Expat vs Immigrant
3 ай бұрын
Filming a commercial - Part 2
Filming a commercial - Part 1
August in southwest Finland
4 ай бұрын
5 ай бұрын
Black in Finland
5 ай бұрын
Is this channel doomed?
6 ай бұрын
We Bought a Horse
6 ай бұрын
A Few Days in Finland
6 ай бұрын
High School Graduation Weekend
Perniö Yksiö (Studio) Tour
Finnish is Easy
7 ай бұрын
Eurovision 2024
7 ай бұрын
Helsinki Visit - Bday Party
7 ай бұрын
1 Bed Flat Tour - Salo
8 ай бұрын
Adventures in Finnish Real Estate
Move to Finland
8 ай бұрын
My Monthly Budget in Finland
What Was I Thinking?
9 ай бұрын
I Need Your Help!
9 ай бұрын
A day in a small Finnish town
Late Winter Walk
10 ай бұрын
Why Finland
10 ай бұрын
@emwee6097 Ай бұрын
Looking at your slide about a service encounter in a restaurant... What small talk means for an American may be very different from what it means to a Finn. Most Finns are generally not skilled at small talk, especially if the conversation is not in Finnish. It might be helpful to provide examples of typical small talk topics to give ideas for conversation starters. Finns often appreciate silence, but when they do engage in conversation, they expect it to be deep, meaningful, and engaging rather than a superficial chat where the content may seem insignificant, or responses may go unnoticed. Therefore, a Finn may be surprised if the reaction they receive from an American appears less enthusiastic, interested, or engaged than anticipated. It takes time to understand that this response is not intentional, personal, or rude, but simply the nature of small talk-an exchange of words without any deeper meaning.
@laterlife2931 Ай бұрын
@emwee6097 that's why I did the role play. I played the Finnish person interacting with the American (as an American would expect). That way they could see what an American would expect. Then we switched and had another person play the Finnish person and I played the American. I gave them feedback on how they were doing. I don't expect them to change their personality but just wanted to give them something to think about. And we had a good laugh.
@edmundpotrzeba6094 3 ай бұрын
You shouldnt spend 10 min telling us what your going to tell us its a waste of my time
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@edmundpotrzeba6094 thanks for the feedback. I will rewatch it with that in mind and see how I can improve next time.
@comeconcon569 3 ай бұрын
A black man in a predominantly white country.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
Yes, I am
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
​@@laterlife2931 Finland is predominantly white country only during the winter season. In autumn it's very colorful. Summers are mostly green. 😊
@ytMFOS 3 ай бұрын
What was missing from the list was that we in Finland like punctuality. That's one thing Americans could take home. If you are not there five minutes before the scheduled appointment, you are already late.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@ytMFOS I still struggle with that one. We like to be fashionably late.
@rami1406 3 ай бұрын
And yes, part of us are shitholes, and finns read allmost every day news about foreigner who rape. And finns are small country who has lived alone forever. So it takes time to get use to foreigns. Mostly stupid of us are even racist, but mostly we say please wellcome!
@rami1406 3 ай бұрын
Nice video 🙂 And nice to have you here!
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@rami1406 thank you very much!
@affidavid5730 3 ай бұрын
As a Finn living here but visiting USA regularly, the quality of food here in markets and restaurants should be a talking point. The average level of freshness and tastiness of food here is unattainable in USA even if you pay big bucks.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@affidavid5730 now that you mention it, I am particularly fond of berries and mushrooms in Finland. Those are not things I would normally eat in the US.
@krakulandia 3 ай бұрын
Very true. Thomas DeLauer made a good video about the high quality of European food in general compared to USA. I recommend everyone to check it out.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@@krakulandia thanks for the tip. I will check it out.
