Joel Gregory   Session 1 mp4
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@GVan1953 23 сағат бұрын
9/11/1458 Islam was stopped at the gates of Vienna.
@sulekangi 5 күн бұрын
Anybody that died while believing in the fabricated stories of crucifixion and the burial and the resurrection of Jesus of the Bible, your salvation is a game of chance and you will never make it to heavens , hell fire will be your final abode . The bible says 👇 1 Corinthians 15:12-18. But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are LOST.👈 Now 👇 Was Jesus truly crucified? Capital No 👇 Allah mentioned In Quran 👇 ( 4:157-158 ) That they say ( IN BOAST) we killed Christ Jesus the SON of Mary the MESSANGER of ALLAH: they killed him NOT, NOR CRUCIFIED HIM, but so it was MADE to APPEAR to them, and those who DIFFER THEREIN are full of DOUBT, with NO (CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE but only in CONJURE to FOLLOW, for of SURETY they KILLED HIM NOT but, Allah RAISED him UP to HIMSELF, And Allah is exalted in POWER and WISE In Quran ( 3:54 ) Allah said that 👉 unbelievers PLAN to KILLED JESUS but Allah PLANNED to SAVE Him because Allah is the best of the PLANNER👇 Were the writers truly not in conjectures, fabrication, fallacious etc. as it's mentioned there above in that Quranic passages? Let's Read your bible in the way of questions and answers 👇 How many woman that visited Jesus tomb In the early morning?👇 Mark 16:1-Three women visit Jesus’ tomb: Mary Magdalene, a second Mary, and Salome Matthew 28:1-Two women visit Jesus’ tomb: Mary Magdalene and another Mary Luke 24:10-At least five women visit Jesus’ tomb: Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, and “other women.” John 20:1-One woman visits Jesus’ tomb: Mary Magdalene. She later fetches Peter and another disciple When did they arrive? Again depends on which gospel you read. Mark 16:2-They arrive after sunrise Matthew 28:1-They arrive at about dawn Luke 24:1-It is early dawn when they arrive John 20:1- It is dark when they arrive What was the position of the stone? Take your pick. Mark 16:4, Luke 24:2, John 20:1-The stone in front of Jesus’ tomb had been rolled away Matthew 28:1-2-The stone in front of Jesus’ tomb was still in place and would be rolled away later How many angels at the tomb? Take your pick. Mark 16:5-The women enter the tomb and meet one young man in there Matthew 28:2-An angel arrives during an earthquake and rolls the stone away, and sits on it outside. Pilate’s guards are also there Luke 24:2-4-The women enter the tomb, and two men suddenly appear - it’s not clear if they are inside or outside John 20:12-The women do not enter the tomb, but there are two angels sitting inside What did the women do? Take your pick from the gospel that suits your view. Mark 16:8-The women keep quiet, despite being told to spread the word Matthew 28:8-The women go tell the disciples Luke 24:9-The women tell “the eleven and to all the rest.” John 20:10-11- Mary stays to cry while the two disciples just go home👇 Can God be the author of confusion that inspired the biblical writers with all those above contradictions on the same issue which they all witnessed at the same time in the same spot? 👇 Q 17:81 the truth arrived and the falsehood perished, and it's surely bond for falsehood to vanished by it's nature “Woe, then, to those who write out the Scriptures with their own hands and then, in order to make a trifling gain, claim: “This is from Allah.”0 Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they thus earn.” (Al Quran 2:79) . WHAT YOU CALLED NEW TASTEMENT BIBLE TODAY IS NOT A SCRIPTURE BUT THE WRITINGS/ MEMOIRS OF THE APASTOLS / HISTORIANS THAT WERE IMPOSED ON PEOPLE AS SCRIPTURES.
@sulekangi 5 күн бұрын
@lorzeraj5477 5 күн бұрын
You are right about Koran, now just go one more book, and you will realize is all manmade.
