FFXIV Parsing: Does it MATTER?!

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@Rangar1997 7 ай бұрын
Numbers are nice, but the only thing that really matters is whether or not you can clear.
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
very true!
@edzerk 7 ай бұрын
All those sweaty tryhards trying to get perfect rotations while not knowing or wanting to understand mechanics and dying to them. Best DPS is alive DPS. This guy might be good and I got respect for them but as mentioned too by him, higher numbers have diminishing returns, it means really little anything above grey can clear most savage content. As.long.as.they.dont.die.to.mechanics. Also those personal numbers are also influenced by your party buffs, sure you can have a perfect rotation, and understanding of your job, but does the others too? Demanding the same understanding from others don't make you a pro. Also that pink, is not only your pink, is you with your party pink. This is why I don't like and I don't support the way parsing shows the data. It should be individualized no party buffs, no assists, nothing, show that you can play alone and perfect, I don't doubt you can, but this is what is interesting. In any case those numbers matter shit if you clear or can't clear.
@shaece798 7 ай бұрын
No matter what game you play people are going to try and find a way to be more superior than you, parsing in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter, but for some it's going to matter because other than pvp it's the only way they can have a competition against each other.
@thrillainthemanilla1409 7 ай бұрын
@@edzerkcorrect me if I’m wrong but isn’t that what adps is? I’m just getting into my first bit of savage content so I’m not deep into fflogs or anything
@Max44321 7 ай бұрын
My favorite line about parsing comes from a certain MisshapenChair youtuber, 'what do you call a gray parser in an ultimate? a legend'
@kohlicoide2258 7 ай бұрын
Because the real bad player dont clear that fight at all :D
@ryanatz3282 7 ай бұрын
@Arabassassin13 7 ай бұрын
This was a nice video tbh I’m surprised you don’t have a lot of subs. My personal opinion of parsing is that it’s a good tool to measure if the person is doing enough dps to beat the boss but I feel that raid group statics take parsing too seriously and forget that the player needs to have mechanic consistency too. When I was reclearing uwu, I would look at some peoples parses while waiting in pf and some of them had 98-99s in savage or a purple parse in the ultimate we are doing, but can’t survive simple mechanics such as titan landslide or doing the ifrit dashes on a consistent basis (not people who die once by mistake) I feel people should put more effort in understanding and surviving mechanics better. There’s also some people who use “tools” that help them with their rotation or tell them where to go and then try and dunk on people who have a lower parse than them. Besides that the only thing that matters in the end and what I love about the game is that sweet sweet ending cutscene of the boss blowing up and everyone dancing
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
I appreciate you saying so, hopefully I'll be able to reach more people this year! I do think parsing in general is almost like a minigame within doing a raid, at the end of the day clearing it in any way is all that REALLY matters but the optimization while not being even 1% more of a burden to the team is what I strive for when actually trying to parse a decent number
@pm_me_ur_gluons 7 ай бұрын
To be fair I'm so used to skipping dashes that I have basically no experience doing them properly. Even on prog I'd only ever see dashes if we had more than one death. So even though I have five clears I have no clue how to do dashes.
@Zezepo 7 ай бұрын
I parse for personal performance tracking. Fflogs has been really great for helping me understand what I'm actually contributing to a fight and having more feedback than the aggro list is better for me when it comes to understanding my performance. I used to think I was actually awful at bard, but I was very surprised when I was getting consistent blues and it motivated me to work harder on getting the right song timings and properly aligning buff windows. I'm not really an optimizer, but it has definitely been a fun experience and as I said before, it's good to have something informative to look at for feedback.
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
I think this is the best use of parsing, not just trying to get a better parse solo for ego but just to know that you are improving your personal gameplay
@littywitty5867 7 ай бұрын
Parsing can tell you if you’re playing your job correctly, it can’t compensate for your insecurities
@dianitestar1234 7 ай бұрын
@kaelothsgaming8199 7 ай бұрын
Parsing doesn't matter. What matters is whether or not you can do the mechanics.
@nazrynn3550 7 ай бұрын
Parsing as a concept doesn’t matter, but performance does, most content will gear creep to a point that most it will take is for everyone to not mess up mechanics, but good dps does make things so much easier, a group that can allow a lot mistakes/deaths/damage downs will overall have more success than one that it just takes 1 person getting a DD to enrage the boss. And this only gets worse the harder the content you do, many top parties will even enrage without anyone making a single mech mistake and if people feel the pressure that they need to perform better in order to meet these checks, that will overall affect the group consistency, so while parsing doesn’t matter, fflogs is a good tool to measure your own performance and see who is pulling their weight and who isn’t
@robertocortes8773 7 ай бұрын
@@nazrynn3550 This is always case by case. If we are talking Golbez ex, I care more about people doing mechanics than being 100% optimal. That grind is not worth the sweat. If it happens to work out great, but I've done enough pf to know that type of play burns out fast. On the other hand, in a fight like Ruby or Barbie's ex, I welcome the sweat because those fights just have so much downtime to heal. These are only examples and it really depends on the content. Sometimes people treat being optimal like someone does when treating everything like it needs a hammer. Learn to know when something is more important and if you can succeed with the hammer, bless.