@coast2coastdogz370 3 ай бұрын
Because in America we are forced to eat fake over processed food. We have this thing here called Monsanto. 👿
@christinedowney 3 ай бұрын
I first visited for work ... a whirlwind of meetings and escorted drives around. I loved the country so much that I wanted to see more. So I visited again and brought a friend this past August. I will be back again, this time I want to bring along my husband - I've even been house hunting and I have found one but it won't be available when I want to retire🤣 but becoming familiar with the different areas is really my goal. I also hope to return for more work. Though I am Canadian currently living in Scotland I'm sure my needs are different as the arts and sailing are my focus.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
Any specific type of sailing, lakes or coastal archipelagos or more out on the sea?
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@christinedowney say more. Which parts of Finland call to you? Where is the house located?
@christinedowney 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 I stayed in Helsinki but traveled from there- it was so reminiscent of the area of Canada in which I spent most of my childhood it was really like going home! The house is located Barösund? It is my dream home...now to figure out how to make it all affordable...I really want to explore further north and my husband is an archeologist so he would want to know about all that. I would love to sail the archipelagos -it would be endless exploration!
@christinedowney 3 ай бұрын
@@just42tube lakes and archipelagos would be my choice. The introverted culture really appeals too! I love being in my own world/head while exploring.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@christinedowney People see what they expect to see. If you expect stereotypic behavior, you'll interpret and noticed many things as a proofs of it, even when its just your own explanation for your observations. They might have other reasons for their behavior, but that you can't know. The same applies also to the assumption that people are very homogeneous and families, groups, neighborhoods couldn't have their own subcultures, which have context dependent behavioral norms. Are you aware of Savonians, a Finnish tribe. The stereotypical Savonian is talkative, easy-going, jolly and humorous, occasionally even to an offensive degree. Traditionally, the Savonians have often been considered to be "sneaky" and "mendacious." However, recent research has shown that this infamy is largely due to misunderstandings caused by the traditional Savonian social indirectness.
@dahnyet 3 ай бұрын
I think American tourists still appreciate recommendations even if the activity is already widely promoted. Getting a recommendation from a trusted local helps because sometimes we (Americans) are skeptical of recommendations we see online. It's nice to have that confirmation from someone in your hotel or restaurant
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@dahnyet what you see online is not the best service or product, just the best at marketing (in my opinion). By the time you figure that out, you are already on your way home.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
This reminded me about a golf course managers description of an ideal American golf visitor. Tourists have arrived on a cruising ship and are on only a brief visit to Helsinki. Wife has gone shopping and husband is willing to pay good price of a green fee and other services for the opportunity to escape and to play a round of golf. 😊
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
The title of the video used the word visitor, but the content was about a subsection, tourism - people on short vacations. Though I admit, most points are generally the same also for other kinds of visitors in similar situations. I have had contact almost only with Americans visiting Finland on business trips. Their preference of using their time and sometimes interest can be different from typical tourists. Americans in their work-life don't have much time for slow tourism, visiting places and living there for some time to learn how life really is in different cultures and palaces. Most people aren't so interested either. Some short stereotypical summary is enough and easy enough for most. But some can afford to take their time and experience life. They don't just visit to take a tourists peek of some attractions or something.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@just42tube that's interesting. I hadn't really though about Americans visiting for work. I agree that when working, most people just want to get in and out. Everyone American visitor I know came for holiday so they were a bit more curious.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 Think about a person visiting Finland perhaps even regularly working in academic positions or business. They might spend a week or more at each visit. They will know local people so they can't escape experiencing sauna with them etc.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
I am fairly confident that unless your captain was joking, he wasn't talking about tide. Local variations in water depth are mainly influenced by wind and atmospheric pressure, as well as ice conditions in winter. The effect of the tide is only a few centimeters on the coast of Finland.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@just42tube he wasn't joking. I'm sure he said something else and I just didn't understand.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 Ehkäpä hän mainitsi superkuun ja muuta siihen liittyen. Se voi vähän vaikuttaa vuoroveden tasoon. Mutta koska se joka tapauksessa on täällä vähäinen, ei sillä ole käytössä merkitystä.
@leelymer6205 3 ай бұрын
I love your videos about Finland but I also love your other, more random videos of things that you just wish to talk about. Just keep u with what you are doing 👍🏼 Thanks!
