@irabradlee7837 Күн бұрын
Thank you for giving a filthy casual like me a dream to dream
@Gemini_Godhand 5 күн бұрын
I wanna level up my Reaper so bad, but I am trying to main Viper this expansion. This was a mistake! Reaper has some utility that makes it slightly more useful than Viper. Also Enshroud and Awakening are basically the same, but I prefer Enshroud due to muscle memory. Wait for me my Reaper as I shall return to you my beloved!
@BadKitenWilder 11 күн бұрын
Came for the info. Stayed for the comedy AND learned what I needed. Thanks so much! Never stop making content. <3 Good Luck to you!
@iveybullard8988 22 күн бұрын
Why release a reaper guide right before job changes were coming?
@mrcrowe1848 24 күн бұрын
how many people are gonna mispronounce gibbet
@ostyo2428 26 күн бұрын
Great video. I really hope you do another video on reaper explaining optimization in higher end content and the dawntrail changes.
@ItKai1 27 күн бұрын
You have WASDQER as hot keys what do you move around with?
@wolfnighteyes7610 Ай бұрын
Lol I've been ruining ultimates since last year and I still can't find a static but at least pf got me triple legend
@wolfnighteyes7610 Ай бұрын
Lol I've been ruining ultimates since last year and I still can't find a static but at least pf got me triple legend
@1337penguinman Ай бұрын
RPR and WAR are the 2 jobs I can play instinctively. Others I actually have to think about and spend way too much time staring at my hotbars with.
@shinythps Ай бұрын
@Lulucina Ай бұрын
Quick note: I don’t know your content, but I was immediately turned away from it when you said fellas.
@nikkoh15 Ай бұрын
100% agree, pf is honeslty not that bad, well at least for ucob which is the one im doing rn. Literally anyone can do it, just need effort, time and the right mentality ! The hardest part is waiting for a party in pf for 1 hour then disbanding 30 min later LOL
@DextRAR Ай бұрын
Is that a Northern Ireland accent I hear?
@NotTheWheel Ай бұрын
Thanks man
@seyahtan24 Ай бұрын
UwU the best especially since that they are based off the OG weapons.
@WinchesterxNL Ай бұрын
Honestly hope everything is well. Very much looking forward to episode 2
@vitorfrancisco63 Ай бұрын
name of your glamour?
@chichusometimes5857 Ай бұрын
i cleared uwu not too long ago after 3 months of prog. hearing ppl actually clear that fight within as little as 1 week kinda proves to me that other people are just made of different stuff. saying everyone can clear ultimates is less nuanced a take than not everyone can clear ultimates imo. Knowing how much of a jump dsr and top are from uwu, and knowing that uwu allready got me to my limits tells me that i wont be able to do those fights at any point. I like the positive message in this video, encouraging people to go for what they want, but i ultimately disagree
@craigtrish2011 Ай бұрын
As a healer main i've always been on the fence about raiding, even just savage. Heck, even trying out extreme trials. I'm way too terrified of just not being able to understand a mechanic and being the reason something doesn't progress. People are toxic enough to healers as is even just in 24 mans xD Last time I tried was the Alex raid tier and after a11 i just noped out and never looked back haha
@costas4058 Ай бұрын
wow is a slow shit boring game and some how it filled better to play then this
@xXlBi0lXx Ай бұрын
how come My gauges look different from yours?
@burneraccounthandle Ай бұрын
you can turn them into Simple Mode in the Hud layout
@burneraccounthandle Ай бұрын
@Captain_Dark 2 ай бұрын
What is your scythe?
@akajouu 2 ай бұрын
i rly like this type of content, so i expect you to do more as soon as you can
@Raiv-sama 2 ай бұрын
quick and to the point, good vid mr youtuber man
@Stevenhammer8 2 ай бұрын
Loved the video but you didn't mention how on rdps jobs the your parties skill will effect your parse. Playing with higher parsing players means you have more damage going into your buffs during 2 min ! Also team comps have a similar effect.
@excellusultimus4952 2 ай бұрын
Parsing ultimately is irrelevant due to the ubiquity of third party tools. Simple things like the ability to see raid buff timers, know exactly what mechanics are coming up, and worse the ability to literally see unseeable AOES on the ground, all inflate parses over players who use no such tools. Additionally, there are addons that will let you weave multiple GCDs, or even perform your opener for you. Yet these players are indistinguishable from people who play legitimately. So why even bother with a ranking system? Don't even get me started on the stupidity of healer parses.