@TheLogan1156 7 ай бұрын
I think what's important to talk about in regards to parsing is that parsing is a skill -- just one of many that you can use to qualify a "good" raider. Generally speaking, raiding can be split into two parts: progging and optimizing. Progging skill is far more important when you're trying to clear something for the first time, as FFXIV DPS checks are pretty lenient outside of a few exceptions. If you've ever hardcore progged a savage tier or ultimate on release, you know that you do whatever is most consistent to get that first clear, and then you start optimizing mechanics and rotations to max your DPS. Most people who can parse high are also very good proggers, but by no means is it a guarantee. I've done parsing, speed killing, and hardcore prog, and some of the best parsers I've played with have also been the worst proggers. Depending on which context you're evaluating skill, those people are either 1 percenter elites, or absolute garbage. Parsing only really matters if you're doing optimization raiding, like speed killing or parse parties. Fact is, your parse is your ticket in the door for those kinds of raiding. But outside of that, parsing doesn't matter at all. Even for hardcore prog, any serious group will care much more about your prog ability and ability to get along with the rest of the group than they will about the funny numbers you can collect.
@jacobharold3204 7 ай бұрын
TLDR, I think parsing specifically in XIV is 1% skill, 9% consistency and 90% crit RNG for non-rdps jobs, you need to add another 50% to count the performances of all of your teammates if you are playing a raid-buff job. I started the game in 5.2 and was super into parsing until 5.4. I tried in so many parse parties and still cannot get a pink for my p12s door boss, then one day I helped a friend of one of my static member cleared p12 and I got pink (actually rank 3 at the time) at door boss because I crited nearly 80% of my Wicked Talon. I stopped parsing since then, cleared TEA and UCoB in 5.5 and I noticed I have been so much better of a help in my group's savage/ultimate progs.
@hallowedgrave2360 7 ай бұрын
I believe you have it opposite. Getting to a ~85-90 parse is skill. Taking that 90 parse to a 99 is crit rng, team mates and kill times. On most fights, its doable to just get a 85-90 by playing well. Consistently. Calling it 'luck' to get a decent parse means that consistent high parses are impossible. However, if you are at the upper end of parsing, you don't care about the skill required to get to a 90, so that is why you think that going to a 99 parse is mostly rng, because you discount all the skill involved to make it possible in the first place. It's why a player who gets comfy purples, without grinding the fight, is probably just as good as a player who grinded out his 99 in dozens of runs. However, someone who consistently parses high, either only uploads selected logs, or actually knows how to parse and play well.
@misterbxiv 7 ай бұрын
Purple+ is entirely kill time dependent. If you kill right before a 2 minute you’re nor gonna purple unless you’re a healer, maybe warrior or dnc since there’s a lot of bad ones
@hallowedgrave2360 7 ай бұрын
@@misterbxiv Definately not universally true. Either I parse consistently with good kill times that are somehow still different, but if I don't mess up rotationally or die, I can parse purple every fight except maybe p12 p1, because I havent figured out how to parse that one. I play mostly caster tho (all versions). Also some reaper, paladin or ninja.
@iZombieMomo 7 ай бұрын
My personal opinion on parsing is, its nice to be able to see it. I use it to improve myself more the anything else but my static uses it to see whatelse we can do. Am I a high parsing player? Nope! I am normally high blue/low purple however nothing annoys me more then people who use their high parsers to be assholes! I seen some blue players work really well while some gold players do mistakes and blame everyone else 😅
@pm_me_ur_gluons 7 ай бұрын
From perspective of someone who somewhat consistently parses high purple in savage and has a bunch of 99s in extremes, no. Funny number does not matter at all.
@dadkwashere 3 күн бұрын
The people that clear fast are the ones who know the mechanics. Optimization comes after and some people wont even do stuff that theoreticallyis risky. Im not going to communio during the second AOE drops in phase 6 of TOP so ill cut the enshroud combo short on purpose Ill risk shit in savage but for ultimates I'm all over the color spectrum. Sandbagging and phase flow doesn't help. Quickly killing phases can ruin optimal rotations for future phases...but you can still clear
@thebrave9971 7 күн бұрын
Parses don't matter if you can clear They do however allow people to see the average damage of classes at various levels of skill, and the high end balancing (And the current tragedy of Caster dps) if used right
@leifktaylor Ай бұрын
Parsing matters in 2 cases: 1) everyone is doing the mechs correctly but you are still dying to enrage 2) for many players, clearing content isn't our end goal. Our end goal is mastery of our job, and fflogs is a game within a game. We are bored with vanilla and want the extra challenge of going for a pink parse.
