#16 Clearing the driveway - Part 2
@sunamali4391 11 күн бұрын
Hallo Scarlett, was muss man bezahlen für 1 Kubik Komposterde? Inkl. Lieferung?
@sonselvapermaculture 9 күн бұрын
Das kommt ganz auf die Qualität an. Bei mir kommen dann noch die Kosten der Lieferung hinzu. Ich habe mich für den Anfang für die günstigste Variante entschieden, die jedoch nicht hochwertig ist. Der Kompost von der Kläranlage kostet 3 Euro pro Kubikmeter, und dann 70 Euros für die Lieferung. Die Wartezeit dafür ist lang, momentan liegt sie bei 11 Monaten.
@phoebefoxli7429 15 күн бұрын
Hallo Scarlett. Schön, bin ich auf deinen Kanal gestossen! Bin ebenfalls 🇨🇭 und plane in ca. 2 Jahren ein ähnliches Projekt zu starten. Meine Frage an dich: wie gedenkst du die Trinkwasserversorgung zu gewährleisten? Ich nehme an, du willst ja langfristig auf dem Gelände wohnen, oder? Für den Abwasch und die Dusche kann ja Regenwasser verwendet werden, aber zum Trinken ist das nicht geeignet. Bohren nach Wasser scheint bei deinem Grundstück auch eher schwierig zu sein... Ich befasse mich gerade mit der Trinkwasseraufbereitung durch Solardestillation. Total spannend! Liebe Grüsse - Simone
@sonselvapermaculture 15 күн бұрын
Hallo und schön von dir zu hören! Ich bin gespannt, was du so planst... :) Trinkwasser ist das kleinste Problem, denn davon braucht man ja nur kleine Mengen: Ich benutze dafür einen einfachen Aktivkohlefilter (mehr dazu findest du im Video #7). Sollte das mit dem Hausbau irgendwann klappen, werde ich Regenwasser sammeln und filtern.
@phoebefoxli7429 14 күн бұрын
@sonselvapermaculture Ja, viele Wege führen zum Ziel... ich meine wegen des Trinkwassers... Ich bin in der Planungsphase. Ich denke, mich zieht es nach Griechenland. Werde wohl im kommenden März einige Grundstücke anschauen gehen. Bezüglich wohnen auf dem Grundstück... Man muss nicht immer bauen. In gewissen Ländern darf man in mobilen Tiny Häusern ohne Baubewilligung leben... Ich wünsche dir viel Freude mit deinem Projekt!
@sonselvapermaculture 13 күн бұрын
@@phoebefoxli7429 Viel Erfolg und halt mich auf dem Laufenden! Ich brauche ein Haus, um möglichst viel Regenwasser sammeln und speichern zu können. Und zum Wohnen natürlich auch. :)
@phoebefoxli7429 13 күн бұрын
@sonselvapermaculture Klar - ich melde mich wieder, wenns bei mir soweit ist. Bis dahin schaue ich deine Videos und viele andere noch dazu. Es gibt viele tolle Projekte dieser Art und das Schöne ist, man kann sie mit KZbin als Aussenstehender verfolgen und noch etwas lernen dabei. 😃
@marktaylor2645 25 күн бұрын
If you’re looking for food during the winter, you can’t go wrong with the hundreds of kilos worth of carob you already harvested.
@sonselvapermaculture 23 күн бұрын
Yes, it‘s great to have them! But I must say the pigs eat quite a lot of them! I‘m already half way through my stash…! 🐷
@paulhopkins2635 Ай бұрын
Hi Scarlett, just started watching your vlogs in majorca my favourite place to visit 😊
@andrewbowlgarte4738 Ай бұрын
@stijnt2377 Ай бұрын
i am curious how you ended up choosing this particular breed of pigs and if they are performing as you expected. The before & after shot of their pen definitely suggests they did a great job disturbing the soil and removing undesireable plant life. I'm also thinking of getting some pigs to work my plot of land.
@sonselvapermaculture Ай бұрын
I chose "porc negre" pigs for the exact reason that they are used to be held extensively (on pasture) and because it's a local breed. Watch video #41, there I explain exactly why I chose them and what is special about this breed.
@mitchellbrown9713 Ай бұрын
Hello Scarlett! The land looks very different from when you started filming. KZbin is putting ads in your videos now. But the biggest change has been you. You look more like a farmer now. With confrontation and war expanding around the world, your decision to go to a small Island and build a farm seems very wise.
@sonselvapermaculture Ай бұрын
Thanks! Yes, I feel like a proper farmer now. :) 👩🏻‍🌾
@robindao5 Ай бұрын
I would have tried to escape if you looked at me as a meal...
@sonselvapermaculture Ай бұрын
they are not here for eating, but to help clear the land.
@martinab3774 Ай бұрын
Pino is the best detective ever🐾
@simonallins6010 Ай бұрын
Test with a piece of green grass you hold in your hand… good luck! Pigs are sweet…
@mare1809 Ай бұрын
Unglaublich Dein Mut, Deine Zuversicht und Geduld - mach weiter so! Deine Beiträge und Erfahrungen sind so wohltuend! Ob Schweinchen, Enten oder Katzen. Total schön auch, Pino so treu an Deiner Seite zu sehen.
