HUGE MTG Marvel Secret Lair Leak + Theft!
@TwitterSucks-mu5ni 8 сағат бұрын
Didn't care for mana vault or jeweled lotus. Hell, ban sensei's top while you're at it.
@KokNoker 9 сағат бұрын
I made a wall post about this elsewhere. This past week should be a lesson that spergs should never be in leadership positions. The tantrums being thrown all over the internet are a testament to how petty our player base can be and how much self-awareness we lack.
@Theotherlostprimarch 12 сағат бұрын
I’m just mad that I can’t use my mana crypts because the poor want to play magic…
@Cosmis5 14 сағат бұрын
Rejoice, EDH players. The trust is broken. We know what to expect. Proxy everything.
@HexproofAnarchist 16 сағат бұрын
This is great 👍 😃 I sure do love me some enchantment aura Voltron!
@quickskillz 16 сағат бұрын
I burnted all my banned cards on my channel.
@mr.wright8363 16 сағат бұрын
I feel like every 3 - 6 months another video comes out exposing Arena for being rigged as well I hate to say it guys, but that's just how online card games are lol.
@owlsayssouth 16 сағат бұрын
Deck rocks pretty well. Not sure what to put in the sideboard, been out of standard so long. Paper is tempting possibly.
@isaacn751 17 сағат бұрын
i went from YGO to MTG and now im going back to YGO , MTG is worst . too many removals and red meta is insane.
@fernandob2275 17 сағат бұрын
😢 i lose to stone tain all the time, please ban
@glennschroeder3828 18 сағат бұрын
I bet that the Leyline turns out to have been one of Rosewater's creations. The guy's obsessed with doubling things. Like he compensating for something 🤔
@johanandersson8252 19 сағат бұрын
Wotc: Oops i did it again.
@retsamssa9265 20 сағат бұрын
Legal Mindset did a video on this. He said that banning Jeweled Lotus from Commander, the only format the card us legal in, after being promoted by Wizards, they could be sued under "Promissory Estoppel".
@nox5555 18 сағат бұрын
But Wizard wasnt involved in that ban.
@dm1004 15 сағат бұрын
​@nox5555 absolutely they are
@ArceusShaymin 15 сағат бұрын
Commander isn't the only format Jeweled Lotus is legal in, so that argument from ground-up is about as solid as a broken window. The card's also in Legacy and Vintage, where it can do funny shenanigans with Doubling Cube, basically turning it into a jank Black Lotus alongside all the other dumb stuff you can do with it as a 0-mana artifact. Wizards was also not involved in the banning of Jeweled Lotus, since the Commander Rules Committee is a separate entity from Wizards.
@Cosmis5 14 сағат бұрын
Proxy everything. No more money to wotc 💚
@tatsuhirosatou5513 20 сағат бұрын
I own a mana crypt, I'll pulled it from a booster and my problem with the ban is now they are gunna be cheap but we have nowhere to use them. I just feels bad when a game piece is completely unplayable
@Cosmis5 14 сағат бұрын
No more sealed product, ever 💚
@Vapor454 21 сағат бұрын
We make investments all the time. We buy a house, car, computer, etc. We expect to hold some type of value. So if people get upset, the have every right to. It's like if you bought a phone, 3 months later you can't use it for whatever reason, you would be upset.
@fernandob2275 17 сағат бұрын
Those arent investments, those are Depreciating expenses lol
@bladorac 22 сағат бұрын
Commander is finally dying after so many years of shit? And this is bad news why? Fuck commander ahahaha trash format made worst by adding c in it hahgaha.
@felixwankel3989 22 сағат бұрын
The RC is in no way independent of WOTC. The RC is a ruse for insider trading.
@1who4me 22 сағат бұрын
50% each instance, not 50% across 100 games 😂😂😂
@NoticemeSinPi 19 сағат бұрын
He said over 1000 games, not 100. Going first only 21% of the time on a sample of 1000 would be in the neighborhood of the likelihood of picking a single correct atom in the universe.
@TainyaGaming 18 сағат бұрын
Ok but at that point the math should round out to around 50% of the time going first still.