@GuerreiroAventureiro 2 ай бұрын
6:54 how did you show multiple hp % on enemies?
@redlunatic2224 2 ай бұрын
An alternative to cutting quests in ARR, especially if they're going to give you a lot more abilities at the start would be to use some of these quests as tutorials for different mechanics. I'd even argue they should be made into something close to role quests. We get more than enough EXP to level up multiple jobs at the start, and if the story isn't that engaging, but the devs are reticent to changing it, mechanical variety can also be a good solution.
@deneios1905 2 ай бұрын
Oh you should have been there in the start when ARR was twice the length it is now.
@grandruby5343 2 ай бұрын
Whats the music used throughout the video, especially around 10:00?
@Khalmidgar 2 ай бұрын
Aurum vale gonna be real interesting if you get newbies in your party lol
@xelseartheonlyone1267 2 ай бұрын
The beginning of this game is torture. Square Enix really must fix this. I tried to get in game 3 of my friends. All of them got bored and abandoned. Can't blame them. I got bored too, but it was the quarantine era and i needed a social game.
@currentlemon 2 ай бұрын
Interesting suggestions for WHM. As a former WHM main, I’d like a minor rework of the job, specifically on the level 1-70 range. Having a weak version of holy at level 15 is a good suggestion. Obtaining the lily gauge at an earlier level is a good suggestion. I’d like to get at least one lily spell and the gauge at the level 30-50 range. A weaker Assize obtained at an early level would be great. In ARR and HW lifeline, WHM had the ability called Divine Seal obtained in the level 40 range. It boosted the healing capabilities of some spells, like a weaker Temperance. Bring it back and have it upgrade to Temperance at level 80. WHM also doesn’t learn any skill or spell at the level 18 to 30 range. Other healers do, but not WHM. Bring in a new spell there. Perhaps a new DPS water spell would be great.
@currentlemon 2 ай бұрын
Also, I’d like SE to merge Cure I and Cure II together too. Same change applies to the Medica spells. Resolves any future button bloat problems and gets rid of that stupid “Free Cure” trap.
@wyilalonde4072 2 ай бұрын
Honestly i try to get into it but the part until level 60 is so jarringly easy yet long. I can close my eyes all the way through and there is 0 sense of danger
@wyilalonde4072 2 ай бұрын
So, the growth process feels like cosmetics adding on without substance
@wyilalonde4072 2 ай бұрын
As a ffxi lover, i miss the sense of danger and meaningfulness in your equips and combat early on
@Bluemansonic 2 ай бұрын
I decided to make Paladin my first job and I did not finish the ARR storyline until level 51 and I still do not have a single healing ability! I came from Paladin in WOW where healing was a lvl 6 I think
@shaneh6707 2 ай бұрын
I want them to make Crystal Tower a bit harder. They're so easy and it's just boring as all hell
@sorakun555 2 ай бұрын
Just saying, they could easily bring back Fluid Aura as a stand-in for a low level Misery. They could also use a low level revamp as an excuse to change Freecure to apply to Cure II and Medica and just make that the lily system where every 20 seconds you get a lily that lets you instantly case either spell for free, and then the Afflatus spells are just upgrades
@carolinemccall6748 2 ай бұрын
Someone please fix Yda and that whole thing so I stop hating her so bad. I have a solution if Square needs my help.
@eightbitheros 2 ай бұрын
I completely agree with the need for a lv 50 rework for most (if not all job) but not because I go out of my way to make alt characters and level per se, but because I really enjoy queueing for roulettes and certain jobs I hate playing at lv 50 and below so I just won't play them just in case I get one of those duties.
@Grig_Orig 2 ай бұрын
7:05 what they did to MNK is the way to go. Would be great if they indeed were to spread this philosophy across the board.
@cablefeed3738 2 ай бұрын
I disagree with giving what someone would have. At level 100 but weaker to every class. What happens when things change at level 130? Are you gonna restart the start of everyone's stuff to make it look a bit like what they're gonna have at 130 but lower potency
@ryaiart 2 ай бұрын
I didnt mean literally every ability that they'd have at 100, but to introduce a couple of skills you currently dont get until much later. 3 to 5 extra buttons before max level.
