@PirateSloth Ай бұрын
Does the game automatically gives you shipment once you reach the certain level/exp or you need to "click" something?
@ac2847 Ай бұрын
This build is great thanks for the share
@cleeiii357 2 ай бұрын
I know this video is a year old and is not up to date but. The Azekura card is changed now. Instead of giving HP, it instead improves their gather rates while also shipping 4 shrine rickshaws/wagons.
@AndiAOE3 2 ай бұрын
Yeah i feel like there is one dev watching my videos and then changing stuff in some later patch (which is nice, but also a bit annoying, because the things statet in my videos are sometimes outdated very fast). Thanks for the comment :)
@balazsfenyes3880 2 ай бұрын
Dojos are cool but everyone cries about the shogun.
@falshion1837 3 ай бұрын
I only played 8 games or so in AoE 3, what are those covered wagons? How are you building so many of them? What are they for? How do they work?
@AndiAOE3 2 ай бұрын
its a seperate game mode (empire wars) with different rules
@ateium2409 3 ай бұрын
Installed AoE3 DE in steam on Archlinux few weeks ago. So far it has been running smoothly, even played a 4v4 multiplayer without any lag or issues. I did not encounter any problems in running AoE2 either.
@ateium2409 2 ай бұрын
okay I spoke too quickly. my mouse cursor begins to bug, lag or disappear if I play the game for more than two hours, although most aoe3 games do not last even nearly as long so this would'nt be much of an issue.
@majdavlk649 3 ай бұрын
1💯whats hanimata ?
@balazsfenyes3880 3 ай бұрын
I just hate iroquois, they have the worst of the worst eco in lategame, they are only good for early rush. Squishy infantry, mediocre cavalry and pathetic artillery. But all this doesnt matter because you cant afford anything in the lategame because they just suck in the lategame. Same goes with maya and they are even worse, only having infantry.
@fxmorin439 3 ай бұрын
Forty-seven-ronin is a great card. Devs even had to nerf it recently because it was OP. Florence Nightingale is good for a turtle play with longbows. Warrior culture basically turns your vills into musks, how is it bad???.
@cleeiii357 2 ай бұрын
He has a different mindset about the Warrior Culture one than most it seems. I personally don't use that card but from what I can gather from people who do, they use it as a safety net to make their villagers a little bit harder to raid. Basically making them watered-down french villagers. Though I feel like even in that role, the Warrior Culture card is still quite bad. If they moved it to age 3 then maybe it could be usable, probably, maybe...
@balazsfenyes3880 4 ай бұрын
I always thought they are worse mills/estates as gather/villager is less, didnt know villagers dont walk and the gather is actually more than mill/estate. mexicans are a fun civ with colorful units.
@jaymenjanssens720 4 ай бұрын
What if that shrine card becomes: Shrines generate Wildlife if being gathered from. (up to 10? Increased speed? Larger area of effect? Train priests or some sort from shrines?)
@cleeiii357 2 ай бұрын
This video is slightly outdated. The Azekura card now ships 4 Shrine Rickshaws/wagons and improves their gather rates, instead of slightly increasing their HP.
@matteomat9299 4 ай бұрын
From where they collecting rice for consulate?
@yunyoufm 4 ай бұрын
This is 3 years old video and still very helping. Thank you Andi for making this comparison. It's a time consuming job.
@satanickeili 5 ай бұрын
Als ich shadowtecende natives mit Äthiopier gegen dich gespielt hab fandest du’s nicht so toll 😜
@AndiAOE3 5 ай бұрын
diente als inspiration :D
@satanickeili 5 ай бұрын
@@AndiAOE3 oh wow, das ehrt mich ☺️ Die ganaanci Karte hast du gar nicht mit drin, gell? Unbegrenzt shadowtechende Akan Ankobias und dann falcs dazu, so spiel ich Hausa gern 😄
@ageofconscripts 5 ай бұрын
Lately I have been playing Hausa with more greed in age2, sending both palace and university card. And then doing a timing attack with raiders, akans and griots. Adding fulani or javelins as necessary. It feels way better than opening fulani+jav.
