#FNDAndUs Part Six - Reach Out
2 жыл бұрын
#FNDAndUs Part Five - Confidence
#FNDAndUs Part Four - Acceptance
#FNDAndUs Part One - Introducton
Wheelchair Tag
4 жыл бұрын
@loveKG26 8 күн бұрын
Very great simple way to look at it but functional neurological disorder can mean you need a neurosurgeon. Be careful.
@TheYokaiRadio 14 күн бұрын
#CancelMarjorieTaylorGreene, tell us you're racist without telling us you're racist😒I'm a white woman btw.
@divinedivadayspa1908 21 күн бұрын
Thank you for being so brave and helpful
@missnayveltman6361 26 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing ❤
@hopestarlight3448 26 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this...I 'm gong to the Rosa Burden centre tomorrow and hope I can find a way forward. Much love x
@lisasmith1332 Ай бұрын
Thank you so very much for this video. Symptoms started 25 years ago but diagnosed 3 years ago. Been to many doctors. It’s been a rough 25 years! Thank you again!
@tomsale5142 Ай бұрын
Its autism ADHD causing it for lot of us lot of mcas inflammation in these conditions
@PrettyHazelEyedMLS Ай бұрын
The ableism part of self doubting yourself is so relatable and true to me. I think its because I'm so new to this disability I have. I grew up only getting and feeling sick once or twice a year. And the only time I went to the hospital was to either get a yearly physical, injury, or to visit someone else. So to go from someone who was rarely sick to someone who feels sick almost on a daily basis and multiple ER and hospital visits in a year than I ever have had in my entire life has been very overwhelming for me. I see different multiple doctors now. Most times I have multiple doctors visits in a month/ week. My life has changed so much in the last two years, I barely even recognize myself. I so desperately want to return back to the me that was rarely sick but at the same time I'm working on accepting my new reality. I now use mobility aids like my cane and my rollator walker which I'm thankful to have. Man life with a disability is challenging but I'm getting through it. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy though.
@PrettyHazelEyedMLS Ай бұрын
I've been using a cane for a few months now, but I recently purchased a rollator walker because I need to sit often while I'm out due to my chronic fatigue, pain, shortness of breath and bouts of fainting spells. I have been seriously thinking and researching electronic wheelchairs because I think I would like to have one in the near future. Just for days when my fatigue and pain is too much to physically push my rollator. It would be a great alternative to have a electric wheelchair on the super bad days. But that's just a idea for now. Great video btw.
@lindasmith8771 Ай бұрын
And the more you feed the behaviours of the hysterically minded the patient the more symptoms they have! Help them understand that Functional Neurological Disorder is still considered by some to be a psychological problem. Think about Shell Shock in WW1 and the emotional struggles those soldiers went through on the battlefield. Most men were able to recover fully and got on with life but others were always affected by mental health problems and were never quite the same again. Think of FND in the same way and recovery is most definitely possible. X
@teresagreisman161 Ай бұрын
Thank you I'm currently being diagnosed I was sure it was MS because there I'd demyelation
@tomsale5142 Ай бұрын
You have lesions? I have fybromyalgia.with elements in if fnd
@tomsale5142 Ай бұрын
So you have lesions?
@kujo62 2 ай бұрын
I just found out that i have this a few weeks ago. My symptoms are weakness and an increased rate of fatigue in my arms and legs, a distorted sense of touch, hemifacial spasms, and numbness in the "pelvic region". I also deal with depression and anxiety, and we think that's the cause but we're not sure yet.
@angel79892 2 ай бұрын
It's so weird, you got over it for years and then someone rings reminds you of that past condition and then you get a worser version of it in that exact same month of may when you got that call and was reminded? Is that correct?
@janetwoodward6372 2 ай бұрын
I have joined a group of FND sufferers that i googled. I was so excited to find the group. It is comforting to know you're not alone but beware. Listening to others with FND can be very discouraging because most say the same that there just is not enough help out there.
@janetwoodward6372 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experiences with FND. I was diagnosed 6 months ago. It is so frustrating and discouraging. If I daid I had Parkinsons or MS people would have some understanding. Not so with FND. The first symptom was wild uncontrollable tremors in my right hand and arm. If I held down my hand to stop the tremors then my head would immediately start bobbing. In recent weeks the head bobbing and hand tremors happen together and all day. In the last week I have weakness in my legs and balance issues. When I walk I feel like I'm bouncing. I'm worried that if it keeps getting worse I might not be able to walk.
