Josef Prusa & I Actually Talked
How Did Sanjay Mortimer Die?
Does Prusa Control Voron?
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The Populist Lie in 3D Printing
@jayfc3 10 сағат бұрын
First vid of yours I've watched. Also the last video of yours I'll watch.
@DesignPrototypeTest 10 сағат бұрын
Tell tHe cOMmuNiTy I said "Hi."
@pnnpnnpnn 10 сағат бұрын
Can you change the design to fit a square stick?
@DarthChrisJ 16 сағат бұрын
It's honestly kinda weird to suggest, in 2024, that "der community" is protecting Prusa. AFAICS "the community" has significantly cooled on Prusa and are all hot for Bambu at the moment. Edit: Also, I've never quite understood your grievance against Prusa for stealing your innovation 6 years ago. Your first video on the temperature-related accuracy of hall effect probes was published on 9th April 2017, but if you consule the Prusa-Firmware project on GitHub, specifically Issue 16, you'll see that someone is reporting a Prusa forum thread (the URL for which seems to have changed in the intervening years), which they summarise as "Short version: the probe has a temperature drift, if it gets hot from the bed, the offset will change" and that issue was opened on 18th October 2016. Now, I don't know exactly which probe they are talking about, but the following comment, from 31st October 2016 is from someone else who has noticed the same thing, and they specifically call out that they're using an inductive probe. So... am I missing something? Or is it perhaps the case that your research, while certainly interesting, was ultimately already known?
@DesignPrototypeTest 13 сағат бұрын
This is a very kind and thoughtful comment. I appreciate you. That issue in that thread has been shown to me before. It was made by some random user and did not receive any attention. With as popular as Prusa was there were many such forum posts that got like 10 views. Joseph was a very busy man. Do you think it was brought to his attention or that he found it by himself? Did his employees read all the posts on the forum? Meanwhile, I independently diagnosed the problem and got 10,000 views on my video. And then I met Joseph at the Bay area maker fair and he told me to my face that he watches my videos. Which surprised me because I was a very small channel at the time. Where do you think Joseph got the information? From a hidden post buried on his website or from my very public video that he admitted he saw? It's all so stupid. I have an actual patent. I don't need to claim to have solved this problem to appease my ego or something like that. I was trying to boost my esteem so that I could grow my channel by showing how I positively contributed to 3D printing and improved Prusa's products. That's why I started this argument. Instead of love I have been vilified by tHe cOMmuNiTy. And that's why I keep fighting this argument. The community is a dirty, rotten, horrible group of leftist ideologues and they defend Prusa at every turn. Speaking of which, you have fallen for their ruse. You think that everybody involved and interested in 3D printing is "the community" You think popular sentiment is the direction that the group is taking. You are blind to see that there is a core group who attend and even host rap rap festivals. Most of them are affiliated with entrepreneurial 3D printing ventures. These guys collude and manipulate public sentiment. It's political, and they've monetized it for themselves. That's why they've made me the enemy. Because I threatened their interests. If I can hurt Prusa then they are worried I might go after them next. I've never met them but they will never facilitate anything positive towards me. Much like the Democratic party does not represent the American people, (or even all of the American people with values left of center) tHe cOMmuNiTy does not represent everyone in the hobby. It's just a manipulative political party that decided to hate me and unfortunately many ordinary 3D printer enthusiasts have followed their lead with no justifiable reason.
@DarthChrisJ 13 сағат бұрын
@@DesignPrototypeTest I'm somewhat less interested in the forum thread, because as you say, forums are always a mess, rather I'm interested in the GitHub issue on the Prusa-Firmware repository. I looked over some more of that issue (Issue #16 - I'm not sure if I'm able to put links here?) and there's a comment from 10th January 2017 from Pavel Sindler, who is a firmware engineer at Prusa, saying "Thank you. We are aware of this problem and it is one of the key things on our to do list now". I'm not defending anyone who is attacking you, I'm just looking at the timelines.
@DesignPrototypeTest 12 сағат бұрын
If this was where Prusa learned of the issue why has he not said so? He has had multiple opportunities in the last 6 years. Most notably when I made the original post calling him out for "stealing" (NOTE THE SCARE QUOTES!!!!) my idea. Instead he linked to some schematic posted on THAT WAS PROMPTLY DELETED and then Josef delete his comment on my video. He has deleted all his comments on my videos. Is that the action of a stand up guy who knows he is in the right? I'm the good guy in the situation. Also, recently in our exchange on X why didn't Josef talk about the forum post or the Github? ANSWER: Because he didn't learn about the issue there. He learned about it from me. I agree that I wasn't even close to being the first person to identify this problem. Starting with the engineers who designed the sensors 75 years ago. But I did independently diagnose the issue and I got a lot of press/attention for it. My work positively contributed to making Prusa printers better yet I was denied any of the positive benefits which should accompany such an accomplishment. Instead, the political organization historically centered around Prusa has made me into a pariah. Untouchable. They have contacted every company and every event telling lies about me. They have Dox'd me, hacked me, and had more people Block me on X than follow me on the platform. They have pulled no punches to absolutely destroy me. When all I did was positively contribute and ask for some recognition. You yourself seem unwilling to accept that I am NOT wrong. While your tone is soft you seem to be defending my detractors. Are you the ideologue I was decrying in my last comment?
@DesignPrototypeTest 11 сағат бұрын
Chris, if you're seeing this please send me an email. I would love to see that link to the GitHub. Even if I'm wrong, I would like a final resolution to this issue. If that conclusively proves me wrong... My email can be found by clicking on my channel name and then clicking on "about" You will have to fill out an "Im not a robot" and then you will be shown my email.
@yanhesapmustafa2588 Күн бұрын
would be awesome if you became the top competitor against prusa
@DesignPrototypeTest Күн бұрын
I've got some skills and some knowledge that could position me to be leadership as such. However, no man is an island. I would need a team to be a part of. The time to start a 3D printer company in the west was 15 years ago. We could definitely see some new exciting companies in the space coming from China.
@mk4th Күн бұрын
The CPU fan is 1.2W, 21.5 CFM and with regulation is about 1W. The small one is about 2.4W but probably less than 10 CFM. Why the smaller one provided more air flow? maybe the big one was mounted with wrong polarity?