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@leelymer6205 thanks for the encouragement. I am actually happy if just one person likes each video. I am taking the attitude that they are like home movies that I can look back on in 10 years to see how I used to look and think.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
A coalition government can have the hardness of Prince Rupert's drops (also known as Dutch tears or Batavian tears). And also explode equally spectacularly.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
Fairness seems like a simple true fact. Just like the speed of anything in physics. But that is a false illusion in both cases. Fairness seems to depend on the reference frame. Different ideologies, different people in different circumstances looking from different perspectives have different ideas of what is fair. Just like speed depends on the reference frame of the observer. Fairness seems to be actually an emotion we have. It's something we shared with many other animals. I suspect it supports pack animals to be more successful as a pack. It's clearly useful behavior we have. But it can become very confused when applied to complex systems like societies and legislation.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
I am not close enough to know what the real situation is, but I assume both sides have justifications for some of their ideas. There seems to be some suspicion that employer organisations are hiding their inactivity in recruiting and insufficient motivation, including salaries, by their member companies failing attract enough international or domestic talent. Talking about special talent and then actually hiring and, paying lower salaries, makes the story strange. It can also be that it's all miscommunication problems since there are so many different categories, which shouldn't really be talked together as one. Accusing immigration rules is an easy distraction and not totally untrue in all cases. Employers and some other groups clearly see those political groups especially behind the True Finns party which try to get limitations to immigration. Some are xenophobic, some nationalistic, some just more worried that too much immigration has already caused trouble and are worried about the future. They have seen the development in Sweden and elsewhere. They are pushing the panic button or are very close to it. Some are also aware of the history of Estonia and know about the challenges with a significant Russian speaking minority who have ties to Russia and are likely to be manipulated by Russian propaganda. There are several smaller ethnic groups in Finland ,which have taken their home countries conflicts and values to Finland, keeping them separate from the general society. What some call multicultural in a positive way, can be seen a fundamentally divided society with many internal tension lines, which can cause destruction.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
Coalition governments do have some special stubbornness because they have internally agreed to their program. Opening it could undo the whole coalition and open new government negotiations.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
News media often makes minority or extremist voices much louder than what their actual support is. Their comment are provoking therefore good for news business. One needs to try to learn to filter out that megaphone effect that especially commercial media has. Though public news channels and their reporters can also have the same behavior. They also can, and do, misunderstand what they are reporting giving biased or misinformed views.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@just42tube I agree 100%. I wish I understood Finnish better so I could see if it is reported differently in Finnish language.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 I sometimes watch and read English and other news about Finland purposely to see how things are framed and presented for different audiences. Just watching the kinds of questions international news reporters make compared to those serving domesticated audience is revealing.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 I think the Finnish media mostly reports about things the same way using different languages. But since languages are based on different cultures, even a very direct translation can have different nuances. But if an article or video is for different audiences, then the perspective of the story can be more significantly different. That is understandable since those audiences have different background information and different interests.
@irmelieija 3 ай бұрын
Interesting stuff! Even though I will never do a shooting like that (I suppose) it is cool to hear what is happening at the set.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@irmelieija never say never! On this shooting, there were 2 women who had never done this before. One was around 25 and the other was around 50/60 - a gentleman never asks.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
You seem to be talking mostly about work based immigrantion. The questions on the studies side are much different. The residence permit application process has become faster for many situations. That should be a positive for immigrants. The three months unemployed rule has been criticized a lot, and with valid justifications for criticism. Language skills and integration questions seem like very important aspects in a process to give citizenship. Even in a case of permanent residency, language skills seem like valid question. Two official languages has been difficult enough. Having English forced as a third, or as a lingua franca, has significant drawbacks.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@just42tube it is true I am talking about work based immigration but I think work and studies are linked (though I have no evidence for this). I assume most working people who did not come as asylum seekers came to Finland as students first. So, if you make it difficult for people to stay once they are working, I think it is a disservice to let them come as students in the first place. I agree completely that language skills are crucial for integration. And I do not think it is a good idea for English to become a third language. At the same time, the government is cutting its integration support so its pretty clear what their agenda is. As I hope said, I don't blame the government. This is a democracy and a free country.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 Well, if the EU - and even before it Nordic countries - is one open labor market and professionals and academic qualifications are largely homogenized throughout this area, is it a disservice to offer education to foreigner students. The bar for students from outside EU/EEA is different, I agree. What sense does it make to offer education to foreigners using foreign language as the language of tuition, it's a complicated matter and practically significantly different in different fields of study. E.g. Some people arrived in Finland to complete their studies in higher education aiming for international careers. They might stay in Finland, keep it as their main base in Europe, but have a more nomadic academic career in many institutions in several countries.
