@staceyparker2864 Ай бұрын
Do you have any tips for me to help my friend with bipolar disorders . I don't know what sort of bipolar disorders
@gregwhitford9684 9 ай бұрын
I bought a 5000 dollar mountain bike and haven’t rode it this year! The struggle is real!
@richardleeder1404 11 ай бұрын
My husband and I are looking after a bipolar but his very difficult very dependent on his meds Mood swings going to maniac depression Very stressful Kids left the responsibility to us
@tamerasabin5598 Жыл бұрын
Mania is not fun
@tamerasabin5598 Жыл бұрын
How do you prevent depression after hypomania? Impossible! Bipolar 1 here
@shaun8253 Жыл бұрын
you never did get to the friends perspective! lol where is part 2?
@noobmaster31 Жыл бұрын
I think one of my friends who has bipolar is currently in this mania state. He's trying to start a business without any knowledge of the product, spends a lot of money even though he lost his job, is trying to also become a professor, keeps trying to do a lot of things with different people, is more irritable than normal, has been having multiple love interests. I want to talk to him about it, but I'm kinda scared that that'll push him over the edge because he recently blew up with someone over a very minor thing. Any thoughts on what I should do? He sees a psychiatrist so I'm hoping that they can help him but I also don't know how much he's sharing with them.
@benitacoriano9515 Жыл бұрын
What does a mother do when her bipolar daughter constantly verbally attack her. Just her. No one else.
@curtjcs Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video. The link to the website is broken. Is it possible you can update it? Thank you
@Ami-lx2ej Жыл бұрын
How did u have so much money at 19years old?
@philbarone4603 Жыл бұрын
More videos from you Lisa.
@susanl8719 Жыл бұрын
Your videos are very informative. You are helping so many people who struggle with mental illness.
@johnthomasespinoza9970 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your youtube video, I have a close friend who is Bipolar. I have seen her destructive anger, alcohol uses, trouble with the law and you name it. She has been arrested and serving probation for 30 months, along side of trama and battery counseling. I believe she is not taking her medicene and I am noting she is making bad choices once again. I have tried to support her financially and just a waste for she spend it what she has foolishly. I do not how to reach her, as we speak she became angry and has cut me off. I do nto know who to contact, yet she is seeing the right medical people but just going through the motion. I need to help to help her. John
@BipolarPerson Жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm sorry..there is a tedx talk by a psychitrists who had a brother with schitophenia, he does an amazing demonstration. The psychosis can be a part of bipolar disorder if she is delusional. I hope things get better, sending love and healing.
@schofield4836 Жыл бұрын
Don’t waste your time on these self centred emotional soul suckers
@jannawalters232 2 жыл бұрын
I think the sad thing is how Bipolar affects relationships. I wish more people were more understanding. still it takes a toll on everyone
@markholliday2252 2 жыл бұрын
I am not surprised you crashed even if you had taken meds.
@kimbaugh7352 2 жыл бұрын
I'm bipolar and my soul mate died my best friend died my dog died and now my son's in jail for murder I trust in God but even that's getting hard how do you deal with this and be bipolar
@-3lory 2 жыл бұрын
@timothyandkelliesaiz5718 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Married to some body that's bipolar
@stephenfermoyle4578 2 жыл бұрын
you were and are very lucky to have the support
@michel333100 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Lisa, My name is Michael Newell and I am a father with a daughter that I believe is bipolar. I live in Niagara Falls, Ontario,Canada. My daughter has a 13 year old daughter and she has somehow managed to cope with her illness but still has struggled for a lifetime with it. I have tried everything to be in her life but she is so depressed and manic all of the time that I can not get through to her. I also have another daughter with Borderline personality disorder. It has turned my life upside down .the guilt and sadness that I feel for them has destroyed me. Even as a father the tears cannot be held back. I have talked a great deal with my wife about our daughters and there is no answer. My oldest daughter also has a 17 year old daughter that is severely autistic. All of this in my life is overwhelming. I feel like I am about to have a breakdown. I am a father and I feel helpless. I don't know where to turn. Left standing in a pool of tears. Where do you go from here? There's no cure or solution. My daughters will not let me into their life. Left so hopeless now. I feel like I am the one that should be out on a ledge now.