@maxkool1330 2 күн бұрын
Every time you bring up that "nylon" gear...... come on. And slice? Come on man.... Patent trolls who think they invented everything. The nylon gear is 100% fine. This is totaly wrong. Im printing on my voron with 80c internals. WIth a PRINTED extruder with no issues... yet you think a formed nylon gear is gonna melt? lol Come on. In NO way is the BTT better. None. It has huge QC issues and binding problems BECUASE of the metal gear. 40G makes F all differance when pushing massive speeds. LOL come on man. On a standard flow hotend... this is normal. your math is wonky. This is not the way to measure it. You do flow with what gets extruded . This review is absolutely WRONG. The BTT is in NO way better. Like none. I have both. Absolute nonsense. Keep waseting you money.
@DesignPrototypeTest 2 күн бұрын
To keep Vorons working requires constant tinkering. You say you're printing without issues. I highly doubt that. The reason bamboo is taking over the industry is because when they say it just works...It. Just. Works. There's a big difference between "100% reliable" and "you can get away with it"
@das250250 2 күн бұрын
I can get humidity down to 10% I side my 3d printer enclosure . Place the filament inside a bucket lined in alfoil with the lid lightly on . Works pretty well. I use a plant soil mat inside the bucket instead of heated bed . But it all sits on the printer base which is all enclosed in an insulated enclosure .
@garyduerr3904 3 күн бұрын
I would like some nano-polymer adhesive, please. My address is 10 Eagle Ridge Drive, Mantua N.J. My name is Gary E. Duerr.
@simianwarthog 3 күн бұрын
WHAAAT?? A Patent on an enclosure?? How is this even possible? I had no idea.
@DesignPrototypeTest 3 күн бұрын
The patent has expired now.
@ShawnShipstad 4 күн бұрын
Perfect. This is just what the anti-gun people want everyone to see and blame it on responsible people. This is pure candy for their cause. I now know know why you are upset. Everyone with a good head on their shoulders would be bothered. We do not need anything that looks like or can be treated loke a toy. I wonder how this is getting through customs. It was several years ago U.S. Customs Agents intercepted 1 Million dollars worth of fake Glock magazines. Naturally this is copy right a violation law. in addition, this type of crime put substandard product into the hands of trusted Law Enforcement agencies as well as people that need to protect themselves and loved ones. Exhibit 1) This is not an authorized Glock product. Exhibit 2) A product like this into the wrong hands, I do not need to explain. I thought this was a joke when I first heard it, but it is true. In Palastine "Toy guns" are against the law. I do not know what the legal system does about it. Probably destroys them??- They should be against the law in the USA as well.
@DesignPrototypeTest 4 күн бұрын
You are just pretending to be in support of 2A. Nice try though. Unfortunately I know about the slippery slope. First you use some convoluted logic to ban toy guns. After that works you say "We don't even allow our children to have toy guns. Why would we allow adults to have real ones? Real guns that children can get their hands on. Oh my God the sky is falling. THE SKY IS FALLING!"
@Ramcat_Vlogs 6 күн бұрын
My tevo has still never had a print go through it. We have literally the same set up i have the same remote direct drive and all. Im ready to blow the dust off it and get it going. Idk if you have it or not o have the air put for part cooling I think that’s the only difference between are machines. Can you share your g code and start sequence and what not with me?? I know we emailed each other back and forth at one point. I have the custom cut magnetic arms, I can’t get mine to calibrate with the duet head board whatever they call it the touch force feedback setup they are suppose to have.
@DesignPrototypeTest 6 күн бұрын
It's been so long since I touched my TLM. I've had a few guys like you who saw the potential in this machine reach out to me in the last year. My solution is just to provide the entire information package via Patreon which I wrote when I did this project several years ago. I'm sorry that I don't already know the specific answer to your issue, and can't take the time away from my own projects/videos to help you diagnose it. Sincerely, I apologize. Please reference your Patreon email to get you started on the right path. All files which you are asking for were linked in that exchange. Best of luck!
@Ramcat_Vlogs 6 күн бұрын
@@DesignPrototypeTest time to blow the dust off and try for 400mm/s with the next e3d hot ends ;)
@simpleplanfx 7 күн бұрын
I would like to know what material to use to 3d print this green part
@DesignPrototypeTest 7 күн бұрын
Thermoplastic elastomer also known as TPU 92A hardness. "TPU 92A"
@simpleplanfx 6 күн бұрын
@DJCryptoStix 7 күн бұрын
your so rude
@DesignPrototypeTest 7 күн бұрын
What is a "so rude?" Why do you assume that I have one? Do you have one? Why do you want to talk about mine?
@weissefabrik 7 күн бұрын
I'm sorry, but your definition of a psychopath by saying "they can't get in your shoes..."is not right. it's been proven, that it's actually quite the opposite. they can get into your mind way faster, because they are able to skip the emotional part of getting someone to know and the need to find out about their personality...
@DesignPrototypeTest 7 күн бұрын
The fact that you can't understand the difference between being good at manipulating people vs. empathizing with them...and then you go on the internet to tell me that I'M wrong. Pfew! Have you talked to the professionals to assess your level of psychopathy?
@TheNewBloodDan 8 күн бұрын
Can you just stop this? Seriously this is toddler crap. Narcissists thrive on controversy and toxicity and beating a dead horse like this. The worst part is that you're talented and would have been more successful if you stopped this old song and dance. Seriously man life is more important than just focusing on the negativity. I really hope you grow some thick skin and stop this. I really hope you find your peace.
@DesignPrototypeTest 7 күн бұрын
I'm so sick of you guys blaming the victim. I've literally never said anything bad about Tom. I have nothing but respect for him. If he blocks me publicly and Low key attacks me publicly, what is he saying behind closed doors? These guys have ostracized me behind the scenes for 6 years. I don't deserve this. But you want to make it look like I'm the problem?. You are the problem. You want me to just roll over and accept their abuse. So f****** evil. I'll bet if you witnessed a girl getting... penetrated against her will... you would tell her to just relax and take it. Especially if it was your favorite KZbinr or 3D printer manufacturer doing the abuse.