@Tucher97 5 ай бұрын
In short, you spend 100 food per sheep for a yield of 200 and getting the 100 back. But I am talking in refernece to the current version of AOE3 since it has some minor changes, since cows however are part of a homecity card, which have less food to train but higher yields. More so when you add in cards that gives you increase gather rate.
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 5 ай бұрын
This seems like the ideal general strategy to have as a Plan B in case of the Spain. Or your main strategy if you just like playing that way.
@Tucher97 5 ай бұрын
Hausa, a faction that is meant to be cavalry focus and honestly, I don't think a cavalry focus faction is bad, just that I played other games with cav focus but still has boots on the ground, if you want reliable boots on the ground, be prepared to trade an arm and a leg for a competent unit because that archer, cool in concept, fires faster at closer enemies, not great when the opposing army is cav. Also last I checked, this faction does not have a lot of cav buffing cards, the Lokota is a better cav focus faction.
@Tucher97 5 ай бұрын
I think I can see this card useful when you are building up a force as your camels aren't standing around, but of one can say "well you can replace it with another card" and that is true, but this is where I think the side benefit comes in, that is what I call the locus strategy, that is you harvest all resources around your opponent's base while leaving them with little while you slowly build up. Of course its like you are putting your cavalry together while wanting it to be a large force.
@maximiliansauerbier8112 5 ай бұрын
scheiße nicht erster :(
@AndiAOE3 5 ай бұрын
die nächste chance kommt bestimmt ;)
@ettubrute_ 5 ай бұрын
I can kinda see the vision. Aside from the shadow-teching natives, you also don't have to build houses. You can actually save a lot of wood chopping time going full nats.
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 5 ай бұрын
Since Hausa has some bad matchups, especially Spain, I think it makes sense to have a Plan B deck. For example, a deck with a game plan: • Have enough pressure to destroy enemy Trading Posts • Turtle 🐢, including with Palaces • Eco boom, developing your economy, by making livestock, universities 🎓, Trading Posts, etc. • Use eco cards like Draft Oxen 🐂 • Pick eco focused alliances That way Spain's early strength with its cheaper shipment civ bonus doesn't matter as much. The Javelin Riders can perform the role of sniping artillery. Hopefully will make the matchup less terrible, though it still might be unfavoured for Hausa.
@abhishektyagi4047 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the vid! My fav strategy with Japan is to just build walls around my city and defend with ashigaru and flaming arrows. Then when I have enough export to get 20 hatamoto......get some morutaru and time to destroy !!
@fatihonder1424 5 ай бұрын
You go Andi
@timotay22 5 ай бұрын
Just tried this, and it was a lot of fun. Pretty hard with 3 players instead of 4, needing to jump between defenses, so we needed to put the difficulty way down. Thanks for sharing!
@AndiAOE3 5 ай бұрын
Any Recommendations for the Map creator? :)
@LucasYoungGB 3 ай бұрын
@@AndiAOE3 Hey, could you please tell me how to modify the deck?
@eldinfehric6717 5 ай бұрын
Another good sling is the early sipahi strat with otto
@AndiAOE3 5 ай бұрын
FF or FI?
@eldinfehric6717 5 ай бұрын
@@AndiAOE3 ff and send the 5 sipahi
@timotay22 5 ай бұрын
My friends and I have experimented a lot with 2v2 and 3v3 sling strategies, and what you’ve presented here is definitely a valid strategy. Here are a few things we’ve played around with: Slinging a native civ is even more potent than slinging Russia. Natives have the fast age up politician, so you can hit 40 seconds earlier. Native civs can send team 3 vils or team 2 fattened llamas, which provides great economic value. The llamas can provide the food for the slinger to age up to age 2. Aztec pumas or Inca spearmen are great if your goal is to take out your opponent’s TC. It’s more all-in than what you did here, but the XP you get (particularly with the Aztec warchief bonus) is great. Coyotes and chimu clean up vils. If your plan is more all-in, Ottoman are good as the slinger. They start with a ton of wood, so the person being slung can send a vil forward immediately to build a warhut or blockhouse. Ottoman not needing to pay for vils allows them to sling 100% of their res towards the rush. Dutch is not bad as a slinger as well. Their inherent mining bonus is great towards coin-heavy units (pumas, chimu, or musks). And they can bank boom age 1. My 1v1 supremacy elo is around 1000, but my team supremacy elo is around 1550 from doing strategies like this.
