I got my Spanish citizenship!
Paterna Valencia (Spain)
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Apartment Tour: Valencia Spain
Life Update: I wrote a book!
Spains New Law for Digital Nomads
Spain and Brexit
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Barcelona Tour (Vlog)
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@LibraYall 2 күн бұрын
If you think British, Irish, Germans think Spaniards are white, you are sadly mistaken. Ive NEVER heard of Spain mentioned in the same breath as other European countries in the U.S. Ive NEVER heard Spain mentioned in the same likeliness of Rome or Greece. Ive never heard a White person refer to Spainiards as "We Europeans" or Ever express any relationship between Spain and other White Europeans. I NEVER heard ANY teacher or professor give credit to Spain for sparking the Renaissance via THE MOORS [of course]. In fact, Hollywood was calling Antonio Banderas LATINO and he is from Spain. The media and Hollywood grouped him with Mexicans and other American latino groups!
@crissixstrings 11 күн бұрын
I noticed it a lot the first time I went to Spain. I felt as though it was people letting me know I wasn't welcome. Then my flat-mate told me they stare out of curiosity and it was no big deal. The second and third times I went, I simply didn't pay attention to the staring anymore. Nothing ever came of it so just ignore it.
@XxxclusiveReviews 14 күн бұрын
Dude your brain washed.. showing non blks
@XxxclusiveReviews 14 күн бұрын
Bro stop showing those fake photos of pale skins
@justijusti3419 16 күн бұрын
Increíble la pregunta!!!! Cuánta ignorancia Sí,somos blancos y europeos
@yNr- 16 күн бұрын
Im literally a Moreno Spaniard
@TittyGoon 23 күн бұрын
Why are you gay? Stop being gay. Get a woman!
@HelgaKeune 26 күн бұрын
I've never seen a white spaniard in my whole life, most of them are something between rose and peach coloured. By the way, having been some time in Africa, I've never seen a black person, most of them were brown, some ot them of course quite dark brown, but brown.
@mestherolga 29 күн бұрын
El ser humano es una especie animal que no está dividida en razas. Las razas se derivan de modificaciones genéticas en los laboratorios, por ello, existen razas de caballos o perros( lobos genéricamente manipulados por el hombre) Soy española, tengo muchas pecas y mido 1,74cm de altura , en ni familia los hombres miden 1, 90cm, aquí en España hay mucha emigración latina y físicamente son muy diferentes físicamente como en costumbres y gustos. Lo siento, pero nunca he comido un taco o una arepa, que son?😂😂😂😂
@olekunyomak 29 күн бұрын
Hi kai, your hair looks amazing. What is the name of the spray the clinic gave you?
@johnriera7383 Ай бұрын
Most stupid question of the week..term..month.. year ????
@susanaescriba977 Ай бұрын
What is this obsession with skin tone? More specifically, whay they want to fit the dark skin tone in countries where it is not representative?
@KingChameleonsEye Ай бұрын
looool!!! i felt this way when i first moved here
@Kaisforeignadventures Ай бұрын
@@KingChameleonsEye 😂😂😂. It's so strange until you get used to it.
@KingChameleonsEye Ай бұрын
whew chile, i just saw the title and clutched my pearls LOL
@Kaisforeignadventures Ай бұрын
@@KingChameleonsEye 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@conchaverdasco1218 Ай бұрын
America should stop labelling people all over the world. Spanish people are white.
@blueswadeshoes4012 Ай бұрын
American education is trash. You would think that they would teach us this in Spanish class .
@elisanunezaguirre7944 Ай бұрын
A los españoles, ciudadanos blancos, nos encanta estar bronceados por el sol. Eso es lo que nos preocupa el color de nuestra piel. Nuestra raza no se caracteriza por esa estupidez, se caracteriza por la bravura, familiaridad, sinceridad, pasion, alegría y saber vivir. Por el legado que dejamos en la historia y por los personajes españoles historicos que nos representan, desde pintores a escritores, cientificos, descubridores, etc. Tenemos una de las historias más ricas de Europa y del resto del mundo. La opinión que puedan tener algunos iletrados e incultos nos importa muy poco. Historicamente siempre han tratado de rebajar nuestra valía y lo último que me quedaba por oír es que no somos blancos y hasta que no somos europeos. Para nosotros no es problema, porque con ser españoles nos sobra y basta. ¡VIVA ESPAÑA! ¡VIVA NUESTRA RAZA! ¡VIVAN NUESTROS ANCESTROS QUE HICIERON DE LOS ESPAÑOLES UN PUEBLO Y UNA CULTURA RICA E IRREPETIBLE!. ¡Y VIVA LA MADRE QUE ME PARIO (rubia y de ojos verdes)!.
