How Pharma Controls Psychiatrists
Abilify Causes Chemical Lobotomy
@marinapreski3908 19 минут бұрын
@juliesantall7753 50 минут бұрын
What's worse? disparaging a colleague or knowingly allowing lives to be ruined... It's not the leaders who allow this to be perpetuated, its colleagues not speaking out. Standing together will prevent being targeted. You gotta cross the line sometimes..
@messpilo Сағат бұрын
I discontinued this drug once I recognised the negative symptoms....
@joscoumou_agileAchilles Сағат бұрын
Just for your information; psychiatric medications are also used for euthenasia because they have this convenient 'side' effect of 'sudden death' amongst long lists of other life shortening and disabilitating effects.
@disoeparman7799 Сағат бұрын
Weight gain and prolonged QT. I had both 😔
@larissa_7729 Сағат бұрын
they put me on Seroquel trazodone Ambien klonopin at the same time.. and I had to take Benadryl PRN for allergies. I lost all my upper teeth and on my bottom from the severe dry mouth and no one ever told me at all that was a side effect of these meds. Sending my teeth just started getting horribly thin, enamel and rotting from large cavities. I didn’t know why
@jessi3sins Сағат бұрын
Definitely have gained weight even though I'd be eating the same amount of food or less.
@ranig9099 2 сағат бұрын
Why? Does this weight gain happen?
@pukkeline 3 сағат бұрын
Clonazapam and paxil 😭😭😭
@prodigal_southerner 4 сағат бұрын
She should sue the fuck out of that psychiatrist.
@Wishing_you_peace 4 сағат бұрын
Long term use of SSRI can lower dopamine. So, tapering may increase your motivation.
@MILIATSHABANI 5 сағат бұрын
Hello! Can I take 100 ml of water and dissolve 40 mg of fluoxetine and deduct 5% every month?
@gbriank1 5 сағат бұрын
All of the atypical antipsychotics need to be documented. Most practices prescribe them like candy...and nobody ever talks about the side effects that get more dangerous the longer you are on them. The next generation of anti-psychotics are in experimental stages. The first few are just isomers of the Atypicals, while the rest are new and radical departures from the Atypicals. Ironically, most are just stronger antihistamines.
@incognito595 5 сағат бұрын
The last thing on this earth you should want is to take a drug. NEVER TAKE A DRUG IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE, EVER.
@susanhall4063 7 сағат бұрын
So many people have gambled their lives away on this drug. Their houses, their retirement accounts,everything. There was a black box warning on Abilify in Europe four years before it was put on the boxes in the U.S. there was a class action lawsuit that I was not able to participate for some crazy reasons. The pharmaceutical company paid a pittance compared to what people lost.
@susanhall4063 7 сағат бұрын
It drives me crazy that when people go to detox and or treatment they get medicated. My therapist doesn’t tell me what’s wrong with me. He asks me what happened to me. He’s not American.
@susanhall4063 7 сағат бұрын
I just got off of Abilify about a year and a half ago and I’m still not okay. I think my doctor prescribed it for me around 2005 to help me deal with my anxiety. Instead of helping me, I because a compulsive gambler and i developed two other compulsive behaviors that got me into a lot of trouble. I was on 10mg when I realized what was happening to me. I tried three times to get off of it but the panic attacks after just one day almost put me in the hospital. So I stayed on it but I broke them in half. I still had the behaviors but they had lessoned. It took years to get down to 1mg. I was on that for about a year and I figured it was ok to stop but It wasn’t. I had not insurance for the past two years so I really didn’t have a choice. I’m a masters level, hospice social worker and I haven’t been able to work this whole time. My life completely fell apart and I am suffering a lot with anxiety. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I have considered going back on it but I won’t do it. I never want to do this again. It’s the devils drug. I’m in the middle of watching this video so I haven’t heard all that this patient has gone through. She’s talking about memory. I sometimes feel like I have dementia. If you’re on this drug, titrate slower than I did. If you’ve never taken it, don’t. It’s a damn nightmare. Thanks for listening
@michaellehmann5758 7 сағат бұрын
I wonder how long is long term vs how long is short term?
@Rom109-kg7lg 8 сағат бұрын
@andrewfrancis1338 9 сағат бұрын
I was put on klonopin 6 years ago. It worked at first, he never even offered to taper me, he just found out my insurance changed and he might not be covered, he decided he would cut me off no taper. For a week I wound up in a damned detox center. I’m now 2 weeks off and not doing well. I am partially glad I’m not tapering as I’ll get past this quicker? I hope? But holy shit this is insane I’m taking freaking anti seizure meds, I’ve had a seizure still, hit my head, was offered a benzo I said please no, they basically told me this will be hell. And it is. Fuck my doctor. I don’t wish pain on others, but I wish he would face some accountability for what I’m going through.
