Help The Little Ones by Gerry Watts
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Sing To The Lord Intro by Sam Hearle
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Living Water - Gerry Watts
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Journey Montage Cardiff 2007
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@john-dextertecson3688 8 күн бұрын
Much respect Sir Attenborough ✌️😉
@JoePizzi-i3d 9 күн бұрын
I’m deeply religious for a very good reason ❤
@LucienClark-dt1mf 12 күн бұрын
This guy is a leftist global warming fool. ..
@SaraTajalli-db9mg 15 күн бұрын
@SaraTajalli-db9mg 15 күн бұрын
@zacharyspinks6207 29 күн бұрын
Laurel and Hardy are Hilarious.😃👍
@rainerkohler3519 Ай бұрын
Die Beiden sind die Besten,die es jemals gab.....vielen Dank
@denisemaxwell51 Ай бұрын
Act 17:29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. Act 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
@oonaghhugh7107 Ай бұрын
Sir David IS a gift from God. He is practical. Different people have different gifts. I wish i had his gift for biology..but i have the gift of knowing God. I know God created nature, evolution, & free interact with the life he created. I thank the God of Moses that he created Sir David, whether he knows it or not. He is brilliant & wise enough not to deny God.
@estoforte388 Ай бұрын
I'd love to go tad-poling with Richard Dawkins and Sir David Attenborough
@lexi6081 2 ай бұрын
He explains so succinctly what I feel about my agnostic outlook. No matter which culture you visit, there is some idea of spirituality or a God. And as humans, we can only know what we are limited to-our five senses. We can't conceive of higher dimensions or see ultraviolet colors, etc. So, to say there is or isn't a God conclusively is not scientific; it's just faith
@kurthubbard-beale5003 2 ай бұрын
Sychophants here apparently really have no idea that these Establishment figures and their family ties that bond are distinctly comnected to elite Secret Society organisations mainly of course Judeo-Masonic Freemasonry, the Fabian Society, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and a hereditary Eugenisist, Supremacist-Evolusionist Darwinian mindset; to which they are so accustomed to. it is after all what is REALLY taught in the most elite Establishment school system. If even slightly unsure of what we're informing you about here, then you ought to research Bertand Russell, Aldous Huxley, HG Wells and a long long list of Establishment figures. This will of course also include Attenborough's friend referred to in this particular interview - Richard Dawkins..
@EvelynKnuth 2 ай бұрын
"If you seek Me you will find Me, if you seek Me with your whole heart. -God❤
@robertchaves6827 2 ай бұрын
just genius should be on tv today to show what comedy really is
@LucaGRizzi 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant mind. He may not like it, but by just saying "I'm not sure, I'm not convinced there is a God", he's already identifying as an atheist. Saying "I'm sure there's no God" is not the standard atheist view, that's called anti-theism. I'm an atheist and I'm not arrogant enough to say "I'm sure there's no one". I'm just not convinced that there is. I just think that the word atheist gets a very bad rep from religious people, so many don't feel comfortable adopting it
@bully3808 2 ай бұрын
The 2 comments directly below this were written by a Ghost Worshiper. They reflect the fear of the threat of eternal damnation should he dare to question the cult. Before I would be him/her ... I would rather be a termite.
@maxamedaadanaxmed1626 3 ай бұрын
His example of the termites not seeing every thing is exactly why we can't see god with our own eyes nor feel him with our senses.
@maxamedaadanaxmed1626 3 ай бұрын
When he meet his maker he will say i was wrong about your existance lord forgive me but its will be late and he will spend in hell for eternity
@JasonGeoffrey 3 ай бұрын
He knows now. Finally. Good luck down there David, you misguided millions of people in youe lifetime. Now you have your reward, congratulations. Say hello to the dude gave you your "title" while you're there lol. Classic loser.
@stephencraft2618 3 ай бұрын
Correct = Jesus Christ our Lord.
@ephraimmoye4772 3 ай бұрын
It's okay to say I don't know.
@ryanl8730 3 ай бұрын
The anthill analogy only shows that Richard has a reductionist attitude towards human life as he does to animal life. Humans are wonderfully made with a conscience (with knowledge) and do have the ability to know God, the choice is whether or not we fully engage the heart and mind to understand Him and His sovereignty. David is too stuck in his own head (intellect) to submit to the exist of God based on all the evidence, not proof of God. Psalm 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. John 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”
@gregk199 3 ай бұрын
I am with him. Exact same belief.
@philipcunningham9708 4 ай бұрын
God took the top off the termite hill and sent his son Jesus to give us the answer. Pray your Roseries my dear People. Holy Mary Mother of God came at Fatima to tell us the way to Save the World 🙏💓
@CeeLiberty 5 ай бұрын
I'll never understand scientists who can't still believe in the creator (God) of it all.