@kohlicoide2258 7 ай бұрын
"A Parse is worthless when you cant clear the fight" For me is consistancy way more importent then this imo overrated number, sure its importent to make big damage but wiping because you are to greedy is worse, i see it in TEA P4 when Obtain Stillness is the first in "Final Word" most of the time atleast one dps die because they think "Nah i can use one more attack for my dps!" You dont want in Ultimate Prog People that just survive in 1 of 3 case because they must push their parses. In this Rank 1 Drama with Xenosys he also say that in his way. Prog > Parsing Thats also the reason why most of my first kill parses are _terrible_ grey green most of the case because im more focused on playing every mechanic right to dont have a wipe in the last part of the fight, when im more comfy with the fight i starting to also play more risky or already know which mechanic i have to play in this burst window etc
@aerophage 7 ай бұрын
Parses don't matter because they tell you nothing about consistency. Parses are a game. I would rather raid with someone who parses grey but can clear every run than someone who parses orange or pink but will wipe for an hour between clears.
@CafeCreativeYT 6 ай бұрын
Anyone with proper savage and ult experience has all seen their fair share of 99s and 100 parsers absolutely crumbling in prog and destroying groups Just because its a easily available and visible statistic doesnt mean its evident of any player skill, it just means you hit a good rotation, had uptime and got crits and buffs. The really good players in this game you'll encounter and they have all kinds of skills that dont have a score associated with them. like prog speed, mechanical mastery, team skills, consistency (maybe the most important skill in all of raiding) and skill to adjust. "Just do your dummy rotation and you can clear any content" - Arthars
@lifeiaskedfor 7 ай бұрын
Gratz on the fang btw. As a osrs and 14 player I approve having osrs footage too
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
did like 150 solo ToA's for my solo purple so I was hoping for something other than a fang but oh well lmao
@lucenttehmang 7 ай бұрын
as a first time gray parser these comments give me hope. use fflogs as a personal means to set goals and hit achievements (clears). Anything past that is a waste of time
@thatrandom_canadian 7 ай бұрын
For me it's always been a goal for myself to beat, a metric to improve on. As long as I can do everything right a clear is a clear, whether I orange or grey. My Savage or Ultimate weapons don't change based on my parse. For UWU I have around 13 clears, never got beyond a grey because I'm more concerned about doing my job and making sure we survive the mechs by shielding and healing before I worry about squeezing out damage GCDs, and I'm perfectly happy with it because that's still 13 more clears than most people have. Hell, I could have stuck with a job I was high parsing on for this tier but I chose fun over numbers and had a great time as a first-time-playing-it-in-ex+ blue/purple SAM.
@post-mastersodium3136 7 ай бұрын
Ah, my favorite as a healer. Things going good, keeping my dot up, using my movement tools effectively, feel like it's gonna be a good run . . . Any number of people die and now my damage gets to be spent on resses 😂
@John_President 7 ай бұрын
I love parsing for one specific reason. It gives me a number I can strive to beat, and by doing so not out of competition to others. Another bonus is that because it's imperial data, I can't imposter syndrome my way out of the achievements lmao.
@melissas4874 7 ай бұрын
Couldn't you just do this on a training dummy though?
@John_President 7 ай бұрын
No once you master a rotation on a dummy there is nothing else to improve on just press the buttons in the right order and nothing else. The stuff I like the best is finding out how to maintain dps uptime while also doing tough fight mechanics correctly and consistently. It also adds a nice extra challenge while doing content. @@melissas4874
@Stevenhammer8 4 ай бұрын
Loved the video but you didn't mention how on rdps jobs the your parties skill will effect your parse. Playing with higher parsing players means you have more damage going into your buffs during 2 min ! Also team comps have a similar effect.
@BriahnAznable 7 ай бұрын
Ignoring the obvious answer of “a clear is a clear” the fact that so much of parsing can and is manipulated to pad shit means it’s really pointless to compare yourself to any of them. You’re gonna do more damage if you have more damage buffs. You mentioned that some people specifically manipulate them by sandbagging and whatnot. Another example is crit variance, In my Savage group if my Midare Setsugekkas just decides not to crit, I’m automatically doing worse through no fault of my own but if they crit consistently I get further and further ahead That being said people play for different reasons and if you got a full group of parsers and have fun with it, God Speed Little Doodles… however, if you’re gonna run ACT and shit on people in PF who are doing worse than you, go eat some trash. Thin or thick skin, no one wants to hear “Do you actually know your rotation???” and that instantly is gonna start aggro and probably end up killing the party as everyone starts to bicker Approaching a friend who wants to get better is fine, but telling someone you don’t know that they are shit is bonkers It really means next to nothing at the end of the day except to those that care like most things 🤷 its certainly useful for players who WANT to learn to be better to, seeing how rotations SHOULD be… but the dick measuring contest aspect is what makes me roll my eyes since it’s really just a 1%er kind of thing You’re already beating Ultimates which basically no one does… you already know you are good so really you’re just getting sweaty with other sweaters. I guess that’s why the drama boils up so hard because it’s amongst people who are passionate about it for whatever reason
@Sugar-bz5np 7 ай бұрын
Given what needs to be done to get high parses and even the sandbagging needed to get r1 on your job. I think personally parsing is like a well intentioned road to hell. Now I am mostly blue or green so ofc I'm gona feel this way. But I see how ppl treat players over there parses and I think it's completely idiotic. For some ppl parses are all that matter and these ppl are wat keep me off the more hardcore statics. At the end if the day wat is important is if you can do your rotation and survive the mecanics and clear. I've seen good parsers in p10 repeatedly die over and over. So. It's just not a good way to gauge people Take it from bardock. Even an average fighter can be a brilliant scientist
@mm1nt 7 ай бұрын
Can you make a video about how sprouts can get into ultimates? Resources and path to follow in a way Great vid!