@MajesticOak 5 ай бұрын
Lend Lease in a nutshell.
@zerozero2170 6 ай бұрын
Are the decks locked? Seems like a good map for infinite x2 outposts+extensive fortifications
@AndiAOE3 6 ай бұрын
Decks are the default decks
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 6 ай бұрын
A lot of Revolutions force you to deal with Livestock, so it is important to know about them. Also, if you end up having a building that can generate Livestock by accident e.g. Farms, it would make sense to make some if the game stalls out to grind out value. Especially, because the more total resources you get, the more xp you end up getting when you use that to make stuff. Still seems the Livestock Pen is a terrible building. Worse than building a Church or Tavern just for the resource generation. And Churches always have the bonus of being able to produce Priests for healing. Should really get a buff, especially in the form of technologies.
@thenarkknight278 6 ай бұрын
Great Scenario. Im really interested how he made the AI trigger.
@TevionErazer 25 күн бұрын
Hi, the creator here :) Sorry for answering so late. So, here is how I did it: - STEP 1: I made 12 different triggers that let armies spawn (a small, medium, and large one for the North, West, South, East) - STEP 2: I made like 100 triggers (didnt count, but its alot, BUT its mostly copy & paste) that activate one of the 12 army-triggers from Step 1, based on a 3 randomized Quest Variables: WAVE1: (4 triggers) - QV1 ist randomized between 1 and 4, and one the 4 SMALL armies will be activated (small army N, small army W, small army S, small army E) WAVE2: (8 triggers) - QV1 is then randomized between 5 and 8, again activating one of the small armies - QV2 is additionally randomized between 5 and 8, activating one of the small armies ---> 2 small armies spawn (might be from the same direction, as they are independent) WAVE3: (12 triggers) - same as before, but now the full three QV1/ QV2/ QV3 are randomized between 9 and 12 ----> 3 small armies spawn WAVE4: (4 triggers) - QV1 ist randomized between 13 and 16, and one the 4 MEDIUM armies will be activated WAVE5: (8 triggers) - QV1 spawns a medium army - QV2 spawns a small army..... and so on, you get the idea. - STEP 3: To make them move, just ONE trigger :) ---> "Move From Area" --> select the center with a radius of 200 ---> target: the center ---> put on loop every 5 seconds Hope that helps :) If you have any more questions, feel free to ask :)
@thenarkknight278 25 күн бұрын
@@TevionErazer I'll look into it. Thank you very much! And yes I know the pain of copy and pasting triggers. I have made a wolloseum, which in the end had over 3k triggers O_O
@TevionErazer 25 күн бұрын
@@thenarkknight278 You're welcoem :) ohh lol thats sick. Actually, have to add two things: - Two armies can actually NOT come from the same direction. Before the waves get sent, I've put a QV check that checks if QV1 = QV2 or QV1 = QV3 or QV2 = QV3, and if so, randomizes them again. - to start the waves, a.k.a the QV-randomizer, Ive put different countsdowns, 2 for each difficulty level. For example, for the easiest level, the times is 150 seconds, and the 2 countdowns always trigger the randomizer and each other, so it keeps going
@MajesticOak 6 ай бұрын
Given how the average Japan player scatter their shrines all around the map to max out their boom potential more shrine HP might actually make sense, either the shrines last long enough for you to save them or it wastes the opponent's time to play wack-a-mole.
@cleeiii357 2 ай бұрын
This video is slightly outdated. The Azekura card has a completely different effect now. Instead of increasing HP, it no increases their gather rates while also shipping 4 Shrine Rickshaws/wagons.
@Lololololololqwer 7 ай бұрын
wow so much effort and cimplex math caculations to explain how viable livestock in certain scenerios XD, epic bro deserve like and sub!!