@janloose8016 7 күн бұрын
The Roman Emperor Theodosius I declared Christianity the state religion in 380 AD with the Edict of Thessalonica. Constantine declared Christianity out of the criminal sphere
@medoa.r8821 7 күн бұрын
Jay you are sick but islam will succeed
@tinyad7180 8 күн бұрын
Research expose the truth ... Many fear it ... What is behind the moon ...
@danielrobbins9776 10 күн бұрын
Wow.....hypocrisy in its truest form😂😂😂😂
@bradhumphrey9933 11 күн бұрын
Between classes with DR Daniel Janosik and the recordings from DR Jay Smith, ooh, what a powerful education has been provided. God’s blessing upon both men and the other men and women who put it on the line every day.
@sulekangi 11 күн бұрын
Christians Jesus worshippers are naturally dunces and dumbs people and they are actually under the controls and influences of the unclean spirit the devil . Allah is a unique name of our creator, the creator of heavens and the earth, god is not the name of our creator and is not the same thing as our creator. For the sake of communication we agreed when the word [god] is written with a capital letter [ G] (God) is referring to Allah our creator otherwise god is not the name of our creator, god is not a name but an adjective that described the name. god is an English word that means an object of worship, anything that can be worshipped by man is called god , an idol is god, a Cow is god , a Tree can be called god if it is worships by man, but those objects of worship can never be called Allah because Allah is unique name of our creator He does not share His name with anything or anybody. The statement of Shahada is true and correct when uttered in English language ,i.e. There is NO god but God , the former [god] can be an Idol and the later [God] is referred to our creator Allah subhanahu wataalah.
@sulekangi 11 күн бұрын
Christians Jesus worshippers are naturally dunces and dumbs people and they are actually under the controls and influences of the unclean spirit the devil . Allah is a unique name of our creator, the creator of heavens and the earth, god is not the name of our creator and is not the same thing as our creator. For the sake of communication we agreed when the word [god] is written with a capital letter [ G] (God) is referring to Allah our creator otherwise god is not the name of our creator, god is not a name but an adjective that described the name. god is an English word that means an object of worship, anything that can be worshipped by man is called god , an idol is god, a Cow is god , a Tree can be called god if it is worships by man, but those objects of worship can never be called Allah because Allah is unique name of our creator He does not share His name with anything or anybody. The statement of Shahada is true and correct when uttered in English language ,i.e. There is NO god but God , the former [god] can be an Idol and the later [God] is referred to our creator Allah subhanahu wataalah.
@smokert5555 12 күн бұрын
The answer is no. There is no evidence outside of philosophical arguments and none of those get to a specific god. And generally speaking, they all assume the god they are arguing for.
@drstrangelove4998 12 күн бұрын
Islam is trying to get into the west for centuries, the occupation of Andalusia, the battle of Tours, the siege of Vienna
@Nazmul.hossain1991 13 күн бұрын
This man hates Islam in his heart and tries to say everything that can be said against Islam Because those who listen to him have no knowledge of Islam, the hatred of this man spreads among others. All the hatred and lies of this man will vanish in front of Dr. Zakir Naik. Have a once in a lifetime debate with Dr. Zakir Naik.
@leodegariobocong9175 13 күн бұрын
Now I know that joseph smith comes from Dr. Jay Smith hahaha 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 God bless you Dr Jay Smith more abundantly.
@grahamash62 14 күн бұрын
Blessed are those who have managed to avoid Frank 😂
@johmad9893 14 күн бұрын
get out of that nonsense Islam.
@johmad9893 14 күн бұрын
Faith is not mathematical no Salvation in Islam nonsense mathematical what full of lies .
@John-jd8vx 15 күн бұрын
we know miracles are possible? lol. what a charlatan
@leodegariobocong9175 16 күн бұрын
Our God is not allah, because our God has a Son and He's name is Jesus the Christ and allah has no son, cause allah is Satan the deceiver, qur'an chapter 3:54
@zandanshah 18 күн бұрын
Understanding Quran, is a case much higher. Lot of real solid education is required, not like getting education from WhatsApp university. Or pretending to be from one.
@raymonheath1436 19 күн бұрын
All religions are man-made, there are no gods!!