@irmelieija 3 ай бұрын
Loved to hear your thoughts on this. 🤗
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@irmelieija the funny thing is I didn't think I was really paying attention to the debate. I was surprised to realise it was impacting my own subconscious thought.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
​@@laterlife2931 Politicians use rhetoric, which is intended to affect people. They are professional manipulators. The only way to protect yourself from it is to pay attention and trying to be conscious about how they try to move your feelings and to direct your thoughts.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
"Hostile environment for illegal..." Shouldn't illegality always be considered something to be resited in any country, which has rule of law as a basic foundation for the society? Do you really thinking that Finland doesn't have rule or law, and the current government is trying to make it happen. I assume you just misspoke without meaning it.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@just42tube I am all for law and order. The hostile environment was an overt strategy of the government that they would brag about. I agree with cracking down on illegal activity. Where it started to get tricky to me was they were trying to extend the responsibility to common people more and more. For example, landlords could not rent to someone who did not have proper immigration clearance to be in the country. I thought that was going too far. Employers, sure, but landlords was a step too far for me. As for Finland, I feel the new rule might be too tight. If someone has entered legally, they should be given the necessary support to remain if they wish. It is better to tighten entry requirements and admit fewer than to let people come and try to get rid of them (in order to get the numbers down) after they have settled. It is very disruptive to relocate voluntarily or involuntarily - especially if you thought you made a permanent move.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 I am very hesitant to support or use the expression"law and order ", the American way of law enforcement. For me it's very different from the rule of law expression I used.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 Entering legally includes all visa categories. So any tourist could just decide to stay longer than the validity period of their visiting permit. Any seasonal worker coming to Finland based on seasonal work having a visa or residence permit, could simply stay. You can't mean that.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 There is the somehow analogous situation in the residence permit proof of funds calculations. The law gives the rule of having sufficient funds or income to support their living in Finland without becoming dependent on public social support. Migri didn't recalculate and adjust the numeric calculations and required sums in over a decade. Now recalculations have been made and new minimum limits will take effect on 1st of November. Many people see this as an additional limitation on immigration. At least publicly they don't seem to see it as an attempt to prevent immigrants arriving in Finland and ending in too difficult economical situations. For students this in perhaps even more important that they shouldn't move to Finland with insufficient fund and then putting their whole effort in finding part-time jobs and income, which can misdirect their whole life.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 The rhetoric and some of the action of the government parties is clearly intended for some part of their own supporters. Politics is the art of the possible, which always has some peculiar internal dynamics. The politics of a coalition government composed of significantly different political movements with different agendas and values, that form of art is particularly challenging art form to appreciate.
@zaroliina 3 ай бұрын
Our current government is really bad now. And the new proposal for immigration law is disaster, very short sighted. Many finnish are not agreeing with government decisions and behavior. On the other hand visiting your old home country USA is not same as living there. It’s interesting to hear your thoughts and experiences.
@just42tube 3 ай бұрын
Compared to the USA, the Finnish political system and coalition governments, including the current one, represent more democratically the will of the voters. Would you please clarify, which one of the several proposed or decided changes to the Finnish Aliens Act is in your view disaster? And when you write "new proposal", is it something that the Ministry of Interior is still preparing or is it something that is already a government's proposal in the Parliament.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@zaroliina you are so correct. I spent a month in LA last November and it was amazing. However, because I was VISITING all of my friends came out of the woodwork. Everyone wanted to meet up and have drinks and dinner. But as we were sitting around the table, they would discuss how they hadn't seen each other (who live in LA) in a long time. Day to day life would not be the same. It wouldn't be party, party, party every weekend. I am aware of that. That's why I like the idea of staying in Finland and just taking extended trips (in winter) to visit places.