@mickyfrazer786 2 ай бұрын
Love this. Exactly right
@Moonless6491 3 ай бұрын
I believe this could also be called mind-body syndrome?
@tomsale5142 Ай бұрын
TMS Dr schubiner proves it in his study's
@user-qy2fl8og6x 3 ай бұрын
That was the most ,it was good .Thank you .😊 This sucks .I hope you feel better .❤
@user-zc9wx2pk8y 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video!
@Knowledeispower786 3 ай бұрын
I just watched your video and it made my cry. I’m lying here as an in-patient in a hospital bed for 11 days now. Came in my ambulance after having what looked like a seizure in the street. Not my first one as I’ve increasingly had more and more since March last year following a simple viral infection. Experiencing all the symptoms you’ve described. Had all the tests possible, all coming back unremarkable. Just saw a neuro psychiatrist yesterday who told me I have FND. Hoping to get out out of here soon but need a plan of how I’m going to manage the 20+ seizures every day! So here I am finally with an explanation. Your video has made a world of difference. God bless you❤❤❤❤
@cap-dange 2 ай бұрын
I too am having seizures. With quite scary distorting auras beforehand. I do get a warning. However once I was in TKmaxx trying to reach the stool in the shoe section when I got that aura warning. Well I didn’t make it n woke up to concerned faces all around me n a bleeding face… cut my eyebrow wide open. Not fun I can’t tell u how long it took to get any kind of diagnosis It first happened 30yrs ago.. the fits last for about a week to 10 days then it seemed to disappear. Now I get it maybe once a year for a week. Sometimes I get the auras. The cognitive stuff is the worst. Fatigue….
@gloriajewelart 2 ай бұрын
@@cap-dangei pray you can return to TJ maxx & shop for fun finds without seizing that sux so much i’m sorry
@loveKG26 8 күн бұрын
Try steroids and anti virals ask incase the virus caused inflammation damage or still there causing all this.
@shieldsfamily3709 4 ай бұрын
that is me right now, my legs get so weak when I walk, I walk like a zombie, studder talking, seizures, tremors, migraine, the loud ringing in my ears. I got diagnosed with Pnes
@bmg9136 4 ай бұрын
Good info and explanations. I've read a lot of resources, support groups , websites, books.. You gave some insights I hadn't considered,. The circles/rings of safe vs red zone was a new one for me. Now I'm thinking of my symptoms as a sign to slow down..... not pushing through or completely ignore it (which is the advice I read in a book). More tools for the box, thank you!
@jagsbhandal-dhillon6573 4 ай бұрын
Thank u so much, i feel so aline and been blaming myself😢
@russheslop2196 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, I have been diagnosed with FND for about 5 months ago. Still going through the whole health care system in Canada where it is still largely misunderstood. Your video is awesome, thank you
@c.a.5808 4 ай бұрын
Mid life... and absolutely beautiful! Her eyes are mesmerizing 😍
@Ma55ey 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video, my mum was recently diagnosed with FND and has been given anti depressant medication and just kind of left to it.. She went from working in a school kitchen to looking like a dementia patient overnight. All her scans came back fine and she was sent home and has had very little medical support other than some mental health counselling..
@tomsale5142 Ай бұрын
Does she have hypomobility it's linked
@Ma55ey Ай бұрын
@@tomsale5142 no nothing like that thanks.
@shanewinks1908 4 ай бұрын
Wow, Thank you for your video, I actually watched it twice just to get my head around some of the things you said. Only being diagnosed in September 2023, I find it difficult when a lot of doors appear to get slammed in my face. Maybe not appear, they do get shut quite often. Some Doctors receptionist need a lesson in humanity, as if it is not difficult enough. Apologies, a bit frustrated. I really liked the way you explained FND and triggers. Especially the circles, Safe, Learning and Danger, I am at the stage of trying to deal with this and I find the Safe zone pretty easy to be in, although it is very boring. The learning zone and the Danger Zone has a very fine line and I cross it every day. Part of my problem is that over the last 60 years, I have been told to give 100% or go home. Now I have to pace myself, use breathing exercises, distractions and anything else to get me to slow down. So frustrating. Take care and much love.
@steveholloway8576 4 ай бұрын
You're so awesome! I love you .
