Finding Your Internal Reference Point
Success That Doesn't Satisfy
5-MeO-DMT vs. Therapy
5 ай бұрын
Open Awareness Meditation
5 ай бұрын
Metta / Loving Kindness Meditation
@prahslra 3 сағат бұрын
Yes to what you’re describing here. Experiencing a post-journey tightening of the ego’s grip, an insistent loop of negative thoughts about “my” life. And this insidious ego steals from me any ability to do anything to improve my situation. It’s unbearable. The only way to dissolve this madness, is to trick myself by doing something very small, simple and easy. Simply lying down and making myself do slow deep conscious rhythmic breathing. In for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4, repeat. It works. Surrender to the breath. Focus on the rhythm. This simple thing quietens and liberates the mind.
@MegHumper 23 сағат бұрын
the 5th dimension is satans heaven. it's not good. it's not bad. this lady gets it. good to experience now instead of dealing with it after death. understand the 6th and make 7th heaven here on earth. then study, and prepare to cross the river.
@Soulbird22 8 күн бұрын
In the spirit of a constructive dialogue, I offer my reflection after watching the video a number of times. I can appreciate your perspective on the use of 5-MeO-DMT, highlighting potential risks associated with quick and unintegrated experiences with the substance, often in what they describe as a "drive-by" style, where individuals don't have sufficient preparation or integration. The video's message seems to push for a more structured, prolonged, and facilitated experience, particularly in the context of an expensive retreat environment, while subtly criticizing less extensive and possibly less costly approaches. Here’s my breakdown of the situation: The message is both valid and concerning. On the one hand, they’re right to emphasize the importance of preparation, integration, and a supportive environment, especially when dealing with a powerful substance like 5-MeO-DMT. Quick, poorly integrated experiences can indeed lead to psychological distress, unresolved trauma, or confusion. However, it’s important that this cautionary advice doesn’t morph into fear-mongering, creating the impression that only high-cost retreats are “safe” or “valid” spaces for using these medicines. There seems to be an underlying marketing tactic here that uses a passive-aggressive tone-perhaps to instill fear about alternative (often cheaper) methods-while promoting their retreat as the ideal or only safe environment. This approach can create a false sense of exclusivity, where those without financial means may feel discouraged from seeking alternative avenues for healing or experiencing the medicine. Healing, especially with psychedelics, is not one-size-fits-all. While the structure and support of a retreat might be invaluable for some people, others may have profound and successful experiences in less formal settings, guided by trusted individuals or in more accessible formats. The affordability and accessibility of these experiences should not be gatekept, though the need for preparation and integration is universal.
@enfoldinstitute 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for your thoughtful message. This is indeed a tricky situation. With certain psychedelics like mushrooms, we believe that a large percentage of the population (with nuances of course) could and should have very low-barrier access and can safely work with these medicines with friends, or in peer-led containers. When it comes to 5-MeO, we liken the experience to brain surgery, except that it's on the soul and the nervous system. I don't think everyone should be offering brain surgery. I don't think there should be brain surgery offered without proper preparation and aftercare. The risks outweigh the benefits. I get that on the flip side, accessibility is a challenging issue. I am concerned about the amount of people accessing 5-Meo in Tulum for $100. I do think that is incredibly high-risk. Besides the dysregulation, the rates of sexual assault and other abusive conditions are awful. We're in a position where we hear from people all the time about these experiences and how they have negatively impacted peoples lives. It's tough. I also know about many more experienced practitioners that are mid-range cost and refuse to offer any integration support. I personally question the ethics of that, but also understand the complexity of managing your time and energy with limited resources. In general, I think people need to understand that the stronger the medicine, the more preparation and support they should have in place. You never know when 5 is going to completely flip your world upside down. I spoke with a very advanced spiritual practitioner who spent over a year trying to recover from a drive-by five experience. He had to take a leave of absence from his work, and his entire life and health was disrupted. This type of experience is not rare. I wonder whether people could focus on less risky substances if they don't have the means to access proper support. And "the means" also includes what you mention: "less formal settings, guided by trusted individuals." Many people don't have access to such a thing. It's also a privilege to have a community of that has experience and knowledge in these areas. The majority of people out there have no idea how to find or assess the safety of practitioners out there. With time, the general public will become more educated and there will be a better framework of support resources (which is why we invest in making all this content). 5-MeO is still a very new medicine and should be treated with extreme caution and reverence. I completely agree with your last statement. There is no one-size fits all. There are many seasoned psychonaughts and spiritual seekers that don't need the amount of support we offer. I agree the accessibility of these experiences should not be gatekept as you mention. The reason we invest in all these videos and the other support content on our website etc (all free) is to support folks having less-supported experiences. This is part of our contribution to harm-reduction along with the research we're doing and the protocols we're developing that will eventually become public.We also work to create accessibility through scholarships and other means. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate the considerate dialogue. Blessings 🙏
@vojtechsubrta6810 12 күн бұрын
Great garden. Do you have any animals also?
