@anuragchumble8545 Минут бұрын
@Janner29 3 минут бұрын
Ridiculous. A covered woman walking down the street in pakistan, and India can be g*ng r*^:d. It's in the interpretation of the koran. And the narcissistic males want the women covered. While they wear western clothes
@peterg219 5 минут бұрын
Doug: It's divide & conquer, over & over & over again. The truth is not hidden, gutless cowards hide from the truth.
@Alba-y4m 6 минут бұрын
You kust get called far right .if you speaking the truth .
@cirrusrose3047 11 минут бұрын
No more UK - well good, let's hear it for The British Isles. We don't need a kingdom anymore
@RS-ex4wt 12 минут бұрын
Ok hamas are fanatics but so is this guy, not once has mentioned never mind condemn armed settlers destroying Palestinian homes while units off idf are backing them off and hundreds of people experience this every day . The Israelis dancing in the al AXA mosque slaughtering red cows inside mosque while Arabs are banned from praying Friday or even Eid prayers. It's not Palestinians who don't elect a utopian government instead of hammas but it it's it's Israeli who ARENT EVEN ALLIWING ENOUGH FOOD OR WATER , u need thousands of trucks daily for food not a few who are shown on tube blogs being destroyed by settlers while IDF help them. Israel keeps likes off Abbas and hammas in power as it allows them to call demonise plo and hammas etc extremist, while this guy has been paid by pro Israeli extremusmusr defend killings of thousands of palistinians before every Israeli election for at least last 30 years. Even itv and Pearce didn't even ask him real question like why is turkey, Jordan who are supplying even idf on front lines with food water etc while palistinians children are staring and dying of thirst? These so called palistinians signed away rights to everything. They willingly signed away away water rights, which is why even corrupt leaders would not sign away taxation of palistinians which they agreed will collected by Israelis and give bk to hammas the elected ruler of palistinians , who were not given a chance to kick em out in following election instead fattah were armed over night Israel to fight hammas and they couldn't find one decent palistinian to represent them but tony blair lawyer, who runs charaty and is yes sur ban of the dodgey dossier of Iraqi illegal war. Israel killed around 2000 palistinians, every couple of years since the camp David accords while Gaza got at least idf to pull out cos of casualties. Palistinian journalists were killed , more than hundred and fifty, then suddenly numbers were pushed down and now it's not even mention, pierce is sitting like a very naughty boy who has been given a good telling off but he should be for just having some one from a genocidal, war crime regeme, who is given free hand to demonise hammas while it's not even asked one question to a convicted war criminal regime and it's nearly a since the day palistinian rerrirists and ids according to some survivors, who were serving members of ids say the are still traumatized how aggressively idf gunships opened fire on their iwn people! Let's not mentioned palistinian pregnant women and public in general, who repeated were told to go to place x and then they were killed on the way, pregnant women carrying white flags after safe passage area to safe place are being over ran with a tank. Houses being looted of money of probably dead owners. Not once is this guy who serves as Jewish version of Nazis proganda ministers, just he wines and dines MPs and lords etc every day and like in USA capital hill is full of those who salute to interests of Israel, dispite clearly being stated in USA law, which is for show only now as Arabs are animals, when in TV a women is asking how many dead children in Gaza is enough before USA stops sending bombs and money to Israeli and someone near the mike thus likely someone in a prominent position and a women can b heard saying "kill em all!" Not even the archers or anyone anywhere in the free press of democries or state owned press of Arab tyrants even mentioned it. Clearly so many things that puts humanity to shame. But just mention Russia , china or iiiiraan and gospel of morality comes out and best speakers begin to lecture how Ukraine eg is god's gift to humanity and how Israel and just Israel has the right to defeat it self , not the children forced to watch their home being destroyed by settlers and idf , don't settlers serve in armed forces as part of national service so .... Anyway actual shock was the fact that he wasn't asked about 40k dead or closer to 180, 000 according to some and key question is that 90 percent of Gaza destroyed and no safe zone, no sanctions or no fly zones because netanyaho wants to push the palistinians to Jordan and Egypt or others countries and like 48, and 67 not allow them back and then hizbullah , Egypt and Jordan would face similar fate, all about land grabbing and building the temple. They should just do it and built it and grab all the land { and develop Gaza like Israel was not moing the grass instead of attracting I.T chip manufacturing plants. Forget asking questions that actually embaras the people who pay for the breaks who pay the wages,
@johnmcgrath1929 13 минут бұрын
If Murray wants to know how so many hostile agents western civilisation have been permitted to and indeed invited into the west he should ask the purveyors of " multiculturalism " like Barbara Lerner Spectre.