@sonselvapermaculture Ай бұрын
danke! ich lerne viel mit jedem neuen tier auf der farm. und ohne pino wär’s nur halb so lustig. 🦊
@ProjectLaho Ай бұрын
Pigs if domesticated are very friendly and clever animals.
@drstevenrey Ай бұрын
Hi Scarlet. Keine Sorge. Wenn sie ausbrechen, aber zu Dir rennen, dann ist das ja richtig cool. Ausserdem scheinen sie Dir ja richtig gut zu gehorchen. Sie wollen bloss spielen.
@sonselvapermaculture Ай бұрын
Ja, süss ist es schon. würden sie bloss auf dem Grundstück bleiben! 😅 meine nachbarn hätten keine freude, sie im gemüsegarten anzutreffen…
@drstevenrey Ай бұрын
Der Anfang mit Pino hat mir den Tag gerettet. LMT/LMAO. Der Blick in Richtung Pino war unbezahlbar.
@sonselvapermaculture Ай бұрын
Pino hat mich schon an manchen Tagen gerettet. Der hat einfach Charakter. ;)
@leonshomegrown Ай бұрын
You have done a fantastic job. Good on ya. Hope all is going well 😊.
@franc859li 2 ай бұрын
Hi Scarlett, I am implementing something similar in Sicily. Based my experience and other people who manage a sintropic sistem in mediterranean clime, hight density is important to accelerate the production of organic material. It is importatn plant fast-grow local trees, as eucalipto, black locust... In my sistem, i've planted a tree every meter beetween the fruit trees, and an aromatic plant ( rosemary, sage, artemisia, viscose inula...) and shrubs ( broom and selvatic bramble) each 25cm. Support plants are essential for the fruit trees, as high density plays a key role. In addition, regular pruning at specific times is vital to improve photosynthesis.
@sonselvapermaculture Ай бұрын
Hi there, thanks for your input! I've been filling up my lines since this video was published. But with more shrubs, vines and herbs than supporting trees due to the lack of top soil. (we only have 20-40 cm). Also I have the old almond and carob trees providing organic matter and shade.
@sonselvapermaculture Ай бұрын
Where can I follow your project? I'd love to learn more!
@RickLarsonPermacultureDesigner 2 ай бұрын
There are camo (painted like the landscape and hard for people to notice them) trail cameras which send the pictures or video right to a smart phone! I like the gate.
@hamidperma 2 ай бұрын
@lostsoul9800 2 ай бұрын
Here in the Northern Neck of Virginia, near the mouth of the Potomac River at the Chesapeake Bay, we have sandy soil which absorbs rain water very well, but i did have an area behind the house that would get muddy wet when it rained a few days. I am lucky to have my own water shed shared with my neighbors fallow field above me, all combined, maybe 2 acres, that wet area is where this water shed collects and interestingly, where the original builders put the well. I built and continue to add to it, a swale of tree trimmings and leaves, cut up very small which has stopped the water issues very well. Im doing the same thing at various locations on my property to create biomass "sponges" to hold some of the moisture where plants can use it and the slow released nutrients of the biomass. Still in its first years but i notice abundant plant growth on these swales already. Thanks for the video and pointing out that you dont have to dig down, use your local environment as a guide. I also want to add that, in nature, leaves, branches, trees are added to the surface, sometimes, creating a "swale" of sorts say across a hill side, collecting biomass behind it. This is the concept i am using. Cutting up my branches as small as practical to help mother nature along in the decomposition process, trying to get as much contact within the pile as possible as opposed to an airy pile of brush.
@hochiminh66 2 ай бұрын
Great gate. Oak? Might last a century. Easy to replace “pickets”, nice.
@sonselvapermaculture 2 ай бұрын
It‘s wild olive. (like the tree behind the gate) This wood is used traditionally and is super sturdy!
@martinab3774 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful gate to the most beautiful Quinta🌄
@martinhanggi1588 2 ай бұрын
Super, mach weiter so! Gruss aus der Heimat🌻🍀🇨🇭
@andrewbowlgarte4738 2 ай бұрын
@morningsnightowl 2 ай бұрын
looks amazing! Hello from ohio!
@jesusfernandezherrero775 2 ай бұрын
Espectacular ❤
@voyageespresso 2 ай бұрын
I like your gate, nicely creative.
@obiwell 2 ай бұрын
Nice. Nice.
@drstevenrey 2 ай бұрын
I love your cats. Ich habe 14 Stück und zwei Hunde. Original nur 4, 3 ehemalige Mitarbeiter (Staatsangestellte) 5er Wurf von einer der 4 Originale plus Zugelaufene.
@drstevenrey 2 ай бұрын
Pass bloss auf mit Katzen. Ich liebe meine Katzen, aber es sind inzwischen 14! Die Arztrechnungen sind aus dem Ufer gelaufen, aber alle sind gesund und munter.
@sonselvapermaculture 2 ай бұрын
Ja, das Problem kenn ich mittlerweilen... ;) Schau dir dazu mein Video nr.39 an...