@enfoldinstitute 6 күн бұрын
Not currently but we dream of the day when we have the time and energy to have some furry friends.
@vojtechsubrta6810 6 күн бұрын
@@enfoldinstitute great, you can get chickens also, they are amazing :)
@Fuckruen5 14 күн бұрын
love these trip reports! keep them coming
@vojtechsubrta6810 14 күн бұрын
Hi, i have 5 meo dmt at home. Tried it couple of times on minimal doses. Its too much for me now, i am terrified and not feel ready. I had couple of intense expierences with lsd, but th 5 meo its so fast. Do you recommend making the doses higher gradually, or using lsd more until trying normal dose of 5 meo? Thank so much❤❤
@enfoldinstitute 6 күн бұрын
5-Meo is perhaps the one psychedelic that should never be done in high-dose alone. There are too many variables and safety risks.
@vojtechsubrta6810 14 күн бұрын
Great. Didnt hear it from anybody else yet. Its so good.
@LoveBirch 23 күн бұрын
Love it! ❤
@mandellan 24 күн бұрын
Your breathworks are the best I've ever done. You truly create inner journeys. These should have million of views. Will more sessions like this come?
@vojtechsubrta6810 26 күн бұрын
What do you recommend to keep this energy from the expierence? After lsd, the glow lasted for couple months, i wasnt doing much meditation and stuff like that, but the expierence was so intense, i couldnt throw it away. Thanks ❤
@mandellan 26 күн бұрын
This was something else. Thank you!
@enfoldinstitute 24 күн бұрын
@bigbud88 27 күн бұрын
man stand up to the government or there ain’t going to be no home
@brithozierhozier4718 Ай бұрын
I've had 4 full realeases with 5 which was life changing but, i do question if it can be somewhat of a hinderance as we really should be connecting to god naturally via absloute stilling of the mind but its taken about a year for this realisation since my experience with 5! I love to know your thoughts on this ?
@enfoldinstitute 6 күн бұрын
Both are important. If you only have the peak experiences without the daily practice, I think you miss the real impact that is possible.
@Affenhandski Ай бұрын
I didn't watch the video because your question is obvious. The answer is: As often as possible. Try to create as much free time as possible so that you are always in a different world.
@enfoldinstitute 6 күн бұрын
Why comment when you could have spent the time doing psychedelics?? 😁
@nataliebutler Ай бұрын
After 5-meo-dmt, even though I don't often meditate, if I did, for weeks afterwards I would almost go back to the peak unity experience which scared me. The original experience was actually traumatic as I just wasn't ready physiologically or psychologically to let go to that degree. Now a few years later I have started to meditate again and the same thing is happening. It seems this 'after effect' is unusual and I *really* blasted myself open. I'm not sure what to do about it, other than try to get over the fear of dissolution somehow.
@enfoldinstitute 6 күн бұрын
A great book to explore might be "The End Of Your World" by Adyashanti. It sounds like you're having a challenging time stabilizing an awakening experience. Also "Healing Kundalini Symptoms" has some excellent meditations and resources in it to help ground your experience.