@deniseilett2657 20 минут бұрын
This is very worrying .
@Darkjack-FR 23 минут бұрын
UN must wake up. Islam is not a religion of peace. Only hate and death.
@DavidL-wd5pu 25 минут бұрын
Those that sit by and allow absurdities are the same to tend to endure atrocities later.
@cliffchua7908 28 минут бұрын
the religion is imposing and dangerous
@lenwilkinson672 32 минут бұрын
@brandontiney1296. You are spot on.Ignore them wherever they go.shops .public places .they would soo n cotton on.and they wouldn’t be so dogmatic.
@eddiemok9774 33 минут бұрын
Many people are unaware that "Law" is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it enhances peace and harmony by defining the dos and don'ts of the social group. However, on the other hand, due to human nature, which involves seeking self-worth through judging, comparing, and feeling righteous, as well as the desire to dominate and control, individuals who find themselves on the side of the "Law" can subconsciously feel superior and have a false sense of authority. This can lead them to believe they have the power to demand, deprive, or punish those who are not on the same side. Laws, especially the power to create them, can become a threat, or even deadly, if in the wrong hands. The actions of radical Muslims, Lefties activists, and unscrupulous politicians are classical examples. Even if in the right hands, they can still be harmful if overused. In addition to the previously mentioned side effects, people may also lose the will to be innovative, or to step outside the bounds, as It is human nature to remain in their comfort zone and avoid taking risks. Exacerbating the issue is the herd mentality prevalent in human society, coupled with the common tendency of individuals to remain silent as a means of self-preservation, which permits wrongdoings to persist unchecked and ultimately spiral out of control.
@eddiemok9774 33 минут бұрын
It is so evil that the radical Muslim and lefties activists apply finger-pointing and name-calling tactics to censor or rob others of their rights to express their views while using every possible propaganda to impose their skewed values on them.
@PramodDissa 34 минут бұрын
Cucks and white knights in that debate are why where we're at.
@amoh5 37 минут бұрын
Piers Morgan is only sympathetic to the Palestinians so he won't lose his Muslim subscribers 😅
@DearFidi45 39 минут бұрын
Wearing hijabs is just isolating. I understand that wearing full dress is justifiable because our body requires protection.
@jeffburnham3117 47 минут бұрын
Countries that suspend weapons to Israel must remember that without conventional weapons and if Israel is loosing a war, will use nuclear weapons. They have the Sampson Option as a stated policy.
@dennisdealmeida8222 48 минут бұрын
They become unrecognizable in society, it is not possible to check if one's identity.
@sarahjane8949 54 минут бұрын
Why are you asking these questions now ????! To late 🙄
@Pona1234 58 минут бұрын
London 😂
@eo2149 Сағат бұрын
Archeology,history( recent and up to 4000 years ago clearly shows that Israel belongs to the Jewish people. In itself, the Jewish nation is one of the oldest nations on earth and one of the few whose history has been recorded,not only in the Bible but proven true by Egyptian,Assirian, and other archeologican sources. If there is a consistency to the standards which Israel is held to by the world,only Israel will stand. The greatest truth is that all of Israel's history is in the only One and true God of the Universe's hands. He has revealed Himself to this nation and to the world through Israel. His promises to and intentions which He claerly states in His Word shall stand. The survival of Israel is a true miracle proving God's faithfulness. The prosperity of the nations who in the past feared His Name and supported Israel is also a clear fact. Read Psalm 2 to understand that te ultimate conflict is directed against the Lord and His Anointed,Jesus Christ who gave His life as a ransom,to free mankind ftom the curse of sin and death,conquering both on the cross and through the resurrection !
@zackiegibbons9316 Сағат бұрын
Britain should have a government ministry of DEPORTATIONS
@HarielJjohnson Сағат бұрын
She's a dab hand at Islamic taqqia its in quran it encourages telling massive lies to the individual begum sajid javid in this case was correct
@georgeross9834 Сағат бұрын
Global Britain is bankrupt
@judithhickey4533 Сағат бұрын
Dont they want Saudis to come in and help
@MobileGifte Сағат бұрын
Money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@AnaMaria-uj2xr Сағат бұрын
It's funny because Murray talks about not wanting immigrants here and he believes they want to destroy their way of living, which is exactly what the British empire did to all the places they invaded.
