Jed McKenna | Refiner's Fire
Jed McKenna | Blues For Buddha
Beyond The Fear Of Death
2 жыл бұрын
A Slave To The Mind
2 жыл бұрын
@yishaishasha8690 3 күн бұрын
Eric comes out here differently here than in his videos .... lighter and carefree ( less " 38:23 self conscious "😂😅😂. Good interview!
@voovpauli 20 күн бұрын
What I appreciate about non dualism is that it allows for everything to take place.
@rafaelafonso312 Ай бұрын
@Vooodooolicious Ай бұрын
Sartre's Being and Nothingness is underestimated.
@russgrimes5531 Ай бұрын
An intelligence outside of you that speaks to you via symbolism that you will understand. So it’s both in your head but also something else.
@russgrimes5531 Ай бұрын
Have also met some of the same entities in multiple trips. Usually when I don’t understand what they were saying the first time. But I’ve also met my “anima” and that is something extremely relevant to something else in my life The word Twin flame
@russgrimes5531 Ай бұрын
Woah so interesting, when you talk about ayahuasca entities pointing to things, I recognize that. When I smoke DMT, I meet entities that point to things. And point to me
@russgrimes5531 Ай бұрын
And then the animation of how the point feels familiar
@russgrimes5531 Ай бұрын
We are on the same wavelength lol I’m on a mission to show and capture on film manifestations using quantum entanglement. Resonating with what I want on the inside energetically and watching it come to me on the outside
@russgrimes5531 Ай бұрын
I have a really interesting story about my daemon. It’s in connection to psychedelics and the twin flame journey and the anima archetype
@russgrimes5531 Ай бұрын
Twin flames and quantum entanglement
@kkech1 Ай бұрын
He had an interview on Red Ice Radio about this. Do you happen to have a link to that? I can't find it anymore on Jewtube.
@jimrich4192 Ай бұрын
My self/ego/me suddenly DISSOLVED one day FOR NO REASON OR CAUSE! What was left here was a very different me yet not a me. I sat here wondering who/what was still here. It was wonderful beyond words yet completely ordinary. All my questions, problems, etc Dissapeared along with the now dissolved me. This story is long & complicated but lasted long enough to show me just how fantastic Life is WITHOUT a troubled little me here to complicate things. The me sense or character soon returned, so i am not yet able to make speeches, give lectures, write books or TEACH others about MY REALITY. I can only SHARE my experiences & realizations. Take or leave it...😅
@jimrich4192 Ай бұрын
How about "I wrote a book!" ..and then let the NONDUAL POLICE attack & tear that 'I' & its actions apart! What is, is. What will be, will be. This is it., send in the ADVAITA POLICE to correct & clarify it all! 😅😅😅😅
@jumperontheline Ай бұрын
I feel sorry for him cos he's obviously in pain, but Shiv talking about others bypassing is like the pot calling the kettle black. Intellectual bypassing in his case! Wish I hadn't watched this before going to bed; being exposed to so much barely repressed anger has made my head hurt 😢 Also, liberation doesn't cause people to become unable to function. In fact it makes them more effective at their jobs, according to the deeply realised doctor Angelo Dilullo who manages to anethatise patients for surgery just fine! Plus: anarchy does not mean rebellion ffs!
@jumperontheline Ай бұрын
If Kenneth has realised no-self I'm a kangaroo. You're more likely to wake up watching Angelo Dilullo wiggle his pinky than listening to this eejit.
@jumperontheline Ай бұрын
The last quote expresses non dual realisation beautifully ❤ but my favourite is "To generalise is to be an idiot" 😂💎
@claudelebel49 Ай бұрын
All there is is This and the knowing of it ... With no hint of separation between the knowing and the known. The Knower and Tthe known are One.
@claudelebel49 Ай бұрын
What about this often stated statement? "Consciousness is all there is and thou art that"
@claudelebel49 2 ай бұрын
This reminds me of one of the lessons in A course in miracles: to look around the room picking out objects and saying: this chair doesn't mean anything, this floor doesn't mean anything, this picture doesn't mean anything, etc .... Pointing out that it is the i'ndividual' that adds meaning,
@sharonsharon7775 2 ай бұрын
Iv been spiritual seeker for over 20 years I found Michael feeley . On ickonic just over a month ago . He speaks to lots I already new to be true . I love how humble and gracious Michael is . He put meny things in place for me . ❤ Michael is the capstone on the pyramid for me tieing up lots of loose ends . Michael is a gift to us all . Thank you both really enjoyed this ❤
@ivancsapod 2 ай бұрын
Great summary of Gustave Le Bon's work. Thank you!
