Reviewing NDEs-Man 'Dies' In a Bar
21 сағат бұрын
Reviewing New Agers-Elena Danaan
Reviewing New Agers-The Alchemist
Reviewing New Agers-Sadhguru
Reviewing Joe Dispenza
8 ай бұрын
Chakra Removal Revisited!
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@Kathara13 35 минут бұрын
Is there no power for good?
@TonySayers 15 минут бұрын
Yes you.
@BeeGabriel 4 сағат бұрын
I am hopeful for all of humanity your subs have jumped 2K in the last two months of watching you....Just saying....
@fionamarques6113 4 сағат бұрын
Man Know Thyself carved on Adelphi temple. Great tip to watch film… glad to see you settling well into your good works .
@tobybryant8597 5 сағат бұрын
I can relate to this video more then you know! Thank you Tony for your work!❤❤❤
@gregnicoll03 5 сағат бұрын
I had a self sacrifice protector in my youth , I recognise that now and can deal with it . still pops up now and then,
@marieantony9360 5 сағат бұрын
I’m fortunate to have come across your videos. I resonate with most of what I hear from them. ❤😊 thank you Tony ❤
@poppabear4943 6 сағат бұрын
I died at birth and was taken off to an incubator. I've always wondered how both things have affected me.
@brucecoppen441 7 сағат бұрын
Hey, what’s your thoughts on David Icke? He has lots of ears?
@brucecoppen441 7 сағат бұрын
Hey, what’s your thoughts on Icke?
@spiritnphysical 9 сағат бұрын
Do you resonate with Ola Wolny's information about cosmic Correction energy making it's way here to assist in the breakdown of this matrix?
@CosmicTruthTeller 9 сағат бұрын
This comment is in reference to your video with Sonja Testerman (I could only find it on her channel) ... First of all, you SHOULD feel shame for being cruel/mean/hurtful to another - including mistreatment towards animals. It's called ACCOUNTABILITY. However, the karma lie is there to manipulate the person into reincarnation. Second, animals come from the same Source as we do - we are NOT superior or more valuable - and any true human (non-AI) who holds this belief has a DEFECTIVE HEART. "The vegan agenda" is to STOP THE SUFFERING OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. If you are onboard with animal suffering, then CHECK YOUR HEART. The purest, most caring and evolved humans I've ever encountered ARE THE VEGANS!!! What I'm hearing from you is that suffering is acceptable, as long as it's not inflicted upon YOUR species - the human - Right??? What absolute HYPOCRISY!!! This very defective nature MAKES humans like you LESS VALUABLE. PLEASE ... You probably SHOOT your dinner. You have no real COMPASSION or EMPATHY for anything other than you, yourself and yours - just like most of humanity. It's all about us ... Nothing else really matters ... Just satisfy all of our human pleasures, even though many of those "pleasures" are wicked, causing HARM to other life here ... That is the age old, narcissistic LIE that we've told ourselves to SUPPORT our innately DEFECTIVE nature ... Where do you think all our patriarchal religions of human superiority come from?! WE INVENTED THEM TO FEED OUR DEFECTS! Humanity is NOT an innocent species - BY ANY MEANS!!! Humans like you are DELUSIONAL about who and what you really are!!! Where the hell are the real Source humans who aren't defective in heart and nature?! I can't be the only one!!! Humanity holds the FALSE belief that we are superior and entitled to "lesser" beings suffering and dying, in order to serve us. As above, so below ... We do the VERY THING to the Animal Kingdom and nature that the Archons do to us ... We are NO DIFFERENT at our core ... We have an innately defective nature that is SEVERELY entitled, selfish, narcissistic and delusional. One may have spiritual abilities and awakening, but lack where it really counts: in the area of HEART AND CHARACTER ... One is not truly evolved and awakened, if they aren't living in compassion and empathy for ALL. We have NO RIGHT to protest over what is done to us, when we are JUST AS GUILTY of that very same wrong towards another. ALL LIVES MATTER 🐾💔 Humanity DESERVES to have a "superior" species come down to use/abuse our bodies and existence as the "lesser" creature ... That is the perfect karma for the defective human! How would it be any different from what we do to those whom we deem as "lesser"?!? We *CRUELLY* TAKE that which isn't ours, to serve ourselves. I will add that I am the O+ blood type, which isn't compatible for veganism, and it absolutely SUCKS to have a heart and body in misalignment ... So I understand that these bodies aren't necessarily able to thrive on a non-animal diet; however, I do NOT hold the belief that my species is entitled or superior to the Animal Kingdom. I do not have the RIGHT to