@zurienvandermerwe8294 5 ай бұрын
This is so wrong! I pray u see in the truth. The Bible and the word of God is the truth and the only truth. There are not many ways, but only one way. Only Jesus can wash us clean from our sin and we cannot enter heaven not being saved and cleansed from our sin and only Christ can do that if we accept Him and believe in Him. Only He is the only way and only saviour. It is not because we want to prove ourselves to be right in some sort of prideful state, but because it alone is the truth.
@TomCollinsRocks 5 ай бұрын
D.A. is a Naturalist-Atheist-Snob-all around too uneducated about the Bible and should never be allowed to speak about it ever again!
@gurdyalsingh5826 5 ай бұрын
I just love them
@jacksimpson-rogers1069 7 ай бұрын
if you worship no God, you are an atheist. If you're a Huxleyan agnostic who merely thinks there might be a god, and you don't worship Him, Her, It , or any of Them, you're still an atheist.
@giuseppeLizzi-rj3er 7 ай бұрын
I can’t make sense of my life
@iissacc 7 ай бұрын
the title wasn't lying, it really is him
@petersammons1236 7 ай бұрын
The termite hill analogy has its limitations. Whilst Attenborogh may knock the top off a termite hill and stare at blind creatures (BTW - did he put the top back on again?) , the Judeo-Christian revelation is that God, although being * eternal, omniscient, transcendently benevolent, personal, and omnipotent *, yet He desires to know us and for us to know Him. Strange as it may seem, our Creator God actually loves us and desires the very best for us. So He has made Himself known, and capable of being known. No blind termites here! Rather, people made ‘in the image of God’ (Genesis 1:27) and capable of relationship with Him.
@petersammons1236 7 ай бұрын
Don’t meant to be rude, but Attenborough is a closet atheist. His position has changed recently from hard A to soft A, but its still atheism. To respond to his objections, why do all “texts” have to be the same??? Why cannot we say on basis of observation and testing, that one ‘text’ is far more likely than others to be God’s true revelation (and yes, that means you have to come off the fence - and some people won’t like it). Why is God obliged to inhabit all religions? Attenborough once said that nature’s cruelty could not have been created by a God of ‘love’. But Attenborough ignores or forgets (or never understood) that this is a fallen world. Today it operates well outside it’s ‘design’ (I choose my word advisedly) parameters. That’s why there is suffering - and ‘nature’ is as fallen as Mankind.
@Artman1 7 ай бұрын
Where did Noah keep the termites on the Ark?
@howard5992 7 ай бұрын
stow-a-ways (?)
@richrumbaugh7235 7 ай бұрын
Total LOGIC !!!
@David-ro8nu 7 ай бұрын
He is so much wiser and flexible then Richard Dawkins.
@Nozthedon1 7 ай бұрын
The creator of everything and the design behind all creatures living on this earth and in the heavens and all within the 7 heavens is only ONE.ALLAH SW THE ALMIGHTY
@michaelmciver4440 8 ай бұрын
They were the pioneers of comedy both of visual and audio
@Professorclown 8 ай бұрын
Such an awesome, intelligent, discerning and critical-thinking legend.
@chaseyevans 8 ай бұрын
Strange how the serpent in the bible deceives
@howard5992 7 ай бұрын
Telling someone there was a talking snake seems like a deception to me. Kind of makes one wonder ...
@normanthrelfall2646 8 ай бұрын
David attenborough promotes immorality through his preaching of evolution in his nature programmes. Neither Richard Dawkins nor David Attenborough have witnessed chemicals coming together and forming living cells billions of years ago! Evolution is a religious faith which is unproveable and a damnable doctrine. The Miracle of the Atom The Laws of physics that exist are due to the activity within the atom, which is finely tuned in order for us to exist and as we know atoms are required for life. The main energy level occupied by an electron during orbit is dictated by its fixed distance from the nucleus of the atom. This is relative to electron and proton attraction. There are constants within the atom, like the size of the electric charge of the electron and the ratio of the masses of the protons relative to each other. All orbitals that have the same value “N” being the main energy level relates to the quantum number and are said to share the same shell level. Protons are subatomic particles which are charged in relation to the nucleus, electrons are attracted towards them because they have opposite electrical charges; this fine tuning keeps them in orbit around the nucleus making the development of life possible as we know it. The atom is a miracle of design not an accident waiting to happen. Everything is made up of atoms which are finely tuned for the building blocks of life and also they create the environment necessary for the existence of life. The conditions on our own earth in particular are finely tuned being described as biophilic in which life as we know it can flourish. If any of the fundamental constants like the speed of light or the strength of gravity were to change just a little, then life as we know it would cease to exist. This realization has led some physicists to argue that our universe is intelligently designed, made especially for us, no accident waiting to happen. We live in a finely tuned universe perfectly primed in order to support life. There is irreducible complexity within the atom never