@cablefeed3738 2 ай бұрын
@ryaiart Oh, then I completely agree. I'm shocked that all the jobs don't get their job gauges at level thirty when you equip the job stone. Also, paladin gets their gap closer way too late. I believe it's seventy four
@MelvaCross 2 ай бұрын
There are a lot of scions that were just sitting around in the Waking Sands. Imagine if we were accompanied by them and get attached to those characters early. Then new players would get a taste of how later expansions feel while these "lower scions" can introduce thr world more concise than a long quest chain does. They are actively searching for a way to help newer players get up to speed. They also don't want to push the level cap past 100. So, I imagine they might have something in store for us after Dawntrail.
@kaypygamez9596 2 ай бұрын
I agree with everything except the story section. The way i see it, ARR isnt about so much of getting to know the main characters as it is making a name for your WoL. Yes, the main characters is a big aspect and getting to know them is important. However, when the game sends you out alone to do quests like Little Ala Mhigo, Haukke Manor, etc. Thats not somwthing our character should need help with. Thats OUR missions, our test of being able to hold our own and that we are reliable enough to be a Scion, at least from what i gather. If they were to throw in more sections with the main characters to develop character development then we would honestly need MORE story in ARR.. in my personal opinion. Just throwing one in on a quest that already exists wouldnt solve the problem necessarily. However i do feel like if they revamped the dialogue and added more scenes with voice acting then ARR would be so much greater and alot more tolerable for most people. But this is just my opinion. I think ARR is fine for the most part when it comes to story, gameplay on the other hand, ur 100% correct.
@ryaiart 2 ай бұрын
I do think this line of thinking is valid, im only considering it from the perspective of people who try the game and get filtered by ARR and was thinking the trimming could be a compromise, but if things stay the way they are for the reasons you've listed id be understanding of it
@haaruzin 2 ай бұрын
Man... just... THANK YOU for this video. I was talking about this like... forever, at this point. I'm at end-game, ready for Dawntrail, all my jobs leveled up -- but I have such a hard time, trying to bring new players to the game and early game is really a rough experience, since times had changed and people's expectations for "a new player experience" are higher than ever. For a story perspective alone, ARR is really showing its age. It's painful, to the point people actually recommend new players to buy a story skip to HW, that's insane. Not only the voice cast had changed from ARR to HW onwards (not speaking ill of them, of course, they did great), but the story is quite divisive: the boring side had a good batch of filler quests removed to streamline the ARR MSQ and still feel like a lot of padding to get to the interesting side: the very last couple scenes, which are great, should have been more sprinkled throughout the whole base game. The Dungeons, however, had a must needed rework and added Duty Support for those who like to play mostly solo, so... really nice touch. As for leveling and skills, yeah... we went on a ride of removing actions... from "lots of buttons to press" to "spam one button" skills until mid-40 to 50, when you finally get to have a proper (but minimal) rotation.I don't know if the devs are constantly replaying the game as sprouts, to check the state of the game for new players, but the early gameplay definitely needs a revision. And finally, a take which a lot of people told me I was crazy and delusioned about it: a Crystal Tower Raid series rework. Seriously... we need it SO BADLY now. Devs don't need to do much, just ramp up bosses' HP and damage would be good enough, specially on Library and Syrcus -- cuz come on, Glasya Labolas is a joke boss at this point, we all skip all of his mechanics, no questions asked and Xande... is mechanically easier than Amon and he's Syrcus final boss.
@PipoPoppy 2 ай бұрын
Oh, and to correct you, the ARR rebuild actually took 2ish years! The crazy part of this is that MMOs generally have a development cycle of five-ish years. It really is kind of a miracle they made something that worked as well as ARR did.