@wildbore-y8r 8 күн бұрын
awsome product
@CammyFi 9 күн бұрын
Hello. I never held anything harsh towards you. The best thing I did in my life was to start a therapy, it helped to put everything in perspective. You should try it too. And if you get better, I invite you on a trip to visit our factory ❤️
@DesignPrototypeTest 9 күн бұрын
@tonyfweb 9 күн бұрын
I'm posting this a year after this video was uploaded but I got my X1C about a month ago and have had no issues with it. My only failed print was due to wet filament. Retrying it, without changing any settings and just changing the filaments to one that had been recently dried worked wonders. I actually did my first ABS print today, and I didn't experience any issues with smell. However, I was using ABS-GF from Bambu Lab, so I'm not sure if there's a new formula, if the glass fibers assist, or if the filter has been updated, but basically no fumes. Printer is in my bedroom.
@harrycee656 10 күн бұрын
Cute printer and conversation piece. Likely $70 better spent on a used Ender 3 Pro on Ebay or brand new Elegoo Neptune 3 on sale.
@harrycee656 11 күн бұрын
CCP, Capitalist Control of People.
@cooperzurad7012 11 күн бұрын
Love bikes myself. That's a crazy gear setup
@EEEEMMMMKKKK 11 күн бұрын
I think you take it personalty, this was not an attack on you. I have to say that the Josef Prusa story was sick and showing the evil side of Prusa and the fans. I think Thomas is also a Prusa fanboy just watch his XL review saying nothing bad about the printer as other channels did previously(i have to admit that previous prusa reviews were more balanced and i liked them). I still thinks that you should just ignore Prusa universe and do your own thing because it looks like it taking the toll on you and it's not worth it.
@livedeliciously 11 күн бұрын
It's been 3 years, where is your design that's so much better?
Where can we download your files? ;)
i wish i caught this video when it was more relevant. I live like 20 mins away from the venue, and went to it. Would have been cool to see you there....... i say just show up to the next one any way, ..... .. security was a few old ladies at the door who were handing out badges to anyone and everyone. you could easily wear a mask and no one would know its you..... next time just dont open their emails, and you will not know about being "uninvited".......dont get "served", so to speak....ask for forgiveness, not permission. existing in a public place for a few hours dosnt harm anyone.
@DesignPrototypeTest 12 күн бұрын
But if I get caught I go to jail for trespassing. I was recognized at Rapid TCT last year just walking around. Also, I'm not trying to go to RMRRF to blend in. I'm going to generate publicity which is not something you can do incognito.
@@DesignPrototypeTest they first have to ask you to leave, and you have to refuse, before its trespassing.
@jonmitchell2424 13 күн бұрын
Fanboy of Prusa? No.. I have not looked at what Prusa has been offering for years; I was put off by the premium price and a frame held together by zip ties... I bought an Ender3 when they first came out... Ender fan boy, yeah that is me, the underdog and all that... Fanboy of E3D? I bought an AeroTitan direct drive extruder to improve my Ender3... It still works today and was part of "pimping" up my Ender3 from an unreliable printer to something which worked reliably and fast... So E3D fanboy? I am happy with what I purchased years ago, and am happy now.. Fanboy of DesignPrototypeTest? - Well, I have been a patron of Patrion for you for years... I doubt you remember, but when you were first getting annoyed by Prusa, we talked via email/messages, and I told you to just ignore them and do what you did great, 3D printer tests, designing improved parts for them, making the parts, and showing the whole process in your videos... So one of your fanboys? I was... and I would still like to be a fan, because what your channel originally did, was amazing, which is why I was compelled for years to pay a small amount by patrion, that you would not miss for a second if I cancelled it, but that if a reasonably sized group of your subscribers also did, should see you realistically getting funded to make great videos... But, this video has disappointed me.. Let me explain...
@jonmitchell2424 13 күн бұрын
Suicide. I was married for 17 years, the last 3 of those years my wife had a lifestyle that I did not approve of, but she was having the time of her life, and you can't control someone, so I had to decide if I should get out, or carry on hurting... So for the last 3 years we were separated... It was obvious that things were not going to change, she had boyfriends and was still having the time of her life... So it was time to file for a divorce.. She seemed totally fine about that, and continued having the time of her life... A couple of months later she committed suicide.. I had to tell our three sons, the youngest was 15 years old. You have a Son, how do you tell your own sons that their mum did something like that? How do you think that her family were towards me? the evil guy who was divorcing their sister or daughter? Yeah I was hated, like you feel hated... Yeah I was even accused of being a murderer and loads of other things.. Everyone can have a low point, it could be chemical, environmental, or mental... But when it happens, all kinds of people commit suicide, it is not shameful, its really sad that a fellow human, whoever they are, should feel compelled to end their life, often thinking that nobody would miss them... It has been 14 years, my sons and I missed her and still do... Does anyone really care? No, but it is still not nice to make light of this situation in public or published where those that are hurting, could find that published video, text now or in the future, and not everyone who misses Sanjay will be anything to do with that foundation... I am sure you know that deep down.