@StephenPhantom Ай бұрын
Great stuff !!! my country of Australia has started work with the dying, and Psilocybin. Good to see others at work on this vital tryptamine class of molecules and their amazing properties for healing, and managing mental suffering !!!
@easterneagle5 Ай бұрын
The first time I tried 5MEO I took more than I probably should have but I overall enjoyed the experience and felt like I gained some amount appreciation from it. I took 3 big hits, held each about 8 or so seconds, laid back, and let the experience happen. I consciously remember all of it and it's the only psychedelic that has let me experience a degree of ego death - something I am normally resistant to. The second time I tried 5MEO, about a week after the first, I made a serious mistake. For one, I took about 2.5 grams of shrooms about 90 minutes before hand. I often do this with normal DMT since I find it lowers the breakthrough threshold, slightly calms the chaotic energy of the DMT experience, and also prolongs the duration while making me feel more conscious and aware of the minutiae and details of the trip. With 5MEO it did largely the same thing. Having some shrooms in my system when I did 5MEO was wonderful and is genuinely one of the most blissful and euphoric experiences in my life. The visuals I got on the shrooms + 5MEO combo are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen in my entire life, which is incredible since they largely lacked form or shape. I don't regret doing this and I very much going to make a ritual of this - albeit one not to do often. But. I did not know about 5MEO reactivations or about the lingering side effects that it can have, as normal DMT does not have these side effects. I also did a lot more 5MEO. I did three cycles of three hits of 5MEO, taking five or so minutes after each experience ended to access my mental state and safety before redosing for the next. In total this would have been nine hits of 5MEO over about thirty minutes. But the effects of the 5MEO lasted much longer than thirty minutes. If a normal 5MEO trip has an intensity of 100%, after about an hour after I had taken my last hit, it felt like the 5MEO was still at around 10% intensity. It's like I was stuck in a minor 5MEO experience that just wouldn't end. I couldn't sleep and while lying down and trying to relax and meditate I would find myself drawn back into 5MEO reactivations at about 70% intensity (which I did not know about so it freaked me out as I had no idea what was happening). I also made the mistake of doing this at around 5PM. Five hours after my last hit I wanted to go to sleep and I could not. It took 14 hours for that lingering 10% 5MEO trip to gradually reduce in intensity to about 2% such that I could fall asleep at all. I would continue to be wakened by 5MEO reactivations until about 18 hours after the trip, and I still noticed lingering visual phenomena and effects for a few days after. That was, by far, the worst psychedelic experience of my life. I was genuinely afraid that I had fried my brain and was never going to be able to sleep again. I was earnestly worried that I would never feel normal because what was supposed to be a 10 minute trip ended up lingering for almost an entire day. It made me take a full, two-week break from any psychedelics whatsoever and when I went back into it I did so carefully and gradually. Despite that, I actually really appreciate 5MEO. I don't know what it is about me but I don't think I've ever had a "bad trip" and rarely do I experience what people describe as ego death. The highest dose I've tried of shrooms was 13 grams in one dose after a two break to reset tolerance, and as wild and insane as that experience was I remained in good control of myself and was self-aware of myself. There's a certain, "to control your trip you must let go of control," mindset I think I find easy to adopt. Part of the reason I wanted to try 5MEO is that I was worried that I was starting to not respect these substances. I've seen people have horrible trips and experience complete self-dissolution. I respect these substances a great deal and do put in work both before and after my trips to ensure I have recovered and integrated them, but I wanted to experience a challenging trip for no other reason than I wanted to know what they were like. If I didn't, I was worried my respect for these substances would fade over time. The actual 5MEO experience did not change this. 5MEO is intense and it really does make you feel the boundaries of your personal self-dissolve. But the immediate effects of the trip were largely positive - terrifying, but beautiful. What I appreciate more than the trip itself is actually that horrible 18 hours afterward. It's the first time I've taken a psychedelic and finally at long last been personally humbled. I still use 5MEO - though I absolutely no more than once per day, three days at max in a row, with a break of several weeks if not months between. If I rejected it wholly after my bad experience then I would have gained nothing from it. But I respect it and other psychedelics so much more now. When I do use 5MEO, I go into it after a period of self-reflection and preparation, and I take it in the mornings so I have time to let these lingering reactivations fade before I sleep later that night. Like with all psychedelics, if you can, the best way to recover from a bad experience is to see if you can learn something from it. Ideally though, you should be better than I was, and try as much as you can not to have a bad experience to begin with.