the lives of animals, as the ONLY life that I have the right to is my own!!! The human DNA has been manipulated for the Archon agenda, so it's very unfortunate that such high vibrational beings, as myself, lower their ethics to come into a such a destructive, self-serving, predatory species as humanity; which is in direct contradiction with our higher selves at the Soul level. Humanity, as a whole, is SEVERELY DEFECTIVE in nature; so even if all human bodies (the real humans and not AI) were compatible with veganism, the majority still wouldn't choose that lifestyle, as their hearts and character are innately selfish, entitled and narcissistic ... They just wouldn't CARE enough - or even at all 💔 This makes the lot of humanity a TERRIBLE species WHERE IT COUNTS. Also, the Matrix may produce trickery upon death, by showing us our passed on loved ones, including our animals, but that doesn't mean that our animals don't truly have Souls and that we can't reunite with them in spirit ... I WILL REUNITE WITH MY PRECIOUS FUR BABIES AGAIN, IF IT TAKES EVERYTHING I HAVE WITHIN ME AS THE TRUE SOURCE!!! Isabella Greene connects with Souls who've passed (she supports exiting the Matrix), and says that a part of the person remains in spirit, even though they've reincarnated back into the system. Our loved ones are ETERNAL - animals included. We don't lose who they were/are after death. Lastly, all the humans dying in the world are likely just AI characters, according to Sonja Testerman, since she says that only 3000 of us are "the reals" ... The Gaza children, the slave miners, the Mexican family rummaging through the trash, the Cambodian man without legs, etc. ... all fake ... Very few humans here are actually the true Source ... You are grieved over the "tragic" simulation bullshit here that isn't even real. Yet, you show ZERO concern/empathy for the suffering animals - and most of them actually ARE real ... and it's the HUMANS who DO ALL THE CRUELTY TO THEM!!! Your own niece and nephew may be AI! Of course, you adore extensions of SELF - we all do! Everyone thinks their own family is most important and valuable! It's called NARCISSISM - we all have it to a degree. The New Age lies that feed the Matrix are absolute BULLSHIT - but so is the belief system of human superiority that feeds our ego to continue existing selfishly, at the expense of other beings that we WRONGLY deem as lesser ... HOW ARE WE DIFFERENT FROM THE ARCHONS THAT DO THE VERY SAME TO US???
@phoenixgal2278 10 сағат бұрын
Listen, I have been watching Amanda Ellis videos for more than 5 years and she is, in my opinion, the real deal! She is not a phony, and she does communicates with the angels especially Archangel Metatron. Also, she's a light worker, and she works with crystals and color. In my opinion, if you are going to talk about someone, and dog her in a video for everyone on KZbin to see you better get your facts straight! In this video, you initially expressed that you know nothing about Amanda Ellis nor have you seen any of her videos. Therefore, how can you dog her on the logos and symbols she uses for her videos? Buddy, I feel you are not of the light nor are speaking with positivity and light. Please, please take down this video, I don't think that you need the likes that badly! Have a great day, and I do say this with love!♥
@TonySayers 10 сағат бұрын
@@phoenixgal2278 lol tell me youre a cult member without telling me you’re a cult member
@phoenixgal2278 3 сағат бұрын
@@TonySayers No Mr. Sayers, I follow what's true for me (I am not a cult member) because I am a sovereign human being unlike you. I don't say negative things on social media to attract "likes" as you do. The general population on social media wants genuine people who are truthful and positive. Not people like yourself putting down other spiritual people who have been serving the public for more than 5 years such as Amanda Ellis. I don't what your problem is, but you would better serve your channel by focusing on positive spirituality not by tearing down others for your own personal gain. I would say that you are the cult leader out trying to get followers! Have a great day and please give up trying to tear me down with your dumb comments!❤
@joannedoyle-bu3mu 11 сағат бұрын
Hiya Tony, my Grandson has asked to see this film. He is 6yrs old and 'extra special'. He has never been to the pictures but has asked my daughter if they can go and watch this. Obviously my daughter is very aware of disney and does not want to take him but feels mean as he has asked to see it. What is your opinion on taking him please? Many thanks for all your vids/info
@lorraineazzinnari4680 15 сағат бұрын
❤💯thank you great video!