@BessieOscar-e6b 19 күн бұрын
Martin Frank Harris Jessica White Jason
@davida.h4258 20 күн бұрын
There is Christian Prince... Amazing debaters also
@jeangatti9384 21 күн бұрын
There was never a prophet called "Muhammad" or even a city called Mecca, it is a late invention of the hadiths. The word “muhammad” in the Quran (meaning “the praised one”) and which appears only 4 times, is not a proper name but a title that refers to Jesus, as a prophet and messiah. The entire Islamic narrative is a sham.
@anthonycasey2429 22 күн бұрын
If the old testament in any way is wrong, then how can the New Testament be without question? Christian Muslim and Jew are people who believe what they want to believe. Facts derived from supernatural storytelling are not facts.
@HenriettaKerr-g1u 23 күн бұрын
White Jessica Martinez Thomas Wilson Jessica
@yakubugowanmagaji1346 24 күн бұрын
The Only thing that will make some one to become a PAGAN live like these IDOL WORSHIPPERS who call themselves MUSLIMS are those who can be easily Convinced by FAKE RELIGIONS LIKE ISLAM. BOUDHIST, JEHOVAH WITNESS, MORMON OF JOSEPH SMITH, they can be easily be Convinced by their FAKE RELIGIONS.
@yakubugowanmagaji1346 24 күн бұрын
I Wish God had created me to spread His gospel like Prof. JAY SMITH on thîs planet EARTH.!. Lord give us the Grace to do your Work in this World like SAM SHAMOUN, JAY SMITH.AMEN.
@yakubugowanmagaji1346 24 күн бұрын
Who on this planet EARTH is so Very unintelligent to believe that, ISLAM is a TRUE GOD'S RELIGION ?. Only MUSLIMS in this World, Can be DECEIVED that ISLAM is GOD'S RELIGION, But despite all the evidence Very clear that , ISLAM, is a FAKE RELIGION, Created by the DEVIL through an ILLITERATE MAN CALLED MOHAMED, who can not even READ OR WRITE,and his FAKE gods can Claim that, ISLAM is a TRUE RELIGION. Claiming to have REVEALED to him by GOD and all MUSLIMS in the WORLD believed him, when it is clearly not true. They Copied 80% of their SO-CALLED REVEALED REVELATIONS from the BIBLE and other ETHNIC GROUPS. And they claimed that the QURAN came directly From GOD in HEAVEN ?. For God's sake, Who can be so STUPID not to believe that, this RELIGION Came From the DEVIL?. The DEVIL has succeeded in getting BILLIONS of ILLITERATE people to HELL. Lord have Mercy on these ILLITERATE PEOPLE.
@flanzydias7718 27 күн бұрын
Six years since this video was published online, now in 2024 and it seems things in UK and around the western world have got much worse as alluded to...seems like people of the UK and the west were only listening without actually paying attention...sigh
@justthev9074 27 күн бұрын
A lot of people hate this man for 0 reason. But as the world hated him, so did the world hate God first! One thing people can’t say is that he doesn’t make sense. He does. His arguments are extremely reasonable
@davidrsmith03 28 күн бұрын
It’s not hard for Mormons to say yes to becoming a Christian….because we already are. It’s called the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It’s so weird when people claim Mormons arent Christian. All of the rituals, the Book of Mormon and Sunday worship are centered on Christ.
@MereEdgeMinistry 28 күн бұрын
Stop speaking in God's name - you deny the truth of the Bible & 6-day creation. Repent, stop teaching such error and leading peoiple away from the true God.
@poul-erikvolke3251 28 күн бұрын
Well i read a cartoon called “iznogood” and wanted to become kalif instead of the kalif. I have feeling of his Muhammad. Jesus talked about the 7 deadly sins but Muhammad embraced all and found/created loop holes to get what he wants. If he can’t get it, jihad hehehe. Why are their own scholars so blind ???