@dahnyet 3 ай бұрын
You said you were born in Jamaica, have you considered moving back to your home country?
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@dahnyet I have been away from Jamaica for so long that I would always be considered a foreigner there as well. Even my parents would not be able to truly re-integrate if they wanted. So I am not pointing the finger at any one country. Every country has its issues.
@klik-klik28 3 ай бұрын
Its quite amazing that the politicians dont seem to be able to make good immigration policies. Its a shame you feel unwelcomed, because we need and want immigrants like you 😊
@zaroliina 3 ай бұрын
Once in Helsinki a bus driver yelled at me because he thought I wasn’t going to pay. It felt shitty. I had luggages and a violin and I needed to put my stuff away first till I could open the app and pay. I’m blonde finnish woman. Some drivers are rude and idiots and some are nice people and good at their job. I think rudest bus drivers are in Helsinkiin my experience.
@laterlife2931 3 ай бұрын
@zaroliina I will remember this story if I ever feel the drivers are being grumpy with me. Thanks for sharing. However, I have to say that now that I know what I am doing, I have not had any bad experiences lately. I love taking the bus.
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
And from now on I probably can't see a commercial without trying to spot you.😊
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@just42tube with any luck you will in this one.
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 I have worked in sales and marketing. Not in consumer marketing or sales, but still. I have developed deep negativity towards marketing and commercialism. Me watching advertisements.. not a good fit.
@Nekoksu 4 ай бұрын
I think that your neighbour is just a control freak asshole. I've had the same treatment in my apartment when i asked if i could use our community room to hold a party. She wanted to have everybodys names and all that useless shit before we got the thumbs up for the room. Some people are like that.
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
I would prefer to stay away from occupations where shooting is involved, and shooting of commericals belongs to that category. But since Finnish language isn't as murderously aggressive as English, not even in advertising, mainosvideon teko tai kuvaaminen ei vaikuta niin pahalta.😅
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@just42tube I must have subconsciously recognized that when I created the title and substituted filming
@irmelieija 4 ай бұрын
This was very interesting. 👍
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@irmelieija glad you liked it. Stay tuned for part 2 next week.
@christinedowney 4 ай бұрын
What a lovely video.. wonderful to see places slightly off the tourist routes. May have to revisit this video before my next visit!
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@christinedowney thanks for watching. I plan to make more videos about the places in southwest Finland to get the word out. 😄
@christinedowney 4 ай бұрын
Do what you feel moved to do. If not now..when? Please yourself, like minded folk will find you. Thanks for being here!
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@christinedowney thanks for the encouragement. Your message was a real pick-me-up.
@christinedowney 4 ай бұрын
As a Canadian...the winter doesn't scare me much and I now compare the euro to the pound (I live in Scotland) so it comes out in my favour. The housing prices are so low! -again you would be lucky to find anything below 250,000£ that was habitable. Snow in April was a regular thing in eastern Ontario. I was in Finland May 1st(!) for a week this year...and lucked out completely on the weather. Jobs - that's the sticking point for me... I would want to work at least part time even if just as a consultant. Thank you for your insights!
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@christinedowney I really like the winter. It is just long. My perfect temperate in winter is -8 C (otherwise I am too warm under my winter clothes). I lived in Scotland a couple years ago. I didn't like the winter. It was too damp. I much prefer Finnish winter. Compared to UK, the prices are very affordable. HOWEVER, salaries are lower so in the end it's not as cheap as it seems. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
@lassi-m4i 4 ай бұрын
I really liked this video and that you showed places that are less touristy. Thank you!
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@lassi-m4i thanks for watching. Glad you liked it.
