@Plottoberry 46 минут бұрын
I love the dance scene between Harry and Hermione, it made me tear up. It was very special to see. Luckily I'm surrounded by some make/female friendships that are very strong
@Plottoberry 50 минут бұрын
I'm a bisexual woman. I have plantonic relationships with men and women.
@zthomas4th 3 сағат бұрын
2:08 it's stated over and over again that the house elves don't want freedom
@zthomas4th 3 сағат бұрын
1:57 Harry would've split his money with them but he knows they'll never take it also he gave the twins 1,000 galleons in Goblet of Fire
@caseyhamm4292 17 сағат бұрын
i love the 30 rock annulment example because a lot of the questions he asked, i could totally apply to my brother and my sister
@petasekful 22 сағат бұрын
So uhm... No bitches, huh?
@randomcomment1667 23 сағат бұрын
Ok I feel like throwing this out there because the end got a little one sided. As a guy I tend to naturally have more female friends than male friends. But sometimes I notice that some of them are crushing on me so I play up my obliviousness in order to steer them away. As for the “friend zone rejection” thing. I also feel like that’s one sided. People are more focused on the “she said no so move on part” and not enough on the “you just got rejected take time to recover” part. Yes no means no and a guy (or anyone for that matter this isn’t gender specific) should and will have to accept that. But at the same time we should acknowledge that they had a crush and took however long to work up the nerve to tell you just to be hit with a wave of rejection and nonchalant responses because we might not feel the same for them. Things aren’t instantly going to be business as usual and it doesn’t hurt to acknowledge that for them it sucks. We should also normalize giving people space to sort out their feelings instead of painting them as villains directly after a rejection for. It instantly jumping aboard the friendship train. I had a gay friend who told Me he had a crush on me but it was after he was over it like a “fun fact” kind of thing. We still managed to be good friends after and he has a boyfriend now. This does not apply to people who overreact and get violent cause I feel like there’s gonna be some “but what about” people who might respond.
@Loneshrike Күн бұрын
I have an awkward issue with my relationships because i have a lot of friends of both genders - but i always thought i was getting hints from a few of the.... but due to anxiety, me being in a relationship at the time, and me just assuming I'm just overanalysing, i ignored them. After my relationship ended i found it that a lot of my female friends at one point did just straight up have a thing for me, and i just kinda friendzoned it because it made more sense. Which is a true shame because although they are still my friends, some of them i did really mesh with more than that and probably would've been a very good partner. But timing was never on our side, and most of them are in relationships, or any chemistry has just faded. But it does sway my opinion of female friends because now im much more anxious that any girl with any signs as before want to date me not be friends
@Mr._MatchIt Күн бұрын
Everybody thinks I’m gay since I’m friends with many girls. That just says a lot, at least in my perspective.
@trekrl2327 Күн бұрын
It's wild to spend so much time nitpicking Harry Potter and explicitly mentioning the books and movies while not knowing that Harry constantly wanted to help the Weasleys but they never accepted his financial support. Then you use a scene that isn't even in the books to make a point. You used TONS of examples of media where there were great friendships between all sexes and decided that people can't be friends because writers tend to make at least one romantic pairing with their characters.
@PersonManManManMan Күн бұрын
@s04p11 Күн бұрын
I had some guy friends in elementary school but ever since then, the only guy friends I've had were gay. So weird. I guess heterosexual guys don't like me 😢
@ryanfitzgerald9833 Күн бұрын
Maybe its my autism speaking but i dont get the distaste for this lack of separation between friendship and romance i think its like sexual preference or gender... A spectrum that people force to a binary. The best romances in my experiences werent the i knew when i first saw you type. They were the started as friends and then you looked hot one day type. These things are more fluid than most seem comfortable with.
@LionKimbro Күн бұрын
Why are gay men lecturing heterosexuals on their true feelings? What’s with all this “socialized” nonsense? Are gay men not really gay, just: “socialized” to be gay? Remember how that idea went?
@AforAwesome3604 Күн бұрын
I’m a girl, and I can say that I’ve never had a guy friend who is just that, a friend. Every time I get close to a guy it’s suddenly “I like you” and “I can’t be just friends.” So in my mind, boys can’t be friends with girls. Not for lack of trying to be friends, but all evidence in my life suggests that guys can not be friends with girls.
@glazecotton Күн бұрын
A great example of platonic hetero relationship is Mat and Bridget from Wheel of Time.