@jonmitchell2424 13 күн бұрын
Neurodiversity. If you want to call yourself a Dingleberry or a PrintNinja, that is your God-given right. God bless your Dingleberry soul. I am 52 years old, and I have spent my life beating myself up about why I struggled to do some simple things that most people seem to do without a care in the world. At school the teachers would put in my reports "He knows the subject inside and out, but will not put in down onto paper", meanwhile whenever I tried to write, despite having good handwriting, being able to read and write, holding the pencil or pen and writing would require all my energy, as holding that pen or pencil and writing, was as difficult as deciding to plunge your hand into a pile of red hot coals. The same invisible force, like self-preservation with the coals, would be fighting me every step of the way... Yet when at home, I could write, draw, and paint without issue. A few months ago I was diagnosed as having ADHD-Inattentive type. I have always had lots of issues with my executive function, most of which are some of the classic ADHD symptoms, everything in my memory is active like an ongoing thought, all at the same time, while everything my senses are receiving are also maintained as constant thoughts, my mind is like a 100 lane highway... Directed at the right subject is a superpower, but directing it is difficult due to ADHD... Anything can distract me, and getting back on task is so hard, but if I get too hyper-focus, I can achieve amazing things... That is why I have a successful business, but it has not been easy. In ADHD, the A is for attention, and the first D is for deficit... My problem is not and many people with ADHD is not an attention deficit; quite the opposite, we often can not turn off our attention, to the fly buzzing in the room, the dog down the road barking, the creaking of the chair, every noise in the background is getting our attention and distracting us from what we are trying so hard to do... the A and D do not sit will many with ADHD. The H is for Hyperactive... That is a joke. I have never been hyperactive. you do not need to be hyperactive to be diagnosed with ADHD, so the H does not sit well with about 50% of people with ADHD. And the last D, Disorder... Oh, brilliant; everyone wants to have a disorder, don't they? Then there is Inattentive We are inattentive to what we should be doing... But that is because we are overly attentive to everything that most people can block out, like that fly buzzing around, or any of the background noise, or something that we notice on our desk that maybe needs dealing with... So ADHD people generally are not happy with that other label. Our problem is how our brain is wired, combined with it not producing much in the way of dopamine or norepinephrine, which "Neurotypical" people do not have a lack of, and their brain is wired in the Neurotypical way... You could say "Normal people" but then that means we (ADHD people) are "not normal", so we often prefer to think of ourselves as "Neuro-Diverse" and the general masses as being "Neuro-Typical", it is a bit better than the ADHD tag which does not fit "who we are" or the Normal or Wonky, which is not great for any form of self-esteem... Just like you can call yourself Dingleberry, Matt or even Joeline if you wish, ADHD sufferers and other forms of non-mental brain disorders like to use the "Neuro-diverse" tag... So yeah, your comments about Neuro-diverse not being a thing are a bit like you saying the Black Panthers were not a thing and their struggle was not a thing; saying that in the wrong place in the 1960s could have been dangerous and provocative and so if what you said.... enough said...
@jonmitchell2424 13 күн бұрын
As a British person I get it, but this whole Foundation thing might be misunderstood by some. In the UK, if you die, and your estate (assets, cash in bank, your house, anything you own, including your business gets valued) and then the government, if your estate is valued over £325000 (less than the average 2 bedroom house) then everything above that amount is taxed at 40%, with something called death duties. If you own a business, and the tax office look at it and think "Hmm, turnover last year was £6,000,000, the profit last year was £3,000,000, the assets are £75k in equipment, and there is £100k in the bank..." they may decide that that business is worth £10,175,000 (for example) and the amount over the £325k is divided 60% for the beneficiaries of the estate, and 40% to the tax man... The tax man will want that 40% pronto, not as a share in the business, or over time, but 40% of the taxable death duty amount, into their bank, "by friday, thank you very much...." As a side note, this was something the UK developed after WW1 or WW2, as lots of Lords with lots of land and estates had gone off to war as officers, and when they did not come back, they could seize their estates, which was handy for cash flow after that expensive war business! So that business either needs a buyer to pay the market value or down to the amount the tax man wants. With only £100k in the bank, and the dead owner or part owner not having a right to take it to pay the tax man, otherwise, of course, they would have to pay income tax on it (probably), and even selling the £75k in equipment assets will not cover the 40%. So there is then a problem. But if the person who died loved the company he founded, and his family knew that, and knew that the employees of that company were like the dead person's second family, they might do something else. If the beneficiary is a trust, a foundation, or a charity, call it what you want, but the tax man does not get a right to 40% of it, the company the dead person founded can continue running, if it makes a profit, the foundation will get some money as dividends, if the company does not do so well, the foundation can invest its money into the company, either in the interests of raising money, even if raising that money is to fund the companies R&D to further the state of the art with 3D printing, or anything... But that foundation, ideally, needs to be seen as trying to raise money, like a raffle, a bring-and-buy sale, or the usual things charities or foundations do... Even holding a 3D printing event. It does not matter if the fundraising turns a profit. If the Foundation is actively raising money, and donating it to somewhere for some greater good (no matter what it is) they are a charity, the tax man gets no death duties and E3D continue trading, Sanjay's second family, the employees of E3D continue to do what they love, and Sanjay loved. I do not know if this is what is going on, but as someone who owns a business, and understands their own mortality, and does not want their tiny or large empire to be dismantled just because they died, it is a common mechanism to allow the company to continue trading after they have died, and hopefully continue doing so... Effectively Sanjay will have left his interest in the company, to the company, but in a way that the company does not have to find 40% of its own value to give to the tax man as a death duty, and all they need to do, to make this work, is account for things in the right way... So I don't think this is shameful, just someone who spent much of his life trying to build something, and there is a way to ensure it does not die, just because they do. So I see the foundation as a mechanism to allow E3D to not be forced into being sold or closed down, just to pay the tax man some death duties... But until the coroner's inquest has concluded their business and the estate is put through a process called probate (making sure all debts are paid and the tax man has valued the assets), the foundation will not have any of Sanjay's money, or assets, so they may even have needed to fundraise with the 3D printing fair just to raise the money to pay the lawyers to form the foundation and get it rolling... Who knows about the ins and outs, but the foundation is not something that I think is anything odd or evil. I, too, was seriously curious about what happened to Sanjay. You can bet that as soon as the coroner's court concludes the inquest, everyone will know exactly what the findings were. None of it is kept secret; it is all on public record here in the UK.
@jonmitchell2424 13 күн бұрын
So... Suicide... I might be overly sensitive because of my past... But no need to be a Dingleberry. Neurodiversity... If the survivors of the Nazis decide to call it a holocaust, they deserve to call it what they want, and if more than a couple of people with neurological abnormalities decide to refer to themselves as Neurodiverse, then who is anyone to dictate that there is no such thing. One other thing... If Sanjay had a problem that was treated with drugs similar to ADHD meds, also used for a number of other conditions, then in the event of his death, even if he died putting a sexual organ into a toaster, he would have not only a potentially suspicious death (unless he was a politician of course) but also would be likely to have traces of chemicals in his blood, which would be identified as potentially street drugs, such as Speed, Cocaine or Meth Amphetamines... For example, if I was drug tested, whoever tested me would think I take Amphetamines when in reality, I take prescription ADHD medication... But likewise, some people with ADHD choose to not pay a psychiatrist each month for a meeting and getting a prescription, and instead buy Speed or Cocaine, which will do the same thing (which is the opposite effect these drugs have on a neurotypical person) This last thing would cause the Coroner, even if he had evidence that Sanjay was diagnosed with something needing medicine which would give similar results as an illegal drug, to run additional tests get statements from the drug manufacturers to confirm the chemical analysis of his blood results match the expectations the manufacturer would have for the same tests with their drugs. I know you have pride and would never admit it, but this video is not really fair to the people who are grieving for Sanjay. they almost certainly have nothing to do with a foundation, and I think you must know that deep down. The digs at Neuro-Diversity - Going for a debate with people who might be insulted because they suffer from something like that is a bit like kicking a puppy that has no legs; you must know that is not right, don't you? Turn it around please DesignPrototypeTest .. You are better than this, blame it on the beer or Joseph Prusa made you do it!
