Don't Envy Sinners (Proverbs 23)
Run from Sexual Sin
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@Jasmine-mf3ns Күн бұрын
I don't care what this man says or anyone else says, God literally led me to a apostolic summit where they were speaking in tongues publicly and we did so in a unified manner. Jesus didn't contradict himself, he is all about power not misinterpreting his own word! There are people out here who are legalistic and lack power and they want to make us feel bad about what is good and I won't stand for it!
@susanbarackman-artist7670 2 күн бұрын
i thought our role in christianity is to grow in Christ and seek His will.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 2 күн бұрын
Ezer Kenegdo is a Hebrew word that describes the role of a woman as a helper and partner to a man. The word Ezer means to rescue, to save, or to be strong, and the word Kenegdo means opposite as to him or corresponding as to him. The word Ezer Kenegdo implies that man and woman are equally and uniquely created, a perfect fit1. The word is used in the Old Testament 21 times.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 2 күн бұрын
Ezer Kenegdo is a Hebrew word that describes the role of a woman as a helper and partner to a man. The word Ezer means to rescue, to save, or to be strong, and the word Kenegdo means opposite as to him or corresponding as to him. The word Ezer Kenegdo implies that man and woman are equally and uniquely created, a perfect fit1. The word is used in the Old Testament 21 times.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 2 күн бұрын
after having been part of a church for years and now for decades not attending church i have been thinking about all those men in leadership that I looked up to and tried so hard to do what they preached because if they preached it that was what God said.... and when I disagreed with what they preached were God's commands I carried lots of guilt to have dared use my own mind to critically think about what was preached or taught.................................................. and where are they now? they moved on to other places, or they died. those who were part of the congregation that i was so close to in spirit now i cannot remember their names nor do they remember me and any closeness we had is long gone. ---and that is why I tell people with questions about the issues within the church that people come and go and only Christ will be there with us all the way to the end and beyond and to seek His leading in our lives, not strangers on fb or the latest pastor with the charming smile and smooth words.
@wiznup 2 күн бұрын
So why would a woman even want to marry? I mean really, what's in it for her? Domesticated servitude? She loses her autonomy and her ability to think and make decisions, having to ask permission to go to the grocery store? YUCK! And why go to church? To serve in the Cookie Ministry? Let the men have it, ya'll just preach to each other! Why not just start a bible study in her own home like Lydia in the bible? Paul thought enough of her to actually stay in her home a couple of times. But let's downplay her ministry, k?
@wiznup 2 күн бұрын
So according to Titus 2:4-5 women can teach other women how to be domesticated servants but they can't teach them the word of God? Give me a break, this is 2024 and that worked in a patriarchal society, we don't live like that anymore.
@richardr2238 3 күн бұрын
WRONG Sir , Baptizm cannot be ommited in order to be saved ! or else why did Peter command those who BELIEVED , to Repent AND be Baptized for the remission of their sins ? Salvation by "Faith only" is HERESY ! What do you say about all these verses that clearly teach Baptizm as a requirement to ones salvation. ACTS 2:38, Acts 22:16 arise and be Baptized and WASH away your sins , Mk. 16 "he that believes AND is Baptized shall be saved" 1PET 3"21 that Baptizm now Saves us ! Acts 2:47 and God added to the Church daily those who were being saved through faith in Christ, Repentance , AND Baptizm !
@drayslay9558 12 күн бұрын
Amen brother
@underballbutter 16 күн бұрын
We need to put this in our schools. How many people would know this if asked
@josephbenge8707 19 күн бұрын
I would be very careful saying Baptism isn't necessary for salvation. Jesus commanded Baptism to be done. Everyone in the New Testament were Baptized. Yes, Baptism alone wont save us if we haven't truly repented of our sins. You might as well be taking a bath. But if i were someone who is seeking salvation. Id follow the Apostles doctrine diligently.
@cryptojihadi265 20 күн бұрын
Neither. It's patriarchy.