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
I have a script ready to go for a similar video to this, wouldn't be so much RAW INFO but definitely walks through my journey getting to the point/doing ultimates. I'll definitely do this at some point :)
@KadaiGaming 7 ай бұрын
lmao the bit at 4:03 had me dying "he's gonna think you're a psycopath" LMAO real
@VeriothTervash 7 ай бұрын
Why do I always see reapers talking about Parsing in game?
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
its a conspiracy theory all reapers are sleeper agents sent to destroy the game, we're all evil evil people who should never be trusted. congratulations you've earned the truth through your sleuthing.
@ravindrarambarran6177 6 ай бұрын
The one major exception in my experience is healers. Ill trust even a 30 percentile healer more than a 99 percentile one until I've actually played with them. I've had far too many groups ruined because a healer (usually scholar) had to use 9 energy drains in a row while the rest of the pt is barely survives the initial aoes of a savage boss and their co healer is spaming gcd heals to try to keep the walls from burning down at min or close to min iL. The other issue I have with parsing in general is just static gatekeeping but at the end of the day there's always another static to apply to and that u didn't get accepted because of something like pf clear pt parses without any other criterion probably means you dodged a bullet more than anything else. personally speaking I'm the kind of player who only clears figts for gear and by the time my group is bis I'm sick of the tier and do not have the patience to continue reclearing it for the sake of prasing. I used to but when I realised back in the first tier of EW that the grand difference between a 80 and 95 parse was a whopping, massive, 60 dps on my main as a warrior... i just stopped caring almost entirely.
@xkarna 2 ай бұрын
I'm at a 62 blue for the first extreme with vali. What can I do to raise it even higher?
@rylois 7 ай бұрын
I was the sage in the c43, thank you for the help ❤
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
congrats again!!! glad we were able to get the clear (+1 totem for my alt too)
@lazyyfox7914 Ай бұрын
I used to be broilingway, but now I grey parse so my co-healer can purple...
@luminaire69 7 ай бұрын
At the individual level, logs can help you figure out how to improve your gameplay, which I feel is the right way to be using logs. When it comes to recruitment, I wouldn’t prioritize parse numbers. Like sure, an orange number would be a nice bonus, but if the initial clear is off-patch, or if the overheals are way too much, or if a tank doesn’t use his mits, those are huge red flags to me. Parse numbers don’t matter if you don’t clear a fight, and people who do sus stuff usually make it harder for you to clear the fight. At the end of the day, for recruitment, it only matters if you are aiming for a fast clear (ie. week1-4) and ideally someone who is blue/purple who knows what they are doing is good enough. Parse monkeys are the worst, because all they do is grief the party during prog and reclears.
@oliverurbanik9647 6 ай бұрын
As far as i know - this would be against TOS. You are not allowed to use 3rd Party Tools and judge a players worth according to a number. We all have seen to what this BS has degraded wow into. There is a reason why this is not allowed. And it should stay that way.
@Virtual_C_ 7 ай бұрын
I feel like parses or numbers are basically absolute end-game content goals/awards for people who love maxing games. I would personally never bother with this kind of content but it's there.
@Triscraft 6 ай бұрын
Me and my static do parses. we compare our logs and analyze the numbers to find where we can improve and learn and get gud.. that matters to us! and we love it!... Whats this grey number next to my name? why does my friend have a blue one? MEH! Who cares?... anyway back to the logs! how many fire 4s did I cast this time? :D
@spetsu1 25 күн бұрын
In terms of parsing, its a good judge of how good of a player they are, but i would rather play with a green parse player who follows mechanics than a pink parse player that constantly greeds.
