I Quit Astro Bot And I Am RELIEVED!
14 сағат бұрын
Playstation CANCELLED My GAME!!!!!
Can Concord Be Saved?!?
21 күн бұрын
@2Dman533 12 секунд бұрын
About Miyamoto media persona, I think its fine. It works because the games and characters he created are so colorful and upbeat. It would actually seem weird if he were stoic and serious.
@fishels3895 Сағат бұрын
That is a completely BS excuse. Hell even Deacon from days gone is there.
@andyboateng9591 2 сағат бұрын
Love the background
@drober8588 3 сағат бұрын
1:07:04 That is Joel from the last of Us, not Sully. He "smuggles" Ellie across the country and often throws bricks to confuse his enemies while sneaking.
@DavidJaffeGames 2 сағат бұрын
Really? Oh- well...whatever. FINE!!!!! :)
@bimastrike87 4 сағат бұрын
wow so many dumb ass kids in this comment section that have absolutely no idea how a business works. It's pretty simple, if you do not agree with the price, then don't buy it.
@kadabur 4 сағат бұрын
What min is silent hill talk
@Wayne-B 2 сағат бұрын
I just skimmed through it and did not hear anything about it. must have missed it lol
@tylermitchell6191 Сағат бұрын
around 21:00
@danielweiss4498 5 сағат бұрын
will silent hill 2 remake be released for GeForce Now on october 8th or not?
@dannyCoolSwag 7 сағат бұрын
I platinumed astro bot. Its easy only issue is final level challange took me a good 100 plus tries but yah its a very easy 3/10 plat game just despite the final level challange
@ElComanche 8 сағат бұрын
No racists for you jaffe!! Apology video now! With an “O” face thumbnail!!!
@ElComanche 8 сағат бұрын
Gaming market pricing crash here we come!! Woooo hooo!!!
@learntoswimify 9 сағат бұрын
Kudos to you Jaffe, you're basically using your stream to teach an introductory freshman course about art and critical thinking. It's a little sad and troubling how few of your viewers would even last having their views challenged in a collegiate level course. Understanding your subjectivity is fundamental to becoming a human adult. In another life, or some time in this one, you'd make a great educator.
@dougiejones628 14 сағат бұрын
I swear, most right-wing folks are completely illiterate when it comes to reading the subtext of any artform. Whether it’s books, movies, television, video games… not only do they completely misinterpret the subtext, but they can’t help but twist and conform everything to fit their own political world view, because they’re incapable of considering a different one. The morons in the chat at the end of this stream attempting to interpret Django Unchained was unbelievable
@omegaproductions6660 14 сағат бұрын
It’s crazy you’re mad he’s a family man now when you MADE HIM THAT TO BEGIN WITH. 💀
@paoislaw1948 23 сағат бұрын
Kratos vs Wukong when
@bobdobbz9334 Күн бұрын
I remember seeing a Behind the Scenes segment about the tv series 'Rome' on HBO back when that show was still airing. I thought it was really impressive the lengths they went to to represent Roman culture with as much authenticity as possible. I specifically remember the show runners talking about how even the different color dyes they used for the costumes and other fabrics were made from the same flowers and stuff they used in ancient Rome-except for yellow. Apparently, yellow dye was made of piss in ancient Rome. Lol
@DavidJaffeGames Күн бұрын
Fantastic trivia. Gross as fuck. But fantastic :). Reminded me of when I learned how the ancient greeks wiped their butts after pooping and how the plumbing systems worked in ancient castles :).
@TwstDDrKMnD Күн бұрын
The prices of the new games are sometimes absurdly high I agree on this.. we're not living in a world where videos games are cheap anymore. It's a luxury nowadays and it will continue to increase. If you wanna play videos games go get a job 🤣
@James-i2g Күн бұрын
It's definitely an adventure with tons of secrets and skills
@Cloud92390 Күн бұрын
Volumous Toush is an amazing description
@mastergamerinfinity4862 Күн бұрын
36:20 It’s confirmed, David Jaffe does not give a shit about Pizza Tower (wa wa waa)
@acscw8408 Күн бұрын
Bro with receding hairline getting jealous over hairy monke o.o
@DonBakerSilks Күн бұрын
Challenging at points for sure. Frustrating is maybe a better word. But it is by design an "arcade game" Three tries then "Game Over". Used to have to insert another quarter at the "You Died" screen. I will say that the insert coin thing made everyone a better gamer. The lesson is try again. In this respect it is also very Soulslike. The requirement is to play and replay until you learn each level. I hate that aspect of the Soulslike games, but it is the arcade game basic mechanic. Play each section till you get it right. Most of the things that are the most frustrating, boil down to timing and knowing what is coming, and knowing what move to make and when. Try not to overthink it. Try to not beat it. Try to enjoy it. When you do the same trip 50 times with the same fail, try a different section. Then there is Demon's Souls. From a 60 year old gamer who started with Pong. Astorbot is everything I wanted from a video game 50 years ago, but had to wait for.