@tiffanystarks6483 28 күн бұрын
What about them translating the tongue themselves is that bad if they know what was said
@ehudsdagger5619 Ай бұрын
At the risk of knit-picking: 1. This video suggests baptism is basically a me and Jesus thing only. Does the church not possess the kings of the kingdom? 2. This video also implies one can trust Jesus (step 1) but not necessarily be ready to "go God's way" (step 2). This is a false dichotomy. 3. This video is absent with respect to the promissory nature of baptism. In other words, it's all about me and my obedience. But what of God's covenant and promises displayed in baptism? 4. This video never mentions the local church. How can one be baptized into the church without the church? SDG
@ALTheFreeMan Ай бұрын
What version of the Bible is this that gives “Reuel” as the name of Moses’ father-in-law???
@philipmurray9796 Ай бұрын
Actually, Patriarchy is what the Bible teaches.
@bigburrito308 Ай бұрын
If God exists the way the Bible describes then abortion would be the most morally righteous thing you can do to guarantee a child gets to heaven..... If God does not exist I would say it is the most morally reprehensible thing you can do to abort a child because that is taking away the only experience of existence they will ever have. I don't understand why christians fight so hard To be pro-life when all it does is bring misery to the life of the one you are trying to bring into the world by subjecting it to sin that they cannot avoid..... God even says himself that the path to heaven is narrow so why would you not just guarantee a child into heaven by aboarting the kid ?
@bigburrito308 Ай бұрын
You know thinking about this logically..... And I really hope somebody can refute me on this because I've been struggling with this question for a while....... Would it not be the most beneficial thing to abort a child instead of letting it live? Here's why I think this. 50 million abortions just means 50 million souls in heaven right.... Why would it be better to let a life be lived on earth full of pain and suffering with potential to go to hell based off your decisions? I can say for me at least.... Personally I wish I was aboarted while I was still in the womb.... That way I would be innocent because I had not sinned yet consciously...... I would be in heaven from the beginning of my consciousness starting and would know that God is good unquestionably...... I would not be corrupted by sin..... The benefits I can think from abortion are endless When it comes to being spiritually pure . I mean what are really the consequences of not aborting a child? 1. You force a soul to now be responsible for their own eternal life based off the decision of whether or not they follow God during their life. 2. Having a kid potentially Gives you partial responsibility for them going to hell if you don't teach them the scriptures right and they don't accept it. 3. Having a child means when you die they have to deal with the pain of your death. 4. Having a child forces that child to experience some sort of pain in the life they have on earth as opposed to aborting a child and having them experience no pain at all since they are going to heaven from the beginning of their life...... The only thing that really tells us that abortion is bad is the Bible saying that it is bad...... But logically really what is so bad about it? I would really love for somebody to explain to me why they believe that pro-life is such a good argument compared to aboarding a child When the benefits of aborting a child not for you but for the child itself are immeasurable compared to letting them live..... especially if they have eternity to face as a consequence. I mean the only reason you really have a child in the first place is for your own benefit..... You have a child for the joy that it brings in your life. Or you have a child because the Bible tells you to reproduce and be fruitful..... I mean some children are born and are raped and sold into slavery...... And God thinks that that person is going to be more receptive to him than the one who was raised in a Christian home and experienced gods love from the beginning? Personally I wish God would tell me he loved me at least one time..... I don't think it's fair for God to say that the prerequisite for hearing his voice and experiencing his love is to have faith in him in the first place....... I would think an all loving God would give us reason to have faith in him and to love him in the first place before making us liable to eternal judgment for not believing him. I mean if I told somebody that I loved and believed in the flying spaghetti monster and that he speaks to me on a daily basis and directs my life in a positive way and all you have to do is to believe that he exists and does that in the first place in order for him to reach out to you.... Everyone would think I was fucking insane. It would require evidence of the flying spaghetti monster existing before you could place your faith in it right...... So why is it that God completely disregards the scientific method for discovering things when it comes to him and forces you to have faith in him from the start before he does anything..... It just doesn't make sense and I'm so tired of being a lukewarm Christian. I mean I know abortion is wrong just because my heart tells me that it is wrong but I don't have a logical reason for why I think that way or why it weighs heavily on my heart..... I just hate more than anything in the world that God just says not to do things and then doesn't explain why and says it's because his ways are so much higher than ours that we can't understand it...... Then how are we supposed to believe? I just wish God would reach down and put his hand on my shoulder one time and tell me that he loved me in an audible manner...... I don't want to have to serve him and go through adversity my entire life just to hear him reassure me one time...... I mean technically any pain that we face on earth would be incomparable to eternal punishment and hell but why would I even be thrown in hell for not believing in a God that never wanted to put in the effort to have me believe in the first place? I just wish I never existed.... I wish that when I die I am eliminated from existence and that Earth is the only experience I will ever have. I don't want to go to hell and burn for eternity but I don't want to go to heaven for eternity if I'm just going to feel the same way I do right now about God..... I think the fact that the 4 living creatures around God eternally worshipping him and having the freedom to do nothing else is quite cruel. I don't get why satan would think that he can overpower God or why he would even want to be above God in the first place if God is so perfect to begin with.... Wouldn't a perfect God be unquestionable with everything you try to bring against him logically because his intellect is just that much better than yours? None of it makes sense and I'm so tired of it. Lord please give me clarity and understanding and allow me to have the love for you that I desire. Please allow me to experience your Holy Spirit at least one time so I can have a basis of why I should have faith in you....