@glazecotton Күн бұрын
A great example of platonic hetero relationship is Mat and Bridget from Wheel of Time.
@hacim04 Күн бұрын
You mentioned that Harry and Hermoine make more sense in the movie and book, but then all of your examples are from the movies. I think this is exactly where so many people's issues with the relationships from Harry Potter stems from. The directors had a clear bias towards Hermoine, so much so that the favorite character after the first movies release shifted from overwhelmingly Ron to overwhelmingly Hermoine. They took away her flaws and added small romantic things with Harry pushed a lot of fans to ship them. When the later books came out and revealed that Harry and Hermione in fact did not get together, the build up that the directors added in led to nothing and they had to quickly change to Ron and Hermione. This happened with many other aspects in the movies like the burning of the burrow, the movie wasn't able to do anything with it because it wasn't in the books. Also considering the relationship dynamic, best friend falls in love with third trio member works fine but Harry getting together with Hermonie wouldn't because it would make his and Ron's relationship dynamic really strange, especially if him and Hermione ever broke up.
@ogerpinata-nu2th Күн бұрын
Im clearly wrong here
@PunkySpunky Күн бұрын
I also hate the mommy/daddy in sexual manners because it does make think of incest and I thought it was gross out because I grew up in the south
@PunkySpunky Күн бұрын
He forgot about the adam&eve because they have two sons but if we are from them it is pretty messed up to think how 3 guys and 1 woman in that story😅
@jasoncola6071 Күн бұрын
I can actually see the whole DeVillain left that mansplaining line as a placeholder and couldn't find anything decent enough to replace it because the alternative at 17:37 doesn't sound that great or organic either.
@SamS-zu8up 2 күн бұрын
Harry tries to give them money. He's rejected, and he's not going to force it and insult his friend deeply. They also have far more than he ever had until 11
@charlottefarrell9095 2 күн бұрын
this is one of the best, most nuanced, most unbiased discussions of incest in american culture I've ever seen. Thank you for honoring/mentioning the real life effects of abuse, while also acknowledging that the average person who indulges in incest porn isn't a monster but may be a part of the larger stream of rebellious cultural consciousness against puritan values.
@TurboBass 2 күн бұрын
I'm 2 minutes in and am going to comment this: Incest is wrong BIOLOGICALLY. The increased likelihood of birth defects are what make it wrong. There's an inbuilt function that normally prevents attraction. This does not apply to artificially created social structures wherein STEP siblings are suddenly part of the family.
@mjdally82 2 күн бұрын
No movies are funny anymore…
@foxytackernadel1249 2 күн бұрын
Me (female) and my friend (male) talked to my grandma once and later when I talked to her alone she said that he would be a great choice for me as a romantic partner which I already knew she would say 🙄. Then I claryfied that he is gay, two years yonger than me and I‘m not interested. I always hated such comments from my family emphesising how I should get together with a male friend. When I realised I was bi I learned what was actually wrong with the mindset forcing a male and female friendship to be together not platonically.
@hannnnahhahhahha 2 күн бұрын
Basing a lot of this off of the Harry Potter movies probably wasn’t the best way to go about proving your point. They really changed Ron’s character a lot in my opinion. A lot of his lines were given up and he was made into a vessel for comic relief. Also, Harry does try to give them money and give Ron money and they won’t take it. It’s an actual issue that comes up. He also gives Ron’s brothers a ton of money to open their business.
@panickysociety97 2 күн бұрын
I recently watched The Rookie and the friendship between Lopez and Bradford is A class. They make them almost act like siblings.
@gloriousgal9958 2 күн бұрын
Well, as a hetero woman I tend have an easier time being friends with women. I have no male friends. And knowing I would want a partner who could be like my best friend..I know I would probably develop more feelings for him.
@rosered5485 2 күн бұрын
Back in highschool, there was a guy in choir that I was friends with. I never thought about him romantically until o e of the other girls in the choir starts asking me about our relationship and my feelings. Apparently, a giy had told her that my friend had been talking about how much he liked me, so they wanted to know how I felt. This sent me into a little bit of a confused panic. Did I enjoy spending time with him? Yes. Would I go on a date with him? Maybe, if he asked. Would I want to kiss him? I didn't know! I'd never kissed anyone! Etc. Anyway, lomg story short, I asked jim about what I was told and ge clarified that her really liked me AS A FRIEND. I felt so relieved after that. We just went on with our friendship as usual, being goofballs, eating out at restaurants together occasionally, and having fun. Exactly the same as my friendships with girls.