@easterneagle5 Ай бұрын
I don't think I often see 5MEO described as a purely blissful experience, but it is a very good idea to make sure people be aware that even more so than all other psychedelics, 5MEO must be respected and approached with caution. A bad trip on any other psychedelic (shrooms, LSD, N,N DMT, etc) can be unpleasant, but I think the odds of people genuinely being harmed by them are enormously low even after horrible trips. 5MEO on the other hand... yeah I think it has more potential for harm mentally, physically, and if you buy into it spiritually. The sheer sense of self-dissolution on 5MEO can be exhilarating and and terrifying at once. It feels like your entire sense of self and your perception of all existence gets shattered into infinite fractal pieces that meld together into a single whole. You can feel a profound connection with the universe and with eternity but also a sense of horrible emptiness and dread. The euphoria I feel taking 5MEO is unmatched by anything else but no 5MEO experience has been without its sheer and panic and fear. You cannot get one without the other. I do think that 5MEO is an incredible substance, and I think experience, confident, and humble psychonauts can benefit from it immensely. Integrating 5MEO experiences has (by my perception, to which it is possible that everything I say is complete funk) let me move on from incredible hardships. It's like it resets your personal held values and beliefs to nothing and then lets you pick and choose what things you want or don't want to continue believing in. Just don't fall into the trap of having 5MEO dissolve away your the values and believes in your life that you normally find appreciation in.
@vojtechsubrta6810 Ай бұрын
Its great to discover this in your life❤
@vojtechsubrta6810 Ай бұрын
Great description, i got 5 meo while ago and tried it couple times. Its so strong and starts in seconds. I need to slowly get to higher dose i am not ready yet. Your channel is great. Good luck man.❤
@susiehicks8525 Ай бұрын
I am one of the ones who has ended up worse than before... its been over a year. Can you help me?
@enfoldinstitute 6 күн бұрын
Hi Susie, sorry to hear this. There are a number of excellent integration specialists out there that might be able to help you stabilize your experience. One you might contact is Ladybird:
@susiehicks8525 Ай бұрын
I have been really destabilized by 5meo... its been over a year... I really need help😢
@enfoldinstitute Ай бұрын
Hi Susie ~ please reach out through our website 🤍
@Gaurav.P0 Ай бұрын
@DirkWrightxyz Ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with being isolated.
@enfoldinstitute 6 күн бұрын
That's not what we said in the video. However, if you felt triggered around that particular idea, perhaps there is something to explore there.
@DirkWrightxyz 6 күн бұрын
@@enfoldinstitute You literally said that being focused inward was wrong. That feeling isolated was wrong. That losing connection with others is also wrong. That is all completely incorrect.