@Norrin777Radd Ай бұрын
1:10 -- Are you dishonest, or just tragically uninformed? Egals do not "pick and choose" or "throw out Scriptures" any more than you do.
@Norrin777Radd Ай бұрын
My compliments on choosing to include v. 21 of Eph. 5. However, whatever paraphrase you're using is deceptive in the way it adds to v. 22. In so doing, it twists the sense of the verb being carried over from v. 21, and obscures the mutual nature of the submission.
@Norrin777Radd Ай бұрын
Further, you failed to consider the whole passage, which goes through 6:9. There, the "master," who as paterfamilias is the same person as the "husband," is told to treat slaves "the same way" slaves were just told to treat him. That means they were to treat slaves as equals, and if submission by wives is to be unilateral, this logically places slaves above wives in the hierarchy.
@Norrin777Radd Ай бұрын
You fail to consider the whole context in 1 Pet., which goes from 2:12 to at least 3:8. I can see no reason for you to snip the passage as you did, especially in excluding 3:1-2, except by malicious intent to obscure the fact that the women and slaves were told to submit in order to not be provocative to unbelievers, and potentially to win them over. Submission of wives, and existence of slavery, are not universally God-ordained.
@Norrin777Radd Ай бұрын
Yes, absolutely believers should read commentaries on 1 Tim.. Start with Gordon Fee's and end with Ben Witherington III's. In this case, I do like the translation you chose, because better than most it captures the implication of disjunctions in English, and clarifies that the "plain sense" of 2:12 puts it in direct conflict with Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos in Acts 18.
@Norrin777Radd Ай бұрын
The 1 Tim. 2:13 allusion to Genesis may possibly give a "universalizing" sense, but not without problems. It does not in itself make clear why 2:11-12 should be universalized, but not 2:8-10. At least as important, in invoking Creation, it calls back to the pre-Fall condition where there was NO hierarchy between man and woman. They were explicitly equal in Gen. 1, and in Gen. 2 the woman was created as partner, companion, strong ally, rescuer, of corresponding form, because of the man's inadequacy on his own.
@Norrin777Radd Ай бұрын
55 seconds in you are already going off track. Biblical egalitarians (CBE, the AoG church, etc.) believe that men and women are complementary. We don't believe that the "gifts" and "roles" are complementary in a way that requires any kind of hierarchy of authority between sexes.
@Norrin777Radd Ай бұрын
At the end, you make the same error as Mike Winger in suggesting Gal. 3:28 is the be-all, end-all mic-drop verse. First, that is not the case. It is certainly important, but we equality as the ideal Pre-Fall and throughout the NT. Second, you artificially limit the verse to "spiritual" things. Much of Galatians is about how behavior and relationships change *because* of the spiritual realities.
@Telle875 Ай бұрын
God is good. I was needing to know this answer. I had my own general thoughts but couldn’t explain why and wanted to make sure I was being biblical even if it made life tricky. This helped me immensely in potential upcoming things I need to do. Thanks!
@rondadavis1141 Ай бұрын
I have extra virgin olive oil and glass container specifically for anointing oil. I need to know exactly how to proceed. Thanks you for your help in this very important matter.