@angelcutekid2 3 жыл бұрын
My sister had a break that led to her running away three years ago. She was 37 at the time. Shes a wife and mother. She said she thought that taking a car and driving from PA to NY was her way of saving her son and husband. She claimed she knew too much. Shes been diving into conspiracy theories online and follows this community online that feeds into her paranoia. She was found in an abandoned subway with no shoes on and bloody. She was committed to a mental health ward and diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. After she was taken home she didn't take her medicine and slipped right back into not feeding herself, not caring about showering. Her husband doesn't care to help. He is asking her for a divorce instead of talking to her about how she doesn't live in reality. She writes all of her post on social media in code. I'm worried for her. I dont know what to do. I dont want her to hate me forever if I decide to have her involuntarily committed.
@Apostolicfaith238 3 жыл бұрын
Acts 2:38
@mirnamarrufo9524 3 жыл бұрын
Hello my 23 year old Is manic depression biopolar. And as many have mentioned she blames all her destructive behavior on her diagnosis. I am her mom and don’t know what else I can do? She does not want the help but it breaks my heart to know that my daughter that was absolutely an angel till 18 years old does everything to hurt herself and living high. On Xanax mixing with alcohol and not knowing who she is talking to including myself. I feel helpless she’s been hospitalized twice and will be good for a month or so then go back to drugs and start texting me she’s killing herself. I need help to be able to help her ran out of options.. don’t know what to do? Please advise how do you help someone that does not want to be helped...
@CATNIPDEALER77 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the information and sharing your journey. God bless you.
@arpitasalaria2148 3 жыл бұрын
it was really helpful thanku so much....!!!!!
@tommacisaac8440 4 жыл бұрын
Can't get over your eyes 🙈
@pinkpurple4189 4 жыл бұрын
My brother is suffering from it and it's really hard to deal with him. Three goes he is fine and next day he gets mad at everybody. He literally has no friends. All he does is talks for hours and hours with us . And it's not easy to listen his bullshit like everyday. He doesn't agrees to take medicine neither agrees to visit hospital. He thinks all of us are wrong and he is the only one who is right and gets really abusive with us.
@cringirl 4 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed about 30 years ago, I've been hospitalized three times, twice to county hospital. My family is small and doesn't understand at all. I can't afford health insurance, can't get on any programs because i work and have a mortgage. I have never found a group to help me, and have lied to my family that i had so they wouldn't worry. So, basically, sure, it would totally help to have support, but i don't. With less than $50 to my name and facing foreclosure I feel hopeless, almost all of the time but i lie, so that it won't scare people. Thanks, but i can't just invent a support system.
@heatherbastress2580 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so depressed im sitting here crying my eyes out and contemplating suicide, im so irritable, I hate myself, and my life im so mean to my loved ones and the people who are important to me, i don't even like my self my moods shift so dam much im trying to do better but it's so uncontrollable my moods ' even if I'm happy one minute with in a split second its gone '
@mae8861 4 жыл бұрын
Who else in your family is bipolar?
@lunamarie1162 4 жыл бұрын
Wow your eyes are as brighter them the ocean 💎🙌❤ Thank you for this video 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@richardsargentsr.1384 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I'm suffering..... your video made me feel a bit better.
@rozenart5768 4 жыл бұрын
I am exhausted!!! Our 41 y/o daughter is not well. She attacks me! We tell her we love her, she is living at home again. I walk on egg shells all day every day in our own home. I am terrified to say the “wrong thing” to her for fear of her screaming fits that leave me feeling line I’m going to have a heart attack! Then she’s back down again. All this happens when she and I are alone... 😭 If I even tried to mention to her about getting help she would say I was the crazy one and never speak to us again. I am at a loss. I pray for me to die to stop seeing the suffering she is in and putting us through and on top of it she has MS. 😞 she acts like she hates us one minute and the next it’s the opposite. I have no where to turn to. I guess you had a great outcome. Congratulations on your success on getting well.