@judithhickey4533 Сағат бұрын
Never go against Gods people, the apple of his eye
@Petra-hb7kn Сағат бұрын
WHY ??? because you want to seem cool and non racist to other world..that's why..
@AnaMaria-uj2xr Сағат бұрын
Murray reminds me of the Homelander, watching him speak is like watching a very clever and manipulative real life villain speak.
@shoka2111 Сағат бұрын
People like him who are playing in the hands of a foreign country Israel are the biggest threat to this country
@rose-kp4lf Сағат бұрын
@dick9550 Сағат бұрын
She does not engage in conversation and has literally not answered a single question, keeps shouting over everyone. The last 8 minutes were unbearable, had to fast forward, what a dreadful person, she claims "I am here for the Palestinian people", but that's not what she conveys. It is Hamas that governs the Palestinians, and if Palestinians disagree, they are simply slaughtered like a dog in the street. In my opion she's an idiot!
@amoh5 Сағат бұрын
This conflict has always been about Islamic supremacy and retaking Israel again before the British conquered the Islamic Ottomans. It's not about human rights or peaceful living, it's all about Muslims conquering Israel again stealing the Jewish homeland from the Jews just like the Romans did. 😮
@hitchcockhitchcock2077 Сағат бұрын
Why doesn't Murray Douglas correct lies when he hears them. Tommy Robinson didn't spread lies about the perpetrator being Islamic. Andrew Tate did. Mr Murray is smart enough that know not calling out Pier Morgan he may as well agree with him. Well I'm calling you out Murray Douglas. Twice he's that opportunity and he's failed. I might agree with Murray Douglas in what he says about Muslim immigration but he failed to correct Pier Morgan for repeating a lie. Does he just play the game like almost every other politician and although he doesn't lie he also doesn't tell the complete truth either.This is dishonest. Looks to me like you are playing both sides.
@judithhickey4533 2 сағат бұрын
God has put Netanyahu in charge of his peopleto protect them at all cost
@oldneo4309 2 сағат бұрын
The Govt just want votes
@HarielJjohnson 2 сағат бұрын
The Land of Judea belongs to Judah Israel
@nala7658 2 сағат бұрын
Douglas why don’t you run for prime minister? You got my vote 💯
@judithhickey4533 2 сағат бұрын
Douglas only tells the truth everyone else is to scared to say
@HarielJjohnson 2 сағат бұрын
Islam is The Enemy of all mankind especially to its own slaves the muslims there is no salvation in Islam only destruction
@AlphonsodeBarbo 2 сағат бұрын
Douglas is right! ... But The West as a whole is in decline, reminiscent of the fall of the Roman Empire. it is a natural development in the evolution of civilisations... to rise, exist, and then fall... We just need to embrace it...
@eo2149 2 сағат бұрын
My first encounter with Douglas Murray which impressed me was an interview about his book" The madness of crowds" and then the Strange death of Europe. There is certainly more ideologies other than Islam at play,especially those of the Global Elites such as George Soros who funds Open Foundations which attacks Western values and civilization even more. In a sense the anti semetic narrative driven by the so called Free Palestine movement shows the success rate of these endeavours. The young people of Europe and America are extremely gullible because they do not know history.Just the fact that there are so many migrants fleeing from Islamic countries shows that extreme dictorship and opression exists there. Thankyou Douglas for your perspective and tireless efforts to inform
@ashais23 2 сағат бұрын
The plan for islam is slowly after for example 500 years they will take over the UK 😅
@senianns9522 2 сағат бұрын
So, when will the big kickback begin? When will the UK people stop this nonsense?
@tylerd132 2 сағат бұрын
If 44 percent of your people vote for a group that’s charter says the elimination of an entire state; you have ideological issues
@delinehavens1807 2 сағат бұрын
This woman in the blue scarf is all a brain washed.
@shashinigam007 2 сағат бұрын
Why politicians do it ......? Vote bank politics ..... plain n simple ...... even if these migrant "TERRORISTS" take over our country ...... in a few generation ........ what does it matter to me ? ....... my children / grand children will suffer will become dominated by these .... so what ? I'll be dead n long gone ........ to hell with the country n generations to come .......!?! ...... Such is there mentality .......so pathetic ....... wake up !!!
@HarielJjohnson 2 сағат бұрын
Islam is The problem Islam is The Enemy of all mankind especially to its own slaves the Muslims Islam is irredeemable evil Islam is going down