@TrophiesNclips Күн бұрын
Purposefully searching something to get offended at is crazy lmao cmon now jaffe lol 😂
@grizzlywhisker Күн бұрын
I gotta be honest, I don't really see the point in buying a console anymore. I grew up with an IBM 5150 (old school dual floppy drive computer) so I've always been a PC guy, but original Nintendo totally changed the game in the 80's and console gaming had an awesome run through the 90's and 2000's. It was always super cool to see Nintendo/Sega compete with their own exclusive titles or even different competing versions of the same game (like Aladdin for SNES/Genesis or "Castlevania 4" for SNES vs "Castlevania: Bloodlines" for Genesis.) Then Sony and Microsoft got into the game and both had their own run of great games, all while PC was doing its own thing going from King's Quest/Space Quest to Commander Keen to Wolfenstein/Doom to Warcraft/Starcraft and so on... But nowadays it seems like basically every single video game comes to PC at one point or another, and you oftentimes can get the best performance on PC (unless it's a bad port which usually results in updates/fixes,) so I just can't get behind buying a PS5 this time around. I bought a PS4 last gen solely to play Bloodborne because I'm such a massive FromSoftware fan, and this resulted in my getting into a few of Sony's other "exclusive" games like Days Gone and Death Stranding (both quite flawed but great games in my opinion) and then those even ended up coming to PC... So yeah I don't see myself buying a console again unless Nintendo does another powerhouse console similar to GameCube that has tons of unique titles, but I don't see that happening. Also, I don't like the "cinematic" approach that Sony has been taking with some of their newer games where they're loaded with cutscenes and I'm just sitting there waiting for it to end so I can actually play the game. That's why I like FromSoftware action/RPGs, the story is there if you want to discover it on your own and try to decipher the cryptic NPC dialogue along with reading item descriptions, but there's virtually no cutscenes outside of an epic 10 second intro to a boss or maybe a short introduction to the game itself and their games can be enjoyed solely based on the gameplay of being a cool guy/girl who defeats the bad guys. 🤷‍♂
@akoskolok Күн бұрын
I was always a playstation fan but next gen for the first time I swich to Xbox. Playstation just pushing radical agenda to much. Become wokestation.
@akoskolok Күн бұрын
@clockworkNate Күн бұрын
I already own 1&2 on any system I can so whatever, but I'd feel bad for people who want to get into the halloween spirit in September like me😂. They should just remake 1&2 and have them in a bundle remake and then make a costume quest 3! And sure just have the remakes be avaliable through.... September to Nov 1st. 😄
@grizzlywhisker Күн бұрын
Lol I just commented the same exact thing on your Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster video... Like yeah I'm a huge fan of Dead Rising 1 and 2 and I'd love to pick up the "deluxe remaster," but I have the PC ports of both original games and have revisited them numerous times over the years... So I'm not going to pay 50$ for a fresh coat of paint on a game I already own. I'll wait until it's like 10 or 20 bucks. If you've never played the game, then yeah I guess I could see 50$ maybe feeling worth it because it's a pretty damn good game, but to anyone who's played it before it doesn't seem like you're getting anything new other than fancier RE Engine graphics, some costumes, and a small handful of quality of life features (you can now move while aiming.) That Lolipop Chainsaw game was never anything all that special and I recall it being a really short game, it should be like 15-20$ for that remaster, not 45$.
@grizzlywhisker Күн бұрын
Another thing I just want to say when I see stuff like this is that I picked up Hollow Knight on sale for 15$ the same year it released in 2017. That game could have easily been sold for 50 or 60 bucks in my opinion because it truly is one of the best "metroidvania" style 2D games out there, but they were always super generous about putting it on sale even though I think the game was maybe 29.99$ when it came out... Then they added a bunch of free content to it in the years after it got popular and reduced the price to being 15$ all the time.
@grizzlywhisker Күн бұрын
Removing the "erotica" feature on the camera was super lame because it was just silly fun. The game never promotes that feature, it's just something you sort of figure out if you try taking a picture of certain women's boobs or legs, it doesn't alter the game in any way if you do it or not because it's a fairly small boost in experience... But there is a somewhat cryptic side mission in the game where a photographer NPC askes you to get a specific shot of one of the female characters, and taking her picture sort of causes you to find out this "erotica" feature exists if you didn't already. I always just thought it was a funny almost Yakuza-esque jokey thing and the women I've talked to who also enjoy this game found it funny too. The only other major change I've seen that would be considered "censorship" is the Vietnam war line that you mentioned. I'm not sure who is supposed to be offended by the mention of the Viet Cong, it's not like the original was saying either side of that war was better than the other or even commenting on Vietnam outside of the fact that the boss character was clearly affected by it in a negative way... It's just a strange thing to remove. As for buying the "deluxe remaster," I did not buy it because it's quite expensive (50$) for a fresh coat of paint on a game that I already have on PC. I wouldn't mind picking it up on sale though because it really is a good game and it would be nice to play it in the RE Engine. I wouldn't believe that review saying Dead Rising 1 is "the weakest entry in the series." Both Dead Rising 1 and 2 still hold up very well, especially the PC ports, but you really only need to play DR1 and DR2, the rest of the series is forgettable. I would highly recommend checking out "Dead Rising 2: Off the Record" if you like this game, it's basically the best version of the 2nd game that comes with some added content and removes Dead Rising 2's protagonist to replace him with Frank West from the first game. I just replayed it a couple days ago and it's still super fun.
@b.o.4492 Күн бұрын
You’re worried about prices and not the political agenda that hurts sales… okay.
@retrokiller47x47 Күн бұрын
if it's lesbian then it's woke for me also i don't know if anyone say this already but you kinda look like the preacher (brimstone) with those glasses.
@ToeTag9899 Күн бұрын
There's nothing wrong about the main character being a lady obviously unless they just did it to be progressive but I can get pass that. As long as GOY doesn't have any woke garbage in it and the game is just as good as the first.
@douglasbriel6103 Күн бұрын
The actress' personal life should have no bearing on the game, unless she murdered or raped someone. Both political sides need to take chill pills.