@auradb1140 Ай бұрын
En el momento en que se le da respuesta a un ignorante una neurona muere....
@ehigiepelumi6977 Ай бұрын
Hello Kai, thank you for the explanation always, I am a new subscriber and I have a question about one of your video from 2 years ago My question is this, I just got my student visa to study in Spain, and now my wife is pregnant , which she will give birth in Spain(all things being equal). Does this mean our child can apply for citizenship after clocking 1 years of age? And what’s the implications on we the parents (both from Nigeria)
@Kaisforeignadventures Ай бұрын
@@ehigiepelumi6977 Generally Spain recognizes the child as having citizenship of its parents. The exception is if the child is stateless meaning the child can't get the nationality of its parents (this is nationality by presumption). Otherwise the child can get citizenship after one year however, this won't affect the parents in any way. Children can get nationality if their parents have it, but not the other way around. So parents can't get citizenship through their children, but they can get residency by applying through arriago familiar.
@ehigiepelumi6977 Ай бұрын
@@Kaisforeignadventures thank you very much
@ehigiepelumi6977 Ай бұрын
Hello Kai, just watching this after 2 years, nice job My question is this, I just got my student visa to study in Spain, and now my wife is pregnant , which she will give birth in Spain(all things being equal). Does this mean our child can apply for citizenship after clocking 1 years of age? And what’s the implications on we the parents (both from Nigeria)
@rolflin Ай бұрын
It's cultural Not a problem
@rolflin Ай бұрын
Uff 😂 que les den
@kalifatokata Ай бұрын
In small communities we like to know what is going on.
@kalifatokata Ай бұрын
Spain had black university professor in early 16th century, in the US black could not attend universities up to the 20th century.
@kalifatokata Ай бұрын
All these things, Latino, etc make no sense, how can American people be Latino?, they may call them that, but they are definitely not Latino.
@egutiguti3337 Ай бұрын
Existe mucha ignorancia al respecto, muchos piensan que hay mezcla con norteafricanos, judíos y gitanos, no es cierto para nada, tendrían que estudiar historia y también genética. El ADN ibérico es mayoritariamente, de norte a sur y de este a oeste, R1b, Atlántico europeo, con poquísima mezcla con norteafricanos que tienen el E1b1b, nada que ver. Los gitanos llevan en España más de 600 años, pero nunca se han mezclado, ellos siempre han vivido en su propio mundo con sus propias leyes y costumbres hasta hoy en día y si un español se casa con gitano, automáticamente pasa a ser uno más de ellos e insertarse en su mundo. Con los norteafricanos no hubo mezcla a penas, ya que en la edad media estaban prohibido Los matrimonios mixtos y estaban muy mal vistos también. Tras la reconquista de la península ibérica por Los cristianos, Los musulmanes fueron expulsados de la península al igual que los judíos, esto viene en los libros de historia, está súper demostrado. Y para testificar todo esto, existen los estudios genéticos, donde se atestigua que en España el ADN es R1b y además uno de los más altos porcentajes de Europa, después de Irlanda, Gales y Escocía. Otra cosa es que también es un pueblo meridional europeo mediterraneo al igual que el resto de países de esta franja mediterránea. Pero pensar o creer que no son blancos es una solemne tontería y de mucha incultura y desconocimiento, asi ocurre con muchos norteamericanos, que cuando vienen de vacaciones aquí, se llevan una sorpresa y su cabeza no da para comprender lo que ven, que están ante españoles tan europeos como los demás, algunos morenos y de ojos marrones y otros rubios, con ojos azules y hasta pelirrojos. Hay que visitar este país para darse cuenta de todo esto, sólo lo digo por ese tipo de personas que creen lo contrario, la incultura entre otras cosas se quita viajando.
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
De que parte de España era tu abuela? Puedes tener pasaportes de EEUU y de España.?