@1who4me 22 сағат бұрын
lol monored leyline is barely at 54% winrate, meanwhile Boros auras mouse is cruising at 57%. But yeah keep complaining about the deck that’s not the A tier meta deck right now 😂😂😂
@bladorac 22 сағат бұрын
Only real aggro deck that is good right now is dimir. only bo1 noobs play there and get beat up by turn 2 crap made by ppl who cant math to beat ppl who cant math. Just get good add removal and keep that mana open. GIT GUD And before you !@#$ at me hahaha I'm a golgari midrange player who recognized quick the talent combo is trash so yeah i know what I'm talking about 😉
@nox5555 18 сағат бұрын
@@bladorac that card needs to go. the heavy RNG isnt fun. i want to play the game and not have win and lose decided with the coin flip. Its not even that strong, but its super toxic.
@shawnwillbok 23 сағат бұрын
I opened a mana crypt in a pack. That’s the only reason I have one. It sucks but oh well. It sucks but it was just one card of mine. Yea it sucks to lose the value it I don’t care it’s a card I opened and money I spent. Now it’s just a nice card in my collection that I will play with with my friends who are ok with it. They can’t tell me what me and my friends can and can’t play with.
@thekrakeninggames 23 сағат бұрын
I agree, both can be true at the same time. Good call
@thekrakeninggames 23 сағат бұрын
On top of that the estoppel bandits are out again too. lol
@luxinterna3370 23 сағат бұрын
When I spent money on a new deck, I had a winning streak of 12:1 and 10:2... and suddenly it was more like 4:5...6:7...etc... I wouldn't be surprised if you're supposed to be conditioned to believe that you'll win more if you spend money.
@chad3166 Күн бұрын
6:40 well considering WotC has a smaller population size, of course the playerbase is going to find broken things, just remember Nadu and Shuko
@dm1004 15 сағат бұрын
The problem with that is shuko was a known thing, as the exact same function is a staple legacy cephalid illusionist
@memnarch129 Күн бұрын
Also I LOVE seeing so many "Neo" MTG youtubers that said "Oh Resonance is bad, it just makes a consistent turn 3 deck into a maybe turn 2 deck but not as consistent". Yeah hows that working out for you dumbasses. I really know my stuff and seeing how prevelant mono red aggro was adding a card that gives it a even FASTER kill was going to be a problem period, doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure THAT one out.
@michealgreenburg2647 Күн бұрын
I had to quit because cheating is more important. No money digital for me.
@vasylpark2149 Күн бұрын
Commander is not an expensive format there are so a dozen channels dedicated or that build decks on a shoestring budget, about $25 and can go up against some mid power decks. Just got to be creative.
@TainyaGaming 18 сағат бұрын
Entirely dependent on your play group, I was in an area that I had to drive 35 mins to get to my nearest LGS and the regular group of players there would spend all the expendable income on it so you HAVE to keep spending money if you wanted a chance.
@Cosmis5 14 сағат бұрын
Proxy everything.
@TheTobaccoman Күн бұрын
If the game is too complex, make a simpler deck or maybe take a break from the game. I never remember ever complaining about game complexity for Magic. I think it’s more people have gotten way too lazy or too dumb to handle it anymore. Which is why many games are being dumbed down to the ground. Letting programs do all the mental work for us is making us dumb. Might seem harsh or hot take but that’s just how it feels. As well , buying cards isn’t an investment in the future forever. It’s a game and bans happen and prices fluctuate. People can be mad , but it happens.
@Zaelkrie 23 сағат бұрын
Why would you intentionally make a worse deck just so it's simpler? Also you are forgetting the main format of Magic is now Commander so you double the amount of complexity when every card on the table is already a short essay you have to keep track of and every turn takes 10-20 min like a Yu-Gi-Oh turn.
@bladorac 22 сағат бұрын
Magtic is not getting dumbdown actually the opposite, is getting more complex more mechanics and vanilla creatures are a thing of the past. the problem is magic now requires more math so ppl are focusing on turn 2 or 3 wins aggro shit specially cause after rotation aggro always gets strong. And ppl are too stupid to do simple math, only reason i play magic, it satisfy my math addiction.
@brandonguffey5959 Күн бұрын
Ive been watching a lot of legacy gameplay and its less that you have to make your sideboarding choices to reflect that some answers are better on the play and others on the draw. Thoughtseize on the draw isnt very good conpared to on the play for example.
@DutchSnake Күн бұрын
I've lost a few times against the Leyline of Resonance decks, there just stupid OP. Cause it's great gamedesign giving free stuff and double free spells that really put a player an mile ahead in advantage. Unlike the older Leyline one's only gave you hexproof and exile graveyards (the other older ones where not that interesting at all). Standard is so much fun and balanced 🤮
@1who4me 23 сағат бұрын
Boo hoo, put removal in your deck.