@thomasdemetz6145 7 ай бұрын
I have learned a lot. Very nice video!
@userasdf1546 8 ай бұрын
Respect! I can barely handle hard AI with a +30% handicap. I'm lowering it as I get better
@resenascualificadas9450 9 ай бұрын
I can not, it shows an error about "Direct X not found"
@AndiAOE3 9 ай бұрын
Hmm, sorry i cant help you. Played it for a while on ubuntu, but with every upgrade i had to do something to fix the game and i switched back to windows eventually :/
@la912 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, this is something that I was wondering for a long time
@la912 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video
@44kameleon 9 ай бұрын
Love your video but I have a question about French Northwest Passage card (or similar unknown). Does it help with the gather rates?
@AndiAOE3 9 ай бұрын
i do have a video on that actually, just look on my channel :)
@Dark40061 10 ай бұрын
When I play Otto on aoe3 de, I have 7 works on cow.
@justincronkright5025 10 ай бұрын
Is it just Courier De Bois who get food from them when you kill them? And is it only Boar, maybe Aligatours or maybe monkeys too that you get food, when killing with villagers? I assume that's why you get the +20% movement speed and +3 damage against the guardians Home City Card.
@fufy3820 10 ай бұрын
I think the cost of livestock pens and livestock is really overstated. It costs 150 wood to build a livestock pen. It costs 75 wood and 75 gold for the livestock fatten speed upgrade which significantly reduces the time it takes to fatten your livestock. A single mill costs 400 wood. Two livestock pens and the livestock pen upgrade cost 375 wood and 75 gold and gather potentially more than twice as fast as a mill with less than half the villagers. You can also send 1 homestead wagon and 7 sheep in age one to start your livestock boom, making it cost a total of however much XP you spend on 1-2 cards (ranching and homestead wagon, fulling mills if you are extra greedy, wholly unnecessary but can make 6 villagers able to manage your entire livestock operation), 225 wood and 75 gold and the food cost for maintaining a livestock boom in supremacy is covered by the initial 7 sheep that come with the homestead wagon and any herdables you find on the map. I made a paragraph here that was nonsensical regarding math with herdables, but it's a lot simpler than I initially thought; The first two batches are expected to be unprofitable and should be treated exclusively as start up investments to get the ball rolling. Once you finish these two batches, essentially the rest of your boom is raw profit. You start with 3-5 sheep or 2 sheep with ranching, then once you begin harvesting have a full batch of either llama, cows or sheep trained with the selective breeding upgrade active. After these initial two batches are trained, because the first batch of sheep completely covers the second batch in terms of cost, the rest of the food you earn is effectively pure profit, and any further investments are simply upkeep to maintain the high food rate that livestock booming allows. So essentially the second batch is a food debt that is being paid off in full slowly by the gathering of the first batch, which gets paid off by the second batch and so on. This entire concept is completely annulled by the homestead card, since right from the moment you ship the card all herdable food is pure profit with minor upkeep, or by collecting any free herdables on the map, even just one. The smallest livestock is worth 300 food at maximum fatness, so you will at least upkeep 3 sheep with it, which is more than enough to start a solid livestock boom, which essentially makes upkeep a non factor in the face of the high gather rate. I am of the opinion that livestock is not optimized at all for treaty, because mills scale much better with high resource input in the imperial age, which you can afford in treaty, but in supremacy, mills are entirely too expensive and too inefficient to be taken seriously, and the game is over if you have to rely on them and your enemy doesn't. Spend your wood on estates if you have to, never build mills, always go for a livestock boom if you expect a long game, even if you have no livestock cards. For the long term, ranching is always better than 7 sheep and a homestead wagon. Llamas are 70 food and produce 400 food. Less than a villager for one and that one can pay for 4 more of itself, nearly a full batch, and that's if you want to put the absolute bare minimum into it and you pick up absolutely no herdables from treasures and the map. Cows are even better; 1 cow alone pays for a full batch of 5 cows, but cows take a bit longer to fatten despite having 1 fatten rate vs the .75 fatten rate of llamas. As long as you make that initial