@heidifjellstad6059 16 сағат бұрын
I have never heard of here. If I hear the words "galactic federation", I immediatelyback out. Ehat about KerryCassidy? She has become very harsh and rude when interviewing: people.
@shoynaogorman33 16 сағат бұрын
Thanks Tony 😊
@hocuspocus-mk1fe 20 сағат бұрын
I was really engaged in this interview and connected with many of the points Eve raised. Although she tends to be verbose and somewhat scattered, almost as if she has too much on her mind, I could still follow her thoughts. However, she lost me when she delved into her discussions about Jesus, Christianity, reincarnation, and the soul trap, all while using profanity. Coming from a former Christian (who escaped) who has taken university-level exegesis courses under theologians, I have to wonder if she has truly read the Bible. Her claims seemed absurd to me. No, Eve, you are not a Christian, and trust me, you wouldn’t want to be! It's a trap! Considering everything she has experienced, it’s perplexing why she would even consider the Christian religion (or any religion). There seems to be a complete disconnect with her.
@travelbug4536 21 сағат бұрын
So glad I will never be a mother! That is my biggest achievement.
@missknowsitall8705 21 сағат бұрын
Disneyland The biggest Child Trafficking organisation
@lisalyons5381 22 сағат бұрын
Hhm yea the shadowy figure feels familiar but a little creepy Now I’m interested in seeing this film. It doesn’t feel like I have a team.
@Moofus30 22 сағат бұрын
Pollution and smog is no joke. I’ve never been to Mexico City but going from the US to India was horrible for my health. The air is really bad I had issues breathing. I went from asleep to fully awake in a span of 3 months and bypassed most of the new age stuff. Dolores cannon and Michael newton felt so wrong to me I knew it couldn’t be the truth. There are so many red flags in new age. Words like “harvesting” and the law of one bs just never felt right. It was a very confusing time and the ontological shock was a huge mindf*ck
@spiritnphysical 23 сағат бұрын
Will there be a part 2?
@cathylehmann2686 Күн бұрын
In my opinion the most popular guide is the parking guide 😂, serously ask someone you don't Know to choose everything in your life for you, that's exactly the same.
@marcus3518 Күн бұрын
I wonder also, if the film is normalising schizophrenia. Just a thought...
@jayellebee7760 Күн бұрын
Hi Tony, thanks to you (and also Ola) I believe I’m in the process of developing a pretty good exit plan. I really do appreciate you and your work. ☺X
@allisonmountaine7398 Күн бұрын
Amazing as always Tony. You’ve completely opened my eyes since 2020. Thank you
@erichwebb8312 Күн бұрын
Thanks for the share ...... hummmm the SadGuru , not impressed with his BS . Nuff said ...... the story and comments answer the mystery . Be well ✝
@cathylehmann2686 Күн бұрын
I'm here (divine partner)😂, you only have to cross the long long rainbow bridge to meet me in France 😂
@amiraalaoui1050 Күн бұрын
I don't understand the craze for this man, for me he's a caricature, also I've never been able to watch Eckhart Tolle´s videos, something is unbearable to me, really weird...
@cathylehmann2686 Күн бұрын
I'm sorry for these people who find "god" after going through all this stuff, same entities, different name.