@kleeblattchen38 2 күн бұрын
there are so many blatant generalisations made in this video, it's just as ridiculous as the people being criticized for not getting the point of Barbie... "Ken exemplifying typical male behaviour in relationships" excuse me, so you're saying all men are like this, like children?... "guys who like horses are cool but girls who like horses are weird", I have literally never come across anyone thinking that... "the absence of a father figure shouldn't be blaimed on the mothers" well of course in a lot of cases it's on the father but there are also a lot of cases where the mother is just as much at fault, you can't just universally indemnify all mothers and say "poor thing you've got so much on your plate, you share no responisibility, it's all on the fathers fault"
@davedsilva 2 күн бұрын
Friendzone means you are too ugly
@rateeightx 2 күн бұрын
18:52 "Better than Dune 1" is it though? Like is it really? To be fair it's been years since I saw Dune 1, And Dune 2 I saw, Well, This year, Obviously, And also I'd read the entire "Dune" book between watching the first and second ones, So that definitely impacted it, but I'm not sure it really was better, At best about the same quality imo. Although I should probably rewatch the first one to truly compare. Tbh pretty much every issue I had with Dune 2 was to do with things from the book that were changed/removed, Many of them I can definitely understand, Although a few, Such as removing Thufir Hawat (A Very Important Character, Yes even in the events that occurred in that part of the book), And compressing the whole timeline to take place over just a few months rather than the multiple years it took in the book (This one especially feels unnatural, I'm sorry I just find it hard to believe Paul gained so much respect among the Fremen, And experience as a commander, In just a few months, Even if it's like 8 which is pretty much the maximum it could be it feels too short.), Just make it feel like things are missing, And to my eyes makes the plot not run as smoothly.
@rateeightx 2 күн бұрын
9:46 Honestly, Speaking of, I didn't like the change that they made Paul drink the Water of Life under Jessica's.. Suggestion, I guess. In the book he did it of his own volition, And I feel like it just works better that way. (Also 9:56 I'm can't remember how well it was portrayed in the movie, But yeah Paul was fairly against starting the Jihad, I recall there was even one point where he was thinking he could kill himself, his mother, and the whole Fremen troop in order to prevent it, and that's the only way he could think to fully prevent it.)
@rateeightx 2 күн бұрын
Biggest flaw with Dune 2 was that it lacked Count Fenring tbh, I really wanted to hear someone try to say "Ummmmmmahhhhmmmm", Would've been killer cinema.
@jyurzan 3 күн бұрын
Romantic bad platonic good
@everydaybodybuilding2282 3 күн бұрын
stereotypes about white people = ok! stereotypes about black people = BAD
@everydaybodybuilding2282 3 күн бұрын
how do you make a liberal argument against consensual incest if both people are sterilized? You have to accept it as a liberal.
@Tt-qm2xg 3 күн бұрын
Dorohedoro is a manga series (and anime on netflix) with many amazing platonic friendships. Would highly recommend!
@davidhatred7275 3 күн бұрын
incest prn is just prn if you turn the volume down.
@SirVer51 3 күн бұрын
Look, I'm really trying not to be mean, but this is the second video of yours that has come up in my feed - the other being the incest one - and both times within minutes of starting it feels like your familiarity with the material you're discussing is surface level at best. 1:30 You'd have to be blind to not notice that they had a thing for each other well before that - it's practically screamed in our faces in Book 4. You could say that the attraction is there despite the lack of chemistry, which might be fair, except you say that it isn't there _until_ Book 6 - their chemistry/dynamic in the last two books is almost exactly the same as it was in the last two, just a bit progressed; either it was never there, or it was there the whole time, it can't be in the middle like you're suggesting unless you make a very good case for it. There are (many) valid critiques you could have given about how their relationship is handled, but you've somehow managed to pick the only one that _doesn't_ make sense. 1:46 This is directly addressed in the books - he would like to, but the Weasleys would never accept it, because while they're poor, they still have their pride, and they'd see it as taking advantage of Harry. Hell, he had to bully the twins into taking the money for their joke shop - that was a lot of money to give away without hesitation. Also, using this as a way to try and argue that he's a bad friend ignores so much of the rest of the books - I personally dislike Harry for how bland a character he is, but one of the few defining traits he _does_ have is how much he cares about his friends, even if gets it wrong sometimes (the house elf thing). And lastly, there's something incredibly icky about the idea that a rich person and a poor person can't be good friends unless the rich one is constantly trying to give money to the poor one - it feels like you're reducing them both to the size of their pockets, which is an unproductive and honestly shitty way to look at people, both fictional and otherwise. It's only two minutes in and there's already two major issues with the analysis, and worse, they feel like issues that could easily have been avoided with the most basic level of research. This was the feeling I had throughout the other video as well, and it makes it hard to take anything you say about the stuff I _don't_ know about seriously.