investment and reserve that food for livestock investment, you never have to worry about livestock upkeep ever again and you have in excess of factory level food production that can be collected almost like crates in times of crisis with the expense being a short disruption to your long term economy. Keep in mind that as you gather your sheep, you are training the next batches, so there is no down time if you have the correct number of villagers gathering from one sheep at a time, very important that you cycle this properly or your gather rate will be affected and the upkeep can start to hurt. Villagers can gather from 1 sheep at 4 villagers 8 food a second and the sheep will fatten at .5 food a second but they will all fatten at the same time and they train in batches so by the time the villagers get through 900 food the next batch is already ready. This boom can be done under the safety of your TC with next to no risk but extra spoilage from being forced to idle from raiding, and that is assuming you don't build an army with the crazy boom you are utilizing. With llamas you put 5 villagers and cows 6. This seems small at first, but if you scale it to the max with 5 livestock pens and 50 livestock, 30 sheep and 20 llama/cows, you are gathering food with over 20 villagers faster than hunts constantly all game as long as your opponent can outlast your superior food income late game, which is basically impossible in supremacy, especially during the long mill transition, which you have completely dodged. if it's a bit slow you can add a few more villagers but too much more than that and you will have to check your livestock pens too frequently to be worth it, and one of the key benefits of livestock pens is how few villagers it needs to operate, more for the estates and the trees to make the estates. Using livestock is also second to none when it comes to recovering from the total economic paralysis of a revolt and can make you thrive in spite of a revolt, especially for revolts that allow you to train units with only food that can collect food, such as Argentina and Brazil. Forget boom revolts, bring on the livestock cushion! Infinite masses of revolutionaries for eternity! Works best if you are turtling. At some point you won't even need hunts or mines and you will have a stable food economy from 3 livestock pens max without cards, each of which is the equivalent of 1 upgraded factory on food, because you will be making so much surplus food from livestock that the expenses of training livestock are essentially not a factor at that point. Factories are good as an age 4 card costing 13k xp but 1 livestock pen and 7 sheep for 350 xp to start you with what is essentially a factory 5 minutes into the game in age 2 isn't good? especially for Portugal that doesn't have villager shipments and desperately needs food to scale. Or ranches which make livestock pens better than factories on food because they gather at 12 food a second without upgrades to food gathering. The idea is to massively over-gather food with extremely few villagers and empty out the rest of your resource reserves to send an unstoppable wave of units at the enemy. Or in the case of a revolt, build as many town centers as possible and desperately try to empty out your food reserves by mass revolutionaries. I'm going to be pioneering a new livestock pen start, ranching first card. I strongly believe this is one of the coolest and funnest features of the game, and regardless of whether the numbers are exactly right, I will figure out all the flaws and all of the advantages to relying on herdables and I will make utilizing it my unique playstyle. I do not recommend a livestock pen start, or anything really, I am just a livestock radical, and I thought someone might enjoy my mad science.
@paulusmoranferz5543 Жыл бұрын
Debiste hacer Bandidos +Desperados+insurgentes
@pandaprrr995 Жыл бұрын
I hate this nerf brigade. Anything they dont like. They are like NERF IT NERF IT. Sorry but Yabusame dont need nerf they are very expensive to make for japan
@badboytomas Жыл бұрын
where is the subtitles?
@Kikematamitos Жыл бұрын
What is the name of that hud?
@blessed8543 Жыл бұрын
47 ronin is a great turn around card if your army is defeated and you can’t train another but there’s is almost destroyed as well. Also very funny to use
@cleeiii357 2 ай бұрын
But for the price, its just a revolt but worse. Other civs could pull off a better "pseudo-revolt" card than that.
@betolicks4071 Жыл бұрын
Would the lucky 7 gods stack with the tori gates a
@betolicks4071 Жыл бұрын
So basically you make japan India and India japan where villagers cost wood
@Orphydian Жыл бұрын
What is the third card in age 1 that looks like a book? I think they removed it in 2023 or change the image