@heathergraham2581 Күн бұрын
I respect the insights into a lot of Tony's material, agree with much, but this is one area I will have to disagree on. Feminism has clearly been used as an agenda but I don't ever want to revert to a society where women have to depend on getting married and having children to thrive & survive in this world. That should be one of many choices not the primary option. There are plenty of people, both men & women, myself included, who have opted not to have children. Or to remain single. Relationships do not define us. These ideas, in my opinion, fall into the conservative line of thinking, which I feel is just another matrix program, the same as liberalism, and not the way it was "meant to be" based on interpretations of masculine & feminine energies, which both genders have varying degrees of. The whole flawed human body design is even part of the 3D matrix and many are tired of the indoctrinated conformity to roles. I don't think any kind of forced or manipulated control serves anybody. It will continue to fuel the conflict|constrast. The irony is the "cat analogy' is so overused to take digs at women who end up single with the ole' cat lady label thrown their way when I actually prefer cats to most humans, period. LOL. Much like dogs, far more loyal & connected, and represent the independence some people strive for. Even if we end up moving into a world where the parasite factions have less and less control, I do think other things will naturally evolve too, like certain roles or the energy of men and women. That's transformation. For example, masculinity in a protective role is only needed in a 3D setting because of the design of it but what happens to the masculine role outside of a parasitic structure? I think the role shifts into something else. The same thing is not needed anymore. This idea that the 1950s model was the ideal is just not true imo. It's been sold like it was when that was just another example of "in the box" living. There were a lot of other issues women had to face, no financial independence to free themselves from a bad or harmful marriage|relationship is one. Limited access to the job market, set up as a slave labor system of course, but unfortunately the way to access the monetary tool needed to survive on this planet. Otherwise, it was through the control of a man, under the patriarchy, typically a husband or father. Basic needs couldn't get met any other way.. Anyway, we obviously won't agree on everything but I wanted to share my thoughts on that. I'm not a supporter of the idea that men or women should be defined by nor forced into any matrix roles. We should be able to freely pursue whatever we are able or capable of doing or what we feel drawn to. We are spiritual beings having a human experience - my gender should never pigeon hold me, or anybody else, though in a 3D matrix, it's bound to occur because of the collective side of the equation.
@truthbetold543 Күн бұрын
Tony I have a secret why they block us. I have experience coming together with my light body as I see a goblins hiding in my consciousness. They are the Watchers in the book of Enoch…. They hide in our minds, and the orbs are nature spirits. They are spirit beings, so they go through our bodies, animals have them too. The movie “Body Snatchers” why we sleep is real. One entity causes so much, and they attach, but if you don’t have light forget it. The one in my home follows me all through the house, amaze I can see. They call them selves fallen Angels, but they are monsters in the Disney closets and more.
@truthbetold543 Күн бұрын
You Tube never alerts when u are on. Much love and happy to see your truth as mine Tony. Happy u are better. I don’t really like the emojis anymore as I evolve to see is satanic connection. So peace love again.
@truthbetold543 Күн бұрын
You Tube never alerts when u are on. Much love and happy to see your truth as mine Tony. Happy u are better. I don’t really like the emojis anymore as I evolve to see is satanic connection. So peace love again.
@cathylehmann2686 Күн бұрын
There is something really weird about her eyes 🤢
@livewell_79 Күн бұрын
Enjoyed your chat with Mark the other day. Hey, I dont want to come across as an arsewipe,but how do you say Disney is satanic,then in the same sentence say you really enjoyed the film? I'm not trying to be a prick,not at all, but i see this a lot amongst the "truth" community. Maybe it's just me 🤷🏼‍♂️
@mikan_celeste Күн бұрын
2 things can be true at the same time
@Rise_Up_World Күн бұрын
The fall of the cabal is planned & the new age false messiah
@Rise_Up_World Күн бұрын
The fall of the cabal is planned & the new age false messiah
@harimauplayer Күн бұрын
bruh, find me a teleportation implant. Snap, snap
@kesia1763 Күн бұрын
I 100% agree Tony. I am a trauma healing coach & though I use a different modality I think it is very similar to IFS. For me I was constantly trying to get help for years due to sexual, emotional, mental trauma in my childhood/past lives that had been passed down. No matter what I did, it helped a bit but always came back and it is only through doing this work have I healed loads, though there is always something that comes up but as you said it lessens in time. For me & probably many others we are too scared to do the work initially as I personally was so afraid at what would show up & having to relive it. That for me was massive. I have had many dreams & flashbacks & I for one would not want to have to relive it to heal it. Over the years I had some psychologist sessions to try to heal me but due to awful arthritic pain she couldn’t go deep with me as I had no reserves left to support me should something heavy come up. So once again I was left in limbo to get on with it. After some years I finally came across self-directed compassion. What I was really surprised about how gentle it is. I have had some clients who are overwhelmed when in the process but that has been due to them identifying with the aspect which is not needed. So overall it is so much gentler & yet so effective. I believe it beats a lot of systems out there. Anyone who needs healing don’t falter & definitely reach out to Tony, it is so worth it, especially with having to deal with what is going on now! Hope you all have a great to watch Inside Out now.😁❤
@TiaC7 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing! Would you mind sharing a bit more about the process you used for your healing? And is it the same modality you use with your coaching clients? The "gentle" and "self-directed compassion" caught my attention hehe.