@jadenisiah Ай бұрын
As someone who only smokes weed I think that this was a good introduction for explaining and preparing someone. Obviously one should know all the signs and risk of taking a psychedelic drug because it could go wrong at any moment depending on your mental. This was a good and clean video 🤎👏🏾 also love the minimalistic aesthetic
@enfoldinstitute Ай бұрын
Glad you found this helpful 🤍
@9650ambrosius Ай бұрын
The A B C of the base of psychology of the mind of humans is often neglected because of pride and vanity, because a lot of people think they are too smart to consider the possibility of a need to readjust the basics (at least some parts of the basics) of the psychology of the mind of humans. Levels of intelligence can, and do decrease at some point, at some moments, to levels of idiocy in this society. I will just mention flattening, in the sense of being stuck on the surface, being stuck with artificiality, being stuck with superficiality, in other words not being able to reach a real level, not being able to reach a level that's real basically. Turning inward is our goal in the sense that our goal is creating depth in the mind. As we all know (not all of us, but...) we strive to create depth in the mind, and beauty in the depth, we try to balance the mind, and we try to balance the mind like the natural well-balanced cycles that occur in nature in healthy environments. Don't let it get you down when you observe the state that mankind is in. It's just not true that we cannot open our eyes and observe painful things and testify to the world if we have a greater calling, a greater purpose, which is basically showing the problems to avoid that they keep stuck in vicious circles. As you may know, some authorities, some influential people will do everything they can to avoid the world getting to know the real problems that really narrow the base of the psychology of the mind of humans. Smart observers have a clear view on the lack of width in the base of the spirit. The lack of width in the base of the spirit is the first obstacle to remove in order to open the door that leads to the possibility of removing the lack of depth in the spirit. God is a teacher, and teaches people to find their own way to understand this. If you're asked to communicate a perfect microscopic documentation of life and the world, don't replace things that you're not 100% really sure of with how you would like the world to be, don't synchronize what you really see with how you would like the world to be. It's like this, like this , like this, like this, don't turn it, don't change it, because all the devils are on the other side. Light is the enemy of obscurity, solutions are the enemies of the problems, no matter from what angle you're looking at it, it's like that.
@ba2cinema Ай бұрын
Well damn...
@MaloMaloProductions Ай бұрын
Jack Kornfield: “After the Ecstasy The Laundry” Very helpful on this particular. He talks about deep meditators but also about those who’ve reached high levels of awakening via psychedelics
@urbiz Ай бұрын
interesting conversation, but way too many 'likes' though
@wzupppp Ай бұрын
Im trying to heal chronic fatigue syndrome, can this help? I feel like I lost control over my body
@susiehicks8525 Ай бұрын
Honestly dude, I wouldn't do it. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a symptom... and 5meo dmt will probably make things waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse on the psychological level as I believe CFS is a manifestation of undealt with trauma. If I could go back in time, I would NOT do it
@wzupppp Ай бұрын
@@susiehicks8525 I just did it and honestly feeling better. I think I even released some trauma
@wzupppp Ай бұрын
@@susiehicks8525 I just did it, im fine and honestly feel better too.
@SyNcLife Ай бұрын
Probably better to explore this with LSD or Shrooms first.
@AliceDDDD Ай бұрын
try vyvanse
@lennertverreth7667 Ай бұрын
The way he calmly expresses rather difficult personal processes is wonderfull. Such a delight to listen to. As wel as the thoughtful questions and the way she responds. Hope this channel will get more reach!
@enfoldinstitute Ай бұрын
Many thanks ~ glad you enjoyed listening 🤍
@anjalianangamanjari Ай бұрын
Sorry We are not God we are a infinitesimal part of God…..God does not need medicine , we do! …..God , Govinda is The Supreme controller , we are not…. Think about!
@bestialinvasion667 2 ай бұрын
I went a bit hard on lsd bc of electronic festivals, house gatherings. Always good to give yourself a brk
@Gaurav.P0 2 ай бұрын
Amazing conversation. 🙌
@bastiat8322 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you made this video! I've so rarely encountered someone who's done these psychedelics dozens or hundreds of times who seems "enlightened." They more often seem like people from the first category who are pretending to be in the second. The people I know who've really changed their lives are the people who use them sparingly and really think about and integrate the experiences.
@ChadKingOfficial 2 ай бұрын
This video was at 999 views. I'm the 1,000 viewer!
@BrightSideFX 2 ай бұрын
Words of wisdom
@ClearMystic 2 ай бұрын
Well said 👍❤ Maybe we could use the two concepts « awakening » and « enlightenment » to make a distinction between the experience and the spiritual path you need put effort in? I would say the 5-meo-dmt peak experience is an awakening. The start or trigger of the spiritual journey with a moment of realization, or an epiphany that reveals the interconnectedness of all things or the illusory nature of the self. Then the integration process afterwards, walking the spiritual path that involves not only recognizing deeper truths of the awakening but fully embodying and living them culminates to enlightenment. A profound shift in one’s way of being.