@akarose9893 7 ай бұрын
To add some credibility to my claims, feel free to look up my character. Akane Kurogami@Jenova I really liked the points you made on how parses do matter on a very basic and fundamental level. While getting oranges and pinks may be unnecessary or pointless, at least striving for purples should be the general goal of the standard raider. Too many people, especially casuals, have a negative connotation with parsers. From my experience, the vast majority of "toxic parsers" are low purple randoms who really believe 1 GCD is the difference between a 0 and a 99. They're the type of people to join a reclear and think that they are God's gift to earth and can do no wrong. Real parsers will host/join a parse PF or already be in a static/group. (Sidenote, I personally hate parsing Anab due to players who haven't cleared the tier joining parse parties and get annoyed when they are kicked. Yes, this can be seen as toxic but I'm personally not going to accept someone with three greys as PBs into my parse party) Frankly speaking since I'm friends with a lot of parsers, not to mention I'm in CERP (Crystal ERParsers), majority of serious parsers are normal people with higher standards. A lot of them I would consider good friends, and we do things like roulettes and we would never try to flex our numbers on someone or shit on them for having low savage numbers because it doesn't matter. Just the other day, I was in a p11s farm party and WHM was doing really subpar damage yet my SCH friend was saying how they're throwing everything at the wall to keep us alive. After a few wipes my SCH friend asks if they can coordinate heals to prevent overhealing and MP/Lily mismanagement. The WHM retorts with how they're not here for numbers which then turns to the entire party starting to berate me and my friend. By the time of the 4m window, we can see the WHM is at a decent amount of MP while my SCH has 2k MP and nothing remaining. As Eunonia comes out, they throw out a Recitation Spreadlo yet we still manage to die. Again, my SCH friend asks what's going on and the WHM replies that they don't have any lilies there because they used it all during pairs/LPs. At this point my SCH friend (who is an omnihealer) just tells them to move a lily away from thag and towards the Eunomia but the WHM refuses and it doesn't get resolved. We ended up leaving the party without a clear since the entire party had sided with the WHM as we were the big bad parsers imposing our will onto a poor little WHM. It's situations like these that can lower people's opinions on parsers when we're just trying to help. Thr WHM was clearly not understanding what needed to be adjusted and instead log checked us and then used it against us when we just wanted to add consistency and clear. A lot (not all!) of casual players and low end raiders don't understand how their classes work on a fundamental level, but get offended when offered advice on how to improve. I think this is a fundamental difference in mindset when it comes to high end parsers (specifically high end, as mid to low end parsers are often wannabes and should instead focus on their rotation/consistency instead) and casual players. Casuals are content with doing what feels easiest and comfortable as opposed to high end parsers who are constantly looking for ways to improve their play. This difference in mentality can cause the groups to clash as one may just be looking for the easiest clear (or in some cases the only clear) while parsers will oftentimes go back and analyze their rotation and optimize. (This does not stop people from critting out of their minds and getting a high rank randomly) Me, personally, I like going and spreadsheeting my rotation and planning things out beforehand. I even came up with a better rotation for RPR in full uptime fights but its marginally harder and a mistake could seriously break the rotation. I've ranted too long without saying much of anything so to summarize, casuals are too uncaring to practice or improve most of the time or they feel immense discontent from seeing someone perform better than them. Most high end parsers I've hung around are usually chill but they enjoy optimizing and pushing the envelope. Most mid to low end parsers typically are faux parsers as they do not fully understand their job yet or how certain mechanics in the game work (Buff feeding, killtime, thresholding, buff alignment, sandbags, etc) and should focus on expanding their knowledge base and practice their rotation. PS Seriously, why are casuals always the most toxic? It's always a casual who brings up numbers in a random roulette.
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
Definitely noticed this more often than not too. One of the first statics I joined after clearing UWU (they didn't know I had cleared), the first time I joined the VC a few of the guys in there went on this huge circlejerk about how they're glad they don't do ultimates or parse because anyone who does those things are huge assholes etc etc. You'll never guess who ended up being the toxic people in the static that lasted I think 1 solid week of raiding :D
@kumoko3728 7 ай бұрын
Hm yes very interesting story but what's that green parse on P11S sage (jk) Ok now seriously: fuck ppl who use parses against you
@akarose9893 7 ай бұрын
lol all my sge logs are from normal. but yeah for whatever reason, its always casuals who bring up numbers to talk down to someone. the only time ive seen parsers bring up numbers is when talking about ASP rankings and what is needed to move up in the ranks, or when hosting a party and making a parse restriction. the latter is picking up in popularity as currently PF parse parties are very very bad due to the overwhelming amount of bad players joining parse parties, not understanding what theyre doing. this might sound mean but i kick any player with greens as their best if they join my parse pfs because they should focus on improving consistency first as opposed to crit rolling in parse pfs. i get that this sounds hypocritical but imo the best way to learn is to ask around or study, then once you have a solid understanding you should put it into practice (usually in reclears first!). once youre more comfortable then you should be parsing. this does not mean greeding gcds in reclears, you should be able to play decently and get blues and purples in reclears.