@rondadavis1141 Ай бұрын
I’m here to learn!
@harmonkilgore5395 Ай бұрын
John 1:18 said that no one has seen God at any time.; the only begotten son, which is in the bosom of the father, he hath declared him. Joseph Smith made the claim that God and Jesus revealed themselves to him in the Mountains of New York. The problem is he was the supposed only eyewitness to this spiritual revelation. The Bible says out of the mouths of two or three witnesses let the word be established. In Hebrews when God could swear by no greater he swore of himself, and that in fact established his truth by three personages, God The Father, God the son, and the holy Spirit. One eye witness can not establish truth, and declare that the Bible is corrupted and add to or take away the truth. This in itself is an accursed heresy according to the Bible in both the new and old testament.
@anthonyrusso2194 Ай бұрын
Yeah, throw out 1500 years of faith, teaching and tradition. Invent a new religion, tradition of men, and ignore all of church history, especially the early church fathers, the generation of men that received their teachings directly from the apostles. Hence, since the reformation there are 20,000 plus new denominations, all thanks to Luther and subsequent inventors of protestantism. Protestant=protest against God.
@TheDailyScripture Ай бұрын
A few things to know about Baptism: 1. Baptism is the first ordiance of the gospel. 2. To be baptized, one makes a covenant to follow Jesus Christ. 3. A covenant is a two-way promise: We covenant to follow God and keep is commandments. He promises that His spirit (The Holy Ghost) may be with us. 4. Baptism enables you to return and live with God after this life. 5. Although perfect, Jesus was baptized to be an example and demonstrate that he would keep God (our Heavenly Father's) commandments. 6. Baptism must be performed by immursion. 7. Baptism should be performed when one is old enough to be accountable to make a covenant with God. Babies and little children are not old enough. 8. Baptism by immursion is symbolic of the death and resurrection of the Savior. Being buried in the water is symbolic of death. Coming out of the water is symbolic of being resurrected or "living again." 9. Baptism is the first step on the road to discipleship. It is only the start. There are more ordinances one must receive--along with their associted covenants. 10. Baptism must be performed by someone who has God's authority to be valid after this life though. A pastor doesn't get that authority by merely by studying the Bible. The true, RESTORED church of Jesus Christ is on the earth today. It is HIS church. It has HIS authority to do baptisms. It has HIS authority to do baptisms because HE restored it. HIS church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I hope you'll have the desire to continue on your path to follow the Savior by becoming a member of HIS restored church.
@marcopianezze8217 Ай бұрын
Me when I have undiagnosed schizophrenia
@rossthomas7886 Ай бұрын
For such an important matter why didn’t the all knowing God just put “Abortion is not allowed” in the Bible about 100 times? Instead he makes you twist into a pretzel trying to interpret obscure passages to bolster your position. I know, I know, mysterious ways and all that.
@jailo28 Күн бұрын
“Thou shall not murder” “Love your neighbor” “Thou shall not commit adultery” 3 versus (2 commandments) about why we shouldn’t have abortions. The Bible doesn’t directly address many other issues but he does make references to them. He sometimes talks in parables and metaphors and that’s on purpose
@Art_Van_Delay Ай бұрын
Question... what if a Christian in a backsliden state baptizes me?
@flutterflyflowersltd8488 Ай бұрын
Aww Thank You Heavenly Father, for this message as it has answered my question. My baptism changed my life 1999. Today, my young adult children 16 , 21 want to be baptized. We love Jesus ❤.
@crisaldopontino5461 17 күн бұрын
God bless u
@user-qp8ln2yt8r 2 ай бұрын
Another high and mighty ‘Christian’ who applies this title to himself but not to Mormons. And yet of course Mormons are Christians.
@user-qp8ln2yt8r 2 ай бұрын
The trinity is a confused man made nonsense. It’s not biblical at all.
@user-qp8ln2yt8r 2 ай бұрын
Deuteronomy 6:4 is more clearly explained in John 17:22-23.
@ktmlifer 2 ай бұрын
Such a wrong teaching. Very common among liberal evangelicals. Go read and pray over Colossians 2:11-12. It’s God who does the cleansing of sins through and by faithful obedience to be baptized in water for the remission of sins Act 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21, Mark 16:16, Roman’s 6:1-5, Acts 22:16. Get right with Gods word quickly.