@blairpowell4839 9 сағат бұрын
Pregabalin and it's efficacy for benzodiazepine withdrawal
@kcmcnut 9 сағат бұрын
@kmkeenan 9 сағат бұрын
I suspect one of the big reasons why people get misdiagnosed with bipolar is due to adverse reactions to or withdrawals from psych meds. That's what happened to me.
@NevaBeenPCByacHh 9 сағат бұрын
People who say things out of know where are thinking they are hearing government in the head,, those people don’t know that’s a psychotic problem a form of psychsophrenia and need anti psychotics ,, not adavant or addrall or oxy coton,, <-these drugs should be placed outa the mmarket,, anti psychotic work to balance with also coping skills like cleaning, picking up cans bottles and garbage, deep breathing, meditation, exercise,, cardio,, singing, playing instruments,, you just can’t take a anti psychotic and just lay in bed,, ur diagnosis need to balance the anti psychotics and works with coping skills for it to balance well chemical in brain,,,,
@cristianismoconformealase3861 10 сағат бұрын
@hey956 10 сағат бұрын
@disposablealienbrains7010 10 сағат бұрын
I've been to a couple grippy sock vacations. Shrooms are the way unless your bipolar 1 or schizophrenic.
@HeidiBuss-pd8cw 11 сағат бұрын
Divalproex and Rivastignine
@Samsara2408 11 сағат бұрын
When will our scientists stop crossing the fingers that drug will work for everyone and understand that drug with paradoxical effect is not the drug in the first place.
@Samsara2408 11 сағат бұрын
Yes it is true. My friend hang himself after 8 months on antidepressants . He was never suicidal before and was prescribed antidepressants for anxiety
@Trent-k8l 11 сағат бұрын
Here in Australia they just cut you off cold turkey
@juliemauger6183 11 сағат бұрын
Oh yes. I went, from 62 kg to about 140kg in a year. Then I had a gastric band fitted, and since then mostly drink smoothies. I dont eat much at all. It adds to my fatigue.. My weight has come down to about 90 kg, but won't go lower.
@dawnkulan4514 12 сағат бұрын
Is it a good idea to get the shingles vaccine when I’m suffering with a protracted withdrawal injury from benzodiazepines? I’m sure I need to consider individual risk factors and other issues but in general, does BIND put us at a higher risk of having an adverse reaction to the vaccine? Maybe I should try to wait it out.
@ranig9099 13 сағат бұрын
Yes i put on 17kgs 😢
@theaussieexpress17 13 сағат бұрын
I thought we were told not to trust government medicine?
@MarciaJohanson 13 сағат бұрын
This drugs damage the brain so badly!
@MarciaJohanson 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you for doing this video!! Wow that’s exactly how they decide also on the DSM manual.
@MarciaJohanson 13 сағат бұрын
Very good doctor! So much needed!
@gbriank1 5 сағат бұрын
I'd like to hear his story. No doctor I know has said, "you know what, I'm getting into Psychiatry." Most just fall into it and can't escape.
@MarciaJohanson 13 сағат бұрын
Very good doctor helping others and saving lives!
@teresawaterkuetter8760 13 сағат бұрын
Ariperalole with Fluexotine
@knielson1201 15 сағат бұрын
Prayers work. You are so blessed.
@johnnyecoman9121 15 сағат бұрын
The corruption is endemic to capitalism.
@marcus69696 15 сағат бұрын
Seems to be used for a lot of things , mine was for anxiety my doctor was going to up it for my arthritis, I stopped taking it, I get shocks or zaps as some people call it, when i was taking them I was in a shop it felt like I wasn't fully in the shop
@marcus69696 15 сағат бұрын
I stopped
@sendalisrondansalazar6079 16 сағат бұрын
@kb9oak749 16 сағат бұрын
I'm currently tapering off of sertraline. Doc is trying to to talk me out of it because I'm "irritable". No dice.
@FloydYESterZep 17 сағат бұрын
Holy cow... I can't tell you how incredibly identical this mans detox/rehab story is to mine. The only difference is that I went in Aug 2019 so a few months before Covid. Oh, and I wasn't given anything to taper off with until I damn near died from seizures and had to go to the ER, where the doctors there couldn't believe what was going on. By the time I had checked myself into to rehab, I had negotiated as part of my admission that they would use Librium to taper. I was dropped off at this so called "hospital" where the first thing they did was strip me down and search me like I was in prison. And then the real fun began. I was informed that I would not be given anything to taper with and that I would just have to suck it up and deal with it. Then they kept forcing me to retake a breathalyzer... Because they couldn't believe someone so F'ed up could blow a 0.00. I told them I'm not here for alcohol but benzos. They wouldn't listen. I was so messed up because of the massive Xanax dose I had been on for so long and then the WD's that I could not put two words together. I then went into the next morning. The anxiety, the stress, the pain, the insomnia... Everything added up to the absolute worst experience I've ever had to endure in my 44 years on earth at that time. I wont go into the details of my saga but I will say this... The cold turkey detox didn't kill me and in the end, I kicked the benzos for good. But wow, what I awful way to do it. If anyone that reads this is struggling with benzos, all I can say is be very careful. Do your research, and most important, don't trust anyone in the rehab business that you haven't betted up, down, and all around. Most of these places are in it for one reason... All that money... The patients are just a means to an end. I remember the most telling feature of my rehab. The doctor/owner of the place made sure that his new Porche 911 was front and center in his reserved parking space on the campus of the massive place. That was his "everyday" car.