@akarose9893 7 ай бұрын
deadass though. i was declined from an abyssos static for being a toxic parser when ive never spoken to them before and all they had to go off of were my asphodelos parses (which imo werent even that good). in anab, i couldnt find a static that met my expectations, or if they did then they didnt want me on rpr. i ended up lowering my expectations but was once again declined because i was a parser in some scenarios. i told them that i could play different classes and that all i wanted was a w2 or w3 clear in order to farm bis as fast as possible but they wouldnt listen to me. it is what it is, and at the end of the day i wasnt able to meet my goals last patch but i was able to learn a lot about other classes and optimized a bit
@Scerttle 7 ай бұрын
I know it ain't gonna happen, but I'd be happy to parse if it was built into the client. I generally have an aversion to using third party tools, but I have a few logs up from fights where other people have been parsing... it'd be nice to be able to have my own up there.
@robertocortes8773 7 ай бұрын
It's been talked to death. Objectively parsing is great, for the simple reason of seeing how to improve your gameplay. There is nothing inherently wrong with doing so and it doesn't break any part of the game. Hell, it would be really cool to have dps logs provided in the game. The problem is people who suck at mechanics will spend more time being sweaty than avoiding death or invuln stacks. On the flip side, the devs had to remind the community that it's bannable to harass someone when you've gone out of your way to log their DPS to feel okay to harass them? You could say the few aren't representative of the bunch, and I would agree that's true but at this point the culture has been nutured and that subsection of the community will never change. Parsing would be so awesome if fucking idiots didn't make the entire point a way of weeding out the lesser than players or as an excuse to die to mechanics. You can do that in your statics, but if you're in pf expecting high quality gameplay, bless your heart.
@Xion-Rotti 7 ай бұрын
You cleared Ryl Divine in UCOB? I PF’d UWU with them! So glad they got a cob clear!!!
@rylois 7 ай бұрын
Thank you!!!
@Xion-Rotti 7 ай бұрын
@@rylois Yooo! It’s Xion! You subbed for my uwu static!
@rylois 7 ай бұрын
@@Xion-RottiYOOO XION, I saw you on someone’s stream before in UCOB congrats on your TEA clear 🎉
@Xion-Rotti 7 ай бұрын
@@rylois Thanks!!!!
@motabon 7 ай бұрын
ppl really matter to this huh I realized that parsing is required to be in ultimate parties so long time ago, and at the same time me who did progress on ultimates except of a person who did 95 parses in savages and 97 in uwu K it might be a not a problem like "just don't care and enjoy raiding", but when you get a normal parse, they might be telling ya what you're even not trying to play and start harassing, so just quit parsing and get an actual enjoyment from a game
@InvictusTitanRex 7 ай бұрын
I Respect your opinion. But i also wanna share mine. I think Parsing Does matter to a degree. If you just wanna play the game - do ex trials or even savages depending how recently they were release - they dont matter unless its a Red flag grey to green only. For me Personally the only thing that i look for when i LFG or Find new players for my static is - whats thier avarage parse, how long did they need to clear a fight for the first time and how well did they do in the first few kills. When i see someone with 100+ kills on a savage boss (they are not that uncommon) and they DONT have a 99 or pink im scared because i think after that many kills you should do the boss while sleeping. Great video btw keep on going. Im going to the doctor now, need to check if i really didn catch the weeb.
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
At the end of the day it does just come down to mechanical ability, if I clear a fight first try with someone I wont go check to see what they might've parsed in the past because we cleared anyway so who cares. Just a tool that should and can be used for personal improvement imo Also be careful with the weeb its very infectious your doctor might be calling himself sensei next time you see him
@lightknightgames 7 ай бұрын
I think it's a very intrapersonal gauge of how you are doing. For me, the only parse I care about is the first 0 death parse. That is the only one that I really think shows my own personal skill and development. But if we look at people doing parse runs, I do not think it matters at all. You might look at it like a speedrunner, but I see parse hunting as spinning a slot machine. That is not something healthy and encouragable, nor prestigious. Some people find it fun, but I don't, and don't think it's healthy to pursue after a point.
@brynyolfxd3010 7 ай бұрын
At the end of the day .. its a VIDEO GAME .. anyone getting their knickers in a twist over rankings and numbers is a no life virgin/wife beater ... its GAME .. made to have FUN on YOUR OWN ACCORD not to shame others or be shamed .. dont EVER listen to anyone bytchin bout your "low numbers" (to those this applies to) you do you and to hell with the idjits suffering SRH ... not everyone is capable to memorize every single dynamic of every single encounter .. you pay for the game so play your way and enjoy
@Oni_the_Shadow 2 ай бұрын
for me the fflog just help me for my builds cuse im doing them on my own. also shows me just how i can work on my rotation. the rest is for me just stupid like lot said here. What helps 100 pars if the person dies to mechanics constantly or kill others cuse just focus to get more more 🤦🤦🤦 i mean had ppl parsing greddy that much they blamed for using limit break just get more dmg counted or jumped away from stack mechanics killing the others just for some more points on a irrelevant list 👍👍👍 ff14 is a teamplay and should be enjoy together if you need proofment go pvp or play something made for pvp. or at least no blaming others doin good with mechanics but not much dps. in the end clear is a clear and if you dont clear with high super pars what then all others were shitty?😂 thats my opinion and i stand for it even loggers hating to hear.