@gammarotor 2 ай бұрын
Urim = Oooreem. Thummim = Thoomeem
@deweydewey6714 2 ай бұрын
The implications of Psalms 82:6 implies that since we are children of God that we like all other creatures can become like our parents!!! Is this Biblical?!? You damn right it is! The scriptures plainly state that it is the Fathers good pleasure to GIVE you the kingdom!! It also states that WE csn become JOINT HEIRS with Christ! And if that is not enough to open up your spiritually blind ignorant eyes, consider this one: Revelation 3:21 "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my THRONE even as I overcame snd am sat down with my Father in His THRONE."!!! Continued...
@aprilmcclellan5117 2 ай бұрын
Deut. 32:39 and Isaiah 43:10
@deweydewey6714 2 ай бұрын
Hebrews 12:9 states that God is the Father if spirits, and that means just what it says, snd it means ALL spirits! Christ stated that He was with the Father from the beginning and was the FIRST BORN and that also means just what it says! Lucifer was called a son of the morning, meaning that he did not create himself and that he was ine of the early born spirits! It also states that he was perfect in wisdom and beauty, but like all of Gods spirit children he was given FREE AGENCY which he used wrongly and drew one third of the spirit children with him!! We all are spirit children of God!! Paul spoke to the unbelieving Greeks on Mars hill and told them plainly that WE are his "offspring." ! Psalms 82:6 states: "Ye are gods and ALL of you are the children of the Most High."!!! This refers not only to us being the spirit children of god, but implies much more! Continued...
@craigslist6630 2 ай бұрын
So, you are saying the extra 5 hours a week of doctrine may be distracting people The Word…
@susanbarackman-artist7670 2 ай бұрын
A church council in the 1100s banned women from being deacons when they functioned as deacons from early church up until that time. Why did they go against what had been established in the early church?
@misterggg9808 2 ай бұрын
In my opinion Calvinism makes the point more clear. God's foreknowledge of the end outcome would mean it is unconditional to God and only a condition from the viewpoint of his elected because the elected do not have foreknowledge of the outcome in making a decision. It is the viewpoint from God that matters and not the elected. I don't agree that God overpowers our free will from this position taken here in this video. We still have free will that God empowers us through his word and the grace and mercy from Christ Jesus in the Calvinistic viewpoint and using the word "overpower" is wrong just because God has foreknowledge.
@gbengoosewuru4139 2 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 This video is spewing nonsense. I see so many of these videos that dont understand LDS doctrine. Sadly, people that don't do their own research will take everything this guy says as truth.
@mrrich0974 2 ай бұрын
Jesus went to John the Baptist to get baptized. A man….
@juststoppingby1811 2 ай бұрын
Where can we find the investigation report or case report to read ?
@Out-to-Pastor 2 ай бұрын
I've been wrestling with this because a person who looks up to me wants me to Baptize him. I'm in the process of getting my Bachelors in Biblical Studies, but I have never preached, never given a sermon, and am only a recent convert to Christianity. But he still wants me to Baptize him. Thank you so much, this was what I was looking for.
@ServetusTrumpsCalvin 2 ай бұрын
You Calvinists speak out of both sides of your mouth. Unrepentant sexual immorality proves you are NOT truly saved! "So then, whoever rejects this teaching is not rejecting a human being, but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." (1Th 4:8) A true Christian will not reject this command to live a holy life. If you reject God then you are NOT a true believer.
@ServetusTrumpsCalvin 2 ай бұрын
This is a pointless message that does not deter suicide, but excuses it. Sorry, but that is not the truth. Unrepentant sinners (suicides) will not inherit the Kingdom of God. True Christians follow the character definitions found in the Sermon on the Mount: "poor in spirit" acknowledging their need for God; "mourning" over their sin instead of excusing it or blaming others for it; "meek" as in harmless; "hunger for righteousness" means pushing away what the world and Satan offers; "merciful" - to others as well as themselves; "pure in heart" - not thinking evil thoughts and being ungrateful. Thankfulness will cure a lot of bad thoughts. Do not be deceived! Jesus stated clearly that if one "has no root in himself, and only endures for a while, but when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away." (Matthew 3:20-21) He also says "The one who endures to the end will be saved." (Matthew 24:13)
@susanbarackman-artist7670 2 ай бұрын
this guy will never abuse a woman but pat/comp allows for evil narcissitic men to abuse women and hide behind biblical authority given to them. and too many churches support the man when a woman says her husband is abusing her. they tell her go back, be more obedient, submissive, etc.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 2 ай бұрын
i agree with this person saying to do your own research and make your own decisions. --egals often say this but rare for pat-/comps tto say this. most of them are very adamant that the bible promotes pat/comp and do not say nice things about egal. if a man is in authority in his home, what about single women ? what male is in authority in their homes?
