathi what about us. I wish I could help this government understand how not to be manipulated for others and make our people prosper in all we got not kuti we have to be taking sides making others prosper at our cost
@JCTVAfrica 2 күн бұрын
True 👌🏾
@ActiveLivingPro 2 күн бұрын
Are u aware ecocash master card is refusing to buy starlink kits. Verified
@JCTVAfrica 2 күн бұрын
Saboteurs 🤣🤣🤣
@BerthaMukarakate 2 күн бұрын
Kikiki bhuti bhuti wapinda papi iwe ungenapi tula tuu tuu
@PeterleeDhe 2 күн бұрын
If Aaron goes for DNA why not Samantha who's so sure that Daisy was perfect if already has Faith who's not Tuku's daughter
@JCTVAfrica 2 күн бұрын
That will be second
@PeterleeDhe 2 күн бұрын
Don't put your words in Ella's mouth 👄👄👄👄👄... Olla said he wants to ask for a certain pastor or elder
@JCTVAfrica 2 күн бұрын
Oh okay 👍🏾
@tino532 2 күн бұрын
Powertel 😂😂
@JCTVAfrica 2 күн бұрын
@blessingmatimbe9418 2 күн бұрын
@tino532 imajeni
@neversonbutau5232 2 күн бұрын
Yeah Aron by merly looking haubvunze ,u can see mtukudzi chaiye but DNA ngaiite basa zvayo for clarity, but even ma siblings acho hamuwone here baba wenyu apo mega.
@kudzaimhike5870 2 күн бұрын
You can only have a discuss with someone who is willing to talk to you inga she started in the interview kuti they went for a talk and akaramba when madha was alife kuzoti ezvinezvi
@CarolineRice-ex8zj 2 күн бұрын
Mai na baba vakarambana the kids will be vulnerable to neglect and abuse ..mai Selma vaive vomhanyidzanawo nelife yavobukuwo Mutukudzi aive adyiswawo na Dessy