@DudeDesi07 29 күн бұрын
Where is the following quote from? which book? “Islam, as we know it, did not exist in the 7th century, but evolved over a period of 200-300 years” (Humphreys 1991:71,83-89)
@woof6114 Ай бұрын
To please their Allah - Perform pagans rituals, kiss a blackstone, be dead in fear and works, and play tue victim card by commiting taqqiyas and attack other non believers, even if they are righteous. Also making a mistake means you are in trouble (nuh uh 🤢🤮) To please Yahweh - Confess, have faith, love him, never feel forced and trust in him, and may the holy spirit guide you to do and produce good works, even if aren't perfect and fall down 🙏 God loves us, we aren't his slaves, we are his followers ❤
@donaldwhittaker7987 Ай бұрын
Prof Jay sounds convincing, and I suspect his knowledge is sound. But he should speak as a scholar, not a Christian because one cannot be both. Religious scholarship has bias whereas genuine scholarship has no ax to grind. If all of his lectures are factual then I for one am impressed. Either way, I have learned a lot here. Thanks very much.
@rob30823 Ай бұрын
Doesn’t it bother Muslims that Muhammad was in a cave and no witnesses to what he saw? Why didn’t Allah speak to him ? Then say he’s the greatest deceiver The moon split isn’t recorded besides in the Quran The Kaaba with no other writings to prove who built it Mecca has no archaeological evidence before Muhammad was there So many to list and yet they are blind
@alirageef Ай бұрын
@powerplay9702 Ай бұрын
Now that you have successfully debunked the theory of Islam….would you extend the same spirit to uncover Sanatan (the very base of present day Hinduism) which is dated 7000 BC ? meaning what was the way of life before Christ ? yeah we have enough evidence to support our claims…you know it Sire. Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, I am sure you heard these references…if you please so…would be grateful if you could shred some light🙏 welcome to India where it all started…welcome home❤
@thyts1mystyle Ай бұрын
Excellent this reminds me of speaking to a Muslim woman that quoted a violent passage from the Quran and I responded with Psalm 2, when she heard that she was interested in Christianity. Our strength is in Jesus Christ.
@sciencefollower Ай бұрын
J. Smith took very long to proove Islam is false because at the time, he has to prove Christianity true. But if you think all religions are man made and have wrong concepts of life and universe, it takes a few minutes to prove Islam is a false religion.
@sciencefollower Ай бұрын
God . Angels . Gin . Devil . Heaven . Hell and Doomsday are all mans own thinking. There is no reality in such beliefs.
@mimigetu888 Ай бұрын
@JedJohnson-k3c Ай бұрын
Yes i agree. Trinitarian Christian's God IS different than the Almighty God of Muslims. AND of the Jews who know God as the God of Abraham and had the special privilege of being his people from the time of being freed from Egypt till the time of Christ. Being his 'special property ' he never revealed himself as a Trinitarian God. AND he is the same God of many Christians who accept Jesus as the way to God but understand he is not worshipped AS GOD. We are Christian who are followers of Christ Jesus, imitating his example, living by his words and giving all the praise and glory to God the Father. Your right, your God IS different from ours. You worship a Trinitarian God. That's your choice. The big question is, does God Almighty find your worship exceptable? Would Jesus find your worship exceptable? Ask yourselves these questions when you you pray (not recited prayers, but prayers from your heart, humble prayers) and when you read the scriptures thru whom God reveals himself. There will come a time and I believe it is soon when we will all be united in praising God, our Creator. Thankfully God is patient with us all. Keep up the good work!
@LindaClark-s2q Ай бұрын
The Quran was given to the Prophet Muhammad by angel Gabrielle from Allah. It wasn’t just written by the words of man’s thoughts
@driekkus1 Ай бұрын
May GOD bless you Dr Jay
@sharonericson480 Ай бұрын
Maybe I missed it. Were the Dead Sea Scrolls mentioned? Or the early prophets, founding fathers of the 1st and 2nd Century? Many have been found but I wonder how many caves were robbed of manuscripts that were removed centuries ago.
@masha3352 Ай бұрын
"The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential People in History" (Michael H Hart, 1978) Read the book and you'll find that Mohammed is the 1st ranked.