@Hippy_Chk 2 ай бұрын
We don’t really vote them in. Politicians are selected not elected and are all on the same team. There’s only the illusion of choice, they’re 2 wings of the same bird…
@ivad_here 3 ай бұрын
There's no escaping illusion either.
@rosa-boom-nonduality 3 ай бұрын
BOOM - JustThisssss 💥💥⚫⚫❤❤🍪🍪✅✅
@user-xr9pu9yb3k 3 ай бұрын
😅h😅😅xh. He. H hy
@robertmcgrath7970 3 ай бұрын
Nobody has a fucking clue what's going on and its hilarious 😂 and beautiful
@troymccray2472 3 ай бұрын
Esoteric properties 🧘🏿‍♂️😎
@user-bn8wy6cc5v 3 ай бұрын
Me: Ralph, sir, why do my eyes hurt so much? Ralph: because you've never used them before. Time to wake up from the matrix....
@chamsseddin4449 4 ай бұрын
if bitcoin have been used as a universal currency, then a political or economical problem in somewhere you don't know would impact your purchase power, and the gap between the rich and the poor won't be determined just by your local economical system, but all the world's mixed things, money should be a local thing, so we be separate, that's why international markets are beneficial, because each country have its own economical system and problems and motivations, if there is no difference, then what's the point ? this problem goes beyond just the monetary system and currencies, to the idea of globalization itself, Bitcoin might be better than the fiat system, because both of them rely on people trust, while one forced on people as a legal tender and the other be people's choice, just like earlier societies adopting their local crafts and artifacts as a form of currency, but this is not always the case, the real value of money is to facilitate the exchange and store of value, so people mostly tend to confidence over verification, it make it much easier, and this is another problem with Bitcoin, it consumes a lot of resources, so mostly people are going to use commodity as a currency until some government came and earn the people confidence and the commodity backed currencies came over and voila!! that's the most logical cycle at least for me, because imagine that the monetary system of some country fail, so they lost monetary policy completely and mostly the fiscal monetary as well because their is no confidence and not just this, the government lost the control so their is no government, then when you want to pay your electricity and gas and water bill, how you gonna do it ? because mostly the government is the one who provides the infrastructure so you're supposed to pay them, which means that you have to use their currency even if you don't want to, or just starting to use commodity within you local society until another government take the control, and use commodity backed currency to maintain the people's confidence, having a ruler is a must thing in human societies at some point, it's just that how it is In summary: - globalization problem - Bitcoin might be better than fiat, but this doesn't mean that it is the best option - confidence over verification - having a ruler is an important thing at some point of human societies - the new government earn people's confidence and back to the commodity backed currency
@kaylenehousego8929 4 ай бұрын
Appreciation and blessings from Sydney Australia .
@vioricatanase4805 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video ! Please can you make more for the same book? I have some books from him "wei wu wei" but I don't have this one. He explains so well the concepts of non duality... Thank you again and sorry for my English , I'm from Spain
@fibanacci8 4 ай бұрын
@fibanacci8 4 ай бұрын
@Slaaverin 4 ай бұрын
I think the dream deja vu is correct. Often when I have deja vu I have a vague recollection that I have dreamed this moment before, can't pinpoint it in time, often I just get a sense it was a long time ago. I don't get this on every deja vu but most of them. There is also a theory I don't know where I read this that in the dream state, the higher self, the player of the game literally creates the avatar's future every night. So if we combine these two theories it could be only that the higher self created a situation at night, and then when deja vu happens it is simply playing out how it was designed previously. But we remember it like we already did it before because we actually did. I remember a time when I was meditating a lot, the night before I would dream a situation, and the next day things would happen exactly like in my dream. It lasted for some weeks so when I was waking up I already knew what would happen on that day. But I believe my higher self was planning and creating the next day situations during my dreams and I just remembered it. It was a very interesting interview thank you ❤
@williamwaters2831 4 ай бұрын
Its the lifting of the vail with out the body dieing. Realizing you are god.