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
You omitted my childhood home town, Hanko .😢 Hanko (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈhɑŋko]; Swedish: Hangö)
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@just42tube it would have been on my list but we were finding open water quite cold (even for August). My friend wanted to swim in lakes. Having said that Marynummi was the coldest of them all and it was the smallest and shallowest lake. I don't understand. 🤷‍♂
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@just42tube are you a Swedish speaker?
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 I have lived in the Salpausselkä region where small lakes can get their water from groundwater springs. Those stay fairly cold no matter what the weather is.
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 I have studied swedish in my youth but haven't used it enough to retain any significant skills. I can still understand it, mostly. I have worked in Swedish companies a couple of times in my life. So I should have learned, but didn't really. Learning languages has always been difficult for me.
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 The largest underground aquifer, hidden inside the First Salpausselkä in Hollola, is one of the largest in Finland. In places, the groundwater becomes visible in the clearwater natural springs and groundwater-fed lakes and brooks. I used to live a short distance from such groundwater-fed lakes.
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
I have a confession to make. I have never visited Fiskars.😮
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@just42tube I am shocked! I try to go at least twice per year.
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 What is it that makes you revisit it?
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
Your question reminded me about a taxi trip a long time ago. I had been in a Nordic meeting in Köpenhamn. I shared a taxi to the airport with a Norwegian college, who knew I was from Finland. He seemed to believe that all Finns have to at least understand skandinaviska with a Norsk accent or coloring. I had to remind him several times on our way to the airport that I really don't speak skandinaviska and don't understand all dialects or accents either.
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@@just42tube I have no plans to learn any other languages at my age. But I am restarting Finnish next month. 🙄
@just42tube 4 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 But you are a boy compared to my age. Don't use your age as an excuse. Doesn't work with me.😄
@globalcitizen74 4 ай бұрын
If you don't mind me asking - on what visa/permit are you in Finland considering that you are retired; I am a few years behind you, but I'd like to retire in Finland. So you need to contribute toward the social security to be eligible for state sponspord healthcare? Thanks!
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@globalcitizen74 before I answer, I do not claim to be an expert in this area so take what I say with a grain of salt. Rules for moving to Finland (generally) fall into 3 buckets: 1) People from the EU, 2) People outside the EU and 3) British people who moved before 31/12/2020. I say generally because EU also includes EEA and I believe there are special/more favourable treatment for people from the Nordics. I fall into bucket 3 but would now be in bucket 2 if I wanted to move now. If you have questions, I would email MIGRI and ask them. I find them to be helpful and will provide useful advice (usually directing you to the answer to your question in their documentation). My understanding is that anyone that gets residency will be granted access to state sponsored healthcare. Within Europe, I think countries bill back your home country. So in my case Finland will bill UK for me and UK will bill Finland for any Finns there. I don't think that happens to countries outside of the EU. However, they sort out the cost, I use national health the same as a Finn and I don't know what happens behind the scenes.
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@globalcitizen74 even though I came under the Brexit (UK Withdrawal scheme), I still had to select a category for my move. I selected that I had sufficient funds to support myself. I think that is a category for non-EU as well so you might be able to use that. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
@globalcitizen74 4 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 thank you for your quick and prompt reply, appreciate your willingness to provide information. I am a U.S. citizen, but a Nordic at heart. Your videos have been helpful. I visited Sweden, Norway, and Denmark this summer. I plan on visiting Finland in January to experience winter at its peak.
@laterlife2931 4 ай бұрын
@globalcitizen74 good idea to come in winter. If you like winter, you will love summer. I'd plan to visit Lapland. After Christmas, the south is relatively quiet.
@globalcitizen74 4 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 Thanks for the recommendation; Lapland is on the itinerary - we typically go with an escorted tour group.