@excellusultimus4952 4 ай бұрын
Parsing ultimately is irrelevant due to the ubiquity of third party tools. Simple things like the ability to see raid buff timers, know exactly what mechanics are coming up, and worse the ability to literally see unseeable AOES on the ground, all inflate parses over players who use no such tools. Additionally, there are addons that will let you weave multiple GCDs, or even perform your opener for you. Yet these players are indistinguishable from people who play legitimately. So why even bother with a ranking system? Don't even get me started on the stupidity of healer parses.
@no00ob 7 ай бұрын
Hey, as someone trying to raid on an alt in the US from EU, what "help" do you use? Alex, Clippy or just a VPN? Something else?
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
ExitLag + NoClippy have gotten me to roughly the same GCD "feel" as playing on Light with about 30-40 ping. The movement delay (e.g. getitng clipped by AoE's you thought you were outside of) is a little better with ExitLag but the reality is you just have to adapt to learning to move earlier than others.
@no00ob 7 ай бұрын
@@ryaiart Thank you! I will look into trying these too. Great video btw I fully agree with your points.
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
you're welcome, really glad you liked it!@@no00ob
@RicardoSantos-oz3uj 7 ай бұрын
I prefer tryouts than parses. You can have a good parse and still be a terrible to work with player.
@getgoodscy 7 ай бұрын
i been on ps since i started playing and long story short, no
@popomipomi1024 7 ай бұрын
Parsing high is okay. Parsing high CONSISTENTLY is great. I think in shorter fights like extremes or savages, parsing will only represent the players' skill up until around the 90th-95th percentile. After that its pretty much out of your hands. If nothing went wrong, and considering you are best in slot, 90-95 is where you want to aim for for a "You did a perfect rotation. Parsing in longer fights like modern ultimates (TOP/DSR) generally means nothing depending on what class you play. It's no longer about doing the maximum amount of damage, but moreso only as much as you need to pass the phase. Green/blue parsers are the unsung heroes of ultimates. It's controlled damage output, and no longer "pumping for sake of pumping". In the end though, a clear is a clear. Consistency > luck. I will take a grey/green parser who will do the same carbon copy movements every single time, every single run, with no messups over someone who can pull off a 99 parse in one kill over 100 failed pulls/wipes. It's when you care more about the silly number first where things go wrong. The ultimate goal any GREAT player should aim for is to be both. Extremely mechanically consistent and parse medium-high(under the circumstance nothing went wrong). These players are the rare gems that are hidden about in the community. Even rarer if they keep humble. Do mechanic > get consistent > get comfortable > match rotation to fight > get high parse. Put in the work, number go up. They go hand in hand, so long as you strive to to keep getting better! Great vid!
@cannoli2442 6 ай бұрын
Parsing is cool but if you keep eating shit to mechanics in a reclear party then a higher number doesn't make you a good player
@AiryRyu 7 ай бұрын
I expect the vid was gonna be some clown yaping about this topic again cuz theres so many of that, but surprisingly everything here is valid. Finally a vid by someone that actually play the game and do content what a surprise if u actually dabble in it u dont just speak about nonsense, like the rest of vids about this topic.... 👍
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
pains me a little too when i see someone who is ankle deep at best talk about something so im glad you appreciate the actual experience lmao
@iHongster 7 ай бұрын
To me Parsing matters, I’d like my team to know how to play their jobs and understand their role, and see why everyone is dying to a mech if we need mits. I can’t bring players who are “ Super Casual “ who wants to do to TOP and doesn’t understand their role and know how to optimize their rotation. Like I can’t bring a team of 1% players with BIS on and can’t pass dps check but can do mechanic.. there’s an issue.
@spookch 7 ай бұрын
its good for helping yourself improve but other than that they're pointless imo
@Groof17 7 ай бұрын
wow that gunbreaker at 1:45 must be a very good (and attractive) player
@ryanatz3282 7 ай бұрын
@Groof17 7 ай бұрын
@suneh3498 7 ай бұрын
There's a point in your raiding eh.. path? that you learn that a player having a good parse after 500 kills or all the strats are already out and optimized is kinda meh. I have seen countless high parse people that are so bad in a prog environment, singlehandedly slowing down the prog either by being slow to learn mechanics, cant adjust quickly enough to prevent wipes or just by greed. And as a healer main, I can say for sure that there's nothing worse than proggin a new tier/ultimate with a co-healer that has a dps brain. Letting people die because they dont wanna use an extra gcd heal lol. Just thinking about it is giving me ptsd. But anyway, logs arent there just to see the pretty number. You gotta check other stuffs such as the time it took them to clear, when did they clear, did they die often?. For ultimates did they clear when it was current content or when the new gear/food was out?. For tanks u can check stuffs like their mit usage, for healers you can check their hps.. like, are they chad'ing their other cohealers and pushing all the healer responsability on them? There's so many important things outside of dps.