@raycosmic9019 4 ай бұрын
By definition there can only be one all-inclusive Absolute Being (Life) in which all relative beings live, move and have their Being. We are all It to an unknowable/inexhaustible extent, as the facets of a Diamond are 'both' distinct from each other 'and' the Diamond itself. Love is the recognition of our shared Being. It is the nature of Life, the All in One is All, to function/serve as a diversified unity of infinite potential, eternally actualizing as a unified diversity or Uni-verse. Spirit = That which is/That I am - simply being aware of being aware (Gnosis) - as Life at Large, eternally actualizing Infinite potential, because only Eternity can fully embrace Infinity. Soul: Integrated Psyche Min = Inspiration Heart = Aspiration Will = Volition To actualize potential: Dream it, Feel it, Do it. Integration = Integrity = Soul Body: Behaviour = the abstract (Heaven) called Love by the Psyche (Fulfillment) can be expressed concretely (Earth) as a smile, hug, etc, thereby uniting Heaven and Earth. World: Mirror = as within, so without. The Rhythm of Life is a movement and a rest. Optimums are inherently pleasant (Heaven). Extremes are inherently painful (hell = two thieves). One who knows when to stop is forever safe: Inner/Outer More/Less Better/Worse Yes/No We are here to experience completion of Joy in form as conscious creative co-equal collaborators with the all-inclusive One (Life).
@smithy2170 4 ай бұрын
Brilliantly said, very in tune with the events that are taking place. Very rare to hear an individual with critical thinking that is aware of what’s happening. Thanks for spreading this information
@superstar5123 5 ай бұрын
excellent video, you are very intelligent, many people can learn a wealth🪙 of information watching this
@AmaPeters-pj6pm 5 ай бұрын
Very dhalliw teachings. Leave the teachers to teach
@gregoryswanepoel6328 5 ай бұрын
Excellent...just the sound is a bit wonky
@maryrosemitchell9682 5 ай бұрын
Yes it has “just happened” ( not to anybody) but they just don’t talk about it. However Look up Paul Morgan Somers from UK who had a sudden dropping of the apparent self ( it was an inexplicable-I just need to sit down!! Moment) when he was 17 and on a path to becoming a soccer (football ) player and ended up in a monastery until 22 . Also Byron Katie who wrote “The Work” after the apparent self suddenly dropped away. All apparent people are seekers. It seems to be a desire for life itself, but wanting more of a life than already is…
@viljaharding1954 5 ай бұрын
Great listening, thanks, on the nature of the EGO and Feminization... This quote came to mind. "'I wouldn't give Satan a snowball's chance in Hell against a woman's ego." Bill Hicks
@Natecoxy 5 ай бұрын
"Buzz words" I prefer "thought terminating clichés"
@irislind5313 5 ай бұрын
@edwardhanson3664 5 ай бұрын
The two dates: Didn't Velikovsky write a book about this where he aligned the two calendars?
@Adubz84 5 ай бұрын
Great Interview my friend, Hope this fnds you well. Although this cannot be grasped intellectually there is a real resonance of truth about the message. Whats being said here is what would be conveyed had such a (non) event/shift taken place. It does often seem however, that all graduates of this 'philosophy' appear to have graduated from the Tony Parsons school and seem to parrot an intellectually inpenetrable argument. I myself have had one very powerful mystical experience known as Satori in eastern philosophy. The being of oness, dissolution of separation, no sense of I, time, space, the feeling of being the sun, Love, peace, bliss etc. What is being said here is very relateable. What seems to be the difference is the permanance of it. That is what is longed for. Maybe death is that place. ❤
@jumperontheline Ай бұрын
Hi, check out Alex's interview with Angelo Dilullo. I see you are subscribed to Lisa Cairns 🙂 She also did a wonderful interview with Angelo. You will find him refreshingly different to the Tony Parsons crew. He is a deeply realised teacher who says that anyone can wake up and posts videos every day. I just registered for an online retreat he's doing in July, for very reasonable price. Like yourself, I have had experiences but not permanent. If anyone can help us it's Angelo. His pointing and transmission are amazing! ❤💎🔥 Kassy
@Adubz84 Ай бұрын
@jumperontheline bless ya! That was really very nice of you to reach out. I really appreciate that! ❤️ . I've also reached out to Tim Cliss who is a stellar guy. I've spoken to Tony on the phone. I've watched endless jim newman, andreas mueller an lisa cairns. I've watched em all tbh. I guess I'm just waiting for that "shift" that doesn't happen. Anyway I'm sorry to rant. Hope this finds you well. I'll defo check angelo out. ❤️ x
@fredzacaria 6 ай бұрын
Ralph Ellis is a genius, just as Joseph Atwill, James Valliant and few others who have the courage to innovate, to dare make things up, very likely true things which will turn out in later times, thanks brave men! (I watch more than once, and comment more than once, new things emerge).
@danicasloan 6 ай бұрын
@mikekensington1705 6 ай бұрын
Democracies are the most propagandized societies. When you need the facade of consent of the governed you must resort to extreme mind control of the population. The most enslaved people are the ones who believe that they have absolute freedom of thought.
@mikekensington1705 6 ай бұрын
Freud was a subversive degenerate at war with western civilization.