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
Excerpt from Betterhelp: How to spot traits of a person with antisocial personality disorder Spotting high-functioning antisocial personality disorder traits (or in the correct clinical nomenclature, the traits of people with high-functioning ASPD may help you recognize if you are being affected by their behavior and know when to seek help. Many people with ASPD get high scores on IQ tests. They can have excellent interpersonal skills, and their magnetic personality traits often naturally draw others to them. People with high-functioning ASPD can be calculating and may show extreme patience when trying to lay the foundation necessary to work a situation for their benefit. A person with ASPD may hold a job, be married, and have children. They may also be actively engaged in cognitive behavioral therapy, possibly to help with their ASPD or to treat co-occurring conditions. CBT has been shown to be an effective treatment for some personality disorders, though research is still being conducted on its effectiveness with ASPD. People experiencing ASPD can be successful in life, and their lack of conscience might give them an advantage in some business situations.
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
The student loan burden is a question tied to the nature of the financing of higher education in the U.S. The need to forgive loans suggests there is something wrong in the system. It's clear that the higher education institutions in the U.S. operate under different principles than in Europe or the EU. Not totally different, but different in significant ways. I would say that in the U.S. the system is partly intended to support the hierarchy or class society. Of course there are stipend systems intended for the opposite effect, but those too seem to have their own problems. I am not close to these discussions or problems so I don't know much. But I hear random comments, and concerns. The Academics have become politicized in the U.S. and not only in Humanities. There seems to be internal power struggles between the major political movements. Just like the rest of the society.
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
When winning is the only thing which really matters, there is no point of expecting any true moral values or truthfulness. They are denying, not registering as you said, because it's not benefiting them. Lying is just being smart for them. Business is a code word for them: taking action using privilege, unrestricted right to exploit others. What is amazing is that republican policies are often harmful for their less privileged supporters, who don't understand that they are not in the same boat with their privileged leaders and big sponsors. That too seems to be common in so-called populist movements. Brexit supporters in the UK come to mind.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@just42tube maybe ignorance is bliss....
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 I have been observing Maga movement from a distance, so I don't know everything. But a significant part of that movement is clearly based on getting support from poorly educated ignorant people in their own small cultural bubbles praising them as being something valuable. There's clearly some book burning mentality denying the role of science and education in advancing human society. These are backwards people who want to be special and cult offers that feeling to them in exchange for exploiting them.
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 There is also this more understandable fact. The political system and election rules are outdated, undemocratic and tailored to support those who are in power to stay in power. It doesn't motivate collaboration nor true positive dialogues with different views. It seems that some people are fully aware of this but see no peaceful way to make positive changes to the system. They might be right. A major conflict and disaster might be needed, destruction of the current system, before something better can be build. And then the problem becomes that for some the current broken system fits well or a dictatorship would be even better to support their own interests.
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
I think I was warned about the Bible belt, religious groups etc about 40 years ago. I remember driving around in CA and seeing advertising about fortune tellers etc. That sublayer or aspect of the society was never hidden out of sight. Some versions of this irrationality were more "respectable" than others but equally or probably even more dangerous because of it. But I admit Trump has been a successful charlatan and managed to gather many of them behind his cult movement. He is not alone. Many factors have helped in the process and not all of them are having an effect only in the U.S. Other parts of the world have something similar. This is not unique in history either. Authoritarianism combined with cults is a repeating phenomenon.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@just42tube what surprises me is that there are many who know better but are just going along with it. I don't blame the ones that don't know any better.
@hahaayukko5543 5 ай бұрын
Apt building storage spaces and bike storages are broken into all the time here it's almost an epidemic in Helsinki, that's the reason why ur neighbor was iffy about it. If your name was on the board there would have been 0 problem. With the bus drivers just flash ur phone quick (at least in Helsinki there is an app for tickets) and say morjes fast, that job overall is pretty stressful.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@hahaayukko5543 there is an app for the bus. Now that you have reminded me, I will download it. 📱
@hahaayukko5543 5 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 The app is 10000 times easier to use!! You will enjoy it a lot if its anything like the HSL app.