@sarmentinho 14 күн бұрын
Hello, As someone that have been in 3d world since I and a friend built each one a "fully custom" Hephestos back in 2015 end, ordering single parts for it from Aliexpress, I value a lot the engineering approach that we find amongst (only a few) content creators, such as you. You have a deep analytical view from the engineering perspective, that I value a lot. But I tend to drift away from your videos for a good while when this kind of content is uploaded, because it is a felt (to me as a) loss of talent. I know, the channel is yours and you do what you want with it. And I am not pointing any direction to follow, just expressing you my thoughts about this, in a personal and felt way. I was once also a Thomas subscriber, but I also went away since I felt that when his channel started to be his main income, he lost (and we have to agree that it is reasonable to at least filter some "harder" opinions on reviews) some of his "spontaneous spark"... I think that if you earn from X activity, you can't be completely transparent, and therefore, even if we don't like, some lines have to be drawn. My wishes to you are that you keep that spark, upon 3d subjects that matter to you, preferably from your engineering point of view. I learnt a lot from your videos, speacially the how to ones, like the timelapse with SLR and remote, the filament dryer (I use the dehydrator with a cake transporter box instead), etc, and let all that go... :) Best regards :)
@TheWooTubes 14 күн бұрын
I bought my Grandson a composite Enya plastic and carbon fibres ukelele a year ago and I've learned a lot in that year. One is that plastic doesn't play nicely with wound strings. Another is that I don't like re-entrant tuning because I wanted it to behave like a 4 string guitar for small hands. There are Low-G strings but they are either wound or unwound and too thick for the nut slots. Enya have introduced a 'Pro' model with metal frets and thinner Japanese strings that aren't available in the UK yet.
@TyroneDamShewlaces 15 күн бұрын
I watched your videos early on but drifted away because I just flitter from thing to thing. You had some "whining" videos back then too but I didn't mind because you seemed at least half correct on those rants (we're all idiots and can't be right all the time - my threshold for complaints to be "worth it" is 50%, and I did say AT LEAST half correct so read into that what you will) Your current videos seem more cynical, somewhat more bitter, you perceive the power-tripping on you to be more widespread, and the apparent lashing out reaches further degrees of separation. I love it! My observation - if there's one thing we've learned in the past decade, it's that the vast majority of people build their character and knowledge upon foundations of sand. I get a little weary of watching milk-toast 3D printing content. From the bulk of content, you'd think 90% of the 3D printer world is candy and magic. I, for one, find it refreshing that you point out what's behind OZ's curtain. Why can't a YT-er like you just be affectionately known as "the angry man" or whatever and still be considered equally relevant as the 50 other contenders who are pretty much putting out the same style rose-colored content. In fact, shy shouldn't the ONE guy who calls out more BS than the others combined be considered a valuable, much-needed check on incompetence and corruption in the 3D printer marketplace? Well the answer of course rests on my earlier comment that the vast majority of people are resting on weak foundations - this includes the movers & shakers as well as simple printer consumers & YT viewers. For the convention to ban you using the vague cliché' talking point they did simply exposes what they are. If they were the least bit creative, they could have at least dreamed up something much more novel and possibly even interesting! There's a ton of us angry men out here that are pretty FED UP with this fake, weak crap. The big 3D printer market players got in on the ground floor and it's a kind of natural law in new markets that once ideas become played out, they' just pull up the ladders best they can to keep new talent from getting a foothold. I mean, this just happens everywhere you look and I challenge anyone to point at ONE market more than 3 years old where this isn't the case. Anyways, just thought maybe you might get a kick out of hearing from someone who maybe sees things from a perspective closer to yours than the coddled neurotypicals. Nobody's perfect and you might be wrong much of the time maybe. But honestly, the world needs the suspicious, angry man. Otherwise, the sheep get steamrolled whether they realize it or not. Best wishes at ya
@DesignPrototypeTest 15 күн бұрын
Dude, you are awesome. I feel no need to defend myself but I just wish to add that I do contribute actual TECHNICAL value to the knowledge base and I'm an equal opportunity "angry man." For instance, look at my review of The Bambu Lab X1C.
@RinoaL 15 күн бұрын
Does this all really merit a video?
@DesignPrototypeTest 15 күн бұрын
Why wouldn't it?
@RinoaL 15 күн бұрын
@@DesignPrototypeTest Well, after watching for a few minutes I didn't really see a solid point of the video, sounded more like the kinds of things that weighs you down if you let yourself worry about it. There was a negativity about something but idk what that is. My main reason for being picky about what I make videos of is because the creator and the viewer's time are both valuable resources. I just didn't see what this video was about after watching for a few minutes. It reminds me of things I may have let into my mind from the outside world, and the wastes of time they led to. Can't let some things get into your mind, because your mind is worth more.
@DesignPrototypeTest 15 күн бұрын
I realize that you have better things to do than wade into the "drama" of my battle with tHe ComMunItY. When attention spans are scarce I understand why the narrative that I am out of balance emotionally is an attractive answer that allows people to easily dismiss me and escape being burdened trying to establish an impartial truth in the situation. Thank you for your earnest interaction. There is a cabal. If you don't believe me I can put you in contact with others who have run afoul of them as well. They largely control the narrative in the hobby of 3D printing. They are bullies. They have a registered pedophile in their ranks. They ban me from events, they contact every event and every vendor and tell them not to work with me. They have dragged my name and reputation through the mud in countless comment sections, reddit posts, and discord channels. It kinda looks like Tom is a part of this nasty crew, and the treatment is ongoing. The game for them is to do most of the damage behind the scenes. This ensures that considered folks such as yourself only see me making it public and thus infer that I am the problem. I seize every opportunity I can to make it public because I cannot win the anonymous behind the scenes battles. I'm just one man. Hence the video. Please realize this has been going on for 6 years. This is not a feud. It's one abuse. a group in the hobby with far more influence than I exert mobilizes an army of their followers to damage me. Do you think I could escape their influence and achieve success elsewhere? Do you think they would allow me to gain an audience (a louder voice) when the whole game is about controlling the narrative and they don't want my narrative to be known?