@TeresaVivesNiubo 3 күн бұрын
My point on this topic: 80% of woman and man can't be friends. Most peoples are NPCs, and they have not many lairs, one of the most basic human things that comes ingrained in our biology is reproduction. People that have basic interest and personality can only use their limited view of the world to interact, and they know no other use of the opposite gender than sex. Male and female friendships are only truly possible by people with some degree of complexity. Your average Joe think of women as sex objects, and the average women think of men as sex objects or as people they can use for attention. A real male-female friendship without pretensions can only be achieved by people who can see (because they also have it) the intrinsic beauty in the other person mind. Lots of men think that m-f friendship isn't possible because they think like chimps and couldn't have a female nearby without being horny fucks. Lots of women think of men as objects as well, and keep around chimp-like guys that want to fuck them for attention and call it a “friend”. Friendship is a strong word, and I think most people have superficial relationships instead of friends. M-f friendship is as possible as m-m or f-f friendship, it is just that true friendship is difficult to find, and most people being NPC and having no depth make the task of m-f friendship harder to become in average.
@adler_henry 4 күн бұрын
i feel like an interesting movie like this could be shang chi
@SebastianD334 4 күн бұрын
I also never had crushes on anyone and always found it such a weird question to ask, because it simply doesn’t make sense to me. 1. why is it so secretive? 2. why does seemingly everyone have a crush on someone, so much so that I’m expected to have one too? 3. why not talk to them, tell them you like them, whatever?
@SebastianD334 4 күн бұрын
As an ace (possibly aro too, depends on what counts as romance) this sort of stuff has always bothered me, the constant push for a girlfriend and sexuality. I remember one of my classmates always told me I should get a girlfriend (he had a specific girl in mind, who later became his girlfriend) and I just didn’t understand why, but he just kept telling me that it’s so good to have a girlfriend. I liked her, but only platonically, as I do with everyone really. Whenever watching movies or TV I always found it on when there were sudden romantic moves, and sex scenes have always been really offputting to me.
@deadhookerproductions1068 4 күн бұрын
> fucking insane thumbnail > click on video > fucking insane opening line
@somerotter 4 күн бұрын
Also, there’s an odd sidebar here in that the expectation of romantic relationships stemming from intimate relationships can go beyond heteronormativity - or instance, the language of cinema definitely led many people to interpret Sam and Frodo as lovers or into one another in that way; and not just among people seeking a couple to model themselves on. I’ve definitely seen homophobic people react aggressively to their relationship, just on the assumption that a relationship that intimate is fundamentally sexual.
@somerotter 4 күн бұрын
Despite some flirtations and situationships, the core trio on Buffy never spawn a real couple.
@NFSMAN50 4 күн бұрын
This popped up in my recommendeds. This is actually something that is very true. I've had lots of friends that were girls growing up, and I enjoyed their friendship. Did I think some of them were cute and attractive, sure, but I never wanted to push it further, because I enjoyed them as friends and didn't want to ruin the friendship. Some insecure dude bro type of people I knew would make fun of me saying "you are friendzoned by these girls" lol. At least I respected the ladies and saw them as human beings haha. I wish it was more socially acceptable for a straight guy to hang out with women, and have people not assume that he's Gay or friendzoned. Some examples I have are from the Classic TV Sitcom: Community; Abed had good platonic friendship with Annie. From Big Bang Theory: Sheldon had a good platonic friendship with Penny. Luna Lovegood and Harry Potter had a good platonic friendship In Hannah Montana, Oliver was best friends with Miley, but he got together with Lily. Stranger Things: Robin and Steve were good friends. In the Suite life, Zack and Cody had a good platonic friendship with London Tipton.