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
Yo soy blanca 🫢🤔🤨😪...😂
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
Kai, de que trabajas en España o estas" jubilado"? 😊 En España todos los niños quieren, aman al Rey Negro. El de los Reyes Magos de Oriente que traen juguetes a los niños buenos. Los Reyes que adoraron a Jesús en Belén.
@Kaisforeignadventures Ай бұрын
@@anacasanova7350 Soy profesor de inglés 😃
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
En España ningún policia te disparará por ser moreno y tener el pelo rizado. Si te enfermas serás atendido en una de los mejores sistemas de salud del mundo. La sociedad es amigable y si eres buena persona te ayudará en lo posible. Tienes agua potable en cualquier lugar de España. En America, y en casi cualquier lugar del mundo no sucede. Los alimentos son saludables , baratos y controlados sanitariamente. Las bebidas y restaurantes en general son baratos. La ropa. La vivienda es cara en la mayoria de España , porque vienen 82 millones de turistas, la mitad de ellos repiten cada año. Eso si debes tener minimo 2000mil€ al mes para vivir. En Filipinas o Colombia o México es más barato.😊
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
La chica del supermercado un loro 😂 hay que decir....tengo prisa....adiós. Lento.....depende..... Los conejos, ardillas son muy rápidos. Los robots son lentos. 😂 2 horas en el Banco.....Hay cita previa para pedir hipotecas y consultas complejas. Hay cola de 10' para cosas sencillas. Soy española. Los americanos sois muy raros😂😂❤ sois rápidos como las ardillas y lentos como los robots ? 😂
@Kaisforeignadventures Ай бұрын
@@anacasanova7350 😂😂😂
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
Los cubanos mulatos o casi negros no tienen problemas de racismo. Ni en Cuba ni en España. 😊 son alegres , simpáticos y trabajadores, no tienen complejos. Su cultura es española. 😊
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
Los norteamericanos / as, son gordos y gordas , y con obesidad mórbida. En España también sucede pero de momento en menor cantidad. Es una desgracia estar así es como un cáncer. Mucho que ver con alteraciones sicólogicas de nuestro tiempo y muchos pasteles y dulces y poco ejercicio.
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
Que manía con el recismo en España, no es la raza, es la cultura lo que nos hace diferentes. TODA América es más racista que Europa. Hasta África es racista contra los blancos, por resentimiento. 😊
@rommelmanson9212 Ай бұрын
"Latinos" of Quebec are white , "latinos" of Haití are black 😂😂😂😂
@bettylaguapa Ай бұрын
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
Tambien hay españoles chinos, filipinos, negros, y Hispanoamericanos de origen como peruanos, bolivianos , cubanos y hasta judios ,hay españoles de todos los colores como en USA .AUNQUE la mayoria somos blancos europeos mediterraneos .😊
@anacasanova7350 Ай бұрын
Como son ignorantes, preguntan si somos blancos los españoles y que son los portugueses chinos ¿ jajsja. Los árabes son blancos pero morenos, y bronceados por el sol como los egipcios, turcos, argelinos y marroquies . Esta claro no son europeos, excepto los turcos .
@auxerre-jl9uc Ай бұрын
@jgonz260 Ай бұрын
Read this carefully: Spaniards (people from Spain) are white, as you would expect since they are European. Hispanic is a made up term by Americans and Canadians. It is not a race. And it is a confusing term that does not mean very much. In North America if you are brown (meaning that you are mestizo, i.e., mixed blood European-Native American) and speak Spanish, you are called Hispanic. There are other "Hispanics" who speak Spanish but are not brown, rather just white. These people in North America are lumped into the white population until the system realizes they speak Spanish or have a Spanish last name. Example, the Hollywood actor Martin Sheen whose real name is Ramon Delgado, or the famous Raquel Welch. They are of course white except they would have been called something else only because they speak Spanish or have a Spanish last name. They "became white" automatically overnight just by changing their name, which is a sad commentary about this society we live in. In comparison, the Jamaicans and other Caribbean people who are black and speak English are not called "Anglics". Latinos are all the people and their descendants of Latin Europe, including Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Italians, and Romanians. The ultimate Latinos are the Italians since Spain itself was invaded by Celtic populations and the Visigoths whereas Italy has a more pure Latin population,
@romeufrancisco7041 Ай бұрын
Portuguese here. American whole racial classification is simply outrageous. I am Latin by culture "latino" in my language, and so are Italians, Spaniards, French (sort of) and Romanians (sort of). The latin culture was brought to the Americas and basically, the anglo-saxons living in the US decided to just make a jest of all those people that lived in Iberian ex-colonies and called them "latinos" because they were latinized. THEN they associated it with a "brown" race. It's ridiculous. And then americans though, oh, wait, it may be derogatory, so let's call them "hispanics". Next thing you realized Brazil was not Hispanic, but of Portuguese cultural ancestry (or "Lusophone" as we say here). And then Suriname, Guyana, etc added to the confusion, hence "non-hispanic" latinos wtf?! (btw, Surinamese are certainly not latinos as they were never controled by a latin colonial power...) And what the hell do you do with someone mixed left and right for generations? Can you put it in a box, oh, ya, there's "mixed". Pure nonsense I tell you.