@drstevenrey 2 ай бұрын
Hey, Scarlet, alles okay bei Euch. War ein wenig nass diese Woche. Hoffe Ihr seid alle gut.
@sonselvapermaculture 2 ай бұрын
Hey, bei uns war‘s auch etwas nass, aber keine Sturmschäden. Danke der Nachfrage!
@DGibsonxio 2 ай бұрын
Love the dog! Enjoyed the video.
@diego1602 2 ай бұрын
Do the trees roots break the rocks in the bedrock after some time?
@sonselvapermaculture 2 ай бұрын
the bedrock is breaking quite sandy and strong roots can break it or find their way through it. hopefully!
@diego1602 2 ай бұрын
What I have notice on my land which is very similar to yours (south of italy) is that most of erosion don't come from the rain, but it comes from having a soil exposed to the weather and the plough of the past decades. So most of the erosion comes from the wind taking soil away from the land. Rain for sure has also a factor in this, but most is from wind Just a question: Did you do a PDC in order to work for client or it's enough to have the knowledge?
@martinhanggi1588 2 ай бұрын
@xenoclassical4058 3 ай бұрын
I want to have animals in my farm too (south of italy) but I am worried they won't be safe since I live 20 minutes from the land. Anyone had the same problem?
@sonselvapermaculture 3 ай бұрын
yes, i know the feeling! i am still worried sometimes but i set up everything in a way they could survive for several days if something happened to me. also i installed a security camera.
@WildPrimal23 3 ай бұрын
Awesome work
@zahangir-e-rahat3515 3 ай бұрын
Hi I am from Bangladesh I love your agri trips
@karljenkinson361 3 ай бұрын
Great video are the pig similar to Devon pigs ? I raised Tamworth & saddle back pigs for years better off with open water troughs.
@sonselvapermaculture 3 ай бұрын
they certainly look alike and have similar caracteristics. but I don’t think they are related. also the porc negre is a lot smaller.
@yanis80 3 ай бұрын
Hello! The pH scale goes from 0-14 so....yes, you can have very alkaline soils or very acidic soils (and water). However, having the perfect balance between what you want to grow, the perfect soil, and the perfect climate, might not always become ideal. A veces hay que hacer compromisos. We can use various techniques such as organic matter and acidifiers + filters and water treatments + the right plants for the right conditions. It all depends on how much money, acreage and how basic or acid your soils are, and what are your goals and objectives.
@skaterfreak7658 3 ай бұрын
what is hanging from there necks?
@sonselvapermaculture 3 ай бұрын
@@skaterfreak7658 This breed has some odd looking glands on the neck. I’m not quite sure what their function is though… if anyone knows, please enlighten me!
@andymarshall5663 2 ай бұрын
​@@sonselvapermaculture they are called "wattles" in English. No known function. Common to some birds and mammals. I had some Mallorquin sheep and wondered the same.
@jonnymoreno7354 3 ай бұрын
I enjoy watching your videos a lot yet I wonder why aren’t you vegan? You seem so caring for all the animals. Do you think it is of necessity to have animals helping you to have a thriving permaculture garden/ food forest? Thanks and all the best for you ☀️ 🌱
@sonselvapermaculture 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! 😘 I do care about animals and nature. Animals are part of nature and they help me a lot restoring the land. To me it makes sense to eat their produce. I’m sure a vegan permaculture farm would be possible, but I enjoy eating my own eggs and honey a lot, knowing exactly what a good life they have.
@dorskiee19mcg88 3 ай бұрын
were you guys able to get the other black cat? or the third kitty?
@sonselvapermaculture 3 ай бұрын
no, unfortunately not. 😢
@Jack-w5k4p 3 ай бұрын
pig water nipple will not work as it has no pressure - you need a heavy trough and fill by hose or float protected from the pigs
@sonselvapermaculture 3 ай бұрын
it works perfectly fine.
@Jack-w5k4p 3 ай бұрын
@@sonselvapermaculture good. how long before the blue water drum ends up in landfill ?
@eastafrica1020 3 ай бұрын
It works very well, and why would the drum land in the landfill. Mine is lasting already 10 years.
@Jack-w5k4p 3 ай бұрын
@@eastafrica1020 the pigs will damage the water outlet - it wont last
@LitoGeorge 3 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed that. And I can only imagine the soppresata in future.... my mouth waters!
@Max-vg8mg 3 ай бұрын
Great video! Which software did you use to draw your property? Thank you:)
@sonselvapermaculture 3 ай бұрын
thanks! i used affinity design (similar to adobe illustrator).
@Max-vg8mg 3 ай бұрын
@sonselvapermaculture Thanks big help! Working on my PDC final exam. Good luck with everything:)
@selberversorgernaturbelassen 3 ай бұрын
cuties. Give them a ball. they like to play
@paulbucklebuckle4921 3 ай бұрын
Ring their noses or they will grub up everything, I told take years for the soil to recover .
@oscarsalas1752 3 ай бұрын
Csrdbord has a small amount of acrylics. It is not all from wood.
@gospelofchange 3 ай бұрын
This is the vibe
@tizianaellig 3 ай бұрын
I love the pigs!