@Witness631 22 сағат бұрын
​@1who4me I've been out of the game for years so what removal is viable before turn 4
@bladorac 22 сағат бұрын
Yeah I will add to it bro add removal and stop whining. the turn 2 deck is a easy turn 2 win for the other decks with only 10% brain capacity and high school math knowledge. People who love this new turn 2 deck is cause 1+1 =2 is hard for them.
@ICantThinkOfAFunnyHandle 17 сағат бұрын
​@@Witness631either draw cut down in your opening hand or lose, good game design
@JacenBaratheon 17 сағат бұрын
I am so sick of control players whining about the few good cards aggro has left. If you don't want to die against aggro, play some creatures. You all just want to sit around doing nothing until turn 7 or 8 and play solitary instead of actual magic. Control players whining about aggro but do t day a word about their bust, utterly broken garbage like putting 18 poison counters instantly on a player, or atraxa. And to top it off the arrogance of control players is sickeningly astounding. You say aggro players have no brains but I don't need to think if you're just playing lands. Get on the board, actually do something and stop acting like you're all so smart for play the most broken cards to be printed. Try thinking about why aggro even thought to make a turn 2 or 3 kill deck. Maybe it's just a response to plethora of broken control cards, endless board wipes, and of bs you all run that have absolutely made playing anything else impossible.
@jarettnewnam3981 Күн бұрын
I wish des was in charge of the ban list
@DistendedPerinium Күн бұрын
I can never understand these net decking try hards. Everyone having fun at the table is the goal. In kitchen table Magic, having a condition for winning is simply a means to let everyone know the game is over and you can start a new one. It's not a bragging rights competition and it's also just being a narcissistic asshole to only have fun for yourself. In a non-MtG related example, I play a tabletop game called Battletech and have since the game came out in the 80s. Due to the disparity in experience with the other players in my area, I take a penalty on the resources I get to use to build a force for a particular game. This has evened things out considerably and everyone has a lot of fun...WHICH IS THE POINT OF GAMES.
@bladorac 22 сағат бұрын
I understand them cause i had a best friend who did this same exact shit pay money to make a turn 2 commander deck hahahaa and let me say this to you, stop playing with those type of losers if you can and in arena just think is a bot and forget is a tryhard.
@dm1004 15 сағат бұрын
Your amount of fun is of no concern of your opponents.
@rthayes00 Күн бұрын
Fire Maro, Fire the CAG, Stop Playimg MtG, Stop buying cards
@Odinsurteil 23 сағат бұрын
I see. My Sense of Justice demands to stay on Arena instead. Even if i loose a trillion Times. I will not cease to play my slowass Decks that mostly win on Turn 25.
@XenithShadow Күн бұрын
Saw someones video which said you have a 20% chance to win in turn 2 if your opponent has no interaction. Which if you went first is i beleive exclusively cut down or elsepeth smite (the 3 dmg dmg to attacker)
@bladorac 22 сағат бұрын
Shock but yeah the deck can win in turn2 but is only good on b01 and not even 50% tbh. just leave b01 madhouse world and join bo3, I've seen this turn 2 deck once and i beat it 2-0 with golgari midrange (not talent combo) deck. I didn't even think about it a threw a cut down to his pump he left.
@dionisiosmarinos4285 Күн бұрын
Seeing Rudy from alpha investment and his kind cry and whine has been especially funny
@DesolatorMagic Күн бұрын
He is the answer to the question of "Who would be dumb enough to buy Jeweled Lotus on its peak price? It literally can only go down."
@LunarSoda17 Күн бұрын
Ban Mark Rosewooter
@Odinsurteil 23 сағат бұрын
Woserooter? Worseroote? Sausagewater.
@hamsandwich6685 20 сағат бұрын
@@Odinsurteil more like sausagegobbler. He should gp back to writing roseanne.
@alexander_trowbridge Күн бұрын
@Cosmis5 14 сағат бұрын
Proxy everything.
@Case2_0 Күн бұрын
I’m building this for standard and throwing a couple ghost vaccuums into the sideboard. Great way to stop reanimator
@judgecohen1373 Күн бұрын
Ill be buying a cheap lotus and crypt for my own fun games. Thanks Group.
@infernaldalek2851 Күн бұрын
I loaded up a save after putting game down for a long time. I had to come here because I forgot about grappling. Strangely aggressive bald Eagles...then again I suppose you are encroaching on their nests.
@bladorac Күн бұрын
Duskmourn release dates starting oct soon and no fix yet.
@GMrRager Күн бұрын