@lolleonlolable 2 ай бұрын
yepp exactly my thoughts, give us weaker versions off some skills way earlyer in the game. doing a roulette as a lvl 90 and than getting a lvl 20-30 instance and u suddenly have 3 buttens isnt fun even if u land on lvl 60-70 or somehting and ur missing 1/3 the buttens its not fun and u kinda dont learn your endgame rota and stuff because u always have a differernt set of skills. im for example super bad at using the lvl 90 stuff on my whitemage because most of the time i get something lowere lvl and i cant use them and or/forget i even had that at 90. i almost quit the game myself (my first guy was a blackmage) and on like lvl 25 i felt so fucking bored out of the boring rota/skills that i rerolled a paladin, that class somehow felt at least a little much more engaging (few more tank buttons) and u need to tank and u can make it harder by pulling alot of mobs and not only do dps but honestly if i didnt switch back then i would have prolly quit at lvl 25.
@PipoPoppy 2 ай бұрын
As someone new to MMOs (more specifically, even, this style of MMO), I actually really welcomed the slow start. I constantly got lost in straight corridors, misjudged the speed of attacks (stuff like being late to run out attacks even with cast bars or poorly reading the patterns of attacks or not even understanding how to read buffs/debuffs). So I had my brain working constantly. Out of all of the dungeons early on, Brayflox Longstop and Haukke Manor absolutely destroyed me as a sprout. And now, as I'm finishing Endwalker, these are pretty much nothing. So whenever I see stuff like this where people find it boring/unengaging, I wonder what the compromise could be. Something like having your 1-2-3 starting from level 1 definitely sounds good and would not be that much more of a load, just let you get used to keeping up a combo from early on (which might also be a big help for cutting down one button using folks in duty finder). And so does having aoes earlier on and maybe 1-3 off globals. So maybe your suggestion of getting your very base stuff earlier really is just it because you are getting used to encounters and UI as it is already. You just get to start practicing with more right away. But honestly, it's the walls of text that truly kept me from progressing. I think at points, even with me knowing where the story went and wanting to get there, there were just too many asides that just pulled my enthusiasm down ("Can't wait to get to the final fights, they look so cool! Oh... more Titan chores.") and if not asides, then incredibly uneven pacing where lvl 15-23 you get like 3 dungeons straight and something like lvl 30-34 is basically all to get to Titan. And I would argue they don't even need to delete anything, just make some stuff blue and yellow quests or if we go in a more clever, higher effort writing route, write new options of dialog that let you skip the tedious stuff. Maybe at some point during the Titan quest you or Y'Shtola just have enough of all of it and you get an option to go and kill Titan right away. Also, while some of the dungeon reworks are great as you say, I think they need to make the normal Primal fights themselves more substantial because you get like at most 10 minutes of fight for all of the time you spend getting to Titan. Even if you cut out a bunch of the fluff to it, Titan still just basically falls over. And it's a massive anti-climactic moment because of all of the lengthy lead up to it. All three primals are. I think the hard versions might actually be good as a replacement for the normal ones as they're not *that* much harder. (Just need to be retuned.) And in turn when you fight them again later in the patches, they could give more stuff to them on top of hard version mechanics. I feel the same way for Ravana and Bismarck in HW. Bismarck most of all. But as you said yourself, too, all of this takes resources, so I think really just making some quests separate yellow/blue quests feels like the most economic move, more so even than just removing them? I keep thinking about the npc follow feature from Endwalker and can't help but feel they could do some sneaky stuff with that for flavour. Or maybe seemingly small changes that are just convinient - like you just needing to visit one Grand Company representitive instead of all three separately to join a Grand Company or just cut out a bunch of the steps in some of those fetch quests while still keeping the quest. After ShB and EW especially, it's always so frustrating to look at some of the earlier stuff. Have enjoyed your videos, rooting for your success as a smaller content creator!
@ryaiart 2 ай бұрын
Very valid points all round, thank you for the input (and well wishes :D)
@gensationaldraws 2 ай бұрын
The black mage struggle of no AOEs until....... way too late.
@ManiakGear 2 ай бұрын
I had this idea, you might be able to relate since you're doing it over again. And the way the game is structured you could totally do this, in the settings, allow you to checkboxes off for each expansion and major content patch to block access to that content. So if you wanted to play through ARR you could just have ARR unchecked and play through it as if you were playing it when it first released. When you're done you can uncheck HW and play through it like the expansion just released. This way you can do it at your own pace. Then when you felt ready you could uncheck patch 3.1 and do that content. Then uncheck 3.2, and so and so on. Experiencing it as you would have when it was new. And it would be purely optional.