@RinoaL 14 күн бұрын
​@@DesignPrototypeTest Don't worry, it isn't really me worried about my time, I'm more worried about your time. Something might take one minute of my time as a viewer, but it takes hours of your time as a creator, as a person. I've made a lot of communities angry at me, especially the Grant Thompson community back in 2019, when I basically made a video saying "He got what he risked", and it would be too easy for me to focus on the shrapnel from my own interactions with others online, and instead just keep plowing forward. I have a lot of people who hate me, been doing youtube too long not to, and I've actually been able to speed ahead and keep broadcasting what I think is right, and I collect people who like me. One of the biggest disservices the internet can do is to make you think those communities are bigger than they are. I was a professional rapid prototyper at Apple, I post several 3D print files a month on Printables, and yet I don't interact with the 3d printing community. That's by design. Maybe you won't mind me saying but I think the 3D printing community sits around picking their noses, I don't have time for that. One thing I keep in mind is that people with online interactions tend to not put any effort into them, so they easily come off as if they are making harsh or evil judgement when they are just frivolously reacting. I think it might help you be your best self, with less stress, if you find a way to remove the stressfull thoughts that outsiders put in your mind. I continually make sure I weed out thoughts that I wouldnt naturally have come to (if they are a detriment) so as to keep my internal peace. I don't think badly of you at all, I just have sympathy for you because I have been in similar situations, and I handled it inefficiently for a time. All that worry about the community is unatural thoughts put in your head that keep you from doing the amazing things you would have otherwise been doing. Worries can entrap you. I realized that my haters don't stop others from watching.
@DesignPrototypeTest 14 күн бұрын
I really appreciate you. I hope for you all the peace you are trying to provide to me.
@JoseAguiloworkshops 15 күн бұрын
Prusa??? Thomas who??? Who are they??? 😂😂😂
@VTeslaV 16 күн бұрын
What is the diaphragm thickness?
@PolyDuff 16 күн бұрын
Oh please, no hobby drama...
@James-un6kx 17 күн бұрын
if you aint got haters you aint balling
@mistero-uk 18 күн бұрын
What the actual!!!!! mate just NO!
@DesignPrototypeTest 18 күн бұрын
It's a $70 printer that makes fantastic boats. Bro, just YES!
@handznet 18 күн бұрын
Time is money, life is short. Always go for the faster option (unless it has significant quality drop). Especially when you wanna learn 3D printing, you want something that is fast and you can test as many things as fast as possible. The price difference is not that important here.
@DesignPrototypeTest 18 күн бұрын
Many people in the world cannot afford a $1,200 printer. Many others have only a single, fun project to do. They don't want to spend such a significant portion of their disposable income on a tool that will be used only one time. In fact, I would say the vast majority of people who are interested in 3D printing fit one of these two categories.
@Schwift3D 19 күн бұрын
Yep I expected this kind of video once I saw Thomas post his video after yours... I really doubt he saw your video then rushed to steal your idea and get a video out that fast (also noticed you removed the community post that drove me to unsub from you, the one where you declared yourself the Trump of the 3D printing community) smh
@DesignPrototypeTest 19 күн бұрын
I don't like Trump. But you can't think rationally about him. You have Trump derangement syndrome. Just mentioning his name causes you to unsubscribe from me. You can't see the truth that I occupy the same niche in the 3D printing ecosystem as Trump occupies on the national political stage. Also you're just another reactionary who left a comment based on a vague thumbnail and didn't bother to watch my video. Given the interactions we've had, You seem to be a nice enough guy, but I have no respect for you beyond reciprocating, a certain politeness which you display in contrast to the vast majority of tHe cOMmuNiTy.
@Schwift3D 19 күн бұрын
1st of all I watched the entire video after commenting (can admit I was jumping the gun assuming you were accusing him of stealing your idea) 2nd you are not qualified to diagnose me with so called "Trump derangement syndrome" based on my interactions, I Made it very clear that my issue was that You bothered to pick trump (of all people) as the person to compare yourself to and publicly stating that you are the Trump of 3DP community just to annoy "tHe CoMuNitY", and also as I pointed out in the original post Its a terrible comparison ( trumps enemies are anyone who doesn't support him or challenges him) that's rational
@DesignPrototypeTest 19 күн бұрын
"after commenting" You mean after I called you out. You have not earned your judgement or tone of voice given the carelessness you've displayed wielding them. I literally have not respect for anything you say. You are uncontrollably emotional when the name Trump is mentioned and you assume you know what an entire video is about based on a vague thumbnail. The fact that you even bothered to respond to my last comment when you are so clearly in the wrong shows how shameless you are. Men who are consistently erroneous do not get to have influence. I liked it better when you were unsubscribed.
@Schwift3D 19 күн бұрын
​@@DesignPrototypeTestreally didn't think I had to be so clear as to say "watched your video THE SECOND I finished my comment" you literally jump to conclusions at the drop of a hat. Fk off with you high and mighty complex, I'm out. Good luck never listening to your audience (and no I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about the thousands of comments you get from fans you don't give a shit about that want you to drop your drama BS)
@Schwift3D 19 күн бұрын
​@@DesignPrototypeTest also you really think unsubbing equates to being uncomfortably emotional? if there's anything I've learned following you for over 5 years it's that you honestly think you have everyone figured out. You see one phrase of sentence and assume "yep this person is this category, which means they think this and feel this and I am superior to the, therefore I am right and my cause is just" and you've commented some of the most childish troll responses to people in your comments for the smallest things. You are incapable of change. I'd say get help but you've heard that enough from everyone.
@jtreg 19 күн бұрын
skip to 7 minutes in to avoid the whinging! ;)
@EricMcCormick 19 күн бұрын
I didn't think Tom was calling you out. The fact that he had you blocked, not sure why, he may not have even seen your video at the time he made his. He is definitely not in the Prusa fan boy group. I hung out with him at ERRF and you don't see him hanging out with Joseph the same way you see the 3D printing nerd crew.