@hebahmuhammad8607 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I think my BF is Bipolar, he snaps at me when he's angry he becomes a completely different person, he acts litteraly crazy n takes up to hours cursing himself and the world and everything. He acts like a child under the slightest pressure, he spends lots of money buying things he doesn't need.. He gets depressed a lot and he cries like a baby when he does.. He come up with great big ideas that he never act on, he can be very lazy at times and very hyper at other times.. he's been through a lot lately, from work to family to a Divorce 6 years ago to a heart attack 4 years ago.. He drives me crazy sometimes.. at times he can be like an excited child and others he can be like a very old grumpy man.. He divinity has anger issues, he can be mean n nasty to me asking me to leave the house and shouting at me n cursing.. He can be a lil controlling too.. Everything is his way or the highway.. He had multiple emotional breakdowns, and the last one was two weeks ago, he got completely transformed into a different person, ANGRY nasty person just because he couldn't rent a car.. Please I need someone to give me an opinion on what that might be.. I need help... I forgot to mention the smokes weed excessively n he's on some antidepressant that I forgot the name.. I spend most of my time reading about mental health and learning how to deal with mentally ill people, I love him so much but he always avoid speaking about it n doesn't do anything about it even though it affects our relationship hugely. It's So confusing for me and mind messing when one day he's completely in love and others he's angry bitter and mean... He shuts me out and doesn't wana speak about real issues.. Please any words of comfort? Someone please tell me sth?
@tamaraniefergall2090 4 жыл бұрын
Hello , thank your for Talking About mental Health in this open minded way! I suffer from Depression myself and it really help dealing with my illnes when I know i am not alone. It's very important to share our experience and help each other trough this hard time. Dealing with mental Health issuse is hard enough , but People Keep judding you for beeing ,,differen " or "crazy" all the time. so thank you for sharing
@paulflint6254 4 жыл бұрын
i self medicate with mania, can't stop talking to friends and spending too much. Feel way awake euphoric. I get pure mania and even thought i was God. I think i might be manic now
@paulflint6254 4 жыл бұрын
Feel like i love everyone and the universe
@confidentchihuahua9101 4 жыл бұрын
Why did my friend discard me after she came down from the mania stage ?
@saronjohnson9393 4 жыл бұрын
You’re amazing! Thank you for sharing!
@locascioantonino 4 жыл бұрын
See if you care
@locascioantonino 4 жыл бұрын
I like to see you talk to me one-on-one are you in New Jersey 101 when is it down and listen to me go to a coffee shop don’t worry about it I don’t bite
@locascioantonino 4 жыл бұрын
What do you want me to laugh when you’re done talking nobody cares you think your family put a tape recorder in it in the house and see when you walk away if they don’t talk about you
@locascioantonino 4 жыл бұрын
No fucking joke I am one and a T-shirt of people walk away and how to stick up for himself I don’t want this person to grow up everybody always stepping on him know why this person to blow up you don’t know any idea what we could do what are you looking to my eyes it’s nothing because I can’t look at the person‘s eyes I do there’s a problem
@locascioantonino 4 жыл бұрын
It depends what the person is doing OK tell you what happened to your childhood I like you to call me or a personal I tell you what they did to me how about this I’ll give you one for free they burn me that’s a free one I got scars all over
@locascioantonino 4 жыл бұрын
You just don’t understand they do the fucking same thing it’s my life and I use what I want but with my money I work hard all my life now I’m in the middle of losing my legs I’m blind in my left die missing in the left die you don’t understand when I get mad medication change a dish that is there would you put your feet in my shoes what the pad I did and everybody else I got too much anger And I love angry depressed sometimes paranoid at the fucking window angry that’s what motivates me when you see me coming you better watch out
@locascioantonino 4 жыл бұрын
My name is ANTHONY my email is Locasio [email protected] remember one thing I tried everything with my family my friends half-and-half I lost my ex girlfriend she cheated on me when I met her I loved her just the way she was and I explain what I had we live in a different world this is not our world into you get it through your head this is not our world you have no idea what they did to me when I was growing up people are there more that worst in me I’ve been in jail I’ve been locked up I suicidal something I don’t want to blame I blame my mother my father I was the last one and I have in the family when it’s too late and it’s dangerous you tell me where it ends if somebody does something to you I woke away or when it stops you don’t know when you were in the other people shoes when you were in other people shoes then right back
@tammybrock5366 4 жыл бұрын
Your eyes are sooooo blue. Omg I have never seen eyes that color. Beautiful! I know it’s off topic but Wow. Great video. Thanks
@worldthroughmyeyes8154 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks 4 color contacts, right.
@NDGOCHYLD 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sure you hear this all the time but your eyes are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this info with us. You are a blessing!
@DJRIG 4 жыл бұрын
This was very helpful.Thankyou