@naomimara3340 17 сағат бұрын
What about interactions? Like med-med, med-suplement, example Prozac-CBD etc. Thank you.
@naligsEkr 17 сағат бұрын
Hi - I've just listened to your program from beginning to end twice just so I would know the whole story. I have such empathy for Robert - I can't imagine losing a son. I'll let you know of my experience with Accutane +, rather than seeing it as a horrible drug that pushes adolescents to suicide, for me it was a "life saver." So I lived on P.E.I (Prince Edward Island) which is Canada's smallest province on the east coast. I lived in a small little town called Charlottetown. So I had just started Grade 7 + was a happy young girl until the day I started puberty at 13. This was in 1973. Over night it seems something happened + I woke with my face tbat looked as if it exploded. My face was full of these bright red infected pustules. I went from being a happy fairly popular girl in school to feeling like I just wanted to vanish. My mum took me to our family Dr who told me every time I saw him to "stop picking at my face + stop drinking Pepsi." I remember getting so angry at him for assuming that this was what I was doing - as if this horrible condition was my fault. My younger sister, 2 years younger than me, was the one who drank 2 2 Litre bottles of Pepsi + her skin fine. I watched her live the normal life of being a teenager all through school. That life was foreign to me. One of my neighbors down the street opened a daycare centre + I worked there Mom - Fri all summer when I was 14. I was able to buy all the different soaps + ointments specific to acne but Clearasil was about the only thing that worked because it had a skin tone beige color. But the acne wasn't specific to my face it was on my chest + my back. I had these big boils that were so painful it felt like they came from deep below my skin. All these lesions bled so I couldn't wear any top that was a light shade, My lymph nodes on both sides of my neck would be so swollen + tender because they were blocked from the infected lesions that drained into them from my face. Through all of this my ego + self esteem was in the toilet. I had a few close friends but in school I was bullied. I had an amazing boyfriend when I was 21. In 1987 P.E.I got it's 1st dermatologist. Dr. Klein was a wonderful man + for the 1st time I felt like someone really understood what I was going through. He told me that I had the worst case of cystic acne that he'd seen. He told me about Accutane, that I'd have to go on the birth control pill, + what side effects I could expect. He said I'd be taking the pills every day for 3 months + then he'd assess if I needed another 3 month course. I took it + the side effects were that my lips became very dry. But you know 3 months of the treatment was all I needed, Back in 1973 their was no internet. Àccutane didn't start being prescribed til 1982. But I went through 14 years of constant physical, emotional, + psychological pain. I became a Registed Nurse + moved to Toronto, Ontario on Jan 3rd, 1987. I’m 63 now + retired. So as far as how I feel about the video I just watched - I believe that this medication should only be prescribed by a dermatologist. Accutane is reserved for only the most severe cases. I believe that when Luke started showing signs of depression he should have been referred to a psychiatrist who is well aware of how dangerous SSRI's can be + by taking a detailed history of his depression from Luke he would be very knowledgeable of whether Luke's depressional was "situational", "clinical", or due to the Accutane. Certainly when Luke went to the motel to commit suicide but "couldn't go through it" he should have been admitted to a psychiatric ward, observed, + may have been started on an antidepressant + kept as an inpatient + monitored for 2 weeks+ to make sure the medication was working + if it was then Luke could be monitored on an outpatient basis. I developed "clinical" depression + was started on Prozac when I was 36. I felt that the med wasn't working + told my psychiatrist who changed it to double strength Paxil + 4 days later I woke up in a psychotic state. I took an OD + remember nothing except waking up the next p.m + taking much more pills. I was working permanent night shift in an ICU dept, raising a 2 year on my own, living with an alcoholic who started coming home drunk, with a six pac, just as I was leaving for work, got a call that my mom had a malignant abdominal tumor, + finding my pet canary dead that the alcoholic's cat killed. See the rule was he wasn't to drink in front of my son + he did, I told to move out, + "he" killed the bird as revenge. I was admitted to the psych ward, diagnosed initially with "clinical depression" in October. That changed to me being "Bipolar 1" + that is very hard to manage the moods. I've found that as I've aged the moods are much less severe + manageable.
@Turtlesrcool95 17 сағат бұрын
Geodon (Ziprasidone)