@DesignPrototypeTest 19 күн бұрын
Tom flew all the way to Washington State USA to meet with the 3D printing nerd at the Proto Pastas factory. He talks about 3DPN quite favorably. He is definitely in that club.
@EricMcCormick 19 күн бұрын
​@@DesignPrototypeTestproto pasta isn't owned by Prusa but Print Solid is. ERRF is in Baltimore,MD and he flew out to that on his own dime. I worked the event so I see some of the things that happen when the cameras are off. We are all allowed to have our own options, but I didn't see Tom being in that camp.
@DesignPrototypeTest 19 күн бұрын
To be clear i still like and respect Tom despite his treatment of me. I think he is playing politics. SO MANY times I've had comments from guys who clearly self identified as member of tHe ComMuNiTy who started their paragraph with the words "I don't own a Prusa but...[proceeds to defend Prusa and disparage me]" It's so prevalent that at this point it's a joke to me and I even made a meme about it kzbin.infoUgkxeslfEA8mkTPkD7DB2hBb0DLZ0wKM8icj Just because Tom won't act like he works for Prusa to your face doesn't mean that he isn't an agent for that man/company. He has never said anything that amounts to real criticism about Prusa. He has had multiple factory tours. There are many videos which he has since deleted or hidden showing just how incredibly cozy he is with Josef. I think you are lying to yourself if you don't believe that Tom and Prusa are intertwined. I realize that you want to give him the benefit of the doubt but from my vantage point he definitely doesn't look like my friend. I get the feeling that he joins in bashing on my name/character behind the scenes.
@gungriffonbr 19 күн бұрын
borderline or bipolar disorder, one of the symptoms is a mania of persecution all the time for the smallest of acts, this channel has some good content... but because of this delayed drama I unsubscribed and this video appeared again as a suggestion... I unsubscribed when he made that shitty video about the death of the creator of the e3d hotend to much self importance...
@DesignPrototypeTest 19 күн бұрын
What's my name? You know Tom's name. You know Stefan. You know Joel. You sure as s*** know Josef Prusa. Because apparently everything in 3D printing is authored by him. All those designs that everyone uploads to his servers are by him. So what's my name, and how do you know it? Don't you think an egotist would want you to know his name? I get so tired of proving you tHe cOMmuNiTy members wrong. You guys really are the worst people I've ever had to deal with in my life. It's this simple. I contributed value. Instead of being appreciated and welcomed, I've been ostracized and attacked for 6 years. You guys are the bad people. You really are the villains of this story. You serve a narcissist. Why are you making the world a worse place? Instead of correcting this Injustice. Instead of being a group of good people who make everyone else happy for having been a part, you continue the Injustice. You spin a narrative that I'm crazy instead of just saying "Thanks for the contribution man. We appreciate you." How hard is that. How broken are you that you can't be nice and instead have to dig into the very core of my being trying to convince me that I'm mentally deficient. Pure evil.
@hot_wheelz 20 күн бұрын
The ironic thing is that he doesn't understand that videos like this only serve to provide just cause for why he should continue to be banned from RepRap festivals.
@DesignPrototypeTest 20 күн бұрын
You're right! I do not understand what you are talking about. Because it is incorrect. Can you please justify your claim that this video gives "just cause" to RMRRF to ban me. You won't do it. It's not possible. Just like all my other detractors you will leave a comment and then we will never hear from you again. What I think you are actually talking about is a popularity contest. I'm not making myself popular with tHe cOMmuNiTy by making a video like this. But popularity has nothing to do with Justice or what is right/wrong. You don't understand that distinction. That is why you are able to be manipulated as a brainless member of the mob. You think popularity equals correctness.
@hot_wheelz 20 күн бұрын
@@DesignPrototypeTest oh I'm quite happy to explain. Events like RepRap festivals are about the whole community coming together to have a good time. If someone wants to make it all about them to the detriment of others then they will find themselves unwelcome at such events. You're inability to say OK, there's some people who see the world differently to me and move on with life is what is likely at the root cause of this. If you stopped focussing on what they are doing and dropped the whole "the world is out to get me" routine then you might start to get somewhere. Stop worrying about them, cause I can absolutely 100% assure you that they aren't spending 1% as much mental energy worrying about you. Move on, do your own thing. The best way to prove them wrong is not by endless drama videos like this but by actually doing great things. I've seen plenty of you older content, you're smart and talented. So, go so something great and let that demonstrate why they've made the wrong call. While you spend all this time and energy focussed on victim mentality it's only going to continue to get worse for you, that much I can guarantee.
@DesignPrototypeTest 20 күн бұрын
You know what tipped me off to your low social rank? It was the use of the passive voice. saying "If someone wants..." instead of directly talking about MY actions/words. Then you strawman me saying I have no ability to "say OK, there's some people who see the world differently to me" when this is not a behavior I ever exhibited. Here, let me demonstrate: Ok, you see the world different to me. You were likely raised by a single mother in an politically leftist and female driven environment. You think that the most important thing in the world is to understand and appreciate people who are different from you. As if miscommunication is the ultimate evil. And there aren't predators who don't intend to communicate. They just intend to destroy and take what they want as long as they can get away with it. Understanding them won't stop them from being evil. AND I would argue that I understand those who are different than myself better than you do because I'm identifying the predators who run tHe ComMuNitY while you think they are beyond criticism. Now that I've proved you wrong on that account let me address this notion that I should be banned from RMRRF because I'm self centered with a persecution complex. These aren't dangerous character traits. RMRRF justified their ban because of "safety." So you are attempting to escape your undeniable wrongness by crafting an irrelevant narrative. Once again you are citing things that make me unlikable or unpopular. Because you don't understand right and wrong. All you understand is group membership. That is why you are able to be manipulated as a brainless member of the mob who refuses to believe the OBVIOUS truth that your king of 3D printing is an severe egotist just based on his stupid shirt (far worse than me because you don't even know my name because I don't want you to because I'm not here for my ego despite your accusations). I'll bet you are the sucker that paid $30 for the privilege of glorifying his ego by wearing the same shirt. Let me hit you with a truth bomb: You think that you and your in-crowd are powerful in your numbers. That power makes you think you are valuable. But you are just as worthless as you would be without the mob because being a member of the mob means you don't get to think. You aren't allowed to step out of line. If you aren't thinking then you don't control your own actions. You are being lead by whoever is crafting the narrative. You cannot think or say anything that violates the group norms. Lest you become pariah like myself. You have no power. You are a tool who doesn't even have the self awareness to realize what he is. That is why you attack me. Nothing that you've accused me of resembles reality. You are attacking me first and trying to manufacture reasons second. If you think I'm wrong try steering the group in some way. Try saying something that doesn't go along with the "consensus" over there in your discord. Don't be a spinless flip-flopper either. If you say it stick to it. Ayfekinderya
@hot_wheelz 19 күн бұрын
@@DesignPrototypeTest sorry don't know what you're talking about I'm not in any Discord. And your attempt to psychoanalyse what I said and presume information about how I may have grown up or my political leanings is actually completely wrong and bares very little in common with reality. As for your belief that the entire 3D printing world is run by a kabal controlled by Prusa and his mates, well honestly, I can't help you there, I've owned and built several printers and none of them have been a Prusa. Not because they are bad machines, but I have an engineering background so I tend toward wanting to get the machine or tool that best fits my needs. As for the rest of what you wrote, I attempted to help you gain a little understanding as to how people outside your own present head space view this matter. I owe you nothing and you owe me nothing, so take it or leave it, I really could not care either way. What I can promise you, is that while you continue on this unhealthy and frankly unhelpful trajectory you will continue to lose subs and become more and more ostracised by the 3d printing community which you so clearly want to be a part of. What comes next is upto you, the ball is quite literally in your court. I wish you well.