@LauritaLaliitaa Ай бұрын
Its spanish no spaniards😒 and yes we are white.(White race, caucasians and caucasoids, same dna.. all races have a bit differences in fenotipes and characteristics) (And some canbemoreolove or can tan easily) Latino comes from latin and roman empire, the places where the romance lamguages xomes from latin and places that descend and r part of thr roman empire are the real Latinos but no call them as that (spain, portugal, france, Italy, romania) Latinoamericans called themselves latinos and anothers by a oldliar to divide the spanish empire. They rhispanoamericanos or iberoamericanoss better , (portugal and spain was hispania and iberia in the past, and even actually r the iberian península ) Spaniard also was a lie and an insult to the spanish.
@bilbohob7179 Ай бұрын
Spaniards are Latino like almost half of the Europe... of course in the original sense of the word, obviously in the USA it means ... I don't know exactly, what it means for you? A fantasty race?
@marceloriverorodriguez6911 Ай бұрын
Guanches is not a lost civilization .They're mixed with spanish and other europeans like portuguese , Genova , French and others .But these like the main ones .Thet don't dissapear.Many of them were slaves that spanish took them to América and the spanish mainland .Also took them to Madeira ( Portugal ) .They are here but mixed , some more pure than others .But they are not lost civilization , what are you talking about man ?
@Kaisforeignadventures Ай бұрын
@@marceloriverorodriguez6911 I've lived in the Canary islands for 5 years. Most of my friends are Canarian. They even took me to the museum in Gran Canary to learn more about the guanche people. I even learned that I descended from them through an ancestry test, but they are considered extinct. They were absorbed, but they don't exist today. There are small traces of their culture, but as the people they once were don't exist today just like the Tainos in the Caribbean. If they were here like indigenous Americans then yes they wouldn't be extinct, but that isn't the case. I have been to almost all the islands in Canarias and have never met not one person who identified as guanche.
@XxxclusiveReviews 14 күн бұрын
They isisted... they are the black Americans is the usa... Im proof... they hated us.. so they hide our identity.. we are the lost tribe...
@TheGaztela Ай бұрын
Español , europeo y heredero de Roma y Grecia
@fuenmonzo Ай бұрын
Our main ancestors were iberians and celts, then we have roman, greek , germanic, arabic etc invasions. What is being white? We are Europeans but our skin is more prepare to sun than that of the northern Europeans, though I have many friends that will never get tanned, my mother actually.
@crissyhearron2021 Ай бұрын
Wow, that was beautiful and intense at the same time. 😊😮
@Kaisforeignadventures Ай бұрын
@@crissyhearron2021 It was very intense. The video really couldn't capture all the intensity haha 🤣
@hamzasajjad5510 Ай бұрын
Hello Kai, I am legally residing in spain as a non EU national, and my kid is born in spain and has spainish nationality, can I apply for the spainish nationality on the basis of my kid and how long would it take
@Kaisforeignadventures Ай бұрын
@@hamzasajjad5510 Unfortunately no. Parents can't get it through their children, but children can get it through their parents. This is something I hope they change in the future so maybe one day my mother can get citizenship through me.
@AdamColderley 2 ай бұрын
Any clubsbin fuerteventura caleta de fuste
@sandrasgotvoice 2 ай бұрын
Looks like a great weekend! Alicante looks beautiful, and clean. You look happy Kai!
@Kaisforeignadventures 2 ай бұрын
@@sandrasgotvoice Thanks Sandra. I had a really good time. It's definitely a place worth visiting.