@hahaayukko5543 5 ай бұрын
If the app is anything like HSL one you will enjoy it a lot, way more handy than buying paper tickets. I'm pretty sure they are also little bit cheaper too IIRC. About the racial stuff which i'm not a big fan of in general, did you know that anywhere outside Helsinki and maybe Tampere you are way more likely to face racial prejudice than in those cities. So if you haven't faced much anything there, it would be totally non-existent in Helsinki. Where you live, the first foreigners came like in the early 2000s, so taking that into consideration I think things are progressing well at least compared to some other countries. I live in Pukinmäki, it's a North-East Helsinki neighborhood which has around 30% ppl who have parents that are born outside Finland and I think the last time I saw public racism was like 20 years ago back when skinheads still roamed the streets. Now they have disappeared completely, I never see them anymore for decades. I guess they took the bomber jacket off and turned the computer on 😂😂 Since theres so much racism on the internet.
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
Long before the Trump and MAGA movement I was attending a big internal sales conference of an American IT company. The CEO gave a talk and mentioned that life is a game where the winner is the one who has the most money in the end. So it's a kind of lifelong struggle where you fight against others to collect resources. It was perhaps intended as a joke, but it definitely also was along the lines of how he and the company were internally operating. Republican rhetoric without much respect for the society or others well-being. Then there was patriotism and other sugarcoating, but only in the forms where it benefited the core motivation. There were activities like employees having free from work to go to local schools to build Ethernet networks. That seemed to be the level of being a good corporate citizen of California or the local school district. Later that CEO has been a Trump supporter.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@just42tube people will believe what they want to believe. There is not talking common sense into most of them.
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 That is the connection between religious movements or simply religious thinking into many political movements and ideologies. People have emotionally become attached to some beliefs and their minds work to find justifications to support their beliefs.
@just42tube 5 ай бұрын
@@laterlife2931 "Common sense" is an interesting concept and not just an expression, I think. But while watching Olympic Golf, I don't comment more now.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@just42tube Golf! You should be watching Athletics!
@lisaellis895 5 ай бұрын
Many MAGA supporters are part of the so-called Christian Right or Christian Nationalists who are unyielding in their views of what is best for others whether that may infringe on the freedoms of others. Critical thinking is secondary to aligning with a candidate no matter how much a candidate may be fallable. Certainly, these are people focused on ensuring people who look like them are empowered and in positions of authority at all costs.
@mikeh2772 5 ай бұрын
Learning some basic Finnish could go a long ways.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@mikeh2772 yeah, I need to get back to studying.
@mikeh2772 5 ай бұрын
The Finns have trust issues, get used to it.😊
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@mikeh2772 good to know. I don't blame them.
@klik-klik28 5 ай бұрын
The two parties are mostly a political theather and they both ultimately serve the ultimate kings: money and power. Mainstream media is captured to serve this purpose. Never has war been so close to Finland and although we like to think its all because of Russia, we should wake up and realise Nato is not for peace. They serve military industrial complex. Otherwise the ukraine war would have never blown to this proportion. Trump has said he can stop the war if he is selected. I hope he would. But im pretty sure yet another war will start somewhere else. Because those tanks and missiles dont sell themselves. Edit: never has war been so close...i mean not since ww2.
@qalat23 5 ай бұрын
Finland is the best place to be, and I hope the US is not creating a nordic version of Ukraine.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@qalat23 I hope to stay here peacefully for many years to come.
@hauskalainen 5 ай бұрын
Life satisfaction is all that really matters
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@hauskalainen I am glad I finally learned that!
@emil4290 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, as a Finn, I don't think Finnish is a particularly difficult language, it's just different. If Finnish were a difficult language to learn, in that case it should be significantly easier for Finns to learn English than for English speakers to learn Finnish. I mean that I have studied English for 10-12 years, depending on the method of calculation, and as a result I know English enough that I can watch KZbin videos in English without any major problems, but having a fluent conversation with someone who speaks English is a completely different matter.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@emil4290 good point. What is different can be misinterpreted as difficult.
@SnowyyAI 5 ай бұрын
Nice video, I enjoyed seeing your journey.
@laterlife2931 5 ай бұрын
@SnowyyAI thanks for watching. My brother told me it was boring so I decided not to film my return flight. Now, I wish I had :)