@bowien1980 Күн бұрын
Hi Tony, thanks for all your work in this clown world. I'm from the Netherlands and have been following your channel for almost a year now. I was going to do regression therapy and family constellations, but I canceled because I didn't trust the idea of ​​hypnosis and perhaps connecting with whatever. do you have any tips? I think I could use some help to work on my traumas... Thnk you!
@mikan_celeste Күн бұрын
I think learning more about IFS coUd be helpful for you. I found lots of content here on youtube. He also has sessions like inner child healing on his website, but there is currently a waitlist. Goodluck with your journey
@user-pu1if9yq8t Күн бұрын
came here through mark devin. Not a fan cya
@TonySayers Күн бұрын
lol and the need to post that was?
@BeverleyEllie Күн бұрын
Super thank you Tony ❤
@nickieglazer7065 Күн бұрын
JD is a Mason working in the cult of 'Scientism'. Enough said. 👁️
@lisadavie5282 Күн бұрын
Thank you for having coments turned on thats cool! And respectful. He was sick from Lyme which was created by Labs that designed a Tick to Spread lyme disease it is documented s as In Plum Island of Long Island New York. You can do your own research and see how shocking this is. He isn't the only person going through some shit he isn't some perfect man he is a Human Being like You and me. This is not New or news. I appreciate your freedom of Speech. You Should Review John's Video on The UK Olympics "Ceremony" of Predictive programming with Host we label Russell Brand 😂 How "Separation" your God you worship is Separarion clearly. This hijacking people's attention is used as part of hijacking consciousness itself which is Everything... Its undeniable dark forces have weaponized technology and use These intelligent "programmers of programs" its the only way for parasites to survive. John St.Julien knows Nothing He's Saying or Even Claims about "New" or even "New age" its all suppressed 😅 Human beings are technically Hybrids of OVER 22 types of DNA.... if you're into learning educating Yourself studying DNA holography like Dr. Peter Gariaev Studying how sound/light and wave linguistics "works" but he was murdered for his discoveries in efforts to destroy pharmaceutical companies poisoning HUMAN BEINGS Jab jibs We have 2 points of Being multidimensional perspective and perception as you are a dual level multidimensional being this idea of Separate is a disease. In Quantum Physics Reality you are observing another Part Of You Another Aspect of you. Dude. 😂 STOP 🛑 😂 you are making your God "Separation" and judging creates a cord to depleted Life Force Energy Review Geraldine Orozco I dare you! 😂
@sparkiemcdudles4045 Күн бұрын
You gave me a six pack watching this!!!. Pure comedy gold!!!😂🤣🤣.
@bon3572 Күн бұрын
Thanks Tony. I appreciate you sharing this information.
@perrissmith8809 Күн бұрын
Just watched the movie, thank you for the recommendation. It was absolutely adorable! Tear jerker too, especially when her imagination disappeared. Which happens as we grow :( Sadness and joy roll together and can cause bliss and love. But their always lost and fear anger and disgust are in charge! With no idea what their doing. The conscience mind that manifests into emotions. The subconscious was a huge scary clown! Shocker, right? From all the siduals we’re subjected to? The dreaming scene was wonderfully portrayed. That was such a sweet movie! ❤
@perrissmith8809 Күн бұрын
Part 2 is in the theater. They added anxiety, envy and embarrassment!
@poppabear4943 6 сағат бұрын
You imagination doesn't have to disappear as you grow. Mine is as strong as ever. Drifting off into an imagined world is probably one of the few things that keeps me going in this nightmarish dystopia
@travelbug4536 Күн бұрын
Everytime you smille a reptilian gets hungry
@sbb2887 Күн бұрын
Hola Tony!! I'm from Argentina and I found your channel a year ago. I'm still learning english, so thank you for spread the message in spanish too!