@wendybird5104 5 ай бұрын
I find this so difficult to do, even after years of FND, I blame my brain, hate my body, don’t know how to accept what constitutes to happen to me 😢
@kenvdm2566 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@Lillymae-gq4oe 5 ай бұрын
This is so true. I’ve been battling FND symptoms for over 18mths now and have had to do detective work in researching all about it as best as I can. I sustained a spinal cord injury 22yrs ago, since I’ve developed a prolapsed disc, I developed ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia and CPTSD. The doctors I’ve seen have given me little to nothing to go on, with what I’d be facing and how to treat my many illnesses. I’ve had to do the research and educate myself of them. With my FND symptoms, I experience an aura type feeling just before I get the shakes or tremors. I’d had epilepsy, MS ruled out with scans. But still, I’m left bewildered with having to manage nearly all my symptoms myself. I do notice patterns of my blood pressure peaking, and heart palpitations and headaches just on the onset of an episode. There’s no control of these things and my whole body just shuts down. It’s debilitating to us suffers that the medical profession aren’t up to speed on Functional Neurological Disorders, and it comes at a huge cost to us. There are times I feel as though I’m suffering in silence. I’ve watched all your vlogs, and they have helped a lot. Thank you.
@kalena26 5 ай бұрын
Beautiful. So very beautiful. Thank you.
@wendybird5104 6 ай бұрын
Also, my husband and I have been through almost everything you talked about…. We are seven years in, still seeing doctors that say is anxiety, in my head. I have FND, my husband deals with it so much better than me ❤❤
@wendybird5104 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video together. It’s really important to share how we feel and how we adapt to our new realities.
@wendybird5104 6 ай бұрын
Although it is very hard to get people around you to understand that you can’t control what your body is doing. I’ve had FND seven years, started with seizures, speech issues,balance and short term memory issues. In the last several months my legs don’t always walk properly, and at times my speech is gibberish. It scares me, and I still struggle thinking I should be able to control these things. I have had many discouraging doctor visits because they don’t know enough about FND to help me.
@darlenedawson2027 6 ай бұрын
I’m on the same mission. Thanks for this video. I recently did a mind mapping test. It shows very high beta. I think there is link between brain waves and fnd.
@joyoung7804 6 ай бұрын
thank you one million times, im a newish f.n.d sufferer and trying to make sense of it all , this has helped xxxxx
@stuartburns8657 4 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that. How are you managing with the fatigue side of things?
@anadjuric5360 7 ай бұрын
I have FMD with all listed symptoms. I am on unpaid leave. I don't know how to get disability. They don't understand FMD. Please help me.
@SadiaM1960 7 ай бұрын
Background music is disturbing to hear
@bobbyarmstrong788 8 ай бұрын
Hi I was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder 2017 I had a neurological say to me you just don't want to work anymore I finally went to Mass general hospital spent 11 days in the nueroligy floor my nueroligigits dumped me last year my phyciartist is a big help 200 mg of zoloft keeps me going
@SearchForSilverLinings 8 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry, what a dreadful thing to have said to you 😔 I hope you’re feeling stronger and better able to cope with your symptoms
@Manolojib 8 ай бұрын
Magnificent reading of a Beautiful poem!
@SearchForSilverLinings 8 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@Lillymae-gq4oe 8 ай бұрын
I’m proud of you sweetness. Thank you for sharing your daily videos to us all. I’m grateful that your showing us your vulnerability of, just how emotionally taxing and heavy this condition is. I have fibromyalgia and autoimmune disease, just waiting on an assessment of FND myself. Blessings to you 😊
@arvinbrown4156 9 ай бұрын
Thank you - identical symptoms. Which you the best❤
@danidaw32 10 ай бұрын
I love this❤
@nicolahopgood4066 10 ай бұрын
11:44 thank you. This has helped. Just been diagnosed with FND after working as a mental health nurse and taking care of my daughter with mental health issues too. Lots of stress over many years. Makes perfect sense.
@brucemjson 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this very informative video, every neurologist has said FND and I'm going through extensive testing to rule out other diseases. If i get diagnosed with FND this will be nearly three years with unexplained symptoms. Hope and love to all alike with FND I believe you ❤
@MIA80073 10 ай бұрын
Hey, I have no idea how to solve this but I have a suggestion. On a social media page, leave your chosen few most impactful, encompassing videos that would summarise your page and your journey/ mission. And make another account with the rest of your videos on private. Then tell people that want to follow you to go to that account. They will have to request to follow you and that way you can vet their account. I’m so sorry this is happening to you
@kcam3683 10 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this video, it’s so helpful and much needed.
@gerb3664 11 ай бұрын
Golf carts are mobility aids.
@gerb3664 11 ай бұрын
And it is not just being disabled. This reasonates with just the aging process too. It seems like we are always making adjustments. Thanks.