@kohlicoide2258 7 ай бұрын
Tbh most of the people just watch at the Number or have literally no idea how this data works The difference between a pink 99 and high purple 90 can sometimes bellow 1k People just complaining about "Muh numbers" but have no idea how irrelevant it is.. like "Oh no the Damage of DPS Job A is lower then DPS Job B! TERRIBLE BALANCING PLEASE BUFF!" when the _real difference_ is sometimes just 0,5% what is almost nothing When you are not a World First Raider or a Speedkill Group it _dont matters_ what you play, just play it good and you can clear Savage and Ultimates with every Job Most of my prog/first kill Parses are often terrible because Learning the fight > Play the mechanic clean multiple times with no problems > optimization. Thats are also the reason why Week 1 Strats are sometimes terrible, its not about to as much damage as possible just "clear the fight" Its the same problem like in WoW DPS Meters etc are great for improving the performance, but some idiots missused it to hide their small pp energy
@PositivityPause 7 ай бұрын
The game is easy af to get numbers with, it doesn't matter.
@BaghNakh1 7 ай бұрын
I feel like parsing is its very own mini-game of sorts, similar to how speedrunning is to other videogames. Parsing culture is a way to play the game but not necessarily "The Way" to play FF14's hard content. I see parsing on the same spectrum to a "no hit" DS3 runs or someone doing an Elden Ring speedrun. So I think the problem comes when people start to mistake parses, which is essentially pushing the limits of a "perfect run", and mistake those as if thats the bare minimum you need to achieve a clear, which is not the case at all.
@Zeecarter Ай бұрын
@FeralKobold 7 ай бұрын
I think your parses look good id bring you to a raid :)
@sagakun06 7 ай бұрын
no it's not, i have friends who parse and boy they are the most toxic people i have ever seen
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
sounds like you need new friends
@undercoverspy123 7 ай бұрын
No. Clear content stop being dramatic.
@skye4485 7 ай бұрын
parsing is dumb
@ryaiart 7 ай бұрын
you tell em Calvin
@Hammybread 7 ай бұрын
Ah so parsing just means you are a nerd who decided to make the game efficient and is a boring elitist who only talks to other elitists. This probably explains the reason why I am running out of mana when my co-healer is just going "I attak" with 80-90% mana while I'm the only one keeping the team topped up. If I could count the amount of white mages who NEVER cast a regen... Its funny to slowly stop casting heals and watching people drop just to see if the other HEALER will actually use their skills.
@poundtownlegend1564 7 ай бұрын
You shouldn't be healing that much. Even on WHM
@marcvsaurelius7570 7 ай бұрын
Healers should be healing as little as possible without any deaths. Thats the goal of healing. If a healer is doing nothing that’s one thing but it sounds to me like your overheal is so absurdly high they’re just taking advantage of it lol. This is a very “extremes are the hardest content I clear” mindset.
@zyvan3179 7 ай бұрын
if you are consistently running out of mana then you probably arent playing your job well. literally the only time ill run low is when things start going wrong and i need to start chain rezzing or hard recovering but at that point other things have gone wrong and should not be the standard metric. every healer has so many healing tools and mana recovery options its really easy to consistently stay at around 70%+. healers job isnt to keep everyone at 100% its to keep everyone alive if that is being accomplished they are doing their job. also regen is generally pretty unnecessary since the shield healers have a constant free regen. it should really only be used when you are out of other resources like lilies, asylum, tetra, benediction, benison. it can be useful for when someone has a bleed like in P10S and such even then oftentimes an asylum works just as well if not better. but otherwise there isnt a reason to press regen when your myriad other tools can do the job just fine. its mostly a last resort. either way with how you talk im sure you are just gonna label me an "elitist" and ignore everything i said. i dont even give a single fuck about parses either. i think they should only be used as a self improvement metric and people obsess over them way too much. like in the video he mentioned having a sandbag player just so everyone else can get a higher number. i think that is kinda dumb and bad play.
@xxomega702buzzalini8 7 ай бұрын
@@zyvan3179 I agree, Time is the metric that should matter if your team can kill the fastest than your doing the best, no holding back full attack. Having a sandbag to parse well is just doctoring #'s
@kumoko3728 7 ай бұрын
@@marcvsaurelius7570 me looking at my sage with 75% overheal
@OGYouTubeEnjoyer 7 ай бұрын
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