@susanbarackman-artist7670 2 ай бұрын
credit to someone else who wrote this but not sure who it was--- If religious patriarchy was true, the angel of the Lord would have spoken first to Manoah about the miraculous conception of Samson. Instead, he spoke to Manoah’s wife-a woman-alone (Judges 13:2-24). If religious patriarchy was true, the angel Gabriel would have spoken to Joseph first about the miraculous conception of our Lord. Instead, he spoke to Mary-a woman-alone (Luke 1:26-38). If religious patriarchy was true, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would not have spoken to a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well, revealing to her that he was the Messiah. He did speak to a woman-alone-and she bore witness to her community that the Messiah had come. Many believed because of her testimony (John 4:4-42). If religious patriarchy was true, the Risen Savior would have first revealed himself to men, entrusting them with the good news of his victory over sin and death. Instead, he spoke first to women-alone-entrusting them with the good news we call “the gospel.” When the women revealed this message to Jesus’ male disciples, the men did not believe (Luke 24:1-11). In diagrams, blogs, podcasts and books, religious patriarchy claims that women must relate to God through the “spiritual covering” of men in the church and in the home. Without this covering of “masculine authority,” women-it is claimed-are in danger of being deceived. Whom are we to believe? Patriarchal men; or the angel of the Lord, the angel Gabriel and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Whose example should we follow? I believe the disciples in the book of Acts spoke wisely when they told the religious leaders of their day, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).
@susanbarackman-artist7670 3 ай бұрын
There are so many rules that dealing with the roles of women in the church........the list of rules is very very long, ranging from the issue of women as pastor/deacon to prophesying, worship leaders, and modern day things of writing books and podcasts, who she teaches, should she vote boggles the mind. ....all of these things should or would be non-issue in the church if the verses on women submit, obey be silent had been properly interpreted/applied/explained in the first place and not whole theologies made from them. And all those rules and the bad fruit emanating from them is evidence of why pat/comp does not work and is not what God intended..... All those rules that try to explain and operate within those verses came from somewhere, some person, most likely a man made a rule to to explain and apply those bible verses about women submit obey be silent...and the list grew and grew and grew! And varied from church to church in scope and intensity to where some extreme churches practice and promote spanking “those disobediebnt wives!” (Under egalitarian teachings those rules never would have happened as women would have been seen as totally equal in all things under Christ.) It is a good thing we no longer have slavery. But what if we did? It was a real thing in the early church. Slave and masters worshipped and learned of Jesus side by side, both now equal in all things--- except that one was still owned by the other. --Paul never spoke against slavery only gave advice on how to operate that both were now chrsitians. What if slavery were still part of society today? Just imagine the list of church rules governing how a master and slave should interact---Should a slave ever teach sunday school in which masters might attend? Could a slave be a pastor or deacon or write a book the master might read or hear? Can the master sell the slave? Does the master have the final say? Can a master decide what the slave wears or what jobs can be assigned to the slave….does the master always have the final say? how shoduld the slave approach the master with a problem, can the slave disagree with the master? our modern minds and sensibilities recoil at the very idea….But Paul addressed the problem by simply reiterating what he said in Eph 5-21...........that masters and slaves should treat each other as brothers in Christ. One can spend countless hours researching to find answers to all those questions about women and what they can and cannot do. But it can be made soooo simple-..........if pat/comp were not the modus operandi in the church and that is that each Christian should seek God’s will for their life and grow in Christ and treat others with love and mutually submit one to another. The whole concept is addressed and explained in Eph 5-21.