mine the cell as atoms make up cells and are responsible for life as we know it. Atoms are unique and their atomic number dictates what substance or chemical property they have. Carbon for instance has an atomic number of 6 positively charged protons in the nucleus. Atoms are essential building blocks of life, for example the body contains fat which is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Carbon atoms because of their unique make-up also bond strongly to other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen because they have branches or rings of various sizes that contain thousands of atoms, carbon is quite accommodating with other substances. These have unique atomic numbers that make life possible. Atoms suffer from irreducible complexity because all the electrons, protons and neutrons must be present at the same time in a particular number and order, for the atom to function as a designated substance. This knowledge dispenses with the idea of mutations and natural selection relating to chemical interactions. Life on the earth is based on carbon chemistry. Carbon is used in organic matter such as our bodies for instance in order to maintain life. They silently carry out important chemical reactions within our bodies and they are essential to life on the earth. Carbon atoms make up the sun, stars, comets and the atmosphere of most planets. Carbon is found in coal, oil, diamonds and natural gas deposits. The atom is clearly designed and many physicists now recognise this, but they won’t use the word God or Creator, they would sooner believe aliens were responsible, but the question is then begged who made the aliens? The term atom really means invisible unit or uncuttable, and for a long time it was thought that the atom could not be split, but when they did, it produced the atomic bomb. An infinite intelligence made the various atoms which are so small and are measured as being one tenth of a billionth of a metre across. They are so small that they cannot be seen under a powerful microscope. We are led to believe that all our sophisticated atoms are derived from an invented primordial complex soup of chemicals which then produced the first living cells. Remember each atom is unique due to its composition and arrangement of subatomic particles relative to the number of protons in the nucleus. This is no accident waiting to happen! A primordial soup is purely fictitious and based on fantasy and imagination because men do not want to retain God in their knowledge. Jesus did not lie to us concerning him being the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. He said that men shall give an account for every idle word spoken, except they repent of their sins!
@ToTheMaxGaming1 8 ай бұрын
There is no proof for you god or any god, there is proof however for evolution😂you’re a grown man you shouldn’t be believing in fairy tales anymore
@Vorname_Nachnahme 8 ай бұрын
The blown off carpet and backfiring of the trumpet, ... i lost it :D
@ihateyoutubecomments8100 8 ай бұрын
If you had any intelligence you would know that Evolution 1000% exists. it's not a debate.
@RadojeMartinovic-ij2kd 8 ай бұрын
Demokratski front lažna imena tošić dragica ološa islama Voja brajović kucanja cigana rakete ološa islama tošić dragica ološa nina ološa nataša mustafa ražnatović ološa popućep miloš jeremić ološa mustafa aleksandar vučić ološa islama Vijesti Rastko petrović ološa klana srbija tošić cvijeta tošić ološa mustafa aleksandar vučić ološa nataša mustafa ražnatović ološa rakete ološa ceca ražnatović ološa zadruga ološa Cvijeta cigana geto klana islama ološa islama Vijesti Rastko petrović ološa Cvijeta ceca cipele vrati parket srbija tošić boris bandić vojske ološa oluja vuković boris bandić kucanja zadruga klana srbija koste vuković klana srbija vera vuković klana srbija tošić dragica ološa miloš jeremić ološa mustafa aleksandar vučić otimanje tošić ološa mustafa aleksandar radmila rakete ološa islama tošić dragica ološa kodre koste vuković klana programa vijesti valentina ološa klana jelena hrvoje radmila martinović mustafa ološa islama Vijesti Rastko petrović ološa Cvijeta cigana ološa cvijeta tošić dragica ološa klana programa ceca ražnatović ološa rakete ološa marija martin ološa islama tošić mark klara ološa geto klana islama kucanja državnog zavoda klana srbija tošić dragica ološa islama Voja ološa klana srbija tošić vuković beograd vučić ološa Browser cigana cvijeta raketa ološa mitrović Ološa cerić kuću ološa browser klana srbija kurvo tošić dragica rakitić ološa radmila rakete ološa islama tošić ološa mustafa ološa tablice ološa ulaz ološa vijesti vojske ološa oluja vuković klana
@hildiemuratori4948 9 ай бұрын
Incredible 😂
@robertfranklin8704 9 ай бұрын
Attenborough is much more intelligent and humble than arrogant fanatical fools like Dawkins and Hutchins.
@julianmbrown 9 ай бұрын
Wonderful! Not seen this before. Seen most of their own films but not this great guest appearance! 😂❤
@h4rdstiffy 9 ай бұрын
He's the last of the greats and hes 97 years old at the time of my post. Seen a picture recently of him standing to a newly discovered pliosaur skull. I worry for the world ahead..
@emikke 9 ай бұрын
The obsession with creation is a western thing. The Chinese didn't obsess with it at all. What was important was the creation of civilization, not the universe
@aravinda.saravinda.s5962 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for uploading 😂