@hot_wheelz 19 күн бұрын
@@DesignPrototypeTest and as for me being of low social status, yeah wrong again. Not doing so well with your psychoanalysis. As for your name? I really couldn't care less.
@nobleforks8911 20 күн бұрын
so much mis-informaiton in this video. I would not recommend this video, or even this contributor to my worst enemies.Perhaps my competition... Wait I don't have any competition due to my high quality prints!
@DesignPrototypeTest 20 күн бұрын
Oh it's a "So much misinformation" post. Haven't seen that narrative for a while. You guys are such pathetic losers. Digging into my old catalog. Trying to find every little win and take it away from me. You know you're the bad guys right? Is this petty revisionist history something the good guy would do? Don't forget I have a patent. You can't take that away from me without hiring a lawyer. You're never going to make me stop believing in myself. I live in complete and total honesty so self-doubt isn't a problem. It's not something you're going to infect me with. And we both know that I'm the only one you're talking to. Nobody else is reading these comments on my old videos.
@raeliean 20 күн бұрын
When I got started in 3D printing, there were no kits. No complete printers. The best you could get was a part kit, not a full printer kit. A wades geared extruder hardware, but not with the plastic. The Mendel threaded rod kit with bolts, but not anything else. No one person was selling complete sets of kits so you can purchase everything you need from one vendor. All the parts had to be purchased from eBay. There was approximately one guide online for full assembly of very specific parts, but no one who sold the complete set. One of the most common printers at the time was the wolf strap, a mostly wooden 3D printer you cobbled together to start printing parts to print another printer. This was the early days, it was brutal, but captivating. There were no easy ways, there were no troubleshooting guides, there were no slicers that were easy to install and no boards that came with firmware, you had to flash and install the firmware and configure all of the settings for your parts and calibrate, you had to do math. PLA was only just being experimented with, ABS was still the norm and 3MM was the de facto filament size, 1.75mm was still new and not widespread. There were no mainstream filament providers, they all came from random Chinese factories on eBay and you had no way of knowing if it was good. The only extruders at the time used Hobbed bolts, manually cut in a garage, there were no machine made extruder parts with precision. My printer consisted of springs from ones, clipboards cut in half , bolts gifted from a local hole in the wall makerspace and a single printed gear for the extruder. It took me 3 years to actually print regularly. 3 years of figuring out what was wrong, why something wasn’t running, how to find out if filament was bad, align and level beds, learn to assemble threaded rods with bolts and keep them square. I had gotten some of the most fantastic prints I ever had from that machine, but it always failed after a few prints. Maybe 6 complete prints from that machine ever, the rest was endless calibration and test pieces. At the end of three years kits started to pop up. I got one of the cheapest acrylic kits around for 200 dollars. I thought it was flimsy, but imagine my surprise when after 2 hours of assembly I could print repeatedly without error. I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, I recommended it to everyone and got several for a local library for use in their new makerspace. This was still before the names like creality and others really became standard, there was no go-to cheap printer that was reliable and every kit was a different vendor that may not exist a month later. I learned a lot on those machines that’s applied to so much of my life. I taught many children how to use them and repair them in that makerspace, driving 2 hours away after work to teach those classes. I was satisfied. I’ve been watching the advancements and I’m just blown away at what you can get these days at affordable prices, but it seems that reprap spirit has died down a little. It’s always just a race to the cheapest printer, or a better version of an existing design. When makerbot sold to 3D systems and they started patenting free ideas from the reprap forums, the wars began. The innovation is stifled. It’s great about the easy access, but I miss the early days, the raw enthusiasm and that drive for new unexplored territory. It’s been massively commercialized. I enjoy your content and you have enthusiasm, what it’s for varies from video to video, but you never fail to bring excitement in your voice and on your face, your one of the few 3D printer reviewers who displays that passion and it takes me back to remembering that feeling of raw excitement about the ability to digitally manifest physical items feels like. Showing the reality of cheap parts, constant fixes, upgrades, never about “look at this shiny thing I printed”. You show the raw reality. Keep being you, keep being honest.
@DesignPrototypeTest 20 күн бұрын
You are awesome! What a great comment. I appreciate you.
@emulator7503 20 күн бұрын
something like 245 to 260 degrees gonna clog that lgx 100% on long print. Buqu H2 is better design but also not the best. could modify it to get air from fan inside where gears are that would be better cooling but then again H2 has holes under the extruder for some reason. NF Sunrise looks like hotend cooling is done right. I would like to see that design with large LGX gears that would be unbeatable performance and clog free printing at high temperatures.
@petrslansky6659 20 күн бұрын
I like buttons 1,2,3,4 for bed leveling, that is a great idea!
@petrslansky6659 20 күн бұрын
This video has no added value :-( Why everyone is attacking you? Do you really think that you are a thread to Prusa?? ;-) I do not thing so... Follow advice from Prusa...