@anatta467 2 ай бұрын
Ive never met anyone that actually benefited from it. they'll always claim to, and act like they have some secrets from the universe. But the truth is, they are just avoiding emotional issues and now entity infested.
@kiewong4870 2 ай бұрын
Entity infested?
@vincentkeller4725 27 күн бұрын
@malkavianshow 19 күн бұрын
@@kiewong4870 Psychedelics makes your aura vulnerable, I know a yoga teacher who can see energy he recommand to stay away from weed and psyches.
@eveline2495 2 ай бұрын
I can resonate completely with your explanation. Thank you for this information . After 1 week the pressure on my brain is gone. My sleep was terrible with hot flashes and going back to the void of my trip. But like you said if you've had past trauma's you need to work deeper on yourself. What I experience as well is that my body seems to be disconnected as soon as I lie in bed. I have the fear of getting an out of body experience. Is this a common thing? Like a door has been opened and my meditation sessions are completely changed in a deeper state. It frightens me as I lose a grip on myself.
@desjardinsmk3 2 ай бұрын
This video is great
@enfoldinstitute 2 ай бұрын
Glad you think so 🤍
@the_last_advaitist 2 ай бұрын
I saw 666 subs, so I unsubscribed (665) and subscribed again (666). Now I am the 666th subscriber of this channel. Having taken 5meodmt 15 times in 5 sessions, I still need to open up to it fully grasp it. I am not ready yet again. But when time comes, medicine will call for me.
@garythmoxey2719 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for getting this out there. This a very usual misconception of the process, 👏 Thanks again
@Clairelouisehottie 3 ай бұрын
So glad to watch this. I had an absolutely terrifying experience with this a week ago. I now feel scared and confused and trying to make sense of things. My anxiety is through the roof. I've also been waking up screaming and talking in my sleep. I've been unable to meditate as its too noisy and my heart is racing. I resisted the medicine during my ceremony and was asking no no no stop to the shaman. I know I.wasnt in this place for a few minutes as I don't remember the first few minutes after the pipe but after that I was afraid, I was sobbing and crying hard. I did feel relaxed after the ceremony but I wanted to leave the space I was in quickly. My issues in life have been around addiction, trauma, abuse. I wanted a quick fix solution. But now I feel confused. I thought I would not wish to drink after my ceremony but I then proceeded to drink for a fee days. Yesterday and today are the first days i have not drank since the ceremony and I feel a desire to want to integrate my experience now and try and do the necessary work I need to do. In the last week there have been experiences that I have handled differently to how I would normally handle things. So wanted to be away from certain toxic people and a desire to be at home with my family rather than alone in my apartment so I have come home to my mother's home. A longing to be with my family and a strong desire to feel safe has come over me. It was good to watch this video as I had so much Confusion and fear around my experience as it felt terrifying and not beautiful as so many describe it. I wondered if I had done something wrong.
@blakesimon5318 2 ай бұрын
Magic mushrooms help with my anxiety, depression and PTSD. I feel at peace and do not have any symptoms of anxiety, depression and PTSD after each usage, coped mine from a trusted vendor.
@blakesimon5318 2 ай бұрын
@Anne_Onymous 3 ай бұрын
I've never heard anyone describe 5meoDMT as just a simple beautiful process (?)
@tristarperfecta1061 2 ай бұрын
Yeah. No. 😅
@superhumanryze 3 ай бұрын
Your vids are awesome bro!
@enfoldinstitute 3 ай бұрын
Glad you're enjoying them ✨
@juanmoretime7558 3 ай бұрын
Such an important step, no expectations, leads to better results, ironically.
@maryriley79 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your clarity. It helped me understand more about the process and variety of experience with this medicine. I am open to explore the healing process with the medicine. You answered a lot of questions!
@enfoldinstitute 3 ай бұрын
Glad to hear it 🤍
@Idualwieldhats 3 ай бұрын
Just listened on Spotify, this guy offers so much insight and teaches so many valuable lessons. Great listen!!!
@enfoldinstitute 3 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed this episode ✨
@superhumanryze 3 ай бұрын
Love your podcast!
@enfoldinstitute 3 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoy it! ~ ✨